The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- August 14, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Ms. Bai Yuzhi, a Practitioner from Jingxing County, Persecuted to the Point of Blindness by Hebei Province Women's Prison

  • Jinzhou City Forced Labor Camp Intensifies Its Brutal Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners

  • The Persecution Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners from Anqiu City in Shandong Province

  • The Persecution Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners from Anqiu City in Shandong Province (Continued)

  • The Police in Chifeng City Tears Apart My Family

  • Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Baotou Detention Center

  • Mr. Bo Fucheng Has Been Tortured for Two Months, But Zhaoyuan Detention Center Refuses Family Visits

  • Mr. Wang Xiaodong Was Illegally Tried, His Mother Followed and Harassed

  • Some Facts about the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Longkou City, Shandong Province

  • The Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in Changyi, Shandong Province

  • Falun Gong Practitioners Brutally Tortured at the Wuxi City Brainwashing Center in Jiangsu Province

  • The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhang Lingde from Jiamusi City

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Chu Liwen’s Current Whereabouts Unknown After Being Sent to Weibei Prison

  • Four Falun Gong Practitioners in Tangshan City Left Home to Avoid Persecution

  • Ms. Bai Yuzhi, a Practitioner from Jingxing County, Persecuted to the Point of Blindness by Hebei Province Women's Prison

    Ms. Bai Yuzhi, in her 40s, is a former member of the Jingxing County Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Since she persisted in her belief in Falun Gong, she has been detained in the Hebei Province Women's Prison. Due to long-term persecution, she became blind and throws up blood. She also almost died several times. At present she cannot take care of herself. Her family members applied for her release for medical treatment, but the prison authorities have kept putting off approval.

    Since Ms. Bai refused to give up Falun Gong, she was detained many times and was sentenced to forced labor. She was detained in the Tangshan City Kaiping Forced Labor Camp and subjected to inhuman torment. Afterwards she held a hunger strike for more than 100 days. Her relatives and friends have appealed in every way for her release. As a result, she was released for medical treatment. Before she totally recovered, however, police officers dropped in to harass her some more. She was compelled to be destitute and homeless to avoid re-arrest.

    In August 2002, she was taken away from her residence in Shijiazhuang City and sent to the Shijiazhuang City No. 2 Detention Center. In September 2002. She held a hunger strike to protest the persecution. She was force-fed and became critically ill several times. Her whole body developed edema. She was quite weak and could only lie in bed. She could not take care of herself.

    At the beginning of 2003, she lost sight in both of her eyes. On April 10, 2003, she started to spit up blood. Despite her condition, the guards still did not stop force-feeding her. The detention center personnel reported to their superiors that she was critically ill. but the 610 Office did not relent. They turned down her family's request for release on bail and sentenced her to jail for four years. On May 19, 2003, Ms. Bai, together with Wang Yunman, was sent to the Shijiazhuang No. 2 Women’s Prison. Later she was transferred to the Hebei Province Women’s Prison.

    For the last three years, her health has become worse and worse. Her family has requested her release on bail many times. The prison authorities used the excuse that higher authorities will not allow her release.

    Chinese version available at

    Jinzhou City Forced Labor Camp Intensifies Its Brutal Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners

     In late May of 2006, Jinzhou City Forced Labor Camp, located in China's Liaoning Province, began a new round of intensified persecution in an attempt to "transform" Falun Gong practitioners, kindhearted people dedicated to the principles of Truth, Compassion, Forbearance. They are putting drugs in the food that cause abnormalities in the bodies of the practitioners. They continue brutal torture using torture instruments, handcuffs, various versions of hanging a person up, interrogation, threats, and various mental and physical abuses.

    The following practitioners are known to be experiencing intensified severe torture: Mr. Zhan Zhigang; Mr. Song Dechun; Mr. Li Lianjun; Mr. Liu Wei (from Huludao City; Liaoning Province); Mr. Qi Mingli; Mr. Liu Quanwang (from Nanpiao City of Liaoning Province); Mr. Weng Hongjun; Mr. Zhang Pengyu (from Heishan City of Liaoning Province); Mr. Miao Jianguo; Mr. Gong Yanming (from Fuxin City of Liaoning Province); Mr. Li Yong (from Linghai City of Liaoning Province); Mr. Liu Cheng (from Yixian City of Liaoning Province); Mr. Jiao Lin (from Benxi City of Liaoning Province); Mr. Hu Shaowei (from Huludao City),and Mr. Shao Minggang.

    Mr. Zhan Zhigang, Mr. Song Dechun and Mr. Li Lianjun have been singled out for ongoing torture continuously day and night, even now. Their lives are in great danger.

    Mr. Li Lianjun, a Falun Gong practitioner from Linghai City, is severely tortured every day. Practitioner Mr. Qi Mingli had his leg broken during a beating two years ago. He is now handicapped and has almost completely lost his eyesight. Practitioners Mr. Zhang Pengyun, Mr. Weng Hongjun and Mr. Liu Quanwang are tortured from 4:30 am to 9:00 pm every day, causing deteriorating health conditions. The following practitioners also had permanent injury caused by torture: Mr. Li Yong, Mr. Shao Minggang, Mr. Hu Shaowei, Mr. Liu Wei, Mr. Jiao Lin, and Mr. Liu Cheng. Mr. Liu Cheng is being illegally imprisoned beyond his forced-labor term.

    The principal tormentors are Director Mr. Zhang Haiping, The Second Grouphead Bai Jinlong of the Second Group,  Li Songqin, Zhang Chunfeng, Yang Tinglun, Mu Jinsheng, Zhang Jiabin, Du Yuanjiang and Political Instructor Li Songtao. Guards also instructed inmates Guo Shaobei, Sun Jigang, Wang Wuting, Wang Chuan, Li Dongdong and Guo Weibin to beat the Falun Gong practitioners mercilessly. These guards also tortured Falun Gong practitioners in the past: Zhang Haiping, Li Fenglin, Jin Fuli, Bai Jinlong, Yang Tinlun and Zhang Chunfeng.

    These are the facts regarding Jinzhou City Forced Labor Camp, where Falun Gong practitioners have been brutally tortured since 1999. Please pay attention to these cases. Although overseas media have exposed the crimes of these above people several times, they continue to torture Falun Gong practitioners daily under orders of the Chinese Communist Party.

    1. My Experience of Being Arrested and Persecuted

    The Police in Jinzhou City arrested me at home at around 6:30 am on May 1st, 2004. They beat me to the ground, violently cuffed my hands and tied my legs up with wire. Their beating caused injuries to my left knee and left many scars on my hands. They covered my head to keep my identity from public view on the way to the Jinzhou City State Security Bureau. The rooms there were decorated to look like hotel rooms. I was tied to a chair and interrogated by policeman Mr. Shi, but I refused to answer. He searched my clothes and pocketed the 450 Yuan he found. I began a hunger strike in protest of this violent treatment. People from the Police Department came to interrogate me, too. They beat me when I refused to cooperate with them.

    I was sent to the Jinzhou City First Detention Center on the evening of May 2, 2006. I shouted, "Falun Dafa is Good" when leaving the State Security Bureau. Several policemen and Mr. Shi hit my head viciously. They ransacked my home and took a laptop, a desktop computer, three laser printers, three inkjet printers, Falun Gong books and a large amount of paper and materials. They also arrested my fiancee and her mother. We planned to marry in May 2006.

    At the First Detention Center, I refused to wear prison clothing, but the inmates dressed me by force. The guards instructed the inmates to force feed me with salty water that had sugar and powdered milk added to it. The guard Xing ordered the inmates to beat me because I would not talk. By May 5th, police officer Mr. Shi and people from the State Security Bueau sent me and some other inmates to the City Central Hospital for forced feeding, as we were close to death. I shouted, "Falun Dafa is good" at the hospital and was beaten. Policemen Mr. Li Xiejiang and Mr. Sun Zhi’an from the National Security Group interrogated me. I refused to cooperate with them, so they beat me and used torture instruments on me. One brutal torture method that is extremely painful is called "Carrying a Sword on the Back." I reported their crimes to the Director of the First Detention Center, but was ignored.

    At 8 a.m. on May 9, 2006, Mr. Shi from the State Security Bureau and others cuffed my hands behind my back, put shackles on my feet and sent me to Fushun City in Luotai Village, Liaoning Province for brainwashing. I shouted, "Falun Dafa is good" at the toll booth at the highway entrance. They beat me again and threatened me, "We will beat big holes in your ear, if you ever shout again."

    I was extremely weak and was breathing with great difficulty when I arrived in Fushun City at around noon. I saw Fushun City State Security Bureau people, Wujiabao Forced Labor Camp guard Mr. Wu Wei and several former practitioners that have since turned against Falun Gong. I was sent to the Fushun City Third Hospital the evening of May 9, 2006, because I was in a critical condition. The hospital force-fed me and did a blood test. The result indicated that I was in great danger. So, the doctors recommended a hospital stay for me, but Mr. Li Guiwen from the State Security Bureau and policeman Mr. Hong took me back to Luotai Village.

    After I agreed to medical treatment and resumed eating on May 12, 2006, they took me back to the Jinzhou City Affiliated Hospital early on the morning of May 13, 2006. The State Security Bureau had two people monitor me around the clock.

    Mr. Li Hongwen, Mr. Hong and Mr. Song from the State Security Bureau sent me to Linghai City Detention Center the evening of May 19, 2006, because I refused to talk and answer roll call. I was scolded and beaten by the guard in charge of newly arrived detainees. Mr. Li Hongwen and Mr. Hong interrogated me twice. I was taken to Linghai City Hospital to check my leg wounds on May 31st. Linghai City Hospital took an X-ray and CT scan on bad equipment, which did not show any problem. They recommended taking me to Jinzhou City Hospital for a thorough check, but Mr. Hong from the State Security Bureau did not listen to them. Instead, he asked the doctors to issue a statement claiming that I was in good condition. The doctor refused.

    So, Linghai Detention Center and the National Security Bureau transferred me to the Jinzhou City Taihe Police Station. On June 10, 2006, the police from Taihe Police Station lied, saying they took me to the hospital, but actually sent me to the Jinzhou City Forced Labor Camp for three years of forced labor education instead.

    2. I Was Tortured at the Jinzhou City Forced Labor Camp

    At the New Arrival Group, I refused to have a haircut, so the guards ordered inmates to cut my hair. I refused to wear their vest, so they cuffed me to an iron chair for 24 hours. My legs swelled up so much that I could not stand or feel my hands and feet. Next, they cuffed my hands at the back and forced me to sit on a large bed, while two inmates monitored me.

    I refused to wear their vest again on July 2nd. They then cuffed me to the iron chair and beat me. I shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" The inmates who beat me were Mr. Chen Changbin, Mr. An Desheng and Mr. Zu Jibing. They used a very dirty rope to gag my mouth. They did not allow me to sleep for 4 days. I was cuffed to the iron chair or the leg of the bed frame with a picture of Master Li under me for added insult.

    I shouted "Falun Dafa is good" to cuffed practitioner Mr. Jia Jingwen when they released me from confinement the afternoon of July 5, 2006. Mr. Chen beat me until my nose bled. Then, inmates Mr. Chen Qiang and Mr. Liu Qiang from the Second Group took me to the third floor to beat me for refusing to answer their questions. I was taken to the Second Building for "strict management" the evening of July 5, 2006. They forced me to wear the vest, cuffed my hands to the headboard of the bed and forced me to sit on a small stool wearing a so called safety hat. I was forced to get up at 5 am and could not sleep until 9 pm everyday. About two weeks later, they took the handcuffs and safety hat off me.

    In late August, I started to develop scabies due to the bad conditions and was unable to sleep during the night. Around September 15, 2006, the guards started a program called, "attack the fort." The Management Section and New Arrival Group tried to transform me through brainwashing. My hands were cuffed to the sides of my body, a "safety hat" was put on my head, earphones playing Falun Gong-slandering material were put on my ears and I was not allowed to sleep. Those evildoers also pinched my ribs and struck me with sticks and fists. I started to hunger strike to protest this persecution. Mr. Shi Zhenshan force fed me the first time, Mr. Sun Li the second time. Mr. Chen Changbin purposely put a lot of salt into the water when he force fed me. My cries of pain from this torture could be heard from quite a distance away in the building.

    Most viciously, they put Master Li’s picture in my crotch and then on my face. They used a fake "Death Certificate for Mr. Wang Lin (a practitioner)" to threaten me and induce me to give up Falun Gong. Mr. Liu Xingjiang from the Management Section told me fiercely, "You must transform whether you want to or not." The main tormentors in this forced transformation process were Mr. Chen Changbin (from Yixian City), Mr. Yin Mingde (from Taihe District of Liaoning Province), Mr. Wang Tao (from Liupanshui City of Guizhou Province) and Mr. Sun Guoze (from Taihe District).

    On September 24, 2006, attempts to transform me stopped due to the severity of my scabies infestation. They were very itchy, but I could do nothing with my hands cuffed. I was kept at the New Arrival Group strict management area, cuffed to the bed all the time and forced to wear the safety hat. I cooperated with them to treat my scabies during this time. I was taken to the Number 205 Hospital and Affiliated Hospital three times. Every time I was diagnosed with a different illness. The forced labor camp was supposed to cover the medical expense, but the Second Group asked me to sign an I.O.U telling outsiders that the group collected money from its members to treat my illness. I was forced to sign three I.O.U.s for a total of 900 Yuan. Now I declare that all those I.O.U.s are void. Hospitals were not able to heal my scabies and I am still tortured by it now. I requested to sit under the sun, but Mr. Li Fenglin said, "If you don’t transform, you won’t be allowed to sit under the sun."

    Three Falun Gong practitioners were transferred here from Huludao City Forced Labor Camp on February 4, 2005. I was taken to the Third Group for strict management. I was forced to sit on a small stool. I was not allowed to close my eyes, which caused damage to my eyesight. My feet became very cold from lying on the floor for so long. The group head had inmates scold and beat me during this time.

    My family filed for medical leave when they heard of my illness in October 2005. The Jinzhou City Judicial Bureau inquired about my situation. Not only did the forced labor camp not reply to their inquiry, but in collusion with the police station – they arrested my mother-in-law. I heard about this on November 18, 2005, and started a hunger strike to protest the persecution of my family members. On November 21, 2005, they started to force feed me. Myself and several other practitioners continued to resist and the force feeding was stopped. They sent me to the Central Hospital on November 25, 2006. The doctor recommended a hospital stay, but they did not listen. Instead, they brought in some doctors from the Police Hospital of the Petroleum and Chemical Department to give me some shots and force feed me twice a day. Mr. Shi Zhenshan was directly involved in this and kept putting more pressure on me. When I wasn’t cuffed to the bed, I was forced to sit on a small stool. Inmates beat me and guard Mr. Yang Tinglun would slap my face arbitrarily. Office Manager Mr. Tian of the Director’s Office and inmates Mr. Sun Jigang were present. Mr. Bai Jinlong scolded me during my hunger strike, trying to weaken my determination.

    Several practitioners stopped their hunger strikes on December 11, 2005, but I still continued. They took me back to the old building to force-feed me. Mr. Yang Tinglun insulted me and slapped my face. Inmates Liu Yanjun (from Jinzhou City) and Tian Chengbin (from Linghai City) were present. I was forced to stop my hunger strike to avoid more severe torture. They took me back to the Second Group. On December 12, 2005, they secretly took me to the old building to try to force transform me, again. I started a new hunger strike. I was taken back to the Second Group because I had a high temperature that night. The tormentors were Li Songtao, Mu Jinsheng, inmate Guoqing (from Linghai City, Liaoning Province) and a guy called Lao Hei. They used the same torture methods and made me watch a video tape that slandered Falun Gong. They stopped torturing me, because my high temperature continued and I was very weak. Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Quanwang (from Nanpiao City) was also taken there to be "transformed" at the same time. On December 13, 2005, I started eating. Around the 2006 New Year, they took me to the Hospital of the Petroleum and Chemical Department to check my eyesight. I am still being strictly managed.

    We Falun Gong practitioners, who believe in "Truthfulness, Benevolence and, Forbearance," are treated savagely by the Jinzhou City Forced Labor Camp personnel. Our basic human rights and life values are stripped. We face the danger of being tortured to death – a Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Shi Zhongyan was beaten to death earlier.

    Here, I appeal to international society to pay attention to Jinzhou City Forced Labor Camp and thoroughly investigate its crimes, condemn the CCP dictator’s brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and demand their quick release. .

    Chinese version available at

    The Persecution Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners from Anqiu City in Shandong Province

     [Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of]

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Yuying from Pozhuang Village, Guanzhuang Town of Anqiu City is thirty-eight years old. On December 2, 2000, Ms. Zhang Yuying went to Beijing to appeal and was detained by the police, who forcibly took her back to the Guanzhuang Town Birth Control Office that night and held her there for eight days. They also put her into the water dungeon (1), ransacked her home and extorted one thousand yuan from her.

    Practitioner Ms. Zhang Yumei, who is the younger sister of Ms. Zhang Yuying, is thirty-five years old this year. She lives in the North Lijiazhuang Village, in Guanzhuang Town of Anqiu City. On December 2, 2000, Ms. Zhang Yumei went to Beijing to appeal as well, but was held for eight days. On September 22, 2004, police officers forcibly took Ms. Zhang Yumei to the Huaian Hotel of Anqiu City. Four police officers tortured her in turn. She was deprived of sleep and threatened. Ms. Zhang Yumei was subsequently held in the Anqiu City Detention Center for one month. Her family members had five thousand yuan extorted from them before she was released. However, the police continuously went to her home to harass her and ransacked her home three times. She was also forcibly taken to the brainwashing center once and was repeatedly harassed.

    Practitioner Mr. Ma Zhixin is forty-seven years old. On July 20, 1999, Mr. Ma Zhixin and his wife Ms. Zhang Zhenfang were held in the brainwashing center for many days. Their twelve year-old son drowned because no one was there to watch him. In October 1999, Mr. Ma Zhixin and his wife went to Beijing to appeal, but both were arrested and 5,710 yuan were taken away from them immediately. The second day, the couple was arrested and taken to the Anqiu City Detention Center, where they were held illegally. Afterwards, they were taken back to the Danshan CCP School, where they were subjected to brainwashing and experienced inhumane torture. In the end, they were forced to hand in another 40,132 yuan before they were released. In June 2000, Mr. Ma and his wife went to Beijing again to appeal, but were held in the Anqiu Detention Center again. The couple protested the persecution by going on a hunger strike and was near death before they were released. On July 18, 2000, the couple was held for fifteen days. After they were released, they were forced to leave home to avoid being arrested. In April 2002, Mr. Ma and his wife were arrested while out of town and later transferred to the Anqiu City Detention Center. Ms. Zhang Zhenfang was taken to the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp. After Mr. Ma Zhixin was held in the detention center for one month when he suddenly had the symptoms of a stroke and therefore was taken to the Renmin Hospital. After Mr. Ma became handicapped due to torture, the police from Anqiu City took Ms. Zhang Zhenfang from the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp back to the Anqiu City Detention Center and attempted to sentence her. One of the policemen, Li Shenhua, claimed that if Ms. Zhang’s family members could hand in 30,000 yuan, then Ms. Zhang would be released. So her family members and friends gathered up 30,000 yuan and gave it to Li Shenhua (male). However, Ms. Zhang Zhenfang was still sentenced to five years of imprisonment and was put into the Jinan City Women’s Prison. In the past several years, Mr. Ma Zhixin’s family has had money extorted from them totaling 77,842 yuan, as well as two motorcycles and a camcorder.

    Practitioner Ms. Zhang Lihua is from Beiguan Village, Xin’an Street of Anqiu City. In October 1999, she went to Beijing to appeal and was later taken back and detained for one night. Later Ms. Zhang Lihua went to Beijing to appeal again. She was taken back again and detained. She went on a hunger strike for nine days and was released. After she returned home, she decided to go to Beijing again to appeal. She went to Tiananmen Square to unfurl a banner and was taken back. Ms. Zhang went on a hunger strike for six days before she was released. Later she decided that she still wanted to go to Beijing to appeal. However, she was seized before she even reached Beijing. She was held for ten days. In the spring of 2001, the Town Government and Town Police Station attempted to take her to the brainwashing center. Ms. Zhang Lihua was forced to leave home, but was still arrested in Hanjia Village and taken to the brainwashing center, where she was tortured. Ms. Zhang Lihua managed to escape from the brainwashing center and was forced to lead a homeless life. Later she was arrested again. Her arms were broken when they handcuffed her hands behind her back. After she was illegally held in the detention center for one month, the authorities attempted to send her to forced labor camps. However, upon physical examination, Ms. Zhang Lihua was not qualified for forced labor, so she was again sent to the brainwashing center, where she was tortured.

    (1) Wearing cotton coat and pants, some practitioners are forced to sit down beside the cell vent in a very uncomfortable contorted position, unable to stretch or lie down. The water dungeon area is very small and one can't lean against the wall for support. The practitioner is forced to sit on the cold cement floor. The police then pour water onto the floor, soaking one’s coat and pants with freezing water. After they repeatedly pour water into the dungeon, one’s body will be completely soaked and partially immersed in water. Oftentimes the water can go chest deep. Ice-cold water and wind would chill one to the bones. If one does not yield, this torture continues indefinitely. See illustration on

    /emh/articles/2004/7/5/49890p.html .

    Chinese version available at

    The Persecution Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners from Anqiu City in Shandong Province (Continued)

    Case 1

    My name is Li Wencai. I live in Anqiu City, Shandong Province. I was illegally detained many times after July 20, 1999. With fellow practitioners from the same village I went to Beijing on December 28, 1999 [of the Chinese lunar calendar] to appeal for Falun Gong. When we arrived at the train station, police arrested us. Song Shuling, the former secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee, savagely beat me and forced me to squat in the snow. He struck me in the head several times. They sent me to the police department, where Zhang Hongtao beat me for a while. Some villagers cried when they saw the police beat me so severely.

    The officers held me in a small room, the Birth Planning Office. My lower back hurt so much the next day that I could not move. I spent the 2000 Chinese New Year at the police department. Then, in January 2001, I went to northeast China to visit my sister and I shared my experiences with local practitioners. I brought my sister some truth clarification materials, but her in-laws reported me to the police, who arrested me and took me to the police department. The police extorted money from my sister's family but did not release me. They sent me to Xinbin County Detention Center in Liaoning Province, where they held me for more than ten days. I went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. The detention center authorities demanded 10,000 yuan from my sister's family. The extended family handed over more than 7,000 yuan before they were allowed to take me home.

    In October 2001, other practitioners and I distributed truth clarification materials and we were reported. The police ransacked my home several times and took Falun Gong books and a recently purchased recorder. I was sentenced to three years of forced labor. After my release, the police harassed me at my home.

    Case 2

    My name is Wu Lanmei. I am 61 years old, and I live in Yuanshang Village, Linwu Town, Anqiu City. I was very sick before I practiced Falun Gong, and medical treatment didn't help me. Fortunately, I started practicing Falun Gong in September 1998, and I started to read Falun Gong books and do the exercises. All of my illnesses disappeared. I realized that Falun Gong has miraculous powers. The Communist regime banned Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, and people were no longer allowed to read Falun Gong books or do the exercises. I knew that Falun Gong was good and I wanted to go to Beijing to defend Falun Gong, but nowhere were our voices heard. Officers from Qutou Police Department arrested me and sent me to Anqiu Police Department and held me there for 15 days. After I got out, I was detained at a fertilizer factory for 45 days because my husband worked at the factory

    After I got home, I felt terrible. Such a wonderful practice was being slanderously attacked. Falun Gong was being framed. I again went to Beijing to appeal and was once again arrested and detained by Beijing police. They sent me back to the Anqiu Detention Center. I held a hunger strike for six days to protest the persecution and was released. Officials from the Anqiu Police Department arrested many practitioners as a money making venture by extorting money from the victims' families. I went to visit a friend in January 2002, but because police had arrested a Falun Gong practitioner who was living at his home, the police were already waiting outside the home. When I knocked on the door, the police arrested me and took me to a detention center. I went on a hunger strike, and the guards brutally force-fed me. I almost died from torture. During this period, the guards extorted 4,000 yuan from my family and held me for 15 days before I went home. Afterwards, the police frequently harassed me at home and we could not live a normal life.

    Case 3

    My name is Xia Xihan. I am a 67-year-old worker employed at the Anqiu City Chemical Factory. I started practicing Falun Gong in October 1999. All of my illnesses disappeared through practice. I have not taken a single pill since. Such a wonderful practice was banned in1999. Since I had benefited physically and mentally from Falun Gong, I wanted to tell people the facts about it, yet the government arrested everyone who went to appeal. Officers from Qutou Police Department arrested and held me at the Anqiu Police Department Detention Center for 15 days, after which Wang Fudu, head of the factory where I worked, detained me for 45 days. They released me after extorting 3,000 yuan from me. The factory superiors deducted six months of my salary and paid me only 206 yuan a month from that point forward.

    I had no choice but to secretly practice at home. The police arrested many practitioners in order to make money. One day in July 2002, officers from the Anqiu Police Department including Jia Zaijun and Ge Jiang again arrested me while I was walking down the street. They took me to a detention center and put me in handcuffs and shackles, connecting them together. I could not take care of myself because my arms and legs were locked in place.

    During this time, about eight guards ransacked my home and took all of my Falun Gong books, a computer that my daughter later retrieved, ten boxes of incense, and adhesive paper. They also demanded 15,000 yuan from my family and said they would send me to a labor camp if they didn't pay. My family didn't want me to suffer, so they paid the money, and I went home. After I returned home, I kept up with truth telling to appeal for Falun Gong and to exopse the persecution. I went to the factory to clarify the truth and ask for my salary. I learned that factory head Wang Fudu had sent two people to look for me in 1999 when I went to Beijing, but in fact they did not bother to look for me. They spent five days traveling and demanded 1,700 yuan from me when they returned. I asked for receipts but they didn't have any. They deducted the 1,700 yuan from my salary. During the past six years, more than 10,000 yuan was deducted from my salary. Right now they still have 3,000 yuan of my salary.

    Many practitioners have been brutally persecuted over the past seven years, their families broken up and they themselves unable to return home. The Communist regime is responsible for the practitioners' tribulations.

    Head of the Anqiu City Chemical Factory Wang Fudu and his wife have been responsible for the persecution against me. Wang Fudu's cell phone number is 86-13706461992

    Case 4

    My name is Cao Hongguang, and I started practicing Falun Gong on June 9, 1999. I used to suffer from heart disease, hepatitis, stomach ulcer, and many other conditions. I also had severe, chronic insomnia and had lost the will to live. I went to a hospital and was told that I needed a second open-heart surgery. Luckily I met a Falun Gong practitioner who introduced Falun Gong to me and lent me a copy of Zhuan Falun. I was so happy to obtain this precious book and wished that I had gotten it earlier. I knew then that this is a book that had high xinxing standards for those who wished to follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. After that I whole-heartedly devoted myself to reading the book twice. It was the sixth day after I first got the book when I was suddenly hit by violent bouts of diarrhea, but I didn't feel uncomfortable at all. Strangely, I felt truly relieved afterwards and my temperament improved greatly. My whole family was very happy and said that Falun Gong was good. My 80-year-old mother also learned Falun Gong, and she became healthy, too.

    Jiang Zemin's regime started to persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, and slandered Falun Gong and Master Li. Falun Gong practitioners from all over the country appealed for justice. I went to Beijing on October 13, 1999, to tell people the facts about Falun Gong.

    I saw appealing Falun Gong practitioners everywhere in Beijing. I also saw plainclothes police officers arresting practitioners all over the place. Around October 20, dozens of practitioners from Anqiu City, including me, who had gone to Beijing to appeal, were arrested at the same time. We were beaten and kicked and put in a vehicle. We were driven back to Anqiu City overnight. After we were taken into the Anqiu Police Department, we were first videotaped and then interrogated, one by one. Between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. for two days, the sounds of curses and beatings was constantly heard at the police department. Some practitioners were hung up with their hands handcuffed behind their backs. After about two days of interrogation, we were sent to custody centers and detention centers. I was sent to a custody center.

    The custody center authorities refused to let us do the exercises. The guards barbarically beat us when they saw us doing the exercises. Some of them shocked us with electric batons, some of them handcuffed us behind our backs, and, worst of all, they tried to coerce us to give up Falun Gong. Then the guards took me home and forced my family and friends to try to talk me into giving up my belief. I refused to cooperate with them. My family and friends cried and cursed me. They didn't even spare my parents, who were 90 and 85 years old. After 15 days they saw that I refused to give up Falun Gong, so they sent me back to the Birth Planning Office to further persecute me.

    I was held at the Birth Planning Office for about eight days. In the end I was the only one left in the office. Zhang Wenrong, assistant to the mayor, talked to me, but I still refused to give up Falun Gong. My employers, however, were pressured by their superiors. They took me home after imposing a 50,000 yuan fine on my family. They also organized my relatives to form a group to watch me. Each member of the group was made to sign a document and provide their fingerprint. They gave my employers a copy and another copy to me.

    I recovered one month later. One person named Cui and another person from the same town started to try to "reform" me for about three days. Officials from my place of work said to me, "You must write a paper that says you will not practice Falun Gong in public, since you are not allowed to practice outside anyway." I wrote, "[I] will not practice [Falun Gong] at public places from now on." My family had to borrow almost all of the money for this "fine."

    Later I wrote a solemn announcement in which I renounced all of the wrong things I did under the Communist Party's persecution. My work place returned the "fines" to my family in increments.

    Before the Qingming Festival between April 4 and 6 in 2000, two policemen tricked me to come to the police department, saying they wanted to talk to me. They suspected that I had organized Falun Gong practitioners to appeal. They interrogated me for two days but didn't get any "evidence," but still detained me for another 15 days without any due process. They also extorted 200 yuan from me. I held a hunger strike for six days and was released on medical parole.

    I went to Beijing again to appeal in August 2000. My family and people from my place of work brought me back from the train depot. Then they watched me at home. About one hour later, three officials from the town government came to my home and tried to take me to the Birth Planning Office. One official was Du and the other two officers I had never seen before. I sat on the couch and said in a calm but serious tone, "What's wrong with me practicing Falun Gong and Truthfulness-Compassion- Tolerance? I won't let you guys take me away today, even if I have just one breath left." They said they were going to take me to the village Party Committee and came up to me and started to drag me. I immediately ran my head into the windowsill. They were shocked and left without saying anything. I had not studied the principle of Falun Gong well enough at the time and I didn't think whether or not my actions would adversely affect Falun Gong's reputation. I only thought that I would not be detained, even if I had to die.

    Officers from the Chengbei Police Department arrested me on the evening of September 7, 2000, when I was distributing truth clarification flyers in Chengbei. Li Shenghua sent me to a detention center, to be held for one month. I refused to give up Falun Gong. Li Shenghua sent me to a Party school brainwashing center on October 8, 2000.

    I remained determined in my belief in Falun Gong. More than ten collaborators attacked me. At noon on the sixth day my whole body suddenly turned cold and I could not speak. I was rushed to the emergency room. The right half of my body was paralyzed and I also had difficulty swallowing. I was hospitalized for nine days. Officials from the brainwashing center told my family to take me home so they wouldn't have to pay the medical expenses. On the sixth day, the officials refused to pay the medical bill. The hospital stopped giving me medications. After my family went to the officials, the officials paid for another three days of hospital expenses. They extorted a 1,500 yuan brainwashing fee from my family.

    Pan Xiaolu, Wang Ziqing and Hu Shaoqun all work at the 610 Office.

    Song from Chengbei reported me to the Beiguan Police Department on the evening of April 2, 2003, when I was distributing flyers. Li Shenghua fabricated charges against me and tried to sentence me to three years of forced labor. Because people from various sides opposed the labor camp sentence, I was sent back to the detention center to be released after the May 1 holiday. During this period, Li Shenghua lied and claimed that my labor camp sentence has been reported to Weifang City. He demanded 10,000 yuan from my family before he would release me. My family didn't know the truth and gave Li Shenghua 8,000 yuan, the amount having been lowered after intervention from my work place officials.

    My practitioner mother was so frightened after my latest arrest that she fell ill and was hospitalized. Although she underwent emergency care, her health declined by the day. She used to be perfectly healthy through practicing Falun Gong. She passed away from illness one year after my arrest, due to fear and anguish from the persecution.

    My home was ransacked at least three times between July 20, 1999 and April 2003. Li Shenghua, Jia Zaijun, and other lawless officials ransacked it. They took all of my Falun Gong books and exercise items and other things.

    Chinese version available at

    The Police in Chifeng City Tears Apart My Family

    My name is Hu Suhua. I had many diseases before I practiced Falun Gong. These diseases remained incurable for a long time. I suffered so much that I almost gave up the hope of living. Since I began practicing Falun Gong, all of my diseases have miraculously disappeared. I have been subjected to persecution many times in Chifeng City, Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region. My husband divorced me under intense pressure.

    In November 2005, a Falun Gong practitioner from out of town was arrested at my house. State Security agent Bu Ren (male) and other policemen ransacked my house. They took away all of the Falun Gong materials and machines that were stored at my house, and they also confiscated my personnel belongings, including the refrigerator, a color TV, an end table, a rocking chair, a gas can, a rice cooker, a bed, a bed stand, luggage, and all of my cotton quilts, bedding and clothes. They also took 5,000 yuan in cash and my child's personal items. All together, my financial loss of about 10,000 yuan put me in a difficult situation. I had no choice but to leave home to avoid further persecution. My son, who studies at a college out of town, could not contact me. Finding money to buy food was a problem for him and he had to seek help from the boss of a restaurant. The boss agreed to help when he saw the teenager who had not eaten for several days. My son's schoolmates later learned about his difficulty. Although they are very poor themselves, they still kindly helped my son.

    My sister suffered from high blood pressure and skin disease for many years. All of her diseases disappeared when she began to practice Falun Gong. After the Jiang Zemin regime began persecuting Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, police from the Sanzhong Street Station forced my sister to sign statements promising to give up the practice. Her family members, who do not know the truth, also monitor her and even beat and curse her. She is forbidden from doing the exercises and is sad in her heart. In June 2002, my sister fainted on the street and was sent to the hospital. She was diagnosed with a brain stem hemorrhage. She has since been paralyzed in bed and cannot speak. My sister's husband also suffers from many diseases, including heart disease and colon cancer. My brother had high blood pressure with cerebral thrombosis and needs to be taken care of as well. My mother is nearly 80 years old. I want to go back to visit my family members with severe diseases and take care of my child. However, the agents from the National Security Group have staked out my family's residences. My sister and brother are worried about it and they want to visit me, but cannot do so. Their health has become even worse.

    Chinese version available at

    Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Baotou Detention Center

    Wardens at the Baotou Detention Center of Inner Mongolia have brutally persecuted Falun Gong practitioners for a long time. The persecution methods include force feeding, handcuffing behind the back, tying practitioners’ hands and feet with steel chains so that they can hardly walk, thus making it extremely difficult to use the restroom, etc. Many Falun Gong practitioners were persecuted to the point of becoming disabled and couldn’t even take care of themselves in their daily lives.

    A practitioner from Shandong was put in a detention center and tortured and persecuted to a point where one side of his body became paralyzed. He became incontinent and had to have someone take care of him at all times. The prison warden took away the 400 yuan which was supposed be given to this practitioner by his family. Later this practitioner was taken back to his hometown.

    Another practitioner on the second floor was frequently brought out to be tormented by interrogation and torture. One time he was shocked by electric baton so hard that he was pushed back into the steel fence gate.

    However, practitioners did very well in the detention center. They maintained their dignity, and were respected and admired even by the majority of the ordinary prisoners.

    Practitioner Shang Huiying (presently still being kept at the Huhhot Women's Prison) showed symptoms of lost appetite after going on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. She once even swallowed a small pair of scissors to resist the torture and persecution. (Editor's note: During the extremely painful tortures, the victims even tried to take their own life to resist the pain. However, these were ordinary people’s thoughts and actions. Such incidents were sometimes seen among Chinese people who were subjected to a lot of torture. Nevertheless, it’s not how a practitioner should behave, because it doesn’t conform to Falun Gong’s principle of not killing or committing suicide.) Later, she was made to eat a big bunch of leeks so that the scissors would come out with her stool. The prison police tied her and some drug addicts together with a chain, and told the drug addicts, "As long as the scissors she swallowed don't come out, you will be kept tied up with her." In the Baotou Detention Center, Shang Huiying’s body suffered enormous devastation. She was only given steamed buns and rice gruel, and she was unable to keep even that down. Her body wasn’t able to absorb anything and she became very thin and weak. Later she was sentenced to 7 years in jail.

    After Falun Gong practitioner Wang Xia started a hunger strike to protest the persecution, she was dragged out for forced feeding every day. Her hands and feet were shackled and linked with a steel chain. Often several people would put her on a metal chair, hold her head still, and push in a plastic tube to force-feed her. She suffered long-term torture, and one time, after being force-fed, she was thrown to the ground by the wardens. Because of being subjected to brutal force-feeding, and nearly having lost consciousness, she wasn’t able to move even a little bit on the ground. At that time, a warden even said that it was to let her have a "sun bath" and didn’t show any concern about whether she was alive or not. Because of warden Li Ping’s encouragement, the criminal prisoners often assaulted her. Criminal prisoner Li Jinglian even took off her own sanitary napkin and pushed it into Wang Xia’s mouth. Wang Xia tried to face up to Li Jinglian, but Li Jinglian then slapped Wang Xia and didn’t let her sleep. The head of the feeding tube was big and rough. When it was pulled out of the mouth, it was more than 3-4 feet long. The prison nurse whose surname is Ren (female, over 50 years old) said wickedly, "Use the steel pipe to feed her." In just a few days, Wang Xia’s throat was severely infected. Later she was forced to do manual labor in the labor camp and suffered from long-term dust inhalation. She incurred serious pharyngolaryngitis and exhibited symptoms of tracheitis. Each day she coughed deep into the night

    Below are the wardens in the Baotou Detention Center who have carried out the persecution:

    Chief warden Wang Yao: He is noted for tricking practitioners with false kindness.

    Warden Li Ping and her husband Li Fan stole a TV from the prison. She had prisoners wash bed sheets and clothes and knit woolen sweaters for her. She made the prisoners take care of almost all her housework. She said to practitioner Wang Xia, "Aren’t you on a hunger strike? It wouldn’t matter even if you die this time. We have (death) allowances."

    Zhao Yunfeng, Zhao Haifeng, Dong Huiru, and Gao are all police officers known for their role in the persecution and taking part in the persecution of practitioners.

    Chinese version available at

    Mr. Bo Fucheng Has Been Tortured for Two Months, But Zhaoyuan Detention Center Refuses Family Visits

    On May 21, 2001, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Bo Fucheng was illegally arrested again. He is currently tortured and detained in the Zhaoyuan Detention Center. It has been two months since he was arrested. It is not known if he is still alive. The detention center refuses family visits.

    Bo Fucheng is a practitioner from Bojia village, Xiadian town, Zhaoyuan city, Shandong province. Since he started to practice Falun Gong in the spring of 1997, he has followed the principle of "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance" and tried to be a better person. His family became harmonious, he became a diligent person, and he gave up his bad habits. He has a peanut-planting machine at home. Every planting season, other villagers would ask for his help to plant peanuts. He always tried his best to do it, showing the attitude of a Falun Gong practitioner. He is well-liked and respected by his fellow villagers.

    However, since July 20, 1999, like thousands of Falun Gong practitioners, he encountered brutal persecution. Since then, his family has not found peace.

    Falun Gong is maliciously slandered and innocent practitioners are persecuted. Bo Fucheng has deeply benefited from Falun Gong, and he believed that the persecution was because the government did not know the truth about Falun Gong. How could he know that it was purposely designed and started by a jealous man, Jiang Zemin?

    In November 1999, Bo Fucheng and another two practitioners went to Beijing to appeal and to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to the government. Halfway there, he was stopped by people from the town government. Wang Chunhui, the political secretary of Xiadian town, together with two vicious people from the government, Wang Shuzheng and Zhang You, illegally detained Bo Fucheng in the meeting room and garage of the town government. People from the birth-control office were also involved. They took turns to torture and beat Bo Fucheng, almost killed him. One of the men claimed: "I don’t believe that Falun Gong can resist more torture." Then he violently kicked Bo Fucheng’s lower abdomen, making Bo Fucheng’s muscles spasm. On November 20, 2000, Bo Fucheng went to Beijing again to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong. As a result, he was illegally arrested by policemen from Tiananmen Square in Beijing. He was taken back by an agent specializing in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, who was sent from Zhaoyuan city to Beijing. He was detained in a detention center and persecuted there for more than two months. Later, he was sent to Wangchun Labor Camp in Zibo, Shandong province for forced brainwashing for two weeks.

    In the afternoon on May 21, 2006, Bo Fucheng got an unexpected phone call, asking him to make a trip to Biguo town in Zhaoyuan city. At night, Bo Fucheng rode his motorcycle and went to Biguo town. In the end, he was arrested by national security in Zhaoyuan city. On the morning of the second day, Hou Yunxian, Xu Jiasheng, and 28 policemen from the national security team from Zhaoyuan city, driving 5 police cars and with Bo Fucheng in one of the cars, went to Bo Fucheng’s home and illegally ransacked it. They took away items valued from 30,000 – 40,000 yuan, including a computer and copy machine. A savings certificate of 6,000 yuan was also taken away from Bo Fucheng’s home. At the same time, another practitioner from the same village, Bo Fuyu, was also arrested. Later, more than 9 practitioners from the same town were arrested.

    Bo Fucheng was illegally detained in the Zhaoyuan City Detention Center and tortured there. He was beaten up by policemen until he lost consciousness. Then he was revived with cold water and beaten until he passed out again. He was also hung up with cuffs for a long time. He was tortured until he almost died. It is not known whether he is still alive.

    Bo Fucheng’s illegal arrest gave his family members tremendous hardship both mentally and physically. Bo Fucheng simply refused to give up his belief. He went to Beijing to appeal, exercising rights given by the country’s constitution. He tried to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to people with his tremendous sacrifice. It was the display of his great compassion and tolerance.

    Chinese version available at

    Mr. Wang Xiaodong Was Illegally Tried, His Mother Followed and Harassed

     It has been more than four months since Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Xiaodong from Huadian City, Jilin Province was arrested at home while carrying water to his house. Because he would not confess to the police, Mr. Yu Jinji and others from Huadian City Police Department Internal Security Unit tortured him using methods that included force-feeding of petroleum and a machine used to shake his head.

    Mr. Yu Jinji and 610 Office staff Mr. Yang Baolin planted fabricated evidence to take Mr. Wang Xiaodong to court, but the Huadian City Procuratorate rejected their requests three times for a lack of sufficient evidence. Mr. Yu Jinji continued to collect "criminal evidence" and after several delays the Procuratorate held a closed trial for Mr. Wang Xiaodong on July 6.

    His family members overcame many hurdles to see Mr. Wang Xiaodong in court, where he was locked in an iron cage. No matter how loudly his family members shouted at him, Mr. Wang kept his head down and never responded – it was as though he never heard anything. Seeing a doctor with a medical bag standing next to Mr. Wang, his family believed that he had been injected with some unknown drug that kept him unconscious. The illegal trial finished quickly.

    For the last several months, Mr. Wang's mother has been pushed around, harassed, insulted and even threatened by Mr. Yu Jinji and other people from the Huadian City Internal Security Unit. She was very worried when she heard that her son had been severely tortured. She suffered greatly in court when she saw that her son was unable to recognize her after several months.

    According to someone familiar with Mr. Wang Xiaodong’s case, not only did the authorities keep following Mr. Wang’s mother, but they also followed and harassed whoever tried to help her. As the result, Mr. Wang’s mother often did not go back to her home at night but instead stayed on the side of the road or beneath bridges. Afraid of being implicated, those people who wanted to help her only stood by watching, or even made her situation worse.

    Mr. Yang Baolin also lied to Mr. Wang's family members, saying, "He (Mr. Wang Xiaodong) has confessed everything and named all the people that he worked with him." Actually, an insider told his family member that the judge asked Mr. Wang Xiaodong why he said nothing during four interrogations. Mr. Wang replied, "I did not do anything illegal. Why did they arrest me when I was carrying water to my house? And why am I on trial?"

    Mr. Wang Xiaodong held a hunger strike to protest this persecution when he was detained. He held another hunger strike before his trial. All local practitioners, please coordinate with Mr. Wang Xiaodong’s family to request his release and expose these horrific acts. Practitioners who see this information, please use your righteous thoughts to strengthen Mr. Wang Xiaodong to help him quickly get out of detention.

    Chinese version available at

    Some Facts about the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Longkou City, Shandong Province

    [Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (the Chinese version of]

    On February 9, 2000, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Lv Changying, who lives in the southeast village, Beima Town, Longkou City, Shandong Province, was arrested by the police while she was doing the exercises outside. On May 27, 2001, several police broke into a workshop and carried Ms. Lv away. They sent her to the Wangchun Forced Labor Camp in Zibo for brainwashing. Ms. Lv protested by going on a hunger strike but was then tortured by forced feeding. She was detained nine times until 2003, totaling 230 days in detention. She was fined 3,000 yuan.

    On February 9, 2000, practitioner Ms. Liu Cuiying, 53 years old, who lives in Beima Town, Longkou City, Shandong Province, was arrested and held in an iron cage by the police just because she was doing the exercises outside. That evening, Ms. Liu’s mother was dying. Her mother died not long after the two police officers took her home. Then the police again illegally arrested Ms. Liu and detained her in the Beima Installation Company Brainwashing Center for 30 days. During those 30 days, her house was illegally searched twice and she was extorted out of 2000 yuan. On July 6, 2000, she was detained in the Beima Installation Company Brainwashing Center for 18 days and fined 100 yuan. On Sept. 30, 2000, she was again arrested and placed in the Zhangjiagou Detention House for 15 days just because she went to Beijing to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. After she was released, she was detained in the Beima Installation Company. On May 27, 2001, the police broke into Ms. Liu Cuiying’s house and sent her to the Xiadingjia brainwashing center in Longkou City, where she was detained for 20 days. Since the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999, Ms. Liu Cuiying has been illegally detained for a total of 80 days and has been fined a total of 2900 yuan.

    Mr. Xu Debao, 61 years old, is a cadre of the Longkou Paper-Making Factory. He was diagnosed with gastric cancer in 1995. After he started practicing Falun Gong in February 1997, he became a healthy person. In March 2000, Mr. Xu Debao was taken to the Xiadingjia brainwashing center in Longkou City, where the officials tried to "transform" him and fined him 1,000 yuan. In November 2003, Mr. Xu Debao’s house was searched and he was arrested, then detained and tortured in the Zhangjiagou Detention Center for 15 days. He was tied to an iron chair and was deprived of sleep for three days and nights. Later, Mr. Xu Debao was sent to the Wangchun Forced Labor Camp in Shandong Province for brainwashing. After some days, Mr. Xu Debao was detained in the Xiadingjia brainwashing center for more than 10 days and then in the Yantai Zhifu District brainwashing center for two months. Then he was sent back to the Xiajiading brainwashing center for 40 days detention. Because he refused to be "transformed" , the police didn’t allow him to go to sleep or go to the restroom. He was hung up and handcuffed. Mr. Xu Debao has been detained for total of 165 days and has been fined a total of 9,000 yuan.

    Ms. Jinglan Xu, 59 years old, is a Longkou Paper-Making Factory employee. On April 19, 2004, she was arrested and her house was searched. She was detained in the Zhangjiagou detention center for 28 days. Because she insisted on practicing Falun Gong, she was sent to the Yantai Zhifu District brainwashing center. She was not allowed to sleep, not allowed to sit, and not allowed to go to the restroom. She was illegally detained for 28 days and fined 2,000 yuan.

    Chinese version available at

    The Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in Changyi, Shandong Province

    [Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of]

    Ms. Jiang Guizhen is a Falun Gong practitioner from Caojiazhuang Village, Liutuan Township, Weifang Changyi City. She went to Beijing in March 2001 to appeal for Falun Gong and was arrested and detained at a local police station. Police extorted 2000 yuan from her family and then sent her to a detention center. Jiang Guizhen was detained for one month before she was sent back to the county government. Yang Lizhi, secretary of the politics and law committee, beat her severely and extorted 3000 yuan from her family. At around noon on November 30, 2005, four policemen from the Liutuan Township Police Station went to search the home of Jiang Guizhen and took her to the police station by force. They then sent Jiang Guizhen to the Changyi Detention Center and kept her there for one month. Her family was again forced to pay 3000 yuan.

    Mr. Xu Jingliang, 53, lives in Wumiao Village, Liutuan Township, Weifang Changyi City. He went to Beijing in September 2001 and was arrested and detained at a local police station. The police extorted 2000 yuan from him. On the morning of December 12, 2005, Liutuan Police Station arrested Xu Jingliang and jailed him at a detention center for one month. He was then sentenced to one year of forced labor. On January 29, 2006 (Chinese New Year), he was sent to the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp. Mr. Xu Jingliang is still detained there and continues to suffer persecution.

    Ms. Yan Yunzhen, 60, was from Jiufeng Village, Liutuan Township, Weifang Changyi City. She went to Beijing in March 2001 and was arrested. She was detained in a local police station and locked up for a whole day. She was forced to pay 2000 yuan. Afterwards, the police often went to her home to harass her and thus, Yan Yunzhen always lived in fear of them. Unable to cope with the mental and physical persecution and suffering, she passed away in December 2005.

    Chinese version available at

    Falun Gong Practitioners Brutally Tortured at the Wuxi City Brainwashing Center in Jiangsu Province

    [Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of]

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yan Congjuan, 33, lived in Room 102, No. 68 in Chunchao Village, the Xin District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province. She has been sent to brainwashing sessions held by the 610 Office three times since 2002. She was forced to stand, deprived of sleep or use of the restroom, and not allowed to take a shower. The lawless officials burnt her with cigarettes and shoved cigarettes into her nostrils while covering her mouth with their hands. Yan Congjuan held a hunger strike to protest the persecution and was force-fed. She also lost her job due to long-term detention.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Dai Xianglan, 57, lived in Room 203, 51 Houxixi, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province. Since 1999 she was illegally detained once, held at a detention center three times and sent to a brainwashing center three times. At the brainwashing center the officials poured boiling water on her feet and kicked her private areas. She lost consciousness several times from torture. The officials called a doctor to provide emergency care for her.

    The brainwashing center in Wuxi City is still continuing, and many practitioners are held there.

    Chinese version available at

    The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhang Lingde from Jiamusi City

     [Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of]

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Lingde from Jiamusi City is 69 years old. The Chinese Communist regime has persecuted her for a long time.

    Ms. Zhang Lingde went to the Jiamusi City Appeals Bureau to appeal for Falun Gong in September 1999. She was illegally arrested and detained for 33 days. The persecutors extorted 4,000 yuan in cash from her. Her family paid another 2,000 yuan for her release.

    Zhang Lingde was tricked into going to the police station in March 2000 and was once again held at a detention center for 15 days. Ms. Zhang protested the detention and was force-fed.

    Officers from the Qiaonan Police Station frequently harassed Zhang Lingde and sent her to the detention center several times and ransacked her home many times. Eventually the persecutors sentenced Zhang Lingde to one year of forced labor in October 2000 for going to Beijing to appeal, but they did not stop there with their harassment.

    Many police officers from the Shunhe Street Police Station went to another practitioner’s home in December 2002 and tricked Zhang Lingde via phone to come to the practitioner’s home, where they arrested her. They sentenced her to three years of forced labor. Ms. Zhang was brutally tortured at the labor camp, particularly with a method called "Da-Bei-Kao." [One hand is pulled over the shoulder to the back, the other hand is twisted behind the back near the waist. The hands are handcuffed together and a bottle or board is inserted between the arms and back, which tightens the handcuffs against the skin and causes bleeding. This torture causes intense pain.] They further persecuted her by shocking her with electric batons, forcing her to sit on a small, ridged stool, holding her in solitary confinement and extending her sentence.

    Chinese version available at

    Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Chu Liwen’s Current Whereabouts Unknown After Being Sent to Weibei Prison

    [Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of]

    After July 1999, Falun Gong practitioner Chu Liwen from Taibao Township, Changyi City, Weifang Area, Shandong Province was illegally arrested and held at a detention center for one month. He was then held at a police station for three additional months and then at a labor camp for three years. Four months after Chu Liwen returned home on August 11, 2003, the head of the Changyi City 610 Office broke into his home. Mr. Chu Liwen was again arrested and sentenced to five years in prison, to serve the sentence at the Weibei Prison. It was learned that he is no longer there, but his whereabouts are unknown.

    Chu Liwen’s son Chu Qinghua, also a Falun Gong practitioner, went to the Weibei Prison to visit him in March 2005. The officials immediately detained him. They took him to Shuangtai Town, where he was tortured and interrogated. Mr. Chu Qinghua was later sentenced to three years of forced labor and sent to the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp.

    Chu Liwen’s wife left home in 2003 to avoid persecution.

    Chinese version available at

    Four Falun Gong Practitioners in Tangshan City Left Home to Avoid Persecution

    [Note: The following is an excerpt of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of]

    The following Falun Gong practitioners were arrested on June 8, 2006: Fu Yuanling, Cao Guimin, Wang Guiqin, and Pan Ruizhen from Zhenzhuangzi Township, Kaiping District, Tangshan City. The police illegally arrested them that evening as the practitioners were distributing truth clarification materials in Menzhao Township, Fengrun District. The police ransacked their homes, physically abused and brainwashed them and sentenced them to eighteen months of forced labor. Because none of the four practitioners passed the physical exam, the labor camp refused to accept them. All four practitioners then went home. The police, however, continued to constantly harass them at home. The four practitioners were forced to leave their home to to avoid further persecution.

    Chinese version available at