News and Events from around the World -- October 4, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Montreal, Canada: Parade on National Day of Mourning Supports 14 Million People Quitting the CCP

  • San Francisco: Spread the Nine Commentaries and Help People Quit CCP at Moon Festival Garden Fair

  • Montreal, Canada: Parade on National Day of Mourning Supports 14 Million People Quitting the CCP

    October 1 is China’s "National Day of Mourning," and the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) Day of Usurpation of Power." The Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP named it last year. This marks the second year. The number of people who have publicly announced their resignations from the CCP and its related organizations has exceeded 14 million. The Service Center for Quitting the CCP in Montreal, Canada held a parade on October 1, 2006 in Chinatown, to support the brave people who have quit the CCP and call on more Chinese people to wake up and openly voice their dissatisfactions for the sake of their own well-being. Falun Gong practitioners also joined the parade, condemning the CCP atrocities of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.

    On "National Day of Mourning," Montreal supports 14 million people quitting the CCP

    Parade procession marches in Chinatown, business people and passersby watch quietly

    The parade procession circled Montreal's Chinatown for over forty minutes, shouting slogans and conveying messages to the public, "October 1: China’s ‘National Day of Mourning,’ and the ‘Day of CCP’s Usurpation of Power,’" "CCP Seized the Power 57 Years Ago, and Has Killed 80 Million People," "Quit the CCP to Save Yourself, Quit the CCP for the Love of the Country," "Speak out Your Sufferings, Quit the CCP for Your Own Well-being," and "The CCP is not China."

    October 1—China’s "National Day of Mourning"

    Mr. Zhu who participated in the parade said, "Look at history, after every dynasty came to power, there was rehabilitation to allow people to resume their normal lives. But after the Communist Party came, it first launched a land revolution, actually it was to kill people. Following it were a series of political movements, as Mao Zedong said, once every seven to eight years. It has never allowed people to rehabilitate. From this viewpoint, since the Communist Party truly controlled China, Chinese people have been in endless turmoil. This is the direct consequence brought about by the Communist Party. So the day when the Communist Party seized the power was the beginning of suffering for Chinese people, or a symbol of China’s National Day of Mourning."

    Voice Your Opinion for Your Own Well-being

    Mr. Zhu said, "The Communist Party’s long-term propaganda has resulted in the Chinese people generation after generation being deprived of understanding of history, but only focuses on the days in front of their eyes. Many Chinese people have lost the ability to see through the Chinese Communist Party’s nature from a historical perspective. History has been completely covered up. Nobody knows it. If we look back at the history, we see that the Chinese people have been trampled upon by the Chinese Communist Party. Over the past few dozen years, 80 million of our fellow Chinese have been killed, directly or indirectly. These people have families, children and relatives, that is to say, the number of people who have suffered from the CCP’s persecution, as estimated, has exceeded half of the total of the Chinese population. All this has been covered up, and is unknown to people. No one dares to speak out. Now, if we tell the public of the sufferings of our families and ourselves, and everyone speaks out, we will find that the CCP evil is beyond anyone’s imagination. It is not that it only did a few bad deeds. It has been continuously carrying out brutal persecution against all people. If everyone speaks out, we will find that the CCP only brings the Chinese people endless disasters, and people will naturally break away from the CCP and withdraw from its evil organization."

    During the parade, a group of Western young men who heard of the CCP harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners were very angry, and they called out, "No more communism."

    The four Western young men expressed their support for the service center for quitting the CCP, and joined the parade while holding posters with messages about quitting the CCP. They also asked how they could help stop the CCP’s live organ harvesting practice, and asked for the Falun Gong web site address. They said they would call the Canadian government to raise concerns and stop the CCP atrocities.

    Many people watched the parade attentively, and happily accepted the fliers.

    San Francisco: Spread the Nine Commentaries and Help People Quit CCP at Moon Festival Garden Fair

    On September 30 to October 1, 2006, the eighth annual Cupertino Moon Festival Culture Fair was held at Memorial Park in Cupertino, in the San Francisco Bay Area. Falun Gong practitioners set up a booth, distributed truth clarification materials and the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. Many people announced their resignation from the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations after learning about the truth.

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    People are attracted by peaceful Falun Gong exercises and came to learn the truth

    Telling people about the grand trend of 14 million people having quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations

    Falun Gong practitioners displayed at their booth truth clarification materials introducing Falun Gong, the CCP atrocities of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, truth clarification VCDs, the special edition of the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" and related audio-video materials. Many tourists took materials on their own initiatives, nearly a thousand special editions of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party were given out. The same day, a few dozen Chinese people announced their resignations from the CCP and its affiliated organizations after learning about the CCP’s evil nature.

    Mr. Li from San Francisco talked about the tide of quitting the CCP. He said that he had read the Nine Commentaries. He said that the book completely exposes the CCP’s evil. He said, "I know that many Chinese people in mainland China can watch the Nine Commentaries aired by the NTD TV, and many people have quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations." After learning about the CCP’s atrocities of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, Mr. Li said it is horrible, he hoped that all CCP members will quit.

    Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Hong who participated in the activity talked about her experience of helping people quit the CCP during the past two days. She said, "I feel we should not only distribute materials, we should take the initiative to tell the Chinese people the importance of quitting the CCP and its affiliated organizations. While doing this, I maintain righteous thoughts in mind, and definitely ask him/her to quit the CCP."