The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- July 19, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Brainwashing Sessions Used to Intensify the Persecution of Practitioners in Hunan Province Women's Prison

  • Rao Mianhua Arrested Again After Being Paralyzed as a Result of the Persecution

  • More Facts about the Persecution and Death of Schoolteacher Hou Youfang from Jinchang, Gansu Province

  • Practitioner Wang Aihua from Yubei Distric, Chongqing City Is Imprisoned

  • Xindian Labor Camp in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, Illegally Detained Multiple Practitioners

  • Brief News from China - July 2, 2005

  • Brief News from China - July 5, 2005

  • Summary of Other Articles and News - July 9, 2005

  • Brainwashing Sessions Used to Intensify the Persecution of Practitioners in Hunan Province Women's Prison

    Since June 2005, Hunan Province Women's Prison has intensified its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. They have established brainwashing sessions specifically targeting those practitioners who refuse to write the so-called "repentance statements." Those who are carrying out the brainwashing sessions have assigned one practitioner to a room and appointed two criminals to monitor each practitioner 24 hours a day. Two prison guards are also assigned to each practitioner.

    These practitioners are forced to do slave labor work every day. They have to peel broad beans for more than 10 hours every day, leaving them very little time to rest. When some practitioners resisted the slave labor, the prison guards used all kinds of methods to torture them. The practitioners experience intense mental persecution when they are forced with brainwash day and night.

    At present, practitioner Ms. Zhou Pinjun from Changsha City, the daughter of Taiwan citizen Ms. Zhou Yuying, is being brutally tortured in the brainwashing sessions. The prison guards use slanderous tactics by saying that Ms. Zhou "is always very stubborn and infatuated." They declared that "in order to save her and educate her, the prison is now trying its best to help her." In order to brainwash and "transform" her, the prison guards also wrote a letter to Ms. Zhou's relatives that are not practitioners to persuade them to cooperate in the brainwashing. They also suggested that her relatives bring Zhou Pinjun's four-year-old child to visit her in prison, hoping to shake her righteous belief by using her family. When they spoke to Ms. Zhou's relatives, they also tried to extract personal and family information about her. Zhou Chang and the prison guards monitored her everyday

    The slogan that Hunan Province Women's Prison uses to persecute practitioners is "the government has many kinds of ways to punish you." The "brainwashing team" is extremely evil in persecuting practitioners. They implement regulations to torture the practitioners' bodies and minds. For instance, they specified that the practitioners are not allowed to help each other in their day to day life and work; the criminals are to watch the practitioners at all times and restrain their every word and action; everything written by the practitioners, including the letters to their family, are to be checked. Whenever practitioners speak to each other, the guards and criminals are to immediately stop them. Even when practitioners are standing and sitting, a criminal will stand between them. When practitioners go to the restroom during the night, the criminals are also to follow them to the restroom.

    During this round of persecution, the Hunan Province Women's Prison is using both persuasion and threats to run the brainwashing sessions. At the moment, practitioners in the prisons are enduring extreme pressure, and they really need all the support they can get from practitioners and righteous people from the outside world. The harm caused by spiritual devastation and humiliation are much more severe than the bodily pains inflicted on them.

    The details of Ms. Zhou Pin's situation can be found in the article published on Clearwisdom website on April 29, 2004, "Taiwan Citizen's Daughter Zhou Pinjun Held without Trial for One Year, Then Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison."


    Hunan Province Women's Prison:
    Deputy Warden Zhao Lan, female, the main person responsible for the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners: 86-731-2323878 (Home), 86-731-2323007 (Office), 86-13308498728 (Cell).
    Chief of Education Section Ao Chunling, an active participant in the persecution of practitioners in Hunan Province Women's Prison: 86-731-2323039 (Office), 86-13975163288 (Cell).
    Chief of Education Section Zhang Zhuo, an active participant in the persecution of practitioners in Hunan Province Women's Prison: 86-731-2323039 (Office), 86-13975868160 (Cell).
    Chief police officer of the Education and Transform Team Li Chunhui: 86-731-2323040 (Office), 86-13637311116 (Cell).
    Chief police officer of the Education and Transform Team Police Xue: 86-731-2323040 (Office), 86-13787788566 (Cell)
    Education and Transform Team: 86-731-2323040

    Prison Orientation Team: 86-731-2323710
    Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 2, Changsha City, Hunan Province, 410004

    Hunan Province Prison Administrative Bureau (with jurisdiction over Hunan Province Women's Prison):
    Party Secretary and Bureau Chief Liu Wanqing, in charge of all the prison related work of Hunan Province: 86-731-4592781 (Office).
    Deputy Secretary of the Party and Political Commissar Zhang Shiming, assistant to the prison related work: 86-731-4592782 (Office).
    Deputy Director Li Yunfeng, in charge of transforming the inmates: 86-731-4592780 (Office), 86-731-4592233 (Home), 86-13908463868 (Cell).
    Mailing Address: 246 Bayi Rd, Changsha City, Hunan Province, 410001.

    Ms. Zhou Pinjun's relatives:
    Mother, Zhou Yuying: 886-424854197 (Home), 0918580167 (Cell),

    Address: Apt 19, Building 11, Zhongxin Street, Dali City, Taizhong, Taiwan
    Brother, Zhou Jie: 86-13307312577 (Cell).
    Sister-In-Law, Hu Rong: 86-13319561126 (Cell), 86-731-4377313 (Home)
    Husband Lei Yangfan and his parents: 86-731-2211492

    Chinese version available at

    Rao Mianhua Arrested Again After Being Paralyzed as a Result of the Persecution

     Ms. Rao Mianhua, a Falun Gong practitioner from Wuxue City, Hubei Province, was blinded and paralyzed as a result of the persecution, and now relies on a wheelchair to move around. Even in this condition, the local police officers often harass her at her home. Recently, they arrested her in mid-June. After five days on a hunger strike, she was released in an emaciated state.

    Ms. Rao, 42, is from Jianjialin Village, Wuxue City, Hubei Province. After she began practicing Falun Gong in 1997, her stomach cancer and many other illnesses were healed without medical treatment. She was steadfast in her beliefs after July 20, 1999, so the Public Security Office and the 610 Office in Wuxue City arrested her and detained her in the Shizishan Drug Rehabilitation Center in Wuhan City in 2000 and 2001. During the detention, she suffered inhuman torture to the extent that she lost her eyesight and was paralyzed from the waist down before they released her. She now relies on a wheelchair to move around.

    After the exposure of Ms. Rao's persecution on the Internet, police officers from the 610 Office continued to harass her. Police from the Qinglin police station publicly threatened to arrest her. On May 28, 2005, Tian Shuijin, the secretary of the local office in charge of the persecution, obtained a search warrant and led six or seven plain-clothes policemen to search her house. They took away her son's MP3 player (for learning Falun Gong principles in English ) and her Falun Gong exercise tape, books, and truth-clarification material.

    Between June 14-16, Ms. Rao went to the Public Security Office and the Qinglin Police Station three times to ask for the return of the Falun Gong books, truth-clarification material, and her son's MP3 player. As a result, she was locked up. While jailed, she refused food and water for five days. They eventually let her go because of her physical condition.

    Chinese version available at

    More Facts about the Persecution and Death of School Teacher Hou Youfang from Jinchang, Gansu Province

     On November 29, 2002, Ms. Hou Youfang was tortured to death in the Ping'antai Labor Camp in Gansu Province.

    Ms. Hou Youfang used to be a school teacher at the Xipo Middle School in the Jinchuan District, Jinchang City, Gansu Province. She started practicing Falun Gong in April 1999. After that, her many illnesses vanished, including gallstones. More importantly, she was deeply inspired by the profound principles articulated in Zhuan Falun. Through constant study of Falun Gong books she became more and more aware of the true meaning of life and was determined to conduct herself as a true practitioner.

    In July 1999, the Chinese government started to persecute Falun Gong. Ms. Hou overcame many obstacles in February 2000 and resolutely went to Beijing to appeal, but she was arrested. Those who took her back to Jinchang City were school principal Huang Jisheng and an officer from her local police station. Immediately afterwards she was illegally detained for two weeks. In less than three days after her release, fearing implication, her husband divorced her because she refused to give up Falun Gong. After the divorce, she did not have a place to live and went to her school authorities asking for housing, but was refused. She had no other choice but to rent an apartment in the countryside. In addition, because of her appeal, the police fined her 3,000 yuan and the school officials fined her 6,000 yuan.

    The Jinchang City 610 Office collaborated with the school principal to persecute her. They didn't allow her to teach classes; instead, assigned her to cook for dozens of students. They also gave her the most exhausting and filthy work to do and didn't allow her to rest. They verbally abused her on a daily basis and played all kinds of dirty tricks on her to make her life miserable.

    Zhang Xueyou, a school official in the Ningyuan Section who is now transferred to the Jinchuan District government, is very vicious. He would force Ms. Hou Youfang to pick coal cinders from a coal pile, forbidding her to wear gloves. As a result, Ms. Hou's fingers were cut and often bled. She was paid only 200 yuan a month for living expenses.

    Some "helpers" who were part of the persecution against her said, "As soon as you stop practicing Falun Gong, you will be compensated for all your lost wages in the past several years, you will be assigned an apartment and your teaching privileges will be reinstated." Ms. Hou Youfang replied firmly, "I will not give up my practice! All I need is a simple apartment to live in." The "helpers" replied, "If you don't give it up, you'll get nothing from us."

    In August 2001, she was reported to the police when she was clarifying the truth. Meng Jiaxian and Li Xinhua from the Jinchuan Police Department searched for her everywhere. She went into exile to avoid being arrested again. Once, when she went back to her previous place of residence to fetch some belongings, she was followed. Later on she was arrested, her home was ransacked, and Huang Jisheng confiscated 500 yuan in cash from her. Ms. Hou Youfang eventually escaped.

    At the end of August 2001, when Ms. Hou Youfang was clarifying the truth in the Minqin area of Gansu Province, she was once again illegally arrested and suffered the brutal torture called Tiger Bench for three consecutive days. Following that, officers from the Jinchang Police Department took her back and sent her to forced labor several days later.

    According to reliable sources, policeman Cai Jianjun from the Jinchang City Drug Rehabilitation Center was in charge of sending Ms. Hou to the labor camp. Because Ms. Hou's health was very poor from the long-term persecution, the Gansu Second Labor Camp refused to accept her, as did the Gansu First Labor Camp. Cai Jianjun persisted, bribing the officials of the labor camps and saying, "My boss has said Hou Youfang has a stomach problem. Even if we have to open her stomach and pull her disease out, the labor camp has to accept her." When several inmates carried Ms. Hou out of the van and put her on the ground, she doubled over in pain and couldn't move. Inmates then carried her into the labor camp.

    As soon as she entered the labor camp, the police immediately forced her to write the so-called three statements and urged inmates and collaborators to brainwash her. They forced her to read books that defame Falun Gong. In addition, they tortured her by handcuffing her, with one hand at the back and one reaching over the shoulder, and hung her up in this position. She developed severely itchy skin at the time and it was almost unbearable. Under pressure, she wrote the "three statements." Later she realized what she had done and made a solemn declaration that she would continue practicing Falun Gong. The police then incited inmates to beat her. They deprived her of sleep for a month, forced her to stand outside and forced her to do slave labor for long hours.

    On one occasion she escaped but didn't make it far. Policewoman Hu Qingmei immediately beat her so hard that Ms. Hou couldn't stand up anymore. Several other police officers stomped on her abdomen, arms and legs. This was witnessed by locals who were passing by. After Ms. Hou Youfang died, to cover up their crime, the police found these passersby and bought their silence with several hundred yuan.

    When Ms. Hou Youfang was carried back to Team 2, she screamed in pain, "It hurts so badly. My arms and legs have been broken!" All practitioners in Team 2 were driven back to their cells and forced to lie prone on their beds without raising their heads. Hearing Ms. Hou's miserable screams, a practitioner rushed to the door and saw that the police officers violently dragged Ms. Hou Youfang around, with her right arm completely limp. She was locked up in a confined cell. She was unable to stand, she was covered with dirt, and her face was dark purple. Not long after that the police officers carried her to the labor camp hospital. In less than 24 hours, the two inmates in charge of monitoring her returned and wouldn't say anything about her. One of them quietly told an inmate in a corner, "They beat her too severely and dare not assume the responsibility." The police took Ms. Hou to the hospital, planning to destroy the evidence.

    After Ms. Hou Youfang was taken to the hospital, Falun Gong practitioners in all of the teams were forbidden to use the bathroom, day or night. They had to use a bucket in the courtyard. All the filthy and exhausting labor that only Falun Gong practitioners were forced to do were now reassigned to the inmates. There are four teams in Division Seven, holding more than a hundred Falun Gong practitioners. The police tightly blocked the information and forbade practitioners from talking to each other. For several months no family member visits were permitted and no practitioners were released, even after their terms had expired. As late as 2005, the police would still lie to practitioners in other teams, saying, "Hou Youfang was transferred somewhere else."

    Ms. Hou Youfang was detained several times. Even when she was illegally sentenced to forced labor, her son had never had a chance to visit her. After Ms. Hou was tortured to death, fearing their crime would be exposed, the labor camp authorities did not inform her family members. They collaborated with the Jinchang City "610 Office" and only informed her son. They told numerous lies to him. Her son finally gave up the idea of having a last look at his mother after hearing the lies. He authorized the labor camp criminals to cremate his mother's body in the labor camp.

    Ms. Hou Youfang and her ex-husband have a son who has a job. When she clarified the truth to him, he wouldn't listen. Moreover, he mocked her and swore at her in public several times.

    After Ms. Hou Youfang was tortured to death, her ex-husband Zhang Tingshun forged his son's name on documents to obtain an "inheritance." Through improper methods he acquired her pension money, was compensated for funeral expenses, and collected several months' back wages totaling over 10,000 yuan. He refused to give a share to Ms. Hou's elderly mother.

    Ms. Hou's elderly mother had been looking forward to her daughter's return. The family members wanted to spare her the anguish of her daughter's death and did not tell her the tragic news for two years.

    One day in 2004, when her mother accidentally heard from others that her daughter had been killed, she almost passed out. She spent the following days in deep grief and mourning for the terrible death of her daughter.

    Chinese version available at

    Practitioner Wang Aihua from Yubei Distric, Chongqing City Is Imprisoned

     On the evening of June 30, 2005, practitioner Wang Aihua from Yubei District, Chongqing City was illegally arrested when she was distributing truth clarification materials. The police searched her home and took away two computers (one was newly bought for her child's studies), Falun Gong books, VCDs, and other materials. Her daughter was left at home with an eighty-year-old grandparent. Wang Aihua is currently detained at the detention center in Yubei District, Chongqing City.

    Ms. Wang Aihua is about 50 years old. Before practicing Falun Gong, she suffered from a variety of diseases. Her family, friends, and co-workers all knew that she had to wear a winter coat and hat even in the summer. Since Wang Aihua started practicing Falun Gong, huge changes happened to her. She cherished Falun Gong and told everyone about the practice. Wang Aihua used to be a voluntary assistant of the local practice site.

    In 2000, Wang Aihua went to Beijing to appeal, in an attempt to clarify the truth of Falun Gong to the government. Consequently, she was sentenced to one year of imprisonment at a forced labor camp. She was severely tortured and persecuted there and developed a disease of the spine as a result.

    In April 2002, Wang Aihua was sent to a labor camp because she distributed truth clarification materials. Her home was searched and her computer, printer, Falun Gong books and materials were taken by the police. She was persecuted for two years in the forced labor camp and her eyesight declined severely. The Minghui/Clearwisdom website has previously reported on Wang Aihua's situation.

    It is not clear what Wang Aihua's situation is at present, except she is detained at the detention center in Yubei District, Chongqing City. Her daughter cries for her at home, along with her eighty-year-old grandmother, who is also left at home.

    Detention Center of Yubei District, Chongqing City: 86-23-67804134

    Chief Procurator of Yubei District: 86-23-67821818

    Assistant Procuratorof Yubei District: 86-23-67810678 86-23-67808263 86-23-67808233

    Procuratorate Office of Yubei District: 86-23-67821673

    Head of Court, Yubei District: 86-23-67821433 Deputy Head: 86-23-67822214

    Office of Law Court, Yubei District: 86-23-67821436

    Director, Police Station of Yubei District: 86-23-67821616

    Department One, Police Station: 86-23-67822403
    Department Two: 86-23-67821103
    Department Three: 86-23-67821579

    Police Branch of Yubei District, Chongqing City: 86-23-6782-2691

    Mayor of Chongqing City: 86-23-6385-4444

    Yubei Government, Chongqing City, Sichuan Province

    610 Office, Police Station

    Address: No. 106 Jinghu Road, Lianglu Township, Yubei District, Chongqing City, Postal Code: 401120

    General Management Office: 86-23-6782-5214

    Wang Qing, Deputy Political and Legal Party Secretary, 610 Office: 86-23-6782-1343

    Qiu Fulin, Deputy Party Secretary and Political and Legal Party Secretary, Yubei District:

    Zhou Yong, Deputy Political and Legal Party Secretaries 86-13609416698(Cell), 86-23-6782-1005

    Zeng Ping, Deputy Political and Legal Party Secretaries: 86-23-6782-1005

    Wei Jingcheng, Head of the Police Station

    Police Station Office: 86-23-6782-2057,86-23-6780-2961

    Yang Ruoping, Deputy Head of the Police Station

    Chen Guangfu, Deputy Head of the Police Station

    Chen Huiping, Deputy Head of the Police Station

    Luo Siming, Deputy Head of the Police Station

    Bao Jiwei, Head of Security Department

    Xiao Shufan, Head of the Detention Center of the Police Station: 86-23-6782-1241

    Police Station of Chongqing City: 86-23-6384-4756

    Liu Feng, Zeng Xiangfu, Police Station of Longxi Township, Yubei District, Chongqing City: 86-23-67611647, 86-23-67615044

    July 3, 2005

    Chinese version available at

    Xindian Labor Camp in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, Illegally Detained Multiple Practitioners

     Taiyuan City Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Fang is 40 years old. Officers from Xiaodian District Police Station in Taiyuan City arrested her and ransacked her home in March 2005. Later she was sent to the Taiyuan City Xindian Labor Camp for two years.

    Taiyuan practitioner Ms. Wu Guimei is over 60 years old. At the beginning of this year she was arrested by Taiyuan Bolin District police and sent to Xindian Forced Labor Camp for a two-year term.

    Mr. Liu Yuhong is about 30 years old and from the Shanxi Area. He was arrested while clarifying the truth to the people. He was sent to the No. 3 Team of the city's forced labor camp by the city's 610 Office in April 2005. He firmly believes in Falun Gong and clarified the truth to the guards of the labor camp. As a result, these guards tortured him in various ways.

    Mr. Liu Zengfang is over 60 years old. He is a retired associate professor and a practitioner from Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province. He is now detained in the No. 3 Team of Xindian Forced Labor Camp. This is the second time that he has been detained in this labor camp. It has been learned that the guards gave him another three years of forced labor camp. The last time it was two years.

    Xindian Forced Labor Camp is a dark lair where practitioners are persecuted in Shanxi Province. There are still over 20 male and over 100 female practitioners detained there. Since July 20, 1999, several times there have been close to 1000 practitioners detained there.

    Hotline of the Jiancao Branch of the Taiyuan City Police Station: 86-351-6030586 extension 8046

    Chinese version available at

    Brief News from China - July 2, 2005

    1. [Chongqing] Mr. Cheng Zaiyong from Rongchang Arrested

    Mr. Chen Zaiyong from Rongchang in Chongqing was arrested on the evening of June 30, 2005.

    2. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Mr. Chen Yunlong Arrested

    Mr. Chen Yunlong from Zhengzhou City was arrested by the Zhongyuan Police Department in Zhengzhou City in October 2004. On May 10, 2005, Mr. Chen was sentenced to six years in prison. He has been sent to Ward No. 5 in Xinmi Men's Prison in Zhengzhou.

    3. [Guiyang City, Guizhou Province] Mr. Xie Zhonggui and Others Unlawfully Taken into Custody

    Around 4:00 p.m. on July 1, 2005, Mr. Xie Zhonggui was arrested by the Guiyang City Police Department at his home on Beijing Road in Guiyang City. Mr. Yuan Yifa, Ms. Wu Mingju, Ms. Chen Shujing and Mr. Ouyang Yiping, who were arrested at the beginning of this year, have been on hunger strikes in custody, protesting the illegal persecution. Ms. Wu Mingju has been transferred to the Meitan Detention Center in Zunyi. Ms. Chen Shujing and Mr. Ouyang Yiping are in the Zunyi No. 2 Detention Center, and Mr. Yuan Yifa s in the Fenggang Detention Center in Zunyi.

    4. [Rizhao, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhang Qingtang Arrested

    Mr. Zhang Qingtang, 55, from Wulian in Rizhao, Shandong Province, went to Hezigou to clarify the truth on the morning of June 17, 2005. Plainclothes police officers followed and arrested him. Mr. Zhang is being held in the Wulian Detention Center.

    5. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Ye Xiuwen from the Jiang'an District Arrested

    Around 4:00 p.m. on June 29, 2005, Ms. Ye Xiuwen, 64, from the Jiang'an District was taken by officers from the local 610 Office to the Chenjiaji Brainwashing Center in Wuhan City, Hubei Province.

    6. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Ms. Wang Yumei Arrested; Her Whereabouts Unknown

    In September 2004, Ms. Wang Yumei was arrested at her home by Jianzhong Police Station officers in the Erqi District. Her whereabouts remain unknown.

    7. [Hunan Province] He Yingqing, a Teacher at the Hunan Biological and Electromechanical Professional School, under Arrest

    He Yingqing is a teacher at the Hunan Biological and Electromechanical Professional School. On June 30, He was arrested while at school. Prior to this, He was taken to a brainwashing center in the Furong District of Changsha City in February 2001 and subsequently sentenced to two years of forced labor for refusing to give up Falun Gong.

    8. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Mr. Yang Guang Sent Back to Jilin Prison

    Mr. Yang Guang from Changchun City was sent to the Jilin Prison and underwent torture again in the first week of June 2005. In November 2004, Mr. Yang was sent to the Jilin Provincial Forced Labor Hospital for treatment of injuries sustained as a result of torture in the Jilin Prison. Mr. Yang did not receive proper treatment in the hospital. His lower body remained paralyzed and he was not able to hold anything in his hands.

    9. [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Ji Guilan Arrested and Sent to Wangcun Forced Labor Camp

    At 4:30 p.m. on May 11, 2005, a dozen or so officers from the Yantai City 610 Office and the Zhifu District Police Department arrested Ms. Ji Fuilan. She was sent to the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp on May 12.

    10. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Yang Yanting Held in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

    Ms. Yang Yanting, from Sanshilipu in Dalian City, was arrested in the Ganjingzi District of Dalian City in February 2002. She was sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp for three years of forced labor in March 2002. Throughout the three years, the labor camp authorities have not allowed her family to visit her.

    Chinese version available at

    Brief News from China - July 5, 2005

    1. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Yang Jiangwei from Suizhong County Once Again Arrested

    Mr. Yang Jiangwei was arrested by police from the Suizhong County on July 4, 2005.

    2. [Deyang City, Sichuan Province] Several Practitioners Including Mrs. Wang Ai'yun Were Arrested

    On June 18, 2005, Mrs. Wang Aiyun and her husband Luo Ge, who is also a Falun Gong practitioner, were illegally arrested by the police. The police also confiscated her computer, printer and several thousand yuan. Meanwhile, Mr. Zhang Wei was arrested by police

    3. [Raodu District, Linfen City, Shanxi Province] Mr. Meng Liqian Was Sentenced to Three Years in Labor Camp for Giving out Truth-Clarifying Materials

    Mr. Meng Liqian was arrested on July 10, 2004 for giving out truth-clarification materials. Mr. Meng was sentenced to three years in a forced labor camp. He has been in the camp since then.

    4. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Si Bin Arrested from Home

    Around 11 a.m. on July 2, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Si Bin was arrested from home by police from Wushan Street Police Substation.

    5. [Guangdong Province] Mr. Lu Pingyi and Ms. Zhou Meiling Arrested by Police of the Huizhou North Station in Guangdong Province

    Around 9 p.m. on May 23, 2005, practitioners Mr. Lu Pingyi and Ms. Zhou Meiling were arrested by the police when they went on a walk. The police took Mr. Lu to his apartment and seized his computer and other equipment. His daughter Beibei was left in the care of a schoolteacher.

    6. [Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province] Practitioners Including Ms. Li Xiaoling Were Arrested

    Several practitioners in Jiaxing District, including Ms. Li Xiaoling, Ms. Cui Meiying, Ms. Lu Yinhua, and Ms. Chen Xiulian, were arrested between April and June 2005.

    7. [Dongli District, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Yan Yanzhen Was Arrested

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yan Yanzhen, an English teacher at the Harbin EEC Institute, was arrested from home in the morning of June 30, 2005.

    8. [Huangshan City, An'hui Province] Ms. Jie Guangfu Has Been Jailed Since September 2005

    Since September 2004, over thirty practitioners from Huangshan City, including Ms. Jie Guangfu, have been illegally arrested, detained and fined. Ms. Jie is still detained in the Xiaolongshan Detention Center in Huangshan City. Torture has disfigured Jie Guangfu's face. She has not been allowed to get a haircut in over a year.

    9. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Deng Guoxiu and Ms. Gong Dongmei Were Arrested

    Ms. Deng Guoxiu, around 40, is a physician in the Railway Center Hospital on Wuli Street, Hanyang District, Wuhan City. In the afternoon of June 8, 2005, the 610 Office hospital officials arrested her under the pretense of inviting her to a talk. Other practitioners arrested on June 8 include Ms. Gong Dongzhi, 40, who lived on Yingwu Street, Hanyang District.

    10. [Chongqing City] Mrs. He Bendi is Being Tortured in Brainwashing Class

    Mrs. He Bendi, 62, was again arrested in January 2005 by the Hechuan 610 Office and the Chongqing City Public Security Bureau. He is being held in the brainwashing class at Nanping Senior Center on Nanjin Street, Hechuan. Her family has not been allowed to visit her for the past six months.

    11. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Mr. Lu Qiqi Has Been Illegally Jailed for One Year and Four Months

    Since March 2004, Mr. Lu Qiqi from Wuhan City has been persecuted in the Zhangjiaji brainwashing class in Jiang'an District, Wuhan City.

    12. [Jingdong County, Simao, Yunnan Province] Three Elderly Practitioners Including Mr. He Jingchuan Were Arrested

    On May 30, 2005, three elderly practitioners including Mr. He Jingchuan, 71, Mr. Wu Mingcai, 65, and Mrs. Yang Pizhi, 67, were arrested and taken to a detention center.

    Relevant phone numbers:

    The Reception Office of the Jingdong County People's Government: 86-879-6221373, 86-879-6221845

    The Receptionist Office of the Jingdong County Public Security Bureau: 86-879-6221250

    The Commissioner: 86-879-6221156

    The Deputy Commissioner: 86-879-6221151

    13. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Two Practitioners Including Mr. Sun Liwen Were Arrested

    On the evening of July 1, 2005, the police arrested Mr. Sun Liwen and ransacked his home. On the morning of July 2, 2005, a practitioner whose last name is Zang was also arrested.

    14. [Xian City, Shaanxi Province] Ms. Chen Mingang Sentenced to Forced Labor for the Third Time

    Ms. Chen Mingang was arrested for clarifying the facts in Chengcheng County on May 3, 2005. She went on a hunger strike to protest. On the 18th day of her hunger strike, Ms. Chen was sentenced to one year and three months in the Zaozhihe Labor Camp in Shaanxi Province. This is the third time she has been sentenced for practicing Falun Gong.

    15. [Qi County, Henan Province] Li Xiuqin and Hou Yanling Acquitted

    In the afternoon of May 9, 2005, practitioners Ms. Li Xiuqin and Ms. Hou Yanling were arrested. Ms. Hou was released on June 12 from the Qi County Public Security Bureau Detention Center. Ms. Li was released on June 13.

    16. [Yuechi County, Guang'an, Sichuan Province] Police Arrested Qu Zhenqing after Breaking His Arms

    Mr. Qu Zhenqing from Sichun has been jailed and subjected to brainwashing several times for practicing Falun Gong. He was forced to become homeless for 18 months after his release. Around 9 a.m. on June 16, 2005, four policemen pinned Mr. Qu to the ground, broke his arms, and took him to the local police station.

    17. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Yan Yanzhen and Ms. Zhou Lei Were Arrested

    Ms. Yan Yanzhen (a practitioner whose name is the same as the practitioner in item 7), a postgraduate student from Harbin Linye University, Heilongjiang Province, was arrested without any reason on July 3, 2005 by the National Security Team. After being persecuted for two years in a labor camp, Ms. Zhou Lei was arrested again and taken to another brainwashing class on June 14, 2005.

    18. [Tiexi District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Wang Bo Was Arrested

    Wang Bo is an employee of the Shenyang Third Machinery Factory. Around 7 p.m. on June 16, 2005, Mr. Wang was arrested for posting truth-clarifying materials at the residence building on Xingshun Street, Tiexi District. The police severely beat him until the next morning. Officers from the Xingshun Police Substation searched Mr. Wang's, his mother's, and his brother's homes. They failed to seize Wang's brother's computer. Around 1 p.m. on June 17, Wang Bo was transferred to the Shenyang City Wanjiahezi No. 2 Detention Center, and he has been held there for nearly a month. His family was not allowed to visit. Since the persecution began on July 20, 1999, Wang Bo has been repeatedly interrogated and arrested by the street committee, the police, and the district 610 personnel. He has been twice arrested and taken to a brainwashing class.

    The Xingshun Police Substation's phone number: 86-24-25863144

    19. [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhou Minzhong Arrested and Fired from Work

    Mr. Zhou Minzhong, 54, was an employee of the Shandong Gelaide Weaving Production Co., Ltd. Mr. Zhou was arrested and sentenced to two years in a labor camp for posting Falun Gong flyers. Four months after his release, Mr. Zhou has not fully recovered from the torture he suffered in detention. Factory Director Sun Yuqing did not allow Zhou Minzhong to return to work. Mr. Zhou filed an appeal to the Arbitration Committee, but the committee concluded that the appeal was invalid. Mr. Zhou then filed another appeal to the Mouping District People's Court. The court held a hearing about the case at 2:30 p.m. on June 13, 2005.

    Relevant phone numbers:

    Yi Shuqiu, Head of the Mouping District People's Court: 86-535-4212036-5201 (Office)

    Sun Yuqing, factory director: 86-535-4337902, 86-535-4313092 (Office)

    20. [Dongguan Town, Shuangcheng, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Liu Zhihong Is Detained in the Changlinzi Labor Camp

    Mr. Liu Zhihong was arrested in the evening of March 2, 2003 for giving out truth-clarification flyers. Officers from the Zhoujia Town Police Substation who arrested Mr. Liu are Xu Wenli, Li Zhibin and Guo Fujun. Liu Zhihong was sentenced to three years in the Changlinzi Labor Camp.

    21. [Minqing Village, Niujia Town, Wuchang County, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. He Yaoduo Is Detained in the Changlinzi Labor Camp

    Mr. He Yaoduo was arrested at 11 a.m. on March 18, 2005. Officers who made this arrest are Zhan Zhigang of the Wuchang County National Security Team, Muo Zhenshan of the Wuchang 610 Office, Wang Changjiang of the Niujia Town Government, and Liang Chunxu of the Niujia Town Police Substation. Mr. He was sentenced to one year in the Changlinzi Labor Camp.

    22. [Shandong Province] Persecution Ruins the Yue Xia Family

    Yue Lei, 18, is the son of Falun Gong practitioner Yue Xia, 50. Three years ago, Yue Xia was sentenced to 13 years in the Shandong Province Women's Prison. Lei's older brother was also sentenced to 3 years in the Weibei Prison for practicing Falun Gong. Yue's father died when he was little. His maternal grandparents are very frightened of the persecution. Yue Lei now lives with his great-grandmother, who is over 90 years old.

    Chinese version available at
    Summary of Other Articles and News - July 9, 2005

      The Torture Account of Shanxi Practitioner Gao Ying

    Gao Ying is 42 years old, and she used to suffer from severe symptoms of protruding intervertebral disc. Since she started practicing Falun Gong in 1997, all of her symptoms disappeared. On July 20, 1999, the Chinese government started persecuting Falun Gong, and her workplace was ordered to fire her. Since then, she and her family have been constantly threatened and harassed by the 610 Office, security officers, and people from her workplace. In June 2003, a group of police officers broke into her home and ransacked her house. They arrested her and took her to the security office and interrogated her for two days. She was handcuffed at night, causing bleeding wounds on her wrists.

    Chinese version available at