On the evening of May 6, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners held a candlelight vigil in Chungcheng Park in Chiayi, Taiwan. They commemorated Falun Gong practitioners who have died as a result of persecution in Mainland China, and exposed the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s atrocities of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners and selling the organs for profit before cremating the murdered bodies to destroy the evidence in the CCP's forced labor camps and concentration camps.
When it was dark, on the long wooden bench in front of an outdoor stage, candles were lit up, and the serious and harmonious music gradually stopped. The event host, Professor Ai Chang-Rui from Chungcheng University said slowly, "Standing here, I'm in deep grief. I'm reminded of Falun Gong practitioners who are suffering in Mainland China. I believe everyone shares the same feeling."
On the outdoor stage there were photos of Falun Gong practitioners who have died as a result of the persecution, with a row of candlelight illumination in front of them. Two huge lotus flower lamps stood on both sides of their photos. The site was solemn and gracious. Two songs, entitled, "Sit By My Side" and, "Please Sit With Me" recorded by the Tianyin (Sound of Heaven) Chorus reverberated in the tranquil night sky. Sad, slow melodious notes also led people walking in the park to understand the sorrowful atmosphere of the commemoration.
A group of students from Chungcheng University who are Falun Gong practitioners performed a reenactment of appalling scenes of police in the mainland arresting Falun Gong practitioners, and doctors removing their organs while they are still alive before their murdered bodies are cremated to destroy the evidence.
![]() Chiayi City councilor Fu Da-Wei makes a speech |
![]() City councilor Tsai Wen-Hsu makes a speech |
![]() City councilor Tsai Yung-Chuan makes a speech |
City councilor Fu Da-Wei, Tsai Wen-Hsu, Tsai Yung-Chuan, and physician Chen Ling-Yu from Tzu Chi Hospital came from their busy work to attend the vigil and expressed their concerns. They demanded that the CCP immediately release the innocent Falun Gong practitioners. Councilor Tsai Yung-Chuan said that since Falun Gong practitioners have exposed the CCP's atrocities, we cannot wait for the CCP but should voice our concerns for the victims, uphold justice and stop the CCP from continuing doing evil deeds.
Councilor Tsai Wen-Hsu watched the reenactment and was very surprised. He said angrily, "It's impossible for this to exist in the civilized world, but it has happened in the mainland under the rule of the CCP." He called on people to work together to condemn the CCP's inhuman atrocities and urgently rescue countless Falun Gong practitioners whose lives are at stake.
Physician Chen Ling-Yu emphasized that doctors should have a sense of morality. She said, "I hope people would not go to the mainland for organ transplants, unwittingly becoming accomplices of the CCP." Dr. Chen expressed her support for going to the mainland to conduct an investigation over the incident of organ harvesting from living people. She also admired the courage of "Annie," wife of the doctor who used to work in Sujiatun Concentration Camp in Shenyang City, for being able to step forward to expose the CCP's mass killing of people.
On a large screen, practitioners aired the recorded speech by witness Annie in an interview by the Sound of Hope International Radio Station, "Exposing the Covert Organ-removal Practice in the Sujiatun Concentration Camp." They also showed the persecution of practitioner Ms. Gao Rongrong from the mainland, whose face was disfigured after being shocked for hours by police officers with electric batons. People attending the vigil quietly sat and watched, while holding candles in their hands, deep in grief.
Many people walking in the park were moved. One person pointed at the photos displayed on the handrail and said, "Look, practicing qigong in the mainland would cause on to be arrested." A practitioner from Budai Town said that his whole family practices Falun Gong; they are healthy, and their family life is very harmonious. The CCP should not suppress such a group of good people who follow the "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance."
The vigil ended after the mourning statement was read. All Falun Gong practitioners and other participants, holding candles, walked on the stage slowly and placed the candles in front of the photos of deceased Falun Gong practitioners, to express their sincere mourning.
Friedrichstrasse, the most famous shopping street in Berlin, was the scene of a simulation of organ harvesting, reenacted by Falun Gong practitioners. This was the first time for such an event in this area. Practitioners from the German areas of Rheinland-Westfalen and Berlin jointly held a truth clarification event to expose the crimes of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in removing organs from live Falun Gong practitioners.
Anti-torture exhibition played by Falun Gong practitioners, and
of removing organs from a live person
"Surgeon" in green operating clothes holding up a sign reading:
"Removing organs from live people - killing - cremation"
The simulations performed by the practitioners caught the attention of many passersby. A person covered with a white cloth with "bloodstains," was lying on an "operating table." Nearby was standing a "surgeon" in doctor's scrubs, with a scalpel in one hand and a sign in the other which read: "Removing organs from live people - killing - cremation." In order to help the people of Berlin learn about the truth as they hurried by, practitioners used a loudspeaker to briefly tell people about the genocidal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners happening in China.
Twenty meters away from the practitioners' event was the conference hall where the First International Exposition of Higher Education sponsored by China was being held. Students and other Chinese people coming in and out of the conference responded differently to the Falun Gong practitioners' truth clarification event. Some came over and carefully looked at the pictures showing the torture experienced by practitioners in China. They asked the practitioners many questions and also took copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. Although some Chinese people were worried about talking to the practitioners, they couldn't help feeling curious about the information. After overcoming their fear, they came to the practitioners' stall from time to time, and finally took some truth-clarification materials. Some people were too afraid to ask for materials. Western practitioners had their own particular methods of drawing these people's attention, through the loudspeaker. Andreas from Ruhr said, "As soon as I saw Chinese passing by, I spoke in Chinese, saying, 'Stop persecuting Falun Gong' using the loudspeaker. Every Chinese person turned their head and looked back."
News also came from the German Parliament the next street over: The Parliamentary Committee of Letters and Calls has already started investigating the situation in China, because they have received large numbers of letters about the CCP removing organs from live Falun Gong practitioners.
However, it is obvious that what frightens the CCP most is another group of people who have asked to go to China and investigate the case independently. Ms. Lei Zhou, chief editor of the European Branch of The Epoch Times, who also participated in the activity, accepted an interview. She said that on April 19th, she went to the Chinese Embassy in Berlin and applied for a visa on the "public invitation" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the CCP at the end of the March. She hoped that she could make investigations into forced labor camps, prisons and the related hospitals where organs are removed from live Falun Gong practitioners in China. The result was that her visa application was rejected in 15 minutes.
Ms. Lei Zhou is one of the first team of five members from "The Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China (CIPFG)" (abbreviated, "Coalition to Investigate the Persecution"). Members of the coalition are from North America, Australia and Europe.
On April 7, "The Coalition to Investigate the Persecution" publicized the first listing of the proposed scope of evidence collection. It includes labor camps, prisons, hospitals and related facilities where Falun Gong practitioners have been illegally detained, persecuted and their organs removed when they were still alive. These places are spread among 31 provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government in China. As the Coalition has been founded by the Falun Dafa Association and the Minghui/Clearwisdom website, its members are all overseas Chinese who came from Mainland China. Analysts believe that the CCP is most afraid of Falun Gong practitioners, as these people who have come out of the CCP's system will go back to China and make investigations because they are familiar with the CCP's tricks and are not easily deceived. The first group of members of the Coalition has recently been refused visas by China.
Ms Zhou said, "This [the visa rejections] has shown that China wasn't sincere at all when they invited people overseas to enter China and make investigations. Every time they invite people abroad to investigate, it is just for show. This, on the other hand, has also proved that the persecution of Falun Gong does exist."
During the activity, German people signed the petition supporting Falun Gong, and German police officers also accepted leaflets disclosing the facts about the CCP harvesting organs from live people. A police officer who was from the former East Berlin said, "I can understand the reason why so many Chinese people have stood up for their human rights. I also took part in activities against the Communist Party when the Berlin wall was falling."