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Ukraine Practitioners Spread Dafa and Practice Exercises

November 03, 2000 |  

On October 29th, several dozen Falun Gong practitioners in the Ukraine peacefully assembled in front of the Chinese Embassy to protest the Jiang Zemin's crackdown on Falun Gong and to appeal for practitioners' human rights. Ukrainian practitioners informed the media and representatives from the Chinese Embassy about the truth of the persecution suffered by Chinese Falun Gong practitioners. They expressed their hope that the Chinese government would stop Jiang Zemin's vicious anti-Falun Gong campaign.

The event lasted about 3 hours. During the activity, Chinese Embassy staff repeatedly attempted to interfere and drive off the practitioners. All practitioners showed their hearts of great benevolence and forbearance, refusing to quarrel with them. Ukraine practitioners said the most meaningful part of this activity was having the chance to speak the truth and express their heartfelt wish. They also said they would hold activities to spread Dafa and publicly practice the exercises every Sunday in the future. Reported on October 31