The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- January 1, 2008

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Mr. Xu Yongke Beaten Unconscious and Taken into Custody by Langfang City Police

  • On December 9, 2007, Mr. Xu Keyong was arrested again by police from Jiuzhou Police Station and Guangyang District Police Department when he was visiting one of his family members in a hospital. The police arrested him on fabricated charges with no evidence, claiming that Mr. Xu went to Beijing to appeal during the Communist Party's 17th Congress. The police knocked him unconscious and then took him away.

    Mr. Xu Yongke Beaten Unconscious and Taken into Custody by Langfang City Police

    Mr. Xu Yongke is a farmer living in Gaoxinzhuang Village, Jiuzhou Town, in Guangyang District, Langfang City, Hebei Province. In 1998, Mr. Xu started practicing Falun Gong and following the principles of Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance to be a good person. This has led to years of persecution from the Chinese Communist regime.

    On February 17, 2001, Mr. Xu went to Beijing to lawfully appeal on behalf of Falun Gong. He was taken into custody and sent to the Langfang Detention Center, where he was held for over 40 days.

    On April 30, 2001, Mr. Xu was watering his crops when he was forcibly taken to the local township government. He and many other practitioners were locked in an automobile repair garage for over 40 days. None of the practitioners held there were allowed to use the restroom.

    On the day of Mid-Autumn Festival in 2001 (October 1, 2001), Mr. Xu Keyong was taken to the police station. Police officers took turns beating him, and some hit him with a stool, throughout the night. His hands were handcuffed to heating pipes, and his legs became bruised and swollen.

    In 2002, the local Communist officials harassed him at home. Mr. Xu was forced to leave town and had no place to stay. The police staked out his home, and every now and then they climbed over the wall into his yard. His family's life was severely disrupted. His father passed away under the extreme stress of the police harassment.

    Late in the fall season of 2002, officers from Jiuzhou Police Station came to his home and tried to drag him to the police station. Thanks to intervention by his family and neighbors, the officers gave up without taking him away.

    In May 2007, the officers of Jiuzhou Police Station came to his home. They promised to issue him a residential card and took his fingerprints and pictures of him, but this was actually part of a scheme to continue persecuting him.

    On the afternoon of December 9, 2007, Mr. Xu Keyong was visiting one of his family members in the hospital when over twenty police officers from Jiuzhou Police Station and Guangyang District Police Department arrived. They came to arrest Mr. Xu on fabricated charges, claiming that Mr. Xu went to Beijing to appeal during the Communist Party's 17th Congress, which was held in mid-September 2007. The police had no evidence, and Mr. Xu's family rebutted the charges. The police threated to arrest Mr. Xu's family and claimed, "This is a society run by the Communist Party." The officials hit Mr. Xu in the corridor of the hospital building, knocking him unconscious. The officers left the scene but remained outside the building.

    Mr. Xu's family took him to the emergency room. Doctors had Mr. Xu hospitalized, and they started an intravenous infusion. The police ordered the nurses to ask Mr. Xu's family to leave the patients' room, and they proceeded to carry Mr. Xu Keyong away despite the fact that he was still unconscious and on an intravenous drip.

    Jiuzhou Police Station: 86-316-2950024, 86-316-2950110
    You Changbo, chief of Jiuzhou Police Station: 86-13343065768 (Cell)

    Chinese version available at