News and Events from around the World -- October 12, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Australia: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Van Tour along the Coast to Expose the CCP's Crime of Harvesting Organs

  • San Francisco: Parade Organization Committee Member Says, "Falun Gong Is an Indispensable Group"

  • Australia: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Van Tour along the Coast to Expose the CCP's Crime of Harvesting Organs

    On October 4, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners from Sydney and Canberra started a van tour to clarify the truth of the persecution against Falun Gong to people in the small towns along the coast north of Sydney.

    Mr. Swan, the mayor of Raymond Terrace (second from the left), and practitioners

    After an interview, the reporter from the Port Stephens Examiner signs his name on the petition.

    Ms. Chen Hong, a Falun Gong practitioner, is taking part in the van tour as a witness to the organ harvesting. Ms. Chen was jailed in the Women's Labor Camp in Tianjin for one year. The labor camp conducted physical examinations on all the Falun Gong practitioners, but not on non-practitioners. Ms. Chen didn¡¦t know what the purpose of the examination was until the organ harvesting was exposed in March 2006. She then realized that the purpose was to record the blood types and other vital information of Falun Gong practitioners for potential organ transplantation.

    Five practitioners, including Ms. Chen and a 10-year-old practitioner, Lindsay, have visited seven cities and talked to two mayors. Many media interviewed them. As soon as the practitioners arrived at Raymond Terrace City Hall, Lindsay clarified the truth to a gentleman and asked him if he would like to sign his name on the petition. This gentleman was Mr. Swan, the mayor of Raymond Terrace. He was very happy to talk to the practitioners and also introduced practitioners to the largest local newspaper. In another town, as soon as the mayor learned the facts about Falun Gong and the persecution, he asked practitioners what he could do to help. He told practitioners that he was willing to write to the Chinese government, asking them to stop the persecution. He said he would also write to the Australian government, asking them to take actions to help.

    One of the tasks of the van tour was to collect signatures against the persecution. Lindsay and a 60-year-old practitioner, Aunt He, collected many signatures. Although Aunt He cannot speak English, she asked people on the streets and shopkeepers to sign their names on the petition. Lindsay helped Aunt He to collect signatures.

    Practitioners found that the citizens in these small towns are very kind and have a strong sense of justice. Almost everybody was willing to sign his or her name to support Falun Gong. Practitioners will submit these signatures to representatives in the Australia Government.

    San Francisco: Parade Organization Committee Member Says, "Falun Gong Is an Indispensable Group"

    On October 8, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners from northern California were invited to participate in the 138th Columbus Day Parade in San Francisco and received warm welcome from the sponsor and spectators on the way. Don Casper, member of the parade organization committee, said that the performance of Falun Gong's Divine Land Marching Band was superb and that every parade in San Francisco should invite Falun Gong to participate. "Falun Gong is an indispensable group."

    Member of the parade organization committee says that the performance of Falun Gong's "Divine Land Marching Band is superb! Falun Gong is an indispensable group."

    Bringing good things wherever they go

    People in over 80 countries practice Falun Gong

    The parade had 130 entries. The procession set off from famous tourist spot Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, marching along almost the entire length of Columbus Boulevard, and then wound its way down the major streets between Chinatown and Italian City and finally reached the central park in Italian City¡XWashington Park. The entire route was 1.5 miles long. The sponsor estimated there were about 400, 000 spectators.

    The weather was fine and warm that day in San Francisco. Falun Gong practitioners' contingent was led by the Western US Divine Land Marching Band. They performed "Falun Dafa is Good," "Beautiful America," and other selections. Behind them were a float and exercise demonstration group, and a Sword Dance performance by young practitioners from the Minghui School. Some spectators on the way followed the music played by the marching band and danced to the rhythmic beat. Some called out their approval, and some applauded. Some people learned to do the movements with the practitioners. Some people who already knew the facts said, "Stop the persecution of Falun Gong."

    When the practitioners' contingent passed by the main stage, the sponsor of the parade said, "Falun Gong practitioners have taken part in the Columbus Day Parade for the fifth year. Their group is unique and becomes better year by year. We forever welcome their participation in our parade!"

    Don Casper, member of the parade organization committee, said that the performance of Falun Gong's Divine Land Marching Band was superb! "They have strong discipline, march in step, and the music is beautiful. Every parade in San Francisco should invite Falun Gong to participate. Falun Gong is an indispensable group."

    The police chief said that the Falun Gong contingent was the shining point of the entire parade, full of color and harmony and peace.

    Spectators Debra and her husband Mike watched the practitioners' performances and said, "Terrific, Fantastic." When they learned that the Chinese Commerce General, influenced by the Chinese Communist Party, refused to let Falun Gong participate in San Francisco's New Year's Parade, they were very angry. Debra said that no matter what a person's belief is, every group should be allowed to take part in the parade. Mike said that Falun Gong should participate in next year's New Year's Parade. If there were still any obstacles, he would write to his congressman to make sure that practitioners can participate in the parade.

    Some tourists took photos with practitioners' contingent in the background. Two tourists from Mexico said that they had received Falun Gong materials and would read them to their friends.

    Some audience members watched the Divine Land Marching Band practice before the parade started. One of the spectators, Joseph Pedigrew, said that he felt practitioners' performance was great and their rhythm was very strong. When they played, they had fully focused on the effect of each note.