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  Ms. Zhang Chunqing was tortured with the “Di Lao” device. All pictures were taken 7 Days after hospital treatment. See cases 1.2.39 and 8.1.109.

Illustration of the so called “Dungeon” or “Di Lao”. See cases 1.2.39 and 8.1.109.


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Zhu Hang, an Associate Professor in the Department of Humanity and Social Sciences, Dalian Polytechnic University, was tortured for practicing Falun Gong. See cases 1.2.39 and

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Xiang Jinying’s left arm was broken when she was tortured by police.

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X-ray picture of Xiang Jinying’s broken arm. See cases 1.2.20 and 8.1.68.

Doctor’s diagnostics (Brief translation: “The middle part of the upper arm has inclined fracture.")


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Photo of Yin Xingqin, after being released from detention center. Scars on her hands are obvious. See cases 1.2.39 and 8.1.109. Photos taken after Ms. Liu was released from the police station. See cases 1.2.15 and 8.1.37.
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