The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- June 19, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Wang Xinchun of Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province, Submits his Complaint to the People's Procuratorate

  • More Facts about the Persecution and Death of Mr. Yang Shaoyun from Dazu County, Sichuan Province

  • Practitioners Beaten and Forced to Give Blood in the Ninth Ward of Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison

  • Three Practitioners Missing in Jilin, Shandong and Beijing

  • Ms. Jiang Hong from Gongan County, Hubei Province Was Arrested for the Seventh Time

  • Nine Practitioners from Beijing, Henan Province, Hebei Province and Sichuan Province Pass Away Due to Persecution

  • Brief News from China - June 8, 2005

  • Summary of Other Articles and News - May 30, 2005

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Wang Xinchun Submits his Complaint to the People's Procuratorate in Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province

    People's Procuratorate of Jinshantun District, Yichun City

    The Plaintiff:

    Wang Xinchun, male, 29 years old


    Fengmao Forestry Farm, Jinshantun District, Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province

    The Accused:

    Requests from the Plaintiff:

      1. Criminal prosecution and punishment of the accused listed above.
      2. Personal safety and freedom for the plaintiff and his family.
      3. Compensation for the psychological damage and economic losses

    Statement of Claim:

    Pursuant to Article 41 in the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, Article 84 in the Criminal Law, and a document issued by the Supreme People's Procuratorate titled, "Notice on the Strict Administration of Officials Who Abuse their Power and Violate Human Rights," I, the plaintiff, hereby submit this complaint against the accused listed above for the crimes they committed in violating my human rights.

    I started practicing Falun Gong in 1998. In 1999, I was illegally sentenced to one year in a forced labor camp for not giving up my practice. After I was released in October of 2001 and returned home, Wang Wei, the former head of the Fenggou Police Station, and policeman Wang Shoumin, beat me with iron rods and severely tortured me.

    On the night of January 8, 2002, I went to Fenggou with some Falun Gong materials, but was seized and searched by Wang Wei, head of Fenggou Police Station, and a police officer (listed above as the "unnamed police officer") . I tried to escape via a mountain route to avoid being illegally taken into custody. Along the way I fell into a river and got soaked up to my knees. My wet feet soon became frozen solid. Policemen Wang Shoumin and Min Changchun chased me until dawn, but they did not catch me. The police then surrounded the mountain. Two days later, I walked into a farmer's house. Police Station Chief Wang Wei and the unnamed police officer broke into the house and beat me. The woman in the house said, "Look at him. Please don't beat him any more." They dragged me to the police van and drove me to Fenggou Police Station, where they beat me again (at that time, I could still walk). They took away my beeper and hat, and left me with only 40 yuan.

    On January 11, around 8 a.m., a group of police from the district 610 Office, the district police department, and the Fenggou Police Station arrived. They cursed me and beat me severely. They also cursed Falun Gong. Under orders from Wang Wei and the police department head, Cui Yuzhong and policeman "A" poured hot water from a kettle on the stove into a bin, and pushed my frozen feet into it. By noon the ice on my shoes had melted. Policeman A cut off my shoes with a pair of scissors. When my shoes were ripped off in the hot water, there was ice and flesh stuck to them. After such cruel treatment, I couldn't stand up anymore. The police said sarcastically, "See how good we police are. We are serving you like our children."

    Despite my physical injuries and severely swollen feet, they took turns beating me for over ten hours. After 5 o'clock in the afternoon, they saw that I could not bear any more torture so they took me home in case I died, but kept me under surveillance. Those who participated in the beatings and persecution include Wang Wei, police officers A and B, Cui Yuzhong, Meng Xianhua, Wang Shoumin and Wang Changqi.

    Wang Xinchun, who lost his lower legs in the persecution

    After I got home, my feet started to blister and fester. Over a tormenting period of ten months, the flesh on my feet gradually rotted away. I became disabled. The wounds have not healed to this day, but I would say the wounds in my heart are even harder to heal. I hoped that the related legal authorities will allow justice to prevail in my case, so I wrote letters one after another to report these crimes and sue the perpetrators. However, I was fiercely attacked. Police officers from Jinshantun District and the 610 Office, as well as officials from the local government, broke into my home many times to harass me and my family. They abducted my parents and tortured them for information about who visited me, and they videotaped us three times attempting to set up something negative to defame Falun Gong. They also pressed me to go to the hospital and have my feet amputated.

    In May 2002, the police sent my mother, Wang Guixiang, to Harbin Rehabilitation Center for no reason. On November 28, 2003, heads of Fenggou Police Station, Min Changchun and Cui Yuzhong, took my father into a factory workshop to torture him for information. They stole his house key and searched our home. Wang Shoumin and some other police officers destroyed my paper, pens, bags, address books, notes, envelopes and letter paper. While doing so, they were cursing out loud. They also grabbed our radio and tape recorder. Wang Shoumin smashed our home appliances. Then he kicked my chest and feet. The wounds on my feet deepened, soaking my pants and the mattress with blood. Seeing that my wounds were getting serious, Wang Shoumin hurried to rub off the blood, saying, "The public security personnel are state bandits."

    At three o'clock in the afternoon, Min Changchun, Wang Shoumin, and Dong Shuhua took those who often visited me to the police station and pressed them for information by hitting their backs with a bench and their shins with the handle of a pistol. The police also forced them to stay in various uncomfortable positions for prolonged periods of time to torture them, and threatened them not to visit me any more. The thugs were afraid that their conduct might be exposed, so Dong Shuhua led some people who do not know the truth of the persecution, or do not have jobs, to secretly watch, follow, and stop people from visiting me. In April 2004, I crawled out the door on my knees to buy necessities. They stopped me and searched me. My freedom has been severely violated.

    At noon on May 16, I sat in a wheelchair and rolled for 30 kilometers (about 18.5 miles) to Jinshantun District. Four or five policemen got out of the police patrol car to search me. They dragged me and the wheelchair to the police department. They flattened the tires of the wheelchair. They kicked and stomped on the wheelchair before dumping it into the garage of the Political and Security Division of the Police Department. On May 18, I crawled to Fengmao Forestry Farm to get my wheelchair back. Political and Security Officers Dong Shuhua and Xue Senlin slapped me in the face and beat me with a spade and a stick. They stopped only when more and more people came over to see what was going on.

    On July 26, 2004, I went to Jinshantun's representatives in the People's Congress to expose the evil conduct of the police and to ask for my wheelchair back. However I was taken by the police from the street and into their car. Sun Dabo beat and threatened me. On July 29, I went again to the People's Congress representatives. The moment I arrived at the post office, police from Fenggou Police Station arrived in a car to stop me. I sat by the roadside. Many people surrounded us, watching. The police took me home by force and threatened me.

    Currently, I am still under surveillance. As soon as I go outdoors, I am stopped and beaten. I was even deprived of my freedom to get mail. Mail, money orders and parcels of clothes addressed to me or my family have been confiscated by the police. In 2005, there were two money orders and parcels of clothes (one money order to my father, Wang Fengqi, and one for my mother, Wang Guixiang), that were intercepted by Gao Qingguo. He directed Gao Yujie to hand the money over to the 610 Office to give to Jinshantun District Police Department. My father tried to file a complaint in court, but the court refused to take the case.

    I went to ask for the 500 yuan that had been extorted from us in 2000. Gao Guoqing beat me again. Actually, whenever I went to ask for my money, I would receive a severe beating.

    On the morning of April 9, 2005, Xiao Jingyu and three thugs broke into the shoe repairing shop where I was apprenticing. They arrested me and Wang Zhiqian, the master who taught me shoe repairing, and took us to the Tuanjie Police Station in Jinshantun District. I went on a hunger strike and managed to leave there. My father was arrested and put in Jinshantun Detention Center.

    As a citizen, whether I choose to believe in "Truth, Compassion and Forbearance," or to distribute flyers and clarify the truth, I have my rights of freedom of belief and freedom of speech. My behavior is in accordance with the law and is legal, whereas, the behavior of the accused violate Articles 35, 36, 37, 39, 40 and 41 of the Constitution, and Articles 234, 251, 252, 238, 247, 245, 254 and 297 of the Criminal Law. They have conducted crimes of voluntarily harming people, illegally depriving them of their freedom of belief and freedom of communication, forcing illegal detention, forcing confessions through torture, breaking and entering homes, illegal searches, fabrications and blatant abuse of power.

    The above mentioned crimes have evidently violated human rights and caused severe physical damage to the plaintiff. As a result, the plaintiff lost his lower legs and suffered tremendous mental and physical traumas. Therefore, the plaintiff requests Jinshantun District People's Procuratorate to implement the notice of the Supreme Procuratorate dated May 11, 2004 and apply due punishment to the accused according to the Constitution, the Criminal Law and the Law of Criminal Litigation.

    Plaintiff Wang Xinchun

    More Facts about the Persecution and Death of Mr. Yang Shaoyun from Dazu County, Sichuan Province

    Mr. Yang Shaoyun was a 76 year old retired worker who lived in Dazu County. After he obtained the Fa in 1998, his prior illnesses were eliminated, and he looked much younger. He firmly cultivated Falun Gong even after July 20, 1999, when the evil persecution started and massive arrests were underway.

    But the ruthless Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials would not allow even this elderly gentlemen over 70 years old any peace. His home was ransacked, his books were stolen from him, and Mr. Yang was more than once abducted and sent to brainwashing classes, where he was brutally tortured. On one occasion Mr. Yang could not eat anything in the brainwashing class and passed out with blood in his stool. Near death, he was finally released to go home after his family members begged repeatedly for him. Soon thereafter, his wife was abducted and sent to the labor camp, which made Mr. Wang very despondent. No one took care of him, and his condition worsened.

    When Mr. Yang Shaoyun's wife was released from the labor camp, Mr. Wang was dying. His family sent him to the hospital for emergency treatment, but it was to no avail, and he died in October 2004.

    Practitioners Beaten and Forced to Give Blood in the Ninth Ward of Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison

    On March 21, 2005, the Ninth Ward of the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison organized the inmates to use the toilets in groups. On the way back to the cells, the first group, which was made up of six Falun Gong practitioners, was made to go first. Prison guards gathered these six practitioners in the hallway, played loud music in the background, then let loose several prisoners, who suddenly dragged out these six practitioners. The first one dragged out was Ms. Nie Xumei. She was so severely beaten that her face was swollen, and a vein on her arm was also swollen and bruised. When one practitioner went up to ask what was happening, she was quickly dragged away by prisoners Zhao Xueling (a heavyweight female enforcer in the prison), Bai Lijun, and Nie Qing. One prisoner threw a 51 year old practitioner to the ground, dragged her to the office by her hair, kicked and beat her, stomped on her belly, and then attempted to draw blood from her arms and legs. This lady had high blood pressure. They tried eight times but could not get any blood from her veins and in the end gave up.

    When the office door was opened, these female inmates shouted, "Let's not beat anyone!" to cover up their crimes, since they had just finished brutally beating this older lady. Prison guards assigned five prisoners to control each practitioner. As a result of the violent beatings and assaults, practitioners Ms. Wang Jinfan, Ms. Wang Yuzhuo, Ms. Zhang Baoying, and Ms. Deng Jianmei could not walk after their blood was drawn. Practitioner Ms. Fu Lihua has been missing since this incident. She was taken away under the pretense of receiving medical care.

    Three Practitioners Missing in Jilin, Shandong and Beijing

    1. Mr. Zhang Guofeng from Jilin City has been missing for three years

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Guofeng is about 37 years old. His home is at Room 327, Gate nine, Xiemin village, Minkang Road #2, Nanguan District, Changchun City, Jilin Province. His parents are over 70 years old, and his daughter is 12 years old. Mr. Zhang went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on September 27, 2002 and never returned home.

    2. Ms. Ding Lei from Laiyang City, Shandong Province went to Beijing to appeal six years ago and is still missing

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Ding Lei is about 50 years old. She worked at the People's Bank in Laiyang City, Shandong Province. She went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in 1999 and she never came back. Her whereabouts remain unknown.

    3. Ms. Xia Meili from Beijing has been missing for 5 years

    Ms. Xia Meili, a Falun Gong practitioner from Chaoyang District, Beijing City is about 35 years old. She has been missing since 2000.

    Ms. Jiang Hong from Gongan County, Hubei Province Was Arrested for the Seventh Time

    On April 25, 2005, at about 3 p.m., Gongan County policemen Xiang Xiaoyang, Yuan Danqiang, Yang Jianwen, and gang member Ye Chao broke into the home of Falun Gong disciple Jiang Hong and confiscated her personal property. They took her to the county detention center to be persecuted. It has been reported that because of practicing Falun Gong and clarifying the truth of Falun Gong to the public, Jiang Hong has already been arrested and imprisoned seven times.

    Ms. Jiang Hong, 48 years old, a former employee of a construction company in Gongan County, started to practice Falun Gong in May 1996. After practicing cultivation, she became healthy both in mind and body. She has benefited significantly. She introduced the beauty and goodness of Falun Gong to her relatives and friends.

    On July 20, 1999, Jiang Zemin's group launched a full-scale suppression of Falun Gong in China. On September 17, 1999, Jiang Hong went to Beijing to appeal. As soon as she settled down in Liangshan, a Beijing suburb, she was arrested by the local police because of her landlord's reporting her. At the Beijing office of Jingzhou District, Jiang Hong was tied to a big column for fifteen hours, where she was left exposed to the elements and mosquitoes all night. The police punched and kicked her, and confiscated over 400 yuan in cash and a watch from her.

    Gongan County policemen Xia Dong and Ao Hongmei flew to Beijing to take Jiang Hong back to Gongan County. She was put into the Second Detention Center for more than one month, during which time Jiang Hong clarified the truth to prison guards and prisoners and helped many people know that Falun Dafa is good. Later, the Gongan County police released her after fining her employer over 6,000 yuan.

    After Jiang Hong went home, the police continued their surveillance of her. After the police knew that she clarified the truth to her supervisor, they arrested her at her small store and imprisoned her in the detention center. The police also confiscated some of her Falun Gong books. They released her after more than a month of imprisonment.

    After getting out, Jiang Hong went to the police station to request the return of her Falun Gong books. The police imprisoned her in the detention center again for more than a month, and extorted more than 1000 yuan from her family.

    Soon after, when Jiang Hong clarified the truth in the town of Nanping, somebody reported her to the police. She was arrested by Liao Xuesheng and Yang Liangfu, and imprisoned again in the detention center.

    On November 26, 2000, when Jiang Hong clarified the truth in Henggou Town of Shishou City, she was arrested and imprisoned in the Shishou City Detention Center for one week. Then she was sent back to Gongan Detention Center. Jiang Hong went on hunger strike for nine days, requesting to be released unconditionally. On March 15, 2001, the police sent her to the ninth Group of Shayang Labor Camp in Hubei Province for a one-year prison term.

    The labor camp conducted brainwashing on her. Former practitioners who had turned against Falun Gong tried to deceive Jiang Hong with twisted logic and lies, but she remained steadfast. The police arranged several drug addicts to monitor Jiang Hong. Whenever they saw her practice Falun Gong, they beat her. Whenever they heard her reciting Master's Fa, they used a toothbrush to strike her mouth. Police Chief Gong Shanxiu said, "If a Falun Gong practitioner is killed, it doesn't matter, it will be cleared up in three days." One time, policeman He wanted Jiang Hong to write something disrespectful about Falun Gong, but she refused. Consequently, six or seven policemen rushed to strike her with electric batons and punch her. Jiang Hong warned them sternly, "Good will be rewarded with good and evil with evil--that is the heavenly law." Only then did they stop doing their wicked deeds. In November 2001, Jiang Hong was put into solitary confinement. Two collaborators and one drug addict conducted brainwashing on her. After the labor camp failed to brainwash her, they postponed her imprisonment. They released her on December 5, 2001.

    On March 6, 2003, while Jiang Hong clarified the truth at Chibi, Hubei Province, she was arrested again. They confiscated her 350 yuan in cash, cellular phone and her copy of the book Zhuan Falun. On March 24, Gongan County police sent Jiang Hong to the second Group of Shayang Labor Camp for another one-year term. In the labor camp, one prison guard and two drug addicts monitored her, compelling her to write a so-called "guarantee to disassociate with Falun Gong." She did not comply. The police did not permit Jiang Hong to sleep for nineteen days, and forced her to stand bent over at the waist with a pot of water on her back. She clarified the truth to the police and monitors. They refused to listen, and beat and scolded her. As a result of the long-term persecution by the police and criminals, Jiang Hong's hearing and vision were seriously damaged, and her body and mind were devastated.

    At about 3 p.m. on April 25, 2005, Jiang Hong was once again arrested from her home by Gongan County police Xiang Xiaoyang, Yuan Danqiang, Yang Jianwen and gang member Ye Chao.

    Nine Practitioners from Beijing, Henan Province, Hebei Province and Sichuan Province Pass Away Due to Persecution

    Ms. Li Peiqing, a 70-year-old Falun Gong practitioner from Ye County, Pingdingshan City, Henan Province, was a retiree of Ye County Material Bureau. Before she obtained Falun Gong, she suffered from thigh and shinbone fractures that hadn't healed for over 10 years. At that time, she could only move painfully with the help of two crutches. In the summer of 1998, she started practicing Falun Gong. Less than two months after she began to cultivate, she could walk to the practice site and do the exercises all by herself. In spite of the harassment and pressures after July 20, 1999, Ms. Li Peiqing clarified the truth and magnificence of Falun Gong to those around her through the example of the health of her own body. Under tremendous psychological pressure, Ms. Li died in 2000.

    Ms. Zhou Shufen, 50 years old, was a practitioner from the Fengnan District of Tangshan City, Hebei Province. She was brainwashed by the 610 Office in 1999. After being released, the local police repeatedly came to her home and harassed her. She suffered from tremendous pain both mentally and physically. She passed away on November 4, 2004. Even on the day she died, the local police still came to her home and harassed her family members.

    Mr. Bian Shaozhi, 50 years old, was a practitioner from Daodi Township in the Fengnan District of Tangshan City, Hebei Province. After the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, officials from the local police substation and 610 Office of Daodi Township repeatedly went to his home and harassed him. They didn't allow him to go to his workplace for several days, they held brainwashing classes for him to persecute him, and they confiscated his ID card. His wife, also a practitioner, lost her ID card. The officials not only refused to issue her a new one but also forced her to pay 1000 yuan in fines. Mr. Bian's mother was frightened and became sick due to all these events, and she died in September. Suffering from the persecution for a long time, Mr. Bian's previous heart disease relapsed, and he died on December 6, 2003.

    Mr. Li Shuangxi, 38 years old, lived in the Fifth Lianting Production Group, Tiemen Township, Macheng City, Hubei Province. He passed away due to persecution in 2000. Those involved in the persecution of Mr. Li were: Luo Zhongyi, the head of the village; Ma Jiabing; Zhang Shouguo; and Zou Xiaolin from the local police substation.

    Ms. Ma Zhijin, 64 years old, was a practitioner in Dalian City, Liaoning Province. At the beginning of March 2001, when she was distributing truth materials in the residential area surrounding Tiger Beach in the Zhongshan District of Dalian City, the Tiger Beach Police Substation officials arrested her and detained her on the second floor. She jumped from the second floor, injured her legs, and became paralyzed. She was sent to her hometown in Changchun city and passed away in 2003.

    Mr. Su Licheng, 75 years old, was a practitioner from the first team of the fifth Production Group, Xinhe Village, Miyi County, Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province. Someone reported him as he was at the home of a fellow practitioner the beginning of July 2000. He was constantly threatened by the 610 Office, which led to his death.

    Ms. Qin Zhiyu, 66 years old, was a farmer of the fourth team in Tounian Village, Miyi County, Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province. After the persecution of Falun Gong began, her family members objected to her practicing Falun Gong, causing intense psychological pressure. She died in March 2003.

    Ms. Wang Peihui, 39 years old, was a farmer from the fourth team in Xinhe Village, Miyi County, Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province. After the persecution of Falun Gong began, her family members opposed her practice of Falun Gong. She suffered tremendous pain mentally and passed away in June 2004.

    Mrs. Xu Xiuling, over 50 years old, was a senior engineer in the lab at the Environmental Chemical College of Beijing Industrial University. In the first half of 2001, personnel from Beijing Industrial University, the Beijing Advanced Education system, and the Beijing Police Station sent Mrs. Xu against her will to brainwashing classes at Beijing's "Judicial Training Center," where she was detained and persecuted.

    After Mrs. Xu was released and returned to Beijing Industrial University, she was not only monitored by the police for a long time but also was demoted to the position of receptionist at her workplace. Her husband, who worked in the same university and was also transferred from his original position because of being involved in her case, was even ordered to monitor and take charge of his wife. For several years, Mrs. Xu utilized every opportunity to appeal to and clarify the truth to the department where she had previously worked, to the university's Security Department, and to leaders at different levels, her colleagues, and the police. She repeatedly requested to be reinstated in her previous position and repeatedly called for an end to the unfair treatment she was receiving.
    The continued harassment caused Mrs. Xu to live in a repressive environment for many years. Stressed by the mental and physical discrimination and cruel persecution, Mrs. Xu died on April 30, 2005.

    Brief News from China - June 8, 2005

    1. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Qi Changzhu, a Student at the Harbin Institute of Technology, Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison

    Falun Gong practitioner Qi Zhangzhu is a student at the Harbin Institute of Technology. He was recently sentenced to eight years in prison and is being held at the Hulan Prison in Harbin City

    2. [Handan City, Hebei Province] The Police Arrest Practitioners Mr. Fu Dehai and Mr. Bao Jige

    On the afternoon of June 2, 2005, five policemen from the Political and Security Division of the Chengan County Police Department, including Lian Rihong and Yang Hongbin, went to Daodongbao Township to the home of practitioner Mr. Fu Dehai in West Dadi Village. They handcuffed him and ransacked his home. Mr. Fu's wife, who is not a practitioner, arrived home when they were going through everything. They handcuffed her as well. They found Falun Gong books and videotapes and took Mr. Fu with them in a police car. He is being held at the Chengan County Detention Center.

    Police officers Lian Rihong, Yang Hongbin and Qin Hebao, the deputy head of the Beixiang Yixiang Police Station, led three officers and arrested practitioner Mr. Bao Jige from Dingzhuang Village, Beixiang, Yi Township. They sentenced him to three years of forced labor. He is being held at the Handan City Forced Labor Camp.

    Persons responsible:

    Zhao Zhenshan: deputy secretary of the Chengan County Party Committee, in charge of political and legal affairs
    Zhang Jianlin: secretary of the Chengan County Politics and Law Committee
    Zhang Zhenlin: director of the Chengan County 610 Office
    Liang Haimin: director of the Chengan County Police Department
    Main switchboard of the Chengan County Police Department: 86-310-7211245
    The Director of the National Security Division
    Yang Hongbin: deputy group director

    3. [Linqu County, Shandong Province] The Police Arrest Ms. Zhao Dongqin and Ransack Her Home

    At around 2 p.m. on June 5, 2005, the police from the Wujing Town Police Station arrested practitioner Ms. Zhao Dongqin from Xiyu Village, Wujing Town, Linqu County, Shandong Province. At 4:00 p.m. the police ransacked her home and confiscated her Falun Gong books and some truth clarification materials. She is currently being held at the Linqu County Detention Center.

    Ms. Zhao's husband Mr. Wang Zhaohua, also a practitioner, has been detained at the Qiugu Forced Labor Camp in Zibo for over three years. The camp refuses to release him even though his term has expired.

    The Wujing Town Police Station: 86-536-3610110

    4. [Deyang City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Wu Huizhen Beaten and Arrested

    About 9:00 a.m. on June 3, 2005, practitioner Ms. Wu Huizhen was managing a stand in Shanxiguan. She carried her one-year-old granddaughter as she walked toward a supermarket when a dozen plainclothes police officers and street Party committee officials ran out and snatched the baby from her. They moved the baby aside and pinned Ms. Wu to the ground. Then they beat and kicked her until she passed out. They pushed her into a police car and brought her to the Dongshan Brainwashing Center in East Hushan Park in Deyang City. They beat her until she vomited blood. They didn't allow her husband and sister to visit her because both are practitioners. When her sister-in-law who is not a practitioner visited Ms. Wu, she saw black and blue marks all over her body.

    Right now, three practitioners are being held at this brainwashing center.

    Related phone numbers:

    The Office for the Jingyang District Political and Judiciary Committee in Deyang City, Sichuan Province: 86-838-2202774

    The Dongshan Park Brainwashing Center, the Jingyang District Political and Judiciary Committee, Deyang City, Sichuan Province: 86-838-2505175

    Liao Shuhua: deputy director of the anti-cult office, the main person in charge of forced brainwashing, 86-838-2202774, 13990293581

    Officials at the Jingyang District Political and Judiciary Committee in Deyang City, Sichuan Province

    Yang Hui: secretary: 86-838-2201911(Office), 86-838-2561509(Home), 86-13908100268 (Cell)

    Yu Jinming: deputy secretary, the director of the "610 Office", 86-838-2300641, 86-838-2227226, 86-13890230091 (Cell)

    5. [Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province] Practitioner Ms. Zhang Li Arrested When Distributing Truth Clarification Materials

    On the afternoon of May 29, 2005, practitioner Ms. Zhang Li, 45 years old, was arrested when distributing truth clarification materials. Her home was subsequently ransacked. She is being held at the No. 1 Detention Center in Nanchang City.

    6. [Hengshui City, Hebei Province] Ms. Wang Suorong Sentenced to One-and-a-half Years of Forced Labor

    During the afternoon of April 21, 2005, the police tricked practitioner Ms. Wang Suorong from Hengshui City, Hebei Province into getting into a police car. The officer said to her, "Come inside and tell me about the truth." She was later sent to a custody center. Four male police officers and one female police officer went to Ms. Wang's home and ransacked it. They sentenced her to one-and-a-half years of forced labor and transported her to the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp.

    7. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Ms. Feng Xiying Arrested

    Practitioner Ms. Feng Xiying from Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province lived at the Changxing Street Electricity and Chemistry Factory dormitory in the Qiaoxi District. In late April or early May 2005, policemen from the Liuying Police Station in Shijiazhuang City arrested her at her home and then ransacked it. They confiscated many truth clarification materials.

    The police demanded 15,000 Yuan from Ms. Feng's family but her family refused to pay. They held Ms. Feng for 15 days and then transferred her. The best guess is that she was sent to a brainwashing center in the Beijiao Detention Center in Shijiazhuang City.

    8. [Shulan City, Jilin Province] The Police Arrest Practitioner Ms. Zhang Yingzhou at Home

    Around 9:00 a.m. on March 9, 2005, five police officers broke into the home of practitioner Ms. Zhang Yingzhou and ransacked it without showing any warrant. Her family asked the police to show their identification. The officers made a few phone calls and produced a search warrant. Her family was terrified. One person went into convulsions and was rushed to a hospital. The police took Ms. Zhang away by force and sent her to the Shulan City Detention Center.

    9. [Shandong Province] Practitioner Ms. Liang Yu Arrested and Sent to a Brainwashing Center

    Practitioner Ms. Liang Yu from the Gudao Community District in the Shengli Oilfield, Shandong Province was arrested at work on June 2, 2005. She was sent to the Materials Supply Section at the Shengli Oilfield because she remained steadfast in practicing Falun Gong, even after three years of forced labor. She has been on a hunger strike for five days.

    10. [Shandong Province] The Police in the Gao District in Weihai City Arrest Practitioner Ms. Yu Huaixiang and Ransack Her Home

    On the morning of May 30, 2005, perpetrators from the Chenjia Hougou Village Party Committee in the Gao District, Shandong Province broke into the rented residence of practitioner Ms. Yu Huaixiang. They arrested her around 4:00 p.m.

    After the persecution began in 1999, Ms. Yu went into exile to avoid persecution. Police officers from the Gao District and guards from Weihai Detention Center arrested her once before. They tortured her with a metal chair and force-feeding. In June 2004 she tried to escape but during the attempt accidentally fell from the fourth floor. She broke her pelvis and the bones in her feet. Ms. Yu has gradually recovered with help from others and through Fa study and doing the exercises.

    11. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] After Ms. Meng Zhaoru's Arrest, Her Family is Harassed

    On June 2, 2005, practitioner Ms. Meng Zhaoru, 53 years old, from the Sartu District in Daqing City was found passing out truth-clarifying materials at the Harbin City Railway Station of Heilongjiang Province and was arrested. She is being held at the detention center of the Harbin City Railway Administration Bureau Police Department (Address: Chengbiao Street Detention Center, the Xiangfang District, Harbin Railway Administration Bureau). The No.1 Section of the police department is in charge of her case. Officer Li is the person responsible. (Cell: 86-13903662992)

    At about 9:00 p.m. on June 3, 2005, Su Hua, the Shuangcheng Railway Police Station chief, led three police officers and broke into the home of Ms. Meng's sister without showing any documentation or ID. They only claimed that they were railway police. At around 7:00 a.m. on June 4 these same alleged policemen broke in again, which agonized the family.

    12. [Shandong Province] Mr. Liu Zhikuo Arrested

    On June 3, 2005, special agents from the Zaozhuang City National Security Bureau in Shandong Province arrested practitioner Mr. Liu Zhijuo, an employee of the Anpei Center in the Zaozhuang Mineral Industry Group. They claimed that Mr. Liu posted Falun Gong truth-clarifying articles on the Internet. Mr. Liu was sent to the Zibo City Forced Labor Camp.

    13. [Jiangyou City, Sichuan Province] Practitioners Wan Jianxin and Ms. Wu Arrested at a Truth-clarifying Materials Production Site

    On May 30 and 31, 2005, the police destroyed a Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials production site in Jiangyou City, Sichuan Province. Practitioners Wan Jianxin and Ms. Wu were arrested.

    14. [Hengshui City, Hebei Province] Middle School Teacher Mr. Wang Shufeng Arrested

    On around May 20, 2005, the police from the County Police Department arrested practitioner Mr. Wang Shufeng, a teacher at the Hou'an Middle School in Wangji Township, Fucheng County, Hengshui City, Hebei Province and ransacked his office. Mr. Wang is being held at the county detention center.

    15. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Railway Police Arrest Ms. Zeng Shuling

    At around 9:00 a.m. on May 14, 2005, the police from the Harbin City Railway Police Station arrested practitioner Ms. Zeng Shuling from Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, when she was working at the Daoli District ticket office. She is being held at the Harbin City Railroad Station Detention Center.

    16. [Xuchang City, Henan Province] Ms. Li Shufen Arrested for Clarifying the Truth about Falun Gong

    In the middle of May 2005, the police from the Weidu District arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Shufen from Xuchang City, Henan Province at home for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. She was held at the Xuchang City Detention Center for half a month.

    17. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Liu Yu and Sun Jiefeng Held at the Longgang Detention Center

    Practitioners Liu Yu and Sun Jieyu from Shenzhen are being held at the No. 16 and 37 Division, respectively, in Shenzhen City's Longgang Detention Center. The police have

    denied any family visits.

    18. [Lincang City, Yunnan Province] Ms. Li Xian Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison

    On January 6, 2005, the local police arrested practitioner Ms. Li Xian, in her 30s, from Lincang City, Yunnan Province, a teacher at the Lincang Normal School. At the end of May 2005 she was sentenced to seven years in prison. It is reported that Ms. Li has been on a hunger strike to protest the arrest.

    19. [Panshi City, Jilin Province] Two Practitioners from Hongqiling Town Arrested

    At the beginning of June 2005, the police from the town's police station arrested practitioners Wu Xichun and Ma Yumei from Hongqiling Town, Panshi City. The two practitioners are currently locked up at the Panshi City Detention Center.

    Phone number for the Panshi City Detention Center: 86-432-5223575

    20. [Hefei City, Anhui Province] The Police Arrest Ma Guiyue, a Student at the University of Science and Technology of China

    On June 6, 2005, personnel from the Hefei City Luyang Police Station arrested practitioner Ma Guiyue, a student at the University of Science and Technology of China and sent Ma to the Hefei City Detention Center.

    21. [Yueyang County, Hunan Province] Several Practitioners Arrested When Clarifying the Truth about Falun Gong

    On June 5, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners Qian Gui and Hu from Yueyang County were arrested when clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. Practitioner Qiu Xi'e from Miluo County was also arrested for clarifying the truth.

    22. [Shifang City, Sichuan Province] The Arrest of Retired Practitioner Ms. Wang Zhongqiong and Her Husband

    Ms. Wang Zhongqiong, over 60 years old, is a retired employee of the Majin Sanitation Station in Shifang City. She lives at No. 1-1-501, Nanmulin Family Residential Area at the Shifang City Government. Because she had many illnesses, she had to retire in 1986.

    After she started to practice Falun Gong in March 1997, all of Ms. Wang's illnesses vanished. Because they benefited so much from the practice, she and her husband, Mr. Gong Xueliang, became local volunteer assistants who taught others how to practice Falun Gong. Even after the persecution in China started, they still insisted on practicing.

    On the night of June 6, 2005, when Ms. Wang and her husband took a walk after supper, four policemen including Yin Liang and Cai Huayue from Shifang City arrested them and sent them to a brainwashing center at the Donghushan Park in Deyang City.

    Later, Chen Wei, the director of Shifang City's Environment Protection Bureau and Shen Chuan were informed to bring Gong Xueliang back.

    23. [Liu'an City, Anhui Province] Mr. Xia Xianxue Sentenced to One and a Half Years in a Forced Labor Camp

    Around March 26, 2005, practitioner Mr. Xie Xianxue from Gonglu Station, Shou County, Liu'an City, Anhui Province went to take care of his sick father in Baoyi Town, Shou County. The police from Shou County Police Department and the Baoyi Police Station searched him and sent him to the Shou County Detention Center. When his father found out his son was detained, the father's situation worsened and he died. On April 20, 2005, Mr. Xie was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor at the Nanhu Forced Labor Camp in Xuancheng City, Anhui Province.

    Related phone numbers (County Code: 86, area code: 564, please do not dial the area code before a cell phone number.):

    Tao Zhonggui, the Shou County Political and Judiciary Committee secretary, also the Shou County Police Department chief: 4022205 (Office), 4029199 (Office), 4031599 (Home), 13856419199 (Cell)
    Wang Anhua, the deputy secretary of the Shou County Political and Judiciary Committee: 4031169(Home), 4029488(Office), 13905646685 (Cell)
    Liu Xintian, the political and security section at the Shou County Police Department: 4022317(Home), 13965455798(Cell)
    Li Guozhu, the director of the Shou County Detention Center: 4100484 (Office)

    Summary of Other Articles and News - May 30, 2005

    1. The Suffering of Ms. Xu Guizhi and Ms. Chen Xiuhua Over the Past Years in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province

    Ms. Xu Guizhi and Ms. Chen Xiuhua started practicing Falun Gong in March 1999. On January 12, 2001, they went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, but Zhong Renyi, the head of the Qinglin Police Station, arrested them and sent them to the Shuangcheng Detention Center, where they were detained for 42 days. The Qinglin Police then further detained Ms. Xu and Ms. Chen at the Qinglin Township for two more days. In order to be released, they were both required to pay 2000 yuan.

    In late November 2001, Ms. Xu and four other practitioners were clarifying the truth at Jiujiazi Village when police officers arrested another practitioner, who revealed Ms. Xu's name. Ms. Xu was forced to leave her home, and police officer Cai Zhiwen of the Dongguan Police Station in Shuangcheng City forced her husband to pay 3500 yuan. In March 2002, Qinglin township Chinese Communist Party secretary Zhang Lianfeng, along with policeman Bai and three other officers, searched Ms. Xu and Ms. Chen Xiuhua's homes and stole their Falun Gong books. Another incident occurred in 2004, when four to five officers from Shuangcheng City's 610 Office and the Qinglin Police Station again searched Ms. Xu's home, stealing Falun Gong books, a tape recorder, practice music tapes, and Falun Gong lecture audiotapes. In November of 2004, police officer Zhong Fuzhi took away Ms. Xu and Ms. Chen's bicycle when they were clarifying the truth at Zhongjiatun.


    2. Please Pay Attention to Mr. Wang Peng and Others Who Are Detained at the First Detention Center of Changchun City, Jilin Province

    Mr. Wang Peng is a practitioner from Changchun City. At this time, the detained Mr. Wang and other practitioners are on a hunger strike in the First Detention Center of Changchun City. The procurator and the first department of the Changchun City Police Bureau are the units in charge of the persecution. Police officer Li Guangshou and about ten other officers from the 4th Group, 2nd Middle Police Group in Changchun City abducted Mr. Wang and others from an automotive factory on March 7, 2005. During interrogation at the City Police Bureau, the practitioners suffered many tortures and were sleep deprived for several days. Even the practitioners' family members have been abused. Police officers coerced Mr. Wang's non-practicing family members to force Mr. Wang's mother, a Falun Gong practitioner, to expose information about other practitioners.


    3. New Officers in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp of Changchun City, Jilin Province, Continue to Persecute Practitioners

    From March 30 to May 17, 2005, the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp, led by the 4th Group (an intensely monitored group, formerly the 2nd Group), started a new round of intensified persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. In the 4th Group, instructor Chen Zhikuai and guard Li Jun turned a classroom into a torture chamber for interrogating and torturing practitioners. Eighteen practitioners suffered in this persecution. Practitioners Sun Changping, Xiao Ming, Chen Xianling, Wu Shuyu and others did not give in to the tortures, and their terms were extended for two more months. They were tortured by being forced to dig waste pits; with shocks from electric batons after cold or hot showers; by having to kneel down while wooden sticks were inserted under their thighs; with perpetrators treading on their bent legs; and by being beaten with wooden clubs, hung in the air with handcuffs, bound up with ropes, kicked and punched like a punching bag at boxing practice. The noise from the electric shocks and the practitioners' painful cries resonated throughout the camp every day. If one entered the torture chamber walking upright, support was needed to exit. Practitioners Shao Zhengkun and Sun Zhangping both suffered from ailments while staying at the camp. Mr. Shao had three to four kilograms of fluid in his chest and was diagnosed with pleurisy, while Mr. Sun Zhangping had a spinal misalignment and could not walk. The police guards still handcuffed them and hung both of them up with handcuffs, torturing them day and night. Those practitioners who yielded under the pressure but then resumed their practice of Falun Gong suffered even more. Among them, practitioners Xiao Ming, Zhao Xianjun, Xu Qingwu and others were tortured many times, and their bodies were covered with injuries. Even after a month of recovery, they were still unable to walk steadily.


    4. Mr. Gao Jiye from Huachuan County, Heilongjiang Province, Becomes Homeless Due to the Persecution

    My name is Gao Jiye. I am a resident of Group 2 of the Baoshan Farm, Huachuan County. I attained Falun Gong in 1998. In 2001, police officer Zhao Jinzhong from the Farm Police Station illegally searched my home, took away my Falun Gong materials and books, and abducted me to the police station. To force me to give up the practice of Falun Gong, police head Zhao Jianqiu slapped me on my face, giving me a bloody nose.

    On January 21, 2002, Zhao Jianqiu led three other policemen to search my home once again. My Falun Gong books, materials and some posters I had made were taken away. They abducted me to the Group 2 office, where the farm's CCP secretary was located. He signed a form detaining me for 15 days. On the second day, I was sent to the Longyunju Detention Center. I went on a hunger strike to protest and I became very weak. I was not released until ten days after my family members appealed. However, Jia Chunfu, the Group 2 CCP secretary, and Li Chengen, the farm's political and judicial secretary, frequently harassed me at my home. In 2002, just because I practiced Falun Gong, Jia Chunfu and Group 2 leader Zhang Yi confiscated the land I had contracted. In April 2002, policemen Liu Guiming and Wang San again abducted me to the police station. I became sick that night due to the persecution. On the second day, secretary Li Chengen ordered policemen Liu Guiming and Wang San to bring me to the Xianglan Township in Tangyuan County. I was not allowed to go home.

    I went to Beijing to appeal on September 28, 2002. The police arrested me and brought me to the Qianmen Police Station, and then I was further detained at the Liaison Office of Jiamusi City in Beijing for 32 days.

    On December 1, 2002, policemen from the Xianglan Township arrested and sent me to the Tangyuan County Detention Center, where I was sentenced to three years in a forced labor camp. However, because I was weak from the persecution, the forced labor camp refused to take me. On December 10, 2002, the Tangyuan "610 Office" finally sent me home. But the second day after my release, policemen Li Jianming and Wang San from the Baoshan Farm Police Station again sent me to the Xianglan Township in Tangyuan County. Once again I was not allowed to return home.

    In February 2003, I worked as a sheepherder at the Jiangchuan Farm. Soon after I started, someone reported me for practicing Falun Gong. Police officer Ha Mei from Jiangchuan Farm lead two other officers in having me arrested, and I was returned to the Baoshan Farm. Again the policemen sent me to the Xianglan Township at Tangyuan County. I did not return home until December 2003.
