The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- December 25, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Enslaved in a Toxic Environment, Ms. Zhang Yuzhi Was Persecuted to Death at the Heizuizi Labor Camp

  • Xuan Huaiji at Brink of Death after Hunger Striking for Over 50 Days at Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp

  • Ms. Xie Dong, Ms. Su Yan and Three Other Falun Gong Practitioners from Panjin City Secretly Sentenced to Forced Labor

  • Police Officers in Tumen City, Jilin Province Arrest Dafa Practitioners and Ransack Their Homes

  • Three Falun Gong Practitioners in Heilongjiang and Hebei Provinces Died under Persecution

  • Four Falun Gong Practitioners from Jiangsu Province, Tianjin City, Shandong Province and Liaoning Province Die Due to Persecution

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Tang Zhiqiang From Shuangliu County, Sichuan Province Passed Away Due to Persecution

  • Brief News from China - November 27, 2005

  • Brief News from China - December 12, 2005

  • Enslaved in a Toxic Environment, Ms. Zhang Yuzhi Was Persecuted to Death at the Heizuizi Labor Camp

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Yuzhi, 48 years old, lived in Erdaobaihe Town, Antu County, Yanbian Korean Ethnic Autonomous Region, Jilin Province. On February 4, 2002, she was illegally arrested from her home by police and detained in the Huizuizi Labor Camp in Changchun City. She was forced to work in a toxic environment for 16 hours per day. The surrounding air was viscous and contained many cancer-causing materials. Ms. Zhang worked with an adhesive substance that emitted strong, irritating smells. She was tortured psychologically by brainwashing. Under the dual pressure, she contracted leukemia. The camp did not allow her family to take her home until she could no longer take care of herself. Ms. Zhang went home on August 31, 2002 and passed away two weeks later.

    In August 2002, in order to make money by exporting bird crafts, the Huizuizi Labor Camp applied a solution to dye the feathers. The dyed feathers were placed in the hallway for drying. The special solution was poisonous and emitted a strong, odd smell, which spread throughout the whole building and made people feel dizzy, have headaches, and even vomit. Several days later, about a hundred people were poisoned. Many of them suffered from dysentery and had a continuous fever of 104ºF. However, the camp doctors shouted: "No shot below 101.3ºF!"

    Under former president Jiang Zemin's regime's evil persecution policies of "ruin their reputations, bankrupt them financially, and destroy them physically," and, "killing is to be treated as suicide," the Falun Gong practitioners detained in the Heizuizi Labor Camp are tortured both mentally and physically. The camp also inhumanly enslaves practitioners with extended working hours and increased work intensity.

    Xuan Huaiji at Brink of Death after Hunger Striking for Over 50 Days at Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp

    Mr. Xuan Huaiji is a Falun Gong practitioner from Xiaoshuiquan Village, Yimatu Township. At around midnight on October 11, 2005, about eight police officers broke into his home and illegally arrested him without any documents. Xuan was not even fully dressed before they dragged him away, and the front door was damaged in the process. The perpetrators included Zhang Guisuo (Captain of the State Security Unit of Chongli County Police Department, Zhangjiakou City) and Song Cunbin (Director of Yimatu Township Police Station).

    The next day when Xuan's wife went to the village head to ask for his whereabouts, she was told that Xuan had been sent to Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp.

    Mr. Xuan has been on hunger strike protesting his arrest since he arrived at Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp. It has been over 50 days and his life is currently in danger.

    People who are responsible for the arrests include:

    Li Qingchun, CCP Secretary of Chongli County, 86-313-4616408, 86-13903135358 (Cell).

    Yang Chengliang, CCP Deputy Secretary of Chongli County, 86-313-4612432, 86-13903139205 (Cell). Yang is also the head of the local 610 Office. Yang was responsible for extending the sentences of three Falun Gong practitioners by eighteen months, and he is also responsible for sentencing another practitioner to three years in prison.

    Ho Youlong, Director of  Chongli County's CCP Committee Office, 86-313-4612444, 86-13903134606 (Cell). Ho also heads the local 610 Office. He actively organizes the persecution of Falun Gong just like Yang Chengliang.

    Liu Shihe, Secretary of Chongli County's CCP Political and Judiciary Committee, 86-313-4617958, 86-313-4615502, 86-13582638331 (Cell)

    Ma Liping, Chief of Chongli County Police Department, 86-313-4613896, 86-313-8059686, 86-13803138589 (Cell). Ma is responsible for the arrests of thirty practitioners, over twenty illegal home searches, and eight illegal imprisonments.

    Shi Jinjun, Deputy Chief of Chongli County Police Department, 86-313-4616622, 86-313-8683199, 86-13603133199 (Cell). Shi is actively persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. He is directly involved in the persecution cases mentioned above.

    Chen Jianjun, Assistant Captain of State Security Unit of Chongli Police Department, 86-313-4617442, 86-13754430276 (Cell)

    Zhang Guisuo, Captain of State Security Unit of Chongli Police Department, 86-313-4617442, 86-13833320088 (Cell)

    Ren Chunjuan, female, police officer of the State Security Unit of Chongli Police Department, 86-313-4617442.

    Ms. Xie Dong, Ms. Su Yan and Three Other Falun Gong Practitioners from Panjin City Secretly Sentenced to Forced Labor

    On December 6, 2005, the Minghui/Clearwisdom website reported the news of six Falun Gong practitioners from Panjin City in Liaoning Province being arrested, held, and tortured in the newly built Panjin City Detention Center. Based upon the local news, five of the practitioners, Ms. Su Yan, Ms. Liu Shaoman (in her sixties, a retired elementary school teacher), Ms. Xie Dong, Ms. Wu Xuehui, and Ms. Zhou Yanhong have already been secretly sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp.

    These practitioners have been protesting the arrest by staging a hunger strike ever since they were illegally arrested on November 22, 2005. Their physical conditions are very weak. However, the authorities still took them to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. Each of the practitioners was illegally sentenced to one or two years of forced labor. Ms. Su Yan was sentenced to two years, while the other four practitioners were sentenced to one year of forced labor. Disabled Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Guorong was tortured until she was vomiting blood. She was held for four days and illegally sentenced to one year of forced labor before she was released for medical treatment.

    Below is additional information about other illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners from Panjin City:

    Practitioner Mr. Zhang Tinghuan from the Liaohe River Oil Field Petrochemical Company is being held in Panjin City. More detailed information awaits further investigation.

    Practitioner Mr. Guo Yulong from Panjin City was arrested and illegally held in the Shenxin Forced Labor Camp located in the Yuhong District of Shenyang City. He was sentenced to one year of forced labor. Mr. Guo and his family's appeal has been ignored, and they have nowhere else to appeal. The Chinese Communist Party Political and Judicial Department of Shenyang City and the Forced Labor Committee in Liaoning Province have rejected the case under the excuse of "cases related to Falun Gong cannot be re-opened."

    Practitioner Mr. Gao Dong, who worked as an engineer at the Zhenxing Company, is about forty years old. In August and September of 2005, Mr. Gao was again taken to the Luotaishanzhuang Brainwashing Center to be tortured. He was tied up and handcuffed onto a bed, where he was force-fed and given injections for over three months. Since November 1999, in the past six years, Mr. Gao Dong has spent most of his time in detention centers, forced labor camps (in Panjin City and Benxi City), brainwashing centers (in Fushun City) and psychiatric hospitals, where he has been tortured in a variety of ways. Currently, he is being illegally held in the Fushan City Brainwashing Center. Mr. Gao was initially held in the Liaohe River Oil Field Detention Center and later was taken to the Panjin City Forced Labor Camp. At the end of 2002, because of an extended hunger strike, Mr. Gao was tortured to the brink of death before he was released. Shortly afterwards, he was taken to the Luotaishanzhuang Brainwashing Center of Fushun City and later again taken to the Benxi City Forced Labor Camp. At the end of 2003, Mr. Gao was tortured until he lost consciousness and was no longer able to take care of himself. Later, he was sent to the psychiatric hospital, where he is still being tortured.

    We call for all people in the world to extend your helping hand to rescue these practitioners.

    Police Officers in Tumen City, Jilin Province Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners and Ransack Their Homes

    Police officers from the Tumen City Patrol Police Division, the National Security Division and from the 110 Emergency Response Team in Jilin Province illegally arrested Falun Gong practitioners Liu Tiejun and his wife Wang Hui on the street. They detained the two practitioners, and then broke the lock on the door of the practitioners' home and ransacked it. They took valuables and 10,000 yuan cash, and later extorted 3,000 yuan from the practitioners' family. The following are the details.

    Around noon on October 20, 2005, Liu Tiejun and Wang Hui were walking on the street when Li Chengwu and Guang Xijun from the Patrol Police Division drove by in a car. They saw the two practitioners, pulled up to them and tried to arrest them.

    A crowd gathered and watched as the two practitioners reasoned with the police. Guan Xijun called the 110 Emergency Response Team and the National Security Division. Soon, a group of police officers arrived. Two officers tried to force Wang Hui into a police car. Wang Hui clung to the door. She refused to get in and shouted, "You are violating the law by arresting innocent people! Falun Dafa is good! It's a crime to arrest innocent Falun Gong practitioners! Falun Gong has suffered an injustice!"

    An officer asked a woman for Wang Hui's home address. The woman gave it to him. The police then went to Wang Hui's home. They broke the lock and barged inside. They took 10,000 yuan cash, the TV, VCD, an electric fan, mobile phone(s), computers, and other items.

    Wang Hui and Liu Tiejun were taken to the Patrol Police Division and then to the National Security Division, where they were interrogated for a whole night. The next morning, Wang Yuansheng, political head of the National Security Division, interrogated Liu Tiejun and asked how much money he had at home. Lu Wenzhe, head of the National Security Division, phoned his subordinate and said in Korean, "Beat him up and then see if he'll tell you." A while later, Wang Yuansheng came back and said, "Liu Tiejun said, 'There is no money, even if you beat me to death.'"

    While interrogating Wang Hui, police officer Yan Mingzhe said, "Lu Wenzhe has sentenced you to one month of detention. You will be sent to Huichun Detention Center." Liu Tiejun and Wang Hui were held at Huichun Detention Center for three days and were then transferred to the Tumen Detention Center.

    At the Tumen Detention Center, Wang Hui demanded an unconditional release and went on a hunger strike. On the seventh day, head of the detention center Jin and doctor Piao Yingyu took Wang Hui to the Railroad Hospital to force-feed her. They handcuffed and shackled Wang Hui in the hallway of the detention center before leaving for the hospital.

    The hospital didn't have a feeding tube. Doctor Piao Yingyu found a nasal-feeding tube, and the nurse inserted the tube into Wang Hui's nose. Jin, head of detention center said in a vicious manner, "If she doesn't obey us, we'll torture her by inserting the tube the 'hard' way."

    The nurse inserted the tube through the nose and left it in Wang Hui's stomach. Wang Hui was taken back to the detention center with the tube still inserted. In the afternoon, Piao Yingyu ordered two inmates to force-feed Wang Hui. He ordered them to pin her down, fill a syringe with corn gruel and insert it into the feeding tube. The two inmates feared punishment by the guards and fed Wang Hui when the guards ordered them to.

    The eighth day of force-feeding was the most painful for Wang Hui. Between 11:00 p.m. and midnight on November 3, a violent thunderstorm cut off the electric supply at the detention center, enshrouding it in darkness.

    On November 21, Quan Wuxuan, Yan Mingzhe and Zhou Hong from the National Security Division released Wang Hui on parole. They extorted 13,000 yuan from her for "bail," which includes the 10,000 yuan they took from Wang Hui's home. They originally tried to extort an additional 10,000 yuan from Wang Hui's family, but they couldn't afford it, so her family gave 3,000 yuan to the police. The police only gave them a sheet of paper stamped with the National Security Division seal instead of an official receipt. The police didn't tell Wang Hui's family that they took 10,000 yuan from Wang Hui's home. After she was released, the police told Wang Hui that the bail was 13,000 yuan. Liu Tiejun is still being held at the Tumen City Detention Center.

    Persons who committed these crimes:

    Lu Wenzhe: officer at the National Security Division in Tumen City, 86-433-3650606, 86-433-3690606 (Cell)
    Wang Yuansheng: political head of the National Security Division, 86-13944327999 (Cell), 86-433-3868880, 86-433-3683266 (Cell)
    Li Chengwu: officer at the Patrol Police Division, 86-433-3696688 (Cell)
    Guan Xijun: officer at the Patrol Police Division, 86-433-3631592
    Yan Mingzhe: officer at the National Security Division, 86-433-3623983, 86-433-3695077 (Cell)
    Jin: head of the Tumen City Detention Center, 86-13894330109 (Cell), 86-433-3624839
    Quan Wuxuan: officer at the National Security Division, 86-433-3624405, 86-13944718242 (Cell)
    Zhou Hong: officer at the National Security Division, 86-433-3698147
    Sun Yu: officer at the National Security Division
    Piao Yingyu: doctor at the Tumen City Detention Center

    Three Falun Gong Practitioners in Heilongjiang and Hebei Provinces Died under Persecution

    Mr. Li Zhi was in his 30s and lived in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. After he started cultivating Falun Gong in 1997, his mind and body were all purified, he became healthy, and his family became peaceful. On July 20, 1999, the slander and persecution of Falun Gong began. Mr. Li went to Beijing to clarify the truth on November 11, 2000. He was arrested, and detained in the Mentougou Detention Center for one day, then taken back to Daqing City on November 13, 2000. He was later detained for 15 days in the Ranghu Street Detention Center and then confined in the Sa'ertu Detention Center for two additional months. Li Zhi was sent to the Hongweixing Brainwashing Center in February 2003. This experience severely damaged his mental and physical health, and died on November 9, 2005.

    Ms. Li Xiaohua, in her 40s, was an elementary school teacher who lived in Weichang County, Chengde City, Hebei Province. On November 17, 2000, she went to Beijing to clarify the truth and was arrested. She was severely injured from a beating sustained in custody, and her head swelled. Ms. Li was detained in the local detention center and then later sentenced to forced labor at the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp. She was rejected by the camp because she had high blood pressure. Ms. Li was detained in the detention center until her relatives helped to get her released on medical parole. The 610 Office members and State Security Agents constantly harassed Ms. Li at her home until she died on January 2, 2002.

    Ms. Wei Shuguo was 78 years old and lived in Xiyangtai Village, Shenzhou City, Hebei Province. She started practicing Falun Gong in 1996 and went to Beijing with her granddaughter to appeal for justice and clarify the truth after the persecution started on July 20, 1999. On the evening of March 1, 2001, officers from the Shenzhou City Police Department ransacked her home, and arrested her son, daughter-in-law, grandson, and granddaughter. Her family members were brutally abused and beaten at the police department and the detention center. The police also arrested practitioner Mr. Ke Xingguo, an employee of the Central Ministry of Agriculture in Beijing, who was hiding in their home to avoid being arrested in Beijing. Mr. Ke Xingguo was very cruelly beaten, detained in the Shenzhou City Detention Center, and later sentenced to 10 years in prison. He is still being held in the Fourth Hebei Province Prison. Ms. Wei Shuguo's son and daughter-in-law were detained for nine months. During those times, neighbors, relatives, fellow practitioners, and her teenaged grandchildren had to do the work on the family farm. The elderly Ms. Wei also had to help with the farm work herself. The stress of this period of time severely damaged her mental and physical health. In December 2001, her son was released from prison after paying 7,000 yuan in extortion fees, but her daughter-in-law was sentenced to three years in prison. Only one week later, Ms. Wei Shuguo suddenly developed severe swelling, and she died at the end of December 2001.

    Four Falun Gong Practitioners from Jiangsu Province, Tianjin City, Shandong Province and Liaoning Province Die Due to Persecution

    Ms. Chen Aiying, 72, lived in Gaozi Town, Zhenjiang City in Jiangsu Province. Before she started practicing Falun Gong, Ms. Chen suffered a stroke, and she was living a difficult daily life and could not even take care of herself. In 1996, Ms. Chen started practicing Falun Gong. By practicing Falun Gong, she totally recovered from her illness and could also help with housework. In March 2000, she was detained for one month because she went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong. In the New Year of 2001, she was illegally detained again for six months because she went to Beijing to appeal. In July 2003, when Ms. Chen was sending forth righteous thoughts, she was reported to the police. The police officers started chasing her. Ms. Chen unfortunately fell and became paralyzed. Her condition gradually worsened over time, and she passed away on June 23, 2005.

    Mr. Wang Shihai, 53, lived in the Hongsi Village, Xiaweqi Town, Wuqing District of Tianjin City. In June 2002, Mr. Wang's house was ransacked by police officers from the Xiawuqi Town Police Station. Mr. Wang was taken to the police station, where he was yelled at, beaten, and starved. Mr. Wang was mentally traumatized and his blood pressure rose to over 200. Later Mr. Wang was illegally detained for one month. After he returned home, police officers constantly went to his house to harass him. Mr. Wang's mind was severely disturbed and his health condition worsened. Finally he passed away in July 2005.

    Ms. Zhao Fengying was a farmer from the Zhao Dangbu Village, Dianzi Township, Guan County in Shandong Province. Ms. Zhao was taught Falun Gong on January 16, 1998. After she started practicing Falun Gong, her mind and body were purified and her spirit and body became healthy. Ms. Zhao lived at her daughter's house in Dongdanbu Village of Guan County. After the evil started to extensively persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, Ms. Zhao's daughter and son-in-law were illegally arrested and their home ransacked numerous times. They were also fined several tens of thousands of yuan, and were illegally sentenced to forced labor and imprisonment. Ms. Zhao's son-in-law Mr. Dong Xinhai is still being tortured in the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp. Ms. Zhao Fengying's heart was greatly disturbed. Later she became frightened even when she heard the sound of a car and she lost the ability to live normally. She passed away on November 17, 2004.

    Mr. Fang Shuguo, 58, lived in Shangfang Village, Mucun Town, Fangzi District of Weifang City in Shandong Province. After the persecution of Falun Gong started on July 20, 1999, Mr. Fang was severely tortured many times. He was arrested and held by police officers from the Fangzi District 610 Office for over a month in 2001 and was later released after a fine was extorted. In 2003, Mr. Fang was held and tortured again at the Changle Forced Labor Camp. Because his body exhibited the symptoms of many types of illnesses and he had high blood pressure, he was released for medical treatment. The police officers from the police station went to his house many times to harass him. In May 2004, Mr. Fang started showing the symptoms of brain blood vessel thrombosis. With help from fellow practitioners, Mr. Fang recovered and regained the ability to take care of himself. However, on July 16, 2005, the old symptoms came back and Mr. Fang passed away.

    Ms. Sun Suzhi, 45, lived on Xinchengzi Street, Xinchengzi District, Shenyang City in Liaoning Province. Ms. Sun started practicing Falun Gong in early 1999. Twenty days after she started the practice, the many types of diseases and symptoms that she had suffered from disappeared. After the persecution of Falun Gong started on July 20, 1999, people from the Xinchengzi District 610 Office, Xinchengzi District Police Station, and the Xinchengzi District CCP Residential District Office went to her home many times to harass her and threaten her in order to try to force her to give up the practice. However, Ms. Sun was clear in her mind that Falun Dafa is good. Because Ms. Sun lost the environment to do group practice and due to the psychological pressure applied to her, her body started to show the symptoms of liver cirrhosis and ascites. She passed away in November 2001.

    Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Tang Zhiqiang From Shuangliu County, Sichuan Province Passed Away Due to Persecution

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Tang Zhiqiang worked at the Wenxing Chemical Fiber Textile Factory in Shuangliu County, Sichuan Province. He changed from being a disabled person who could not take care of himself into a healthy and confident person after practicing Falun Gong. Because he persisted in his belief in Falun Gong, the lawless Communist Party officials illegally detained him, ransacked his home, and threatened and harassed him, which caused his health to deteriorate. Mr. Tang passed away on December 9, 2005.

    Tang Zhiqiang was 40 years old, suffered from hemiplegia and could not take care of himself before he practiced Falun Gong. Soon after he obtained Falun Gong on September 20, 1996, all of his illnesses disappeared and he became healthy. People who knew him said that he changed into a different person. Many other people started practicing Falun Gong after observing the changes in him.

    After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, the factory security officials often monitored Tang Zhiqiang's residence. They took his Falun Gong books away whenever they found them. Several times when he was writing Falun Gong articles from memory, the officials saw him and took him to the security section. Tang Zhiqiang clarified the truth wherever he went. With normal channels of protest and appeal denied to Falun Gong practitioners, Mr. Tang posted words clarifying the truth about Falun Gong on utility poles, walls, and at the marketplace. The perpetrators from the factory security section detained him several times, as he was identified as a main persecution target in the factory.

    On March 29, 2004, the police arrested Tang Zhiqiang when he was making truth clarification materials. The police officers took turns beating, kicking and insulting him throughout the night. They sent Tang Zhiqiang to a detention center and held him there for more than five months. While going through the medical parole procedure, the officers from the police department struck him in the back at an acupressure point, which immediately caused him to lose the ability to take care of himself. He could not even open or close a door. While being held at the detention center, Tang Zhiqiang was also beaten and kicked. He was physically and mentally devastated.

    After Mr. Tang was released on medical parole, lawless CCP officials still monitored his residence. They ransacked his home, threatened and harassed him, which caused his condition to quickly deteriorate. Tang Zhiqiang passed away on December 9, 2005.

    Perpetrators at the Wenxing Chemical Fiber Textile Factory in Shuangliu County, Sichuan Province

    Li Yi, sales manager: 86-13929917756 (Cell)
    Li Jun: 86-13540778858 (Cell)
    Li Hua: 86-1355103294 (Cell)
    Wang Yong: 86-13658066594 (Cell)
    Ren Zhongwu: 86-13882093240 (Cell)
    Wang Yunbin: 86-13666269424(Cell)
    Wu Pingbang, head of factory
    Zhou Shuiquan, head of the workers' association
    Ren Qingguo, head of the security section 

    Brief News from China - November 27, 2005

    1. [Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province] 68-Year-Old Ms. Wang Ruo-e Tortured by Force-Feeding

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Ruo-e, 68 years old, is a retiree from the Shijiazhuang Fertilizer Plant. In the early morning of September 6, 2005, she was illegally arrested and her house was searched by the city public security branch and the Yuecai Street Police Station under the lead of the Political Advisor Tan Jun and others, because she persisted in believing in "Truthfulness - Compassion - Forbearance." On September 12, Ms. Wang was illegally detained and forced to attend the Shijiazhuang brainwashing session.

    During the brainwashing session, the authorities applied various means such as denial of sleep, slander against Falun Gong and other despicable methods in order to try to force Ms. Wanag to abandon her belief. To protest this, Ms. Wang went on a hunger strike for five days. Then they tormented her by force feeding her.

    2. [Weifang, Shandong Province] Practitioner Mr. Ruiyou Illegally Sent to a Forced Labor Camp

    Before practicing Falun Gong, Mr. Ruiyou of Huangqibao, Anqiu, Weifang City had been suffering from severe rheumatism and lung hydrops. He had been hospitalized several times, but all in vain. The very last time he had to have a tube inserted into his lungs to induce pus flow and an injection of Dolantin for the pain. In 1998, Mr. Liu started to learn Falun Gong and lived his life according to Truthfulness - Compassion - Forbearance. Pretty soon, he was free from illness and felt better physically and mentally.

    After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, Mr. Liu has been illegally arrested several times, was forcibly sent to brainwashing sessions, fined heavily, and his house was illegally searched and ransacked because he practices Falun Gong.

    At around 11 a.m. on October 8, 2005, Mr. Liu Ruiyou was arrested by the Anqiu 610 Office, taken to the Huangqibao Police Station and then transferred to the Anqiu Detention Center. The police confiscated Falun Gong materials, his personal computer and printer, Falun Gong truth clarification materials, and more than 2,000 yuan in cash. On November 15, Mr. Liu was illegally sent to the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp.

    3. [Pingliang, Gansu Province] Status of Three Practitioners Persecuted in Kongdong District

    Practitioner Meng Cai, age 65, is a retired official from a state enterprise in Pingliang City and used to be a deputy factory director and engineer. In mid-September of 2002, the Kongdong District Public Security dispatched ten staff members to search Mr. Meng's house. Even though they did not find anything illegal, they still took him to the Sishilipu Police Station and interrogated him for one day and one night. Then they sent him to the Qilidian Detention Center, and three months later they sentenced him to three years in a forced labor camp. However, because of his advanced age, Mr. Meng was not admitted by the camp. They continued to keep him at the detention center and then in May 2003 transferred him to the Sishilipu Police Station.

    Practitioner Mr. Wang Fulong is a resident of Mafang Village, Kongdong District. Because of his firm belief in Falun Gong, he was detained by the Pingliang City Public Security in 2000 for participating in a Falun Gong group exercise. In 2001, Mr. Wang was sent to the Gansu Province 1st Forced Labor Camp and tortured for three years. After returning home in 2003, he continued to clarify the truth and because of this, Mr. Wang was again detained for several months by the Kongdong Public Security Branch.

    Another practitioner, Mr. Liu Xufui, is also a resident of the Mafang Village. He has been persisting in the cultivation practice of Falun Gong and has continued to clarify the facts about Falun Gong to other people. At the end of the year 2000, Mr. Liu was detained for a few months by the local public security bureau. In late 2003, he was again illegally arrested and sent to Gansu Province's 2nd Forced Labor Camp for three years of persecution.

    4. [Kunming, Yunan Province] Retiree Ms. Tang Lingfang Illegally Sentenced to a Three-Year Prison Term

    Practitioner Ms. Tang Lingfang is 56 years old and a retiree from the Power Supply Bureau of Kunming City, Yunan Province. In March 2005, she was arrested by the local police station. After 24 hours, Ms. Tang was able to get out because of her righteous thoughts. After that, people from the police station, district office, public security police station, and her work unit would constantly come to her home in order to harass her.

    Around April 20, 2005, personnel from the police station and national security police went to Ms. Tang's home and arrested her. Her child's personal computer equipment was confiscated. They sent Ms. Tang to the 2nd Detention Center for several months and then at the end of August illegally sentenced her to a three-year prison term. She is currently locked up at the Yunan Province 2nd Prison.

    5. [Zhaoyang, Liaoning Province] Ms. Mou Xiuhua of Jianping County has Been Illegally Detained

    On November 18, 2005, practitioner Ms. Mou Xiuhua was arrested by the public security police of the Zhaoyang 610 Office while she was working at the Jianping County Hospital. She was immediately sent to a detention center without being able to notify her family. The police searched her home and confiscated her personal computer, as well as the cash she had saved for her child's college fund. Ms. Mou is currently on a hunger strike in order to protest her illegal detention.

    Telephone numbers of responsible people:

    Jiang Jie, National Security Head of the 610 Office: 86-421-7829551 (Office), 86-421-7814048 (Home), 86-13842168008 (Cell)
    Yu Zhongzhi, Head of the 2nd Detention Center: 86-421-7880389 (Office), 86-421-7812039 (Home), 86-13842156112 (Cell)
    Gao Tiejian from the County Hospital: 86-421-7816105 (Home)
    Luu Cunfu, Secretary General at the Hospital: 86-421-7816398 (Office), 86-421-7816181 (Home), 86-13904912235 (Cell)
    Zhou Enzhi, 610 Office Director: 86-421-7828443 (Office), 86-421-7816181 (Home), 86-13332368160 (Cell)

    6. [Shandong Province] Practitioner Ms. Liu Shutao Illegally Confined at the Wendeng City Detention Center

    Ms. Liu Shutao, 40 years old, firmly believes in Falun Gong and was arrested while at work in the early morning of November 17, 2005, by the Wendeng City National Security 610 Office policemen Xiang Hongping and Sun Guohai, together with City Political Security policemen. Ms. Liu is currently being held at the Wendeng City Detention Center.

    Related Telephone Numbers:

    Public Security National Security 610 Office: 86-631-8983935
    Wendeng City Commissioners 610 Office: 86-631-8451713, 86-631-8462213
    610 Office Training Class: 86-631-8985610

    7. [Jizhou, Heibei Province] Mr. Jiu Changying of Jiuyang Village Arrested

    In the afternoon of November 24, 2005, the Weitun Town Police of Jizhou City illegally took practitioner Mr. Jiu Changying of Jiuyang Village into custody. Then without any reason at 4 p.m., 6 p.m., and 10 p.m. police people went to search the house of another villager Mr. Wang Wenqian, who had just gotten married. They took away the TV set, VCD equipment, a motorcycle, and other valuable items. On November 25, Mr. Jiu was locked up at the Jizhou Detention Center.

    Related Telephone Numbers:

    Weitun Town Police Station: 86-318-8964400
    Zhao Guosheng, National Security Group Leader: 86-318-8613836, 86-13383681861 (Cell)
    Liu Lisen, 610 Office Director: 86-318-8616212, 86-13383383689 (Cell)
    Detention Center: 86-318-8629029

    8. [Beijing] Practitioner Mr. Tian Jiawei is Illegally Confined at the Haidian District Detention Center

    Practitioner Mr. Tian Jiawei was illegally arrested around November 10, 2005. He is now confined at the Beijing's Haidian District Detention Center.

    9. [Luoyang, Henan Province] Practitioner Ms. Du Yuexiang and Others Have Been Arrested

    Police at the Jianxi District of Luoyang City arrested practitioner Ms. Du Yuexiang and illegally sent her to the Gushui Forced Labor Camp. Then they arrested Xiao Yue and Xiao Mei for practicing Falun Gong.

    10. [Dandong, Liaoning Province] Ms. Tao Shujie and Two Other Practitioners Illegally Sent to a Forced Labor Camp

    On April 13, 2005, three senior citizens of the Liudaogou and Fucun District of Dandong City were arrested because someone reported that they were distributing Falun Gong truth clarification materials at the Yanjiang Development District. They are practitioners Ms. Tao Shujie, Ms. Er Chen, and an unnamed lady who is almost 70 years old. A few days later these three women were sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp for terms of 2 to 3 years.

    11. [Jiaozhou, Shandong Province] Practitioner Ms. He Shuqin is Missing after Being Illegally Detained

    Because she clarified the facts about Falun Gong to co-workers, Ms. He Shugin was reported and detained by the Fu-an Police Station on November 2, 2005. After she was released from detention, Ms. He's whereabouts are unknown.

    Brief News from China - December 12, 2005

    1. [Luzhou City, Sichuan Province] Zhou Honglan Sentenced to Three Years of Imprisonment Merely for Posting a Sign that Reads "Falun Dafa is  Great"

    Retired Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhou Honglan, 58 years old, is the daughter-in-law of Yang Gancai, a renowned commander of the Kuoming Party's No. 29 Corp, a former hero in the war against the Japanese. Luzhou City's 610 Office agents, personnel from the National Security Bureau, from the Procuratorate and the court collaborated to persecute Zhou Honglan because she refused to give up her belief in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," the teachings of Falun Gong.

    In April 2005, Zhou Honglan and practitioners Ms. Zhao Derong and Ms. Liang Yufeng were arrested because they posted a sign that read, "Falun Dafa is Great." They were held at the Naxi City Detention Center. In October 2005 they were sentenced to three years of imprisonment. At present, they are detained at the Women's Ward of the Southwest Prison in Jianyang City.

    2. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Police Arrest Xie Fengchun in Broad Daylight

    Between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. on November 8, 2005, personnel from the Jilin City "610 Office" and from the National Security Bureau, together with four officers and two plainclothes agents from the local police station, arrested practitioner Ms. Xie Fengchun at her market stall. They even arrested a non-practitioner surnamed Liu, who manned a neighboring stall. They also confiscated a lot of Falun Gong materials.

    Xie Fengchun, 50 years old, was an employee of the Jilin Province Mini Vehicle Factory. She follows "Truthfulness-Compassion- Forbearance" and always considers others before herself. Her colleagues and customers alike praise her, and she is widely known as a kind person. She often clarifies the truth about Falun Gong to her colleagues and customers, and because of this the police frequently harass and threaten her, and have now arrested her.

    3. [Shanghai] Li Xiqin and Wu Qiurong Sentenced to 18 Months of Forced Labor for Clarifying the Truth to a Taxi Driver

    Ms. Li Xiqin and Ms. Wu Qiurong were arrested in March 2005 because they clarified the truth in a taxi from the Changning District in Shanghai. They were both sentenced to 18 months of forced labor and are presently incarcerated at the Shanghai Women's Forced Labor Camp.

    Wu Qiurong was sent to another team to do heavy labor. Li Xiqin was held in solitary confinement, which is a form of abuse that is reserved for persecuting practitioners.

    4. [Beijing] Cai Guijin Sentenced to Two Years of Forced Labor

    Around the end of September 2005, "610 Office" agents and police ransacked the home of practitioner Mr. Cai Guijin, who is in his fifties, and confiscated many truth-clarifying materials. They arrested Mr. Cai and sent him to a forced labor camp.

    During the Jiang regime's brutal suppression of Falun Gong, Cai Guijin was sentenced to four years of imprisonment in January of 2001 for posting truth-clarifying materials. Mr. Cai and his family had already led a difficult life. However, the police often persecute him, as well as his family.

    5. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Jiang Guangqian Arrested for Distributing Truth-Clarifying Materials

    On November 11, 2005, personnel from the 110 Emergency Police and from the Huangzhong Police Station arrested practitioner Mr. Jiang Guangqian as he distributed truth-clarifying materials. The Jinniu District Procuratorate approved the arrest.

    Mainly responsible units and persons:

    Section 1 (National Security Team), the Jinniu District Police Department

    Zhang Keban, section chief, 86-28-86406253 (office)

    Gao Xiang, chief for the Arresting Section, the Jinniu District Procuratorate, 86-28-87620631 (office)

    Yan Dianxiong, Public Trial Section chief, the Jinniu District Procuratorate, 86-28-87621031
    Yu Anyuan, Huangzhong Police Station

    6. [Macheng City, Hubei Province] Six Practitioners from a Truth-Clarifying Materials Production Site Sentenced

    On December 8, 2005, the Huangjinqiao Court in Macheng City, Hubei Province tried six practitioners. Yao Xiaoan was sentenced to nine years of imprisonment; Hu Liping to seven years; Li Chunmei to seven years; Hu Lingzhi, Wu Qiping and Jiang Xianhua to one year each.

    These six practitioners have been held captive ever since their truth-clarifying material production site was destroyed on December 26, 2004. As stated above, their trial did not come until a year later.

    7. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Yang Chunling and Others Arrested

    At around 9:30 p.m. on October 13, 2005 when practitioner Ms. Zhao Xue opened the door to her home, police waiting outside seized the opportunity and barged into the house. They arrested practitioners Lu Kaili, Ms. Yang Chunling and Zhao Xue. During the process of the arrest, police broke Yang Chunling's right arm. On October 14, the police sent her to the Dalian City Central Hospital. She had a fracture of the right arm. Surgery was performed that afternoon and a steel rod was inserted to correct the injury. Following the surgery, the doctor requested hospitalization for the practitioner, but the police authorities didn't agree and held her in the Xiaobailou building for seven days.

    On October 20, Yang Chunling was sent to the Yaojia Detention Center. Two days later, personnel from the Liaoyang City National Security Team took her to the City Detention Center. On October 26, she was again transferred and this time sent to the Liaoyang City "Caring Education" Center for brainwashing. As Yang refused to be "reformed," she was sent back to the City Detention Center. On November 23, the City Procuratorate issued arrest warrants for Yang Chunling, Yang Benliang, Lu Kaili and Zhang Wei.

    Yang Chunling went on hunger strike between November 13 and 23. She was subsequently force-fed. Yang's blood pressure and blood sugar level were extremely low. She also suffered from hypertension, was very weak and at the brink of death. She could not get sufficient treatment for her broken arm in the detention center. When Yang Chunling's mother-in-law came to visit her and Ms. Yang's husband, she was arrested too with the charge of "impeding law enforcement."

    8. [Tonghe County, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Lang Fengai Arrested While Distributing Truth-clarifying Materials

    Ms. Lang Feng'ai from Linjiang Village, Fulin Township, Tonghe County, Heilongjiang Province was arrested on November 19, 2005 while distributing truth-clarifying materials at Chalin Village.

    On November 22, personnel from the County Police Department, Township Police Station and the National Security Team from the County Police Department arrested practitioner Ms. Chi Qinghua from her home in Fulin Township. Her home was ransacked and a computer and other electronic apparatus were confiscated. The two practitioners are currently being held at the County Detention Center.

    Fulin Township Police Station: 86-451-57455620
    Administrator: Chi Haibo, 86-13945183869 (cell)

    9. [Linshu County, Shandong Province] Zhang Ping Arrested and Taken to a Brainwashing Center

    At the end of November 2005, practitioner Ms. Zhang Ping, employed at the Fourth Middle School in Linshu County, Shandong Province, was arrested and sent to the Linyi City "Legal Educational" Center to undergo brainwashing for distributing truth-clarifying materials on campus. Her parents had to take care of her 18-month-old child. Her husband, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. He Rushang, was sentenced to two years of forced labor in August 2004 for clarifying the truth.

    Phone numbers of related persons:

    Liu Yuhong, director of the Linshu County "610 Office" and deputy head of the County Police Department: 86-539-6084203, 86-13905397758

    Li Fangchun, deputy director of the County's "610 Office": 86-539-6219727, 86-13905398692

    10. [Luoyang City, Henan Province] Li Miaoneng Arrested Again

    In November 2005, personnel from the Jianxi District National Security Team in Luoyang City arrested practitioner Ms. Li Miaoneng again. She is currently being incarcerated at the Luoyang City Detention Center. Her daughter Ms. Zhang Xiumei was also arrested when she visited her. Zhang Xiumei has recently begun a hunger strike.

    Li Miaoning started practicing Falun Gong in 1998. In June 2000, she went to Beijing to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. After she returned she was held at the Yanshi City Detention Center for one month. After she was released, she discovered the villagers had robbed her of all her private property worth over 100,000 yuan. In 2001, she has been detained twice for one month each time. In June 2002, she was sent to the Zhengzhou City Shibailihe Women's Forced Labor Camp in Henan Province for two years. Later, lawless policemen told her family to take her home because she had been tortured to the brink of death. Police often harassed her after her release. To avoid being arrested, she decided to lead a homeless life, but was tracked down by the police and arrested again.

    11. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Belated News: Yu Shuxian and Wei Yanqiu Arrested While Distributing Truth-clarifying Materials

    Ms. Yu Shuxian, 48 years old, a teacher, lives at Qingzhuangwu Village, Huanxizhuang, Fengrun District, Tangshan City. Ms. Wei Yanqiu, 41 years old, is from the Bahu Village, Huanxizhuang. On the night of November 25, 2002, they went out to distribute truth-clarifying materials. When they were at Gemenkou Village Xinjuntun Town, Fengrun District they were reported and the police took them to the Town Police Substation. The policemen awarded the informant 2,000 yuan.

    Xinjuntun Town Police Substation:

    Wang Donghui, director: 86-315-5239110
    Wang Chenghua, associate director: 86-315-5536110

    12. [Yumen City, Gansu Province] Wang Yongchang and His Wife Yang Yuanhua Arrested

    On the afternoon of November 21, 2005, officers from the Oil Administration Bureau Staff Hospital in Yumen City, Gansu Province and personnel from the Security Section went to the home of practitioner Wang Yongchang, a retired employee of the bureau. Wang Yongchag let them in. Soon thereafter Zhou Yongbin, the associate director of local police department and Zou Hong, the chief of the National Security Team led over ten police and broke into Wang Yongchang's home to conduct an illegal search. They forcibly confiscated Falun Gong books and some truth-clarifying flyers. They said, "We will let you go if you can tell us where you got these materials." Wang Yongchang and his wife Yang Yuanhua (a practitioner) refused, so the lawless policemen forcibly dragged them into a police car. That same night, Wang Yongchang was locked up in the Yumen City Detention Center and Yang Yuanhua at the Jiuquan Detention Center. They are still being detained at present.