The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- October 4, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Qinhuangdao City Chinese Communist Party Kills Innocent Lives by Forced Abortions

  • Falun Gong Practitioners in Huainan City, Anhui Province Illegally Sentenced

  • Mr. Song Zhendong from Dandong City, Liaoning Province, Remains in Panjin Prison

  • The Inhumane Persecution of  Ms. Wang Jiping, from Tongzhou City, Jiangsu Province

  • Qingdao City Court Holds Show Trial of  Mr. Wang Detong and Ms. Ma Shufen

  • Qinhuangdao City CCP Authorities Kills Innocent Lives by Forced Abortions

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Ying from Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, unexpectedly became pregnant with her second baby. As a loving and caring mother, Ms. Wang kept her pregnancy hidden for seven months because of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) high-pressure one-child policy. Eventually however, the leaders of her work unit became aware of her pregnancy. The officials of the City Administration Bureau, led by Zhang Zengzhen, and using the justification of carrying out the CCP's policy, forced Ms. Wang to have an abortion.

    They claimed that Ms. Wang could never give birth to her child because both she and her mother are Falun Gong practitioners. In order to reach their goal, the officials arranged for the unit employees to take turns staying in Ms. Wang's mother's home around the clock to monitor her. After her mother refused their request, Zhang Zengzhen sent a couple of vehicles and several people to closely monitor her mother's home from the outside. At night, they changed shifts frequently. It was very hot in mid-July and every nearby apartment had the windows open. The noise of the vehicles and people talking was very loud, which upset the neighbors and causing public disquiet. The residents did not dare to go out. Zhang Zengzhen did not give up monitoring the pregnant woman even though all work in the bureau was at a standstill. Ms. Wang, seven months pregnant, was confined to the home. She could not eat or sleep and she cried all day. Her health suffered both physically and mentally. Her family also suffered unimaginable pain.

    In order to rouse hatred, Zhang Zengzhen instigated individuals by telling them, "You are suffering under the sun because of Wang Ying." He attempted to create conflicts between the company employees and the pregnant woman. They threatened and deceived Ms. Wang and her family members. Ma Shuwen, Party Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee, forcibly took Ms. Wang away, to a hospital.

    The hospital room became a prison cell. There were many male and female employees inside and outside of the room. Ms. Wang could not rest day or night and she could not leave the room. Even when she went to restroom, a designated employee followed her. Zhang Zengzhen also arranged for others to make noise in the hospital and threaten Ms. Wang over the phone. They demanded that the hospital perform a forced abortion without doing any prior examination but the hospital refused. Zhang Zengzhen was very angry and he threatened Ms. Wang and her family, "If you do not abort this baby, we have many ways of dealing with you. I can send you to the Family Planning Committee or the 610 Office. They both do forced abortions no matter how old the fetus is. We definitely will not let him be born alive."

    In the hospital, Ms. Wang was tortured for many days, causing her to become very nervous. Due to the fact that she was very weak both physically and mentally, Ms. Wang was forced to abort in great pain. In this way, a seven-month-old fetus was killed by Zhang Zengzhen's gang under the despotic power of the CCP's policy.

    When Ms. Wang was under house arrest, her mother's home phone and her family members' cell phones were monitored. Even when her mother went to the hospital to see her, the taxi driver who took her mother from the entrance of the residential area to the hospital was implicated. At around 10:30 p.m., about ten policemen broke into the driver's home and took away the driver and his seventy-year-old mother, who was ill and asleep in bed. They were put into a prison vehicle, detained and interrogated. The driver was very confused. He and his elderly mother were also persecuted.

    The City Administration Bureau should enforce the law. However, Zhang Zengzhen's gang were responsible for killing Ms. Wang's seven-month-old fetus. In China, countless innocent lives are killed every day. Their parents and families have suffered the same pains as Ms. Wang Ying. Life is a gift, and to be alive is each life's right. However, under the CCP's inhuman rule, there are no human rights at all.

    Zhang Zengzhen was in charge of family planning when he worked in the township government. He often drove a tractor to take away the women who were several months pregnant, seven or eight months pregnant or even close to their due date, and forced them to have abortions. The women cried in the vehicle. It was extremely tragic. He violated the policy of family planning. Many people said that he found a way to get a quota for his own second child when his wife had already been pregnant for eight months. Zhang Zengzhen threatened to punish Ms. Wang Ying and her husband. As a result, Ms. Wang's husband is still without work.

    Falun Gong Practitioners in Huainan City, Anhui Province Illegally Sentenced

    Mr. Chen Xiu’an, 53, is from Huainan City, Anhui Province. He persisted in practicing Falun Gong and believing in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," and was illegally arrested in September 2005. During his detention in Huainan First Detention Center, he was tortured and could no longer walk. In early December, 2005, the Tianjia’an District Court illegally sentenced him to thirteen years of imprisonment.

    Mr. Chen Xiu’an is a retired employee from the Water & Electricity Office of the Hefei Section of the Shanghai Railroad Bureau. He went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in October 1999, and was illegally sentenced to one-year of forced labor. After he returned home in November 2000, he was followed and arrested by plainclothes police. He was illegally sentenced to two years in a labor camp on fabricated charges. He was not released until 2003, a month after his term expired. Mr. Chen continued to practice Falun Gong steadfastly.

    At around 7:00 a.m. on April 26, 2005, police from the Bangfu Railroad Police Station followed Mr. Chen and illegally arrested him. The police forcibly searched his home. Mr. Chen was sent to the criminal section of the Bangfu Police Station of the Shanghai Railroad Police Department. On September 22, 2005, the Bangfu Railroad Transportation Section sent Mr. Chen back to the Tianjia’an District Procuratorate in Huainan City. Mr. Chen was detained in the Huainan First Detention Center. He was previously very healthy, however after being persecuted during the illegal detention he was reduced to skin and bones. He legs were injured and he couldn’t walk. His eyes were sunken. On December 5, 2005, the Tianjia’an District Court held an illegal session and sentenced Mr. Chen to a thirteen year imprisonment. They deprived him of his political rights for three years. Mr. Chen was detained in the Huainan First Detention Center.

    In June 2006, Mr. Chen was sent to Suxian Prison in Anhui Province. His family was not allowed to visit him until this July. Mr. Chen was tortured and became very emaciated. His skin turned black, his eyes were sunken, and he couldn’t lift his legs.

    At the Tianjia’an District Court session on December 5, 2005, when Mr. Chen was illegally sentenced, practitioners Wang Shiqiang and Huang Bangjun were also illegally sentenced.

    Mr. Wang Shiqiang was a retired employee from Session 97 of the Huainan Mining Industry Group Ltd. In August and November 1999, Mr. Wang was illegally detained twice for fifteen days. In December 1999, he was illegally detained again, until he escaped with righteous thoughts in June 2000. In September 2000, Mr. Wang was illegally arrested again. He was detained in the Huainan First Detention Center and was illegally sentenced to one-year in a labor camp.

    In 2005, policemen ransacked Mr. Wang’s home, but Mr. Wang managed to escape. However, the police spotted him on June 7 and illegally arrested him. Mr. Wang was detained at Section 42 of the First Detention Center. On December 5, 2005, he was illegally sentenced to thirteen years of imprisonment and was deprived of his political rights for three years.

    Mr. Huang Bangjun, 62, was a retired employee from the Huainan Mining Industry Group Ltd. On April 28, 2005, the police ransacked his home and arrested Mr. Huang and his wife, 63 year-old Wang Fuling. They were illegally detained at the First Detention Center. Mr. Huang was illegally sentenced to five years of imprisonment, and Ms. Wang was sentenced to three years of imprisonment. They are both Falun Gong practitioners who follow the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance."

    Those who participated in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners include: Fei Yun, presiding judge of Tianjia’an District Court in Huainan City, jurors Chen Chao and Su Xiaohong, and prosecutor Zhou Baoshan, acting as public prosecutor.

    Mr. Song Zhendong from Dandong City, Liaoning Province, Remains in Panjin Prison

    Mr. Song Zhendong, 30, is a practitioner from Dandong City, Liaoning Province. Mr. Song was persecuted by people from Dandong City Police Department and the 610 Office just because he practices Falun Gong.

    In early August, 2002, Yang Weiguang from Section 1 of the Dandong Police Department, along with several other people, went to Mr. Song's workplace many times to harass him, until he was forced to leave home.

    Secretary Zhao of the Chinese Communist Party Committee from Section 1 of Dandong Police Department ransacked Mr. Song's home and his parent's home.

    One day late in the evening, agents from Xingdong Police Station and Liudaokou Police Station went to the homes of Mr. Song's parents and parents-in-law and pounded on their doors, making his families fearful and apprehensive and unable to sleep for the whole evening. The agents smashed a piece of glass at Mr. Song's parents' home.

    Cao Yujia and Du Guojun, also from Section 1, went to Mr. Song's parents' home many times both day and night, demanding to know Mr. Song's whereabouts. They also went to the workplace of Mr. Song's wife. They harassed her and threatened, "If you do not cooperate, we will make you lose your job." Agents from the Yuanbao District Police Sub-Department interrogated Mr. Song's wife for a long time and did not allow her to go home to nurse her baby even after 7:00 p.m. The incident seriously affected her physical and mental health. She took care of their three-month-old baby by herself and was in tears the entire time. She could not stand such mental torture. In the end the police even forced her to divorce her husband. Even though Mr. Song was not present, the court approved the divorce, destroying a perfectly contented family.

    On May 22, 2004, Du Guojun and others from Section 1 illegally arrested Mr. Song and detained him at the No. 1 Detention Center of Dandong City. Policeman Du Guojun beat Mr. Song, causing his hands to be swollen for over a month. On October 13, without informing the family, Mr. Song Zhendong was sentenced to nine years in prison. Mr. Song refused to accept the sentence and proposed an appeal, which was unreasonably rejected.

    Mr. Song was widely believed to be a good person. Police department officials also investigated and admitted that he was a good person.

    Mr. Song previously had a stable job. When he saw many of his colleagues lose their jobs and have difficult lives, to avoid further persecution he departed from his wife shortly after they got married and went far away from his home to lease a restaurant and cook. This solved the problem of work and income for nearly ten people and ensured a stable life for his family. How could such a good person, who is willing to endure hardship and be considerate of others, be sentenced to nine years? He is still in Panjin Prison as of today.

    In addition, the police even put fabricated charges against him. When questioned about what law Mr. Song had violated, the police had nothing to say.

    The Inhumane Persecution of Ms. Wang Jiping, from Tongzhou City, Jiangsu Province

    Ms. Wang Jiping, a 38 year-old practitioner from Tongzhou City, Jiangsu Province, was illegally arrested and forcibly sent to a brainwashing class held at Fangqiang Farm in Tongzhou City, Jiangsu Province, in November 2000 when she was giving out Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials. She refused to be "reformed" and was then detained in the Tongzhou Infrastructure Company. She was sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp during the Chinese New Year of 2001 and was sent to the Judong Labor Camp in Jiangsu Province.

    During her two-year detention in the Judong Labor Camp, Ms. Wang was persecuted severely. She ws subjected to beatings and electric shock torture. The police shocked her using three electric batons at the same time, until she fainted. Zhao Yulan, the policewoman who tortured her, said to her after she woke up, "You must feel very comfortable sleeping under my feet." She was held in a small room facing the stairs. There were two inmates in her room, one was a drug addict, the other a prostitute. Both were ordered to watch over her and had permission to beat her at will. Despite the severe situation, Ms. Wang firmly believed in Falun Dafa, and she refused to be "reformed." Her sentence then was extended for another six months. The torture was also escalated. Her back spinal column was damaged and a nerve in her vertebra became compressed, which caused paralysis in her lower limbs. The warden didn’t leave her alone, even in this condition. They exploited her paralysis to enhance the persecution. She couldn’t stand up, but they forced her to stand up. When she fell, they ordered two people to pin her down to the bench. They tortured her like this repeatedly.

    Up to April 2003, Wang Jiping was persecuted so severely that she couldn’t move at all. In fear of being held responsibile should she pass away, the labor camp notified her family to take her home. Her family then sent her to a hospital in Tongzhou City, Jiangsu Province for treatment. They spent eighty thousand yuan on the medical expenses. The hospital implanted a steel plate in her spinal column. She was not able to walk, and had to stay in bed for three years. Not until 2006 could she go out in a wheel chair. Just because she persisted in practicing the righteous practice way, she was severely persecuted by Chinese Communist Party until she was totally paralyzed.

    On July 17 of this year she was clarifying the truth and giving out DVDs when she was arrested again. The police detained her in the Huade Hotel in Tongzhou City for one month. They interrogated her and asked her to reveal the source of the materialsbut she refused to say anything. She was viciously persecuted again. She went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Then she was force-fed a few times to the extent that they were no longer able to force anything down her throat. The police in Tongzhou City still felt that they didn’t persecute her enough. They transferred her to another place secretly. It was said that she was transferred to the Tongzhou City Custodial Station again. Her family has not been allowed to see her so far and cannot confirm her whereabouts and her situation.

    Qingdao City Court Holds Show Trial of Mr. Wang Detong and Ms. Ma Shufen

    The court of Licang District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, held a show trial of practitioners Mr. Wang Detong and Ms. Ma Shufen, falsely charging them for "illegal gathering and obstructing public safety."

    In the court, practitioner Wang Detong contested, "I once suffered a cerebral hemorrhage which could not be successfully treated in the hospital. Unable to afford further in-hospital treatments, I had to stay at home to 'recover.' Then I learned Falun Gong and I surprisingly became healthy again. All my colleagues and my neighbors witnessed my dramatic recovery. I have benefited from such a wonderful practice. Now I simply try to tell others so they too can benefit. How could this possibly obstruct public safety? Where was the 'illegal gathering' when I was merely visiting a couple of people and telling them about this wonderful practice?"

    Then the attorney whom Mr. Wang and Ms. Ma had hired spoke in their defense: "According to the law, 'illegal gathering' is defined specifically as having twenty or more people who shout slogans and gather at some fixed sites in an organized way. None of these apply to either of the defendants, let alone the allegation of obstructing public safety. As a result, none of the charges are valid."

    Most of the officials at the trial were corrupt, and some were napping. The scene surprised the trial attendees from other regions.

    Notably, the Judicial Bureau of Qingdao City issued a classified document stating that whoever dares to defend Falun Gong practitioners will be disciplined. As a result, Mr. Wang's family was forced to hire an attorney from another province. This is the so-called "rule by law" boasted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the situation of China's human rights, and the manifestation of the CCP's evil nature.

    At the end of the show trial, the attorney was also not allowed to sign the papers. Instead he was told to return to the court privately at 2:00 p.m. to sign, which was an obvious attempt to hide their lawless deeds.