The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- December 22, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • The Hidden Truth Behind the Rape of Falun Gong Practitioners by Hebei Police

  • Mr. Jiang Xiaoming and Mrs. Guo Changwei, Husband and Wife, Sentenced to Heavy Prison Terms after Serving More Than One Year in Detention

  • The Persecution of Practitioners in Jiangxi No. 2 Forced Labor Camp

  • Chief of the She County Detention Center, Hebei Province: "Throw Them into the Furnace When They Die"

  • Information about Practitioners Detained in Qinghe Detention Center, Haidian District, Beijing

  • Five Senior Citizens in Heilongjiang, Shandong, Jilin, and Other Provinces Pass Away Due to Persecution

  • Three Falun Gong Practitioners from Liaoning and Guangdong Provinces Die Due to Persecution

  • Brief News from China - December 3, 2005

  • Summary of Other Articles and News - December 6, 2005

  • The Hidden Truth Behind the Rape of Falun Gong Practitioners by Hebei Police

    Song Xiaobin, secretary of the Political Legal Committee of Dongchengfang Town in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, was in charge of logistics, with Chai Yuqiao, director of the General Politics Office (also in charge of persecuting Falun Gong), Officer Xing (first name unknown) and Director Chu Chunshui from the Dongchengfang police station following closely his orders. They planned, organized and carried out the arrest of the five Falun Gong practitioners in Dongchengfang Town on November 24, 2005. Officer He Xuejian raped two of the Falun Gong practitioners, Ms. Liu Jizhi and Ms. Han Yuzhi, while officer Wang Zengjun watched and did nothing to stop this atrocity. Officer He even tried to force the two female practitioners to sleep with him and Wang in their dorm room. He knew that he did not have to worry, as Secretary Song and Director Chai were of shady character and would certainly sanction such cruelty.

    The rape was exposed to the international society and protest activities were held worldwide. Falun Gong practitioners in Zhuozhou City did not lose any time spreading the truth about the crime among local residents. Under pressure from the international community and protest by decent people from China, the Hebei Province and Zhuozhou City authorities attempted to disassociate themselves from the incident with lies, which were full of flaws. They wanted to hide their atrocious behavior. To cover their conduct, the authorities arrested He Xuejian on December 11, 2005. He confessed without concealing anything.

    Though He was arrested, this incident is not yet over. Secretary Song, Director Chu and Officer Xing were participants in the crime and they will have to pay their dues. Police are now patrolling Xitong Village, Dongchengfang Town, around the clock. They let it be known that whoever could provide information on missing Falun Gong practitioners (who were arrested on November 24 and later released after paying the so-called "fine") would receive 100 thousand yuan if the clues led to an arrest. The Hebei Province 610 Office is covering up the crime. They carry equal responsibility for He's rapes.

    Song Xiaobin, Chai Yuqiao, Chu Chunshui and Xing (first name unknown) committed the crime, misusing their authority. These villains planned, organized and carried out the arrest of Falun Gong practitioners because they could collect illegal fees after taking practitioners to a brainwashing center. At the same time they showed "cooperation" with the plans of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners made by the Hebei Province 610 Office and announced during a meeting in early November in Zhuozhou City.

    During the interrogation of the five kidnapped Falun Gong practitioners, the police asked, "Do you know other practitioners? Who practices it in other villages?" The police threatened the kidnapped practitioners with torture if they did not provide information of more than ten other practitioners. The police did not keep their desire to arrest more practitioners secret. As a matter of fact, after the police kidnapped the five practitioners in Xitong Village on November 24, 2005, they went back to Xitong Village to kidnap others the next day. The kidnapping of the five practitioners was only the beginning of Song and his cohorts' illegal money gathering scheme.

    After He Xuejian's rape crime was reported, the writer used the identity of a staff member from the Party and Government Administration Department in Zhuozhou City, and visited the victims. The writer gathered five receipts issued on November 27, 2005, after the victims were released. On the receipts, one could clearly see the 3,000 yuan fine was for the "training fee in the Nanma Brainwash Base" and the seal on the receipts was the official stamp of Director Chai Yuqiao's General Politics Office.

    In fact, Falun Gong practitioners sent to the Nanma Brainwash Center were forced to pay 4,000 yuan, not 3,000 yuan. Also, Song's Political Legal Committee and Chai's General Politics Office did not have the "authority" to take Falun Gong practitioners to the Nanma brainwashing center and collect "training fee," using an official stamp. Only the Zhuozhou City 610 Office has the "legal right" to send practitioners to a brainwashing center. Song and Chai aggressively participated in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, as ordered by the Hebei Province 610 Office during a meeting. They wanted to profit from the misery of others.

    Song and Chai claimed that the 3,000 yuan fine was the training fee for Falun Gong practitioners in the Nanma training center (brainwashing for the Falun Gong practitioners in Baoding City, Hebei Province). That is obviously a lie. In the Dongchengfang Town Police Station, Chai interrogated practitioner Qu Wenting, "Does your family have money?" Qu said no and Chai threatened Qu, "Then make sure you have 10,000 yuan to pay the Mancheng Prison (Baoding City Prison)!" The same thing happened to practitioner Wang Helin. Officer Xing asked Wang whether Wang's family had money and Wang said no. Xing said, "Then you are going to the Mancheng Prison for three years, plus you have to pay 10,000 yuan." Officer Wang Zenjun also asked Ms. Han Yuzhi whether her family had money during the interrogation.

    The bottom line is, the gangsters wanted to extort money from the practitioners.

    The families of the kidnapped practitioners had no choice but to borrow money wherever they could to pay the 3,000 yuan deposit, so the practitioners could go home. The people who collected the money were Secretary Song Xiaobin and Officer Xing. Ms. Han Yuxhi and Wei Baoliang paid the fee on the 25th and went home. Han's husband went to the police to report the rape crime the next day. This clearly shows that Song and his gangs did not release the five Falun Gong practitioners because He Xuejian's rape crime was exposed, but because the practitioners' families paid the "fine."

    Three thousand yuan is the total annual income of a farmer's family in Dongchengfang Town! There is much misery behind every one of the 3,000 yuan fines. Under Jiang's policy of "bankrupt them financially," the authorities of Zhuozhou City have frequently persecuted practitioners and extorted outrageous amounts of money during the past several years.

    One practitioner in Zhuozhou City had paid a total of 48,000 yuan in fines during the past several years and the lost wages from his/her job amounts to more than 100,000 yuan. Rape victims Ms. Liu Yuzhi and Ms. Han Yuzhi were also fined many times over the past years. The extortion in the form of fines is the outcome of the persecution policies of Jiang's evil regime, "defame their reputation, bankrupt them financially, and destroy them physically."

    Because Song, Chai, Chu and Xing's arrest of Falun Gong practitioners and extortion without fear for reprimand set an example and created an environment that allowed He Xuejian's rape crime. After He was arrested, those accomplices of his were also implicated. They tried all within their power to conceal their complicity and their abuse of political authority granted them by the Zhuozhou 610 Office, and the extortion of money. Song authorized Chai to negotiate with practitioners Wang Helin and Qu Wenting by telling them, "I will only send you to the Nanma brainwashing center for a few days and then I will have you bailed out. I will also return part of the 3,000-yuan you paid." They were afraid of the consequences they would have to face if an investigation showed their involvement after the rape crime was exposed.

    According to an insider from the City Public Safety Bureau, four out of the five released practitioners are still homeless because they worry the criminals will take revenge. While practitioners Wang Helin and Qu Wenting were homeless, Song and his gangs were looking for them. They pretended that they wanted to return the 3,000 yuan, but in reality they wanted to stop the victims from talking. On the other hand, Song's cronies told the public that the official stamp on the receipts was a mistake. They said that the police collected the fine and they were innocent regarding this matter. The depraved people are always afraid of being exposed.

    Concerning the legal aspect of this incident, Song Xiaobin, Chai Yuqiao, officer Xing (first name unknown) and Director Chu Chunshui planned, organized and carried out the illegal arrests of the five Falun Gong practitioners. They are definitely responsible and must face the consequences regarding the rape of the two female practitioners by policeman He Xuejian.

    Mr. Jiang Xiaoming and Mrs. Guo Changwei, Husband and Wife, Sentenced to Heavy Prison Terms after Serving More Than One Year in Detention

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Jiang Xiaoming and his wife Guo Changwei, from Jiangmen, Guangdong Province, have been incarcerated at the Jiangmen Detention Center for more than one year. Recently the Pengjiang District Court in Jiangmen City sentenced them to ten and seven years in prison, respectively. Although they appealed to the Jiangmen City Intermediate People's Court, the 610 Office ordered the court to uphold the original verdict.

    Jiang Xiaoming and Guo Changwei are being held at Jiangmen City Detention Center. Guo Changwei is in critical condition.

    The couple was reported on the evening of October 18, 2004 when they clarified the truth to people at Wuyi University in Jiangmen City. The 610 Office agents quickly moved to illegally arrest them, and ransacked their home.

    Jiang Xiaoming, 32, worked in the Asset Protection Division of the Jiangmen City Division of the China Construction Bank. His wife Guo Changwei worked for the service company for the same bank division. Guo Changwei previously suffered from severe heart disease, but she recovered through Falun Gong practice.

    The couple went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in July 2000 and October 2000. They were sentenced to two years of forced labor and were brutally tortured at the Sanshui Forced Labor Camp and the Sanshui Women's Labor Camp in Guangdong Province. They regained their freedom in early 2002. Gou Changwei lost almost all of her hair at the labor camp and was at the brink of death.

    The Persecution of Practitioners in Jiangxi No. 2 Forced Labor Camp

    These are the facts regarding the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in Jiangxi No. 2 Forced Labor Camp located in Bajing Township, Gaoan City, Jiangxi Province.

    1. In 2002, a practitioner (name unknown) went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution of Falun Gong. He died during the process of force-feeding. Out of fear, the forced labor camp said that he had committed suicide, and his body was cremated immediately to destroy the evidence. His family was informed only after his cremation and was told that he had died from illnesses.

    2. In the camp, Liu Suo's son ridiculed practitioners, saying, "Killing you practitioners is the same as killing dogs. We don't have to take any responsibility."

    3. In May 2003, the guards assigned criminal inmates to monitor me. Every day, they only allowed me to take a five minute break three times, only three minutes to use the restroom each time. If I took more than three minutes, I was pulled out of the restroom even if I was not done. I had to listen repeatedly to recordings that slandered Falun Gong. They handcuffed me to a bed, put headphones over my ears, and forced me to listen 16 hours a day. If I refused to listen, they ordered a group of inmates to physically abuse me. They allowed me to sleep about four hours per day.

    4. Many practitioners who persisted in their Falun Gong beliefs were deprived of food. Police officer Huang Aihui led many others to confiscate paper, pens and many other items sent by the practitioners' families. When practitioners' families sent food items, he would let the items rot rather than give them to the practitioners. Huang Aihui often blackmailed and extorted money from practitioners and searched them.

    Those who participated in persecuting practitioners:

    Division chief: Fu Guizhi
    Division deputy chief: Xiao Feihu
    Others: Hu Suo, Liu Suo, Huang Aihui, Wang Xinjie, Jin Wenhui, Qiu Jinchang, and others
    Jiangxi No. 2 Forced Labor Camp: 86-795-5485273, 86-795-5483056

    The Director of the She County Detention Center, Hebei Province: "Throw Them into the Furnace When They Die"

    Three Falun Gong practitioners are currently illegally imprisoned at the She County Detention Center in Hebei Province. One of them is currently on the brink of death. The torture has severely damaged her body, and she will be facing a trial very soon. This is an urgent appeal to everyone to help save her immediately.

    A severely tortured female Falun Gong practitioner who has suffered a hip bone dislocation and a crushed leg bone is so emaciated that her weight has dropped down to 90 pounds (100 jin) from her usual weight of 117 pounds (130 jin). After eight prison guards and two other "extra" guards monitored her for ninety days, the county public security bureau took her to a detention center for another round of torture the moment she was able to get on her feet and walk.

    She has started a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Yang Cong, chief of the detention center has shouted madly at her, "You asked for it, so there's no way for you to get out of here alive. I will simply throw you into the furnace when you die."

    Every day, early in the morning, prison authorities check out her state, without giving her any support. On the seventh day of her hunger strike, the detention center authorities brought her to the prison physician. The Falun Gong practitioner was close to death. The purpose of bring the practitioner to the physician was so that the deputy chief of the detention center could immediately take propaganda-style photographs that showed the physician looking after the practitioner, in an attempt to cover up any maltreatment. The authorities have, in fact, already made a lot of preparations for the practitioner's death. They even invited photographers to take propaganda pictures with the female chief of the detention center, Li Liping, sitting in front of the practitioner pretending to be "persuading" her and asking her to eat. They present all kinds of propaganda to invite the practitioner to eat, but the truth is that they are not allowing the practitioner to eat anything, nor are they providing her with any help whatsoever.

    The She County Detention Center authorities place no value on human life and have been extremely brutal in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. This is an appeal to all righteous souls in the world who are reading this to show your concern towards this matter and ask for the release of all illegally imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners!

    Telephone area code: 0310
    She County Detention Center Telephone: 3832146
    The chief of Detention Center: Yang Cong; Deputy chief: Li Liping, Li Jianglong
    The director's office: 3834144
    The director of the Detention Center: Qin Gaobao

    Information about Practitioners Detained in Qinghe Detention Center, Haidian District, Beijing

    During the past several years, Qinghe Detention Center in Haidian District, Beijing, has persecuted many practitioners to death or disability. During U.S. President Bush's visit to China earlier this year, the detention center personnel transferred all practitioners detained there to a secret place in order to cover up their crimes. They also reduced the number of people held in each cell from twenty to ten. They ordered the detainees there not to mention anything about Falun Gong practitioners should anyone from outside come to visit and inspect the detention center.

    There are sixteen cells in each of the four groups of the detention center. Almost every cell has practitioners detained there. Every practitioner is normally detained for one or two months before they are sent to labor camps. There's no legal procedure whatsoever. Oftentimes the detention center guards simply announce that a practitioner is being sent to a forced labor camp. Below is some information about some practitioners who are detained there.

    Ms. Qi Yuzhen, retired professor of People's University was arrested at the east entrance of People's University on November 17, 2005. At 3:00 a.m. the next day the nearly 70-year-old lady was sent to Qinghe Detention Center.

    Mr. Bai Shaohua, 34, was arrested along with his family in Beijing at around 5:00 p.m. on September 28, 2005. He was sent to Qinghe Detention Center. He went on a hunger strike to protest and was force-fed as a punishment. Twice he was sent to a hospital for emergency treatment. Because the labor camp refused to accept him due to his poor health, the police have been keeping him in the detention center. His brother, Bai Xiaojun, a lecturer at the Northeastern Normal University, was persecuted to death in 2000. His wife, Ji Lei, is now being detained in the same detention center.

    Ms. Wang Chun, in her late 20s, was sent to Qinghe Detention Center around October 2005. She went on a hunger strike to protest and was force-fed as a result. She shouted "Falun Dafa is good" while being force fed. In November, she was sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp.

    Ms. Geng Xinping, 58, was sent to the detention center on November 20, 2005, for distributing Falun Gong truth-clarification materials.

    Ms. Yi Li, 57, was sent to the detention center in September 2005 for distributing Falun Gong truth-clarification materials. At present, she is being illegally sued.

    Ms. Wang Xiurong, in her 60s or 70s, was also sent to the detention center.

    Ms. Tang Yuan, in her 60s, was also detained in the detention center. The police asked her daughter to come to the detention center. They then asked her if she wanted Falun Gong or her daughter. She said she wanted both. At the end of October she was sentenced to one year (or eighteen months, the details are not clear) of forced labor.

    Ms. Cheng Ran, in her 30s, was sentenced to two years of forced labor in September 2005. She has a toddler at home.

    On September 28, 2005, Peng Quan, who owns a crystal craft business, was arrested at his home. The police ransacked his home and took away the whole family. Since his family members do not practice Falun Gong, they were released the next day. But Peng was sent to the detention center.

    The address of the detention center:
    25 Longgang Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100085
    Director's office: 86-10-62902266 ext 3500
    Director Bai Gang: 86-10-62902266 ext 3502

    Haidian Police Department: 86-10-82519110
    Chief: Zhang Weigang
    Political instructor: Wang Jucheng

    Five Senior Citizens in Heilongjiang, Shandong, Jilin, and Other Provinces Pass Away Due to Persecution

    Sixty year-old Mr. Ding Rufu was a resident of Pingyang Town, Jidong County, Heilongjiang Province. Within less than six months of practicing Falun Gong in early 1998, he recovered from all his hard-to-heal and strange illnesses without taking any medicine. Witnessing Mr. Ding's amazing health improvement, many others in the local area also started to practice Falun Gong. Mr. Ding set up a Falun Gong practice site at his house and served voluntarily as an assistant. After the evil party's persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, he became the focal point of the lawless officials' persecution. Repeatedly, the police went to his house to search for Falun Gong books, confiscate his personal belongings, and threaten and harass him. This continuous police abuse stopped him from practicing Falun Gong. In early 2000, Mr. Ding suffered a relapse of his illnesses, and he passed away on March 27 of that year.

    Ms. Yang Shirong, 83, lived at the dormitory of Jining City Knitting Plant in Shandong Province. Before learning Falun Gong in 1997, she suffered from various respiratory ailments. Specifically, a chronic case of bronchopneumonia would manifest recurring symptoms of asthma, suffocation, and even shock. Meanwhile, accompanying headaches and uneasiness of the chest caused her difficulty with sleeping. A short while after practicing Falun Gong, however, all her illnesses disappeared. Thus, her daughter and grandson-in-law began their practices as well. In 2000, the police illegally arrested her daughter and grandson-in-law merely for printing Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials. Due to this unsettling event, Ms. Yang was frightened and suffered hemiplegia, or a "wind" stroke, which impaired her speech. On July 16, 2004, the wicked police again arrested her daughter and also searched her home. Once again the senior Ms. Yang became mentally traumatized and was terrified day-and-night. A few days later, she died on July 21, 2004.

    Mr. Jiao Cunren, age 63, lived at No. 75-10-4 Shengli Road, Tonghua City, Jilin Province. After learning Falun Gong in 1997, he became free from his old illness of vasculitis without any medical treatment. Moreover, he gained ten pounds and was remarkably able to do Falun Gong exercises for two hours in 30-some degrees below zero temperatures. In the past, he could endure such conditions for no more than five minutes. Since the evil party's attempts to suppress Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, many times the wicked police cadres went to Mr. Jiao's house to harass him. Especially after the incident when Falun Gong truth programs were broadcast on television after someone tapped into the system on March 5, 2002, his house was confiscated and his spouse's wages were unduly stopped. Mr. Jiao was forced into a state of homelessness and destitution. Thereafter, he suffered both mentally and physically from the woeful circumstances he was forced to face. Finally, the recurrence of an old illness took his life on June 1, 2003.

    Mr. Liu Cunnian, 65, was a practitioner in Hebei Province. Before learning Falun Gong, he had many illnesses. After practicing Falun Gong, all of his illnesses disappeared without medicine. Mr. Liu had twice appealed in Beijing to make public the truth of his own benefits from Falun Gong. The first time was on "April 25," 1999, and the second time was at the end of 2000. Because of the Communist Party's sinister efforts to deprive people of the freedom of speech and access to uncensored information, Mr. Liu was illegally arrested by police and sent back to his hometown where the persecution continued. The local police unlawfully searched his house and confiscated his personal property. Moreover, they arrested him with the intent to lock him up in a detention center. Because he failed the physical checkup, the detention center did not accept him. Yet, the criminal minds of the wicked police did not cease as they extorted fines of a few thousand yuan and withheld twenty thousand yuan worth of bonds that belonged to him. After that time, on "sensitive days" when heightened security was enforced, cadres of the local evil party branch would go to his house and harass and threaten him into writing a guarantee statement with the purpose of undermining his belief in Falun Gong. Recently, due to their solid belief in Falun Gong's "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," Mr. Liu's wife and daughter were illegally detained and sent to a forced labor camp. For six years, Mr. Liu Cunnian endured so much mental anguish that he suffered a relapse of his illness. He was sent for emergency rescue several times, but finally passed away on October 17, 2005.

    Ms. Fu Yuanyue, 56, was a resident of Wuhan City, Hubei Province. She learned Falun Gong in October 1993. As the end of 2000 approached, Ms. Fu went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong. She was groundlessly detained for approximately two months and then sent to serve eighteen months at a forced labor camp. After being released from the forced labor camp, she solidly maintained her practice of Falun Gong. In the year 2004, the lawless police arrested her husband and daughter so as to persecute them in a forced brainwashing class. The persistent and long-term menacing threats posed by the police towards her and her son exacted a heavy toll. It ultimately wearied Ms. Fu to the point of mental trauma. She later passed away in October, 2005.

    Three Falun Gong Practitioners from Liaoning and Guangdong Provinces Die Due to Persecution

    Mr. Yan Li was a Falun Gong practitioner from Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. He was arrested by the Police Department of Hongshan District, Chifeng City, Neimenggu Province. His condition became critical due to the torture he was subjected to in Hongshan District Detention Center. On December 5, his family was ordered to pick him up. However, he was not released on that day. Mr. Yan Li died of torture on December 7 in the detention center.

    Ms. Zhao Yuzhe, 45, was from Gabatun Village, Dongguan Township, Kangping County, Liaoning Province. She was completely cured of multiple diseases after she started practicing Falun Gong in 1997. After July 20, 1999, when the persecution of Falun Gong started, lawless officials from the township police station, as well as village security guards etc., harassed her many times at her home. On January 26, 2001, the officials tricked her into going to the township police station, where she was illegally detained for over ten days. She passed out and threw up there, and she was very weak. However, the officials didn't care or ask about her. When her family got to know the situation, they demanded to take her back. The lawless officials then continued harassing her at her home. After Ms. Zhao Yuzhe had suffered extreme injury, she became very sick and passed away on November 27, 2005.

    Mr. Lin Chang, 63, was from Jiazi Town, Lufeng County, Shanwei City, Guangdong Province. Since the persecution of Falun Gong started on July 20, 1999, officials from the local police department and station constantly harassed him at his home. His home was ransacked many times. He was also threatened many times. In 2001 his son (also a Falun Gong practitioner) was arrested and sent a forced labor camp for two years. Mr. Lin Chang's body and mind were severely affected and injured. He became very sick and passed away on April 3, 2002.

    Brief News from China - December 3, 2005

    1. [Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province] Mr. Si Dongfeng and Ms. Liu Xiang Arrested

    At 7:30 p.m. on November 30, 2005, practitioners Mr. Si Dongfeng and Ms. Liu Xiang from Liujia Village of Fushan Town were arrested by over ten people including Sun Yinguo (male) from the Justice Department of Fushan Town, Zhaoyuan City in Shandong Province, and others from the Fushan Town Government and the Faushan Town Police Station. They were taken to a brainwashing center. Their homes were also ransacked. Ms. Liu Xiang suffered from hypertension after being arrested and therefore was released a few hours later. Mr. Si Dongfeng is being illegally detained.

    Relevant phone numbers:
    The Zhaoyuan City 610 Office: 86-535-8242287
    Hou Yuxian, male, director of the 610 Office: 86-535-8258610 (Office)
    Jiang Weihua, male, deputy director of the 610 Office: 86-535-8221659 (Home), 86-13805456026 (Cell)
    Feng Shugui, male, deputy director of the 610 Office: 86-535-8215200 (Home), 86-13853581989 (Cell)
    Lin Tao, male, chief of the Special Investigation Group: 86-13953500555 (Cell)
    The Brainwashing Center: 86-535-8393630
    Song Shuqin, male, director of the Brainwashing Center: 86-535-8364552

    2. [Ju County, Shandong Province] Ms. Duan Hongli Arrested

    At around 12:00 p.m. on December 2, 2005, police officers from Ju County in Shandong Province arrested practitioner Ms. Duan Hongli on the street and also ransacked her home. They illegally confiscated a computer, a television set, a DVD player, an MP3 player, and some Falun Gong materials.

    Relevant phone numbers:
    Li Ruiwu, male, director of the Ju County Police Department: 86-13356333318 (Cell), 86-633-6881285, 86-633-6202505
    Liu Yanping, male, police officer in the National Security Group of Ju County: 86-633-6228680
    Wu Peili ,male, director of the National Security Group of Ju County: 86-633-6202523, 86-633-6215185
    Xu Xiangdong, male, police officer in the 610 Office of Ju County: 86-633-6224001, 86-13863303333 (Cell)

    3. [Jiangsu Province] Elementary School Teacher Mr. Sha Yongzhi Brutally Beaten and in a Vegetative State

    Practitioner Mr. Sha Yongzhi is 53 years old. He was an elementary school teacher in the Suining Elementary School in Jiangsu Province. Mr. Sha Yongzhi practices Falun Gong. Before October 1, 2005, Mr. Sha was illegally arrested. He was reported to the police because he was distributing the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" to acquaintances. The police brutally beat him. Now he is in Suining Hospital in a vegetative state.

    4. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Zheng Li from Mulan County Arrested

    Practitioner Mr. Zheng Li from Mulan County of Harbin City was arrested by the police from the Mulan County Police Department on November 29, 2005. The police also ransacked his home and confiscated Falun Gong books and related materials.

    Relevant phone numbers:
    Lu Zhijun, male, director of the Internal Security Office of the Mulan County Police Department: 86-13604812651 (Cell), 86-451-57085499

    5. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Jinping and others from the Jigang District New Village Arrested

    On November 29, 2005, practitioners Ms. Wang Jinping, Mr. Qin Xianji, and Ms. Xie Aiying from the Jigang District New Village of Jinan City were illegally arrested in their homes by over 20 police officers from the Baoshan District Police Department of Jinan City, the Jigang District Police Station, and the Jigang District Police Department. The practitioners' homes were also ransacked. Computers, printers, and other items were also confiscated.

    Relevant phone numbers:
    The CCP Residential Committee of the Jigang District New Village: 86-531-88868526, 86-531-88868468, 86-531-88865920
    The Jigang District New Village Police Station: 86-531-88865200, 86-531-88865091
    The Jigang District Police Department: 86-531-88865066, 86-531-88868323, 86-531-88868294

    6. [Chiping County, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhao Yuying Arrested and Held in a Detention Center

    On the evening of December 1, 2005, practitioner Ms. Zhao Yuying from Boping Town, Chiping County in Shandong Province, was illegally arrested by the police when she was posting truth-clarification materials. She is being held and tortured in the Chiping County Detention Center.

    Phone number for the Boping Town Government Office: 86-635-4560210

    7. [Genhe City, Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region] Ms. Xu Qingzhen Arrested Through Deception

    Practitioner Ms. Xu Qingzhen from Genhe City in the Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region was deceived by a message asking her to go to the local train station to pick up materials on November 30, 2005. As a result, the police arrested her.

    8. [Guiping City, Guangxi Autonomous Region] The 610 Office Police Arrest Falun Gong Practitioner Liang Zhihua

    Practitioner Mr. Liang Zhihua, 31, works as an elementary school teacher in the Guanlan Town Second Elementary School in the Baoan District of Shenzhen City. After 3:00 p.m. on the afternoon of November 29, 2005, while Mr. Loang was teaching, he was arrested by police officers from the 610 Office of Guiping City in Guangxi Autonomous Region and from the Guanlan Town Police Station of Baoan District in Shenzhen City. Practitioner Ms. Su Cailian, Mr. Liang's mother who is in her 70s, was also arrested at the same time. She was taking care of her grandchildren at home.

    Relevant phone numbers:
    Cai Hangui, male, director of the 610 Office of Guiping City in Guangxi Autonomous Region, (male): 86-775-3381855
    Wei Ning, male, the CCP Political and Judicial Committee Member of Guiping City in Guangxi Autonomous Region: 86-775-3382692
    Tan Boxian, male, the CCP Organization Department of Guiping City in Guangxi Autonomous Region : 86-775-3383751

    9. [Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhang Tinghuan from the Liaohe Oil Field Arrested at Work

    Practitioner Ms. Zhang Tinghuan from the Liaohe Oil Field Petrochemical Company was arrested by the police at her workplace at around 9:00 a.m. on the morning of November 25, 2005.

    Li Zhanning, male, general manager of the Liaohe Petrochemical Company: 86-427-7658028 (Office)
    Liu Wenhua , male, the CCP Secretary: 86-427-7658789 (Office)

    Relevant persons in charge of the case:
    Li Shukui (male): 86-427-7658070
    Tu Guilong (male): 86-427-7569950
    Liu Jingyue (male): 86-427-7658030

    10. [Liaoning Province] Mr.Yu Jingquan and Mr. Wang Weichuang Arrested by Huanggu District Police Officers of Shenyan City

    On the evening of November 23, 2005, practitioner Mr. Wang Weichuang from the Huangu District of Shenyang City was arrested when he was working at a barbershop. At almost the same time, practitioner Mr. Yu Jingquan, 29, was also arrested near the same barbershop.

    Mr. Wang Weichuang is being illegally held in the Zhangshi District Brainwashing Center of Shenyang City. Mr. Yu Jingquan, who was released from the Liaoyan City Huazi Town Prison less than six months ago, is being illegally held in the Shenhe District Detention Center.

    Administration of Justice Department in Liaoning Province: 86-24-86896309 (phone), 86-24-86906792 (fax)

    11. [Zunhua City, Hebei Province] Ms. Ma Cuiyan from Yingezhuang Village, Xindianzi Town, Arrested

    On November 25, 2005, practitioner Ms. Ma Cuiyan from Yingezhuang Village of Xindianzi Town, Zunhua City in Hebei Province, was again arrested by police from the Zunhua City 610 Office and from the Xindianzi Town Government. She was taken to the Zunhua City Brainwashing Center, and her family members are not allowed to visit.

    Xindianzi Town Government of Zunhua City: 86-315-6011319 or 86-315-6011716
    Xindianzi town supervisor: 86-315-6011258
    Xindianzi Town Police Station: 86-315-6011510 or 86-315-6011110 or 86-315-6013008
    Brainwashing Center of Zunhua City: 86-315-6629367
    The director of the brainwashing center: Liu Guisheng (male)
    The deputy director of the brainwashing center: Wang Jiguo (male)

    12. [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Song Shanling and Ms. Zong Xiuhuan Arrested

    Ms. Song Shanling is an English teacher in the Nanhu District Gailun School of Anshan City. She was arrested at work by the police after 3:00 p.m. on the afternoon of November 23, 2005. Now she is being held at the First Detention Center of Anshan City.

    Ms. Zong Xiuhuan is an elementary school teacher in the Tiedong District Changdia Elementary School of Anshan City. She was reported to the police by the school principal and was arrested on November 24, 2005. The location of her illegal detention is not clear.

    13. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Li Youzhen Being Tortured in the Wuchang District Yangyuan Brainwashing Center of Wuhan City

    Practitioner Ms. Li Youzhen from the Wutaizha District in Wuhan City is in her 60s. She was arrested on the morning of November 30, 2005. She is being illegally held and tortured in the Wuchang District Yangyuan Brainwashing Center of Wuhan City.

    14. [Rong County, Guangxi Autonomous Region] Ms. Yang Zhi Illegally Sentenced to Three Years in a Forced Labor Camp

    Practitioner Ms. Yang Zhi was a worker in the Rong County Petroleum Company in the Guangxi Autonomous Region. After July 20, 1999, because she went to Beijing to appeal, she was illegally detained for one year and also dismissed from the Petroleum Company. In March 2002, she was illegally sentenced to a forced labor camp for three years because she continued to steadfastly practice Falun Gong. She was held in the Women's Forced Labor Camp in the Guangxi Autonomous Region. Ten months later, Ms. Yang Zhi was released for medical treatment and returned home. After she returned home, she requested many times to return to work but was rejected. In August 2005, Ms. Yang Zhi was again illegally sentenced to forced labor for three years because she was producing Falun Gong truth-clarification materials. She is serving her term in the Women's Forced Labor Camp in the Guangxi Autonomous Region.

    Summary of Other Articles and News - December 6, 2005

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xue Xiuhua is in her 50s and lives in Tumen City, Jilin Province. At the beginning of 2005, she was arrested while passing out truth clarification materials. Ms. Zhang Shuhua, also in her 50s, lives in Shixian Town, Tumen City, Jilin Province. She was arrested while watching a truth clarification VCD at home. Both women were brutally tortured by policemen at the Tumen City Police Department. Ms. Xue Xiuhua was beaten until her whole body was covered with purple and black bruises. Ms. Zhang Shuhua's lower body was also covered with purple bruises. They were detained at the Tumen City Detention Center together, and both went on hunger strike to protest the persecution. Guards force-fed them through nose tubes, which damaged Ms. Xue Xiuhua's throat, and caused swelling. After two months of detention, Ms. Xue Xiuhua was sentenced to two years of forced labor, and Ms. Zhang Shuhua was sentenced to one year of forced labor. They are both currently held in Heizuizi Labor Camp in Changchun City.