The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- September 1, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • Mr. Zhang Dongsheng Tortured to Death in 2005; His Wife in Forced Labor Camp

  • Liu Xiwen from Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province, Died After Enduring Long-term Persecution

  • Nineteen Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured to Death in Suihua Labor Camp

  • Handicapped Practitioner Arrested in Huangzhong County, Qinghai Province

  • Sixty-Year-Old Practitioner's Home Ransacked and Sent to Forced Labor Camp

  • The Persecution Suffered by Falun Gong Practitioner Quan Fu from Yushu City, Jilin Province

  • The Details of the Persecution of Five Falun Gong Practitioners from Dalian City

  • Ms. Mai Yulong Recounts the Vicious Abuse She Suffered in Kuitun City Police Department

  • Mr. Zhang Dongsheng Tortured to Death in 2005; His Wife in Forced Labor Camp

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Dongsheng, 49, a farmer, lived in Xinglong village, Yukou Township, Pinggu District, Beijing. In 2001, Mr. Zhang and his wife Zhang Guijin were both arrested and detained for ten months in a Hanzhuang brainwashing center and were forced to endure enormous mental pressures.

    One month after being released from the brainwashing center, Mr. Zhang was transferred to Hanzhuang Mental Hospital. His family had three thousand yuan extorted from them for "treatments." On his release from the hospital, Mr. Zhang's reflexes were slow, and neither of his legs functioned normally. In the spring of 2003, policemen came to his door to harass him again, causing Mr. Zhang to be hospitalized. The doctor at the hospital said that there were dark shadows on his organs. His family spent ten thousand yuan, but he was unable to be cured and did not fully recover.

    One week after he returned home from the hospital, Mr. Zhang started exhibiting symptoms of a stroke. Policemen came to his door to harass him twice more.

    Mr. Zhang Dongsheng died on June 18, 2005. His wife Zhang Guijin does not want to give up the practice. She wrote a solemn declaration that all of her words and actions that the pressure of the persecution forced her to say or do against Falun Gong are null and void and that they were not from the bottom of her heart. On August 23, 2005, she was arrested again and sentenced to 18 months of forced labor.

    After 9:30 a.m. on July 20, 2006, Yukouo Township Police Station Head Zhang Peihua (male) and Pinggu District 610 Office worker Wang Xiaohua (gender unknown) led about seven policemen to arrest four Falun Gong practitioners from their homes, including Mr. Cui Ruyi, Ms. Zhang Chunhong, Ms. Liu Guifen, and Mr. Chen Youwen. At 9 a.m. on August 3, 2006, practitioner Mr. Mao Zhenjiang was also arrested at his home in Duoyukou Township. These five practitioners are all being held in Pinggu District Detention Center.

    Liu Xiwen from Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province, Died After Enduring Long-term Persecution

    Mr. Liu Xiwen, 60 years old, was a teacher from Zhenxing Elementary School in Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province. He was relieved from his suffering from all kinds of diseases after he began practicing Falun Gong. After July 20, 1999, he was beaten up and tortured several times by the police. Vicious prison officials subjected him to long-term persecution. He passed away on May 20, 2002.

    Falun Gong Rescued Him from a Desperate Situation

    Mr. Liu was a kind-hearted and honest person. He suffered a great deal from all sorts of diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, brain infection, and stomachache. He had about four fifths of his stomach surgically removed. He was in physical pain all day long.

    With great enthusiasm, Liu Xiwen started practicing Falun Gong in November 1997. Soon all his diseases were gone and he started to feel very energetic. Falun Gong had given him a healthy body and happiness in his old age.

    Frequent Persecution for Expressing His Pure Heart

    In July 1999, the persecution of Falun Gong that blotted out the sky and covered up the earth started. Mr. Liu wanted to let more people know that Falun Gong was good, so he appealed to the provincial government offices on July 22, 1999. After he came back, Shengli Police Station officials ransacked his home and illegally fined him 400 yuan.

    In December 2000, Mr. Liu walked to Tiananmen Square and shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" The police beat him down to the ground, and his head directly hit the cement of Tiananmen Square. ( His head hurt from that incident every now and then for the rest of his life.) The police dragged him to the police car and sent him to the Daxing Criminal Police Team in Beijing, where he was beaten again by the police. With a tightly held fist, they hit his front teeth and face very hard. His heart disease recurred.

    Mr. Liu was then taken back to Suihua City and put in the detention center. The Communist Committee Secretary, Ma De (who has already received retribution), was very vicious. He gave orders not to release anyone who resisted writing a Guarantee Statement renouncing Falun Gong. In such an evil environment Mr, Liu wrote the pledge against his will. The Political Security Department of the Beilin District forced him to hand in 5000 yuan as bond and fined him another 200 yuan before releasing him.

    Died after Enduring Continuous Threats and Vicious Persecution

    The Beilin District Education Director, Yang Zhenbo, and Yu Hongchen from the Communist Committee worked very hard to persecute Falun Gong. Yang Zhenbo illegally ordered Liu Xiwen's salary to be held back (they held back a total of 15 months of his salary) and forced him to cover all the expenses incurred by the people that took him back. They constantly tortured and persecuted him. They viewed "transforming" him as the number one priority and forced him to write all kinds of pledges. These two people also frequently put pressure on Zhenxing Elementary School and harassed him at his home every second or third day, whether it was a work day or a holiday and at any time of day or night. Liu Xiwen suffered for a long time from this persecution.

    On January 20, 2001, Yang Zhenxing ganged up with the principal of Zhenxing Elementary School, Li Yujie, to lure Mr. Liu Xiwen to the school and force him to write the pledge. Yang said that if he did not write it, he could not go home to celebrate the Chinese New Year. One day before the Chinese New year, the Education Committee started a new round of persecution of the Falun Gong practitioners in this system. Principal Sun Yaojin was arrested and taken to the detention center. In order to avoid the harassment by the Education Committee, Liu Xiwen and his wife did not stay at home for the New Year.

    These constant harassments, however, weren't successful. One day in April 2001, over 10 people from the Beilin District Education Committee, Zhenxing Elementary School, Political Legal Committee, Suihua City 610 Office, and Shengli Police Station arrived at Liu Xiwen's home and attempted to arrest him. Before these people arrived, Mr. Liu had left home to hide at his second daughter's home outside the city. He was there for 14 months. After the Education Committee learned this, they secretly sent two leaders from Zhenxing Elementary School to the work unit of Liu Xiwen's second daughter. Several times Yang Zhenbo and others tried to take Liu Xiwen back, but encountered strong resistance from his family and were not successful.

    The frequent harassment, constant threats, and long-term persecution on the part of officials from the Beilin District, Zhenxing Elementary School, the Political Legal Committee, Suihua City 610 Office, Shengli Police Station, and Shengli Residential Committee brought depression, nervousness and terror into Liu Xiwen's life. His body and mind suffered severe damage. On May 20, 2002, this old teacher, who was loved by his students, died as a result of the CCP's evil persecution.

    Nineteen Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured to Death in Suihua Labor Camp

    Guard Dao Xuesong in Suihua Labor Camp of Heilongjiang Province personally told Falun Gong practitioners that they have tortured nineteen Falun Gong practitioners to death in this Labor Camp since the persecution began on July 20, 1999.

    Suihua Labor Camp forces Falun Gong practitioners to work and subjects them to mental and physical abuses and torture. All the practitioners who came to the Labor Camp had to take baths first, with water pouring on them from head to toe, covered with water. If they resisted, they would be beaten at once. Falun Gong practitioners Du Xinghe and Li Changxin, who were transferred to Suihua Labor Camp from Qiqihar, didn't cooperate with the guards, so they were beaten and shocked with electric batons by guards Dao Xuesong and Gao Zhonghai.

    The guards in Suihua Labor Camp do not allow Falun Gong practitioners to watch TV, listen to the radio, write letters or make phone calls. They don't allow practitioners to eat food which the practitioners brought in with them. The goods prices in the in labor camp supermarket are two to three times higher than in a normal market. Some practitioners saved to buy some food but these items went missing soon after they arrived.

    The Falun Gong practitioners are also followed and monitored by criminal inmates when they use the toilet. Though only one practitioner went to toilet, other criminals in the same cell had to follow. The criminal would be abused by the guards if he didn't. The practitioners were not allowed to rest when they were back in their dorms after they had worked all day in the camp. They had to sit on the small stools. Otherwise, they would be abused by the guards. They couldn't sleep until 8:30 p.m. They had to report numbers twenty times per day.

    Falun Gong practitioner Lian Tao, who is a resident of Yichun City, was transferred to Suihua Labor Camp in the second half of 2005. After 2006 Chinese New Year, the guards on duty in the camp often beat practitioners whenever they felt like it. They also forced the practitioners to labor long hours without breaks. Practitioners regularly worked up to and over fourteen hours a day. 61 year-old Lian Tao demanded to meet with the labor camp director, however, guards Liu Wei and six other guards beat Lian Tao, causing severe damage to his eyes. So much so that he could not see while walking, and his body was completely covered with blue and purple scars. After two days, one of the guards who beat him was promoted by the guard captain to be vice captain of the large unit.

    Another Falun Gong practitioner, Wang Zhiqian, who is also 61 years old, from Yichun City, was transferred to Suihua Labor Camp in the second half of 2005. Because the guards forced the practitioners to labor extra long hours and beat people at will, he wanted to report this situation when the governors of Heilongjiang Provincial Justice Department came to inspect the labor camp. To stop him, guards Liu Wei and Daoa Xuesong beat Wang Zhiqian and extended his illegal detention as well.

    According to the rule about "six forbidden ways about tipstaffs," which was agreed upon by the Justice Department in February of 2006, most of the guards in the labor camp are in serious breach of the law and they should be relieved of their duties. However because Suihua Labor Camp wants to hide the truth of the persecution, they do not allow Falun Gong practitioners to contact the higher authorities. The local inspectors collude with the captain of the larger units and other policemen, and they do not allow Falun Gong practitioners to report the truth to the Inspection Department. They arranged this deception amongst themselves.

    Guard Dao Xuesong told Falun Gong practitioners, "In our camp, there have been a total of nineteen Falun Gong practitioners killed since July 20, 1999. Is it useful to expose us on the Internet or appeal after you are released? I will still be a policeman despite all these acts. The inspectors who come here only hear from us so what do I have to fear. If anyone doesn't want to live, I will bury him."

    Criminal inmates in the labor camp are not restricted. They don't need to obey the rules of the labor camp. They can bring a mobile phone with them, cook in the dorm themselves, gamble and drink alcohol, as long as they cooperate with the policemen and beat and abuse who the guards choose.

    Handicapped Practitioner Arrested in Huangzhong County, Qinghai Province

    On the afternoon of August 3,, 2006, together with the Duoba Police Station, the Police Department of Huangzhong County, Qinghai Province unlawfully ransacked Mr. Ma Gui's house and arrested him. Mr. Ma is a villager of Huangzhong County.

    Mr. Ma is 34 years old and handicapped with two steel nails in his leg, causing him difficulties in his daily life. His health has been improving ever since he started practicing Falun Gong. However, he was arrested by police of Huangzhong County under Jiang's policy to persecute Falun Gong. Because too many people were detained at Huangzhong Detention Center, the police unlawfully imprisoned Ma at the Huangyuan County Detention Center. Mr. Ma's 80-year-old grandmother remained anxious each day after the incident.

    Tian (surname), chief of Huangzhong County Police Department, has been instigating the persecution of Falun Gong. Over the past few years, deputy chief Mr. Zhang Shouye directed and led police to brutally persecute practitioners.

    Below are the facts of some of the crimes committed by the Huangzhong Police Department:

    At noon on July 25, 2005, Zhang, the former chief of Huangzhong County Police Department of Qinghai Province, and the deputy chief, Zhang Shouye, along with two police officers rushed to Xiejiazhai in Zongzhai Town, together with 4 police officers from Zongzhai Town Police Station of Huangzhong County. They broke in and ransacked 5 villagers' homes. One of the break-ins was conducted when no one was home. These police stole the villagers' money and deeds to their homes and arrested Ms. Song Jiubang, a 43-year-old Falun Gong practitioner. The police were very violent while conducting the arrests and beat Song Jiubang.

    Last August, when Song was detained at Ershilipu Detention Center of Xining City, she shouted "Falun Dafa is wonderful!", "Zhen-Shan-Ren is wonderful!" and "the Tiananmen self-immolation was staged by Jiang Zemin!" To protest the persecution, Song went on a hunger strike in the Detention Center. The guards cut open her throat and force-fed her, inserting a tube down her esophagus. Song was sent to a forced labor camp for two years.

    Su Rong, the former CCP General Secretary of Qinghai Province, was wanted by the police of Zambia when he made a visit to the country. Su sneaked back to Gansu Province. He was later fired by the CCP.

    Between October 2001 and August 2003, Su Rong was the CCP General Secretary of Qinghai Province. From January 2002, he also became the chief of the Provincial CCP Committee of Qinghai Province. During the period when Su was the CCP General Secretary of Qinghai Province, 4 practitioners from Qinghai Province were confirmed to have died from the persecution. They were Ms. Tan Yingchun, Mr. Zhang Youzhen, Mr. He Wanji and Ms. Zhao Xiangzhong. Su Rong was prosecuted for the crimes of murder and torture, which made him the first CCP official to be wanted by overseas police.

    Sixty-Year-Old Practitioner's Home Ransacked and Sent to Forced Labor Camp

    Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of

    Ms. Wang Wenshu, 62, was jailed, beaten, fined and verbally abused after she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in 1999. She was forced to move bricks and other harsh labor, and coerced to give up Falun Gong.

    On July 20, 2000, Wang Wenshu was illegally arrested by policeman Zhang Hua and taken to Sunzhuang Village. She was released after a four day hunger strike.

    On December 11, 2000, a few evil policemen arrested Wang and six other practitioners by barging into Wang's home between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Her four or five year old grandson was left alone in the house. Wang was handcuffed after arriving in Sunzhuang Village. Wang's face was whipped repeatedly with a leather belt. She was later handcuffed to a tree and left outside in the cold at night.

    Wang was interrogated the next day while handcuffed. She was beaten with a wooden bat. At around 4:00 or 5:00 in the afternoon, Wang was transferred to Zhuozhou Detention Center. The police ransacked her home more than four times during Wang's detainment and over 4500 yuan worth of checks and over 500 yuan in cash were stolen. In addition, Wang was fined 3000 yuan. Wang's husband was so scared that he became mentally ill. Three months later, Wang was released when her family paid a bail of over 2000 yuan. Wang was forced to become homeless after the ordeal, to avoid further persecution.

    In September 2001, Wang was again illegally arrested in the County of Laishui and was sent to the police station in Sunzhuang Village. There she was locked in an iron cage for five days and nights. Before then, in order to get a hold of Wang, the police took Wang's daughters and held them hostage in iron cages. Wang was kept in the police station for four months without seeing her family members.

    On January 25, 2002, Wang was sentenced to labor camp for three years. In spring 2002, Wang started having heart problems due to hardships in the labor camp. In September she developed high fever and diarrhea and became unconscious for three days. Even so, the police refused to release her. On September 30, 2003, Wang was released. However, the second day after she returned home, Xing Guoping of Sunzhuang Village started harassing her.

    The Persecution Suffered by Falun Gong Practitioner Quan Fu from Yushu City, Jilin Province

    Mr. Quan Fu, a Falun Gong practitioner from Yushu City, Jilin Province, began practicing in 1996. He has benefited from the practice both physically and spiritually.

    On July 20, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party started to defame and persecute Falun Gong in the media. Quan Fu couldn't keep silent. He wanted to speak up for Falun Gong and to say that Falun Gong is a righteous practice and that what the media say are all lies. He went to appeal based on this fact. The officials of the Appeal Office, however, did not show any justice. Moreover, Quan Fu witnessed peaceful and rational Falun Gong practitioners being arrested everywhere. Many police cars were parked alongside the roadway of the Appeal Office. Anyone who went there was surrounded by a group of plainclothes police officers, and then interrogated with questions such as, "Was this person going there to appeal?" and "Did he practice Falun Gong?" If the answer was "yes," he would be arrested and taken into the police car. The police claimed that they would take the arrested practitioners to a place where they could appeal. In the constitution, it is regulated that people have the right to appeal, while in reality, a practitioner's rights are deprived and squelched by Jiang regime criminals.

    Practitioners who were arrested were later sent to the Beijing Branch of the Changchun Affairs Office. When they arrived there, one room had already been filled with practitioners. In the afternoon, the officials ordered the practitioners to surrender money to them. Some were fined 200 to 300 yuan, while others were forced to surrender all they had. Everyone surrendered money to the officials. Although they had bought berth tickets for the trip back to Changchun, five practitioners were handcuffed together to each berth. The official responsible for taking the practitioners back was the director of the 7th Division of Changchun City Police Department. He bought only one berth ticket for every five practitioners and verbally abused them. The officials kept the money they extorted from the practitioners for themselves. Eighty practitioners were taken back to Changchun that time.

    Upon arrival in Changchun, I and other practitioners were taken back to Yushu City by local police. Each of us was forced to surrender 150 yuan as a taxi fee. A local policeman named Hu Manshan collected the money, but he never showed us the receipt. After we got to the Police Station of Yushu City, each Falun Gong practitioner was beaten heavily, and we were detained without any legal proceedings.

    Mr. Quan Fu was detained twice by the police in Yushu City, 18 days the first time and 40 days the second time. In the detention center, he was not given enough food. He was cold and hungry. Despite this, he was forced to do labor every day, to dig a fish pond, carry sand, reap crops, build houses, and pave the road with bricks. The police tried to shake the righteous belief of practitioners by all means, so as to destroy their strong will.

    In 2001, Chengfa Village police went to Mr. Quan Fu's house to harass him. His family was frightened and upset. Their normal life was disturbed. Mr. Quan was forced to leave his home to find labor work outside of his village. Mr. Quan went back home when the weather turned cold. At 10:00 p.m. on November 23, 2001, Li Yanwen, a Chengfa Village policeman, Senior Zhang, a driver, Liu Lixin,Yongfu Village security director, and Zhang Zhiping, Xinyi Village security police, went to Mr. Quan's house and forced the door open. The door was broken. They pulled Mr. Quan up while he was sleeping. Li Yanwen jumped onto the bed and held him down, then handcuffed him by one hand while the others handcuffed his other hand. Liu Lixin took away all of his Falun Gong books and tapes. Mr. Quan was forcibly taken to Chengfa Police Station and handcuffed to a tiger bench. His wrists were injured by the handcuffs. The chief of the police station, Zhang Xiaofeng, cursed him while beating him, saying, "You guys should be punished."

    On the second day, Mr. Quan Fu was subjected to intimidation by the police. He was also forced to give a sample of his handwriting, be fingerprinted, and have his photo taken. Officers Zhang Xiaofeng and Liu Lixin sent him to Yushu City Police Department at 6:00 a.m., which is much earlier than business hours. Upon arrival there, a staff asked Zhang Xiaofeng if he had filled the quota. Zhang Xiaofeng answered, "There are two more to be filled." Then the staff said, "There are more practitioners in some villages, so just use them as substitutes." Mr. Quan Fu then came to realize that the Chengfa Village Police Station had arrested him in order to meet the quota set by the superior level. Malfeasants escaped the law while good people were arrested at will.

    Shi Hailin from the police department took notes at Quan Fu's detention hearing. Mr. Quan was given 15 days detention. However, when it came to the sixteenth day, Mr. Quan was sent to the reception room, where Zhang Xiaofeng and three others were waiting for him. Zhang Xiaofeng handcuffed Mr. Quan and claimed that Mr. Quan had been sentenced to one year of forced labor.

    Mr. Quan Fu was imprisoned in Jiutai Yinmahe Labor Camp for one year. He was later forced to undergo an additional 4 months of forced labor. During that period, he was overworked. In the winter, he was forced to work on reaped paddy, sweep the snow and walk squarely. In the summer, he was forced to weed and work in the construction field under the burning sun. In the autumn, he was forced to reap in the field in heavy rain. In the spring, he was forced to transplant rice seedlings in the paddy field. He was beaten by police with electric batons on his head, face, neck, penis, thigh, and other parts of his body. However, no forcible means could change him. Through the whole process, righteousness and evil were displayed.

    On March 20, 2005, a car suddenly stopped in front of Mr. Quan Fu while he was waiting for the bus at the entrance of the village. Three people from Chengfa Police Station, including Li Yanwen and Senior Zhang, jumped out of the car and pushed Mr. Quan into it. Mr. Quan asked them why he was being arrested. Li Yanwen said they would tell him after they got to the police station.

    Upon arrival at the police station, Mr. Quan was handcuffed to a bed. Zhang Xiaofeng said, "It is not we who are looking for you. It is the National Protection Team. It is because you logged onto the websites." Half an hour later, they took Mr. Quan home, where Zhang Deqing, Qili, Shi Hailin and others were already waiting outside. The door was locked. Zhang Deqing forcibly opened the door with a ruler and broke into the house; they searched but found no evidence with which to incriminate him. Later, they took Mr. Quan to the police department again. They threatened him by using the materials confiscated from his wife during her last arrest. He was ordered to tell where the materials came from. On their way to the detention house, policemen Qili and Zhang Deqing said, "We got 5 more points this time. He will be sentenced to forced labor again." Mr. Quan was forcibly sent to Chaoyanggou Labor Camp. The judgment was approved by Changchun City.

    Mr. Quan Fu's wife was also arrested. People from Chengfa Village Police Station and the National Protection Team confiscated 1700 yuan and Falun Gong books. Mr. Quan's wife had cold water poured over her and was locked to the iron chair for three days and two nights, during which period she was not allowed to close her eyes. Fifteen days of torture almost killed her. She was released when she could no longer move one of her arms.

    The Details of the Persecution of Five Falun Gong Practitioners from Dalian City

    Mr. Liu Qingtao, 39 years old, residing at Group 6 of Wei 8, Zhongchang Street, Jiefang Road, Jinzhou District, was the assistant for the Falun Gong practice site in Jinzhou District. After July 20, 1999, the local police kept harassing him. They forced Mr. Liu Qingtao to report to them early each morning, and would not allow him to go home till late at night. In October 1999, Mr. Liu Qingtao was detained at the Dalian City Office stationed in Beijing, and was tortured very severely. He was beaten severely all the way from the 13th floor to the ground floor. This was witnessed by many Dalian fellow practitioners. The police too acknowledged that he "really had endured the beatings." Later he was sent to the Jinzhou Detention Center and has since been jailed there for two and a half years. During this period of time, he was tortured both physically and mentally. He was frequently handcuffed to the heating pipe, which made it extremely difficult for him to stand up or sit down. His family was not allowed to visit him. Every day he was forced to work for long hours on a job in a toxic environment that was harmful to his body. During his detention, he was not allowed to stand for trial, which was a violation of the law. Persistent inquiries by concerned fellow practitioners revealed that he was put in at the Wafangdian Prison for two months. On June 25, 2002, he was sentenced to five years by the Jinzhou Court, and was transferred at the Huazi Prison in Liaoyang. During his detention, Mr. Liu Qingtao suffered from all kinds of tortures, and was forced to work till as late as 10:00 p.m. As a result of this torture, Mr. Liu Qingtao developed symptoms of coronary heart disease. He was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment and his family was not informed. Mr. Liu was not released until October 29, 2004. After five years of persecution, Mr. Liu Qingtao has become very weak physically and is still often being harassed by the local police. On August 2, 2006, he was abducted by the Wanli Police Sub-Station of the Dalian City's Development District. He is still in jail at the Dalian City's Development District Detention Center.

    Ms. Qu Jun, 37 years old, is a resident of Jinzhou District of Dalian City. In May 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, and as a result, she was detained at the Jinzhou Detention Center for fifteen days, and fined four thousand yuan. In May 2002, the Dalian National Security Team wanted to arrest Ms. Qu Jun's younger brother Mr. Qu Bin. After taping their phone calls, the police abducted Ms. Qu Jun, and also her husband, who did not practice Falun Gong to the local National Security Team. Ms. Qu Jun was taken upstairs and forced to jump down. Her spine, thighbone and her ankle were broken as a result. She was sent to the Dalian Friendship Hospital, and the doctors there said it was difficult to save her life. Now, she is permanently disabled. On October 9, 2002 at Tieling, she was abducted by Yinchuan District Police Department and detained at Tieling City Detention Center. During this period of time, Ms. Qu Jun was force-fed and tortured by being forced to wear handcuffs and shackles. Two months later, she was fined three thousand yuan before her family was allowed to pick her up to go home. On August 2, 2006, she was abducted by the Wanli Police Station of the Dalian City's Development District. She is still in jail at the Dalian City's Development District Detention Center.

    Ms. Qu Jun's brother Mr. Qu Bin is currently in Dalian Prison and has been sentenced to four years imprisonment. Ms. Qu Jun's father, Qu Tingyue, who is more than 70 years old was sentenced to one year forced labor. Ms. Qu Jun's entire family has been illegally imprisoned many times. As a result of all this pressure, Ms. Qu Jun's mother suffered from a stroke and now she is always in a trance.

    Mr. Yu Changshun, 42 years old, was from Daliba Village, Daliba Tun, Daliba Township, Songyuan City, Jilin Province. On July 7, 2001, he was abducted in Shenyang City. Before he was arrested, he worked for the Xinhe Electronics Company, Jinzhou District, Dalian City. Mr. Yu Changshun was severely persecuted at Shenyang, and after he was beaten till he lost consciousness, the police turned his fingers upward. His deposit of twenty thousand yuan is still kept at Shenyang without being returned to him. Later he was sent to the Pulandian Detention Center in Dalian and transferred to Dalian Forced Labor Camp for three years, where he was tortured with all kinds of methods. As a result, he was physically disabled and bedridden. He was unable to handle his daily life. The hospital diagnosed that he had several complications. On November 17, 2003, his family was asked to pick him up from the Dalian Labor Camp, after the police had deducted one thousand yuan from the deposit. The officials from Songyuan city, where he came from did not want to take him back as they did not want to go through any paper work procedures. Now Mr. Yu Changshun does not feel well ever since he was released. On August 2, 2006, he was abducted by Wanli Police Station in Dalian City's Development District. He is still jailed in the Development District Detention Center.

    Ms. Cong Peijing, 31 years old, is from Pulandian, Dalian City. She has been abducted and persecuted and has since become homeless. In 2001, she broke her cervical vertebra when she jumped down from a building at a police sub-station in Jinzhou City. Ms. Cong Peijing was once arrested along with Li Zhongmin, who was persecuted to death at Dabei Prison. She was once also arrested with Wu Di, a fellow practitioner from Dalian. On August 2, 2006, she was abducted by Wanli Police Station at the Dalian City's Development District, and at present she is imprisoned in the Development District Detention Center.

    Ms. Yu Xiaoli has been abducted many times, and has been repeatedly tortured at the Masanjia Labor Camp. On August 2, 2006, she was abducted by the Wanli Police Station at the Dalian City's Development District, and is jailed in the Development District Detention Center.

    Ms. Mai Yulong Recounts the Vicious Abuse She Suffered in Kuitun City Police Department

    Here I would like to give an account of the persecution I have suffered. This will let people see clearly how those malicious police in Kuitun City, under the brainwashing of the vicious Communist Party culture, abused and tortured an older woman nearing 60 years of age.

    My name is Mai Yulong and I was born May 1, 1947. I am a retired cadre in Xinjiang Province's Urumqi Railroad Bureau. I reside at Number 16, Unit 2, 28th Building of the Kuitun City Train Station's East Family Members District Retirement Home. I obtained Falun Gong in 1996 and started the  practice of Falun Gong.

    On May 15, 2001, I was unlawfully incarcerated in a labor camp for two years by the Kuitun City police simply because I practice Falun Gong. On November 2, 2005, I was illegally detained again by the Kuitun City police. They tried to extort a confession from me, and then sent me to labor camp for a year. I am currently imprisoned in the 5th Group of Changji Labor Camp.

    On September 2, 2005, I was arrested on a train when police illegally searched and found Falun Gong books in my bag.

    The Kuitun City Police Department's National Protection Regiment Deputy Captain Liu Mou came to the interrogation room. The first thing he did when he came in was to scream and call me a "traitor," "rebel," "faithful dog of imperialism," and other vulgar expletives (dirty word omitted). Liu Mou then slapped my face furiously. I said to him, "You are the people's police. Why are you beating and abusing people instead of upholding the law in a civilized manner? What crime have I committed?" After hearing these words, Liu Mou became even more resentful, and swung even harder with punches and kicks. He said, "I do not need to be civilized by you, you deserve it if I should beat you to death." Liu Mou hit harder still. He picked me up with both hands and furiously threw me onto the sofa.

    My back was injured when it hit the frame of the sofa. It was so painful that I couldn't move. Liu Mou unleashed more fists and kicks, and slapped my face hard. Even now, the hearing in my right ear has yet to recover fully. As Liu Mou vented his fury, he cursed, "I'll let you sample the real color of the people's police. If you don't come clean with me, yours truly is going to let you walk in here, but leave flat on your back. I don't believe I can't straighten you out." Liu Mou beat me for a long time. He was dripping with sweat and exhausted. Finally, he couldn't hit any more. The other policeman who came in with him, Li Jianmin said, "Let's take our time fixing her." Li ordered me to stand up. My back was in such pain I couldn't get up. Liu Mou swore at me saying I was faking it. He then lifted me up. I managed to lean on the wall to stand. Liu Mou then handcuffed me with my arms behind my back and left standing for an hour. In the evening, Liu Mou handcuffed me in the police station until 10:00 a.m. the morning of September 30 before they undid the handcuffs.

    At 5:00 p.m. on September 30, policeman Li Jianmin started to interrogate me. I denied the circumstances that the police had trumped up against me. Li held up a piece of paper with a few words written on it. He angrily said, "Other people have all admitted it. You (dirty word omitted) have yet to come clean. Daddy will make you walk out of here unable to eat." The vicious policeman Li slapped me a dozen times, then punched my head and chest. The punches took off a piece of skin on my forehead. As Li went on hitting, he still swore at me, "If you don't confess, I'll rip your stinky mouth off." He then used his fingers to grab my mouth to tear it. My mouth was torn and it bled. My face was all swollen from the beating, my head felt numb and heavy. I said to him, "You just want to torture me to gains a 'confession.'" Li was furious. He fiercely pummeled me. Then he said, "Today daddy's going to beat a confession [out of you], you just have to talk. Even if you have nothing to confess, you still have to confess something. This is not severe abuse, rather, you are not telling the truth. I don't believe I can't break you. If I can't break you then daddy's not a man." Li Jianmin handcuffed my left wrist then forcefully yanked at it. He used one hand to push my arm upwards, the other hand lifted up the handcuff. The vicious police Fan Mou pressed my right arm to my back. The pain was hard to bear. I struggled in desperation.

    I managed to free myself and ran for the door. Because I was very dizzy from the beating, I couldn't tell where I was going and bumped into the wall. Police Li said, "You want to commit suicide, then daddy will help you." He grabbed my hair and hit me against the wall seven or eight times. Because it made quite a loud sound, he was afraid that people outside could hear it, so he held my hair and dragged me to another wall and banged my head against it a few times. I lost consciousness from the impact.

    After a while, in my semiconscious state I heard Li said, "[She's] faking death, put her in handcuffs again, even if it cripples her." Li, and Fan, the two vicious policemen then handcuffed my wrists behind my back. The intense pain woke me from my semiconscious state. I screamed very loudly for help. The police feared that their vicious crimes would be exposed, so they released the handcuffs. Soon my wrists began to swell. At approximately 8:00 p.m., the police called my workplace cadres to take me back.

    On November 17, 2005, the Kuitun City police department illegally decided to put me in a labor camp for a year until October 1, 2006.

    I have already initiated legal proceedings at the Weiwuer Region High People's Court. However, I still haven't heard any reply.

    Kuitun City Police Department phone number: 86-992-3313043