News and Events from around the World -- September 20, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Malaysian Practitioners Hold "Coming for You" Evening Party for Mid-Autumn Moon Festival

  • San Diego, California: Practitioners' Procession Warmly Welcomed in Community Parade

  • Malaysian Practitioners Hold "Coming for You" Evening Party for Mid-Autumn Moon Festival

    Before the coming of the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival, practitioners in Selangor State held an evening party with the theme of "Coming for You," in Taman Wawasan Park on September 10, in order to help local residents know the grace of Falun Gong.

    "Coming for You" Concert at Mid-Autumn Moon Festival

    The party started at 7 p.m. Local parents brought their children and attended the concert together. Beyond the expectation of the practitioners, there were so many residents attending the concert that they ran out of food before the end of the evening.

    Falun Gong exercise demonstration

    Falun Gong exercise demonstration

    Practitioners offered performances at 8 p.m., including waist drumming and fan dancing. Later, they gave a Falun Gong exercise demonstration. The practitioners distributed truth-clarification literature to help more people know the facts of Falun Gong. In addition, practitioners prepared a lantern-riddle game for the children. Parents accompanied their children to play.

    Residents watching the performance

    Parents and children play lantern-riddle game

    Most residents stayed until the end of the event even though the food was finished within a little over one hour. The evening party ended at 10 p.m. The children were very pleased and asked the practitioners to hold this activity again next year. They said they would come again.

    Chinese version available at

    San Diego, California: Practitioners' Procession Warmly Welcomed in Community Parade

    As in 2001, 2003 and 2004, practitioners in San Diego participated in the Poway Community Parade for the fourth time on September 10 and were warmly welcomed by the local residents

    Practitioners' procession

    Scattered light clouds brought shade for the participants in Southern California. More than 60 groups participated in the parade with colorful costumes and melodic music. They were warmly welcomed by the local residents.

    The practitioners' procession was composed of four parts. Four practitioners from China, the USA and Mexico walked in the front with a huge banner with the words, "Falun Gong." Next was a float decorated with a lotus flower, colorful flags and lanterns. Four practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises on the float. Six fairy dancers performed fan dancing behind the float. Bringing up the rear of the procession was the waist drum team.

    The practitioners' procession was warmly welcomed. Spectators applauded while watching the exercise demonstration. Some even followed along with the hand gestures of the practitioners. As the practitioners' procession passed a street corner, a Chinese woman walked near the practitioners and warmly applauded them. She was moved to tears as the procession passed by.

    Chinese version available at