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Strive Forward Vigorously, Never Slack Off

October 14, 2001 |   By a Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I once had a kind of complacency that lasted a while: to not do Fa rectification everyday, but to do it often; and to not read the Dafa books everyday, but to read them often.

When Master published the article "Fa-Rectification Period Dafa Disciples," my heart was shocked. I warned myself "Surely you cannot slack off, you must strive forward vigorously." Master said, "This period of time will not last long, but it can forge the mighty virtue of magnificent Enlightened Beings, Buddhas, Daos, and Gods of different levels, and even Lords of different levels. It can also destroy overnight a cultivator who has reached a really high level but who has become less strict with himself."

Master has high expectations of us, the disciples. We should have higher standards for ourselves and should not shirk our duties in the least. Therefore, I assigned myself four daily duties:

  1. Do Fa-rectification every day;
  2. Read Dafa everyday;
  3. Send forth righteous thoughts every day, even every hour and whenever necessary;
  4. Practice the exercises every day.

Now, I feel that my whole body is filled with unlimited strength and vigor. I know this is because Master strengthens his disciples. As disciples, we must be diligent and take the initiative, strive forward vigorously, and not fall behind in the process of Fa-rectification. Otherwise, it will be too late to repent.
