The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- July 26, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Exposing Crimes of the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp (Part I)

  • Savage Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Daxin Women's Prison in Beijing

  • Facts of Criminal Acts by 610 Officials at Yiling District, Yichang City, Hubei Province

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Jiang Yulian from Huaihua City, Hunan Province, Injected with Nerve Damaging Drugs

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Liu Yuhe Tortured - Family Threatened

  • Recent Situation of Persecuted Female Practitioner Hu Yuqing of Sichuan Province

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Yu Meiying Dies after Son Wei Jianhui is Tortured to Death

  • Several Falun Gong Practitioners from Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province, Were Arrested

  • Exposing Crimes of the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp (Part I)

    I have been illegally held at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp since 2001. In May 2001, the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp started a brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. For an entire month, they continuously and viciously tortured about a hundred Falun Gong practitioners who refused to give up their beliefs in Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.

    At that time all the practitioners were forced to stay in the hallway and squat facing the wall for extended periods of time. Some practitioners were dragged to the guards' office and beaten with electric batons. Some practitioners' eyes and thighs were dug and pinched badly by criminals who were ordered by the guards to do these things. Some were forcibly lifted and held by their arms for a long period of time. Some practitioners' had their legs forcibly crossed and tied up. Falun Gong practitioners endured unimaginable mental and physical pain. The whole place was engulfed in terror.

    The brutal persecution lead by guards Su Jing and Wang Naimin lasted for an entire month. During this period of intensified persecution, I lost more than ten pounds. The criminals scratched at my eyes and pulled at my hair. Two criminals watched me every day and they frequently forced me to the restroom and cursed at me. Criminal Li Shuqin also threatened me, saying, "If you still refuse to be brainwashed, we will strip you and thrown you into the male cells." But I did not give up my belief.

    The atrocity of the persecution during that period was far beyond what I described above. I suffered in this kind of environment for more than three years. The perpetrators repeatedly and brutally persecute practitioners like this.

    In July 2001, the guards forced the practitioners to do extensive outdoor labor work. Practitioners were forced to pull straw every day in paddies that were filled with water up to the knee. They could not squat down or stretch their backs. Even when the weather was very hot, they were not allowed to rest for a minute. Some of them suffered heat stroke and fainted. Day after day, more and more people had to be given IVs, and they were forced to pay all of the medical expenses themselves. The guards not only forced the Falun Gong practitioners to do heavy manual labor, but also used brainwashing to persecute them after the extensive work.

    Because of the long-term suffering and horrible pressure, some practitioners gave in to the evil against their conscience.

    At the labor camp, the most fierce and cruel guard is Qiu Ping. She is in her 50s. She was even on CCTV's "Focal Point" television program twice because of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, and was dressed up as "Kindhearted Aunt Qiu" by "Focal Point." Actually she not only uses electric batons to beat practitioners, but also forces the practitioners who compromised with the evil to persecute the practitioners who refuse to compromise. This is the CCP's most vicious persecution method. It not only persecutes you, but also forces you to persecute others. If you don't cooperate, you will be persecuted more severely. During the past few years, the practitioners who were directly or indirectly persecuted by Qiu Ping number close to a thousand.

    When the "Focal Point" reporter came to the labor camp for the second time, the guards called more than ten people who were "reformed" by persecution to slander Falun Gong and hide the truth of the persecution. On the same day, a practitioner who had heart disease was pulled out and hung upside down to be tortured. But in the "Focal Point" TV program, the evil was praised.

    The list below is a partial list of practitioners who were brutally persecuted:

    Ms. Du Suhua, from Lingyuan City, is over 50 years old. She was electrically shocked by Qiu Ping.

    Ms. Dong Xiaoyan, from Lingyuan City, is about 35 years old. She was forced to squat for a long time for punishment and her legs were severely injured.

    Ms. Lin Ping, from Dalian City, was tortured with the punishment called "swallow flying" (the practitioner's lower body is tied onto the sides of a bed, with his hands intentionally handcuffed on the sides of the bed above or below so that there is no room to move).

    Ms. Wang Hui, from Dalian City, is about 35 years old. She was one of the earliest practitioners who were held at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in 1999 and lived in the inhuman prison for three years. Her hair even turned all white and guard Qiu Ping laughed at her. Qiu Ping also shocked her foot and chest with an electric baton, causing her to cry out in extreme pain.

    Ms. Zhang Shufen, from Dalian City, is over 50 years old. She was forced to squat and face the wall for a long time, which caused her enormous mental damage.

    Ms. Wang Haiying, from Dalian City, is about 30 years old. She was forced to squat and face the wall. She has become extremely weak and pale because of the persecution.

    Ms. Liu Xiuyu, from Dalian City, is over 20 years old. She has been electrically shocked by Qiu Ping. (To be continued)

    Chinese version available at

    Savage Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Daxin Women's Prison in Beijing

    Since July 20, 1999, when the persecution began, many Falun Gong practitioners have been detained at the Daxin Women's Prison in Beijing, formerly called Tiantanghe Prison. Included among the detainees are Doctor Li Aijun of Xiyan Hospital, Zhou Zi, a model teacher in the Fangshan District, government employees He Xinping, Xu Jing, Liu Xi, Chen Shulan, and others. They have been detained for over three years. Falun Gong practitioners are forced to work overtime - working over 16 hours a day. If they don't finish their work on time, they have to continue to work and are forbidden to sleep or rest. A female practitioner who was disabled from beatings had to continue to work with an injured leg.

    Due to annual quotas and profits being linked together, policemen force Falun Gong practitioners to work at the expense of practitioners' lives and safety. Practitioners' 16-hour forced work-days are from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; sometimes they are required to work even longer if the assigned work is not finished. There are no breaks. Restroom visits are monitored and restricted to certain times. If practitioners are injured during work and inform others about their injury, they are punished by having scores deducted or family visits are denied for the so-called violation of work rules. For example, practitioner Liu Xi was severely injured in August 2004 and was found to have discussed it with another person. Both she and the person assigned to monitor her were punished with a deduction of 50 points (one receives only three points for working a whole day), and no family visits were allowed for three months.

    Chen Shulan is the only surviving practitioner among her siblings. Her three siblings were practitioners. Her twin younger brothers Chen Aizhong and Chen Aili, along with her younger sister Chen Hongping, all died one after another as a result of persecution. She continues to suffer from inhuman persecution in the women's prison.

    Let's take a look at the so-called "transformation." The prison police take turns to beat, verbally abuse and use electric batons on Falun Gong practitioners. If they don't obey, they would be tied to a bed frame for a long time, standing day and night, while being deprived of sleep. Some prison police gag practitioners with towels and don't allow them to talk. Some practitioners were locked in small cells for solitary confinement. They suffered from cold and hunger. They are beaten and hung up. Showers are forbidden, as are family visits. They are not even allowed to write to their families and friends. They are otherwise abused and physically punished. Fangshan District model teacher Zhou Zi was illegally sentenced to seven years in prison. She did not cooperate with the authorities all along and was transferred from the No. 3 Prison Ward to the No. 10 Prison Ward, which is known for its violence. This ward is equipped with all kinds of torture tools and has a vicious staff. Practitioners there may encounter violent treatment at any time. The treatment there is much worse than in the other wards. After Zhou Zi was transferred there, she was not allowed to have family visits or to communicate in any way with her family. She was also not allowed to accept money from her family to buy food or personal items. The prison food consists of a very small steamed corn bun. The personal monitors often take turns subjecting her to long-term sleep deprivation.

    The practitioners in the women's prison are monitored more closely than the common detainees. Personal monitors are assigned to each practitioner and are in charge of watching them. Practitioners are forbidden to talk with anyone. If the practitioner is found to even make eye contact with anyone, she is berated or has points deducted. Practitioners are accompanied by at least three persons when using the restroom. Prison police even incite other detainees to beat Falun Gong practitioners. The practitioners are under 24-hour surveillance.

    The prison commissary sells necessities that are very expensive. All prisoners must set up an account and their family members are required to deposit money in advance into this account. The prison officials determine what items should be purchased and deduct the money directly from this account. The prices in the store are set two or three times higher than the common market price. For example, a phone card worth 20 yuan outside is sold for 40 yuan in the prison. The prison officials pocket the difference. Other products are always 2-3 times more expensive than the market price.

    According to the prison rules, a detainee is allowed to call home up to three times per month. Most times, however, only one call is allowed to inform family members about permission for visits. Even visiting family members are often treated badly. They are ordered around or scolded, or they may not even be allowed to visit a practitioner.

    Li Aijun was a doctor in the department of internal medicine at the Xiyuan Hospital in Beijing. Before practicing Falun Gong, she was in poor health and suffered from multiple illnesses. After practicing Falun Gong, she became healthy and full of energy. Since then she has disciplined herself to strictly follow the principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." Her good professional skills and ethics earned her the highest respect among colleagues and patients. At the end of 2000, for appealing on behalf of Falun Gong and persisting in Falun Gong practice, she was forced to leave her job. She was compelled to go into exile to avoid being persecuted. At the beginning of 2001, she was arrested. The hospital she worked for fired her. Although she lost her freedom, she still held steadfast to the principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" and cared for people around her with compassion. The meals in the jail were very poor. When the jail occasionally improved the food quality, she always left her portion for older or weaker inmates. Her words and actions prompted many prisoners to abandon their misunderstandings toward Falun Gong that the propaganda spread by the state-run media had planted. Even some policemen came to respect her high moral character.

    Her near-70-year-old parents and her elementary school-aged son who need to be taken care of live at Li Aijun's home. Her husband has to work very hard every day to support the family. Her long prison term has brought great suffering to her extended family, both financially and emotionally. Her grandmother couldn't stand the sudden blow and passed away at the end of 2004. Her husband, who does not practice Falun Gong, also suffers emotionally and can't endure the long-time loneliness. He is considering divorcing her.

    Chinese version available at

    Facts of Criminal Acts by 610 Officials at Yiling District, Yichang City, Hubei Province

    Since July 20, 1999, the judicial and public security departments, the public health department, education office, public press, prisons, every township and village of Yiling District (Xiaoxita), Yichang City, Hubei Province have been brutally persecuting more than one hundred Falun Gong practitioners in the area. Nearly fifty practitioners have had their homes ransacked. Many were arrested and taken to a confined area where they were brainwashed. Afterwards, they were fined large sums of money and sent to mental hospitals, where some became handicapped from physical abuse. Since information from inside these places is highly secret, and only small amounts of what has happened is known.

    1. The Yiling District No. 1 Detention Center has been holding Falun Gong practitioners for long periods of time. These sentences were handed down without any legal proceedings. The longest illegal confinement known is four years. It is estimated that since 1999, over sixty practitioners have been illegally confined in the detention center, and about twenty of them were confined for periods much longer than what was originally assigned. While detained in the center, many practitioners were punitively force fed, subjected to heavy labor, "carrying tires" (1), "riding an airplane," "slapping the face," "the big hang up," and other forms of abuse. For those practitioners whose families are well off, officers from Yiling District No. 1 Detention Center and the 610 Office would extort several thousand to tens of thousands of yuan for bail of the practitioner.

    2. Song Xiutian (the assistant secretary of the Yiling District party committee), and Gong Binghua (the 610 office leader) directed the Yiling District 610 Office to organize nine consecutive brainwashing classes. Many Falun Gong practitioners (mainly from the countryside of Yiling) were illegally detained and subject to brainwash. The most steadfast practitioners were transferred to a brainwashing center in Wuhan City. Massive amounts of illegal torture, including beating while being hung up and being forced to stand for extended periods of time were commonly committed. Yang Suqiong, a woman in her fifties, was sent to Yichang Mental Hospital by the 610 Office against her will, and was confined there for three months. Because brainwashing could not change her will, she was beaten severely and later became physically disabled. The perpetrator of this crime has not been held responsible under the protection of Song Xiutian.

    3. Under the leadership and threats of district assistant secretary Song Xiutian over the past six years: government offices, corporations and village committees of all levels have been involved in the persecution of Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners. Also, many practitioners' families have been poverty stricken because of the persecution. Song Xiutian has even offered an 800-yuan reward for information about Falun Gong practitioners. Many people who don't know the truth came forward just for the money

    We urge overseas practitioners and international investigation agencies to pay attention to these issues. We will continue to gather evidence of the persecution and bring those who committed crimes against Falun Gong to justice

    Government officials and other individuals involved in the persecution:

    Song Xiutian, assistant secretary of the district party committee, in charge of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners: 86-717-7835118 (H)

    Gong Binbhua, head of the 610 Office and brainwash center, currently head of the 610 Office at Yiling District, leads the beating of Falun Gong practitioners while they are hung up and sends Falun Gong practitioners to mental hospitals: 86-717-7836095 (H)

    Hu Qinghua, male, in his forties, district 610 Office leader, actively involved in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners

    Lu Zhou, female, in her thirties, district 610 Office leader, actively involved in torturing Falun Gong practitioners

    Wang Youlin, details unknown

    Hu Shunying, national security group leader, aggressively tortures Falun Gong practitioners: 86-13986825588 (C)

    He Yong, deputy leader of the national security group

    Xi Zuxin (transferred) and Li Kequan (transferred), policemen who have aggressively tortured numerous Falun Gong practitioners

    Zuo Yong, male, in his thirties, policeman of the national security group, viciously beat many practitioners

    Dingsha (transferred), in his fifties, former head of the No. 1 Detention Center, aggressively and brutally tortures Falun Gong practitioners. He has committed all of the cruel tortures mentioned above.

    Following are the phone numbers of government offices involved in the torture:

    District Party Committee Office: 86-717-7821355, 86-717-7821633 (F)
    Office of Supervision and Investigation: 86-717-7839126; Secretarial Section: 86-717-7821355;
    Integration Section: 86-717-7821475
    610 Office: 86-717-7838655; Confidential Bureau: 86-717-7821633
    Security Bureau: 86-717-7821987; Organization Department: 86-717-7838696
    Publicity Department: 86-717-7838218; United Front Work Department: 86-717-7825407
    Political and Judiciary Committee: 86-717-7839399
    Comprehensive Program of Public Order Committee: 86-717-7826813
    District Reception Office: 86-717-7827280; Appeals Office: 86-717-7822368
    District Party Committee Party School: 86-717-7891621
    District Workers' Union: 86-717-7822430
    District Youth League Branch Committee: 86-717-7822596
    District Women's League: 86-717-7821337
    District Office of Supervision and Investigation: 86-717-7833999
    District Civil Defense Office: 86-717-7835378

    Department of Political and Judiciary and Police:
    Political and Judiciary Committee: 86-717-7821427
    Procuratorate: 86-717-7821479
    Court: 86-717-7822330; Police Department: 86-717-7836110 (Commissar: Wang Yunfa)
    Bureau of Justice: 86-717-7822472

    Zhangcunping Linchang local police station: 86-717-7680070
    Dalaoling Linchang local police station: 86-717-7990046

    Deng Village local police station: 86-717-7500007
    Taipingxi local police station: 86-717-7511110

    Letianxi local police station: 86-717-7560190
    Sandouping local police station: 86-717-6611463

    Xiabaoping local police station: 86-717-7630110
    Zhangcunping local police station: 86-717-7660011

    Wuduhe local police station: 86-717-7610006
    Huanghua local police station: 86-717-7951056

    Fen Township local police station: 86-717-7930002
    Longquan local police station: 86-717-7761410

    Yaqueling local police station: 86-717-7734240
    Zhangjiachang local police station: 86-717-7801754

    Xiaoxita local police station: 86-717-7821533
    Wuduhe Court House: 86-717-7610011

    Huanghua Court House: 86-717-7951049
    Letianxi Court House: 86-717-7561288

    Yaqueling Court House: 86-717-7741186
    Longquan Court House: 86-717-7761365


    (1) A brutal torture method: four to five rubber tires are stacked on top of each other. The practitioner is forced to sit in the center of the tires, stuck in a hole, with the feet and hands facing upward. For lengthy periods of time, the practitioner must live in the hole, eating, drinking, etc. in that position.

    Chinese version available at

    Falun Gong Practitioner Jiang Yulian from Huaihua City, Hunan Province, Injected with Nerve Damaging Drugs

    Jiang Yulian worked as a nurse in the 2nd Renmin Hospital in Huaihua City, Human Province. Jiang was unlawfully arrested and detained in late April 2005. The prison authorities forcefully injected her with potent tranquilizers, anesthetics and other nerve-damaging drugs. In addition, they took virtually all of her belongings from her home and extorted several thousand yuan from her family.

    In the afternoon of April 20, after she had just assisted on four surgeries at the hospital, a group of police officers arrested Jiang from her workplace. That same night she was detained in a drug rehabilitation center located at Hongjiang.

    The drug rehabilitation center holds a large population of AIDS patients. Over 90 percent of the drug users in the rehab center are infected with AIDS. A policeman named Yu Huimin wanted to put Jiang Yulian and other AIDS patients in the same room, but the rehab center officials refused to comply and put her into a separate room. Ms. Jiang then went on a hunger strike.

    On the sixth day of Jiang Yulian's hunger strike, around 6 o'clock in the evening, the Political and Security Section chief Zhou Wei and several other policemen took her to a hospital and attempted to force her to take a drug injection. Because Jiang Yulian refused to cooperate with them, the police tied her onto the hospital bed, but were still unable to successfully carry out the procedure. At that time, a doctor named Liu Renshui from the Department of Internal Medicine examined her, and found her to have low blood pressure and a heart rate of 150 beats per minute. In spite of the practitioner's poor physical condition, the hospital CCP Committee head He Jinlian ordered Doctor Liu Renshui to inject Ms. Jiang with tranquilizers, anesthetics and other nerve damaging drugs. Following orders from Huang Lin from the local 610 Office, from Zhou Wei from the Political and Security Section, and from Yu Huimin, He Jinlian and Tang Laiyou from the hospital CCP Committee, Doctor Liu Renshui forcibly injected Jiang Yulian with the drugs while Jiang protested to the best of her ability.

    Jiang Yulian's arms and legs were tied up against her will. The vicious perpetrators tried with all their might to hold her down so she couldn't move. The force they used on her was so strong that the circulation to her arms and legs was cut off. When the doctor first stuck a needle into her arm; Jiang Yulian called out loudly, "Falun Dafa is good!" As a result, the drug didn't enter her bloodstream, but made her arm swell instead.

    When the perpetrators saw the first needle didn't work, they added more of the drugs to inject her with. That didn't work either. They became frustrated, and tried a third and fourth time. After four consecutive anaesthetic injections, Jiang Yulian started to feel dazed and lost consciousness.

    When Jiang Yulian awoke, it was already day time. Her feet looked damaged from the injections. She felt sore and weak and suffered from unbearable pain. She was unable to stand up or sit straight. The police dragged her into a police car and drove her to the rehab center to continue the persecution.

    During the eighth day of Jiang Yulian's hunger strike, to hide their wrongdoings, the perpetrators transferred her to a detention center that was surrounded by numerous sections of walls. They transferred her to this location in an attempt to persecute her in secrecy. Jiang Yulian's family was barred from visiting. Even her two-year-old daughter couldn't see her. Her family went to the detention center to reason with them, but they responded by saying, "She got to where she is through her own fault. She chose not to eat anything. You want to sue us? Go ahead." Huang Lin from the 610 Office said shamelessly, "You say that I am evil. It is already very nice of me not to have raped her."

    On the thirty-seventh day of the torture and torment under the persecution, Zhou Wei, Chief of the Political and Security Section, extorted 5,000 yuan from Jiang Yulian's family.

    The persecutors had not only stolen all of Jiang's belongings, they forcibly took her away and tortured her to the point where she was just skin and bones. They extorted money and claimed it was for her "bail." They took her husband's I.D. and have not yet returned it. Jiang Yulian's employer, the hospital, has stopped paying her salary.

    Responsible people:

    Huang Lin, Head of the 610 Office in Huaihua City: 86-13973078626 (C), 86-745-7622577 (O)
    Chief of the Political and Security Section, Zhou Wei: 86-13107418313 (C), 86-745-7620428 (O)
    Police Department CCP Committee Secretary, Jiang Changyong: 86-13607417766 (C), 86-745-7622138 (O)
    Police officer, Yang Xizhen: 86-13874448855 (C)
    Police officers, Xiao Yajing, Yu Yiqiang and Yu Huimin
    Director of the Police Department, Wu Jianping
    Director of the 2nd Hospital, Tang Laiyou: 13974582871 (C)
    Head of the 2nd Hospital CCP Committee, He Jinlian: 13787526159 (C)
    Chief of the Security Section, Yi Wujie: 86-13974534007 (C)
    Xie Xiuwen: 13874456778 (C)
    Doctor, Liu Renshui: 86-13327253566 (C)
    The 2nd Hospital main office: 86-745-7622192
    Surgery Room: 86-745-7636237

    Chinese version available at

    Falun Gong Practitioner Liu Yuhe Tortured - Family Threatened

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Yuhe is in his 30's. He is from Huanan Township, Huadian City in Jilin Province, and has a solid reputation as a kind man. Ever since the evil started persecuting Falun Gong in 1999, Mr. Liu has insisted on validating Falun Gong. As a result, the police have repeatedly persecuted him.

    On June 22, 2005, the police from the Huadian City 610 Office and from the National Security Team arrested Liu Yuhe in Hongshi Town, Huadian City.

    Once at the police station, the police officers physically assaulted and violently tortured him. After the police failed to obtain any useful information from him, they intensified the torture. A police officer tied him to a chair, grabbed his hair and forced him face up. His mouth was covered with a towel, and mustard water was injected into his nose. Mr. Liu could not breathe, his head felt numb and swollen, and he could not stop crying and having a runny nose. His brain became confused, and he could only exhale, but not inhale. Soon he began to vomit uncontrollably. The pain was more severe than any other torture method he had endured. After the brutal torture was over, the police sent him back to the detention center.

    On the afternoon of June 23, officer Liu Hengli from the Huanan Police Station, along with another police officer from the National Security Team, sent an arrest warrant to the home of Liu Yuhe's sister. They demanded that someone from her family sign it, but Liu Yuhe's sister refused, saying, "Falun Dafa is good, what's wrong with practicing 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance?' Police officer Liu Hengli threatened, "If you keep saying good things about Falun Gong, I will arrest you. Whatever the Communist party forbids, you can't do it."

    On the morning of June 24, Liu Yuhe's oldest brother and younger brother came to the Huadian City Police Station. Liu's younger brother said, "My brother has heart disease." Team leader Yu Jinji said, "If he dies, the government provides compensation." Liu's oldest brother asked, "What law did my brother violate? Did he commit murder or arson? Did he commit fraud for money or petty theft?" Without backing up his statement with any evidence, Yu Jinji said, "He disturbed the social order."

    Some people called Yu Jinji from overseas to try to persuade him to stop doing evil. Yu did not listen. He told Liu Yuhe's family members, "You are lucky. If you were not related to Liu Yuhe and said favorable things about Falun Gong, we would have arrested you already." He then threw the family members out the door.

    Communist Party Committee, Huadian City: 201 Renmin Road, Huadian City, 132400
    Fax: 86-432-6224920
    Telephone of the supervisor's office: 86-432-6223341, 86-432-6223090

    Huadian City Party Disciplinary Committee: 201 Renmin Road, Huadian City, 132400
    Fax: 86-432-6222203
    Telephone of the secretary's office: 86-432-6222904, 86-432-6222074
    General office: 86-432-6223363

    Huadian City Hall: 201 Renmin Road, Huadian City, 132400
    Fax: 86-432-6222965
    Mayor's office: 86-432-6264572
    Legal section: 86-432-6222342

    Huadian City 6-10 Office:
    Zhou Jian, head, 86-432-6220610, 86-3804448659 (Office), 86-432-6226288 (Home)
    Yang Baolin, deputy head, 86-3704348883 (Office), 86-432-6278191 (Home)
    Liu Yongli, 86-3704446960
    Li Xiangting, 86-3704446891

    Huadian City Police National Security Team
    Office: 6227191
    Yu Jinji: 86-3904443621 (Cell), 86-432-6270763 (Home)
    Jin Zhexian: 86-3804448400 (Cell), 86-432-6271772 (Home)
    Xu Huanzhang: 86-3704348470 (Cell), 86-432-6225099 (Home)
    Jiang Lijun: 86-3844680377 (Cell), 86-432-6250392 (Home)
    Chen Guohua: 86-3596291268 (Cell), 86-432-6271059 (Home)

    Chinese version available at

    Recent Situation of Persecuted Female Practitioner Hu Yuqing of Sichuan Province

    On April 30, 2005, Chongzhou City Police Chief Zhang Dong, accompanied by Yu Jie and Sun Yan, led two police cars to arrest Ms. Hu Yuqing and ransack her home. The police cuffed Ms. Hu's hands behind her back for two hours, and released them only to allow her to use the bathroom. The police forced Ms. Hu's family to provide a copy of her signature and fingerprint before allowing her release. They threatened to send Ms. Hu to a forced labor camp, where she would be tortured to death. Another perpetrator, Wang Hai, also took part in the persecution.

    On May 12, Ms. Hu Yuqing was selling items from a stand during the Temple Fair of Longxing Township in Chongzhou City. She was planning to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to by-passers by word of mouth, but found someone was watching her. The police soon arrived with a minibus and a motorcycle, attempting to arrest her; but for some reason they failed to carry out the arrest. When Ms. Hu saw so many people visiting the temple fair, yet she did not have any truth-clarifying material to distribute, nor could she talk to people about Falun Gong, she felt very sad and shed tears.

    Ms. Hu Yuqing is deaf. She can feel the beauty of Falun Gong. Knowing the truth about Falun Gong and the benefits that it has brought her, she takes the initiative to let people know the facts about Falun Gong every day, deterring the evil in Chongzhou City. Due to her truth clarification efforts, plain-clothed policemen have shadowed her and monitored her activities for a long period of time. They frequently attempted to arrest her and to trace the source of her truth-clarifying materials. These illegal police activities caused a severe hindrance to Ms. Hu's efforts to clarify the truth. Her wish is to help more people see through the Party-led slanderous propaganda that has been forced upon the people of China. Ms. Hu is often worried about having too little truth-clarifying materials and not giving enough people a chance to learn the facts.

    As early as February 25, 2005, the Chongzhou City Police threatened to send Ms. Hu to a forced labor camp because her family would not sign a guarantee statement. At the time, a policeman wearing hard boots kicked Ms. Hu a dozen times, injuring her right hip. As a result, Ms. Hu now experiences severe pain in her sciatic nerve. The pain is sharpest at night.

    Chinese version available at

    Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Yu Meiying Died after Son Wei Jianhui was Tortured to Death

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wei Jianhui recovered from a terminal illness through Falun Gong practice. After the persecution of Falun Gong began, he was illegally detained and harassed many times, which finally resulted in his death in September 2004. When Mr. Wei's mother, Ms. Yu Meiying, went to appeal for justice for Falun Gong, she was subsequently arrested. Eventually, following her son's death and her daughter's second imprisonment following a four year jail term, Ms. Yu could no longer stand the sustained attacks on her family, and she died in December 2004.

    Mr. Wei Jianhui was a resident of Shaowu City, Fujian Province. He was diagnosed with liver cancer, serious tracheitis and asthma. His doctors gave him only three months to live at that point. After starting to practice Falun Gong, his symptoms disappeared. In 2000, he went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong. On his way there, he was stopped by the police and escorted back to his hometown, where authorities detained and persecuted him for a number of months before allowing him to be released on bail. In 2001, local police officials detained him again for two weeks. Later that same year they sent him to a brainwashing center. After he was released from the brainwashing center, police officers often went to his home to harass him. Mr. Wei's psychological and physical states were both critically damaged by this persecution. He lived in constant terror until his death in September 2004.

    Mr. Wei's mother, Ms. Yu Meiying, 70, went to Beijing to appeal in 2001, and was detained by local police for two weeks. Her daughter Ms. Wei Jianyu was illegally sentenced to four years in jail in Fuzhou City, and then detained in the Fujian Province Women's Prison. By late 2003, Ms. Wei was emaciated as a result of being tortured. After being released in April 2004, she stayed with her mother in Shaowu City. In November 2004, someone saw her practicing the Falun Gong exercises in a park and reported her to the police, who then arrested her and incarcerated her at the local police station. She started a hunger strike and was subsequently released. A few days later, the police again arrested her. Without notifying her family members, she was sent directly to the Fuzhou Women's Forced Labor Camp. When Ms. Yu went to visit her daughter at the detention center, she discovered that she was not there. There was no information available regarding where she was being held.

    Her son's death, her daughter's second arrest after prolonged detention, and the fact that her family members had been so terribly persecuted seriously affected Ms. Yu's body and spirit. She became bedridden after returning from her trip to search for her daughter at the detention center and died in December 2004.

    Chinese version available at

    Several Falun Gong Practitioners from Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province, Were Arrested

    In June 2005, a statement of withdrawal from the Chinese Communist Party appeared in Lingbei Township, Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province. The Lingbei police demanded to know who had written it. When someone suggested that Ma Xiao might have done it, the police went to Mr. Ma Xiao's home to arrest him, but he was not there. On June 30, when Mr. Ma was on his way to the market, he was met by the police and pushed into a police car without any reasons being given. He was then held in a detention station.

    On July 4, Lingbei practitioner Ms. Feng Guifen went to Mangnong Township of Ningcheng County in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to clarify the truth. Someone reported her, and the Mangnong police arrested her. The next day she was sent to the Ningcheng County Police Department.

    Practitioners Mr. Du Haijiang from Wafangdian of Lingyuan City and Mr. Liu Shiwei, Ms. Wen Xiuxian and Ms. Li Shuzi, also from Lingyuan City, were arrested one after another during the month of June. Now they are being illegally detained. Ms. Wen Xiuxian and Ms. Li Shuzi have now been on a hunger strike for over two weeks to protest their treatment.

    The Shanshijiazi police of Lingyuan City arrested Ms. Song Shuzi, a practitioner, in her home without a reason at the end of April. She is now imprisoned in the notorious Masanjia Forced Labor Camp.

    Zhao Gouhai, chief of the Wafangdian Police Station: 86-421-6420004 (Office), 86-421-6865718 (Home), 86-13504216302 (Cell).
    Liu Shaoquan, Political head at the police station: 86-421-6891513 (Home), 86-13500419533 (Cell).

    Sanshijiazi Police Station: 86-421-6200007.

    Lingbei Police Station: 86-421-6858007.

    Lingyuan City Police Department:
    Guo Shaolin, head: 86-421-6883101 (Office), 86-421-7816791 (Home), 86-13904912586 (Cell).
    Yang Minhui, deputy head: 86-421-6883103 (Office), 86-421-6824813 (Home), 86-13904213390 (Cell).
    Dong Zhimin, deputy head: 86-421-6883106 (Office), 86-421-6816719 (Home), 86-13904916066 (Cell).

    Fu Yanling, National Security Group head: 86-13500416011 (Cell).
    Chen Zhi, Deputy Head of National Security Group: 86-13842156895 (Cell).

    Lingyuan City No. 1 Detention Center:
    Yu Hailong, chief: 86-421-6883215 (Office), 86-421-6824383 (Home), 86-13904916383 (Cell).
    Zhang Xianlin, political head: 86-421-6883216 (Office), 86-421-6882183 (Home), 86-13942106968 (Cell).

    Lingyuan City No. 2 Detention Center:
    Sun Lianshen, chief: 86-421-6883185 (Office), 86-421-6823998 (Home), 86-13942116989 (Cell).
    Li Zhixue, political head: 86-421-6925583 (Office), 86-13842162635 (Cell).

    Liu Zhixin, chief of the court: 86-421-6883501 (Office), 86-421-6810545 (Home), 86-13188171566 (Cell).

    Chinese version available at