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Spreading Falun Dafa and Revealing the Truth during International Human Rights Day in Japan

Dec. 20, 2000

[Minghui] "International Human rights Day" was December 10. Upon the invitation of the branch of Amnesty International in Japan, Falun Gong practitioners in Japan participated in a Peace Parade as well as other activities in the afternoon. In order to take full advantage of this good opportunity to tell people the truth about Falun Dafa, the practitioners had carefully designed banners and wreathes. At about 9:00 am, more than 140 practitioners from various cities including Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya, Nakano, Sentai, Hiroshima, etc. gathered and demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises in a park in Tokyo. They also displayed pictures to illustrate the truth and to spread Dafa (law and principle of the universe) to the people.

At 1:30 pm, the parade started at a park of Shibuya District in Tokyo and lasted for about one hour. The practitioners proceeded in a column formation. Two male practitioners who were leading the team held a model template of the Japanese version of Zhuan Falun. Following them were two female practitioners holding wreathes that were made of pine twigs and little white flowers. These wreathes were inlaid with the names and photos of those practitioners who were persecuted to death by the Chinese government. Other practitioners wore white clothing and closely followed behind. They held either portraits of those practitioners who have been killed or white flowers and white paper on which the names of the dead practitioners were printed. There were also many practitioners who wore yellow sweatshirts imprinted with "Falun Dafa" and "Zhen Shan Ren" (Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance). The parade proceeded slowly with the solemn and sacred Dafa music. The practitioners looked serene and peaceful and walked in a very orderly fashion. The big slogans "Chinese President Jiang Zemin: Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong" and "About 95 Practitioners Were Persecuted to Death" were eye-catching. During the parade, several practitioners gave out newspapers that told the facts about Falun Gong to passers-by.

When the parade reached the park, the organizers let every participating group make a short speech to tell people about their group and the goals of the group. To spread the truth about Falun Gong to other participating groups, the practitioner who was designated as the representative carefully prepared a speech that included a brief introduction of Dafa, the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, etc. During this short speech, the practitioner representative asked the parade participants to sign their names in order to show their support in stopping the persecution of Falun Gong in China. This would serve as a means to appeal to release all jailed or detained Dafa practitioners, including practitioner Hu Guoping in Japan, who went Beijing to appeal and was sentenced to jail. People signed their names one after another.

The practitioners gathered again after the activities were over. One practitioner who had recently returned from the United States described experiences of U.S. practitioners in their day-and-night spreading and revealing of the truth of Dafa and their understanding of the truth-spreading activities from within the Fa. This person hoped that practitioners in Japan would learn from the U.S. practitioners and find their shortcomings, and make concerted efforts in spreading and revealing the truth about Falun Dafa in Japan.

December 13, 2000