News and Events from around the World -- September 19, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Vancouver Police Stop CCP Supporters from Tearing up Falun Gong Banners 

  • Russia: Practitioners in Moscow Hold an Anti-Torture Exhibition Condemning the Persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party

  • Germany: Falun Gong Is Warmly Welcomed at Hamburg Multi-Cultural Festival

  • France: Falun Gong Receives a Warm Welcome at the Montgeron Sports and Culture Expo

  • Vancouver Police Stop CCP Supporters from Tearing up Falun Gong Banners

     Falun Gong practitioners issued a news release on the afternoon of September 17, 2005 to expose the fact that during Hu Jintao's visit to Vancouver, some CCP supporters threatened Falun Gong practitioners,forcefully took away the practitioners' signs and banners and tore them up.

    According to the news release, around the Westin Hotel where Hu Jintao was staying, Falun Gong practitioners were displaying banners and signs that called for an end to the persecution. Their messages included: "Bring Jiang, Luo, Liu and Zhou and the vicious police and evildoers who persecute Falun Gong practitioners to justice," as well as some advice to Hu Jintao: "The time that Gods and people have given you is limited."

    Falun Gong practitioners' peaceful protest outside the hotel

    Demonstration at the Hotel's back door

    Practitioners stay overnight outside the hotel to send forth righteous thoughts

    After Hu arrived at the hotel, some CCP supporters deliberately provoked an incident. They first used their flags to cover up Falun Gong practitioners' banners and then tore signs that practitioners held in their hands.

    One Falun Gong practitioner, Matthew, who was on the spot said, "Yesterday, some pro-CCP individuals snatched signs from practitioners and then trampled on them. Police officers did not expect that those people would besiege and beat practitioners and attack them like that, so today, more police officers came and said that they were there to protect practitioners."

    Canadian practitioner Kaylan added, "Last night, when we meditated in front of the hotel, those communist supporters surrounded us, some singing communist party songs, some clapping and broadcasting alarms through a loudspeaker. Later, the police came to stop them."

    Police officers said that those pro-CCP individuals were really bad, while Falun Gong practitioners were all very good.

    A passer-by learns the Falun Gong exercises

    CTV conducting interview

    Passersby learning the facts

    Vancouver resident: This is Canada. Don't do evil here!

    At around 5 p.m. on September 16, 2005, several practitioners unfurled a large banner on one side of the hotel where Hu was staying. The banner read, "Bring Jiang, Luo, Liu, and Zhou to Justice". Shortly after, two young men who held little red flags in their hands rushed over. They quickly stole the practitioners' banner and threw it to the ground, while cursing the practitioners. A local resident happened to pass by. Upon seeing this, she pointed to them and said, "This is Canada. You can't do evil here!" The two young men suddenly stood still in amazement, but they still intended to forcefully take away more practitioners' banners again. The Canadian lady went over and continuously berated them, "Don't do evil! Don't do evil!"

    Canadian Police: I'm here to protect you!

    At this point, some practitioners called the police. A police officer came and indignantly shouted at the two young men, "Stop! I'll arrest you if you do it again!" The two young men had to leave.

    The policeman turned around and said to practitioners, "Don't be afraid, I'm here to protect you." Then the practitioners once again unfurled their banner and clarified the facts to passersby.

    Pro-CCP individuals secretly watching practitioners doing the exercises

    A Canadian lady (wearing the brown jacket) stops the CCP supporters from forcefully taking away practitioners' banner

    Many people of the Chinese delegation in the hotel could see a yacht with Falun Gong signs through their windows

    Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP): We will let Hu see your message

    Falun Gong practitioner Wang Ping, who came from San Francisco, stated that the RCMP supported Falun Gong very much. On September 16 when Hu Jintao was about to arrive at the hotel, some RCMP officers came over and told practitioners they would let Hu see our messages. Later when Hu's motorcade came, they passed right by our banners.

    Hotel guest: I support you and wish you success!

    A lady from Texas who was staying at the Westin Hotel told practitioners when she saw the signs in practitioners' hands, "I support you, and wish you a success!"

    Chinese version available at

    Russia: Practitioners in Moscow Hold an Anti-Torture Exhibition Condemning the Persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party

    On September 11, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners from Russia peacefully presented a petition on the streets of Moscow. By using real people to reenact the persecution and by displaying related pictures showing scenes of torture, practitioners demonstrated to people the brutal truth of Falun Gong being persecuted in the past six years by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Holding banners with the words "2,740 Falun Gong Practitioners have been Persecuted to Death by the CCP, but the Persecution Still Continues," Russian practitioners were telling the world's people about the persecution that is happening in China, and calling for the CCP to stop the human rights abuses against Falun Gong.

    Reenactment of torture methods

    Moscow residents learning the facts

    Many passers-by asked, "Why are good people who believe in Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance being persecuted in China?" The practitioners told them patiently, "It is because China is at present under the rule of the Communist Party's dictatorship. The nature of the Communists is to monopolize the wealth of society and cause terror among people by using force, making people treat its words like law through deception, making people lose their nature of kindness and honesty by forcing its atheism onto people. The fact that the belief of 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance' has been widely recognized and well received not only made the head of the CCP jealous, but also frightened, and that's why they started the persecution." Russians used to suffer from the dictatorship of the Soviet Communist Party and could relate to plight of the Chinese people. On hearing the facts, they signed the petition one after another to show their support against the persecution.

    A kind-hearted policeman on duty asked practitioners: "Is it useful for you to hold such an activity while the CCP is still persecuting Falun Gong?" Practitioners told him, "The means used by the CCP to persecute Falun Gong is to deceive and blind the world's people. What we are doing now is directly explaining the facts of the persecution to the Russian people. In the meantime, we also explain the truth to all governments and media in hopes that they can make a clear distinction between right and wrong, good and evil, and position themselves well and not be deceived by the CCP. What we are doing now is beneficial to all countries and their people. Those who have done evil deeds are afraid of their evil deeds being exposed and are afraid of the awakening of kind people all over the world, because the power of justice will cause the evil to have no place to hide. So what we are doing now is very meaningful." After hearing what we explained, the policeman was very pleased and left after taking truth-clarification literature.

    Explaining the facts

    Signing to oppose the persecution

    Chinese version available at

    Germany: Falun Gong Is Warmly Welcomed at Hamburg Multi-Cultural Festival

     After winning awards for two consecutive years in 2003 and 2004, Falun Gong was again the focus of the 2005 Hamburg Multi-Cultural Festival held on September 10th. It was a beautiful and bustling day in Hamburg. Led by bands, floats and splendidly dressed dancing groups, more than eighty civil organizations participated in the parade. The float and the Lotus Dance given by Falun Gong practitioners attracted warm applause from the crowds.

    Falun Gong exercise demonstration at booth

    Parade procession

    Ever since the persecution in China began in 1999, overseas Falun Gong practitioners have not stopped explaining the true situation to the German community. With the change in their understanding about Falun Gong, the German people have changed their attitudes from indifferent rejection to providing active support and accepting the truth. Right after the festivities began, the organiser made a phone call to the local Falun Gong coordinator to confirm that Falun Gong would participate in the parade.

    Explaining the facts about Falun Gong

    Falun Gong practitioners also set up an information booth at Hamburg University. On display were photos introducing the widespread propagation of Falun Gong and the awards it has received in the world. Photos about the persecution in China were also exhibited. Many people stopped by to watch. A gentleman received a flier from a practitioner when he passed by the booth. He said, "I know what Falun Gong is all about. I have seen you in Berlin. My friend who is standing beside me has no idea what has happened in China. Would you please give him a flier?" Young children who played around the information booth had great interest in folding the paper Lotus flowers.

    Children folding paper lotus flowers

    Dance performance

    Chinese version available at

    France: Falun Gong Receives a Warm Welcome at the Montgeron Sports and Culture Expo

     On September 10, 2005, the annual Sports and Culture Expo was held at Gymnase Pierre de Coubertin in Montgeron, near Paris.

    Falun Gong exercise demonstration

    Ville de Montgeron is located southeast of Paris. The aim of the Expo is to encourage the healthy development of mind and body. The organizer allocated time slots for all groups to perform at the center of the stadium, including music, gymnastics, dance, martial arts and traditional cultivation ways. This was the foruth year that the French Falun Gong practitioners attended this Expo. They were invited to perform a Falun Gong exercise demonstration.

    Many people came to practitioners' booth to learn the fact, ask for truth-clarification literature and sign their names to support the effort against the persecution

    Visitors were moved by the peaceful Falun Gong music and the exercise demonstration. At the end of the demonstration, they applauded enthusiastically to show their appreciation. At the Falun Gong booth, practitioners arranged exercise demonstration posters and other French and English materials on a stand so that visitors could easily read them. Many people came to ask for information about Falun Gong and hoped to learn the exercises at their local practice sites. A lot of visitors signed the petition calling for an immediate end to the persecution of Falun Gong in China.

    People were also drawn by the Falun Gong exercise demonstration near the booth. When they learned that Falun Gong instruction is free of charge, they were pleasantly surprised and very happy to see that in today's world of materialism, there still exists such a pure, righteous and selfless cultivation group.

    Practitioners gave the children visitors bookmarks and postcards with pictures of children of different nationalities practicing Falun Gong, and informed them about the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China. In fact, even children at a very young age could understand the facts. Some children, after learning the truth of Falun Gong, immediately talked to their friends and signed the petition form with their pure and innocent hearts.

    Chinese version available at