The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong -- January 11, 2008

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Mr. Wu Jiuping Beaten and Thrown from the Fourth Floor by Police Officers in Tianchang City

  • CCP authorities declared Mr. Wu committed suicide, but witnesses at his apartment building and at the hospital where he died, tell a different story. Wu had previously worked with the CCP as an informant, but then reaffirmed his dedication to Falun Gong. He had recently refused to cooperate further with the Party. His family and others aware of these details cannot get the police and justice system to pay any attention to them, in fact the police demand conformity with the 'official' story.
  • Ms. Li Rong Dies As a Result of Mental and Physical Torture in Prison

  • Mr. Che Hongfei in Critical Condition in Dalian Prison
  • Mr. Che has been imprisoned and tortured for years and his condition had deteriorated to the point that one prison returned him to another because they did not want responsibility for his condition. Still his family's requests for a medical leave for treatment have been denied.

    Mr. Wu Jiuping Beaten and Thrown from the Fourth Floor by Police in Tianchang City

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wu Jiuping previously worked for the People's Hospital in Tianchang City, Anhui Province. On November 22, four policemen and Chinese Communist Party (CCP) personnel went to Wu Jiuping's apartment and beat him until he was seriously injured and lost consciousness. In order to cover up their crime, the police officers threw him from the fourth floor of his building and then left. Mr. Wu passed away about 8:00 p.m. that night after he was taken to People's Hospital.

    It was very obvious that the majority of bruises on Mr. Wu's body were from the beating, and not from the fall. According to a witness, after Wu Jiuping was taken to the hospital, a doctor examined him and found that he had bruises from being beaten. He was completely black and blue from the backs of both of his legs to his waist, up over his back and shoulders. His left arm and left leg were broken, his left thighbone was broken into pieces, his face had very serious injuries, his left eyeball was ruptured, his entire face was black and blue, and he had a wound from a heavy club. Mr. Wu's whole body was bloody and the white clothing he had on was all red. (Wu Jiuping was a People's Hospital medical lab technician. He was wearing his hospital uniform at the time.)

    After this event, CCP personnel blockaded the hospital and the funeral home. The relevant departments in the hospital stopped running business as usual. The hospital personnel talked with the individual doctors involved and ordered them to answer questions about Mr. Wu's death in a unified answer, claiming that he committed suicide by jumping. They also followed Mr. Wu's fiancée (a People's Hospital nurse) all day to persuade her to state that Wu Jiuping committed suicide. The CCP regime from Tianchang City, the police, and the 610 Office all exerted pressure on businesses that have Falun Gong practitioners as employees. They threatened other Falun Gong practitioners and people who previously practiced Falun Gong, telling them, "Don't make any noise," or "Don't try to take care of it," as otherwise they "would have to take all the responsibilities themselves."

    At about 4:00 p.m. on November 22, 2007, Cong Sichao, the head of the 610 Office, along with two policemen and the hospital's public security section head Xia Wenshi, went to Wu Jiuping's house to harass him. The bruises on Wu Jiuping's body showed that the policemen had beaten Wu Jiuping to the edge of death, then threw him out of the window, then tried to falsely claim that Mr. Wu committed suicide.

    The noise from Mr. Wu's fall was heard by a witness downstairs. The witness shouted to ask someone to come rescue Mr. Wu. But the four people did not come to help him, instead they left the scene silently. Wu Jiuping lost consciousness after he was thrown to the ground, but after a while moved a bit. Not long after this an ambulance from the People's Hospital, with only one person on board, arrived and the person got out of the ambulance and carried Wu Jiuping to the ambulance. He claimed that he would take Mr. Wu to the hospital for treatment.

    After he arrived at the hospital, according to an insider, Wu Jiuping could talk, and had a clear mind. After he was put on an IV, he started to ramble incoherently and later he could no longer talk. Wu Jiuping passed away about 8:00 p.m. that night. It was reported that Wu Jiuping's body was taken to the morgue, and it is not clear whether his body was secretly cremated or not.

    Mr. Wu Jiuping, about 30 years old, was a medical lab technician in Tianchang City People's Hospital. People who knew him said that he was a good and talented person.

    He had been persecuted many times by the CCP, only because he was a Falun Gong cultivator. From1999 to 2002, he had been illegally detained and then sent to a forced labor camp for two years. In 2003, he went to a village near his hometown to clarify the truth, and someone there reported him. Because that area was under the jurisdiction of Xianggou Village, Yizheng City, Jiangsu Province, he was persecuted by the Yizheng 610 Office and was illegally given a four-year sentence. During the detention period, Wu Jiuping was subjected to all kinds of tortures. He was forced to agree to be a so-called "inside hint," or a spy, and for that he was released one year ahead of time. It was a so-called "probation." The CCP personnel told him that his sentence term would expire in October 2007. After he went back to work at the hospital, the 610 Office personnel, the police, and the security department of the hospital closely monitored and harassed him.

    After he came back home from the prison, Wu Jiuping immediately published a solemn statement stating that anything he said or did against Falun Gong was a result of intense pressure and persecution, and he resumed his cultivation in Falun Gong. But Yizheng 610 Office policemen, the Tianchang 610 Office and hospital personnel often harassed him, exerted pressure and threatened his parents.

    Later, they tried to persuade Mr. Wu to go abroad as a spy. They told him that he was young, had knowledge, and they wanted him to go abroad to destroy Falun Gong and Falun Gong activities. If he did well, they said he would enjoy many benefits after he returned home from abroad. They would take care of all his expenses. If he did not do well, he would have to take care of all the expenses. If he did not come back to China, his parents would have to take care of the expenses. They told him he would have to be trained for six months to be such a spy. Wu Jiuping rejected the offer. The CCP organized people to try to persuade him many times but were unsuccessful. He was then often persecuted arbitrarily.


    Ms. Li Rong Dies as a Result of Mental and Physical Torture in Prison

    Ms. Li Rong, retired from a factory in Sichuan Province, began cultivating Falun Gong before July 1999, when the persecution began. She went to Beijing to validate Falun Gong and clarify the truth twice after the persecution started.

    When she came back from her second trip to Beijing, the local police ransacked her home, arrested her, and took away her 23 Falun Gong books. They made a mess and took her two sons' military retirement IDs. They forced both of her sons' employers to fire them, canceling all their housing funds, retirement pensions, and medical insurance. They were forced to go out of town to find work. Even finding hard labor was difficult without their military retirement IDs.

    The police detained Ms. Li Rong for nearly two years in a detention center. After being released, she was sentenced to four years in 2002 and taken to Chuanxi Prison located in Hong'an Town, Chengdu City. Guards used many different methods of torture on her. Guard Li Xiaohong (female) once dragged her so far that her shoes fell off and her clothes were torn from her body. Li Xiaohong stuffed her mouth with rags and had about five prisoners lock her in a small cell (1) for one year. There was water and feces on the floor, and the door and window were both shut tight.

    Guard Li Xiaohong collaborated with doctors to put unknown drugs in her meals, causing her to suffer a mental collapse. The guards then played tricks on her and changed her cell four times. After confining her in the small cell for a year, she was detained in each labor shop for three months. They forced her to sit in the corner, and she was not allowed to move. Ms. Li became mentally traumatized, and her family discovered that she was no longer coherent after she was released. Later, her whole body became swollen, and she had difficulty breathing and was in great pain. She died in November 2007.


    (1) Small cell - The detainee is confined alone in a very small cell. The guards handcuff the practitioner behind her back in a fixed position, so that she can neither move nor lie down. The small cell is very damp and no sunshine comes in. A bucket in the cell serves as the toilet. Only half of a regular meal is served each day. During the night rats run around. The stench in the small cell is so bad that it is difficult to breathe.


    Mr. Che Hongfei in Critical Condition in Dalian Prison

    Mr. Che Hongfei is a 37-year-old English teacher and Falun Gong practitioner from Hongqi Town, the Yingkou District, Liaoning Province. He taught English at Hongqi Middle School in Yingkou City and was later hired by Xiongyue High School in Xiongyue City. He has been arrested many times by Hongqi Town Police Station and Xiongyue Public Security Bureau officials.

    The first two arrests were initiated by the police at Hongqi Town Station. He was teaching in Hongqi Middle School at the time, and he was held in Gaizhou City Detention Center for 15 days and then transferred to Yingkou Correctional Facility. He was released five months later, after developing tuberculosis. They arrested him again shortly afterwards, and he was released 20 days later, after starting a hunger strike in Boyuquan Detention Center.

    Mr. Che was fired by both Hongqi Middle School and Xiongyue High School. He then rented a room in Xiongyue City and tutored several students in English for a living. He told his students the facts about Falun Gong, but one of them reported him to the school. Security personnel from the high school stripped him, brutally beat him, and then took him to Xiongyue City Public Security Bureau. The police there tied him to the tiger bench and tortured him. He was then transferred to Boyuquan Detention Center, where he started a hunger strike and was released 13 days later. This was the third time that he was persecuted.

    After Mr. Che was released from Boyuquan, he was in a motor vehicle accident and his elbow was fractured. He told Mr. Jin, who had run into him, that he practiced Falun Gong and did not ask for any compensation from him. Mr. Jin was deeply moved. Before Mr. Che had fully recovered, he began looking for a job to support his family.

    In late summer of 2005, officers from Hongqi Police Station told him to come to the station for questioning. He was then sent to Boyuquan Detention Center at 8 p.m. that night. He was brutally tortured again. The guards instigated a criminal inmate to burn his injured elbow. Mr. Che was released eight days after starting a hunger strike.

    In February 2006, Mr. Che went to teach English in a private high school in the Hong District of Shenyang City. He talked about Falun Gong with his students, and again one of the students reported him to the school principal, who later reported him to the police. Officers from the Hong District Police Station arrested him and transferred him to Boyuquan Detention Center. He was sentenced to seven years in Dalian Prison. The prison authorities refused to accept him due to his poor health, so he was returned to Boyuquan Detention Center.

    At the detention center, Mr. Che was beaten numerous times by inmates that were instigated by the guards. His pants were torn to pieces during the beatings. He was in critical condition after being on a hunger strike for over a month, and was then sent to Boyuquan Hospital for emergency treatment. While he was in the hospital, court officials forced Mr. Che to sign his name on the verdict and told his family to take him home, stating that from that point on, the authorities would bear no responsibility for his condition.

    Officers from Hongqi Town Police Station monitored him closely around the clock everyday. The guards watched even when he was asleep at night. Nine days later, he escaped and went to Shenzhen to avoid further persecution.

    Mr. Che clarified the truth while working in Shenzhen and was arrested by officers from the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau. He was transferred to Hongqi Town Police Station and then sent to Boyuquan Detention Center for one night. He was eventually taken to Dalian Prison and then transferred to Anshan Prison. He has been on a hunger strike for over seven months, and the prison guards have force-fed him from the beginning. He was handcuffed to a bed 24 hours a day, and the other inmates had to clean his bedpan. He suffered a relapse of tuberculosis, and a chest X-ray showed a large shadow in his lungs, but the Anshan Prison authorities still refused to release him for medical care.

    On December 27, 2007, Mr. Che Hongfei was in critical condition. Anshan Prison refused to assume responsibility for him and transferred him back to Dalian Prison. On December 29, 2007, his family went to visit him in Dalian Prison. After his long-term hunger strike, he could no longer be force-fed through a tube and has been kept alive with IVs. Mr. Che is suffering from generalized muscular atrophy, arrhythmia, upper gastric bleeding, and severe anemia. He does not have the strength to talk or to open his eyes. He is severely emaciated, and his life is in grave danger.

    Mr. Che Hongfei's family has requested his release due to his medical condition. The warden has refused, stating that it is up to higher-level authorities to make the decision.