The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong -- October 29, 2008

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Nurse He Xianggu is Injected with Harmful Drugs at Hunan Mental Hospital Because She Practices Falun Gong (Photos)
  • On July 10, 2008, the Women and Children's Hospital of Hunan Province (WCH) officials took Falun Gong practitioner Ms. He Xianggu to the Mental Hospital of Hunan Province, where she has been held for more than three months. Since October 10, 2008, staffs at the psychiatric hospital have violently injected her with drugs that damage the central nervous system. Ms. He Xianggu didn't take any food after the forced injection. Her current condition gives cause for grave concern.
  • Ms. Chen Zixiu Tortured to Death in 2000, Family Members Are Still Being Persecuted

    In April 2000, the Wall Street Journal posted an artcle about Ms. Chen Zixiu, a Falun Gong practitioner from Weifang, Shandong province who was persecuted to death by local authorities. This report attracted international attention and the author, Ian Johnson, received a Pulitzer Prize for it. Over the past nine years, Chen Zixiu's family members have continued to be persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party. Most recently, Chen Zixiu's nephew Mr. Li Jiangang, his parents Li Hengnan and Zhang Yufang, his fiancee Kong Qian and Ms. Kong's mother Li Xiyun were all arrested in July 2008 before the Olympics. Ms. Kong has been tied to a frame in the shape of a cross and is near death.

    Nurse He Xianggu is Injected with Harmful Drugs at Hunan Mental Hospital Because She Practices Falun Gong (Photos)

    Ms. He Xianggu

    He Xianggu secretly taken to a mental hospital prior to the Olympics

    47-year-old He Xianggu was born in You County, Hunan Province. She used to suffer from left vertebral artery circulation insufficiency, chronic fatigue, dizzy spells and vomiting. She took medications for a long time, but they did not cure her. To make it worse, she fractured her right ankle in late 1997, which did not heal properly, making it necessary for her to walk with crutches. She began practicing Falun Gong in April 1998, and has since then conducted herself according to the principle of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. Soon, all of her unhealthy conditions disappeared, and she threw away the crutches. Her temperament also improved tremendously.

    Ms. He was detained several times for her belief as soon as Jiang Zemin and his power group began persecuting Falun Gong in July 1999. Her superiors sent her to the mental hospital in 2000 where she was held for more than five months. The persecutors there injected her with long-acting haloperidol decanoate, which caused general malaise and stiffness throughout her body. She felt extremely anxious and felt a compulsion to repeatedly stand up but sit down, and sit down but stand up. She also felt nauseous and vomited.

    Officers from Wujialing Police Station in Kaifu District, Changsha City arrested her the evening of April 23, 2008. She went on a hunger strike to protest the treatment she was receiving. Officials from the Changsha City Forced Labor Committee sentenced her to two years in the Baimalong Women's Forced Labor Camp in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province. This was the fourth forced labor verdict issued to her since the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999. She was taken to Baimalong on May 10, 2008; but camp officials found her to have coronary heart disease during a routine medical examination, so they refused to admit her.

    Officials from her place of work, WCH and those from the 610 Office agents pressured the camp officials who then reluctantly accepted He Xianggu. She was released on medical parole, emaciated, on July 10, 2008. Camp officials told her family and officials from her place of work to take her home.

    Her family planned to take her back to their hometown, You County. Before this could happen, Hu Hui, WCH CCP Committee Office manager, and the 610 Office agents held a covert meeting and subsequently offered to take He Xianggu back to Changsha City. They promised the family, "We absolutely will not take her to a mental hospital this time!" The family believed the officials and agreed to their offer. The persecutors reneged on their promise and took He Xianggu to Ward 4, Psychiatry Division, the Brain Hospital of Hunan Province on July 10, 2008, the same day when she was released from the labor camp. That hospital is located in Tujiachong, Changsha City.

    Mental patients at the hospital were allowed family visits. Due to intervention from WCH CCP Committee Secretary Zhang Hui and Office Head Hu Hui, two people monitored He Xianggu, a non-mentally ill person, 24/7. WCH paid their salaries. Family visits were prohibited, except that her relatives could see once after two months. Hu Hui and other officials accompanied the family during the entire visit. WCH Head Zeng Chunlin is personally responsible for the practitioner's persecution.

    When He Xianggu's family confronted the officials of breaking their word, Hu Hui stated, "We'll bring her out right after the Olympics." The family went to Hu Hui again after the Games had finished. This time she said she was waiting for approval from the 610 Office. The family made a third trip to Changsha in September, hoping to pick He Xianggu up, but persecutor Hu Hui said they had to wait until after the Paralympics. The Paralympics ended more than a month ago, and yet, He Xianggu is still detained.

    Violence and potent injections

    October 10 marked the third month of He Xianggu's ordeal at the mental hospital. Ward 4 head Luo Shaoping told officials at the Ms. He place of work, WCH to pick her up. But the officials at WCH refused, even after repeated interactions between officials at the two hospitals. It is unclear what transpired during these conversations, but after a firm refusal from the WCH, Luo Shaoping had a discussion with director of the brain hospital. They decided to use potent drugs on He Xianggu and began injecting her with Risperdal.

    Risperdal is indicated for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder; and its strong side effects include uncontrolled movements and irregular heartbeat. He Xianggu struggled, but five people pinned her down to give her the injection. The five are: Luo Shaoping (male), Ward 4 head; Chen Zizhen, the staff doctor; male nurse Yang Yanming; female nurse Hu Yan, and Guo Linxiao. When He Xianggu inquired the name of the drug, Luo Shaoping and Chen Zizhen refused to tell her. Chen Zizhen simply said they must do it, or they would lose their jobs. Staff doctor Cheng Zhuying was also involved in abusing He Xianggu.

    He Xianggu went on a hunger strike to protest such blatant disregard for her well-being. When the medical team at Ward 4 became aware of her hunger strike, they publicly announced they had imported liquid nutrition supplements that cost more than 200 Yuan a day per patient, and they would not let anything happen to her.

    Officials responsible for the abuse and gross mistreatment under the persecution:
    Zhang Hui: Current WCH CCP Committee Secretary, He is in his 40s and a main participant in Ms. He Xianggu's abuse.

    Zhang Hui

    Hu Hui: Office Head of the WCH CCP Committee. She is about 40 years old, and has personally abused and mistreated He Xianggu under Zhang Hui's instructions.
    Zeng Chunlin: WCH Head
    Luo Shaoping: male, in his 40s, Ward head 4 at the the Brain Hospital of Hunan Province,  specializing in substance abuse and rehabilitation. He has led other doctors and nurses to inject He Xianggu with large doses of Risperdal since October 10, 2008.

    Luo Shaoping

    the Women and Children's Hospital of Hunan Province
    Address: 53 Xiangchun Road, Changsha City, Hunan Province, Zip code: 410008
    Fax: 011-86-731-4332158

    Ms. Chen Zixiu Torture to Death in 2000, Family Members Are Still Being Persecuted

    On April 20, 2000, the Wall Street Journal posted on its front page a lengthy article entitled "Practicing Falun Gong Was a Right, Ms. Chen Said, Up to Her Last Day" (/emh/articles/2000/4/21/8441.html). The article was about Ms. Chen Zixiu, a Falun Gong practitioner from Weifang, Shandong province who was tortured to death by the local CCP authorities. This report attracted international attention and the journalist, Ian Johnson, received a Pulitzer Prize for it.

    Over the past nine years, Chen Zixiu's family members have also been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party. Chen Zixiu's daughter, Zhang Xueling, was given three years of forced labor without trial; Chen Zixiu's sister and brother-in-law have been repeatedly abducted and sent to labor camps, and their home has been frequently searched in the last several years. The couple were taken away again before the 2008 Olympic Games, and are still being detained as of today; Chen Zixiu's nephew, Li Jiangang, was arrested again, and he has been detained at the Weifang Detention Center for three months after he just completed serving three years of brutal labor "re-education". Li Jianggang's fiance, Kong Xi, was tied on a wooden cross and tortured for seven days and seven nights. Her life is at a critical point now.

    The persecution of this family is continuing.

    Chen Zixiu's daugher Zhang Xueling, a delicate lady, held her five-year-old son's hand, and under great hardship, tried through every possible legal channel to find justice for her mother who was tortured to death. But what was waiting for her? The Wall Street Journal reported in an article called "Daughter in China Follows Tortuous Path to Seek Justice" (/emh/articles/2000/10/4/6613.html) about her difficult experience through the year in dealing with the country "where the most powerful organization, the Communist Party, is above the law" to restore the justice for her mother. "But Ms. Zhang is beginning to learn how hard it is not only to obtain justice, but merely to seek it." What was more unexpected by her and her family was not only that she was not able to get justice for her mother, but one year later, on April 24, 2001, Zhang Zueling herself was sentenced to three years labor re-education for the crime of "following an evil cult and damaging the implemetation of the law." No legal procedures by the Weicheng District Public Security Bureau in Weifang City were followed.

    Chen Zixiu's sister-in-law, Zhang Yufang and her husband Li Hengnan, were repeatedly detained and persecuted for upholding their belief in Falun Gong after the Jiang regime launched the persecution on July 20, 1999. The couple went to Beijing to appeal several times and were repeatedly detained, had fines imposed on them, and had their home searched. In the beginning of January 2000, Li Hengnan was arrested and detained for two days because he attended an outdoor group exercise session. He was bailed out through his company. On January 23, 2000, his company tried to "transform" him, but failed, so the company conspired with the police department to send him to the Kuiwen District Detention Center. He was detained there for a month. Later the authorities extorted his son-in-law (who is a non-practitioner) out of a large amount of money, and then released him. On the morning of October 14, 2004, lawless people from the police department and the 610 Office of Weifang City broke into the home of Li Hengnan and Zhang Yufang, arrested them and searched their home. Accoring to witnesses, those people were very brutal during the arrest process. They contorted the couple's arms and pushed them into the vehicle. The buttons on Mr. Li's clothes were ripped off. At that time, the couple was first detained in the infamous brainwashing center in the Kuiwen District Party School (i.e. formerly Weifang Industrial Officer School). Later on, they were sentenced to three years of forced labor. Before the Beijing Olympic Games, on the morning of July 9, 2008, about a dozen police from the Weifang City Criminal Police Team arrested the couple again, even though they had just been released shortly before.

    Since the CCP started to suppress Falun Gong, Mr. Li Jiangang has been brutally persectued many times because he went to Beijing to appeal. In less than a year after July 20, 1999, he had been detained almost ten times and extorted out of about 12000 yuan.

    At night on April 25, 2004, the Weifang police arrested Mr. Li while he was driving his car. Before that, the police had followed him for many days. It was only ten days before Mr. Li's scheduled wedding ceremony. After being arrested, Li Jiangang refused to be "transformed". He was sentenced to three years' forced labor and detained in the Changle Forced Labor Camp in Weifang City. He was brutally tortured in the forced labor camp. The guards shocked him with four electric batons, beat him, and did not allow him to sleep in order to "transform" him.

    Before the Beijing Olympic Games, Mr. Li Jiangang, who had just been released less than one year earlier, was arrested again. On the morning of July 9, 2008, Officer Ding from the Weifang City Criminal Police Team led a dozen policemen to break into Mr. Li's apartment through a window. Mr. Li was taken to the detention center. He has been detained there for more than three months.

    At the same time, Mr. Li's parents Li Hengnan and Zhang Yufang, fiancee Kong Qian and Ms. Kong's mother Li Xiyun were also arrested.

    Ms. Kong Qian is 30 years. She and her mother have experienced much suffering in the last nine years. They escaped from arrest many times, and were forced to become homeless. On July 9, 2008, they were arrested and detained in the Weifang Detention Center. Ms. Kong went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. The guards tied her on a cross frame supported by reinforced iron bars for seven days and seven nights. Her arms were stretched and tied with a leather belt; her legs were tied together; her whole body was put on two reinforced bars with a 15 mm diameter. The two bars were 10 cm apart. Only her head could move. Mr. Kong felt extreme pain. Usually, a person cannot endure this kind of torture for three days. When Ms. Kong was taken down from the cross frame, she could not move at all. She could not move for several days and nights. The guards gave her an intravenous drip every three days. No matter whether she had an intraveous drip or was force-fed, Ms.Kong remained tied to the cross. The three months of torture caused Ms. Kong to become emaciated. Now she is very weak, and on the verge of death.