The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- February 13, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Additional Information Regarding Mr. Liu Chengjun, Who Was Tirtured to Death in Jilin Prison

  • Recent Persecution against Falun Gong Practitioners at Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in Liaoning Province

  • Additional Information Regarding Mr. Liu Chengjun, Who Was Tortured to Death in Jilin Prison

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Chengjun was from Nongan County, Jilin Province. On March 5, 2002, he went with fellow practitioners to broadcast facts about Falun Gong and the persecution on Changchun and Songyun TV stations. He was arrested and sentenced to nineteen years in prison and was held in Jilin Prison. He was subjected to all sorts of torture and passed away at 4:30 a.m. on December 26, 2003. He was only 32 years old. In order to cover up the criminal act, the prison authorities cremated his body at 10:40 a.m. that morning without his family's consent.

    The following is additional information regarding Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Chengjun and his death resulting from persecution.

    In the winter of 2002, Mr. Liu Chengjun was sent to the 12th Cell of the 1st Group of Jilin Prison,which was overseen by guard Chen Xin. When Liu Chengjun limped through the door of Cell 12, several thugs who were accustomed to persecuting Falun Gong practitioners were delighted, "Here comes a big guy who can handle the beating."

    When Liu Chengjun came into the room, they immediate asked him whether he would still practice Falun Gong and whether he would write a guarantee statement promising not to practice. Liu Chengjun replied, "I will still practice Falun Gong, and I will not write a guarantee statement."

    Several thugs picked up a wooden plank and began to beat Mr. Liu. The plank was about 3-5 centimeters (1-2 in.) of thick hardwood. Liu Chengjun was not able to get up for several days after the beating. The thugs forced him to sit up in front of his bed from 4:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., only allowing him a few trips to the bathroom and 10 minutes for each meal.

    In order to stop the persecution, Liu Chengjun began a hunger strike. In November 2003, after being on a hunger strike for ten days, he was in critical condition and sent to the prison hospital. He was released after ten days and then sent directly to solitary confinement for intensified persecution.

    Several days later, an inmate reported that Liu Chengjun had passed away in solitary confinement. In order to cover up his death as the result of persecution, the prison authorities claimed that Liu died in the hospital.

    Chinese version available at

    Recent Persecution against Falun Gong Practitioners at Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in Liaoning Province

    1. On December 5, 2006, Ms. Cui Defeng was reported by Inspector Xue Dan because "Falun Dafa is Good" was embroidered on the inside of her coat. Group leader Ren Huaiping and Wang Shuzheng cuffed her wrists to a bed, tied her legs with cloth strips, slapped her face and denied her food and restroom use. Wang Shuzheng kicked Ms. Cui Defeng in the face, and she wasn't released until the evening. Her arms, legs and face were swollen from the beatings.

    2. Since Ms. Wang Xiaoyan refused to perform forced labor she was seriously punished. One wrist was cuffed to the ladder of a bunk bed and the other cuffed to the headboard of another bed. Her legs were tied together at the calves with cloth strips. Being restrained in this way forced her to bend at the waist with her head down. She could neither stand up straight nor squat. She was cuffed in this position for two consecutive days. All the while guards shocked her face and body with electric batons. After being tortured in this way Wang Xiaoyan's arms, legs and feet were swollen, and she was unable to walk for four or five days.

    While this was going on, practitioners Zou Xiuju and Yuan Shuzhe were also tortured the same way for refusing to perform forced labor, and Zou Xiuju's face was swollen for many days after the being beaten.

    3. At the beginning of November 2006 the Liaoning Province Ideology Education School and Women's Forced Labor Camp were combined. Falun Gong practitioners and common criminals were arranged into three groups. The new name is Women's Re-education through Labor Administration Center of Liaoning Province

    4. On November 13, 2006, forty-five Falun Gong practitioners were transferred from the 3rd Group to the 1st and 2nd Groups, which are for common criminals. Beginning in mid-December 2006 every Falun Gong practitioner was grouped with one to two prisoner monitors. No matter where a Falun Gong practitioner goes, be it the restroom, water room, or the shop floor, the monitors always follow. Falun Gong practitioners are forbidden from talking to each other. If it's learned that the practitioners did speak with each other, the group leader subtracts points from the monitor's score. Every criminal has 300 points for a month to start with. The period of incarceration is increased for anyone whose score falls below 275. The group leader not only subtracts from their scores, but also holds them responsible. Out of fear, they tightly follow Falun Gong practitioners.

    5. From December 20, 2006 to January 10, 2007, the majority of prisoners in the 1st and 2nd Squadrons of the 2nd Group were forced to increase their work time by skipping their rest periods after lunch and dinner. They started to work before 6:30 a.m., had lunch at 11:15 a.m. and dinner at 4:11 p.m. They continued to work until 11:00 p.m.

    6. Falun Gong practitioners who are currently incarcerated with common criminals:

    1st Group: Jiang Fengying, Wang Baokun, Zhao Suyun, Lan, Liu Xiufen (elderly team), Xie Dewen, Li Yaran, Zhou Jing, Liu Yuqiu, Huang Guifen (cotton workshop), Yan Chunjiao, Zhang Jingyan, Zhang Xiuxiang, Wang Xiaoyan, Ge Xiaonan, Wang Guiling, Wang Sufen, and Dong Linlin.

    2nd Group: Zhang Lirong, Cui Defeng, Li Shaohua, Wang Yan (package workshop), Zhang Liyan, Yuan Shuzhe, Li Mei, Wang Manli, Chen Yanyu, Teng Shiyun, Shan Yulan (1st team), Zou Xiuju, Zhang Liping, Cheng Hua, Liang Qizhen, Li Fengjun, and Yang Xiufang (2nd team).

    3rd Group: Wang Lixiang, Liu Guiping, Shen Ruolin, Cong Aidong, Shi Guirong, and Ren Yuan, etc. (about 10 people)

    Chinese version available at