[Minghui Net] Incorporating the wisdom and experience of many practitioners, I have devised a 3-step procedure for talking to people when collecting signatures:
2) The signature is for Falun Gong. Have you heard of Falun Gong? In China, the police have persecuted more than 90 Falun Gong practitioners to death in just one year. This number is what we know up to yesterday; this does not include the deaths of the practitioners whose names are not known. They're being persecuted simply for practicing Falun Gong. What we appeal for is to stop the persecution; otherwise there will be more practitioners tortured to death every day.
3) Why does this happen? The Chinese Communist Party has about 50 million members, but Falun Gong practitioners number up to 100 million. There is no rule of law in China; the word from Jiang Zemin (the president of China) becomes law. He feels uneasy when the number of another belief group far exceeds that of his, and he would not allow that to happen. Once a group is banned, the police can brutally torture anybody to death with impunity. But please consider this; why did so many people take up Falun Gong in such a short period of time? Among the many reasons are the benefits to one's health and improvement of one's moral character. To find out more, please read this newspaper or visit our Falun Gong web sites. All materials can be downloaded for free. Here's another consideration -- would these practitioners willingly die for something they only casually believe in?
This 3-step procedure has made some people who have already walked about 10 meters away turn back to give their signatures. However, yesterday I saw that one practitioner could move listeners to tears and have them sign only after saying a few words. Some were weeping as they read the newspapers. "If you act whole-heartedly for the good of others, your words will really touch people." We all know this familiar remark from our teacher. However, I discovered that my 3-step procedure could sometimes make myself weep, and arouse people's empathy, but could not touch them deeply. So I asked the practitioner what his secret was. He had an additional sentence: "90 practitioners have been beaten to death just for practicing meditation -- is there still humanity?"
If one speaks in this molecular dimension, there is no effect on people. If one speaks in more microscopic dimensions, say in electronic and atomic dimensions, and one is always selfless and thinking about saving people, then the other party will be moved. It is not the human body transmigrating into another dimension, but rather his realm reaching that dimension.
Accordingly I refined my 3-step procedure with the following:
1) For the words to reach people's hearts, one must conduct oneself with total dedication for the good of others.
2) Our horizon must be set beyond this molecular dimension. There must be no pursuit.
3) Bear in mind that the teacher is waiting for more people to be saved: "For those I want to save, I definitely will give an opportunity to all of them, who come to the human world at the same time as Dafa is widely spreading. It is not easy to come across Dafa. Give people a chance." [p. 92, Falun Fofa, Lecture in Western US]
We took two breaks during the signature-collecting session. As soon as we sat down, it started to rain heavily. The forecast was for rain. But it did not happen when we were collecting signatures. Of course only practitioners know what was going on. Our teacher had said: "Especially cultivating in the Fa rectification period, it's not only me that safeguards you, there are eight heavenly dragons around your body as well. It is just that yourself do not know it yet." [p. 75, Falun Fofa, Lecture in Western US]
Some practitioners are planning to visit towns and cities where there are no practitioners, to distribute newspapers and collect signatures. Every time I think about this undertaking, I'm very moved by it. Then I read the following sentence again, which struck me as not accidental:
"Dafa is being widely transmitted. For a person to have made it to be a human being during this era is, in and of itself, his good fortune. (Applause) For those I want to save, I definitely will give an opportunity to all of them, who come to the human world at the same time as Dafa is widely spreading. It is not easy to come across Dafa. Give people a chance. But whether to cultivate or not is his personal issue. There are still many areas that Dafa has not reached yet. Still let them carry their bodies to hear Dafa in the future and at that time see how their hearts are moved. So it is crucial to let people know the Fa, really crucial. What I mean is to let people know the Fa when you are promoting Dafa. Whether to cultivate or not is his personal issue. Say that you come to the human world in this era, you encounter and hear of the Buddha law, but you neither pay attention to it nor cultivate nor study it then that's your regret!" [p. 92, Falun Fofa, Lecture in Western US]
"Question: The widespread promotion of Dafa in human society is the re-manifestation of the laws and principles of the universe in the human world. Is it right to understand it this way?
Teacher: Yes, but not exactly accurate. Because it is not the reappearance of such immense laws and principles in the human world; this has never happened before since the creation of the universe. This is the first time since the entire Universe was first created. (Applause)" [p. 102, Falun Fofa, Lecture in Western US]
A Dafa practitioner