The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- February 7, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • A Case of  CCP Damaging Family Relationships

  • National Security Group of Muleng City Police Department in Heilongjiang Province Extorts Money at Will

  • Ma Qinghai Endures Huge Suffering During His Eighty Day Hunger Strike to Protest his Mistreatment

  • How the Guards From the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp of Changchun City Persecute Falun Gong practitioners

  • Belated News: Nine Practitioners in Hubei Province, Beijing, Liaoning Province and Other Parts of China Died As a Result of Persecution

  • Additional Persecution News from China - January 28, 2006 (15 Reports)

  • A Case of CCP Damaging Family Relationships

    The Chinese Communist Party has persecuted Mrs. Zhao many times because of her persistence in Falun Gong practice. At the instigation of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), her son and daughter-in-law have also persecuted her.

    Mrs. Zhao, now in her sixties, no longer suffered from diseases after she started practicing Falun Gong. Her whole body felt light. After the CCP began to persecute Falun Gong practitioners in July 1999, Ms. Zhao went to Beijing twice to clarify the truth to the government. She was arrested and taken back to her hometown for imprisonment.

    She continued to practice Falun Gong and clarify the truth, so she was later detained three more times. Twice she was taken to a brainwashing center and was hung up by handcuffs.

    She persisted in Falun Gong practice, so the police had her employer monitored her at work. Her workplace along with the residential committee and police made her son and daughter-in-law monitor her at home. The Communist Party culture poisoned her son and daughter-in-law's minds. Her family watched her twenty-four hours a day and did not allow her to read Falun Gong books or do the exercises. They destroyed her Falun Gong materials. In addition, they recorded speeches defaming Falun Gong and made her listen to the recordings repeatedly. They beat her, swore at her and even taped her mouth shut.

    When Mrs. Zhao resisted having her mouth taped, they first tied up her legs and hands with adhesive tape, and then pinched her nose so that she had to open her mouth to breathe. Then they stuffed her mouth with a towel and taped it shut. She could not sleep and could not use the bathroom.

    This is just one of the many cases that demonstrate how Chinese Communist Party fabrications and slander poisons the hearts of the Chinese people, and tear families apart.

    Mrs. Zhao's son threw her out of the house at 6:00 a.m. one morning. She is now homeless.

    Chinese version available at

    National Security Group of Muleng City Police Department in Heilongjiang Province Extorts Money at Will

    Since Sun Jibin, the new chief of the Police Department of Muleng City, Heilongjiang Province, came on board six months ago, over 30 Falun Gong practitioners have been illegally arrested. As a result, this police department was recognized with the "Advanced Working Unit" award given by the national police system. In order to gain political prestige and amass capital, Sun Jibin started persecuting practitioners and extorting money from them without restraint in 2006.

    Among the 30 practitioners were Dr. Qu, Dr. Zou, Ms. Zhang Yanfen, Ms. Gu Yan, Ms. Liu Di, Ms. Li Shuzhi, Mr. Lv Si and his wife, Mr. Qu Bo, Mr. Peng, Mr. Cheng Cheng, Xiao Zheng and his younger brother-in-law, Mrs. Zhao and her daughter from Muleng Town, Xiao Gao, Zhou Zhirong, the Zhang Youmei couple, and Sun Shiwei, a senior teacher from the school of advanced studies.

    Li Shuzhi and Xiao Gao have been sent to Harbin Drug Rehabilitation Forced Labor Camp and Lao Peng to Mudanjiang City Forced Labor Camp. None of their families were notified at the time they were sent. All these practitioners who were "illegally arrested" were cruelly tortured while held in detention. For example, Sun Shiwei, who is over 50, lost two teeth when he was force-fed. The guards smashed his mouth and teeth in the process and blood flew all over his clothes and stained his bedding.

    Since the beginning of the year the police have changed their tactics. The procedure before was: arrest, physical torture, forced labor camp, and prison. Now, after they make the arrest, they right away attempt to extort money from the practitioners' families. The lowest amount is 10,000 yuan. If they receive no money, the practitioner will be sent directly to the forced labor camp.

    In the first half of January, Zhou Xinsheng with the National Security Group took police officers and secretly broke into the work unit of practitioner Mr. Cheng Cheng. They found a copy of "Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party" and took Mr. Cheng to the National Security Group. Zhou Xinsheng demanded that Mr. Cheng give him 20,000 yuan, saying that 10,000 yuan would cover the copy of the Nine Commentaries and 10,000 yuan was to enable him to attend a party. He also said it was the lowest offer he would make. When Mr. Cheng refused to cooperate, Zhou Xinsheng said he would send Mr. Cheng to a forced labor camp. He then demanded money from Mr. Cheng's family. His wife went to borrow money from every place she could thing of and barely collected 10,000 yuan.

    One day in the first half of January, Zhou Xinsheng and other officers handcuffed Mr. Xiao Zhen, and took him to the National Security Group. Zhou also demanded 10,000 yuan from Mr. Xiao's wife, also a practitioner. It was more than they had, so, with great effort, Mr. Xiao's family borrowed 2,000 yuan. After three days, the police told Mr. Xiao to give them more money.

    Zhou Xinsheng then took police to practitioner Ms. Gao Xuehui's family store and demanded money from her husband. Their only goal is to extort money from practitioners. At present, many practitioners are being chased by the police. They have had to abandon their homes. Several of them are over 70 years old.

    Chinese version available at

    Ma Qinghai Endures Huge Suffering During His Eighty Day Hunger Strike to Protest his Mistreatment

     On October 31, 2005, Inner Mongolia State Protection policeman Gong Zhuan Xing and others arrested Mr. Ma Qinghai. He was imprisoned at the Aohan Detention Center.

    Mr. Ma went on a hunger strike in protest. He was illegally sentenced to serve a prison term of nine years. He was later transferred to Chifeng Jail to serve his prison term. Mr. Ma is currently on the 80th day of his hunger strike. His condition is precarious and he has faced enormous misery and suffering.

    While detained, Mr. Ma encountered the most brutal persecution. He was continuously beaten. The policeman Miao Guangli and some others instigated six to seven inmates to insert an un-sanitized rubber hose down his esophagus attempting to force-feed him. The inmates forced the dirty rubber tube up and down in his esophagus at least ten times in this forced-feeding operation. This thrusting of the tube caused Mr. Ma to bleed and to have difficulty breathing. He fainted and lost consciousness several times. Amidst extreme pain and suffering, Mr. Ma Qinghai cut the hose by biting on it. The broken part of the tube remained inside his esophagus, making it difficult for him to breathe..

    For almost the entire 24 hours of every day during Mr. Ma's detention, with the exception of the investigative hearing, he was tied up on the bed. Most of his body was covered with bruises and lacerations. Also, because of the prolonged handcuffing to the bed, Ma's right ear was swollen. His hearing ability steadily deteriorated and he became feeble. Each day, policeman Miao Guangli beat him until he lost consciousness. Inmates in the detention center were also allowed to beat and scold Falun Gong practitioners whenever they pleased. During a heavy snow, the deputy warden brutally forced Mr. Ma, who was already feeble and weak, to stand barefoot in a snowdrift.

    During Mr. Ma's 70 days of imprisonment, the authorities inside the prison wouldn't allow his family to visit him. They resorted to all measures to censor and block jail information from reaching the outside. They refused to meet with the lawyer who was hired to represent him. The court even colluded with the police department to fabricate lies to defame Mr. Ma and then sentenced him to a nine year prison term. The sentencing was made without any public hearing and without Mr. Ma's family's knowledge, as well as without Mr. Ma's signature and acknowledgement.

    On January 12, 2006, after almost seventy days of fasting, the detention center transferred the weak and feeble Mr. Ma Qinghai to Chifeng Jail. Mr. Ma's family exerted a great deal of effort to find out his whereabouts. On January 16, they visited Mr. Ma. Because of the brutal persecution he suffered, two inmates had to help him. His family members were not able to recognize his emaciated body. Normally, Mr. Ma weighed about 140 pounds. He has been reduced to a skeleton of eighty to ninety pounds because of the brutal persecution. His face is covered with bruises and wounds. Before the old bruises heal, new ones are added.

    Recently, the jail again resorted to force-feeding Mr. Ma. Mr. Ma has sustained 80 days on a hunger strike. At every moment he faces torture, cruelty, and persecution. Every second his life is in danger. We appeal and call upon the kind-hearted people around the world to condemn this inhuman torture and provide support to stop these crimes against humanity.

    Chinese version available at

    How the Guards From the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp of Changchun City Persecute Falun Gong practitioners

     In the past several years, the authorities at the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp of Changchun City have brutally tortured illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners both physically and mentally. Those held there are deprived of freedom. They are forced to work from morning to night each day. Every day they have to work for over ten hours. Once, the practitioners were forced to pick beans after dinner. Lan Mingjuan (female), who is the deputy leader of the 7th Group, complained that the practitioners did not pick enough beans. She forced the practitioners to work until 1:00 a.m. before they were allowed to go to sleep.

    The deputy leader of the 7th Group, Hou Zhihong (female), always let loose a torrent of abuse to those practitioners who failed to complete the given task. She has beaten a countless number of the practitioners. When practitioners lined up, if she found someone who did not please her eyes, she would either kick or punch the practitioner while yelling with vulgar language.

    The 7th Group set up a so-called "new birth" group to "transform" Falun Gong practitioners. It was specially designed to torture practitioners who just arrived or who refused to give up the practice. The guards used those who already gave up the practice to force practitioners to study brainwashing materials and to write repentance statements. Those who refused to follow their orders were punished by being forced to stand up for a long time (1), sleep-deprivation, beating and yelling, electric baton shock (2), and other brutal torture methods.

    The Guard Hou Zhihong (female) also ordered Hao Limei (female), Ning Wenzhi (female) and several other people who gave up the practice to take practitioners who refused to give up the practice to hidden places. There they hold the practitioners to the ground, with some holding the arms, some pressing on the legs, some riding on the body and some sitting on the head of the practitioners. Some pulled down the pants of the practitioners and then beat the practitioners' buttocks with the soles of their shoes until they turned purple and black. To avoid others from hearing what they were doing, they used smelly socks to stuff the practitioners' mouths. They grabbed the practitioners' hands to force them to write the Repentance Statement. Just I alone have witnessed over ten practitioners who were put through such torture.

    The Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp: 86-431-8983380; 86-431-8961487; 86-431-5384312 ext. 8006, 8013 and 8014

    The Director of Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp, Ma Yanlin (female): 86-431-5384323(Office), 86-431-5924643(Home), 86-13843020118(Cell) 86-13604338661(Cell)

    The Director of Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp, Fan Youlan (female): 86-431-7697329

    The evil guard who does brainwashing, Ye Jiong (male): 86-431-8912561

    (1) Punishment by Forcing to Stand for a Long Time (

    The so-called "Punishment by forcing to stand for a long time" means that the victim has to stand, facing a wall all day long except for the time spent eating, sleeping and using the toilet, from the time s/he rises at 5 a.m. until 1 a.m. or 2 a.m. the next morning when s/he is allowed to go to bed. This abuse usually lasts several days. If someone cannot withstand the intensity of prolonged standing and loses consciousness, the guards will then force-feed him or her with drugs.

    (2). Electric Baton Shock (

    Electric batons of high voltage--30, 000 volts--are used to shock practitioners' sensitive and private places, like the mouth, the root of the ear, the central part of the sole of the foot, center of the palm of the hand, penis, private parts and nipples. Sometimes, multiple batons are used together to torture practitioners. See pencil illustration on /emh/articles/2001/11/24/16156.html 6th in article of 12 tortures)

    Chinese version available at

    Belated News: Nine Practitioners in Hubei Province, Beijing, Liaoning Province and Other Parts of China Died As a Result of Persecution

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Shen Jinyu, 65 years old, lived in Wuhan City, Hubei Province. Both of her kidneys were dysfunctional, and she also had many other kinds of illnesses before she started practicing Falun Gong. She was completely cured after she started practicing Falun Gong in 1994. In September 1999, Ms. Shen went to Beijing to clarify the truth and was illegally arrested. Communist Party officials sent her to a brainwashing class where she was hung up by her handcuffed hands, put in a metal cage and had her hands shackled behind her back. In December 2002, the Communist officials arrested Shen Jinyu again and sent her to the Siwei Road Police Station, where they handcuffed her hands behind her back and beat her for the whole night. In early 2003, agents from the Siwei Road Police Station dragged Shen Jinyu from her home and took her to Jiangan District Brainwashing Class.

    Since the persecution began in 1999, perpetrators from the Siwei Street Communist Party Office, the police station and the Neighborhood Party Committee often ransacked Shen Jinyu's home and took her away and sent her to prison. These outrages under the persecution physically and mentally devastated Ms. Shen. She passed away on January 1, 2006.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Shufen, 42 years old, lived at Tuanhe Lukou in the Daxing District in Beijing. She started practicing Falun Gong in 1996, after which all of her illnesses disappeared. She clarified the truth about Falun Gong to people. In 2001, police officers from the Daxing District arrested Ms. Liu from home and sent her to a labor camp, in violation of the Chinese Constitution. She was savagely tortured and brutally persecuted with other methods at Group 3 of the Tiantanghe Forced Labor Camp. As a result, Ms. Liu's health deteriorated and she passed away in November 2004.

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Zhengchun, 62 years old, was the vice-principal of Gaowan Farm Middle School and secretary of the Gaowan Central School Party Committee in Fushun City, Liaoning Province. After he started practicing Falun Gong in 1997, he was cured of a cerebral hemorrhage and was able to take care of himself. He went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in July 1999, was arrested, had his home ransacked and was detained for 15 days. Mr. Wang was later laid off for his belief in Falun Gong. His superiors Cui and Yan at Fushun Economic Development District Work Bureau, often harassed him at his home and tried to coerce him to write a guarantee statement to renounce his belief. They threatened to suspend his salary if he refused. Su and Tian from the Gaowan Police Department frequently harassed him at his home, which severely disrupted his life. Officials from the Gaowan Education Committee also persecuted Mr. Wang by refusing to issue him a retirement certificate [which meant he would not enjoy some special treatment for retired teachers], although Wang Zhengchun had reached retirement age. Wang Zhengchun was constantly tormented and pressured. He passed away in March 2005.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Shen Youlan, 71 years old, lived in Keyouzhong Flag, Xinganmeng, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. She had suffered from severe rheumatoid heart disease and other illnesses before she started practicing Falun Gong. She never went anywhere without her sublingual nitroglycerin medicine. Her condition improved greatly after she started practicing; her white hair turned black and she no longer needed the nitroglycerin tablets. In 2000, her daughter and son-in-law were sent to forced labor and prison for persisting in Falun Gong practice. Shen Youlan then had to take care of her 12-year-old granddaughter. Lawless agents from the local National Security Group and from the police department often ransacked her home and harassed her, which caused her tremendous stress. Shen Youlan passed away on October 24, 2004.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Cao Guirong, 51 years old, lived at Xingan Street, Anda City, Heilongjiang Province. She started practicing Falun Gong in 1996 and persistently spread the truth about Falun Gong and helped people learn the practice. After the persecution started on July 1999, the local police went to her home many times and tried to force her to write guarantee statements. Ms. Cao was placed under tremendous pressure and lost the environment to practice her belief. She suffered a nervous breakdown and passed away on December 24, 2004.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Hao Tinghua, 65 years old, lived in Qinglian Village, Nanzhai Township, Lingshou County, Hebei Province. She started practicing Falun Gong in 1996 and soon after, she experienced great changes. She had a rosy complexion and was happy and friendly. Ms. Hao went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on April 25, 1999. The local police constantly harassed her since that time. On July 20, 1999, Hao Tinghua went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. The police arrested her at home on five occasions after she returned home. Twice, about eight police officers beat and hit her with rubber clubs and kicked her. They didn't stop until they were exhausted. Ms. Hao was detained several times and was extorted out of 1,500 yuan. The police didn't issue any receipt for the extorted money. Eventually, Ms. Hao showed symptoms of severe illnesses in September 2005, and passed away soon afterwards.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Xiuying, 66 years old, lived in Qinglian Village, Lingshou Township, Hebei Province and had many illnesses. She started practicing Falun Gong in 1997 and became very healthy through Falun Gong practice. She was able to do all kinds of chores around the house and in the field. After the nationwide persecution started in 1999, Ms. Zhang stepped forward to appeal for Falun Gong. On her way to Beijing on July 20, 1999, officers from the Nanzhai Township Police Department arrested and tortured her. These evildoing people locked more than 20 people in a small room with the windows and the door shut in the heat of summer. They called out those whom they wanted to interrogate, and beat and kicked them. Several Falun Gong practitioners held in the room vomited and had diarrhea due to the terrible conditions inside the room. They were released only after they paid extortion money. Zhang Xiuying passed away in March 2005.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Jin Zhilian, 78 years old, lived in Chongli County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province. She started practicing Falun Gong in 1997, and experienced great changes. She was cured of high blood pressure and heart disease and was able to walk about ten miles in the mountains to join a group Falun Gong book reading. She persisted in Falun Gong practice even after the persecution started on July 20. However, she passed away after her son was sent to a labor camp and she was subjected to intense pressure from various people.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Xiuzhi started practicing Falun Gong in January 1998, and was very diligent with Falun Gong book reading and doing the exercises. She was cured of chronic atrophic gastritis. She beamed with health and told everyone, "All of my illnesses were cured through practicing Falun Gong! You should practice, too!" However, Ms. Liu experienced great pressure and anguish after the brutal persecution of Falun Gong started on July 20, 1999, and she passed away on February 12, 2001.

    Chinese version available at

    Additional Persecution News from China - January 28, 2006 (15 Reports)

    1. [Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province] Ms. Li Xiaoyun and Her Younger Brother Li Xueyi Arrested

    Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Li Xiaoyun and her younger brother Li Xueyi are both from the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. On January 17, 2006, they were arrested when passing out truth clarifying materials near Hansenzhai in the eastern suburbs of Xi'an City. Their father, also a practitioner, was sentenced to five years in prison two years ago. Now their family has only their mother left.

    Relevant phone numbers:

    Xincheng District Police Department in Xi'an City, Director Jiao Xiangfa (male), 86-29-87442836.
    Student Administration Office of Xi'an Jiao Tong University, 86-29-82668232, 86-29-82668364, 86-29-82668027
    Xi'an City Bureau of Justice head Li Ruilian (female), 86-29-88613037; Deputy Head Su Wenwei (gender unknown), 86-29-88613037.
    Xincheng District Government Head Zhao Changchun (male), 86-29-87411947.

    2. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Yang Suxia and Others Arrested

    On the evening of January 24, 2006, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yang Suxia, Ms. Liu Xiumei, and Ms. Li Jingyan from Fushan Town were arrested on their way to passing out truth clarifying materials in the Fuyanshan Neighborhood.

    Fuyanshan Police Station, 86-536-8136110

    Fushan Town Police Station, 86-536-8119110

    3. [Tianjin City] Mr. Sha Litian Arrested

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Sha Litian lives in Xizhou Village, Wuqing District, Tianjin City. On January 26, 2006, he went to the Wuqing Police Department to clarify the truth, was arrested there, and now is detained in the Wuqing District Detention Center.

    4. [Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province] Ms. Liu Xinli and Ms. Gao Zhihong Arrested

    Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Liu Xinli and Ms. Gao Zhihong are both from Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province. In August 2005, they were arrested by State Security Agents and 610 Office workers. Liaoyaun Local Court has secretly sentenced them recently. Ms. Liu Xinli has been sentenced to nine years in prison, and Ms. Gao Zhihong was sentenced to three years in prison.

    5. [Liuyang City, Hunan Province] Ms. Hu Shuua Arrested and Her Family Fined 5,000 Yuan

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Hu Shuhua lives in Meitian Village, Gugang Township, Gugang Town, Liuyang City, Hunan Province. In the middle of January 2006, policemen from the Gugang Station arrested Ms. Hu from her home, ransacked her place, and took away her Falun Gong books. Ms. Hu is detained in the Bainikeng Detention Center located in Liuyang City. Police threatened her family and said that in order to have Ms. Hu released, they must pay 5,000 yuan. Ms. Hu's family paid the money under pressure, but Ms. Hu is still detained. Policemen from the Gugang Station later told her family that Ms. Hu has been sentenced to three years of forced labor and will be sent to the Baimalong Women's Labor Camp in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province.

    Gugang Police Station, 86-731-3403747

    Ms. Hu Shuhua's house phone, 86-731-3406831

    6. [Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region] Mr. Li Yongquan Sentenced

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Yongquan is formerly a dentist that lived in Dayan City. He was fired for upholding his belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," and tried to be a good person. He had to go to Beijing to try to make a living.

    On August 31, 2004, he picked up a plastic bag in the Longjin Neighborhood and tried to find the person who lost it. A woman who lived on the third door of the building mistakenly took him for a thief and reported him to the police, who injured him in the course of a severe beating. Mr. Li Yongquan has been sentenced to three and a half years in prison and is being held in the Eighth Ward of Baoanzhao Prison, Jialaite Prefecture, Xingan League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous District.

    7. [Mengyin County, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Faxiu and Others Arrested and Fined

    On January 17, 2006, twelve policemen from Tanfu Town's 610 Office in Mengyin County, Shandong Province, led by Wang Mingjun (male) and Liu Zhen (male), suddenly stormed into Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Wang Faxiu and Ms. Han Shilian's homes, arrested them, and demanded 4,000 yuan from each family. Under intense pressure, Ms. Wang Faxiu's family paid 4,000 yuan, and Ms. Han Shilian's family paid 2,000 yuan and signed a "debt slip" for 2,000 yuan. They were both detained in the Town 610 Office for six days before being released.

    On the same day (January 18, 2006), these twelve policemen went to Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Ren Liangxi and Ms. Zhao Xiufang's homes, but could not arrest them since they were not at home.

    8. [Changchun City, Jiln Province] Ms. Li Chunxiang Still Detained in Heizuizi Labor Camp

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Chunxiang is still detained in the Second Ward of Heizuizi Labor Camp. Her term ended, but the camp authorities said her term was to be extended for 13 days.

    Phone number of the Second Ward of Heizuizi Labor Camp, 86-431-5384312, ext.-6102

    9. [Xinglong County, Hebei Province] On January 20, 2006, Policemen from Xinglong County Department and National Security Group Ransacked Seventeen Falun Gong practitioners' Homes and Arrested Them

    Relevant phone numbers:

    Xinglong County CCP Political and Judiciary Committee Secretary Cai Fuhao (male), 86-314-5059688 (Home), 86-13903248458 (Cell)
    Xonglong County CCP 610 Office Head Zhuang Xiao Peng, 86-314-5059844 (Office), 86-314-5058191 (Home), 86-13703148820 (Cell)
    Xinglong County Police Department Chief Liu Zhenwang (male), 86-13503140631 (Cell)
    Xinglong County Police Department Deputy Chief Wang Xiaopeng (male, in charge of persecution Falun Gong), 86-13903148999 (Cell)
    Xonglong County National Security Group, 86-314-5057670; Head Lu Shaohua (male), 86-314-5056338 (Home), 86-13903248866 (Cell)

    10. [Hubei Province] Mr. Yang Yunhua Arrested Again

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yang Yunhua was the manager employed by Shiyue Hotel located in Xishui County, Hubei Province. He had been sentenced to four years of prison at the end of 2000, and was just released home in 2004. He was arrested again on December 21, 2005 by policemen and state security agents. His current whereabouts are unknown.

    Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Li Zhengwen and his wife Zhou Qi were also arrested.

    11. [Heilongjiang Province] Falun Gong practitioners Tortured in Harbin Women's Prison

    In the past 17-18 days, seventeen Falun Gong practitioners, including Ms. Jia Shuying, have been locked in small cells(1) and deprived of the right to sleep. As soon as they closed their eyes, Warden Liu Zhqiang (male) and 610 Office Head Xiao Lin (gender unknown) would encourage prisoners to beat the practitioners.

    12. [Pingdu City, Shandong Province] Policemen from the Zhugou Town Police Station Arrested Falun Gong practitioners

    On the evening of December 25, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Xu Guimei, Ms. Liu Guiqin, and Ms. Zhang Xingmei from Lushang Village, Zhugou Town, Pingdu City went to visit people in other villages and were arrested on their way home. At around 7 a.m. on December 26, 2005, policeman Jiao Hengyu and 4-5 other policemen ransacked Ms. Liu Guiqin and Ms. Xu Guinei's houses. They also went to Ms. Zhang Xingmei's house many times, but there wasn't anyone home. At around 2 p.m. on December 26, 2005, policemen sent these three practitioners to Pingdu City for brainwashing.

    Zhugou Town CCP Secretary Wang Zhaoji (male), 86-13589318998 (Cell)
    Zhugou Town CCP Deputy Secretary Wang Yongrui (male), 86-13061233870 (Cell)
    Zhugou Town Police Station Chief Zhao Wuwu, (male), 86-13905426426 (Cell)
    Zhugou Town Police Station Political Intructor Liu Wei (male), 86-13378047232 (Cell)
    Zhugou Town Police Station policeman Jaio Hengyu, 86-532-83321274 (Home); policeman Lu Yongyan, 86-532-83328867 (Home), 86-13156056101 (Cell)

    13. [Yingkou City, Laoning Province] Mr. Gong Deshuang and Others Detained in a Farm

    There are 4-5 Falun Gong practitioners detained in the Special Ward of Xinsheng Farm, another form of labor camp. Mr. Gong Deshuang fell ill, and the farm had him checked into a local clinic. He was diagnosed with heart disease, but the clinic did not have the necessary equipment to give a more detailed analysis or treatment. The farm's authorities have refused to give his family further information.

    Warden's phone: 86-417-5106107.

    Warden Fu Liajie (male), Zhao Shijie (male), guard Li Yonghui (male), 86-13019848591 (Cell)

    14. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Sun Shizhen Detained in Yaojia Detention Center

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Sun Shizhen, in his 60s, was arrested by policemen from the Huazhong Station in Ganzijing District when passing out truth clarifying materials. He is currently detained in the Yaojia Detention Center.

    Yaojia Detention Center, 86-411-86602766

    15. [Shenzhen City, Guangzhou Province] Ms. He Xiaohong Arrested

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. He Xiaohong, around 35, is a government employee that worked in the Legal Justice Division of the Luohu District Civil Management, and she lives in Xilingxia, Luohu District, Shenzhen City. She started practicing Falun Gong in the autumn of 2004. Around January 10, 2006, she was arrested by policemen from Xianning City, Hubei Province and Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province. Her house was ransacked, and the police took away all of the valuables in the house.

    (1) The detainee is locked up in a very small cell individually. The guards handcuff practitioners on their back in a fixed position, in which the practitioners can neither move nor lie down. The small cell is very damp and no sunshine comes in. Detainees have to urinate and defecate in the cell. Only half of a regular meal is served to detainees locked up in a small cell during the daytime. During the night the rats are running around. The stench in the small cell is so bad that it is difficult to breathe.

    Chinese version available at