The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- October 5, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Ms. Tang Shirong from Chongqing Has Been Missing Since September 2005

  • Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp Tortures Practitioners by Locking Them in Dark Rooms, Burying Them Alive, and Leaving Them with Snakes

  • Falun Gong Practitioners Suffer Cruel Persecution in Sanshui Forced Labor Camp, Guangdong Province

  • The Persecution Suffered by Three Falun Gong Practitioners in Anxian Village, Laiwu City, Shandong Province

  • The Authorities of  Hebei University of Science and Technology Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners

  • Ms. Tang Shirong from Chongqing Has Been Missing Since September 2005

    Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Tang Shirong from Jingkou Town, Shapingba District, Chongqing City, went missing at the beginning of September 2005 and there has since been no information of her whereabouts since. Her family members went to Jingkou's local police station, and also the local police station in Tongjiaxi Town in the neighboring Beibei District, to report her disappearance. The authorities at both stations denied any knowledge of Ms. Tang's disappearance and refused to investigate further.

    Ms. Tang, around 66 years old, was a retired worker from Chongqing Special Steel Company. Before she went missing, she lived in the company's newly developed residential facilities.

    According to an insider from Jingkou Town government, at the beginning of September 2005, truth-clarification material appeared all over Jingkou Town, exposing the actions of Zuo Jin, secretary of Jingkou Town Politics and Law Committee, in persecuting local practitioners. It was at that time that Ms. Tang went missing.

    After Ms. Tang began to practice Falun Gong in 1998, she followed the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" in everything that she did. She gradually took lightly the attachments of fame and self-interest and at the same time recovered from diseases which had brought her long-term suffering. She became open-minded and friendly and glowed with health. She experienced the happiness that comes with Falun Gong cultivation and Teacher's great mercy.

    After the persecution of Falun Gong began in July 1999, Ms. Tang went to Beijing to appela for Falun Gong. She was arrested and detained for 15 days by the Jingkou local police station. After she was released, she was regularly harassed by the Jinkou Town government, the local police station, the residents' committee, her company's retirement organization, and others. All of them sent people to her home to pressure her into writing a guarantee statement renouncing Falun Gong. She clarified the truth to them, telling them that Falun Dafa is good, but they did not listen and threatened to send her to a brainwashing center if she did not sign. They threatened her further, saying that if the brainwashing did not "transform" her, they would send her to a forced labor camp. To avoid further persecution, she left her home and moved away from home. Despite having a home, she could not return to it.

    In February 2001, when Ms. Tang distributed truth-clarification material about the staged Tiananmen Square self-immolation incident at Wuxing Commune, Tongjiaxi Town, Beibei District, the local villagers reported her to the authorities. She was arrested and imprisoned in the Dujia Street Jail by the police from Tongjiaxi Town local police station. The police attempted to sentence her and demanded she sign an arrest warrant. She refused to sign the warrant or acknowledge any guilt. The procuratorate interrogated her many times. Every time, she clarified the truth about Falun Gong to them and refused to cooperate, causing them to achieve nothing through their interrogations. Later, because the conditions for a sentence had not been met, the procuratorate was unable to hold a trial.

    Without any legal procedures, Ms. Tang was imprisoned for half a year in Beibei Jail and forced to fold paper cartons every day, despite her age. The vegetables she was served every day were boiled instead of stir-fried and usually smelled rotten. The hygiene conditions in the jail were very bad. She and others there developed scabies all over their bodies, and the constant itching was unbearable. Ms. Tang's case was never given due legal process, but instead she was illegally sent to Maojiashan Women's Forced Labor Camp, Jiangbei District, Chongqing City, where she was to be held for two years.

    In the camp, the guards instigated criminals to strip off her clothes and barbarically inspect her. Then they unevenly cut her hair to humiliate her. Guards forced her and other practitioners to undergo intensive military training under the hot sun. If anyone did not meet the guards' criteria, she would be made to remain and continue training. Those who did not obey would be beaten and kicked by the criminals. Ms. Tang had committed no crime, and thus refused to recite the prison regulations. The guards then instigated criminals to maliciously tie up both her arms, force her to bend over at a 90-degree angle, and hold this position for extended periods. If she moved, the criminals would use a crutch to pound her back. They also refused to allow her to sleep. They continued this excruciating torture for half a month. In October 2001, Ms. Tang was persecuted to the point that she had an extremely high hypertension reading of 240. Only then was she released on bail for medical treatment.

    After she returned to Jingkou, Jingkou Town government and the local police station were not willing to release her. They wanted to take her to a brainwashing center to force her give up her belief in Falun Gong. To avoid this, empty-handed she fled her home. The local police angrily kicked her gate until it broke. Later, when she moved to her company's newly developed residential area, the Jingkou Town residents' committee and the local police continued to interrogate and harass her out of "care for her well-being," particularly during holiday periods or dates they considered sensitive. They also sent unemployed people to monitor her. She endured this constant pressure up until she disappeared.

    After Ms. Tang was reported missing, Jingkou Town government never again sent anyone to "care" for her and never took an interest in her whereabouts. Their interest in her just suddenly stopped. Jingkou Town government and the local police station cannot escape responsibility for practitioner Ms. Tang Shirong's disappearance.

    Jingkou Police Station's phone number: 86-23-65183972

    Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp Persecutes Practitioners by Locking Them in Dark Rooms, Burying Them Alive, and Leaving Them with Snakes

    The Chinese Communist Party authorities uses Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp  to persecute Falun Gong practitioners in Hebei Province.

    Measures used to persecute:

    1. There is a team in the camp designated to persecute practitioners—Group Leader Yang Zemin, Political Instructor Li Xuejun (male) and Ma Li (female), Fang Chai, and guard Ye Shuxian (female, now retired, female). These people planned and participated in the persecution of practitioners.

    2. There was a 20-acre garden near the camp with high walls surrounding it and an empty house. On the premises, there were holes to bury people and torture devices to persecute practitioners.

    3. Practitioners were locked up and denied visitors. They were brainwashed and forced to watch TV that slandered Teacher and Falun Gong.

    4. For every practitioner, there were about a dozen guards assigned to persecute him/her each time.

    5. There were 103 electric batons used to shock practitioners' mouths and sensitive parts until their skin blistered. Practitioners were tied up with a rope until their shoulders dislocated and buried in holes in the ground until they almost suffocated. Guards wrapped practitioners' fingers with copper wire and ran current through it. The guards also used scissors to stab underneath the practitioners' feet, cuffed the practitioners and locked the cuffs to rings buried in the ground, and beat, kicked and electrically shocked practitioners who were physically weak. They also put poisonous snakes on the practitioners. The guards would take off the practitioners' clothes and cuff them on the rings, leaving them there under the sizzling sun and let the mosquitoes bite them. The guards also wore hard shoes and stomped and kicked practitioners on their stomaches, faces and other sensitive parts. Practitioners had to do intensive labor that they could barely do, and the food was awful.

    6. There was a dark room specifically used to persecute practitioners. The dark room was located on the second floor. All the walls and ceiling were covered with words slandering Teacher and Falun Gong. Practitioners locked in the dark room were not allowed to sleep for a long time and were forced to read drawings slandering Teacher and Falun Gong. The camp also had former practitioners who went astray brainwash the practitioners.

    Case 1

    A female practitioner was on hunger strike for many days. The guards force fed her until she vomited. The practitioner became very weak. Guard Lv instigated several prisoners to force the practitioner out of the dark room. He then ran around the large yard in the camp, dragging her behind for three hours. The prisoners later took the practitioner inside the house and brutally beat her. Guard Lv punched the practitioner down onto the floor, picked the practitioner up and knocked her down again. This torture went on for about an hour. The practitioner couldn't move anymore. Two male guards then came in and stomped on the practitioner's head and feet with their hard shoes.

    Ten days before the Chinese New Year, Captain Yang Zemin led a dozen guards and cuffed this female practitioner onto a wooden board which was specifically used to persecute practitioners. The board had two iron rings on each side made with thick iron bars. The guards opened up and cuffed the practitioners arms on the iron rings. The practitioner was in a squatting position and the guards started to use electric batons to shock her on the hands, face, on the bottoms of the feet (without socks on), her mouth, and spine. The guards beat her, slapped her, and kicked her in the lower abdomen, back, and legs. When they used the electric batons to shock her feet, they didn't remove the batons until the skin was blistered. These tortures lasted three hours everyday until it was almost New Year's.

    Case 2

    One day the guard director, Zang Haili, wrote words that slandered Teacher and Falun Gong and told a practitioner to read it. This practitioner refused. The guards then beat, kicked and slapped the practitioner. This practitioner's legs were severely bruised and swollen because of being kicked.

    Around 7 p.m., a dozen guards took this practitioner to the garden and cuffed this practitioner on two iron rings fixed on the ground with his arms spread apart. The guards took off the practitioner's socks and started to beat the practitioner and shock his/her (gender unknown) feet, face, hands, shoulders, spine, neck, and legs. This practitioner fell on the ground. Guard Zang Haili placed a wood enrod on the practitioner's swollen legs and stomped on it. This torture lasted till midnight and the practitioner was only released after fainting.

    After this practitioner came to, he/she was immobilized on a wooden board with his/her left hand cuffed to an iron ring. Fingers of his/her right hand were bleeding and he/she could taste strong medicine in his/her mouth.

    Captain Yang Zemin tried to force this practitioner to renounce Falun Gong. The practitioner refused. They locked this practitioner in a dark room on the 2nd floor and had a group of collaborators brainwash him/her. This practitioner wasn't allow to sit, squat, lie down, or sleep. Once the practitioner closed his/her eyes, the practitioner would be beaten. This practitioner was forced to listen to the collaborators. The torture continued for dozens of days until this practitioner lost consciousness. This practitioner's legs were severely swollen, to the point that they looked shiny and hard on the outside, like an iron rod. The practitioner couldn't put shoes on.

    Case 3

    In June, a guard forced a practitioner into a dark room in the garden and cuffed the practitioner to the iron rings on the ground with his/her arms spread apart. Guard Zang Haili rolled up this practitioner's shirt and sleeves and said, "You said we persecute you. I will let the mosquitoes bite you and persecute you today."

    The mosquitoes in the Gaoyang District were very vicious and the practitioner had bug bites all over. Later, a female guard placed a harmful animal inside the practitioner's clothes and let it run around. Other guards later brought a poisonous snake and let it crawl on the practitioner's body. The tortures lasted until 11 p.m.

    Case 4

    A female practitioner was on a hunger strike in the camp for over a year and suffered from various tortures. Guards wrapped copper wire on her fingers and shocked her with electric current. She was taken to the garden and buried in a hole. She was forced to stand inside the hole and the dirt covered her up to her neck. The guards then took her out right before she suffocated and re-buried her, repeating the torture. Later this practitioner was tied up tightly with her arms behind her head. In this position, the practitioner's shoulders dislocated and she fainted due to the pain. The guards then loosened the rope, put the dislocated arms back, and tied her up the same way again. This torture was repeated a dozen times. A guard even stuffed toilet paper into this practitioner's mouth. However, all of these evil acts didn't change her belief. Guard Fang Chai (an evil policeman known in the Gaoyang area) forced this female practitioner to do heavy work (sieving sand) that she couldn't physically do for over two months. She was also given awful food to eat.

    Falun Gong Practitioners Suffer Cruel Persecution in Sanshui Forced Labor Camp, Guangdong Province

    Between 2002 and 2005, the Entrance Team of Sanshui Forced Labor Camp, which detains and persecutes male Falun Gong practitioners, four times enacted a procedure called "Attacking the Base," in order to "transform" practitioners by cruel torture. The procedure was first launched around the period of the 16th CCP's National Congress Conference in 2002. The second time was from the beginning of 2003 to August 2003. The third time was from February 2004 to June or July 2004. The fourth time was from October 2004 to February 2005.

    On March 25, 2005, practitioner Mr. He Weiyu called out, "Falun Dafa is good!" during the morning roll call in Sanshui Forced Labor Camp. All the other practitioners gathered together and echoed, "Falun Dafa is good!" and "Falun Dafa is good." On the afternoon of the same day, practitioner Mr. Liang Jinjia climbed up on the metal fencing, trying to tear down the banners hanging on the third-floor fencing, which badmouthed Teacher Li and Falun Gong. The policemen forced the prisoners to subdue Mr. Liang by grabbing his feet. Mr. Liang yelled, "Falun Dafa is good!" while hanging there. The practitioners in the stairway echoed, "Falun Dafa is good!" In all, five practitioners, including Mr. Liang Jinjia from Foshan, Guangdong Province; Mr. He Weiyu from Maomin, Guangdong Province; Mr. Huang Jianyu from Jiangmen, Guangdong Province; Mr. Chen Guanzuo from Zhongshan, Guangdong Province; and Mr. Nian Jingsheng from Heilongjiang Province were individually confined in small rooms. Then they were transferred to the 4th Station of Sanshui Labor Camp, where they were forced to work with drug-addicted prisoners.

    On June 28, 2005, Mr. Huang Jingxian from Dayawan, Huidong County, Guangdong Province, sitting straight on a desk, held his hands in a big lotus palm position and yelled, "Completely eliminate Communism's evil spirit!" and "Falun Dafa is good!" He was persecuted through confinement in a small room. Later, he was transferred to another station of the camp. Within six months after being imprisoned at Sanshui Forced Labor Camp, Mr. Huang Jingxian was confined in a small room three times.

    In June 2006, the Special Watch Team under the 3rd Station of Sanshui Camp moved to the 2nd Group of the 2nd Station, which could be the original 7th Group or the former Women's Forced Labor Camp. In 2000, the 7th Group served as a location to cruelly torture practitioners. Mr. Hong Haoyuan from Chaozhou, Guangdong Province, was tortured to death in the 3rd Squadron of the 7th Group. Mr. Huang Yutian from Meizhou, Guangdong Province was electrically shocked, beaten, and tortured in the 3rd Squadron of the 7th Group.

    On August 11, 2005, the State Department of Guangzhou City arrested Mr. Huang Yutian for a second time and detained him at Sanshui Brainwashing Center. Now no one knows where he is. Please advise if anyone knows where he is. There are three groups there, the Exit Group, the Arrival Group and the Special Watch Group. The Special Watch Group is likely the original 3rd Squadron of the 7th Group. Since the beginning of 2006, the forced labor camp has conducted even crueler persecution towards practitioners. It labels practitioners as "class enemies" and uses electric shocks very frequently. For going on a hunger strike, practitioners are confined in a small room.

    Below is the list of practitioners suffering various forms of persecution:

    Mr. Li Xiaoming from Huazhou, Guangdong Province, was confined in a small room four times. His imprisonment was scheduled to end March 17, 2006, but was extended for another six months.

    Mr. Geng Dong from Tianjin City was confined in a small room for going on a hunger strike. His imprisonment was extended for another three months.

    Mr. Wu Xianjin from Gaozhou was confined in a small room four times. Since April of this year, the police have hung him up by handcuffs several times for his insistence on practicing Falun Gong in the prison.

    Mr. Huang Wei from Huazhou was confined in a small room four times. This April, the police stripped off his clothes and shocked him with eight electric batons for two hours, confined him in a small room, sent him to the Medical Treatment Team, and then sent him back to the Special Watch Team. Later Mr. Huang went on hunger strike again. He was confined and sent to the Medical Treatment Team again. Mr. Huang is still on a hunger strike at the Medical Treatment Team.

    Mr. Wu Rifeng from the Nahai Special Region was confined in a small room once. He was sent to Sanshui Forced Labor Camp twice. His first period of confinement lasted from July 2000 to the lunar New Year of 2002; the second time lasted from August 2004 to August 2006.

    Mr. Zhong Qirong from Luoding was sent to a forced labor camp for two years, from June 2004 to January 2006, with an extension of seven months. He was beaten while imprisoned.

    Mr. Lu Lisong from Yunan was confined in a small room. His term was extended three months.

    Mr. Yu Huijun was confined in a small room for reading a common book.

    Mr. Feng Yuhui from Zhongshan, Guangdong Province, was confined in a small room. From September 2004 to September 2005, he wasn't allowed to go home until after he went on hunger strike for several months.

    Mr. Chen Libin from Chaoshang, Guangdong Province, was confined in a small room four times. His term was extended seven months. He was released in May 2005.

    Mr. Liu, Changli from Xingning, in his 60s, was transferred to the 2nd Group of the 1st Station soon after he arrived in the 3rd Station. This was his third time staying at Sanshui Forced Labor Camp.

    Mr. Zhang Tao from Gansu Province was confined in a small room.

    Lai Zhenxian from Yunfu was shocked electrically. She was sent to a forced labor camp for three years, with a sux months' extension.

    Mr. Chen Wenyuan is from Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province.

    Mr. Chen Xichun's profile was not available.

    Mr. Lai Jiawen from Yunfu was sent to a forced labor camp for two years beginning in September 2005. He was electrically shocked.

    Mr. Chen Zhiguang is from Dongguan, Guangdong Province.

    Mr. Wu Zhisong is from Hubei Province.

    Mr. Ruang Xianchou from Taishan, Guangdong Province, was sent to a forced labor camp. This is his 2nd time being put into a forced labor camp.

    Ms. Gao Xuejun was forced to wear handcuffs while entering the office. In June 2006, she fainted after six days of a hunger strike. Then she was sent to the hospital for force feeding.

    Mr. Zhong Jiawen from Guangzhou City worked as an engineer for Guangzhou-Meizhou-Shantou Railway. He was illegally arrested at Huizhou, Guangdong Province. Mr. Zhong has been on a hunger strike ever since.

    Confining a prisoner in a small room is a cruel torture in a forced labor camp. Wearing nothing but underwear, the prisoner is locked in a small room, bitten by mosquitoes and shocked electrically at least twice a day.

    The Persecution Suffered by Three Falun Gong Practitioners in Anxian Village, Laiwu City, Shandong Province

    Falun Gong practitioners in Laiwu have suffered many of the same types of persecution, such as illegal arrest, detention, brainwashing, forced labor, imprisonment, inhumane torture. Their homes have been ransacked and their family members blackmailed. The following are the stories of three Falun Gong practitioners from Anxian Village in Laiwu City.

    On April 24, 2000, Zhang Fuxiang and Ren Xucui from Anxian Village went to Beijing to clarify the facts about Falun Gong. The Beijing police arrested them when they arrived. Their work colleagues later escorted them back home. On the morning of April 27, 2000, Police officer Liu Qing, from the Public Security Office in the Laiwu area, went to their village with several of his staff. They took them to the village offices. The first thing Liu Qing did was to ask for money.

    Each of the two practitioners was told to hand over 500 Yuan before 12 p.m. Ren Xucui's family managed to give him 500 Yuan, but Zhang Fuxiang's family failed to do so. Liu Qing told the other policemen to tie her to the electricity pole. Then Duan Dengju, Director of Politics and Security in Anxian Village, used the village broadcasting system to shout and denounce Falun Gong and its practitioners. Most of the villagers were attracted to the loud broadcast. They came out to see what was happening. Some of the kindhearted villagers offered to pay for Zhang Fuxiang's release. However, when Zhang's family handed over the borrowed money to Liu Qing, he said, "It's too late now! You must pay 1000 Yuan instead!" Zhang's family had to borrow another 500 Yuan and give it to the police. Only then did the police release Zhang from the pole she had been tied to for several hours.

    On August 7, 2000, Falun Gong practitioners Duan Mingxin and Ren Xucui were at Zhang Fuxiang's home watching the video lectures by the founder of Falun Gong, Mr. Li Hongzhi. Someone who didn't know the truth about Falun Gong reported them to the Party Secretary Xian Baoyou. Xian immediately took Duan Dengju with him to Zhang's home. Together they broke in and started cursing loudly. They took the video player and the tapes. The next day Duan Mingxin, Ren Xucui and Zhang Fuxiang tried to get the video player and tapes back. Xian Baoyou said, "I can only return them on three conditions: one, you can't go to Beijing to petition; two, you can't meet with one another; three, you can't practice Falun Gong." The three practitioners rejected the conditions. On the evening of August 15, 2000, they went to Duan Dengju's home to claim the player again. Duan had the player at his home and refused to give it back to them. He rang up Xian Baoyou claiming that the three Falun Gong practitioners were making trouble in his home. Xian Baoyou said, " Take them to the village office."

    Xian Baoyou summoned the head of the town, Mr. Wang, to the office when they arrived. He also summoned Fan Dianhai, Fan Liyu, Fan Shixin, Zhang Yong and a few others to the office. After all of them had arrived, Xian Baoyou started loudly cursing the three Falun Gong practitioners and took a big knife from his pocket. He pointed the knife at their chests and shouted, "I'll stab you one by one!"

    Then he started yelling, beating and kicking them. He saw a thick wooden stick in the room. He grabbed the stick and swung it at Duan Mingxin saying, "Let me smash you to death!" Someone tried to seize the stick and took it out of his hands. He then noticed a saw in the room and picked it up. He put the saw to Duan Mingxin's neck and yelled, " I'll saw off your head!" Someone seized the saw as well. When he was too tired to beat them, Xian Baoyou ordered his followers to carry on the beatings. He said, "Beat as hard as you can! We have orders from above anyway! Beating them to death counts as nothing. Wait and see, I'll get several packages of detonators and blast all their homes!"

    By now someone had gone to Zhang Fuxiang's home and told her family what was happening. Zhang's husband went to the office and tried to reason with them. However, he was kicked to the ground by Xian Baoyou. He said, "Damn you! Get out of here!"

    The three Falun Gong practitioners were thus beaten for a whole night by the members of the evil Communist Party. Xian Baoyou then ordered the electricity and water to their homes be cutoff. The following day, Xian summoned the police and sent the three practitioners to the detention house. The were detained for 15 days. The village broadcasting system often broadcast anti-Falun Gong propaganda and newspapers slandering Falun Gong were posted everywhere. Duan Dengju often announced on the broadcasting system that, "Falun Gong practitioners' families are anti-revolutionary families; their children are not allowed to go to universities or join the army." If any Falun Gong practitioners tried to talk to each other, the village broadcast would denounce them. This put great pressure on them.

    On December 24, 2000, the three practitioners went to Beijing again to appeal for Falun Gong. They were again illegally arrested upon arriving. Zhang Fuxiang and Ren Xucui were escorted back to Laiwu and detained for 15 days. Duan Mingxin was taken to a police station in Beijing. The police took off all his clothes except the underwear and chained him to a tree. They poured a huge barrel of cold water on his body and let him freeze for a whole night. After he was sent back to Laiwu City, Nanye Police Station and Downtown District Police Department jailed him in a detention center in Laiwu. The village head asked Duan Dengyu, Fan Dianhai and two or three others to go Duan Mingxin's home to ask for money. Fan Dianhai lied to Duan Mingxin's family by saying, "The party secretary said if you hand over 1000 Yuan, Duan Mingxin won't be sent to the detention house." The family believed him and tried very hard to borrow 1000 Yuan from different sources. After giving the money to them, they waited for Duan Mingxin's return, only to find that Duan had been sent to the detention house already.

    Duan Mingxin was badly tortured in the detention house for more than 20 days. When he was about to be released, the police let his family go the detention house to get him. His family asked the leader of the village to go with them, as they didn't understand the procedures. Duan Dengju was sent on behalf of the village. When they arrived at the police department, the police asked them to pay money. Duan Mingxin's family said that they had two students in the family and they had financial difficulties. The police then said, "If this is the case, you can go to get him without paying the money. " After they got Duan Mingxin from the detention house, Duan Dengju insisted that the driver stop when they were passing the police department. He insisted they go inside again. Duan Mingxin's family asked, "We've already finished all the procedures, why do we have to go in again?" Duan Dengju said, "You must listen to me as I am here! Get in!" After going inside, Duan Dengju went into the office on his own . No one knows what he said inside. After he came out, he asked Duan Mingxin's family to pay 1000 Yuan. The family had to pay.

    On March 4, 2001, the three Falun Gong practitioners were sent the Tieche town to undergo brainwashing. They were persecuted there for 15 days.

    In the spring of 2002, a brainwashing center was set up in Xiaoyi and the authorities wanted to send Zhang Fuxiang and Ren Xucui there. At that time Zhang Fuxiang's father was ill and bedridden. So she was at her father's home looking after him. One day she received a letter from her own family saying that her daughter was sick. She went back home to see her daughter and was discovered by Duan Dengju. Duan immediately rang the officers in the town. Six or seven people came. No matter how hard Zhang Fuxiang tried to explain to them, they still dragged her into the van and took her to the brainwashing class in Xiaoyi.

    Worried about her seriously ill father and young daughter, Zhang Fuxiang managed to escape from the brainwashing center. However, she was later seized by the police and sent to the women's labor camp in Shandong Province, where she was detained for three years. She suffered all sorts of tortures in the camp. After she was released, the village and police station in the town still assign people to her home and monitor her day and night.

    The Authorities of Hebei University of Science and Technology Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners

    Ever since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Jiang Zemin's regime started persecuting Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, officials at Hebei University of Science and Technology, including Wang Yingying, Secretary of the Communist Party, and Lu Changfu, University President, have been acting as political henchmen for the CCP. They deceive employees and students with lies to instigate hatred of Falun Gong, and actively persecute Falun Gong practitioners in the university. They force employees and students to write compositions that slander and denounce Falun Gong. The officials have applied the same methods used in the Cultural Revolution to instill terror and force everyone to denounce Falun Gong. They conducted the so-called "Hundred Thousand Signatures against Falun Gong" campaign in order to persecute Falun Gong practitioners and deceive people.

    Based on the limited information we can gather, we know the following facts. University officials sent at least two practitioners to forced labor camps. They have detained six practitioners and ransacked their homes, fired four employees from the university, and expelled at least two students.

    Ms. Li Xiumin used to be an employee at the Continuing Education College and was detained for over 40 days by the university's security department. The university fired her in 2000. She was sent to a forced labor camp twice for a total of six years. Ms. Li was forced to divorce her husband, and lost her job and house. She is now living with her parents.

    Ms. Li Huiyun used to be a teacher at the Electrical Engineering College. She was illegally arrested and taken to two brainwashing sessions. In March 2004, due to the persecution and tortures, she suffered a severe mental collapse. To shift their responsibility, the university leaders conspired with the brainwashing center personnel and policemen from the Gexinjie Police Station, and they sent Ms. Li to a forced labor camp even though she was mentally ill. After being detained for five months in the brainwashing center, Ms. Li was sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp in Shijiazhuang City. Not very long after she arrived at the forced labor camp, they had to take her to the First Appertain Hospital of the Hebei Medical University for medical treatment. In the meantime, the university fired her. Wang Yingying and Zhang Lizhong (the former secretary of the Communist Party of the university) are the responsible persons.

    Mr. Song Hongshui used to be an employee at the Information Technology College. In April 2001, he was suspended from the university with a one-year suspension. He was arrested and taken to two provincial brainwashing sessions.

    Ms. Zu Yidan was a teacher at the Textile and Clothing College. In June 2004, she was suspended with a one-year suspension.

    Mr. Hui Hongqi was a teacher at the Management College. In June 2004, he was suspended from the university with a one-year suspension.

    Ms. Ji Lixia was a teacher at the Foreign Language College. In 2001, she was suspended from the university with a one-year suspension.

    Ms. Han Junhong used to be a research associate at the former Hebei Textile School. In December 2000, she was illegally suspended from the school. In 2002, the textile school merged with the university. In 2004, Ms. Han talked to Wang Yingying many times and asked Wang to let her resume her position, but her request was denied.

    Ms. Qu Ping was a pharmacist at the former Hebei Textile School. In December 2000, the school fired her.

    As of May 2005, the university received new leaders. Wei Ge from the Hebei Agriculture University is the new CCP secretary at the university. Li Qiang from Yanshan University is the new president. Sang Xiuguo from the provincial government is the new associate president. These new leaders have continued the persecution of employees who practice Falun Gong.

    The persecution that married couple Mr. Song Hongshui and Ms. Li Huiyun suffered is a typical case. On February 24, 2004, the couple was illegally arrested and taken to the provincial brainwashing session. Ms. Li suffered a mental due to the torture. She was sent to a forced labor camp in August 2004. In December, the university fired her. The university deprived the couple of their salary since March 2004 and still hasn’t resolved the problem. During this period, Mr. Song visited the former and current leaders many times. When Ms. Li returned home on February 26, they went to visit the university officials together and asked them to withdraw their decision to wrongfully dismiss Ms. Li. They asked the university to arrange work for her according to the government regulations which were instituted in 2001. The couple also visited several leaders of the provincial Education Department. They visited the police station and the police department where Li Huiyin's case was handled and submitted written requests. Because the university is shuffling their responsibilities around, their problem has not been solved. Due to the distress and anger, Ms. Li’s former illnesses recurred and she is now in a hospital.

    Although Mr. Song is still an employee at the Information Technology College, the officials cheated him out of a better paying job. In order to survive, he went to the Service Department twice to report for duty. But they would only allow him to work if he would sign an agreement stating that he will fight against Falun Gong and will not promote Falun Gong. This agreement was required only from him (it is said that all temporary workers are required to sign this agreement). Mr. Song refused to sign the agreement. Later, the university officials spread rumors that Mr. Song refused to work even though they had arranged work for him.