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New York Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Candlelight Vigil in Front of The Chinese Consulate

October 31, 2000 |  

On the evening of October 24th, more than one hundred practitioners in the New York area held a peaceful candlelight vigil in front of the Chinese Consulate in New York. The purpose was to condemn the perverse acts of Jiang Zemin and his cohorts and to appeal to all kind-hearted people to support Falun Gong.

In the evening, practitioners put up banners with the words "Stop Suppressing Falun Gong practitioners", "Return the Justice to Falun Dafa", "Respect the Human Right of Freedom of Speech", etc. in the streets outside the Chinese Consulate.

Accompanied by Dafa music, practitioners stood in 3 lines to practice Falun Gong exercises peacefully. When it became dark, one hundred candles were lit along the sides of the streetsn and shined solemnly upon the peaceful countenance of the practitioners.

Pedestrians and drivers accepted Falun Gong materials being handed out by practitioners. They expressed their sympathy and support to the practitioners by smiling, honking their horns, and shouting words of support. The police broadened the fence especially for practitioners. Several dubious people stole the candles while practitioners meditated with their eyes closed. One police person chased after them for a whole block. Righteous and kindhearted people always stand on the side of Falun Dafa. Jiang Zemin and his cohorts have come to a dead end.

Today's activity was concluded at 8:00PM.

Practitioners in New York

October 24, 2000