The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- Feburary 15, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • UK Resident's Sister is Illegally Imprisoned by the Chinese Communist Party

  • Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured in Suihua Forced Labor Camp, Heilongjiang Province

  • The Persecution of Mr. Li Keming from Dongxihu District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province

  • UK Resident's Sister is Illegally Imprisoned by the Chinese Communist Party

    At about 12 o'clock on February 10th 2007, a dozen plain-clothed police officers from Guangzhou Police Station forced their way into and searched the house of Falun Gong practitioners Ms Wenjian Liang and Mr Zhiyong Lin. The police wrongfully arrested the couple and five or six friends for the crime of "illegal gathering", took them to a local police station, and later transferred them to the Panyu Detention Center of Guangdong Province police station. At present, confirmation of their whereabouts and wellbeing is unavailable.

    This arrest was thought to be launched by the 610 Office of Guangzhou city and jointly implemented by the police station. None of the police that raided Mrs Liang's home were wearing uniforms. It's most likely that Wenjian Liang and Zhiyong Lin had been under surveillance for a long time. The home was turned upside down and their computers have been taken away to be searched for "evidence" and ties to others. Zhiyong Lin's 12 year old child was frightened by the arrest, and was left home alone with no carer. Later on the child was taken in by a relative.

    Mrs. Wenjian Liang is the younger sister of UK citizen Mrs. Jane Liang. In February 2000, Mrs Wenjian Liang was illegally arrested because she practices Falun Gong and is against the Chinese Communist Party's persecution of the practice. She was been sentenced to 2 years in a forced labor camp by Guangzhou police station without any legal trial.

    Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured in Suihua Forced Labor Camp, Heilongjiang Province

    The authorities of Suihua Forced Labor Camp in Heilongjiang Province are still torturing Falun Gong practitioners. The following is a partial list of facts about the persecution.

    January 19, 2006:

    The evening of the day that Mr. Peng Jianpu, a Falun Gong practitioner, arrived at the labor camp, the guards ordered criminal inmate Ma Dacheng to pour cold water on Mr. Peng and others. Ma Dacheng poured poured 47 buckets of water on them without stopping. Pouring cold water on practitioners in the cold wintry days has been a frequently used method of torture in this labor camp.

    June 11, 2006:

    Criminal inmate Ma Dacheng beat practitioners on June 11, 2006. Because the police often ordered criminal inmates to beat and verbally abuse practitioners, practitioners staged a group hunger strike for one day. The police had to extend Ma Dacheng's term by one month and promised that such things would never happen again.

    July 11, 2006:

    One month later, the camp authorities attempted to get back at the practitioners for their one-day group hunger strike. The guards used the excuse that practitioners refused to sing songs that praised the CCP. Those who refused to sing were required to "have individual meetings" with prison instructors. All the guards in the second team (over ten of them) were mobilized to torture practitioners. Mr. Peng Jianpu was beaten and subjected to electric shock until 1:00 a.m. He was injured seriously. As a result, it hurt him to walk and he was lame for many days. Several other practitioners were also tortured for refusing to sing the songs.

    July 14, 2006:

    At midnight, the camp flagpole was struck by lightening and broke. It was an warning sign for Suihua Forced Labor Camp.

    Around October 10, 2006:

    Police Shi Jian of the First Team and team leader Lian Xing ordered criminal inmates Lin Yuguo, Han Fujiang, Hou Shichen, Gao Yun, and others to beat practitioners without mercy. Over a dozen practitioners were beaten. Among them, Mr. Miao Shujun suffereda concussion as a result of the beating. He felt giddy all day and could not eat. Other practitioners had blood in their stool as a result of the torture.

    November 20, 2006:

    Practitioner Mr. Xu Yushan staged a hunger strike to protest the persecution. He was locked in a small cell for eight days where he suffered tortures such as the tiger bench and iron chair. Guard Fan Xiaodong even ordered criminal inmate Guang Changfu to put itchy stubble from cut hair all over Mr. Xu Yushan when he was handcuffed in fixed position and could not move his limbs.

    Practitioner Mr. Li Yequan went on a hunger strike for over ten months in 2006. He was not released until he was reduced to less than 100 pounds. The guards tortured him numerous times during his hunger strike. On one occasion, guard Gao Zhonghai shocked him with electric batons; guard Diao Xuesong beat him with fists; guard Zeng Dingjun burned his fingers with a lighter.

    The guards involved in the persecution in Suihua Forced Labor Camp:

    Deputy director of Administrative Section: Fan Xiaodong

    Group heads: Zheng Youliang, Liu Wei

    Instructors: Gao Zhonghai, Long Kuibin

    Team heads: Diao Xuesong, Lian Xing, Shi Jian

    Criminal inmates involved in the persecution:

    Ma Dacheng, Lin Yuguo, Han Fujiang, Hou Shichen, Gao Yun, Liu Qiang, Quan Hongwei, Wang Mingquan, Wang Chen, and others.

    The Mr. Li Keming from Dongxihu District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province

    Mr. Li Keming is from Dongxihu District, Wuhan City in Hubei Province. Because of practicing Falun Gong, he has been arrested and detained over ten times by the local police department. In November 2001, he was sentenced to two years of forced labor and was sent to Hewan Forced Labor Camp. There he was tortured inhumanely. He was forced to become homeless to avoid further persecution after his release.

    Mr. Li, 58, suffered from severe rheumatoid arthritis before practicing Falun Gong. Later he developed an enlarged lumbar vertebra with ossein proliferation and periodic nerve-related headaches. He wanted to die rather then bear the suffering of these illnesses that no medication could remedy. In 1996, he started practicing Falun Gong and all his diseases disappeared within a few months.

    On July 20, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party started persecuting Falun Gong. Li Keming went to the provincial government to speak out for Falun Gong and its founder. He told everyone he met how he had benefited from practicing Falun Gong. The government officials listed him as a key target and secretly videotaped his activities. Government authorities identified, arrested, and transferred him to the Dongxihu District Police Department. Later, they transferred him to Xincun Police Station for 24 hours. Then he was released but was watched closely by police at his home. Sometimes as many as six policemen were on duty. They demanded that he report to them if he planned to go out. If he didn't cooperate, the police followed him everywhere.

    He was not able to live a normal life due to the police harassment. He was arrested by the Xincun Police Station more than ten times from July 20, 1999, through 2000. He always tried to clarify the truth of Falun Gong to the officers that arrested him.

    In December 2000, the deputy head of the Xincun Police Station, Liu Gongping, led three husky fellows to arrest Li Keming and take him to a brainwashing center held at the Communist Party school. All the practitioners detained in the brainwashing center were arrested without any legal procedures. The practitioners went on hunger strikes several times to protest the denying of their rights and freedom. They did not cooperate when the 610 Office demanded that they pay monthly living expenses.

    Prior to May 1, 2001, the head of the 610 Office, Lin Zhengxing, ordered that practitioners be given little to eat. Li Keming protested that this was a basic human rights violation, and it was illegal not to provide detainees with enough food. Lin Zhengxing replied, "Yes, it is illegal. So what? You cannot sue me now."

    In late June 2001, the 610 Office moved the brainwashing center from the Party school to next door to the Sandian Baihua Elementary School in the Dongxihu District. Although there were only three practitioners detained in the brainwashing center at the time, the 610 Office deployed six police vehicles and several fully-armed policemen to transfer them. In July 2001, Li Keming was released from the brainwashing center.

    In September 2001, one of the 610 Office officials, Huang Jiantang, and former deputy director of the first division of the police department Zhang Changfa took over 20 agents and surrounded Mr. Li's home. Two policemen jumped over the wall into the yard, ransacked Li's home, and arrested him and his wife, also a practitioner. They were taken to the police department and later transferred to a detention center. There, Zhang Changfa stole Mr. Li's keys and searched his home again. Two brand-name shirts and other personal property belonging to Mr. Li were stolen.

    Mr. Li clarified the truth of Falun Gong to the inmates in the detention center. The deputy chief of the detention center, Chen Fuyuan, instigated the inmates to beat him. In November 2001, Li Keming was sentenced to two years of forced labor on falsified charges made up by the district 610 Office and the police department, after 50 days of detention.

    While at Hewan Forced Labor Camp, Li Keming wrote his appeal, but he was denied any legal assistance. To resist the persecution, he joined the collective hunger strike with other practitioners. The labor camp police force-fed practitioners inhumanely. The captain of the second team, Gao Junan, intentionally inserted the feeding tube into Li Keming's stomach and took it out right afterwards. He did this countless times for the torturous effect and caused Li's nasal and esophageal passageways to ulcerate badly. He also kept hitting Mr. Li's armpits and waist until he fainted from the severe pain.

    A few days later, Li Keming's health deteriorated rapidly. There was unbearable pain behind his eyes. His limbs were cold and he could barely move them. His hair were infested with fleas and had turned white, and his scalp oozed pus. He experienced sharp pain in his head.

    Li Keming was locked in solitary confinement in August 2002. Afterwards, he was constantly watched by six inmates. They allowed him little sleep. Sometimes he was allowed to go to bed from 4:15 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. His legs swelled and he could not walk without aid. He was unconscious most of the day. In this physical and mental condition, he was forced to write a guarantee statement, promising to give up the practice of Falun Gong. After he regained consciousness and had a clear mind, he declared to the captain that he had to withdraw the statement that the guards had extorted from him when he was not conscious.

    Two years later, Li Keming was released. He found that his wife had been forced into homelessness to avoid persecution. He has no regular income and doesn't want to burden his children, so he works to earn his living in spite of his health.

    Mr. Li and his wife are homeless to avoid the persecution. Luo Guangzhan of the Dongxihu District 610 Office and officials from the first division of the local police department frequently go to Li's child's home and Li's relatives homes to harass them about his whereabouts. They also tempt them with "grand rewards" to give him up to the police.

    Li Keming has spent less then two years with his family during seven years of continuous persecution.