The Facts of the Persecution of Falun
Gong -- August 3,
Issued by Clearwisdom Net
Prison staff at the Guizhou Province Women's Labor Camp have committed countless crimes against humanity. Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Chen Guihong was severely tortured and suffered a mental breakdown. Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Yan, employed by the Zunyi City Medical Institute, was tortured over an extended period, and her body was completely emaciated. She was unable to walk and had to be carried to the treatment room to be force-fed. One day near the end of August 2003, she was again taken to the treatment room, restrained, and died immediately after being force-fed. Another Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhou, from Guiyang City, was tortured almost to death and then died soon after being taken home.
"Personal monitors" other prisoners assigned to harass and torture Falun Gong practitioners, often will take a practitioner to an empty room and for fun take turns throwing the practitioner's body against the wall or into a metal bed frame. They use all their strength to torture the Falun Gong practitioners. If Falun Gong practitioners should glance at each other, this will result in immediate beatings. The prison guards will sometimes inject or otherwise install unknown drugs into practitioners' bodies. They force practitioners to memorize the Camp Regulations during time "facing the wall" and force them to view material which slanders Falun Gong.
Prison guards have daily meetings to discuss new torture techniques, such as stuffing dirty rags into a practitioner's mouth, forcing them to stand facing the summer sun, forcing them to stand in wet, freezing clothes in the winter, and forcing them to stand outside with little clothing in a freezing windstorm. The guards sometimes feel their actions are not severe enough, so they force practitioners to stand outside with bare feet. When the practitioners are too exhausted to stand any longer, the guards enlist other prisoners to punch the practitioner's head against a wall. Many practitioners' clothes are torn or missing, their feet are swollen with injuries and sometimes to the point of decay, their lower body muscles so weakened that they are unable to walk.
Because Falun Gong practitioners want to be good people, they are inhumanly tortured in this living hell on earth. It is impossible to imagine the mental and physical hardships they endure. The perpetrators who commit these heinous crimes perform their evil acts mostly under cover, out of sight of even the regular prisoners. The guards try to destroy all the evidence of their tortures. In most cases, the prison guards do not perform these tortures themselves, but direct personal monitors to do the hands-on work. On the surface they are maintaining "civilized management" in a controlled prison environment. In reality, they are directing the most brutal of tortures against these good people, these Falun Gong practitioners who have committed no crime whatsoever.
When I first entered the Guizhou Province Women's Labor Camp, prison guards shut the door and the windows, drew the curtains, and immediately started training the personal monitors. The personal monitors took turns watching and torturing me, depriving me of sleep for a long time, forcing me to stand facing the wall, forcing me to walk with army steps, making me stand from early morning till night and then from night until morning, not allowing me to even close my eyes, not allowing me to move my hands. Even when mosquitoes bit me, I had to report and get permission to move. If any of the Falun Gong practitioners collapsed after standing for hours on end, the personal monitors would pour cold water on them. If a practitioner is unable to open his eyes from fatigue, the guards or monitors will punch them in the chest. They would scream at us, "If you write the three statements, then you may sleep." Some practitioners who could not bear this degree of torture and accepted the brainwashing against their will, were then assigned as personal monitors, further damaging their dignity and conscience.
The personal monitors had to report to prison guards several times each day, or they would be in trouble themselves. Under the threat of disciplinary action against them combined with the possibility of a shortened sentence for good performance, the personal monitors torture and molest Falun Gong practitioners at will. Practitioners are only allowed to use the toilet twice per day and by request, with personal monitors watching closely. Some practitioners became ill due to such restriction, but they still were not allowed to wash or use the toilet when needed. Practitioners have to walk to the washroom with their head lowered. At the washroom, the beating and cursing would start immediately. If a practitioner did not follow their direction, he would be pulled back to the cell, choked by the neck until he passed out, then carried to an empty room to be further "punished." Falun Gong practitioners have to buy personal daily need items from the personal monitors and are not allowed items such as pens and paper.
Prison guards force Falun Gong practitioners to perform labor more than ten hours each day. This includes elderly women who are 60 to 70 years old. They must finish their work within the allotted time or work overtime.
All steadfast Falun Gong practitioners have endured life and death hardships in the Camp. These descriptions of the camp activities I have witnessed personally and are the truth. Many more tortures are known to occur behind closed doors.
Mr. Fu Xinli, a practitioner from Daqinjia Village, Daqin Town, Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province, has been clarifying the truth about Falun Gong to people since the persecution started. He was forced to leave home to avoid the persecution. In the last 4 years he has faced persecution and numerous arrests. At around 11:30 p.m. on June 16, 2005, the 610 Office arrested Mr. Fu and brutally tortured him on the 5th floor of the Zhaoyuan City Police Station. After being tortured he fell from the 5th floor. His head was injured, his shoulders fractured, his lumbar vertebra fractured and his spleen torn. He is now in critical condition.
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![]() 610 Office agents monitoring Fu Xinli |
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The people playing chess are the 610 Office agents that are monitoring Fu Xinli.
Currently, 12 people from the 610 Office are taking shifts in Zhaoyuan People's Hospital surgical department. Each shift consists of 4 people.
In the last few years, Fu Xinli and his family have been persecuted. Fu's father was detained many times and passed away in 2003. His elder sister was sent to a labor camp for two years. His second eldest sister left home for 4 years to avoid the persecution, and her husband had been sent to Wangcun Labor Camp in Shandong. His younger sister and her husband left home for 3 years to avoid the persecution but were arrested. They were sentenced to 8 and 7 years respectively, and are being detained in Shandong Prison.
Fu Xinli's 70-year-old mother is left at home with his three sister's children. Fu Xinli's high-school aged son and daughter are left to look after all of them.
Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wu Zhongran graduated from Zunyi Medical College in Guizhou Province. He was sent from a brainwashing class to the Guizhou Zhongba Labor Camp where he is suffering from brutal persecution. His tormentors repeatedly spat into his mouth and forced him to swallow. He is also constantly violently punched, kicked and beaten. Mr. Wu's whole body is full of bruises and even now his legs have not recovered enough for him to walk normally.
Mr. Wu Zhongran lives in Zunyi City, Guizhou Province. Because he persisted in practicing Falun Gong, in September of 2003 he was arrested at home by 610 Office agents and sent to the Zunyi brainwashing class (the so-called "Legal System Educational Training Class"). Wu Zongran then underwent three months of torture. In December 26, 2003, he was illegally sentenced by the 610 officials to two years in a labor camp.
In January of 2004, Mr. Wu was sent to Zhongba Labor Camp in Guizhou Province, where he was held in the 5th Division, 2nd Team. He stayed in a "punishing room" (a small room about ten square meters), where he suffered many different forms of persecution. Every day Mr. Wu was cursed at and beaten, and tormented by four drug addicts - Wang Jianqiang, Chen Bingbin, Liu Mingjun, and Xie Yuanchun. They rarely allowed him to use the bathroom (only one or two times daily). They forced him to stand for long periods of time in the "army corps" posture for about 20 hours every day, while at the same time forcing Mr. Wu to look at books and CDs which framed and slandered Falun Gong. All these evil deeds were done under the direct command of the police.
On the first day that Mr. Wu was locked up in the forced labor camp, he refused to squat in the "army corps" posture, so was knocked down to the ground by Wang Jianqiang and Chen Bingbin. As a result, his legs were injured. The head of the Middle Team, Tu Zhongmei even rashly said, "I haven't seen bruises on his body yet." After a little while, Chen and Wang punched Mr. Wu's hands and back until they were swollen, then poured hot water on his head and back. Mr. Wu reproached them, saying he was going to sue them. These two even shamelessly said, "Okay, go ahead and sue us, so what!" Then they dragged Mr. Wu towards the police office. Policeman Tu clearly saw the abuse, but he shouted, "Well! Who saw the beating? Who can prove that you were beaten by them? Nobody!"
Team leader Xu Fayuan, who is in charge of the persecution of Falun Gong, asked Mr. Wu to explain the situation. Mr. Wu pointed out that it is a violation of human rights not to let people use the toilet for extended periods of time. The police said, "This is a forced labor camp, of course we have to regulate bathroom use." Moreover, he said that the way the police treated Mr. Wu was generous enough. He said that if he had things his way, he would have killed him with one shot already.
Because Mr. Wu is so steadfast in practicing Falun Gong, on the morning of February 2, 2004, police officer Xu ordered the perpetrators to intensify the persecution against him in the "punishing room." Therefore, every day they forcibly executed military drill style training on him and at night, they forced Mr. Wu to stand in the "army corps" posture. They forced him to read books that slander Falun Gong, and did not allow him to sleep at all. By this time, Wu Zhongran had already been tortured until his legs were swollen from his feet to his knees, and could hardly walk. When he needed to use the bathroom, he wasn't even able squat. He was only able to bend his knees a little bit and lean forward with his upper body, almost in a standing position. He could not breathe properly due to chest pain, and his voice turned hoarse. (This was because the lawless authorities constantly struck his throat and choked him in order to prevent him from shouting while he was being beaten.)
The perpetrators used ropes to tie Mr. Wu around the waist and they made people drag him from the front, and push him from the back continually, knocking Mr. Wu to the ground. At night, in order to prevent him from sleeping, the perpetrators would spit water in his face and mouth and make him swallow. They also poured cold water on Mr. Wu's head and clothes, even wetting his shoes. Then they forced him to stand barefoot in the icy cold wind, all the while continually beating him.
July 18, 2005
I deeply appreciated former head of the Shenyang City Judicial Bureau, Mr. Han Guangsheng's courage to speak out and expose the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong. (See /emh/articles/2005/7/9/62703.html) What he said is true but not quite complete; I want to add more information. In the case of practitioner Ms. Han Tianzi, Mr. Han only mentioned that the police shocked Han Tianzi with electric batons but he did not describe the result of the electric shocks. The fact is, because of the electric shock torture, Han Tianzi was in a coma with a high fever. Her body twitched and jerked and she suffered both bladder and bowel incontinence.
Finding no other choice to protest the unlawful persecution and detention, 39 detained Falun Gong practitioners went on a hunger strike together. Their families also helped; they went to Shenyang City Judicial Bureau to ask for the release of the practitioners. The one who received them is Zhang Xiansheng, an official that Mr. Han mentioned. Zhang told the families that he needed to have a meeting with his people in order to make a decision. However, instead, they decided to dismantle the group's efforts: Longshan Forced Labor Camp drove the practitioners to the Hospital of the Prison Management Bureau of Liaoning Province. After brutally force-feeding the practitioners in the hospital, they sent them to different forced labor camps and Judicial Education Schools in Shenyang City. Practitioner Sun Hongyan was a middle school teacher from Ciyutuo Town of Liaozhong County, Liaoning Province. She was extremely weak after the hunger strike. The perpetrators detained her in a cell in the basement without anyone to take care of her. After one month of torture, she fell into a coma. Afterwards, the perpetrators held her hand up and pressed her fingerprint on a statement to denounce Falun Gong. After this incident, her family took Ms. Sun and sent her to the county hospital. By then, she was unable to take in any food or water. Her body was injured so much that she was unable to take in any nutrition or medicine. Sun Hongyan passed away at the age of 28.
After these practitioners were sent to different detention centers and forced labor camps, most of them were later released after continuing the hunger strike. Practitioner Ms. Wang Jie was released after 180 days of being on a hunger strike. When Ms. Wang walked on the street, nobody could recognize her. She was like a weak elderly woman with a bent back, instead of a healthy person in her late 30s. For those who stopped their hunger strike after being sent away to different persecutory facilities, they were sentenced to one to three years of forced labor. Practitioner Zhao Wenyan was sentenced to a two-year term in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. Because she refused to give up the practice of Falun Gong, her term was extended three more months. Ever since she was released, the police have never stopped harassing her in her home. Ms. Zhao was forced into homelessness in order to avoid the constant persecution.
As a result of the case of Ms. Han Tianzi, the Head of Longshan Forced Labor Camp, a Mr.Bai, was indeed transferred to a different place of work, and the electric batons were taken away. But the seemingly good situation did not last long. In less than three months, the electric batons reappeared and were used in the forced labor camp again. The police continued to torture people by shocking them with electric batons.
Two female practitioners, surnamed Zhao and Yi, were mentioned by Han Guangsheng. We think that the practitioners were Zhao Suhuan and Yi Liping. Both of them were detained at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp at that time. They also said that they wrote appeal letters to the head of the Judicial Bureau, but they never got any response. Ms. Zhao Suhuan is very determined in the practice of Falun Gong and has never written anything against her will to slander Falun Gong and the practice. I can imagine how much painful torture she suffered for her determination. One of the tortures she experienced is what Mr. Han described as, "pinch the inner thigh." To put it into a more accurate phrase, it is in fact, "grab the flesh of the inner thigh." The guard ordered the criminals who had long fingernails to pinch and grab the practitioner's inner thighs. This torture always left the practitioner with bloody and torn flesh and later, the wounds became infected and festered. Ms. Zhao's thigh still has the scars from the wounds.
Ms. Yi Liping was one of the eighteen female practitioners who were locked in a male prison cell. Ms. Yi once told others, "At first, we held onto each other and tried to stay together. At the very beginning, those thugs did not insult us, but a few thugs targeted several young women. Some of us were crying because of fear." To protect the reputation of the other victims, Ms. Yi did not speak much about this horrifying incident. A few days after the incident, one victim named Xiao Yan, who graduated from a nursing school, tried to commit suicide, but later her life was saved. It was highly suspected that Ms. Xiao Yan's attempted suicide was directly caused by her suffering the horror being forced into the male prison cell. Xiao Yan was released after finishing her term. Ms. Yi Liping was arrested again and sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp sometime before June 2005. It was last heard that Ms. Yi went on a hunger strike in the forced labor camp. Her current situation is unknown.
In conclusion, I would like to thank Mr. Han Guangsheng for his righteous actions. At the same time, I hope that more and more people can stand up to expose the facts of the persecution.
Shuanghe Forced Labor Camp in Qiqihar City currently holds more than one thousand Falun Gong practitioners. Over the last several years there have been many changes to the outward appearance of the labor camp, including several new buildings and newly planted trees and grass. It has been touted as the so-called "civilized labor camp" to which visitors often come. Those visitors, though, can only see the so-called "civilization," and they are not allowed to see the truly dark and cruel interior of the camp. (Every time the camp authorities hosted visitors or inspectors, the detainees would clean everything up and then tell lies to the visitors and inspectors on orders of the camp authorities).
The following is my own eyewitness account of some situations in the labor camp.
This place is called by those who know, "hell in the human world." More than 1,000 practitioners are still detained here and most of them have suffered severe mental torment and physical torture.
The labor camp sets the goal of earning 100,000 yuan per year from each detainee's labor. If the goal fails to be achieved, the division head will not receive any bonus. In the women's divisions, female detainees are forced to work 12 hours per day without a break. Most of these female practitioners are of older age. Male practitioners have to absorb heavy work loads; some even work for 24 hours without a break. In addition, they often suffer brutal beatings. Because of the inhumane treatment, some people from the male division risk their lives to try to escape. If they are caught and sent back, their lives would be even more miserable, as they would be beaten nearly to death. To amass more money, the police do not care whether one lives or dies, therefore they force people to do heavy labor beyond their physical endurance. People can not eat well or sleep well and are not treated as human beings.
On May 13, 2002, practitioners hung some banners in the labor camp with the phrases, "Falun Dafa is Good," and "Restore Our Master's Reputation and Respect." Because of this, more than ten practitioners suffered the torture of "sitting on the metal chair," some for as long as 45 days.
In the fall of 2002, because practitioners refused to cooperate with the police to do the heavy labor, several practitioners again suffered the torture of "sitting on the metal chair." Practitioner Liu Jinyu refused to cooperate with the camp authorities, so female guards Wang Yan, Wang Yujing and Li Yaping, and two male guards, grabbed Liu's hair to remove her from the room. The practitioners at the site tried to stop such brutality, but the male guards started to beat the practitioners. A detainee couldn't bear to watch this and said, "How can you beat them?" Upon hearing this, guard Wang Yan turned around to beat this detainee, who later suffered the same torture of "sitting on the metal chair" for two days and had her prison term extended. Practitioner Zhang Liqun was beaten to the ground. Practitioner Li Jing was beaten to the point of feeling dizzy, causing her to bump her head into the corner of a brick wall, which caused internal bleeding and nerve damage. After that she was unable to walk for a long time and her eyesight failed. Being helpless, she was nevertheless still detained for an additional year until her family bailed her out for medical treatment.
In November 2002, practitioners Shi Shufang, Gao Shuying, Zheng Weili, Wang Yanxing and Kong Xiangli suffered the torture of "sitting on the metal chair" for resisting the police search for Master's articles. It was quite cold then. The five practitioners wore light clothes, some just a thin pair of trousers. The torture chamber was cold. Shi Shufang had just finished her menses then. Sitting on the cold metal chair in the unheated room, her menses started again. Police withheld sanitary pads and cotton pants that were sent to her [by her family] and refused to let her have them. It was a messy situation. She was tortured for more than ten days. Like her, other practitioners were also brutally tortured.
On New Year's Day of 2003, practitioner Li Shunying was tortured with "sitting on the metal chair" for resisting a police search for Master's articles. Later, after practitioners protested with a hunger strike, she was released.
During the celebration party for the 2003 Chinese New Year, practitioner Wang Juan stood up to stop those who had abandoned and slandered Falun Gong and was punished. More than ten practitioners started a two-day hunger strike to protest. Just before midnight on the Chinese New Year's Eve, Wang Juan was released.
On February 16, 2004, to achieve a high rate of so-called "transformation," the police in the labor camp started to torture more than 40 practitioners who firmly persisted in Falun Gong practice. They took very mean and cruel measures to abuse those practitioners. The practitioners were taken to the fourth floor. They were blindfolded, handcuffed from behind and hung to the back of metal chairs.
Male guards had no scruples when beating practitioners. Among them, the labor camp political head Wang Yufeng was the fiercest. It was said that he was the one who plotted this round of torture of practitioners. There was no one in the camp who hadn't been beaten or kicked by him. The police viciously beat male practitioners with wooden clubs, and they hit so hard that even the clubs broke in half. Practitioner Yang Shulan, over 50 years old, had her head covered with a plastic bag, making her unable to breathe. Some practitioners were tortured into unconsciousness, but after having been given oxygen or medicines they would suffer beatings again. Guards Sun Bo and Zhang Shuguang were extremely cruel. Some evildoing people from the Qiqihar Farm Bureau Hospital were also involved. An ambulance from the hospital is parked in the labor camp, equipped with oxygen and medicine at all times.
When evening arrived, the police became more vicious and crazy. Some practitioners had been tortured into unconsciousness many times. Some became disabled from the torture. Zhang Liqun, Gao Shuying, Xu Hongmei and several male practitioners were unable to walk normally for a long time afterwards. Li Deqing suffered muscle atrophy. Still, they were forced to work 10 hours a day.
When Gao Shuying was found writing her solemn declaration, she was immediately dragged to the fourth floor. Guards Quo Li, Wang Yujing, Wang Yuying and Zhao Lijuan brutally beat her. They pulled her hair and struck her head against the wall. They hit her face with fists and kicked and punched her. Gao was unable to walk normally for several months from this torture. On the day she was released she still needed to be supported to walk.
In the middle of March 2004, practitioner Wang Guofang was seen writing a solemn statement and was pulled to the fourth floor to suffer torture. In less than three days she was beaten to death, with blood all over the floor. The scene was too miserable to look at.
One day in the fall of 2004, when detainees in the male division went to have breakfast, police officer Wang Yufeng saw that several practitioners were a little behind in their work. The reason they were behind was due to weak health conditions brought on by police torture on February 16. Wang rushed up, scolding and kicking the practitioners viciously until they fell down to the ground. People who saw the scene had tears in their eyes and no one was able to eat.
The guards now will not let newly arriving practitioners sleep if they refuse to cooperate.
So many incidents of gross abuse and mistreatment happened in Shuanghe Forced Labor Camp during the last five years - they are countless. What I have witnessed is just the tip of the iceberg.
1. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Yao Chengxu Being Held in Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun
Ms. Yao Chengxu from Changchun City, Jilin Province went to Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province to work on odd jobs. On May 4, 2005, she was arrested in Shenzhen by the police. She stayed on a hunger strike during the seventeen days of police custody. She was subsequently sent to the No. 3 Detention Center in Changchun City, where she was held for thirty-seven days. She is being held in the Chaoyanggou Detention Center in Changchun City. Her family and relatives who went to visit her were denied admission.
2. [Henan Province] Officers from Suburban 610 Office and Suburban Police Department in Kaifeng City Pry Open Doors to Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners
On the evening of July 2, 2005, members of the Suburban 610 Office and officers from the Suburban Police Department in Kaifeng City, Henan Province forcibly placed Ms. Yang Xiaohai, Ms. Yuan Xiuying, Ms. Xin Chunting and Mr. Pan Jiaquan under arrest at their homes. Two anti-theft steel doors at Ms. Yuan's home were pried open and damaged.
Relevant telephone numbers:
Country code: 86, area code: 378
Zhao Rongbo, chief of the Suburban Police Department: 5322461 (office),
86-13903786186 (cell), 3938658 (home)
Zhao Guoquan, political head of the police department: 5322462
86-13903788790 (cell), 3986537 (home)
Cheng Hui, deputy chief of the police department: 5322466 (office),
86-13937806886 (cell)
Liu Yajun, deputy chief of the police department: 5322463 (office),
86-13903788262 (cell)
Zhang Guangliang, deputy chief of the police department: 86-13803785282
3983263 (home)
Han Shengli, deputy chief of the police department: 86-13503781856
5959877 (home)
3. [Liquan County, Shaanxi Province] Mr. Liu Jie from Shitan Township Arrested
Mr. Liu Jie, 31, from Shitan Township in Liquan County, Shaanxi Province, was arrested in a personal computer plaza in Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province. His whereabouts are unknown.
4. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Ms. Hu Lili Arrested
At around 11:00 p.m. on July 2, 2005, Ms. Hu Lili from Yushu City, Jilin Province was arrested by officers from the Chengjiao Police Station in Yushu City.
5. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Falun Gong Practitioners Being Persecuted by Lawless Officials in Various Districts
On April 14, 2005, officers from Futian District, Luohu District and Nanshan District followed orders from the 610 Office to launch a campaign to arrest local Falun Gong practitioners. According to police sources, over a dozen people were arrested. Based on reliable reports, Mr. Chen Jianxiong has been sentenced to three years of forced labor and held in the Longhua Forced Labor Camp. Ms. Liu Peizhen has been arrested and held in the Nanshan District Detention Center.
6. [Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Peng Yujie and Her Daughter Ms. Li Yanling Arrested
At around 4:00 p.m. on July 11, 2005, Ms. Peng Yujie and her daughter Ms. Li Yanling from Jiangbin in Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province were arrested by officers from the Nanjiang Police Station in Xi'an District. Telephone number of the Nanjiang Police Station: 86-453-6419110.
7. [Yanbian City, Jilin Province] Ms. Zhu Xiyu Arrested Again Recently
On July 7, 2005, or the following day, Ms. Zhu Xiyu was turned in to the police soon after she returned home from unfurling a banner with the words "Falun Dafa is Good!" She was taken to the Yanji Detention Center. This is the fourth time she has been taken into custody this year.
8. [Cang County, Hebei Province] Mr. Zhu Zhonghe from Fenghuadian Township Illegally Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison
Mr. Zhu Zhonghe, from Dabaizhong Village in Fenghuadian Township, Cang County, Hebei Province, has been sentenced to seven years in prison for practicing Falun Gong. Mr. Zhu is being held in the Beijiao Prison in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province.
9. [Guangdong Province] Ms. Chen Shaoqing on Hunger Strike for Over a Month - Her Life is in Imminent Danger
Ms. Chen Shaoqing, who has been illegally held and tortured in the Sanshui Forced Labor Camp in Guangdong Province for over three years, has been on a hunger strike for over a month. Her life is in imminent danger.
10. [Inner Mongolia] Mr. Zhang Zhaohua and His Wife Ms. Zheng Baozhen Sentenced to Prison - Their Children Left Unattended
Mr. Zhang Zhaohua is an employee of the Hailaer Branch Railroad Bureau affiliated with the Harbin Railroad Bureau. Mr. Zhang and his wife Mrs. Zheng Baozhen are both from Yitulihe Town, Yakeshi City, Inner Mongolia. Mr. Zhang has been sentenced to seven years in prison, and Mrs. Zheng was sentenced to two years of forced labor. Their son Zhang Zhiguo and daughter Lele are not being attended to by anyone.
11. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Huang Xueyun Arrested
On the morning of July 12, 2005, Ms. Huang Xueyun was arrested by several officers who waited at the gate of the residential complex for her to return home from shopping. More details are not available.
Ms. Huang Xueyun lives on Shuangqiao Road in Chengdu City. From 2000 to 2002, she served two years of forced labor, during which time she suffered severe pleural effusion resulting from torture.
12. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Lian from Chaluhe Town Arrested by 610 Office
On the evening of July 12, 2005, local and provincial 610 Office agents in Jilin City arrested a Falun Gong practitioner with the last name of Lian from Chaluhe Town in Jilin City, Jilin Province.
13. [Hengshui City, Hebei Province] Ms. Liu Shuxiang from Hengshui Arrested at Her Home
Ms. Liu Shuxiang from Fucheng County was arrested by the police at her home.
14. [Huangmei County, Hubei Province] Mr. Wu Renliang and Ms. Lei Guifang Arrested
Between the end of June and the beginning of July 2005, the Longganhu Farm Political and Judiciary Committee in Huangmei County, Hubei Province ordered officers from the police department to forcibly arrest, without cause, Mr. Wu Renliang and Ms. Lei Guifang on their way to work. The officers who participated in the arrests included Wang Shuiqiao, Guo Chuan'an, Wang Wenying, Wang Lixiong, Zhu Jianjun, and Liu Hua. Mr. Wu and Ms. Lei were sent directly to the Shayang Forced Labor Camp in Hubei Province.
15. [Tianjin] Ms. Wang Wei from Anshan City, Liaoning Province Arrested in Daqiuzhuang, Tianjin
On July 11, 2005, members of the Lishan District Political and Judiciary Committee in Anshan City, and officers from the Daqiuzhuang Police Station arrested Ms. Wang Wei. Ms. Wang was in Daqiuzhuang, cooking and taking care of other errands for her husband. The officers confiscated a MP3 player, electronic books, Falun Gong materials and some truth-clarifying materials. They subsequently searched Ms. Wang's home in Anshan City and confiscated Falun Emblems and several brochures.
16. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Elderly Ms. Zhu Guomei Forced to Become Homeless
Ms. Zhu Guomei, 70, lives on Jingong Street in the Tiexi District of Shenyang City. On June 25, 2005, she was turned in to the police while clarifying the truth in the Shiyi Road Morning Farmers Market. She was forcibly taken to the Baogong Police Station. Police then searched her home. Ms. Zhu has since been forced to become homeless to avoid further persecution.
17. [Chongqing] Mr. Wang Xian'an from Jiangjin Held in Yongchuan Prison
On May 4, 2003, Mr. Wang Xian'an was arrested by the police at Chengnan Airport in Jiangjin and later sent to the Jiangjin Detention Center. Mr. Wang went on hunger strike while being tortured during interrogations in the detention center. The police withheld information and denied Mr. Wang's family any visits. On May 15, 2004, Mr. Wang's wife went to the county police department, court, and detention center, but officials found excuses and refused to grant her permission to visit him. It wasn't until June 15, 2004, that she was granted her first visit.
On February 21, 2005, she went to the Yongchuan Forced Labor Division to visit Mr. Wang, and found that her husband had numerous scars from injuries on his head.
Officers on duty at the Xianfeng Town Police Station in Yongchuan
Division No. 2 of Ward No. 4 in the Yongchuan Prison: 86-23-49306193
Qin Cao, officer at the Yongchuan Prison: 86-13983041816 (cell)
18. [Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Wang Baokun and Ms. Cui Yafang Arrested by Police, Their Whereabouts Unknown
Mr. Wang Baokun and Ms. Cui Yafang from Liaoyang were arrested by the police on around April 27, 2005. Their whereabouts are unknown.
19. [Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhang Suyan and Ms. Dai Lanqiu Illegally Sentenced to Prison
Ms. Zhang Suyan, from the No. 1 Petroleum and Natural Gas Pipeline Company, was arrested by the company police while distributing truth-clarifying materials on the evening of October 20, 2004. Ms. Zhang was held in the Bohai Detention Center for one and a half months. On December 3, she was released on parole due to heart disease.
On January 26, 2005, Ms. Zhang and Ms. Dai Lanqiu were arrested again and sent to the Panjin City No. 2 Detention Center. The authorities refused any visits from their family members. Ms. Dai has since been illegally sentenced to three years in prison, and Ms. Zhang was sentenced to three and a half years. They were sent to the Shenyang Prison Compound in June 2005.
20. [Nanning City, Guangxi] Ms. Cai Junping and Others Illegally Sentenced to Three Years in Prison
Ms. Cai Junping, Ms. Liang Biyan and Ms. Liang Shenping have recently been sentenced to three years in prison. They were secretly put on trial by the Nanning Court on January 7, 2005. The trial ended without reaching any verdict. In addition, Ms. Bai Xiaoqing from Nanning City has also been arrested recently.
21. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Jin Tingdong Illegally Arrested On His Way Home after Work
After work hours on July 2, 2005, officers from the Taoyuan Street Police Station arrested Mr. Jin Tingdong from Dalian City as he was on his way back home from work. Mr. Jin had been released after the police took him into custody last month.
22. [Yongji, Jilin Province] Falun Gong Practitioners Sent to Brainwashing Sessions Held in Kouqian Town
At around 3:30 a.m. on July 13, 2005, Chaluhe police arrested Ms. Lian Jinhua, Mr. Chen Baixiang, Ms. Li Yingjie, and Ms. Xu Feng from Chaluhe Town. The practitioners refused to sign their names on the three statements renouncing Falun Gong and were sent to a brainwashing center in Kouqian Town.
1. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Bi Yunfei's Life in Peril at Daqing City's Hongweixing Prison
Falun Gong practitioner Bi Yunfei from Harbin City has been brutally tortured at Hongweixing Prison in Daqing City. According to reliable sources, Mr. Bi has been in solitary confinement for nearly a month. His life is now in peril.
Telephone number for Tang Yongfu, head of the Hongweixing Prison: 86-459-5056688.
2. [Nanchong City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Lin Feng Near Death at the Chengdu City Prison
Ms. Lin Feng, in her 30s, is a resident of Nanchong City. She lives in the upper town. One day in 2003 police broke into her home and ransacked it. Ms. Lin was sentenced to three years of forced labor at the Chengdu City Prison. Before her term ended, she had been tortured until she was suffering from generalized edema and is unable to walk. She suffers from acute kidney malfunction and her life is in peril. Doctors have said she is dying. Police from the National Security Bureau badgered Ms. Lin's family members to sign their names on a certain document so the officials can shirk their responsibility. Ms. Lin's physical condition continues to worsen. The doctors say she needs she needs a daily blood transfusions, otherwise she will only last a few days.
3. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Mr. Huang Yonghui Arrested Again after Previous Torture Left Him Scarred
Mr. Huang Yonghui, in his 40's, is a practitioner from Changsha City. He was sentenced to three years of imprisonment in the Chishan Prison in Yuanjiang City, where he was scarred by torture. After he was released in 2004 he filed suit against the Hunan Province Prison Management Bureau and against the police in Chishan Prison and requested compensation. Personnel from Chishan Prison, however, not only didn't compensate him but also denied the persecution facts. Mr. Huang continued to appeal to other government agencies.
Mr. Huang Yonghui was apparently again arrested in June 2005. His circumstances are presently unknown.
Related article - please see /emh/articles/2005/3/8/58260.html
Huang Yonghui's home address: Room 101, Unit 2, No. 20 Building, No. 1 Village, Dongguashan, Tianxin District, Changsha City, Zip code 410002.
Telephone number: 86-731-5151779.
4. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Persecution Account of Ms. Li Dongmei at the Gansu Province Women's Forced Labor Camp
Ms. Li Dongmei is a practitioner from Lanzhou City,. She was arrested on January 5, 2005 and was later sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor and is now in the Gansu Province Women's Forced Labor Camp. For detailed information please see /emh/articles/2005/2/9/57338.html.
When Ms. Li entered the forced labor camp, she was put into solitary confinement and monitored by six drug addicts. She was deprived of sleep and ordered to write the so-called "four statements." When Ms. Li refused to recite the prison rules, she was forced to stand till 12:00 a.m. for two months in a row. The police handcuffed her hands behind her back. The handcuffs were so tight they cut into her flesh. The drug addicts often gagged her while punching and kicking her. She is not allowed to use the washroom with anyone else, so the other practitioners won't find out about her situation.
After intense, long-term pressure, Ms. Li wrote the so-called four statements. Against her will, the police then made her read the statements she wrote to all the other practitioners. Ms. Li Dongmei cried as she read them and choked up several times. The police ordered her to write down her thoughts weekly. These writings had to contain words that defame Falun Gong. Later she was put into other teams and had to facet man-made gems.
Ms. Li's husband was forced to divorce her. The whereabouts of her seven-year-old son are unknown.
5. [Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Wang Shuzhi Has Been Held Four Times
Ms. Wang Shuzhi, 41 years old, a villager from Changfeng Village, Duimiancheng Township, Shuangcheng City, started Falun Gong practice in 1996. Ms. Wang has been arrested and held four times since the authorities started the persecution. She is currently being held at the Provincial Women's Prison.
First arrest: In April 2000 Ms. Wang went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong but was arrested in Jinzhou City. Officer Liu Chenglai from the Duimiancheng Township Police Station fetched her back and put her into the Shuangcheng City Detention Center. Police extorted 1000 yuan from her.
Second arrest: In January 2001 Ms. Wang was arrested at home and sent to the Shuangcheng City Detention Center. People involved in the persecution were: Fan Dongjun, Duimaincheng Township Police Station chief; Sun Jihua, Secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee; Tian Chunlai and Li Zhicheng, Secretaries of the Township's Party Public Relations; Wang Xin, Secretary of the Township's Party Committee; and Zhao Fuliang, township head.
Third arrest: In May 2001, officer Sun Jihua, head of the Handian Town Political and Judiciary Committee, arrested Ms. Wang because she was taking part in a Falun Gong experience-sharing meeting. She was held at the Shuangcheng City Detention Center. Ms. Wang's husband divorced her. A peace-loving and happy family was broken up.
Fourth arrest: On February 28 2003, officer Liu Hongtong, Xingshan Police Station chief, arrested Ms. Wang for distributing Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials. She was held at the Shuangcheng Detention Center first and then transferred to the Provincial Women's Prison. A grandmother had to take care of her two daughters.
6. [Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Hong Baojia and Mu Xiuqing Sent to a Forced Labor Camp
Practitioner Mr. Hong Baojia lives in Xinxing Township, Shuangcheng City. On December 12, 2004, he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, but officer Zhang Yunlong, Township Political and Judiciary Committee secretary, and Liu Xingyu, the police station chief, and others fetched him back. Mr. Hong was held at the city's No.2 Detention Center. After 15 days of detention, when personnel from the Xinxing Police Station came to pick him up, Mr. Hong walked away with the power of righteous thoughts. Afterwards, the authorities often went to Mr. Hong's home to harass his family. Mr. Hong was compelled to live in exile to avoid arrest.
When Mr. Hong Baojia was attending his son's wedding ceremony sometime later, he was apprehended and taken to the police station. The police beat him up and sent him to the city's No.2 Detention Center again. He was sentenced to three years of forced labor and sent to the Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp, where he suffered all kinds of tortures.
On February 16, 2004, personnel from the Dongguan Town Police Station arrested practitioner Mu Xiuqing for clarifying the truth of Falun Gong and put him/her into the Shuangcheng city's No.2 Detention Center. Later the practitioner was sentenced to two years of forced labor and sent to the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp. This practitioner has suffered all kinds of tortures and is still held at the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp.
7. [Laiyuan County, Hebei Province] Mr. Kang Yongqiang Held in a Detention Center
On April 15, 2005, personnel from the Laiyuan County National Security Department arrested practitioner Mr. Kang Yongqiang, a teacher at the County Vocational High School in Hebei Province. They also confiscated his computer. Mr. Kang is now being held at a detention center.
Persons responsible:
Shi Zhenjun, Party Secretary of the County CCP: 86-13503326818 (Cell), 86-312-7311983 (Home)
Liu Zhang, Deputy Party Secretary of the County CCP: 86-13703360858 (Cell), 86-312-7321198 (Home), 86-312-7311818
8. [Foshan City, Guangdong Province] Mr. Wu Rifeng Put into a Forced Labor Camp Again
In July 2000, practitioner Mr. Wu Rifeng from Nanhai City, Guangdong Province, was sentenced to one year of forced labor in the Sanshui Forced Labor Camp, where policemen Fan Qingping shocked him with electric batons. After his term was over, it was extended by half a year. He was released in February 2002. Right after he was free, Mr. Wu was again held in a detention center for a month. In 2004, Mr. Wu was once again arrested and is once more incarcerated in the Sanshui Forced Labor Camp.
9. [Liaoning Province] Shi Xiaochun Secretly Sent to the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp
Practitioner Shi Xiaochun, 46, is a resident of Jidong City, Heilongjiang Province. On about June 20, 2005 Shi went to Changchun City. While passing by Harbin City on the way, Shi clarified the truth about Falun Gong on the train and was arrested and held in the Harbin City Railway Detention Center. During the morning of July 14 Shi was secretly transferred to the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp.
10. [Liaoning Province] Ms. Li Fengyun Transferred to the Zhangshi Brainwashing Center from the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp
Practitioner Ms. Li Fengyun's term in the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp has expired but she has not yet been released. Instead, on July 10, 2005, Masanjia police illegally transferred her to a brainwashing center at the Zhangshi Forced Labor Camp.
11. [Fuzhou City, Fujian Province] Personnel in the No. 2 Detention Center Transferred Ms. Guan Yujing to an Unknown Location
Not long ago, the police from the No.2 Detention Center in Fuzhou City planned to transfer Mr. Guan Yujing somewhere else. When Ms. Guan refused, they pulled her hair and brutally beat her. To stop their savage acts, Ms. Guan shouted, "Falun Dafa is great! You don't have the right to beat me. I was tortured. I haven't committed a crime!"
Because Ms. Guan did her utmost to resist, the several guards felt that they couldn't control her, so they then called for eight armed police officers. They held Ms. Guan's hands and feet and carried her to a gurney. Even then Ms. Guan still shouted, "Falun Dafa is great!" The guards were panicked and covered her mouth with tape. In this manner, they took her away. Her whereabouts are unknown.
12. [Handan City, Hebei Province] Li Xianglan Abducted and Taken to a Brainwashing Class
Practitioner Li Xianglan from the No. 4 National Cotton Spinning Company in Handan City was arrested by personnel from the Security Section of the company and sent to a Handan City Brainwashing Class on July 12, 2005.
1. Several Falun Gong Practitioners Abducted in Yongji County, Jilin
The Jilin Province 610 Office and the Yongji County 610 Office are now carrying out planned abductions of Falun Gong practitioners. Below are the names of practitioners who have been abducted: Mr. Chen Baixiang, Ms. Xu Yufeng, Mr. Li Yingjie, Ms. Cao Jingyun and her daughter (both on hunger strike), Ms. Kong Fanrong, Ms. Meng (Mr. Meng Qingcai's daughter, 4-5 months pregnant), Ms. Zhang Fenghua and Ms. Zhang Zhen.
2. Ms. Tan Xiangyu Tortured, Dangerously Thin in Changsha Women's Prison
Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Tan Xiangyu is 58 years old and lives in Changsha City, Hunan Province. On the evening of August 22, 2003, she was arrested by police in Changsha City and then tortured and interrogated for more than ten hours. She was sent to Changsha City Detention Center, and has yet to regain her freedom. In order to resist the persecution, she went on a hunger strike in the middle of October 2004. Her life was in danger, but prison guards refused to let her family visit her, and even threatened her family members. Her family went to visit her in July 2005 after they learned that she had been forced to do heavy labor for more than one month and was being closely monitored 24-hours a day by 4-5 prisoners. She is only skin and bones now.
3. Persecution Facts from Suzhou Prison in Anhui Province
From July to August of 2004, Falun Gong practitioners were inhumanly tortured. Mr. Dai Zhifeng from Suining County has been locked in the small cell four times, totaling more than ten months altogether. When he was on hunger strike, he wasted away to only skin and bones. The prison guards pulled out his teeth in order to force-feed him. Multiple times he was tortured into unconsciousness and his life was in danger. Mr. Du Shangwei from Northern Anhui Province suffered from bloody ankles due to being shackled. His wounds would not heal for a long time because the prison nurse refused to treat him. Mr. Hu Sikui was crippled as the result of brutal beating. Guards still forced him to do heavy labor. He was forced to take off his heavy clothes and only wear a thin shirt in the cold winter. Prison guards grabbed his hair and slammed his head against the wall. They also burned the cuts and bruises on his feet that they gave him with boiling water. These wounds still have not healed. Mr. Wu Haijing's private parts were shocked with electric batons by prison guards. Also being brutally tortured are Mr. Wang Manyi, Mr. Li Guofeng, Mr. Li Lin, Mr. Li Ce and Mr. Li Yuanwei.
4. Additional Facts of Police from Deyang City, Sichuan Province, Abducting Falun Gong Practitioners
After Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wu Huizhen, from Deyang City, Sichuan Province, was abducted to a brainwashing class at the beginning of June 2005, Ms. Yan Yulan, Mr. Liu Kaixue, Mr. Gong Xingcan, Ms. Wang Zhongqiong (Mr. Gong Xingcan's mother), Mr. Xia Taiming, Zhang Wei (gender unknown), Ms. Zhao Jie, Ms. Yang Sulin, Ms. Wang Aiyun, and Mr. Luo Shijun were also abducted to brainwashing classes or are missing. On June 6, 2005, another Falun Gong practitioner in Shifang City was abducted as well.