The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong -- February 12, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • A Mother's Sorrow: My Son Died as a Result of the Persecution, Our Whole Family Has Suffered from the Party's Cruelties

  • I Twice Endured Inhumane Torture at the Sichuan Province Women's Forced Labor Camp

  • Mr. Wang Shengbiao Persecuted at the Beijiao Prison in Shijiazhuang City

  • How Xinhua Forced Labor Camp in Sichuan Province Ferociously Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners

  • Additional Persecution News from China - January 25, 2005 (28 Reports)

  • A Mother's Sorrow: My Son Died as a Result of the Persecution, Our Whole Family Has Suffered from CCP's Cruelties

    After the 2004 Chinese New Year, my son was vomiting, shivering and in great pain all over his body. I held his daughter and called out to him again and again, "Our road is not yet finished! You must stick it out!" But it was no use. My son was gone.

    The news of my son's death shocked the neighbors. He died so young. Why? Through my tears, I told them of the persecution my son had been subjected to. The neighbors showed their sympathy after they heard the truth. These people's kindness made me feel grateful from the bottom of my heart.

    Before the persecution of Falun Gong started on July 20, 1999 my son was mentally and physically healthy. But after having been subjected to several years of persecution and "illegal detention" he exhibited strange symptoms. The day after he passed away his nose started bleeding. Even the doctors couldn't explain the symptoms. We didn't think too much beyond that either, so there wasn't any evidence collected. But what did the evil Party's perpetrators really do to my son?

    Over the past six years, my whole family has continued to practice Falun Gong, and because of this we have suffered severe persecution by lawless personnel from the Communist regime. On July 20, 1999, people at my son's workplace detained him. The local police were also harassing me 24 hours a day. So I wrote to the authorities at various levels, following the principles Master Li has taught us and expressed my opinions with kindness: "We are kind and innocent people. We follow the principles of 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance.' We are not guilty of anything." But what awaited me was arrest by the evil Party's perpetrators. I was taken from my home on November 8, 1999. They made up lies and accused me of "having a three-people gathering," and illegally sentenced me to one year of forced labor.

    We were subjected to inhumane treatment during detention. It was in the cold of winter, and more than 10 practitioners were forced to squeeze together to sleep on a damp floor in a very tiny place. During the 60 days in the detention center I had to always sleep next to a toilet. Some kind-hearted inmates tried not to use the toilet during the night in order to make it a bit easier for me.

    The guards tied eight of us together and forced us to wear shackles weighing over 24 kilos. Later they even tied our hands and feet together. We couldn't walk and could only crawl. Even so, they often beat and kicked us at will.

    In the forced labor camp the tortures were even more severe. We were forced to work over 15 hours every day. When we were done with our assigned work, we were forced to work overtime. The guards assigned three prisoners to watch one practitioner and used all kinds of abusive methods on practitioners. They beat us, verbally abused us, took away our clothes, refused to let us sleep, and cancelled family visits. I witnessed many practitioners being beaten so severely that they ended up with bruises and misshapen faces. Some of them were tied up and hung by their handcuffs for several days and nights. Some were forced to stand for a long time under the hot sun in June. Some had broken arms. Some were injected against their will with unknown drugs that cause mental disorders. Some practitioners were locked in very dark, tiny rooms for a very long time without any chance to talk to anyone. The evildoers attempted to turn healthy people into insane and disabled people. There are still practitioners detained in the labor camp who have been abused so cruelly that they weigh only 25 or 30 kilos [66 - 55 lbs.]. The authorities still refuse to release them and we don't even know if they are still alive.

    In August 2000, several former practitioners who had gone astray at Masanjia Forced Labor Camp came to our labor camp to start so-called "brainwashing work" to try to deceive practitioners. I realized then that the forced labor camp was not a place where we should remain! We should step out and appeal for Falun Gong. Unfortunately, I let myself be "reformed" instead of using righteous thoughts. This is a practitioner's shame.

    When I returned home from the forced labor camp, I found out that my son was being denied any personal freedom at his workplace. He only came home for a night once in a while under close watch by three policemen. He was also in very poor health and weighed only 45 kilos [99 lbs.], although he was 180 cm tall [5 ft. 9 in.]. I wrote to his workplace and told them the principle that "Good is rewarded with good and evildoing provokes retribution" and asked them to treat Falun Gong practitioners kindly. I also told the forced labor camp officials that I intended to continue practicing Falun Gong. The authorities attempted to illegally arrest me again. I had to leave home to avoid further persecution.

    The evil Party ordered a nationwide manhunt for my arrest. They also put pressure on my workplace, causing my workplace to suffer financial loss. They also harassed my family and friends. They went to my sister's home and threatened her, making my sister's family live in fear. They also threatened my elderly uncle in the countryside. He was in such shock that he became seriously ill. These same people never stopped harassing my daughter-in-law when she was pregnant, during the birth, or after the baby was born. They even bothered my neighbors and disturbed their lives.

    The persecution my son was subjected to was even crueler. When my son was extremely weak, he was still locked up and tortured in the detention center, even after his term was up. The guards instigated prisoners to beat him brutally. They didn't give him food or clothes and made him suffer starvation and coldness. In addition to his already having endured long-term pain, my son was tortured for nearly two years. The perpetrators just wanted to torture him to death.

    Not until May 2001, after my son had been persecuted to the brink of death, did the authorities let him go home. By then my granddaughter, Ruyi, had been born. The whole family was relying on my 500 yuan retirement subsidy. But even so, the 610 Office agents and other evildoing people still didn't stop harassing us. They did not allow my son to go out. They would call in the middle of the night to interrogate him or other family members, saying it was according to instructions from their superiors.

    My practitioner daughter-in-law worked really hard at different temporary jobs, but the income was very little. Seeing the difficult situation at home, I had to go out and do some baby-sitting and housework to help support the family. We are all practitioners and always follow the principles of Falun Gong, so everywhere I worked people liked me. When they learned of our family's suffering, they offered financial assistance, but it didn't go well for long. When local police chief Wu heard that I was doing housework for people, he came to the house where I worked and refused to let me do my job. Even the people I worked for were annoyed with him and defended me, "They have difficulty making a living. Why can't you let them to do a little work like this? You've got to let them find a way to survive!"

    In June 2002, the local police ransacked my son's home again, saying that somebody had reported him. They arrested my son along with my granddaughter. When I went to pick up my granddaughter, my son was again sent to a detention center for persecution. My one-and-a-half-year-old granddaughter cried for her dad. Lots of people at the scene also shed tears of sympathy. In October, my son was sent to a brainwashing center. My granddaughter lived in fear and missed her dad every day.

    The following year, in order to make a living, my son had to keep looking for jobs despite his frail condition. He did construction work, was a waiter, delivered newspapers, worked as a security guard, and did other odd jobs. After he had worked for only a few days at each job he would be sacked simply because he practiced Falun Gong.

    My son had an introverted personality and never talked much about his sufferings. Due to the physical and mental torment caused by CCP's long-term persecution, he died on February 9, 2004, only 34 years old. I had to watch my son leave me like that.

    My granddaughter was only three years old then. She missed her father every day and asked everybody she saw, "Where did my dad go? My dad will come back." She called her father every day using her toy telephone, hoping he would come home soon. She is now five years old and will start going to school next year. I brought my daughter-in-law and my granddaughter to my house, and we live together. In order to take care of my granddaughter, I decided to transfer my granddaughter's residence registration to my place. But the local police said there were instructions from higher up that I needed to be fingerprinted and go through other inconveniences. How unreasonable this is!

    My son is gone. I now live with my daughter-in-law and my granddaughter. I know there will still be difficulties on my cultivation path. Today I emerged from my suffering and wrote down what our whole family has been through during the persecution. We are not asking for anything. We only wish that the persecution would soon come to an end. We must stop the evil CCP from continuing to persecute kind and innocent people.

    I Twice Endured Inhumane Torture at the Sichuan Province Women's Forced Labor Camp

    This report details the torture I endured as a female Falun Gong practitioner during two separate periods of detention at the Sichuan Province Women's Forced Labor Camp. Zhang Xiaofang, a female guard at the labor camp, handcuffed me, kicked my private parts and ordered the inmates to beat me until I lost consciousness. Then an inmate walked back and forth on my body, kicking my private parts until my lower body was covered with blood. The guard and the inmate then applied an unknown drug to my temples and eyes, causing me to lose my memory for more than six months.

    1. Arrested and Tortured for Clarifying the Facts to Relatives

    On December 12, 2002 fellow practitioner Ms. Yan Zongfang and I went to my hometown to visit my parents and other relatives. Several relatives came to my parents' home. I shared with them how I'd benefited from practicing Falun Gong and gave them truth-clarification flyers. In the afternoon, the son of one of my relatives went to school and was searched; the teacher found several flyers on him and reported it to the police. The next morning, the local police illegally arrested us and took us to the police station. They took all the money we had and interrogated us. In the evening, we were detained in the National Security Group of the County Police Department.

    The police officers from the National Security Group isolated us from those on the outside as well as from the other detainees, and interrogated us. Zhang Qiwei, the police commissar, and Kong Yun, head of the National Security Group, verbally abused us and tortured us, attempting to force us to reveal the source of the flyers. We firmly refused to cooperate with them. The police threatened and intimidated us, and deprived us of sleep, food and drink for a whole night.

    On the second day, the National Security Group dispatched police officers Yang Cong, Gou Dongsheng, Hou Xiangyu, and He (surname) to go to my residence and they ransacked my apartment. They made a big mess and took half a truckload of personal items to the police station. In the afternoon we were taken to the detention center. At the detention center, we persisted practicing Falun Gong. Zheng Zequan, deputy director of the police department, and political instructors Li and Sun Shulin beat, kicked and cursed us. Li used a knotted club to beat us, leaving numerous big bruises and wounds on my body. He cursed me obscenely. He Yongfu, head of the detention center, beat and cursed Ms. Yan Zongfang frequently.

    Several days later, the director of the police department in my hometown, Hou Xiangyu, led a group of police officers to my cousins' home. They took my two cousins and my niece's in-laws to the detention center and illegally detained them for a whole day and night. They were deprived of sleep and handcuffed to stools. The police extorted 800 yuan from each of them and demanded 50 yuan as a "rental fee" during their detention. Only members of the communist party would commit such outrages to implicate even the most distant relatives in a legal case.

    We were incarcerated and subjected to torture in the detention center for more than six months. In June, we were sent to the Sichuan Province Women's Forced Labor Camp (also called Nanmusi Women's Forced Labor Camp) where they continued to cruelly torture us.

    I suffered all kinds of torture at the hands of Zhang Xiaofang, a female guard at the labor camp. I was deprived of sleep, forbidden to use the restroom, sit, or take a shower. During the hottest days of summer, I was forced to get up at 5:00 a.m. and stand in the sun until 3:30 a.m. the next day. I was only allowed to rest between 3:30 and 5 a.m. every day. I was subjected to this physical punishment for several months, until my hands and feet became numb. My feet were swollen and the backs of my hands were swollen and bulging. I couldn't stand and fell to the ground; I completely lost consciousness and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. After I came to, my head hurt a lot. I felt my head and forehead, and discovered that there were several big bumps on my head, each the size of an egg.

    Zhang Xiaofang also instigated several inmates, including Hu Guifu, Wang Lijuan and Zhang Chaoqiong, to torture and beat me, loosening all my teeth, and breaking one. They tied me in the double-crossed legs position for one day and one night; and used thin thread to tie my nipples very tight. They used a lot of force to pull the thread tight. The pain was terrible enough to make a person wish for death. I passed out six times.

    2. I Was Arrested for the Second Time and Was Given an Unknown Drug and Lost My Memory

    On November 11, 2003 I went to the People's Congress building, the Political Consultative Committee Office building, and the residential compound of the County CCP Committee to distribute truth clarification CDs and flyers. When I finished distributing them and was on my way back, a middle-aged man caught me and called the police, reporting to the police that I was distributing flyers. A police car and a group of policemen arrived immediately. They refused to listen to me when I clarified the truth to them. Later, I heard that the middle-aged man was the deputy director of the Organizational Department of the County CCP (Chinese Communist Party) committee. Once inside the CCP residential compound, the police beat and kicked me. They forced me to gather up the materials I'd placed in the stairways and took me to the National Security Group of the police department. The police tried to force me to reveal the names of others who were distributing flyers and the flyer production site. I refused to collaborate with them. Yue Gang, the deputy head of the National Security Group, along with political instructor Huang and another police officer slapped my face and kicked me. I fell to the ground and couldn't stand on my own.

    Ke Daqi, the head of the local 610 Office, cursed me. Police officer Zhang Qiwei verbally abused me with obscene language. They couldn't obtain any information from me even though they threatened, intimidated and coaxed me with the club and the carrot.

    They threw me into the detention center. My face became severely swollen in the detention center, as a result of several beatings. The next day, the police department dispatched a sinister and crafty police officer named Yang Cong to interrogate me. I simply clarified truth to him during the interrogation.

    I was sentenced to two years of forced labor. On April 9, 2004, I was incarcerated in the Sichuan Province Women's Labor Camp for the second time and was sent to the Seventh Group, the most vicious group. I encountered the guard Zhang Xiaofang again. She wore a smile, but cursed me really badly and confiscated 700 yuan, which was all the money I had with me. She handcuffed me, slapped my face and kicked my private parts. She ordered the other inmates to beat me until I lost consciousness. They trampled my hands and broke all my fingers. The guards directed the inmates to walk back and forth over my body, kicking my private parts until I my lower body was covered in blood. It hurt so much, and I had no strength to stand up.

    Zhang Xiaofang ordered the inmates to pick me up and hold me in the standing position, and then she applied some kind of drug to my temples and eyes. After a short while, I fell into a stupor and lost my memory. Even when I was eating, sleeping or performing labor, I was not aware of what I was doing. I couldn't remember anything. Zhang arranged for five inmates to serve as "monitors" who watched over me in turn from morning 'till night. I was forbidden to sleep. When I squatted, I was forced to squat on my tiptoes, in a ballet-like posture. When I tried to shift into another position, they'd put a stool on my legs and one of them would sit on it, causing it to cut deeply into my thighs. Even the bones were visible. My legs bled profusely. They attempted to force me to slander Master and Falun Gong, but I refused. Inmates Deng Qin and Liu Li (of Nanchong City) were the worst among the inmates who tortured me.

    I lost my memory for six months. In October, the Seventh Group and the Eighth Group were combined, and the situation became relatively better. With the help of fellow practitioners and strength from Master, I gradually regained my memory with much effort.

    The phone numbers of the perpetrators:

    Nanmusi Women's Labor Camp:
    Fax: 86-832-5212057
    Zip Code: 641200
    Address: Nanmusi, Gongmin Town, Zizhong County, Sichuan Province
    Tel: 86-832-521205l, 86-832-5212052
    Director, Wang Baojun: 86-832-5212189 (Office)
    Main Office: 86-832-5212057

    Mr. Wang Shengbiao Persecuted at the Beijiao Prison in Shijiazhuang City

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Shengbiao was illegally sentenced to 11 years in prison in October 2004. The Agents of the Communist regime detained him in the Strict Control Group at Beijiao Prison (also called the 4th Prison of Hebei Province). The guards there have insulted, abused and tortured Mr. Wang. They have deprived him of sleep for up to one month at a time and isolated him from the outside in an attempt to make him give up his belief.

    Wang Shengbiao is 47 years old and a worker from the Hebei Chemistry and Industrial School. The positive changes in him were very obvious after he learned Falun Gong. He became very energetic, hardworking and tolerant toward others. His colleagues and superiors liked him. He was a good father, son and husband.

    After the evil persecution against Falun Gong began, Wang Shengbiao was persecuted in various ways for persisting in his belief in Truth-Compassion-Tolerance. He left home to avoid further persecution in October 2001. Agents from the Shijiazhuang City 610 Office tried to arrest him and posted a large reward for his capture. They closely monitored his family, tapped his cell phone and arrested his family members.

    On July 31, 2003, National Security officials stationed at the Dakaihe Police Inspection Station in Yunnan Province illegally arrested Wang Shengbiao. On September 2, 2003, Wang Shengbiao's wife learned about the arrest and inquired about her husband's whereabouts at the Changan Police Department in Shijiazhuang City. Police department deputy chief Liu reluctantly acknowledged the arrest. He refused to tell her why Wang Shengbiao was arrested, nor did he tell her where he was being held. Mr. Wang's family was anxious because they didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

    After being arrested in Yunnan Province, Wang Shengbiao was taken back to Shijiazhuang City and held at the Luquan City Detention Center. The jailers interrogated him many times and tried to persuade him to give up his belief by promising him favors. Hebei Province 610 Office agents organized a group of collaborators to work on him, but they failed to achieve their goal.

    Ma Wensheng, from the Shijiazhuang City 610 Office, could not come up with evidence against Wang Shengbiao, but he didn't want to release Wang Shengbiao, so he accused him of "refusing to reform" on December 31, 2003, and sent him to Squadron 202, Group 2, Shijiazhuang City Forced Labor Camp (later named Special Control Squadron of Group 3). Wang Shengbiao was unjustly sentenced to three years of forced labor.

    Right after Wang Shengbiao arrived at the labor camp, Special Control Group leader Bian Shuqiang at the Shijiazhuang City Labor Camp ordered Zhang Li and Dong Xinguo, deputy group leaders, to torture Mr. Wang by depriving him of sleep and hitting him if he closed his eyes. Because Wang Shengbiao refused to give up his belief, the guards forced him to half-squat [half-squat is between standing and squatting, it's an extremely exhausting posture and can result in significant pain after a short period of time] for more than 20 hours at a time. Wang Shengbiao still refused to sign the guarantee statement as they demanded. The group leader then ordered some inmates to beat him mercilessly and forbid him to use the restroom. They also organized collaborators to verbally barrage him in attempts to brainwash him.

    Once, they tortured Wang Shengbiao continuously for nine days, during which time he was allowed only one period of sleep. He was then tortured again for nine days in a row, with the exception of Chinese New Year's day. He was forced to squat and was allowed to sleep briefly every five days. The guards said, "This torture feels even worse after you have had a taste of lying in bed."

    Their goal is to destroy Falun Gong practitioners' wills, and their methods are extremely wicked. They repeated this torture cycle of inhuman treatment for over 40 days - until February 12, 2004, at which point they locked Wang Shengbiao into solitary confinement and put him under "strict control." Mr. Wang was not allowed to sleep until 2:00 a.m. and he was forced to get up at 5:30 a.m. each day. He was also completely separated from human contact.

    As a result of such savage torture, Wang Shengbiao lost feeling in all of his toes and could not lift one of his legs. His other leg was weak, and he had high blood pressure. His life was in danger. The labor camp authorities refused his request for medical parole.

    On June 7, 2004, Wang Shengbiao was transferred to the 1st Detention Center of Xingtai City.

    At 8:00 a.m. on August 19, 2004, the Qiaoxi District Court in Xingtai City, Hebei Province held an illegal trial of Wang Shengbiao. They accused him of "tapping into the Xingtai City TV network in Hebei Province and broadcasting an interview with Wang Xinzhong." Only three trial "audit permits" were issued to his family. The rest of his relatives and friends were restricted from approaching the court. The trial proceedings were strictly blocked. One family member attempted to take notes during the trial with a pen, which a security officer confiscated.

    Wang Shengbiao was illegally sentenced to eleven-and-a-half years in prison. He was sent to the Strict Control Group at the 4th Prison in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, where he has been held up until now. The guards at the Strict Control Group brutally beat detainees, humiliate them and use other torture on the practitioners, including sleep deprivation. They also isolate practitioners from others in an attempt to "reform" them.

    How Xinhua Forced Labor Camp in Sichuan Province Ferociously Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners

    In the last few months at Xinhua Forced Labor Camp in Sichuan Province, some Falun Gong practitioners who gave in to the persecution have made solemn declarations publicly, either in writing or orally, and resumed their practice of Falun Gong. These practitioners seize every opportunity to clarify the truth to the camp guards and inmates who cooperate with the guards in persecuting the practitioners. They have publicly destroyed evil propaganda posters, broken slogan boards defaming Falun Gong, and erased the evil writing on blackboards. Some practitioners also protested the persecution by going on hunger strikes. No one attended the semi-annual meeting that the camp police planned to slander Falun Gong. Because of this, the guards became angry and were even more ferocious in their persecution against the practitioners.

    On the morning of December 2, 2005, at the winter training meeting, the deputy labor camp director Zhao Zeyong announced violent persecution measures against Falun Gong practitioners. During the meeting, the guards singled out several practitioners including Luo Qingsheng, Wu Xingdong, Mi Tao, Lu Chunshan, Zhou Guoping, Li Wenquan and Meng Hualong. Those practitioners who were picked shouted out, "Falun Dafa is good," with their voices echoing to every corner of the meeting place. Luo Qingsheng, Wu Xingdong, Mi Tao and Lu Chunshan were put in solitary cells and their initial labor camp terms were extended arbitrarily. The others, including Zhou Guoping, Li Wenquan and Meng Hualong were put under the so-called "strict monitoring and training" and their terms were also extended.

    During the past half a year, the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners has been quite evil. The 2nd Squadron of the 6th Group is the so-called "strictly disciplined squadron" for Falun Gong practitioners. In the 2nd Squadron, there is a guard named Piao Jing who once bragged, "Go sue me in court. After you sue me I will get a raise and a promotion." The police deprived practitioners Lu Chunshan, Tian Xu, Wu Zitai and Zeng Yongru of sleep and forced them to sit still for a prolonged time. Practitioners Lu Zhiyong and Luo Qingsheng were not allowed to take breaks and were punished by being forced to stand in military training positions. Practitioners Huang Changdong, Zhang Qizhong, Liang Zhonglun, Yang Ju, Zhang Pingan and Li Wenquan were not allowed to use the toilet. The police said it meant nothing to them even if the practitioners had to defecate in their pants. Practitioner Li Wenquan had feces on his body and clothes several times. The guards took advantage of this by humiliating him, labeling him as a dirty person and instigating the inmates to beat and kick him. They also forced Li Wenquan to stand in military training positions for over ten hours and extended his labor camp term by 20 days.

    In the labor camp, the prisoners have to take written exams. To find excuses to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, the camp police intentionally put questions that attacked and slandered Falun Gong on the written exams. If the practitioners refused to take the written exams or did not "pass" the exams, they were sent to the strictly disciplined squadron or got their labor camp terms extended. For the practitioners who were put in the strictly disciplined squadron or the newly arrested ones that were sent to the camp, the guards pierced their faces and necks with iron nails and ballpoint pen tips, forced them to kneel down on chairs, spit on them, slapped their faces, kicked them, and burnt their skin with lit cigarettes. Ironically, the labor camp's walls are covered with slogans stating that no physical punishments are allowed and a "humanitarian" environment is created to "influence" Falun Gong practitioners. While the labor camp authorities try make themselves appear to be kind-hearted persons, they secretly do heartless and inhuman deeds. They selected some inmates who were drug addicts and thieves to act as "clampdown personnel" (persons who monitor Falun Gong practitioners closely and use all kinds of inhuman treatment against practitioners in order to force them to give up practicing Falun Gong). Those inmates who worked hard to torture practitioners got their labor camp terms reduced. Those who were influenced by the practitioners and became friends with them were either put under strict discipline, got prolonged terms, or got transferred to other groups where they had heavier loads of manual labor.

    In the mornings, the guards usually held meetings to discuss how to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. At night they gathered the inmates and give them instructions on how to persecute practitioners. Labor camp police Piao Jing and Shen Rui announced during the inmate training meetings, "When you treat Falun Gong practitioners, you should vent on them all of the hatred that you felt when you were beaten after being found picking pockets."

    The guards truly abhorred those steadfast practitioners, yet at the same time were quite afraid of them. Practitioner Lu Zhiyong, who worked as a forest policeman in Shandong Province, was tall and had a strong build. He did not cooperate with the persecutors. He refused to count off during roll cale, wear the prison uniform, sing the labor camp songs, or take written exams. Hence, he was punished many times. The camp police instigated inmates to knock him down and drag him to a secret place for special persecution. Half a month later, following an announcement in the meeting about violent persecution measures, the guards used an anesthetic on him. Then a dozen guards and inmates wrapped him in bed sheets and took him out of the group. As of today, his whereabouts are still unknown.

    In April of 2005, practitioner Luo Qingsheng did not cooperate with the evil and refused to do the homework assignment that the police required. As a result, his term was extended. During the time when his term was extended, while the inmates watched, Luo Qingsheng destroyed a slogan board defaming Falun Gong that was hung over the squadron entrance gate. After finding out about it, the guards and inmates immediately handcuffed him, tied him up in ropes, beat him with nail-plated clubs and shocked him with electric batons until he lost consciousness. While he was in unconscious from the torture, the guards ordered the inmates to stomp on him and revive him with cold water.

    The acts of persecution carried out by the Xinhua Forced Labor Camp guards of Sichuan Province are hard to count or describe. Since the violent persecution measures were publicly announced on December 12, 2005, the labor camp police have spared nothing in brutally persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. They summoned practitioners to their office in the pretense of wanting to chat, but instead brutally persecuted them, regardless of day or night. Currently, the whereabouts of several practitioners who were sent to solitary cells are still unknown.

    Additional Persecution News from China - January 25, 2005 (28 Reports)

    1. [Xuchang County, Henan Province] Police Arrest Six Falun Gong Practitioners, Falun Gong Materials Production Site Destroyed

    Six practitioners in Xuchang, Henan Province, were illegally arrested from home the evening of January 17, 2006, including Mr. Wang Hongchang and his son from Yanling, Lu Wenxue from Xuchang County, and three practitioners from Yuzhou. Police officers headed by Miao Zhongkai were responsible. A Falun Gong materials production site was ransacked. In the middle of the night on January 17, 2005, the home of practitioner Liu Mingzhou's mother was ransacked. At 1:00 a.m. the homes of Liu Mingzhou and several other practitioners living nearby were ransacked.

    2. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Mr. Wang Mingduo on a Hunger Strike at the Kaiping Labor Camp; He Is at the Brink of Death

    Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Wang Mingduo, 44 years old, lived in Cangzhou City. Around 9:00 p.m. on November 23, 2005, police arrested him on Shuxi Street on his way home. They took him to Nanhuan Police Department. Two days later, without notifying his family or following other due procedures, the police sent Mr. Wang to the Kaiping Forced Labor Camp in Tangshan City to be held for two years.

    Mr. Wang has been on a hunger strike since November 23, 2005. He is now at the brink of death. Officials from Tangshan City phoned Cangzhou County officials many times and asked them to pick up Mr. Wang Mingduo, but Liu Kanhua and other Cangzhou officials ignored the request.

    3. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Ms. Liang Ying and Ms. Lu Fengling Holding a Hunger Strike at the Shijiazhuang Women's Prison

    Practitioners Ms. Liang Ying and Ms. Lu Fengling have been holding a hunger strike at Group 2 of the Shijiazhuang Women's Prison for many days, in protest of the unlawful detention. Ms. Liang is force-fed corn porridge twice a day.

    On December 26, 2005, inmate Tang Gaicheng beat Ms.Liang and then dragged her back to the cell. Ms. Lu Fengling held a hunger strike to protest the persecution and unlawful sentencing of her fellow practitioner Ms. Liang. She demanded unconditional release. More than 20 practitioners held at Group 2, except for Ms. Liang Ying, Ms. Lu Fengling and Ms. Dong Xiulian, were forced to write "guarantee statements" and do slave labor for extended periods of time.

    Shijiazhuang Women's Labor Camp in Hebei Province

    Mailing address: Div. 2 Box 55 Luquan City, Hebei Province
    Zip code: 050222
    Feng Huizhi, head of Group 2: 86-311-83939783, 86-13931115096 (Cell)
    Lui Haiying, head of Group 2: 86-311-83939785

    4. [Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province] Mr. Song Dehua Holding a Hunger Strike at the Zhuozhou City Custody Center

    Practitioner Song Dehua, who lived at 5th Street in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, was arrested from home before January 20, 2006. His captors were from the Zhuozhou City Police Department's National Security Group and from the Shuangta Police Department. Mr. Song was sent to the Zhuozhou City Custody Center and is now holding a hunger strike.

    5. [Dehui City, Jilin Province] Mr. Sun Qian Cruelly Tortured at the 2nd Prison in Jilin Province

    Practitioner Mr. Sun Qian from Dehui City, Jilin Province, was illegally sentenced to 12 years in prison. The Communist regime handed down this sentence for Mr. Sun because he persisted in Falun Gong practice. He is in the 2nd Prison of Jilin Province, also called the Jilin Prison. During his two years of incarceration, Mr. Sun has been placed under "Strict Control" four times for persisting in his belief. One stay in Strict Control lasted seven months. He was savagely tortured. The prison authorities tortured determined practitioners most ruthlessly, and Mr. Sun Qian held a hunger strike in protest. The wardens ordered him force-fed him with concentrated saline solution and didn't give him water to drink. They also stretched his limbs on a bed until his tendons were torn. He vomited blood and was at death's door. After Mr. Sun recovered slightly, the guards again placed him under "Strict Control," for another round of savage torture.

    Recently, the authorities have put Sun Qian under "Strictly Control" yet again although he has not recovered. He has been tortured for more than 40 days. The prison authorities restrict all information and deny family visits.

    The 2nd Prison, Jilin Province

    Main switchboard: 86-432-4881551
    Fax: 86-432-4881559
    Li Qiang: 86-432-4881551 ext. 3001, 86-13843218517 (Cell)
    Address: No 100 Junmin Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China
    Zip code: 132012
    Mailing address: Box 315 Jilin City, Jilin Province, China
    Zip code: 132012

    6. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Yi Anbang on a Hunger Strike for More Than 20 days, His Life Is in Danger

    Practitioner Mr. Yi Anbang from Harbin City "clarified the truth" to his students in class, which led to his arrest. He is being held at the Daoli Detention Center in Harbin City. Mr. Yi insisted that he is innocent and went on hunger strike, so far lasting for more than 20 days. Mr. Yi has been close to death for one week. He is now in extremely perilous condition.

    Daoli Detention Center: 86-451-84378077

    7. [Hebei Province] Mr. Yu Rongzhen Arrested When Handing Out Truth Clarification Materials

    Mr. Yu Rongzhen is a practitioner from Wuqiao. He was arrested around January 21, 2006 when handing out truth clarification materials in Zhaohu Township, Ningjin County, Dezhou. His current whereabouts are unknown.

    8. [Laishui County, Hebei Province] Two Practitioners Arrested by Laishui County Communist Regime's 610 Office Agents

    Around 3:00 p.m. on January 19, 2006, Wang Fucai, Dai Chunjie and others from the Laishui County 610 Office ransacked the homes of practitioners in Gao Village and took Falun Gong books. They arrested practitioners Tang Fenghua from Gao Village and practitioner Qiu Yuelan from Chenjiazhuang. The practitioners are being held at the Laishui County Custody Center.

    9. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Ms. Chen Wenqing and Ms. Zeng Guang Arrested Recently When Distributing Truth Clarification Materials

    On the afternoon of January 21, 2006, practitioners Ms. Chen Wenqing and Ms. Zeng Guang from the Tianxin District in Changsha City were arrested in Dongtang, Changsha City, when distributing truth clarification materials. The arresting officials subsequently ransacked the practitioners' homes. The captors are likely from the Dongtang Police Department.

    10. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia AR] Police Arrest Ms. Zhang Guiling and Ransack Her Home

    On January 11, 2006, practitioner Ms. Zhang Guiling from Jianchangying Village, Jianchangying Town, Yuanbaoshan District, Chifeng City, was arrested. The perpetrators are from the Yuanbaoshan District National Security Group. The arrest happened when Ms. Zhang was milking a cow at home. They also ransacked her home.

    11. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Communist Regime Officials Approved Unconstitutional Arrest of Practitioner Mr. Sun Hong and His Wife, Min Huirong

    12. [Chongqing] Mr. Deng Boshou Arrested

    Mr. Deng Boshou and another practitioner from the Jiangbei District in Chongqing were hired to work at a building site owned by a company affiliated with the 25th Railroad Corporation. Around 2:00 p.m. on January 17, 2006, both practitioners were arrested at work at the Zhongxing Tunnel construction site, part of the Pengwu Highway in Wulong County in Chongqing. The police officers took Mr. Deng to his home and arrested him later. The other practitioner stayed away from home to avoid persecution.

    After illegally arresting Mr. Deng, the Wulong County police didn't notify his family within 24 hours as the law specifies. His family made numerous phone calls before finding out that agents from the Wulong County National Security Group had planned the arrest, and agents from the Shuilu Police Department in Xiangkou Town, Wulong County had carried out the arrest.

    Phone numbers of related organizations:

    Shuilu Police Department in Xiangkou Town, Wulong County: 86-23-77712171
    Wulong County Police Department: 86-23-77712889
    Wulong County Police Department National Security Bureau: 86-23-77712770

    13. [Shanghai] Ms. Yang Manye Arrested When Distributing Truth Clarification Materials

    Practitioner Ms. Yang Manye, 39 years old, lived in the Putuo District in Shanghai. On the morning of January 22, 2006, the police arrested her when she was handing out truth clarification materials. Ms. Yang is currently being held at the Putuo District Detention Center. In early 2001, she was sentenced to four years in prison. Her sentence was extended by nine months after she clarified the truth at the detention center and delivered Teacher's articles to fellow practitioners.

    14. [Dingzhou City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Ms. Liu Yueying Sentenced to Forced Labor

    Practitioner Ms. Liu Yueying was arrested and sent to the Chengbei Detention Center in Dingzhou City. She refused to give up her belief and was transferred to the Baoding Forced Labor Camp. Ms. Liu was sentenced to 21 months of forced labor.

    15. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Ms. Chen Wenqing Arrested from Home

    Practitioner Ms. Chen Wenqing, 58 years old, from Changsha City, Hunan Province, lived at the employees' dormitory of the 6th Construction Company in Changsha City, Hunan Province. In the evening of January 20, 2006, the police arrested Ms. Chen Wenqing from her home. Her current whereabouts are unknown.

    16. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Police Arrest Several Practitioners

    At around 8:00 a.m. on January 5, 2006, personnel from the Shenzhen City Police Department and from the 610 Office arrested several practitioners including Li Xinwu, An Heqing, Zhao Li and Li Can, claiming that someone had reported them. A few days later they arrested practitioner Peng Hao and others and held them for doing exercises. Li Xinwu and An Heqing are still being detained.

    17. [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Yumingshan Forced Labor Camp Holds Practitioner Lu Yunlai After Expiration of Term

    18. [Mianyang City, Sichuan Province] Personnel from the 6th Team at Xinhua Forced Labor Camp Torture Practitioners

    On December 2, 2005, personnel from Xinhua Forced Labor Camp in Mianyang City escalated the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Camp warden Zhao Zheyong and inspector Yang Deqiang personally said in a conference that since the Chinese Communist Party had not yet collapsed, the rules and disciplines needed to be carried out. Six practitioners were handcuffed with their hands behind their backs for more than an hour. Personnel from the labor camp announced that these practitioners would be put into solitary confinement or would "study" on an individual basis because the practitioners refused to call themselves criminals, refused to wear the labor camp badge and uniform, refused to sing the prison song(s), refused to write the so-called "written assignment" and refused to count off during headcount.

    Practitioners Wu Xingdong, Lu Chunshan and Luo Qingsheng were put into solitary confinement; Mi Tao was forced to "study" and later put into solitary confinement; and Li Guoquan and Zhou Guoping were also segregated. Luo Qingsheng has been put in solitary confinement for a long time and was forced to wear a heavy metal helmet only because he shouted out a few times to say some fair words for Falun Gong.

    19. [Jiangyou City, Sichuan Province] Practitioner Wu Qihui Sentenced to One and a Half Years of Forced Labor, Practitioner Wan Jianxin Sentenced to Four Years of Imprisonment

    20. [Huadian City, Jilin Province] Mr. Guo Zhiren Sentenced to Seven Years of Imprisonment

    Mr. Guo Zhiren is a practitioner from Huangjin, Jiapigou Town, Huadian City. He was sentenced to seven years of imprisonment and has already been held for three years. Mr. Guo is now being held at Team 2, Ward 8, the Tiebei Prison of Changchun City.

    21. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Zhang Ce is Put into Solitary Confinement in the Hulan Prison

    Personnel from the Hulan Prison force all practitioners and inmates to work until 10:00 p.m. daily. Practitioner Zhang Ce is now locked up in solitary confinement.

    22. [Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province] Personnel from the Qiqihar City Police Department Arrested Li Lijuan for Clarifying the Truth to People and Promoting the "Three Withdrawals"

    Falun Gong practitioner Li Lijuan was arrested by personnel from the Qiqihar City Police Department for clarifying the truth to people and promoting the "Three Withdrawals" (from the Young Red Pioneers, the Youth League and the Communist Party).

    23. [Ju County, Shandong Province] Three Practitioners Arrested

    Practitioner Ms. Zhang Cuihua, an employee from the Juxian County Fertilizer Factory, was recently arrested and her computer confiscated. Practitioner Ms. Duan Hongling is Zhang Cuihua's colleague and close contact. She was spotted distributing Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials in a Ju County market and was arrested as a result. Practitioner Wei Daisheng, an employee from the Electric Factory was beaten and arrested in public only because s/he had once visited Ms. Zhang Cuihua.

    24. [Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province] Ms. Cai Guijiao Transferred to the Baimalong Forced Labor Camp for Refusal to be Reformed

    Personnel from the Yueyang City 610 Office sent practitioner Ms. Cai Guijiao from Qianlianghu to the Zhuzhou City's Baimalong Forced Labor Camp because she was determined in her Falun Gong practice and refused to write the so-called Three Statements in the Yueyang City Brainwashing Center. Her family visits were denied.

    Huang Boliang, director of Yueyang City's 610 Office

    Chen Qida, head of the CCP Political and Judicatory Committee

    25. [Yueyang City, Hubei Province] Ms. Fu Weijia Stages a Hunger Strike to Protest Unconstitutional Imprisonment

    Practitioner Ms. Fu Weijia is being held at the Yueyang City's 1st Detention Center. She has been on a hunger strike over four days. It was learned that the wardens in the detention center have aggravated the tortures perpetrated on Ms. Fu.

    26. [Botou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Li Xiumin Arrested

    On January 6, 2006, police arrested practitioner Ms. Li Xiumin, in her 60s, from Baiwangzhuang Village, Jiaohe Town, Botou City.

    27. [Shanghai] Ms. Shao Hongzhen Arrested

    On January 23, 2006, practitioner Ms. Shao Hongzhen was arrested and currently is being held at the Xuhui District Detention Center.

    28. [Yuanqu County, Shanxi Province] Three Practitioners Sentenced to Forced Labor

    In June 2005, a Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials production site was destroyed in Yuanqu County, Shanxi Province. As a result, more than 10 practitioners' houses were ransacked. Three computers, a printer, three copiers, and a lot of truth-clarifying materials were confiscated. Three practitioners were sentenced to forced labor.

    Practitioners Zhang Fuxiang and Bai Xinyan were sentenced to three years of forced labor for practicing Falun Gong. They are currently being held in the Taiyuan City Xindian Forced Labor Camp.

    Practitioner Ms. Wang Suzhen, retired, was arrested with the two above-named practitioners. She was sentenced to one year and three months of forced labor.