The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- July 21, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • Mr. He Yuanhui from Liaoyuan City Died as a Result of Persecution

  • Mrs. Xu Hongmei, Separated From Her Baby Girl, Detained In Qiqihar City Labor Camp Beyond Term

  • An Account of the Persecution Suffered by Mr. Liu Yushu's Entire Family in Huailai County, Hebei Province

  • Atrocities at Jilin Prison Are Comprehensively Exposed in Local Area

  • The Persecution of Practitioner Lu Yongchang and His Family: All Four Family Members Sentenced to Long Prison Terms

  • How Policewoman Luan Yuqin Persecuted A Female Practitioner in Her 60s for 68 Days

  • A Report on the Circumstances of Illegally-sentenced Practitioners from Qingdao City
  • Brief News from China - June 24, 2005

  • Brief News from China - July 1, 2005

  • Summary of Other Articles and News - July 13, 2005

  • Mr. He Yuanhui from Liaoyuan City Died as a Result of Persecution

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. He Yuanhui from Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province, was illegally sentenced to 10 years in prison in October 2002. He was tormented so harshly while detained in the Second Prison of Jilin Province that he became critically ill and looked like a skeleton. After Mr. He was sent home from the prison hospital, he was mentally disoriented and he would often forget to dress or eat, and he eventually died on June 25, 2005.

    Mr. He Yuanhui, 41 years old, was formerly an alcoholic and without a regular occupation prior to becoming a Falun Gong practitioner in 1997. After he began practicing Falun Gong, he underwent a huge mind and body transformation and began holding himself to a higher moral standard. Mr. He went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong several times after the Chinese Communist Government started to suppress and persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999. Once, he escaped persecution by jumping off a fast moving train. He was persistent in practicing Falun Gong and was diligent in clarifying the truth about Falun Gong and in saving sentient beings.

    On May 20, 2002, He Yuanhui was arrested by officers from the Xiangyang 610 Office. He was tortured brutally and lost a tooth when Luan Yuqin, the officer from the local National Security Office, kicked him with the heel of his shoe. In October of the same year, Mr. He was illegally sentenced to 10 years in prison and was transferred to the Second Prison in Jilin. The prison guards encouraged other prisoners to use extreme measures to get him to denounce his belief in Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. To this end, they beat He Yuanhui severely, breaking many of his ribs and causing him to be confined to bed. Just like many others who were illegally imprisoned, Mr. He was not able to obtain proper medical treatment when he contracted tuberculosis. His condition worsened, and he lost a lot of weight before he was transferred from the prison hospital to the Jilin Railroad Hospital for a month. The authorities didn't release him until his condition turned critical. However, while in prison he was still forced to write the "Guarantee Statements."

    Mr. He was sent home on December 17, 2004, but his condition kept getting worse. He seemed to have lost his sense of self, and wouldn't eat or dress himself. He coughed all day long, lost weight, and could no longer practice Falun Gong. He died on June 25, 2005.

    Mrs. Xu Hongmei, Separated From Her Baby Girl, Detained In Qiqihar City Labor Camp Beyond Term

    Tiantian has spent her childhood missing her parents. Her mother, Mrs. Xu Hongmei, was once again sent to a forced labor camp for a three-year term in April 2002. She has served her term, but is still being detained in Qiqihar City Forced Labor Camp in Heilongjiang Province. Soon after, her father Sun Weimin was arrested and detained in Tailai Prison in Qiqihar City.

    On July 20, 1999, Mrs. Xu Hongmei went with other Falun Gong practitioners to Qiqihar City Hall to let the government know how they benefited from practicing Falun Gong. Twenty minutes later, they were all in police vans. The practitioners were then taken to different primary schools and detained. Mrs. Xu later went to the appeals office in Beijing to tell them how she and others benefited from the practice. Minutes after she arrived at the appeals office, she was taken away by officials from her home province stationed in Beijing.

    They escorted Mrs. Xu back home to be detained at the No. 2 Custody Center. Mrs. Xu was then sent to Shuanghe Forced Labor Camp of Qiqihar City (now called Qiqihar City Forced Labor Camp), without proper charges, for a year and a half. Her daughter Tiantian was eight months old at the time.

    In order to pressure Mrs. Xu into giving up Falun Gong, the authorities used deceptive measures. They brought her mother and her daughter Tiantian to the camp. They dressed Tiantian in rugs and exhorted Mrs. Xu to change her mind. Mrs. Xu wanted to hold her daughter, but policewomen Wang Mei and Wang Yan took the baby away. Mrs. Xu was told that if she wanted to hold her daughter, she would have to follow their instructions and sign papers stating that she would give up Falun Gong.

    Mrs. Xu Hongmei's parents cried and tried to persuade her to agree. They were deceived by the lies of the communist regime. She told her parents through her tears, "I hope you can understand me. I am learning to be a better person, not to curse back when cursed or fight back when being beaten. I have done nothing wrong." She also seriously told the policewomen, "Don't you take advantage of the kindness of my parents. Neither my parents nor I will give in. You cannot possibly make me renounce Falun Gong."

    Policewoman Wang Mei took Xu Hongmei back to the cell. Her parents and daughter were not allowed to see her any more. The rules in the forced labor camp stated that families were not allowed to visit those who do not agree to give up Falun Gong.

    At the forced labor camp, Mrs. Xu was subjected to inhuman tortures. She was detained in a small confinement cell, forced to sit on an iron chair for long periods of time, and made to wear torture instruments. In 2001, officials of the provincial forced labor camp administration office went to the labor camp to see how many practitioners had been "transformed" into renouncing Falun Gong. They put the practitioners together and slandered Falun Gong and its founder. Mrs. Xu and several other practitioners shouted, "Practitioners, please awaken. Falun Dafa is wonderful!" They were dragged out of the room and severely tortured. Later, they were sent to the No. 2 Custody Center in Qiqihar City to await sentencing.

    In the custody center, Mrs. Xu followed the requirements of Falun Gong. All the inmates in the cell were moved by her words and behavior. Through her, they saw the beauty of Falun Gong. The inmates said that practitioners were all very good people. They truly experienced the wonder of Falun Gong.

    Xu Hongmei was detained in the No. 2 Custody Center for nearly four months before she was transferred to the Qiqihar No. 1 Custody Center. During her detention, people from the Procuratorate interrogated her to collect evidence of her "crime" in order to sentence Mrs. Xu and other practitioners. However, they failed. The practitioners were released by the end of 2001. After two years, Mrs. Xu Hongmei finally saw her toddler daughter again.

    In April 2002, the police departments and stations in Qiqihar City had orders to arrest practitioners and collect bonuses accordingly. The police from the Tienan Police Station in Mrs. Xu Hongmei's neighborhood took her from her home and sent her to the Custody Center to get their bonus.

    Mrs. Xu was sent to serve three more years at Qiqihar City Forced Labor Camp. In May 2002, the labor camp started a new round of persecution. They forced practitioners to write the three statements to renounce Falun Gong, to promise not to practice, and to express regret for practicing. Practitioners who refused to write them were physically punished. Mrs. Xu was forced to sit on an iron chair for 15 days. She had trouble walking afterwards, but the head officer, Wang Mei, still tried to force her to write those three letters.

    Mrs. Xu Hongmei's mother tried to visit her when she learned where she was. The head of the labor camp would not allow her to see Mrs. Xu and said a lot of bad things. In order to see her daughter, Mrs. Xu's mother turned to some relatives for help, and she finally got a chance to see her daughter. Mrs. Xu had much difficulty walking. Two police officers saw to it that they did not get close to each other. They feared she would tell her parents about the torture. The meeting was no more than twenty minutes long. Mrs. Xu Hongmei is still being detained although her term has expired.

    Written on July 10, 2005

    An Account of the Persecution Suffered by Mr. Liu Yushu's Entire Family in Huailai County, Hebei Province

    Five members of Mr. Liu Yushu's six-member family practiced Falun Gong. The family resided in Tumu Village, Tumu Township, Huailai County, Hebei Province. After July 20, 1999, when the evil persecution of Falun Gong started, Liu Yushu's whole family was illegally imprisoned many times by the local government. They were monitored and put under tight surveillance. Mr. Liu was imprisoned many times at the Shalingzi Brainwashing Class in Zhangjiakou City. Because he refused to give up his belief in Falun Gong, he was also sent to one year of forced labor.

    After Mr. Liu's wife returned from the brainwashing class, she was compelled to leave home and move from place to place to avoid further persecution.

    The husband of Liu Yushu's eldest daughter Mrs. Liu Chaoxia was compelled to divorce her, and their three-year-old daughter was separated from her mother. Mrs. Liu Chaoxia was sentenced to forced labor twice. After she was released, she also left her hometown to avoid further persecution.

    Mr. Liu Yushu's younger daughter Mrs. Liu Chaohong, also due to pressure from her husband's family, was compelled to divorce. She had no choice but to leave her four-year-old child. After Mrs. Liu Chaohong was arrested, she was sentenced to five years of imprisonment and is still incarcerated in Shijiazhuang City Prison.

    Mr. Liu Yushu's son, Mr. Liu Chaohui, was fired by his work unit because he persisted in practicing Falun Gong. Simply because he tried to access Falun Gong websites, he was sentenced to seven years of imprisonment and is currently incarcerated in the Tangshan City Prison.

    In this small county with a population of only 300,000, the persecution is very serious. We know that, since the persecution began on July 20, 1999, Huailai County officials have illegally sent more than 10 Falun Gong practitioners to be imprisoned; six have lost their lives in the persecution; more than 20 have been sent to forced labor camps and more than 20 to brainwashing classes; three people were compelled to leave their homes to avoid the persecution; two are missing; and four were dismissed from their jobs. These practitioners were also subjected to huge fines and their family belongings were confiscated. Falun Gong practitioners everywhere suffered persecution to varying degrees and by differing methods. The persecution has proliferated in all the villages, countywide. It is difficult to record all the persecution cases.

    Responsible persons:
    Li Jianju, Huailai former County CCP Committee Secretary
    Li Jianhua, former County Head
    Li Yingtian, former Politics and Law Committee Secretary
    Xu Weiguo, former Police Department Chief
    Liu Yuan, current Police Department Chief
    Yang (surname), 610 Office Head

    July 08, 2005

    Atrocities at Jilin Prison Are Comprehensively Exposed in Local Area

    In order to further expose the crimes committed by the authorities at Jilin Prison, to allow more people to learn the facts of how the prison guards persecute Falun Gong practitioners, and to reduce the pressure on the imprisoned practitioners, on the evening of July 14, 2005, local practitioners worked together to hang up large banners at two Jilin Prison guards' residence complexes - the four apartment buildings opposite the Northeast China Institute of Electric Power Engineering, and the two buildings close to the Nonglin Street residential complexes. A more-than-3-meter-long banner read, "Heaven and earth cannot tolerate the torture of Falun Gong practitioners in Jilin Prison." Other banners were two-meters long and read, "Immediately stop the persecution of imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners." There were 200 posters with the words, "Heaven and earth cannot tolerate the Jilin Prison's use of torture to persecute good people." An announcement that the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) is investigating wardens and guards in Jilin Prison who are responsible for persecuting practitioners, and demonstrations of the torture methods currently being used against Falun Gong practitioners in Jilin Prison were also pasted in the two residence complexes and surrounding areas.

    The more-than-three-meter-long banner hangs at the gate of the Jilin Prison guards' residence complex on Nonglin Street

    The more-than-two-meter-long banner hangs at the gate of Jilin Prison guards' residence complex opposite the Northeast China Institute of Electric Power Engineering (NCIEPE)

    Jilin Prison, short for "Jilin Province No. 2 Prison" is located at 100 Junmin Road, Jilin City. It is a provincial prison and has 11 sections. Each section has three subsections. Since July 20, 1999 when the persecution of Falun Gong began, the prison has held hundreds of practitioners and has carried out inhuman persecution against them. Methods of mistreatment include: establishing a strict surveillance team, locking practitioners in small cells, stretching practitioners' legs and arms while strapped to a bed, inciting criminal inmates to violently torture practitioners, grasping practitioners' private parts, surveillance 24 hour a day, and brutal force feeding. Jilin Prison authorities issued an order to perform the force-feeding as violently as one could and if practitioners die from it, their deaths are attributed to natural causes. Currently, five practitioners, including Liu Chenjun, Zhang Jianhua, Xui Weidong, Wei Xiushan and He Yuanhui are known to have been tortured to death in Jilin Prison.

    In order to cover up their crimes, the prison authorities continue persecuting steadfast practitioners and do not allow their family members to meet with them. The authorities are afraid of being further exposed.

    Shi Wenzhuo from Jiutai, Jilin Province who was illegally imprisoned had been tortured on the death bed during the process of forced brainwashing. The prison guards even incited collaborators including Bai Ye, Yan Feng, and Wu Qingdong to tie him up and beat him. Guard Li Yongsheng also beat him. The guards ordered criminal inmates to beat practitioner Shi Guohon, and as a result, Mr. Shi became disabled. On March 12, 2005, criminal inmates in the Third Section handcuffed practitioner Zhou Liansheng and violently beat him. Guard Chen Xi also joined the beating. Later, they transferred Zhou Liansheng to Tiebei Prison in Changchun. Practitioner Zhang Hongwei in the Tenth Section has been locked in a small cell for two years since he was imprisoned in Jilin Prison.

    In December 2003, WOIPFG conducted an investigation into the case of Mr. Liu Chenjun, who was tortured to death in Jilin Prison. The head of the prison, Li Qiang, Commissar Liu Changjiang, and a number of guards, including Wang Yufan, Zhang Jing, Tan Fuhua, Liu Wei, Wang Jiangkong, Pang Hongjun, Zhang Guilin, Li Yongsheng, and Lin Zhibin are the chief criminals who are responsible for the death of Liu Chengjun. They are also the major murderers who manipulate and participate in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. In addition, local practitioners have been using different ways to expose the evildoings in Jilin Prison. As a result, the guards have shown a little restraint in the persecution, although their means of persecution have become more concealed. The guards incite and manipulate criminal inmates and collaborators to persecute practitioners.

    1. Posters at the four Jilin Prison guards' residence buildings opposite the NCIEPE.

    Three kinds of posters pasted on the front gate wall of the Jilin Prison guards' residence complex near the NCIEPE

    Three kinds of posters pasted on the front gate wall of the Jilin Prison guards' residence complex near the NCIEPE

    Posters pasted on walls in the Jilin Prison guards' residence complex near the NCIEPE

    Posters pasted on walls, stairs, and doors in the Jilin Prison guards' residence complex near the NCIEPE

    2. Posters pasted in the Jilin Prison guards' residence complex on Nonglin Street

    Posters pasted on outside walls and moon gate of the Jilin Prison guards' residence complex on the Nonglin Street

    Posters pasted on the side door of a market near the Jilin Prison guards' residence complex on the Nonglin Street

    Posters pasted on outside walls and door of storage room of the Jilin Prison guards' residence complex on Nonglin Street

    Posters pasted on walls and stairs in the Jilin Prison guards' residence complex on Nonglin Street

    Posters pasted at the entrance of the apartment building in the Jilin Prison guards' residence complex on Nonglin Street

    Banner hang at the front entrance of the Jilin Prison guards' residence complex on Nonglin Street

    In the early morning, passersby see the banner that reads, "Heaven and earth cannot tolerate the torture of Falun Gong practitioners in Jilin Prison"
    The Persecution of Practitioner Lu Yongchang and His Family: All Four Family Members Sentenced to Long Prison Terms

    Late one evening before the 2002 Mid-Autumn Festival, four police officers broke into the home of Mr. Lu Yongchang with shovels in their hands. Mr. Lu Yongchang, a Falun Gong practitioner, lived in the Fourth Section of Dayuan Village, Qingyang Township, Jiutai City. Three of his family members were able to escape undetected. Ms. Lu Guixia also managed to escape from the authorities after being illegally detained at the police sub-station. Mr. Lu's family eventually became homeless and destitute in order to avoid direct persecution. On June 8, 2004 they were illegally arrested. On February 2, 2005, Mr. Lu, aged 69, was accused of "disruptive behavior" and illegally sentenced to one year in prison. Mrs. Song Xiuqin, aged 67, was sentenced to three and a half years' imprisonment. Mr. Lu Xianjie, aged 42, got five years and Ms. Lu Guixia, aged 32, was sentenced to four years in prison.

    As part of the illegal verdict (No. 320) handed down by the People's Court in Jiutai City, Jilin Province, the court record stated: "After hearing the evidence, it's found that the defendants Lu Xianjie, Lu Yongchang, Lu Guixia and Song Xiuqin used metal rods and axes to strike Zhang Dongfang, Wu Yunju, Zhang Zeguang and Zhang Wei, police officers from the Qingyang Police Sub-Station in Jiutai City, while they carried out their duties at the defendants' house at 12 a.m. on September 17, 2002."

    Without addressing each and every inconsistency in the court's statement, several obvious fabrications should be addressed: when the officers Zhang Dongfang, Wu Yunju, Zhang Zeguang and Zhang Wei were supposed to have carried out their duties according to the law, it was well after 9 p.m., when most farmers have already gone to sleep, so how could the defendants have been ready to attack the police? The statement said, "The testimony of Zhang Dongfang, Wu Yunju, Zhang Zeguang and Zhang Wei show that on the evening of September 17, 2002 they went to Lu Xianjie's house to check on Falun Gong practitioners according to a previous arrangement." Yet none of these policemen showed up in court, and the written testimonies of these four policemen were not consistent with each other.

    Is there any personal freedom and security in China for Falun Gong practitioners? As arranged by officials from the Jiutai City Police Station, policemen stormed into the residences of local citizens in the middle of the night. The practitioners have been systematically pursued and subjected to illegal arrests by these so-called government officials for several years as a matter of routine. Besides being illegally detained and sentenced, the practitioners have also been forced to attend a "Legal Education Program." Upon hearing the term "Education Class," many of those who've been through the "Cultural Revolution" tremble with fear. This "Education Class" has nothing to do with legal education; it is instead intended to make attendees renounce Falun Gong by utilizing force and torture.

    The following is a description of what really happened at Lu Yongchang's home at 12 a.m. on September 17, 2002.

    Around 9 p.m., the whole family went to bed. The flashing lights of a police car woke Lu Guixia up. There was a loud noise as the door was pried open, then the police broke into the house, carrying shovels. Lu Guixia didn't know what was going on and jumped out a window. She was knocked to the ground by police officers that were hiding there. Several policemen beat her savagely and dragged her to a waiting police car. She was taken to the police substation in Jiutai City, where officers were posted to guard her and the other three members of the Lu family. On the way, an officer made a phone call while sitting on Lu Guxia. The officer contacted other policemen, instructing them to go and get the other three members of the Lu family. The police chained Lu Guixia to an air duct at the sub-station, and then went back to the Lu home to get the rest of the family. They had all managed to escape undetected, however, and the police failed to arrest them. The officers were very angry when they returned to the police sub-station, and they beat Lu Guixia so cruelly that she was disfigured and lost her hearing, which she still hasn't recovered. Later, Lu Guixia also managed escape under cover of night.

    The Lu family became destitute and homeless fugitives and only made enough money to survive by performing hard physical labor. Their possessions were stolen, and their house fell into disrepair for lack of regular maintenance over the next few years. The roof leaked, the yard was full of weeds, and those who passed by looked away sadly. For several years, local government officials and police officers repeatedly persecuted all four members of the Lu family

    Before the police came to arrest the family, they had often gone to their home to harass them. Song Xiuqin and Lu Guixia were illegally sentenced to one year of forced labor because they went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. Lu Yongchang's 1.2 acre field was taken from him by force and assigned to someone else for three years by the Dayuan Village Committee of Qingyang Township; the land was later sold for 4,000 yuan, which was embezzled by the police.

    In 2004, along with the National Security Team at Jiutai City, the police arrested all four members of the Lu family from the residential area of Fenjin Township, Kuancheng District, Changchun City. They were illegally held at the detention center in Jiutai City. The authorities stole 3,400 yuan, a cell phone, and a tape recorder from them.

    Police substation at Qingyang Township Jiutai City: 86-431-2122310.

    July 7, 2005

    How Policewoman Luan Yuqin Persecuted A Female Practitioner in Her 60s for 68 Days

    I am a Falun Gong practitioner in my 60s from Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province. From December 15, 2003 to February 20, 2004, I was detained and persecuted by Liaoyuan City policewomen for 68 days. The following is an account of how policewoman Luan Yuqin and her accomplices brutally persecuted me.

    In the afternoon of December 15, 2003, Xiancheng Police, Lioayuan City searched and ransacked my home and took me to Xiancheng Police Station. Officer Luan Yuqin, who is from the National Security Team of the Liaoyuan City Public Security Bureau, was in charge of my case. That same evening, Luan and her team took me to the office of the city's National Security Team. There, they interrogated and tortured me.

    Luan ordered her team to first handcuff and shackle me, and then demanded to know where the truth-clarifying materials came from. For a half-hour I didn't respond to anything they said. Luan then kicked me in the chest and lower back and beat me with such force that I couldn't breathe. I nearly fell to the ground from her kicks. She continued to demand that I tell them where the materials came from. I still remained silent for an hour or so.

    The policewomen then used cigarette smoke to torture me. Luan lit two cigarettes and put them into my nostrils. I have never smoked in my life. The smoke was unbearable. Half an hour later, the smoke made my nose run and my eyes water, but I still did not say a word. This situation lasted well into past midnight and Luan went to sleep.

    A different group of policewomen came on duty. I kept silent as usual. They slapped my face whenever I closed my eyes, and if I kept them closed, they poured water over my face. Not only did they deprive me of any sleep, but they forbade me to use the toilet the whole night.

    The next day, Luan applied a different torture. She covered my head with a plastic bag and placed a blue plastic bucket over my head. She then continuously beat the plastic bucket over my head with a 60mm long (about 20 inches) wooden baton for a whole morning. She didn't stop beating until she broke the bucket. I remained silent as before. After lunchtime, Luan ordered her group to bring a steel bucket and fill it with books. She told them to hang the bucket from my neck. The book-filled bucket weighed about 10 kilos (22 lbs). They forced me to carry it around my neck the entire afternoon. The steel handle of the bucket, which was as thick as a chopstick, left a deep mark on my neck as thick as a thumb. They didn't take it off until 8:00 that evening.

    On December 17, Luan said that if I still refused to say where the materials came from, they would put me in the unheated garage downstairs, pour cold water over me and let me freeze to death. I responded with a smile. In the face of Falun Gong disciples' indestructible faith, the evil people are no match, no matter how brutal their persecution is.

    The next day, Luan sent me to Liaoyuan Detention Center. On December 28, 2003, I was sentenced to two years in the Provincial Women's Labor Camp. The doctor at the labor camp refused to accept me, as I failed the physical check-up. They sent me back to Liaoyuan Detention Center.

    Luan at first refused to accept this. But through my repeated explanations, she finally sent me home on February 20, 2004.

    From December 15, 2003 to February 20, 2004, I was persecuted at Liaoyuan Detention Center, for a total of 68 days.

    A Report on the Circumstances of Illegally-sentenced Practitioners from Qingdao City

    The following are the present circumstances of unlawfully-sentenced Falun Gong practitioners from Qingdao City:

    Mr. Su Jun is 29 years old, a practitioner from the Shinan District. He had been illegally detained twice, once in April 2001 and another time in March 2004. He was arrested on August 26, 2004. The court tried him on January 20, 2005 without informing his family. He was sentenced to three-and-a-half years and is appealing now.

    Ms. Cui Ling is 32 years old. She lives in the Xinjiazhuang Sub-district of the Shinan District and has a 3-or 4-year-old daughter. Ms. Cui was illegally sentenced in 2005. Rumor has it that she has been sent to the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan City.

    Mr. Wang Chenglin, from Qingdao City, is 40 years old. He started practicing Falun Gong in 2000. He had been illegally detained twice by the Qingdao police and been ruthlessly tortured. After being released, Mr. Wang became homeless and went to Anqiu City. In October 2002 he was arrested by persons from the Anqiu Police Department and was released after being fined 10 thousand yuan. In April 2003, the Anqiu Court sentenced Mr. Wang to 11 years for passing out Falun Gong truth-clarification materials. He is currently incarcerated in the Jinan Prison in Shandong Province. His family has not been permitted to visit him during the past six months. They don't know whether or not he is still alive.

    Ms. Qiu Xiuxin is 35 years old. She lives at 34 Second Beizhong Road, the Shibei District, Qingdao City. She had gone to Beijing and held a 99-meter-long banner for Falun Gong with more than 20 other practitioners. She was illegally sentenced to 10 years, and is currently locked up in the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan City.

    Ms. Wei Yufen and Wei Yumei are sisters, about 40 years old, from the Sifang District, Qingdao City. In 2004, the local truth clarification materials production site was destroyed, and they were sentenced to 10 years in prison. Now they are incarcerated in the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan City.

    Mr. Liu Zhihuan is 67 years old. He is the former chief manager of the First City Construction Company in Qingdao City, and the former director of the Engineering Department, Headquarters of the Eastern Development District in Qingdao City. He is a well-known, good and incorruptible government official. The Qindao police arrested him on August 6, 2002 and unlawfully searched his house. Mr. Liu was first held in the Dashan Detention Center in Qingdao City and then sentenced to four years. Now, he is incarcerated in Weifang City's Weibei Prison.

    Mr. Su Jiangting was a former police officer from the Licun Forced Labor Camp in Qingdao. He was illegally sentenced to 7-1/2 years for surfing the Internet in an Internet café.

    Ms. Wang Jinling was illegally sentenced to four or five years. She is being held in the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan now. Her boyfriend Liu Chun died from persecution in 1999, which was reported on the Minghui website.

    Ms. Fu Hong was reported by somebody and arrested when she was passing out Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials in March 2002. She was sentenced to three years and taken to the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan in October 2002. She was supposed to be released in March 13, 2005, but instead of letting her go home, policemen sent her to the Mingxia Road Brainwashing Class in Qingdao for further persecution.

    Ms. Zhang Shuzhen, 60 years old, lives in the #7 Building, 2nd Unit, Apt. 502, Tuandao 3rd Rd. She was illegally sentenced to four years in 2001 and is jailed in the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan.

    Ms. Wang Xiuchan was illegally sentenced to four years, and is serving her sentence in the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan.

    Mr. Shao Huimin is 53 years old. She was illegally sentenced to four years.

    Ms. Lan was illegally sentenced to three years in 2004.

    Ms. Bian Lixun was arrested by persons from the Ruichang Rd. Police Station and was illegally sentenced. She was sent to the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan.

    Ms. Cui Hongjun is from Jiaonan, Qingdao. She was illegally sentenced to eight years. We have even heard that her sentencing document states that the sentence should not be reduced. Ms. Cui was sent to the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan.

    Ms. Gao Fengqin is from Jimo. She was illegally sentenced to four years in 2004.

    Ms. Sun Gongxiang is from Jimo. She was a preschool teacher. A parent who did not know the truth about Falun Gong reported her when she was handing out Falun Gong truth-clarifying material in the school. Ms. Sun was sentenced to four years and was sent to the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan.

    Ms. Liang Su'e is 56 years old. She is a farmer from Longquan Village, Huashan Town, Jimo City, Shandong Province. She was illegally sentenced to four years in August 2002, and was sent to the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan.

    Ms. Lu Xiufang was from Jimo. She was locked up in the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan and died as a result of the persecution.

    Ms. Ji Xiuling, 43 years old, lives in Guandongdianzi Village, Jiaozhou City. At the end of 2002, she was secretly sentenced to four years in prison.

    Ms. Li Xia is 33 years old. She lives in Haojiazhuang Village, Nanducun Township, Jiaozhou City. She was sent to the Dashan Detention Center in Qingdao in March 2003. After one month, Ms. Li was secretly sentenced to four years in prison.

    Ms. Yu Airong is 45 years old. She lives Dakuaijiagou Village, Nanducun Township, Jiaozhou City. She was secretly sentenced to four years in the winter of 2002.

    Ms. Lu Fenghua 40 years old, from Dalujiatan Town, Jiaonan City, was illegally sentenced to seven years in July 2001.

    Ms. Wang Xiyu is illegally incarcerated in the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan.

    Ms. Leng Xuanju is locked up in the same prison.

    Mr. Wang Mingliang, also locked up in the same prison, in the male section, is from Longkou. He graduated from Qingdao Chemical Engineering College. He remained in Qingdao after graduation, in order to produce Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials. He called a former practitioner from his apartment, who had betrayed Falun Gong, and tried to help this person to come back on the right path. However, the police were monitoring his call and Mr. Wang was arrested. He was illegally sentenced to five years.

    Mr. Su Jing is a former policeman from the Qingdao Police Department. A traitor named Li Guifang sold him out. He was illegally sentenced to seven years and locked up in the First Provincial Prison in Jinan.

    Mr. Li Zhenwen was illegally sentenced to three years in 2002. He was released from Weibei Prison because he had been on a hunger strike for seven months and almost died. Mr. Li was arrested again in 2004 and deprived of freedom in a prison in Jinan.

    Mr. Xie Xin is 30 years old. He was sentenced to five years for making Falun Gong truth clarification materials. He is being held in a Weibei prison.

    Mr. Zang Hongtu is 30 years old. He was illegally sentenced to four years in 2002. He is incarcerated in a Weibei prison.

    Mr. Jiang Tao is 34 years old. He was a teacher in [a school affiliated with the] Qingdao Steel Industry Company. Mr. Jiang was illegally sentenced to four years in October 2001 for handing out Falun Gong truth clarification materials. He is incarcerated in a Weibei prison.

    Mr. Wang Tao is 23 years old. He was illegally arrested and sentenced in August 2002. He is incarcerated in a Weibei prison.

    Mr. Liu Weixian is 60 years old. In 2004, the truth clarification materials production site he was involved with was destroyed. Mr. Liu was sentenced to ten years and is now trying to appeal.

    Mr. Han Mingxing is from the Licang District. He was sentenced to four years in 2004.

    Mr. Li Gang is 35 years old. He was secretly arrested on November 9, 2002 by personnel from the Bureau of State Security. On December 19, 2002 Licang District police department personnel arrested him. Qingdao's Licang District procuratorate approved the arrest. That district court sentenced Mr. Li to four years. He is locked up in a Weibei prison now.

    Mr. Wang Mingjiang is from Jiaozhou. In 2004 he was sentenced to five years for refusing to renounce Falun Gong, and is now jailed in a Weibei prison.

    Mr. Qiu Yuanjin is from Jiaozhou. He was sentenced to four years.

    Mr. Liu Yaoqian is from Jiaonan. He was sentenced to four years.

    Mr. Shao Songbao is 33 years old. He was an employee of the Mingyue Seaweed Company in Jiaonan City and was sentenced to eight years.

    Mr. Zhou Hengjun is from Laixi. After one year of unlawful incarceration in the Laixi Prison, he was sentenced to four years and jailed in a Weibei prison. His daughter Zhou Yongmei was jailed in the Dashan Detention Center in Qingdao for ten months, then was sentenced to five years in August 28, 2002 and sent to a Jinan prison.

    Ms. Zhao Xiuhua and Ms. Wang Guixiang were sentenced to five years in April 25, 2002.

    Mr. Zhou Zhaohua and Mr. Leng Zhongjia were sentenced to four years on April 25, 2002.

    Mr. Wang Yang lives in the Fushan area in Qingdao. He was sentenced to three years in 2005 for conveying truth clarification information via a cell phone. Mr. Wang is being held in the Dashan Detention Center in Qingdao.

    Ms. Liang Zhaohui is 30 years old. She is from Qingdao's Shinan District. Ms. Liang went to the press conference held in Beijing in 1999 and to the 1999  experience sharing conference in Guangzhou. Ms. Liang was sentenced to seven years, and was deprived of freedom in the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison in Jinan, but was released last year. Due to the persecution, she has been brainwashed.

    Mr. Jiang Zhong is 30 years old. Before July 20, 1999, he was sentenced to three years for "divulging state secrets" because he sent internal government documents to Hong Kong that proved that the government was about to start the persecution of Falun Gong. He was jailed in a Weibei prison but has now been released. Under the severe persecution, Mr. Jiang was tortured, was forced into field labor and was subjected to below-freezing temperatures wearing only thin clothing. Mr. Jiang had lost much weight and suffered brainwashing.

    July 4, 2005

    Brief News from China - June 24, 2005

    1. [Suihua City, Helongjiang Province] Practitioner An Senbiao's Life in Danger After Half-Year Hunger Strike

    Mr. An Senbiao, 38 years old, is a worker from the Second Daqing Oil Drilling Factory. On January 24, 2005, Mr. An went to the local Babaishang Public Security Station to clarify the truth. He was arrested by police officers and sent to the Longfeng Detention Center in Daqing City, where he was held for more than a month. During his entire stay at the detention center, Mr. An was locked in a tiny cell with his legs shackled.

    In early March, 2005, Mr. An was transferred to the Second Division of the Daqing Forced Labor Camp. On March 15, along with practitioners Zhang Binzhan and Zhan Yinge, Mr. An was sent to the Suihua Forced Labor Camp. Since the very first day he was arrested, Mr. An has been on a hunger strike to protest his persecution, more than half a year now. Mr. An has become emaciated. He is unable to move at all as he lies in bed. His kidney function has seriously deteriorated. It is no longer possible to administer anything to him intravenously, and Mr. An is in danger of losing his life at any moment.

    The following is contact information about organizations and people involved in this case:

    Address and telephone number of Suihua Forced Labor Camp:

    192 Zhongzhibei Road
    Suihua City, Helongjiang Province, Zipcode 152054.
    Tel: 86-455-8353860,86-455-8355907.

    Extension number for the Director of the camp: 8001
    Extension numbers for the Deputy Directors and other officials: 8002, 8003, 8004, 8005.
    Extension numbers for the No. 2 Division: 8043, 8004.
    Extension numbers for Politics Department: 8008, 8009.

    Prison Guard Gao Zhonghai, currently in charge of persecuting Falun Gong, telephone number: 86-455-8323562

    Director of Daqing Forced Labor Camp, Ying Chengli, 86-459-4326808 (Office), 86-459-6369698(Home), 86-13329390528 (Cell).

    Director of Political Committee of Daqing Forced Labor Camp, Song Huidong, 86-459-4326800(Office), 86-459-6378169 (Home), 86-13329390559 (Cell).

    Address and telephone number of Helongjiang Province Bureau of Forced Labor Management:

    Hanguang Sub-district, Nangang District
    Harbin City, Helongjiang Province, Zipcode 150080
    Tel: 86-451-633-4371, 86-451-86334371.

    Director of the bureau, Zhang Zhian, 86-451-82726600 (Office), 86-451-82726608 (Office), 86-451-86245607 (Home).

    2. [Haicheng City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Hu Dawei Held In Detention Center

    Practitioner Hu Dawei of Haicheng City, Liaoning Province, was arrested by security staff from the Haicheng City National Security Group on June 21, 2005. By the end of that same day he was sent to the Haicheng City Detention Center. Mr. Hu's arrest order was said to be issued by the Dongchang District's Public Security Station and the National Security Group of Tonghua City, Jilin Province. More detailed information is not yet available.

    Telephone numbers of related organizations and people:

    National Security Group of Tonghua City, Jilin Province, 86-435-3258809.

    Dongchang District's Public Security Station of Tonghua City, Jilin Province, 86-435-3213015.

    Officials in charge of National Security Group of Tonghua City, Xing Huiquan and Tian Yuenan, 86-435-2975187.

    National Security Group of Haicheng City, Liaoning Province, 86-412-3223416.

    Chief Director, Zhang Enhui, 86-412-3222621, 86-412-3293081, 86-13841200333(Cell).

    Instructor, Zu Guoqing, 86-412-3222001 ext. 4401, 86-412-3280100, 13304208618 (Cell).

    Deputy Director, Zhang Ying, 86-412-3223416, 86-412-3180896, 86-412-3933223.

    Deputy Director, Li Haihua, 86-412-3223416, 86-13804922527 (Cell).

    3. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Practitioner Wang Xinyou Arrested

    At 4:00 p.m. on June 21, 2005, practitioner Wang Xinyou was removed from his home by dozens of security staff members and officials from the Zhengzhou City 610 Office and the Linshanzhai Public Security Station of Zhongyuan District. Mr. Wang was then sent to the Wanqingshanzhuang Brainwashing Session in Xiliuhu District.

    4. [Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province] Female Practitioner Tortured

    On June 4, 2005, a female practitioner, approximately 40 years old, from Taiyuan City was arrested by security staff from the Yingze District Public Security Department of Taiyuan City. The practitioner refused to reveal her name to the police and went on a hunger strike that lasted for more than ten days. The practitioner's life is currently at risk and she has been hospitalized in the Public Security Hospital of Taiyuan City.

    Telephone numbers of related organizations and people:

    Yingze District Public Security Department of Taiyuan City:

    Office: 86-351-4033443.
    Department of Politics: 86-351-4034061.
    Department of Policy Defense: 86-351-2026570.
    Department of Internal Defense: 86-351-2027989.
    Central Command Headquarter: 86-351-2021912.
    Public Security Hospital of Taiyuan City:
    Hospital Office: 86-351-4960131, 86-351-2676600.
    Department of Treatment: 86-351-2676602.
    Emergency Center: 86-351-2676654.
    Hospital Hotline: 86-351-2676611.

    5. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Wang Chengyi Arrested

    On the night of June 21, 2005, practitioner Mr. Wang Chengyi, from Qingdao City went out to distribute truth-clarification materials. He did not return home. It has now been confirmed by Mr. Wang's family that he has been arrested, but no more detailed information is yet available.

    6. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Li Guijuan Sent To Forced Labor Camp

    Practitioner Ms. Li Guijuan , 36 years old, is a teacher at the Helu Elementary School in Weifang City, Shandong Province. Ms. Li had previously been diagnosed with numerous diseases, all of which disappeared after she started practicing Falun Gong. During the period when the Chinese government began its persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, Ms. Li distributed a great deal of truth-clarification materials. As a result, she was arrested and detained in a variety of places, including her school, the local detention center and the 610 Office. Ms. Li was forced to write the so-called Three Statements, and was physically tortured to the point of receiving serious injuries as a result. Recently, when Ms. Li tried to clarify the truth to her students, the Public Security Agency was tipped off by the parents of certain of her students. For this, Ms. Li was detained first in the brainwashing center of the local 610 Office, and later, without either following due legal process or sending a notice to her family, the 610 Office sent Ms. Li to the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp. When Ms. Li's husband tried to visit her in the forced labor camp, prison officials refused to let him see his wife; he had to leave after just leaving some clothes for her.

    7. [Dehui City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Wang Xiuyan Arrested In Her Home

    Around 5:50 p.m. on June 8, 2005, police officers Du and Zhang from the Zhaoyang Public Security Station broke into and ransacked the homes of practitioners Wang Xiuyan and Lu Qingshan. The two police officers took away many Falun Gong items and arrested Wang Xiuyan. Practitioner Lu Qingshan escaped arrest with help from kind-hearted people. Practitioner Wang Xiuyan is currently being held at the Dehui City Detention Center. Since her arrest, Wang Xiuyan has been on a hunger strike to protest the persecution.

    8. [Tonghua City, Jilin Province] Three Practitioners Arrested

    At approximately 4:00 p.m. on June 20, 2005, practitioner Liang Qinghua from Erdaojiang District of Tonghua City, Jilin Province, was taken from his home by local community official Zhang Junfen, police officers Pi Jinzhong and Li Hui, and staff from the local Public Security Station. Over the subsequent two days, practitioners Sun Lixia, Sun Ailan and a practitioner surnamed Qu were also arrested, and their houses were also ransacked.

    Brief News from China - July 1, 2005

    1. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia] Mrs. Sun Guorong Abducted Again

    Falun Gong practitioner Mrs. Sun Guorong from Aohanqi, Inner Mongolia, was arrested on June 30, 2005. She is currently being detained at the Hedong Legal School Education Base, a brainwashing center, in Aohanqi.

    In 2002, Mrs. Sun Guorong and her husband Jiang Zhili were each sentenced to three years of imprisonment for allowing fellow practitioner Ji Xiaodong to stay at their home. Their elderly mother, over 60 years old, had to take care of their 13-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son for more than two years. They depended on their relatives and friends for financial assistance.

    In August 2004, after both husband and wife had served their terms, Jiang Zhili was transferred directly to the Hedong Legal School Brainwashing Center and detained for more than ten days. Mrs. Sun was also sent to the brainwashing center in October 2004. Both suffered hard labor and persecution in the labor camp. Later, they maintained their livelihood by selling snacks.

    Mrs. Sun Guorong was arrested again, and their snack bar almost went out of business. They are currently in dire straits.

    Persons responsible:
    Guo Xiaoguang, Chief of the Aohanqi 610 Office: 86-476-4331835 (Home), 86-476-4321422 (Office), 86-13804760080 (Cell)
    Liu Keqin, Deputy Head of the 610 Office: 86-476-4336295, 86-13847659056 (Cell)
    Hedong Brainwashing Center: 86-476-4333135

    2. [Hulutao, Liaoning Province] Ms. Dong Guixia Critically Ill and Sent to the Police Hospital

    On March 11, 2005, secret agents from Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, arrested Hulutao City, Liaoning Province, residents and Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Dong Guixia and Hu Baochun. Since then, Ms. Dong has been on a hunger strike to protest the unlawful arrest. She was sent to Qinhuangdao Police Hospital on March 13.

    In early June, after being on a hunger strike for three months, Ms. Dong was transferred to Old Cadre Hospital in Tangshan City, Hebei Province. Before she left Qinhuangdao Police Hospital, an exam showed that she was in critical condition.

    Secret agents from the Qinhuangdao and Hebei Province Security Ministry participated in the persecution.

    3. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Xia Yulan Sent to a Brainwashing Center after Serving an Extended Term in Forced Labor Camp

    Ms. Xia Yulan from Shenyang firmly practiced Falun Gong while detained at Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. As a result, her term was extended for another two months. Although her term ended on July 1, she has not released. Instead, the Railway Bureau, the Railway Professional School and the Huanggu District 610 Office sent her to the provincial brainwashing center for 20 days of persecution.

    4. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Mr. Wang Xingyou Taken to "Wanqing Mountain Village" Brainwashing Center

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Xingyou is a retired employee of the Zhengzhou City Science Association in Henan Province. At around 4 p.m. on June 20, 2005, people from the Zhengzhou City 610 Office, the local police station, the residents' committee, and his workplace abducted him from his home. Mr. Wang is now being detained at the notorious "Wanqing Mountain Village" Brainwashing Center in the western suburb of Zhengzhou City. Two people from his workplace have been assigned to monitor him at all times.

    5. [Xiangcheng City, Henan Province] A Non-Practitioner Detained and Tormented

    At around 10 p.m. on February 24, 2005, Ms. Zhao Wenying from Shangshui County, who does not practice Falun Gong, along with a practitioner from Xiangcheng City, were transporting equipment on a tricycle to a Falun Gong truth-clarification materials production site. At the intersection of Huancheng Road and Qingnian Road, they were discovered by a police patrol car. Ms. Zhao was arrested by the police while the practitioner escaped.

    In the detention center, Ms. Zhao was inhumanly tortured and beaten until she became unconscious. The police would then pour cold water on her to wake her up. Still, she did not tell the police anything. Although several months have passed since her arrest, the police still have not released her.

    6. [Antu County, Jilin Province] Yang Jianhua Arrested and His Home Ransacked

    On the night of June 3, 2005, policemen from Antu County and the National Protection Unit rushed into and searched Mr. Yang Jianhua's home in Sandao Village, Sandao Township, Songjiang Town, Antu County.

    They confiscated Falun Gong materials and took him away. He is now detained at the Antu County Detention Center for brainwashing.

    Responsible parties:
    National Protection Unit from Antu County Public Security Bureau:
    Yu Xue: 86-433-5827709 (Home)
    Jin Zhenshan: 86-433-5826048 (Home)
    Antu County 610 Office: 86-433-5830610, 5822481
    Zheng, Antu County Politics and Law Committee Secretary: 86-13704339118 (Cell)

    7. [Elunchun Municipality, Inner Mongolia ] Ms. Sun Lifeng Abducted

    On May 27, 2005, practitioner Ms. Sun Lifeng from Dayangshu, Elunchun Municipality, went to a fellow practitioner's home. She was followed and arrested by police officers Li Benxue and Bao Yong from the National Protection Unit, and her handbag was confiscated. The police claimed that they found several VCDs of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party in her handbag, and sent her to Alihe Detention Center in the Elunchun Municipality. Ms. Sun is still detained there.

    Alihe Detention Center: 86-470-5623729
    Director General of Public Security Bureau: 86-470-5623753

    8. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Wu Xiuhua Transferred to Chatou Brainwashing Center

    Ms. Wu Xiuhua from Guangzhou City was arrested by the residents' committee of No. 24 Haizhuang Street, Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, in early February 2004. She was first detained in the Haizhu District Brainwashing Center. She is now detained at the Chatou Brainwashing Center in Guangzhou City.

    9. [Shahe City, Hebei Province] Four Practitioners Imprisoned in Shahe City Detention Center

    A few days ago, when Mr. Dou Pingjun, a teacher from Caozhang Village, Shiliting Town, Shahe City, went to irrigate the farm at noon, he was arrested by the police. He is being held at the Shahe City Detention Center.

    Currently, four practitioners are being detained at the Shahe City Detention Center. They are: Dou Pingjun, Fan Qingzhou, Wei Zhuxue and Li Bin.

    Shahe City 610 Office: 86-319-8821610

    Liu Junlin and Qiao Zhifeng, 610 Office directors

    10. [Hebei Province] Mr. Zhu Junhui Abducted and Taken to Shijiazhuang City Brainwashing Center

    Mr. Zhu Junhui, 43 years old, is from the Weishui District in Jingxing County, Hebei Province. He was a former military officer of vice battalion rank. A month after he started to practice Falun Gong, the army's internal persecution of Falun Gong began. Mr. Zhu was sent to a mental hospital, injected with harmful drugs, and suffered intense brainwashing by the army.

    Around 2002, Mr. Zhu was compelled to change careers and later worked at the Water Administration Station near Changgang, a subdivision of Jingxing County People's Irrigation Ditch Administrative Office. He is a hard worker, and all of his colleagues have mentioned that he is a good person.

    On June 7, 2005, Mr. Zhu publicly withdrew from the Chinese Communist Party and refused to attend any party meetings. His workplace deceived him with the excuse of "helping the manager to harvest wheat," and forcibly took him to Shijiazhuang Brainwashing Center in Hebei.

    At first, his workplace claimed that Mr. Zhu Junhui had gone home to harvest wheat, although it was after the harvest season. Then they lied to his family, saying that he went outside to study. At the moment, his family is very worried because they do not know where he is.

    The Water Administration Station where Mr. Zhu worked:
    Wu Jianjun, manager: 86-311-82043988 (Office), 86-13831113142 (Cell)
    Superior work unit: Jingxing County People's Irrigation Ditch Administrative Office
    Zhang Shengting, chief and primary instigator for the arrest of Zhu Junhui: 86-311-
    82046027 (Office), 86-13903212048 (Cell)

    11. [Tianshui City, Gansu Province] Ms. Liu Xiaoming Seized by Police

    At around 11 a.m. on June 27, 2005, Ms. Liu Xiaoming from the Qinzhou District of Tianshui City was arrested from home by the Xiguan Local Police Station, the Qinzhou National Security Group, and a group of unknown people. She is now being held at the Qinzhou National Security Group, formerly the Politics and Security Section.

    Summary of Other Articles and News - July 13, 2005

    1. Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Li from Beijing abducted

    Practitioner Mr. Wang Li, 33 years old, lived in the Chaoyang District, Beijing. On February 22, 2004 the perpetrators ransacked Wang Li's residence and took photo(s) of Wang Li. They also forced him to sign a document; then sent him to the Daxing Brainwashing Class. The police officers kicked Mr. Wang until his body was black and blue and he could not move. They also didn't allow him to sleep for a very long time and beat him until he almost lost consciousness. On September 1, 2004 Wang Li was transferred to the Beijing Police Department, where he was held for six months. In February 2005, he was transferred to the Chaoyang District Detention Center. The public Procuratorate has been on his case ever since the persecution began and no result came of it. Several days after Wang Li's abduction, his wife gave birth to a baby girl. The child is almost 18 months old and has never seen her father. Mr. Li's wife is having difficulty raising the baby.

    2. Eighty-three-year-old Falun Gong practitioner from Shandong Province forced to leave home

    Practitioner Liu Guirong, 83 years old, lived in Fangjiayao Village, Wendeng City, Shandong Province. She became very healthy after she started practicing Falun Gong. On April 3, 2005 Liu Guirong was discovered when she was teaching the Falun Gong exercises to her granddaughter-in-law. She was forced to leave home to avoid persecution. More than ten officers from the Xicang Police Department broke into Ms. Liu's home and abducted her granddaughter-in-law and held her for eight days. They fined her and forced her to pay for their dinner(s) and extorted a total of 3,000 yuan from her.

    3. Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Xie Wangming, a patrol police officer in Xiangtan City, Hunan Province abducted by National Security Bureau agents

    Falun Gong practitioner Xie Wangming, an officer from Jiangdong Police Department Patrol Police Division in Xiangtan City, Hunan Province was abducted by National Security Bureau on the evening of June 30, 2005 and was severely persecuted. The perpetrators claimed they would "torture him to death."

    Xie Wangming is in his 40s and lived in Xiangtan City, Hunan Province. He was an Air Force officer and was transferred to civilian work in 2002. His first appointment was as an official in the Army Reserve. Then he was transferred to the Jiangdong Police Department in Xiangtan City and worked as the deputy group head at the Patrol Police Division. Another source stated that Mr. Xie worked in the Riot Control Division. He often worked night shifts and he overcame difficulties to appeal for Falun Gong. Around March or April 2005, the Falun Gong materials production site in Xiangtan City was destroyed and Xie Wangming was forced into homelessness in order to avoid arrest. The city police secretly pursued him. On the evening of June 30, the police abducted Mr. Xie at the materials production site. They looted the equipment and stole the cash at the production site. The loss was great. Xie Wangming was abducted.

    4. Benxi Forced Labor Camp plans to extend the term of practitioner Ms. Wang Xuefei from Panjin City, Liaoning Province

    Perpetrators from the Shuangtaizi District Police Department abducted practitioner Ms. Wang Xuefei, from Panjin City on the morning of October 22, 2002. After being held for over a month at the Panjin City Detention Center, Wang Xuefei's family had 600 yuan extorted from them. Following that, Wang Xuefei was sentenced to three years of forced labor. She was held at the Panjin Forced Labor Camp for over a year and received a two-month sentence reduction. Nevertheless, she was then transferred to the Benxi Forced Labor Camp to be detained and further persecuted. The guards exhausted all kinds of abusive methods but still failed to "reform" Wang Xuefei. She is currently in a very difficult situation. Wang Xuefei is scheduled to be released on August 21, 2005.