The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- May 6, 2008

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Ms. Yu Huijuan in Serious Condition-- Chaoyang City Police Refuses to Release Her

  • On February 24, 2008, when they were on the way to visit imprisoned fellow Falun Gong practitioners, Ms. Yu Huijuan and others were arrested by the police in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province. They were interrogated and tortured in the detention center. Ms. Yu held a hunger strike to protest and was force fed. She was in serious condition but the police refused her release.

    Ms. Yu Huijuan in Serious Condition--Chaoyang City Police Refuses to Release Her

    On February 24, 2008, Ms. Yu Huijuan, Ms. Li Yaxuan, Ms. Li Yingxuan, Ms. Zhe Xiumei, Ms. Jing Fei, and Mr. Chen Baofeng went to visit Ms. Gao Yuling, who was being subjected to persecution at Majiashan Forced Labor Camp. As Mr. Chen Baofeng drove them in his taxi, the police from Qianjin Station in Chaoyang City stopped and detained them at Shijiazi Detention Center. Police officer Zhang Minghua, Liu Yaosheng, and others from Liaoning Province Police Department interrogated and tortured them. Mr. Chen Baofeng was tortured to death on the eighth day.

    Ms. Yu Huijuan has been repeatedly persecuted for her belief in Falun Gong. Even before she was arrested, she planned to abandon her home in order to avoid arrest. She was first arrested for distributing truth clarification materials on February 9, 2004. Soon after her release, Huang Dianxiang (male), an officer from the Longcheng Police Department, arrested and imprisoned her in the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. At the camp, Ms. Yu was subjected to tortures including being locked in a tiny cell (1), under around the clock inmate surveillance. In February 2005, after her health had deteriorated significantly and her condition became critical, she was released.

    After her arrest in February of this year, Ms. Yu held a hunger strike in protest. She was force fed and vomited shortly afterward. She was diagnosed with liver disease when she was admitted to the 234th Hospital's emergency room on April 4, 2008. Although she was in serious condition, she was not treated. Ms. Yu's family sought her release so they could get her medical treatment. However, Zhang Minghua, deputy chief of Chaoyang City Police Department, along with the Liaoning Province Police Department both tried to shift the blame to the other and refused her release.


    (1) Small cell - The detainee is locked up in a very small cell individually. The guards handcuff practitioners in a fixed position with their hands behind their back, in which the practitioners can neither move nor lie down.

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