The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong -- September 23, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Mr. Wu Botong, 74, from Guizhou Province Persecuted to Death

  • The Persecution Suffered By Peng Dong Before His Death

  • Death and Torture in Lanzhou City Pingantai Forced Labor Camp

  • Handicapped Veteran, Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Bian Chunyou of Henan Province, Jailed for His Belief

  • Guangzhou Police Carry Out Large-Scale Arrests of Practitioners

  • Inner Mongolia Practitioner Zhou Jingpeng Tortured and Illegally Jailed

  • Practitioner Ms. Dong Aijun Goes Into Exile After Leaving Prison to Avoid Further Harassment

  • Han Guiping and Her Son Wang Bing Arrested - Their Whereabouts Unknown

  • Practitioners Persecuted to Death in Hubei, Heilongjiang, Hebei, and Guangxi Provinces
  • Unscheduled Broadcast: Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party Seen on TV in Yunnan, China on September 18

  • Brief News from China - September 1, 2005

  • Brief  News from China - September 10, 2005

  • Mr. Wu Botong, 74, from Guizhou Province Persecuted to Death

    Mr. Wu Botong

    On September 11, 2005, Mr. Wu Botong, a Falun Gong practitioner from Anshun City, Guizhou Province, was persecuted to death at Dujun Prison (also known as Jianjiang Cement Plant in Dujun, Guizhou Province). His body was cremated without his family's permission that very day.

    Mr. Wu Botong was seventy-four years old and worked at the Water Conservation Department in Guanling County, Anshun City. He lived in the Xixiu District of Anshun City. After the persecution of Falun Gong started on July 20, 1999, he was sent to brainwashing classes several times because he continued to practice Falun Gong. He was also sent to Zhongba Forced Labor Camp in Guizhou Province for a three-year term. After he left the labor camp, he realized that he had deviated from the righteous practice way. He went to the related government offices and declared that all he'd said and done while he was subjected to the brutal persecution in the forced labor camp was void. He was immediately returned to the labor camp, and the persecution resumed.

    Mr. Wu returned home after finishing a three-year term in the labor camp.

    In May of this year he was arrested with his wife, Pan Yingmei, on their way to Zhenfeng County to clarify the truth about Falun Gong.

    He was detained at the Zhenfeng County Detention Center and sentenced to a seven-year term. His wife was sentenced to three and a half years. She was jailed at the Yang'ai Forced Labor Farm.

    Mr. Wu was very healthy when he was transferred from the Zhenfeng County Detention Center to the Jingxi Relocation Center in Guiyang City. He was sent to Dujun Prison on September 5, 2005. At 7:35 a.m. on September 11, 2005, news came that he had died. Police cremated his body without permission on the same day.

    Pan Yingmei went to Dujun to see the body, escorted by more than ten policemen from the Yang'ai Forced Labor Farm. Immediately after, she was returned to the Yang'ai Forced Labor Farm. Pan Yingmei's request to let Mr. Wu's sister see the body was rejected. The excuse they gave her was there wasn't enough time.

    Dujun Prison is also called the Jianjiang Cement Plant. Most jailed male Falun Gong practitioners from Guizhou Province are held there.

    The authorities at Dujun Prison claim they had nothing to do with Mr. Wu Botong's death. They have alleged that whatever happened to him was done at the Jingxi Relocation Center. Information concerning the details of Mr. Wu's death is still under investigation.

    Contact information:

    Dujun Prison, Guizhou City, Guizhou Province Zip Code 558000
    Jiang Gangming, Chief of Political and Security Section of Dujun Prison: 86-854-8325261
    Hou Lide, Chief of Political and Security Section of Dujun Prison: 86-854-8325262

    Zhenfeng County Police Bureau: 86-859-6610202
    Zhenfeng County Detention Center: 86-859-6610933
    Huaxi Police Station: 86-859-3223274, 86-859-3223935
    Huaxi Street Administrative Office: 86-859-3223738, 86-859-3323391, 86-859-3303390, 86-859-3003493, 86-859-3224158
    Xixiu District Branch Office of the Anshun City Police Bureau 86-859-3222391, 86-859-3222108

    Anshun City Police Bureau: 86-859-3501110, 86-859-3501585, 86-859-3501580, 86-859-3501568, 86-859-3501703, 86-859-3222530, 86-859-3501560, 86-859-3501515, 86-859-3501713, 86-859-3501510, 86-859-3501524, 86-859-3501533, 86-859-3501553, and 86-859-3501543
    Anshun City National Security Bureau: 86-859-3461731, 86-859-3462277, 86-859-3461730, 86-859-3462610, 86-859-3462612, and 86-859-3462609
    Anshun City Political and Legal Committee: 86-859-3223084, 86-859-3340064, 86-859-3348844, and 86-859-3225461
    Xixiu District Political and Legal Committee: 86-859-3223015, 86-859-3226931, and 86-859-3223517

    The Persecution Suffered By Peng Dong Before His Death

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Peng Dong, in his 20s, was from Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province. Because he had been persecuted for a long time, his body and spirit were devastated enormously. He died suddenly on June 28, 2005.

    Peng Dong was happy to have had the chance to first practice Falun Gong in September of 1996. He became the youngest assistant very quickly. Throughout his nine years of  practice, Peng Dong had firmly believed in Master, and had been persistent in practice. He studied the Fa attentively and practiced the exercises every day. He could recite Zhuan Falun and Hong Yin completely, as well as some of Teachers other articles. He fully made use of all of the free time he had to do truth-clarification work, and put almost all of his energy in doing the three things well.

    After the persecution began, he went out very quickly to clarify the truth of Falun Gong. On December 30, 2000, he rode a bicycle alone to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. Before leaving, he distributed more than 80 copies of truth clarification material that he made to some workplaces and government offices in Hanzhong. And on the road, he continued to distribute the truth clarifying materials. During the long and tiresome journey, he lived outdoors, and overcame fatigue. After his travel shoes were worn out, he put on another pair. When he arrived at Yuci County, Shanxi Province, he was tracked by the local police. He was arrested and put in a local detention center. Later he was sent back to the detention center of Hanzhong city.

    Wherever Peng Dong went, he would clarify the truth. He refused to be "transformed" and was illegally sentenced to a two and half year term in the labor camp. He was sent to the Shanxi Province labor camp (Zaozihe Labor Camp). Because he rejected the transformation, he was tied up on a death bed for two days. In the situation of his body being extremely weak, the personnel in the labor camp forced him to shoulder a sandbag over 100 Jin (lb.), which made him nearly go into shock. On May 13, 2002, he was punished by being forced to kneel for one day in a dark room.

    In 2003, Peng Dong was released after his illegal labor camp term expired. The Hanzhong city 610 office and the national security bureau went to his home to harass him on several occasions.

    On October 15, 2004, the city 610 office and the national security bureau once again caught Peng Dong and forced him into brainwashing. To resist the persecution, Peng Dong went on a hunger strike for five days.

    In April 2005, Peng Dong was caught and taken to Xinyuan hotel for illegal interrogation. Every time he was arrested, he would shout loudly: "Falun Dafa is good," exposing the evil crimes of the persecution.

    Having suffered the persecution for a long time, Peng Dong's body and spirit were seriously devastated. He died on June 28, 2005.

    Death and Torture in Lanzhou City Pingantai Forced Labor Camp

    Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Hou Youfang was a 48-year-old teacher in Jinchang City's Jinchuan District Xipo Middle School. She was sent to the Pingantai Forced Labor Camp because she practiced Falun Gong. She was subjected to all kinds of torture, including brutal beatings and being hung up by handcuffs fastened behind her back. When she died, many of the bones in her body were fractured.

    Practitioner Mr. Zhao Xudong, from the Lanzhou Chemical Industry Main Corporation Supply and Sales Company, was beaten to death in the Pingan Forced Labor Camp. His mother, Bai Jinyu, had her arms beaten to a pulp by a goon incited by labor camp officers because she refused to give up Falun Gong.

    Practitioner Ms. Ren Shuzhen is a 63-year-old doctor with the Gansu Province Yongdeng County Hospital. She was sent to the Lanzhou City Pingantai Forced Labor Camp because she practices Falun Gong. Other inmates, incited by team leader Hu Runmei, knocked out a few of her teeth. The guards forced her to do an excessive amount of work in an effort to "transform" her and stop her from cultivating "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," but they couldn't move her firm will to practice Falun Gong. They then handcuffed her behind her back, tied a rope through the handcuffs and hung her in the vegetable cellar. People were assigned to monitor her and not let her sleep. This torture is called "Hanging Upside Down."

    Practitioner Ms. Jiao Tianyun is a 24-year-old, township cadre of a village in Linxia. She also was sent to the Pingantai Forced Labor Camp, where she was once tortured seven times a day for three days straight. Team leader Hu Runmei had a criminal inmate put dirty rags and stinking socks into her mouth and then torture her with "Hanging Upside Down."

    Practitioner Ms. Mao Zhonglian is 53 years old. She is from Linxia City. She was also subjected to the torture of "Hanging Upside Down" and developed bowel and urinary problems.

    Handicapped Veteran, Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Bian Chunyou of Henan Province, Jailed for His Belief

    Mr. Bian Chunyou is 49 years old and from Buoai County of Henan Province. He was badly injured during a war, leaving one of his legs and his feet handicapped. The government has certified him as a second-level handicapped veteran. After Mr. Bian started practicing Falun Gong, the local government stopped his veteran's pension. He has had to live on a small income from repairing TV sets.

    In April 2005, Mr. Bian was arrested and imprisoned. While in prison, Mr. Bian's leg injury became worse. He suffered terrible pain, yet every day the police forced him to work long hours making paper boxes.

    On August 24, 2005, the Buoai County Court "tried" Mr. Bian. During the "trial," Mr. Bian solemnly told everyone that Falun Dafa is good and that it is not wrong to practice "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance." He also announced firmly that he would continue to practice Falun Gong. The authorities have so far not dared to announce a sentence.

    In 1999, Mr. Bian's wife, Ms. Li Xiangfeng, went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong. Since then, the police have threatened, arrested and persecuted her and caused her to suffer from hemiplegia. On August 30, when Mr. Bian was in prison, Ms. Li accidentally spilled gasoline and caused a fire. She was severely burned and is in the hospital waiting for skin grafts. This makes the family's financial circumstances even worse. Other family members went to the court requesting Mr. Bian's release. No only did the police refuse the request, they did not even allow them to see Mr. Bian.

    The Buoai County Police Department Chief, Wang Xiangxiao, 86-13703910858 (Cell)
    The County Chief Procurator Lu Xiaocui, 86-13849516666 (Cell)
    The County Court Deputy Director, Wang Xiaozheng, 86-13603892258 (Cell)
    The County Court Office, 86-391-8682616

    Guangzhou Police Carry Out Large-Scale Arrests of Practitioners

    On September 12 and September 13, 2005, perpetrators from the Guangzhou City 610 Office and the Guangzhou City Police Department illegally broke into numerous residences and arrested Falun Gong practitioners. It was learned that practitioners Shi Lei, Chen Xianzhang, Fan Haiqin and her father and brother, and Chen Huiling have been abducted.

    Around midnight on September 12, a dozen officers from the Meihua Street Police Station in the Dongshan District, Guangzhou City broke into Falun Gong practitioner Shi Lei's home and took him away. They said they were going to interrogate Shi Lei and obtain some information from him. When Shi Lei's wife asked them to present the arrest warrant, the police only flashed a slip of paper that read, "Using [slanderous word omitted] to disrupt implementation of the law." Shi Lei's wife asked the police to leave the paper with her but they refused, fearing that it would be evidence later on of their crime.

    Shi Lei firmly refused to cooperate with the perpetrators at the police station. On September 13 they sent him to the Guangzhou City Brainwashing Center in Chatou. Mr. Shi is not allowed to meet with his family.

    Some time before midnight on September 12, officers from the Haizhu District 610 Office and police department broke into the homes of practitioners Chen Huiling, Fan Wei and Chen Xianzhang (in his 70s) and abducted them. The police had been monitoring and following Chen Huiling for a long time before the illegal arrest.

    Around 3:00 a.m. on September 13, practitioner Fan Haiqin was arrested by about eight police officers in front of the building where she lived. The perpetrators proceeded to ransack her home and took a dozen pieces of Falun Gong materials, a set of Falun Gong lectures, VCDs, and a printer.

    Her husband tried to reason with the police, but his words fell on deaf ears. Ms. Fan's husband later told other practitioners that these officers were from the city police department and from the Huanghuagnag Police Department. They had been following Fan Haiqin for a long time. The perpetrators abducted Fan Haiqin and destroyed the Falun Gong truth clarification materials production site in her home. According to the police officer in charge of the abduction, Fan Haiqin is to be detained for "15 days under public security detention." She is being held at the No. 5 Tianhe Detention Center in Guangzhou City.

    On the afternoon of September 13, Fan Haiqin's father was at home when he was called to the local Haizhu District Police Department to answer some inquiries. He was later released.

    It has been learned that this is the first round of illegal arrests, and a second and third round of persecution will follow. We suggest that Falun Gong practitioners in Guangdong Province and Guangzhou City work as one body and destroy all plans to disrupt Falun Gong. Please send forth righteous thoughts as often as possible. Practitioners whose circumstances permit should send forth righteous thoughts at the top of the hour.

    Related phone numbers: (please dial country code + area code before all phone numbers, please dial country code before cell phone numbers, country code: 86, area code: 020)

    Guangzhou City Police Department
    Main switchboard: 84219584
    Address: No. 200 Qiyi Road, Guangzhou City
    Main office: 83331144
    Zhu Huisheng: head of the police department, 83347347 (he personally answers phone complaints on the 1st and 15th of each month)
    Appeal Section: 83118040
    Guangzhou City 610 Office: 83193123, 83377877
    Main switchboard: 83116688 ext. 610 Office
    Zhang Qingsheng: head of Guangzhou City 610 Office, 61382058
    Li Qiongyang: head of the Guangdong Province 610 Office, 13902237307 (cell), 38866148 (home)
    Wang Jiadong: group head at the Sanhui Legal School, a brainwashing center in Guangdong Province, 757-7317717
    Guangzhou City Legal School, a brainwashing class
    Address: No. 56 North Xizhou Road, Chatou, Baiyun District
    Zip code: 510435
    Pan Jinhua: principal, 81730648
    Li Xuezhen: political head, 81730767
    Lai Jianfeng: head of the Control Division, 81730646
    Control Division: 81730637
    Front office: 81730648
    Jiang Hong: instructor
    Huang Yongrong: 81730767
    Tianhe District Police Department in Guangzhou City: 87502743, 87502753
    Peng Yilin: head of the police department, 87502777, 85513381 (home)
    Fu Fushan: head of the police department, 87502766, 85517229 (home)
    Fan Chunrong: head of the police department, 83115008, 87501929
    Han Liping: deputy head of the police department
    Cen Weixiong: head of Politics and Security Division, 13808889880
    610 Office for the Tianhe Police Department: 82321185 (the name has been changed to Internal Security Division in order to conceal the function of the office)
    Zhu Wenyong: head of the Tianhe Detention Center, 82312286 (home) 85547279 85546731(office)
    Xu Qingsong: deputy head from the Tianhe Police Department 610 Office,
    Huanghuagang Street Police Department in Tianhe District: 37617756
    Address: Middle Xianlie Road, Guangzhou City
    Tianhe District 610 Office mailing address: Tianhe District Police Department Tianhe District 610 Office in Guangzhou City
    Zip code: 510630
    Perpetrators at the Tianhe District 610 Office: Hao Shaoming, Cheng Wenhu and Li Jianhui (female)
    Haizhu District Police Department in Guangzhou City
    Address: No. 368 Middle Tongfu Road Police Station, Guangzhou City
    Haizhu District 610 Office
    Address: No. 39 Middle Xiaogang Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou City
    Zip code: 510000
    Haizhu District Brainwashing Class: 84219584
    Address: South Heguirong Nursing Home, Guangzhou Dadao, Guangzhou City
    Li Ruimin: section head at the Haizhu District Police Department, head of the Haizhu District Brainwashing Class
    Huang Mian: member of the Haizhu District 610 Office
    Wen Chunlan: member of the Haizhu District 610 Office, 020 8443 9241 to Haizhu District 610 Office
    Dongshan District Police Department in Guangzhou City: 87766501
    Address: 367 East Donghua Road, Guangzhou City
    Miehuacun Street Police Precinct in the Dongshan District: 87660666
    Address: 27 Meihuacun, Guangzhou City

    Inner Mongolia Practitioner Zhou Jingpeng Tortured and Illegally Jailed

    On September 2, 2004, Mr. Zhou Jinpeng, a Falun Gong practitioner from Inner Mongolia, was arrested by the police of Ke'er'qin area in Tongliao City. He was illegally imprisoned in the detention center of Ke'er'qin area for about half a year.

    Within this period, three relatives of Zhou were also arrested. As soon as the holidays arrived, his relatives and family members were under the fear of being hunted by the police. Even the pigpen at his house was searched many times.

    While arresting Zhou Jingpeng on September 2, 2004, Policeman Bao Buhe kept fiercely punching Zhou's face until his face was distorted and his mouth, eyes, and nose bled. Nobody even tried to stop this evil conduct.

    In order to cover up the crime, another policeman, Ma Ying, wiped the blood off Zhou Jinpeng's face before video recording him and said, "Nobody hit you, right? We did not see anything." After the beating, Zhou was jailed in an isolated compartment and vomited blood for seven days. The police even cuffed him with 14 kg (31 lb) steel foot shackles that originally were for criminals on death row. He walked with these heavy shackles for six days.

    Once, policemen from the police station of Ke'er'qin area came to the detention center. Policeman Bao Jirimutu took Zhou Jinpeng's foot shackles off. A guard of the detention center asked Bao to put down the shackles. However, he put them around Zhou's neck instead, and made him walk with the shackles to humiliate him. During interrogation, policeman Wang Bo threatened Zhou Jinpeng, saying, "Not only I am going to torture you physically, but I am also going to rape you spiritually." He grabbed Zhou Jinpeng's right hand and violently twisted his hand joints by turning his hand back and forth. Because of the extreme pain, Zhou Jinpeng could not help but scream! Zhou Jinpeng was tortured four times this way. Although Wang Bo was covered with sweat, he did not stop torturing Zhou Jinpeng until Shao Jun and Zhang Liming (deputy chief of the police station) came in. Zhou Jinpeng appealed to Zhang Liming, "Isn't this torture?" Zhang answered, "This is not."

    Zhou Jinpeng was tortured until after midnight. Bao continuously cursed at Zhou Jinpeng with dirty words. In order to keep Zhou Jinpeng awake, Bao sprayed cold water on his face repeatedly. When dawn broke, Shao Jun cuffed Zhou Jinpeng's hands to a file cabinet and pulled on his belt, which made the handcuffs deeply cut into the flesh of his hands.

    Whenever someone came from the police station of Ke'er'qin area to illegally interrogate Zhou Jinpeng (including illegal questioning, and photo taking), Wang Bo and Shao Jun always slapped him in the face. One time his ears were swollen after being hit by Shao Jun.

    On February 19, 2004, Zhou Jinpeng was illegally sentenced to seven years in prison. On January, 23, 2004, Zhou Jinpeng wrote a statement for defending himself in court. The trial was held on February, 3 and the verdict was on February, 4. Zhou Jinpeng was secretively transferred to Chifeng Prison of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

    Zhou Jinpeng is still suffering from brutal tortures in prison. We call upon all righteous people in the world. Please lend your helping hands and rescue these innocent Falun Gong practitioners who are being seriously persecuted in Mainland China.

    (In the verdict document, the judge was Guo Liyan, accompanied by Guo Weimin and Zhang Baocai; the clerk was Xu Wei.)

    Practitioner Ms. Dong Aijun Goes Into Exile After Leaving Prison to Avoid Further Harassment

    The local judicial department harassed practitioner Ms. Dong Aijun from Fangcun Town, Daiyue District, Taian City, Shandong Province. The day after her release from prison, August 20, 2005, she left home to avoid further persecution. On the afternoon of September 13, 2005, her husband left home to avoid certain arrest. Her son and daughter are living in another city, so no one currently resides at their home. More details follow:

    Li Yong, the political head from the Fangcun Town Police Station in Daiyue District, Taian City arrested Ms. Dong Aijun. It happened when she was distributing truth clarification flyers. She was held at the Xintai City Detention Center. One month later she was sentenced to two years of forced labor and sent to the No. 1 Women's Labor Camp in Shandong Province, located at No. 20 Jiangshuiquan Road in Jinan City. At first, Ms. Dong believed the perpetrators when they misled her and she "reformed". She quickly realized that she had been deceived by their lies. She returned to Falun Gong and firmly refused to cooperate with them any further. Ms. Dong was released on August 19, 2005. Before she left the labor camp, she wrote an announcement, which she then gave to the guards. The guards didn't say anything.

    Beginning from the day after her returned home, Hou Fuguo, head of the Fangcun Town 610 Office and Xia Feng, head of Fangcun Town Judicial Office often went to Ms. Dong's home to harass her. They ordered her to write a guarantee statement to renounce Falun Gong, which she refused to do.

    At around 11 p.m. on September 7, 2005, Xia Feng led a group of policemen to break into Ms. Dong's home. Her daughter and son-in-law told the police, "The owner of the home is not here right now. Don't touch anything or you'll be violating the law!" They temporarily restrained themselves. Xia Feng walked around the bed and held up a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. Dong Aijun's daughter and son-in-law said, "You brought that here and you are trying to frame us. No way!" They were exasperated and left around midnight.

    At around 5:00 p.m. on September 13, about six policemen pounded on Ms. Dong's door. Only Ms. Dong's husband was home then. Her husband and her other family members had been arrested more than three times since 1999. Ms. Dong's husband didn't open the door. He locked the door, jumped over the wall in the yard and ran out. The police fanatically chased after him but couldn't catch him. On the morning of September 14, Ms. Dong's husband returned home. He saw that the lock on the door was broken and the whole place had been turned upside down. The bed, the closet, the drawers and the chests were all combed through and messed up. His neighbors confirmed that about six policemen entered Ms. Dong's home around dusk on September 13 and left after having been there a long time. The footprints the perpetrators left in the courtyard wall were still clearly visible on the morning of September 14.

    Taian City, Shandong Province:

    Hou Fuguo: the head of Fangcun Town "610 Office," Daiyue District, 86-538-8083315(Home)

    Xia Feng: the head of the Fangcun Town Judicial Office, 86-538-8062148(Office)

    Fangcun Town Police Station: 86-538-8061039

    Han Guiping and Her Son Wang Bing Arrested - Their Whereabouts Unknown

    Ms. Han Guiping is a Falun Gong practitioner in her 30's. She had many illnesses before she started to practice Falun Gong. After she began practicing Falun Gong, her physical and mental condition improved dramatically and she enjoyed living illness-free. She also got rid of her bad habitats, such as smoking, drinking, and playing Mahjong (a form of gambling).

    After the persecution started, Ms. Han appealed against the injustice. She was arrested and detained in a mental hospital. After she was released, the officials from the local residential committee went to Ms. Han's home many times to harass her. Her phone was monitored as well. Then, her husband died.

    While Ms. Han was still mourning her husband, the police attempted to detain her again in order to subject her to forced brainwashing. To avoid the persecution, Ms. Han had to leave her home with her child, and they became homeless.

    None of her relatives dared to take Ms. Han into their homes due to the fear of being persecuted along with her. Still, the police came to her deer farm many times and tried to arrest her, but failed each time. Due to frequent harassment by the police, her deer farm was no longer able to do business, and thus her source of income was cut off. Ms. Han's happy family was destroyed and her life was in great difficulty. Her teenage son, Wang Bing, was no longer able to attend school and had to lead a homeless life with his mother.

    Not long ago, Ms. Han and her son were arrested by the police and their detention location is unknown.

    Practitioners Persecuted to Death in Hubei, Heilongjiang, Hebei, and Guangxi Provinces

    Mr. Zhang Gongmei, age 73, was a retired worker from the Xianan District of Hubei Province. From 1982 to 1995, Mr. Zhang was seriously ill. He was one of those who spent a lot of money on medical expenses. After taking up the practice of Falun Gong in 1996, his health quickly recovered. From 1996 to 2005, he wasn't sick at all. When the practice of Falun Gong was officially banned in 1999 by the Chinese government, Mr. Zhang went to Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, then later to Beijing to appeal for the restoration of the right to practice Falun Gong. When the persecution was at its peak, he stopped practicing for a while. Later, however, Mr. Zhang started to practice again, and he clarified the truth and distributed materials in support of Falun Gong. The police considered Mr. Zhang's case as a typical "Falun Gong case." They ransacked his house, confiscated his property, and later took him away to be brainwashed. Mr. Zhang died of torture on July 23, 2005.

    Mr. Dong Chunhou, 60, was a Falun Gong practitioner from Macheng City, Hubei Province. After he started to practice in February 1997, Mr. Dong went from being a very sick person to a very healthy one. In 2000, Mr. Dong was arrested and sent to a brainwashing class, where he was subjected to various barbarous treatments. After his release, police officers continued to harass him with threats and extortion. Finally, Mr. Dong broke down and died on November 9, 2003.

    Mr. Su Diankui, age 80, was a practitioner from Xianfeng Village, Longhe Township, Nahe City, Heilongjiang Province. Before starting to practice Falun Gong in October 1996, Mr. Su experienced constant muscle sprains and cramps, which prevented him from squatting and using the toilet. However, after taking up the practice of Falun Gong, all those problems disappeared. In the spring of 2002, someone reported him to the authorities for possessing Falun Gong materials. As a result, all his videotapes, reading materials and Falun Gong books were confiscated. He was taken away, beaten, and locked up for 48 hours. Continual harassment and ill treatment afterwards finally drove him to his death on November 21, 2003.

    Ms Sun Shuhui, age 40, was a practitioner from Baoding City, Hebei Province. In 2000, Ms. Sun was diagnosed with cancer and was told that she had only eight months to live. After taking up the practice of Falun Gong, she recovered miraculously. Out of appreciation, she went around promoting Falun Gong and clarifying the facts to people who had been misled by the government propaganda. In 2002, due to constant harassment and pressure from police officers, her health suddenly declined, and she died in 2003.

    <>Ms Lu Qiuju, age 61, lived in Minqiang Village, Huatong Township, Jingxi County, Guangxi Province. Ms Lu's whole family practices Falun Gong. After the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, the local police ransacked her home, confiscated her property, and constantly harassed and threatened her. Whenever she witnessed a member of her family being arrested, threatened, or fined, it was like a knife stabbing into her heart. After her two sons were arrested and taken to forced labor camps, she gave up practicing for a while. Long periods of harassment and pressure from police officers wore her down physically and mentally, and she started having mental problems. She died on July 23, 2005.

    Unscheduled Broadcast: Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party Seen on TV in Yunnan, China on September 18

    At 8:10 p.m. on September 18, 2005, the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, etc. was tapped into and broadcast on CCTV 1 and Yunnan TV 1 in the area near the border of Myanmar, and lasted for about thirty minutes. The equipment was timer controlled.

    Local people responded that the signals were very clear and covered a large area, and about twenty thousand people viewed it clearly.

    Comments indicated that because Mainland Chinese people's right to know the truth is suppressed, it is resulting in people daring to break the news blockades by tapping into TV systems. This is a reflection of people's right to the facts returning.

    Other reports said that at 8:20 p.m., on August 9, 2005, Guan County TV 2 (Channel 26) in Shandong Province also broadcast a program about withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

    Neiqinghe TV in Linxi County, Hebei Province was also tapped into and broadcast a similar program.

    On August 2, 2005, Ji County Cable TV was tapped into and broadcast the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party for two hours.

    On July 3, 2005, all thirteen channels of CCTV and twelve channels of the southern nine Provinces were covered simultaneously.

    The Epoch Times published the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, which prompted a large surge of withdrawals from the CCP. As of September 20, 2005, four million four hundred thousand people have withdrawn from the CCP and its associated organizations, according to The Epoch Times website.

    Brief News from China - September 1, 2005

    1. [Baiyin City, Gansu Province] Mr. Jia Peifu and Others Arrested and Detained

    On July 30, 2005, police from Baiyin City arrested sixteen Falun Gong practitioners who were having a Fa-conference. The police injured two practitioners on the spot and ransacked all sixteen homes. They released six elderly practitioners after extorting 200 yuan from each of them. By August 31, 2005, Mr. Jia Peifu, Ms. Li Yu, and Ms. Cui Jianping were still being detained.

    Relevant phone numbers:

    Chen Youxin, male, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Secretary of Baiyin City Political and Judiciary Committee, also in charge of the city's 610 Office: 86-943-8252993 (Office), 86-943-8229789 (Home).

    Zhou Lin (male), Baiyin City 610 Office Head: 86-943-8221890 (Office).

    Chen Zhonghua, male, Baiyin City Police State Security Division Head: 86-943-8252332 (Office), 86-943-8226190 (Home).

    2. [Yuzhou City, Henan Province] Mr. Li Guangcan and Others Arrested

    Practitioners Mr. Li Guangcan, Mr. Ba Kejun, Ms. Lou Yulan, Ms. Kong Lingzhi, Ms Zhang Guifen, Ms. Zhang Jumei, and Mr. Xiao Zhentong and another practitioner, name unknown, all from Yuzhou City, were arrested at 11 p.m. on August 26, 2005.

    Mr. Li Guangcan, Mr. Ba Kejun and the other practitioner are being detained in the detention center; the other five are being detained in the Yuzhou City Police Department.

    3. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Mr. Wang Hao Sentenced to Forced Labor

    After practitioner Mr. Wang Hao from Wuhan City was arrested by police for passing out "truth clarifying materials" on August 19, 2005, he was sentenced to forced labor and is now in Hewan Forced Labor Camp in Wuhan City.

    4. [Jianli County, Hubei Province] Ms. Yi Lanying Detained in Shishi Detention Center in Fujian Province

    On August 19, 25, practitioner Ms. Yi Lanying from Jianli County was arrested in Shishi City, Fujian Province, when she was passing out truth clarifying materials. She is now detained in the Shishi City Detention Center in Fujian Province.

    5. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Mr. Wang Enguo Detained in Tiebei Detention Center

    Practitioner Mr. Wang Enguo from Changchun City was arrested in March 2005. He has been detained in Tiebei Detention Center ever since, in company with death row prisoners.

    6. [Longjing City, Jilin Province] Ms. Jin Chunyu and Others Arrested

    On August 25, 2005, around 5 a.m., practitioners from Longsheng Village, Chaoyangchuan Town, Longjing City, including Ms. Jin Chunyu from the Second Group and Li, gender unknown, from the Fifth Group, were arrested by police from Chaoyang Town and are now detained in the Longjing City Detention Center. Practitioner Ms. Li Xiuying's home was ransacked, and Ms. Li Xiuting has been forced to become destitute and homeless in order to avoid being illegally arrested at home.

    Ms. He Juying was arrested on August 3, 2005, in Dunhua City and is now detained in the Dunhua City Detention Center.

    Relevant phone numbers:

    Jin Zhezhu, male, Longjing City Detention Center Head: 86-433-3283029
    Police Chaoyangchuan Town Station in Longjing City: 86-433-3589385

    7. [Guan County, Shandong Province] 610 Officers Arrested Practitioners

    On August 11, 2005, the police and officials from the Guan County 610 Office ransacked practitioners' homes and arrested Mr. Liu Zichao, Mr. Liu Ziyuan, Mr. Wang Yuhe, Guo Hua (gender unknown), Ms. Li Yujun, Mr. Tian Shutang, Ms. Xie Guiqin, and Mr. Ge Muhuan, among others.

    8. [Pingdu City, Shandong Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Arrested

    On August 16, 2005, practitioner Ms. Ma Meihua from Damaqiu, Wanjia Town, Pingdu City, was arrested by police from the Liaolan Station.

    9. [Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Xiuhua and Ms. Song Yinghua Arrested

    Practitioner Ms. Wang Xiuhua is 69 years old and lives in Wohuzhuang Village, Daqinjia Town, Zhaoyuan City. On August 21, 2005, Ms. Wang went to the Zhaoyuan New First High School to visit her grandson. On the way there she picked up a flyer exposing the truth about Falun Gong. She learned that one of the students at her grandson's school was arrested when he was only 16 years old. She wept and then went to the school administration to clarify the truth and try to rescue the child and get him out of prison. She was reported, and the city 610 Office picked her up and took her to a brainwashing class held in Lingnan Gold Mine in Zhaoyuan City, where she remains.

    Ms. Song Yinghua is 37 years old and lives in Dongkebuzhuang Village, Linglong Town, Zhaoyuan City. She wrote to Song Shuqin, female, the head of a brainwashing class held in the Lingnan Gold Mine. Song Yinghua used her own practice experience, clarified the truth, and tried to persuade Song Shuqin stop doing harm to her future. On August 27, 2005, around 8 a.m., about five policemen drove two vans to her home, abducted her, and took her to the brainwashing class held in Lingnan Gold Mine. She had not been allowed to dress before they took her away and was only wearing underclothes.

    Relevant phone numbers:

    Wang Shiliang, male, CCP Zhaoyuan City Committee Secretary: 86-535-8232868 (Office)
    Zhang Wei, male, Zhaoyuan City Mayor: 86-535-8211771 (Office)
    Cai Ping, male, Zhaoyuan City Police Department Head: 86-535-8213899 (Office), 86-13705358566 (Cell)

    10. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zang Yumei Arrested

    On July 2, 2005, police officer He (gender unknown) and others from the Kunming Street Station in the Zhongshan District of Dalian City called Ms. Zang Yumei to come out of her home and then arrested her. She is now in the Yaojia Detention Center in Dalian City, and her current situation is unknown.

    Kunming Street Police Station: 86-411-82635884
    Police officer He: 86-13500733946 (Cell)

    Brief News from China - September 10, 2005

    1. [Longjing City, Jilin Province] Ms. Piao Yingzi Brutally Tortured

    In August 2005, someone reported Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Piao Yingzi (in her 50s) from Dongshengyong Town, Longjing City, Jilin Province to the police from the Dongshengyong Town Station while she was clarifying the truth. The police arrested her and ransacked her home. Ms. Piao is now detained in the Longjing City Detention Center. When her family visited her recently, they found that she could not walk because of the brutal torture she suffered.

    Relevant phone numbers:

    The Longjing City Detention Center, 86-433-3286669.
    The Longjing City Police Department, 86-433-3222807.
    The Longjing City 610 Office, 86-433-3223757.

    2. [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Mr. Qiu Renzi on a Hunger Strike after Secretly Arrested

    On September 1, 2005, the police from Gaoling Station and State Security Agents from the Moping District secretly arrested Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Qiu Renzi from Shaxiang Village, Gaoling Town, Moping District, Yantai City, Shandong Province. He has been detained in Moping District Detention Center. We heard that he has been on a hunger strike since he was detained to protest the persecution.

    Also from Moping District, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. He Lingdi and Ms. Wang were recently found to be missing. No one knows where they are now.

    3. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Wu Biyun Arrested

    The Haizhu District 610 Office combined with the police from the Longfeng Street Station, Longfeng Neighborhood Administration, and the Security Guards from Milan Garden arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wu Biyun from Guangzhou City. She has been detained for fifteen days in the Nanzhou Detention Center.

    4. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Liu Dazhi Arrested at Home

    On September 6, 2005, four policemen from the Aoqi Town Station in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province stormed into Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Dazhi's home and arrested him. They are keeping him in detention.

    5. [Huangshan City, Anhui Province] Mr. Huang Yafei and Others Arrested

    Two weeks ago, the police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Huang Yafei (in his 50s) from Huangshan City, Anhui Province. He is still detained in the City Police Department.

    Since September 2004, 20-30 Falun Gong practitioners from Huangshan City have been arrested. One of them, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Jie Guangfu has been detained in the Xiaolongshan Detention Center for one year.

    6. [Langfang City, Hebei Province] Mr. Wang Zhishan and Mr. Xue Jinlu Arrested

    Between September 7 and 8, 2005, the police from the Qukou Police Station arrested Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Wang Zhishan and Mr. Xue Jinlu from Qukou Town, Xianghe County, Hebei Province. On September 9, 2005, the Xianghe County 610 Office and Xianghe County Police State Security Agents sent Mr. Wang to the Langfang Brainwashing Center. Mr. Xue Jinlu was detained.

    The Xianghe County Police State Security Division, 86-316-8625642.
    The Head of the Xianghe County Police State Security Division Zhang Zilai (male), Deputy Head Wang Xiuhai (male).
    The Qukou Police Station, 86-316-8611194.
    The Xianghe County 610 Office, 86-316-8320400.

    7. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Liu Yalan Arrested

    At 7 a.m. in the morning on September 4, 2005, the police were in hiding while waiting for Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Yalan. They arrested her when she was on her way home. She is now being detained.

    8. [Tianjin City] Ms. Ma Yongyue Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

    Around July 10, 2005, without legal procedures, without notifying her family and without a trial, the Wuqing District Court sentenced Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Ma Yongyue to three years in prison. Ms. Ma appealed, requesting an unconditional release. As a result, the Wuqing District Detention Center transferred Ms. Ma to the Dabianzhuang Detention Center in the Xiqing District, where they detained her for 40 days. On August 26, 2005, Ms. Ma Yongyue was still locked in First Branch of the Fifth Ward of Gangbei Prison in the Dagang District.

    The First Branch of the Fifth Ward, Gangbei Prison in the Dagang District, 86-22-2071151.
    The Information phone of the Gangbei Prison in the Dagang District, 86-22-62071052.

    9. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Jiang Yunhong and Others Missing Since July

    On July 22, 2005, the police arrested Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Jiang Yunhong, Mr. Yuan Bin and Mr. Li Bin (alias). No one knows where they are now.

    10. [Meishan City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Ji Shuhua Arrested

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Ji Shuhua is in her 50s and lives in the First Group, Tangheguihua Village, Danling County, Meishan City, Sichuan Province. Around 9 a.m. on August 30, 2005, the Meishan City 610 Office and the Danling County 610 Office stormed into her home and arrested her.

    11. [Chifeng City, Inner-Mongolia Autonomous District] Ms. Wang Shuyun Released

    On the morning of September 9, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Shuyun from Tianyi Town, Ningcheng County, Chifeng City was released to go home.

    12. [Shandong Province] Ms. Liu Xiangyun Tortured in the Shandong Province Women's Prison

    On April 21, 2004, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Yu Yali, Ms. Liu Xiangyun, Ms. Chu Zhongmei and Ms. Su Shuzhen were arrested. On November 16, 2004, the Tianqiao District Court in Jinan City sentenced Ms. Yu Yali, Ms. Liu Xiangyun, and Ms. Chu Zhongmei each to seven years in prison. They also sentenced Ms. Su Shuzhen to four years in prison. We heard Ms. Liu Xiangyun is now being cruelly tortured in the Shandong Province Women's Prison.

    Country Code: 86, Area code: 531

    The Shandong Province Women's Prison phone numbers:

    86-531-88936691, 86-531-88936692, 86-531-88936693, 86-531-88585200, 86-53188585454.
    The General Office, 86-531-88928028, 86-531-88928029.
    Address, 93 Gongyenan Street, Jinan City, zip code 250100.

    13. [Xiantao City, Hubei Province] Ms. Liang Zhu'an Arrested in Guizhou Province

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liang Zhu'an (near 60 years old, from Xiantao City) had to become homeless in order to avoid being arrested at home. She was working as a laborer in Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province to make a living. Around September 3, 2005, without any legal procedures, the police from Liupanshui City arrested her. They notified the Xiliuhe Town Government in Xiantao City to send people to get her. On September 7, 2005, they brought her to her hometown and locked her up in a brainwashing center. Ms. Liang has been detained multiple times. In September 1999, her son Zhang Jianbo (a graduate student then) was detained for three and half years until March 2003. One year later, on March 28, 2004, Mr. Zhang Jianbo was arrested when passing out truth clarifying VCDs in order to clarify the truth to people. He was sentenced to two years of forced labor and is still imprisoned in the Shiliping Labor Camp in Zhejiang Province.

    14. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Liu Xuefei and Ms. Chen Aiyang Arrested

    On September 7, 2005, the police from the Futian District Political Security Office and the Tain'an Police Station arrested Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Liu Xuefei and Ms. Chen Aiyang. They are now being detained in the Futian Detention Center.

    The Futain District Police Department, 86-755-84461559.

    The Tian'an Police Station, 86-755-83400110.

    15. [Qingzhou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Liu Yuerong and Others Arrested

    On August 29, 2005, the police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Yuerong (in her 50s) from Beilou Village, Huanglou Town, Qingzhou City.

    At 10 a.m. on the morning of August 30, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Wang Yuguang and her husband (both in their 70s), Ms. Wang Xiuying and others were arrested. They all live in Lufang Village, Huanglou Town, Qingzhou City.

    16. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Yan Jingqiu Sentenced to Forced Labor

    On September 2, 2005, the Qingdao City Labor Camp Committee sentenced Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yan Jingqi from Qingdao City to two and a half years of forced labor.