The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- December 19, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Ruthless Persecution at the Zhongba Forced Labor Camp, the CCP's "Nursing School for the Heart"

  • Extreme Brutality at the Zhaoyuan Brainwashing Center

  • Recently Many Falun Gong Practitioners Were Illegally Arrested and Sentenced in Changde City, Hunan Province

  • Attorney Mr. Liu Ruping in Jinan City Arrested, His 84-year-old Father Dies in Distress

  • Current Persecution of Practitioners by 610 Office in Ningyuan County, Hunan Province

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Li Ping of Dalian City Passed Away After Long-term Persecution

  • Brief News from China - December 9, 2005

  • Summary of Other Articles and News - December 5, 2005

  • Ruthless Persecution at the Zhongba Forced Labor Camp, the CCP's "Nursing School for the Heart"

    The Zhongba Forced Labor Camp in Guizhou Province is a den of evil where certain people in the Chinese Communist Party persecute Falun Gong practitioners. It's unknown how many practitioners were disabled or tortured to death there. The CCP calls the labor camp "a nursing school for the heart" to deceive the public.

    Wretched conditions at the Zhongba Forced Labor Camp

    Group 2, Division 5 of this Labor Camp is the men's group. The detainees are forced to work all year long, and some are forced to work for six days straight without sleep. Sundays and legal holidays are totally disregarded. The only breaks they get throughout the year are four days: May 1, October 1, Chinese New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day. The condition for taking these four days off is that the detainees must finish their workload for the "off" days the day before. Over the past few years, the main work at the labor camp is processing colored light bulbs. These are produced for a company in Zhuhai City and are exported to France, the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Italy, USA, Germany and other countries.

    This company sent people to the labor camp to instruct the detainees on technical issues. According to the instructor, another factory that produces colored light bulbs for this company uses machines to connect the light bulbs to the base, and one person operating one machine produces 2,500 light bulbs per day at most. In spite of these statistics, Tu Chongjiu, the former head of Group 2, assigned each detainee to manually process more than 6,000 light bulbs each day. The endless labor that far exceeds a normal workload greatly damages the detainees' health.

    The youngest detainee is about 14 years old, and the oldest is about 75 years old. Everyone is forced to do the slave labor. Each person is given food after being forced to pay 80 yuan a month for it, but after the person in charge of feeding detainees has embezzled a percentage of this amount and after the cooks and the guards steal additional supplies, the food that actually gets to the detainees is the equivalent of about 60 yuan per month.

    Between 2003 and 2004 we had numerous blackouts. The detainees ate 1.6 ounces of noodles boiled for each meal at that time. One day in May 2004, the detainees again had the same noodles for lunch after being assigned an excessive workload. They could not take it anymore and held a hunger strike. Group head Tu Chongjiu was away from the labor camp that day. The next day, Tu Chongjiu put his hands on his waist, glared at the detainees and said, "Some people can't appreciate what they have and took the lead to create trouble; if you want to destroy my job, I'll destroy your life!"

    Threats and verbal abuse are among the "educational methods" used at the "school for nursing the heart." Because Tu Chongjiu was ruthless toward the detainees, he was promoted to head of the Production Division in 2004.

    The detainees only have a short time to sleep, but they can't sleep well, because scores of bedbugs attack them. Detainees Wang Yongzhong from Dingzikou, Zunyi City and Li Yajun from Shatu Town, Jinsha County caught more than 250 bedbugs in a small hole beside a bed pole. Falun Gong practitioners have a harder time than most. Their beds are about 27 inches wide, and each practitioner sleeps with a person who monitors them around the clock. The practitioner is forced to sleep in the same bed as the monitor, even if that person has severe scabies.

    In the coldest of winter, all detainees can only use bone-piercing cold water to wash themselves. They don't have access to water after they get off work, however, because the guards remove the faucet before the detainees get off work, and they also turn off the lights so that the detainees have to find their way to their beds in the dark.

    Ruthless persecution of Falun Gong practitioners

    Xu Fayuan, political head and deputy head of Group 2, Division 5 persecutes the practitioners in various ways. He coerced the practitioners to write "guarantee statements" and "understandings of reform," subjected the practitioners to brainwashing with Falun Gong-slandering books and forced the practitioners to take drugs.

    Whenever government officials came for inspection, the guards would force Falun Gong practitioners to enter the workshop and send people to watch the practitioners so that they could not speak the truth. This is one of the often-used methods the evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses.

    One day in late May 2005, the head of the Zhongba Forced Labor Camp went to Group 2, Division 5 for an inspection. Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wu Zhongran is in his 30s and had come from Honghuagang District, Zunyi City. He is still detained today. He left the workshop and went to the balcony and said he wanted to speak with the head of the labor camp. Deputy group head Xu Fayuan shouted into the courtyard, "He is a criminal!" The head of the labor camp then ordered people to subdue Wu Zhongran. A group of thugs tied Wu Zhongran up and sent him to the labor camp headquarters. They attacked and tortured him for over a month, causing him tremendous physical and mental trauma.

    Wu Zhongran had been sent to Group 2 in April 2004. He was detained in a 2.5 square meter room (about 27 ft) where the perpetrators used various means to torture him in an attempt to "reform" him. Political head Xu Fayuan handpicked members of the attack team who were among the most vicious inmates. They took turns monitoring and torturing him so he could not get a break. Wu Zhongran was forced to stand for 48 days and 48 nights. His legs became stiff and he could neither stand up nor walk. The inmates dragged him to the drill ground but he could not take a step forward. The inmates put a rope around his neck and dragged him around. He fell down. About six inmates beat and kicked him. He shouted, "Help!" No one heard him because all of the other practitioners were laboring in the workshop. Group head Tu Chongjiu said to the inmates, "Which one of you saw him being beaten?"

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Tian Zhongfu, in his 50s, came from Shibing County, Kaili City. He is still being detained. In June 2004 the perpetrators stabbed his head, neck, back, stomach, legs, wrists, arms, ankles, the soles of his feet, and other parts of his body thousands of times with metal needles. They kicked him until two of his ribs were broken. They inserted the needles under his fingernail beds, making his fingers infected. His nails ulcerated and fell off, and pus seeped from underneath the nails; yet he was still forced to complete his work assignment. In June 2005, the perpetrators again tortured him, but detailed information is strictly blocked.

    Other practitioners who were also tortured in 2005 include Cai Yong, an employee from the Hongfu Factory in Pingba; Luo Laihua from Xiaohe, Guiyang City; Zhao Zhengguang, employed at the Anshun Plane Factory; Luo Anfu from Panshui Town, Zunyi County; and Peng Yimao, a junior from Guizhou University in Pan County and the Liuzhi Special District.

    Peng Yimao was arrested in 2004 while he was a university sophomore. The arrest happened when he was distributing truth clarification materials in Guiyang City. On June 3, 2005, Peng Yimao said, "The Labor Law of our country limits daily work to eight hours. Working continuously without any break is against the law!" The guards took him away. Before lunch, about six evildoers put a towel across his nose and mouth so he could not scream and beat and kicked him until he bled profusely. His wounds didn't heal until more than one month later. He was still isolated and tortured the following month.

    The practitioners mentioned above are still being tortured at Group 2 except for Cai Yong, who was released.

    The guards do everything to make life difficult for practitioners who refuse to "reform." They forbid family and friends to meet with the practitioner; they disallow the practitioners to make phone calls or write letters; they open the practitioner's incoming letters and withhold them from the practitioner; they freeze the practitioner's bank accounts, and detain the practitioner in solitary confinement to torture them. Verbal abuse and slandering is common for the guards. About six people are sent to monitor one Falun Gong practitioner. They record the practitioner's words and actions 24 hours a day, watching and following them when they take a single step or go to any place, including the restroom.

    Practitioner Li Mingjia from Zunyi County is in his 30s. He suffered a nervous breakdown after being savagely tortured at Group 2, Division 5. After his mental collapse, however, he was still locked in the "attack room" and cruelly beaten by about six perpetrators.

    Practitioner Liu Zhi, in his 30s, has a bachelor's degree. He suffered a nervous breakdown at Group 3, Division 5 after being tortured. He picked up food people threw on the floor after spitting on it, and he dug out steamed buns from the garbage can and ate them. He laughed and cried abnormally. It is believed that the two practitioners mentioned above who suffered mental breakdowns were injected with nerve-damaging drugs. Because of the strict information blockade, the exact details are unknown.

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    Extreme Brutality at the Zhaoyuan Brainwashing Center

     The Zhaoyuan City Brainwashing Center in Shandong Province is officially called the Zhaoyuan City Lingnan Legal Education Center. It was established in the spring of 2001, for the sole purpose of using coercion, torture and violence to force Falun Gong practitioners to renounce their belief.

    Since it was established, the people in the brainwashing center have used many brutal and horrific ways to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. It is is the manifestation of Jiang's genocide policy against Falun Gong. Those who are ruthless and harsh get promoted to important positions. For example, Song Shuqi was successful in persecuting practitioners and was promoted from the director of the brainwashing center to the director of the 610 Office. As Song's power grew, his capability and range in persecuting practitioners also grew. Recently, the CCP made this brainwashing center a model facility.

    Cases of Torture That Took Place in the Zhaoyuan Brainwashing Center

    Ms. Liu Yaohua, in her 40s, is a practitioner from Laodian Village, Xinzhuang Town, Zhaoyuan City. In Oct 2005, Wen Xiaoxia, from the town government, brought four armed officers and broke into Ms. Liu's home, arrested her and brought her to the Zhaoyuan Brainwashing Center. The minute Ms. Liu got to the center, some guards dragged her into a windowless dark house that was specifically set up to torture Falun Gong practitioners. They put handcuffs and leg shackles on her. They also put an iron chain that was fixed to an iron chair around her neck. Ms. Liu could not move. Though Ms. Liu was tortured for the next several days, she refused to renounce Falun Gong. The guards from the center, including Sun Qiquan, director Xu and director Zhao, used various ways to torture her. They used shoes and books to slap her face until it was swollen and her mouth was bleeding. The guards wouldn't stop until they got tired of beating her. Director Xu used a hard object to smash Ms. Liu's head and blood streamed out and covered her face. Xu used his fingers to poke her eyes. He then stomped down heavily on her toes with the heel of his shoe and ground them into the floor. Ms. Liu fainted due to the excruciating pain. She was fixed to an iron chair and not allowed to sleep, eat, drink, or use a toilet. Sun Qiquan led a group of people to take turns kicking her in the face. After they got tired, they would cuff her hands behind her back and hang her up in the air from her handcuffs with a rope for 4 or 5 hours. They then took her down and put her back in the iron chair. This was repeated every day for more than ten days.

    The Zhaoyuan City 610 Office sentenced Ms. Yang Wenjie, in her 40s, to three years in a forced labor camp because she refused to renounce Falun Gong. In Feb 2005, Ms. Yang was sent to the Zhaoyuan Brainwashing Center for another eight months. She was not allowed to go home to visit her father, who was terminally ill, before he passed away. In the eight-month period, Ms. Yang was brutally tortured. Several guards tied her up and used belts, ropes, and rods to beat her. Ms. Yang was all black and purple after that. Many times the guards cuffed her hands behind her back and hung her up in the air. The flesh on her wrists was cut open and bled a lot. Later the cuts became purple scars. She was once cuffed onto an iron chair for three days without food, water or sleep. Several times, a few guards straightened her arms horizontally and tied her up with a rope, forcing her to stand close against the wall for several days. Before Ms. Liu left the center, a guard ordered a former Falun Gong practitioner, Liu Yujiu, to find a local bully and get him drunk. They let the drunken bully into her room and incited him to beat her. The beating was violent and brutal. Ms. Yang couldn't get up for three days and she almost died. On Oct 10, 2005, she was sentenced to another three years in a forced labor camp and her whereabouts at this point are unknown.

    Mr. Wang Fei, in his 20s, refused to renounce Falun Gong. The guards in the Zhaoyuan Brainwashing Center used electric batons to shock him until he was crawling and rolling on the floor screaming.

    Ms. Wang Shuhua, in her 40s, was taken to the brainwashing center in Nov 2005. Ms. Wang refused to renounce Falun Gong and went on a hunger strike to protest her being handcuffed, hung in the air and tortured in other ways. At the time of this report, it had been over 20 days since she had eaten. Insiders have told us that she was completely deformed and her physical condition was very bad. She was not allowed to leave the brainwashing center to receive treatment.

    Ms. Xia Meifen was in her 40s. She refused to renounce Falun Gong and was handcuffed to an iron chair for 5 days straight. Later she was hung up in the air with her hands cuffed behind her back for nine hours. Xia was sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp.

    Ms. Chen Shuhua was handcuffed to an iron chair for three days. Practitioners Li Dezhen, Zhang Shuxiang, Wang Songwu and many others were all tortured by being handcuffed to an iron chair, and being hung up in the air with their hands cuffed behind their backs. The guards did not even spare a female practitioner who was in her 70s.

    The persecution was more severe for the practitioners sent there from adjacent areas. Most of the brainwashing centers in adjacent areas are gone, so practitioners from other areas are constantly being sent to the Zhaoyuan Brainwashing Center. These practitioners are tortured immediately if they refuse to renounce Falun Gong. The following is only one example.

    Mr. Wang Dejiang is from Mouping city. He was taken to the brainwashing center in August 2005. Ms. Wang was injured during the arrest and couldn't stand up. When he got out of the car, a guard had to carry him. The guard kicked him with every step and threatened him, "If you do not renounce Falun Gong, you will soon be unable to get up." The director of the brainwashing center stomped on Mr. Wang's lower body and used his feet to lift his head and slam it to the ground many times. Then the he kicked Mr. Wang's upper body. After that torture, he was taken to a torture room. Though Mr. Wang couldn't even stand up by himself, he was still tied to an iron chair with an iron chain wrapped around him. Mr. Wang wore handcuffs and leg shackles. He would not give up his belief and went on a hunger strike to protest his imprisonment and the persecution. Several days later, a few people held his head and force-fed him. Mr. Wang vomited blood during the process. The director stood near him and asked whether he would renounce Falun Gong. When Mr. Wang refused, the director said, "In this brainwashing center, you will not be released if you don't renounce Falun Gong. We have plenty of ways to make you do it." The guards cuffed Mr. Wang onto a heating pipe with his toes barely touching the floor. The handcuffs were so tight that they cut deeply into his wrists, causing his blood to keep streaming out. To prevent him from talking, the guards used electrical wire to tie up his jaw so his mouth couldn't move. The excruciating pain caused Mr. Wang to lose consciousness. (At the time of this report, Mr. Wang's mouth had not yet recovered. His saliva comes out of his mouth when he talks.) After Mr. Wang regained consciousness, he found his right leg had turned purple. His left leg was twice as big as his right leg. Even so, the guards still tied up his right leg with a shackle and handcuffed him. The doctor in the center saw the situation was bad and had the guards send Mr. Wang to a hospital. The doctor there said that Mr. Wang's life was in danger and they had to remove his leg. Then he was sent to the Yuhuangding Hospital in Yantai City for several days. Mr. Wang's family couldn't afford the expensive medical treatment, so the local authorities ordered his family to take him home. His physical condition was so bad due to the persecution that he couldn't take care of himself. His mother, who was in her 80s, had to take care of him. At the time of this report, Mr. Wang's health was still bad; his legs were disabled and so swollen that he couldn't put his shoes on.

    In summary, those practitioners who were sent to the Zhaoyuan Brainwashing Center were tortured if they refused to write statements renouncing Falun Gong. The TV and media celebrate and propagate the success of the brainwashing center's magnificent results in transforming practitioners. Torture is how the brainwashing center gains its "success".

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    Recently Many Falun Gong Practitioners Were Illegally Arrested and Sentenced in Changde City, Hunan Province

    Recently a number of Chinese political and legal organizations worked in concert to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. The organizations involved are the 610 Office in Changde City, Hunan Province, the Police Department, the National Security Officers, the Procuratorate, and the courts. Especially since Jiang took up residence in Hunan Province, the wicked party members there have acted insanely. They use all kinds of methods to persecute practitioners, such as (forcing them to) squat over the latrine pits. They closely follow practitioners abduct them, and ransack their homes.

    Ms. Dong is an over 50 year-old practitioner. In July 2005, Ms. Dong visited her relatives to tell them the facts about Falun Gong, but was illegally arrested by the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) henchmen. She was imprisoned in the Changde City No. 1 Detention Center. The evil people adopted all kinds of dirty tricks to extort 50,000 yuan from her family members before releasing her.

    On the afternoon of October 19, 2005, Ms. Yang Li and Ms. Xu Heping were detained by their workplace's security personnel. They were sequestered in the dormitory of the 413 Geological Surveying Team. From there they were taken to the Sancha Road Police Station in Changde. There, the police officers pummeled them with their fists and kicked them. They also hit them on the ears, and forcefully fingerprinted them. They were locked up in the No.2 Detention Center at 8 p.m. on October 20.

    On the evening of July 4, 2005, while Ms. Huang Guihua was walking in the Hunan Writing Coherence Institute, she was arrested and detained by the evil security personnel. She was later taken to the Chengdong Police Station in Changde City. The police used all kinds of methods to extort evidence from her. They also took pictures and fingerprints. They had her wear handcuffs, and snatched her house keys from her. They illegally ransacked her home without any family members present. At 1 a.m. on July 5, Ms. Huang was jailed in the Changde City Wuling Prison, second jail, cell 18. On September 29, the Changde City Wuling Area Procuratorate also got involved. Under their auspices, Ms. Huang was brought to the Wuling Area Court and charged with "damaging Chinese law enforcement by the use of (slanderous word omitted) organization." About 9 a.m. on October 31, 2005, Huang Guihua was taken to the Changde City Wuling Area Court for "trial." The police forced Huang Guihua to put on prisoner's clothes and wear handcuffs. In the court, the CCP officials virulently attacked our Teacher, smeared and slandered Falun Gong, then framed and planted false evidence on practitioners who practice "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" to be good people. The presiding judge, Chen Chaoyang, and the Wuling Area Procuratorate's public prosecutor, Cheng Guangpu, were especially wicked. They continuously behaved in a lawless and loutish manner in the court, illegally depriving Ms. Huang of her human rights, trampling the law and insulting her personal dignity. They do not permit practitioners to defend themselves. They are vicious to the extreme. Flying in the face of the legal system, they even called her a male and said "he" was from Dingcheng Area while in fact she is from Wuling Area. It was so obvious that they treated their solemn judicial duties so irresponsibly! 

    In the evening of July 4, 2005, practitioner Mr. Xu Shanqin, was also detained by the security personnel in the Hunan Writing Coherence Institute and was later taken to the Chengdong Police Station. He escaped that night. At 2 p.m. on August 11, 2005, he was abducted again at the intersection of the New Sancun Road, and was imprisoned in the Wuling Prison, second jail, cell 17. On August 29 he was illegally arrested. On October 20, the Changde City Wuling Area Procuratorate sued him at the Wuling area court in the name of "damaging the enforcement of Chinese law by the use of (slanderous word omitted) organization." At 9 a.m. on November 2, he received a copy of the indictment transcription which said he would soon be subject to a "court hearing."

    Practitioner Mr. Gao Jiayue was arrested on August 6, 2005, when he was clarifying the truth at the City Culture Palace. He was imprisoned in the Wuling prison, second jail, cell 18. He was arrested on August 26, and on October 20 the Changde City Wuling Area Procuratorate prosecuted him in the Wuling Area Court, calling him guilty of "damaging the enforcement of Chinese law by the use of (slanderous word omitted)." The lawless authorities plan to hold a court hearing on him also. Gao Jiayue received a copy of the indictment transcription at 9 a.m. on November 2.

    Chinese version available at

    Attorney Mr. Liu Ruping in Jinan City Arrested, His 84-year-old Father Dies in Distress

    Mr. Liu Ruping, an attorney and also a Falun Gong practitioner in Jinan City, Shandong Province, was arrested and put in the Jinan City Liuchangshan brainwashing center on October 17, 2005, because he had posted up a notice from the Falun Dafa Association. His 84-year-old father heard the news that the Changqing District Police Department was going to send Mr. Liu to a forced labor camp if he did not renounce his spiritual beliefs within a week. The old man was so upset and worried that he subsequently died of a sudden stroke on November 15, 2005.

    During his one-month detention, Mr. Liu was first put in Changqing Jail for seven days. They ransacked his house and took away his Falun Gong materials and computer equipment, and also searched his office in the Communist Party Academy. Then they forced him to stay in the so-called "Justice Training Center of Shandong Province" in Liuchangshan to brainwash him. The 610 Office personnel accused him of not cooperating and brutally persecuted him and forced him to watch propaganda desecrating Falun Gong.

    To increase the pressure, the police extorted 2,000 yuan in "business expenses" from Mr. Liu's family and demanded that the Communist Party Academy send a person to accompany him in the brainwashing center. It was said that the police threatened that they would send him to a forced labor camp if he did not "reform" within a week. Mr. Liu's father could not withstand the bad news and died as a result. With the neighborhood association's guarantee, Mr. Liu was released to take care of his father's funeral, on condition that he would return to the jail after the funeral.

    Mr. Liu Ruping was born on November 1, 1961. He worked at the Changqing District Planning Committee in Jinan City. He taught classes in law and business management in the Communist Party Academy and began to work as a full time attorney at the Shuntian Law Office. His license number is 150094120774.

    Mr. Liu began to practice Falun Gong in 1997. Pressured by his office and the local police, he pledged not to practice after July 20, 1999, but later rescinded his pledge because it was made under duress.

    Chinese version available at

    Current Persecution of Practitioners by 610 Office in Ningyuan County, Hunan Province

     On August 27, 2005, practitioner Ms. Ou Guiping was reading Teacher's new lecture at home when Party Secretary Li of the Renhe Township Party Committee, Ningyuan County, and Xia, the head of the police station, broke into her home. They called the 610 Office and the National Security Group. About ten police officers arrived. They illegally arrested Ms. Ou and detained her for 15 days.

    At around 9 o'clock in the morning on September 6, eight police officers led by Zhou Yaoming from the "610 Office" and Liu Yunfei from the National Security Group broke into practitioner Ms. Zhen Baozhen's home. They slapped her on the face, shocked her with electronic batons, and knocked her head against the wall. Ms. Zhen's teeth were shaken, blood came out from her mouth, and she fainted. She was taken to the detention center and detained for 25 days.

    On September 11, four policemen led by Zhou Yaoming and Liu Yunfei broke into practitioner Ms. Chen Xiaoling's home. Ms. Chen is handicapped because her hand and foot joint are misshapen. Liu Yunfei slapped Ms. Chen on the face and took her away using force. The police also broke into practitioner Mr. Peng Gerong's home and brought him to a detention center. Mr. Peng was detained with Ms. Chen for 17 days.

    On October 25 police called Ms. Chen's younger brother. They told him that Ms. Chen was being prosecuted. They forced him to persuade her to inform the police who it was that had sent her the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, how to contact them overseas, etc. In May they had forced Ms. Chen's workplace to stop paying her salary in order to cut off her income.

    In June the local police and the 610 Office broke into practitioner Ms. Xiao Yundi's home and searched from the third floor to the first floor. They took away all her Falun Gong materials and books, and detained her for 15 days. In September, they sent her to the brainwashing center at Dong'an County for 10 days. They demanded that she swear at Falun Gong and Teacher, but she strongly refused to do so.

    At around 9 o'clock in the evening on May 24, 2005, the police arrested a practitioner couple, Tan Cuiying and Ou Yicheng. Later Tan Cuiying was sentenced to three years in a forced labor camp and Ou Yincheng was sentenced to two years of imprisonment. Ou Yicheng was once detained at the Xinkaipu Forced Labor Camp, Hunan Province in 2001; Tan Cuiying was sentenced in 2002 and imprisoned in the Hunan Women's Prison.

    Persecutors at Ningyuan County, Yongzhou City:

    Zhang Luo, Chief of County Police Departemtn: 86-746-7223015 (Office), 86-13974689715 (Cell)
    Jiang Wenwang, Chief's Assistant: 86-746-7222878 (Office), 86-13707466831 (Cell)
    Zhou Yangming, the Director of the 610 Office: 86-746-7229610 (Office), 86-746-7222103 (Home), 86-13974642549 (Cell)
    Le Yongzhen, Vice Director of the 610 Office: 86-746-7229610 (Office), 86-746-7223688 (Home), 86-13974649800 (Cell)
    Liu Yunfei, Head of the National Security Group: 86-746-7223539 (Office), 86-746-7232703, (Home), 86-13874385880 (Cell)
    Li Maojun, member of the National Security Group: 86-746-7223539 (Office), 86-746-7233059 (Home), 86-13874386429 (Cell)

    Chinese version available at

    Falun Gong Practitioner Li Ping of Dalian City Passed Away After Long-term Persecution

    Falun Gong Practitioner Li Ping of Dalian City, Liaoning Province, was arrested and imprisoned many times for her persistence in practicing Falun Gong. She was jailed in Dalian Forced Labor Camp two times and suffered brutal torture. After she was persecuted to paralysis, perpetrators Zhang Xiujuan and Xie Xiaoli covered her with three comforters in the summer time and put insects on her body to bite her. Under the evil party's long-term persecution against Falun Gong, Li Ping passed away on November 27, 2005.

    Ms. Li Ping, 48 years old, started to practice Falun Gong and "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" in 1996. From the time the evil Chinese Communist Party started to persecute Falun Gong in 1999, she was imprisoned many times for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong and appealing on behalf of Falun Gong. In January 2000, she went to Tiananmen Square to practice Falun Gong. She was arrested by the police and transferred back to Dalian. In April 2000, she was arrested, imprisoned, and forcibly brainwashed in Dalian Rehabilitation Center for 40 days. After that, she was detained in Yaojia Detention Center for 15 days.

    In October 2000, Li Ping was sentenced to 3 years in a forced labor camp. She suffered brutal torture in Dalian Forced Labor Camp. She was hung up on an iron-barred window and imprisoned in a small box used to carry apples. After 3 months of torture, she was transferred to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp for further persecution. In July 2002, after hunger striking for 4 months, she was transferred back to Dalian Forced Labor Camp and then sent to a hospital.

    On February 27, 2003, Li Ping went to Yaojia Detention Center to visit her imprisoned sister (who was also a Falun Gong practitioner, but had renounced Falun Gong under pressure at the time) to bring some clothing to her. After being found carrying Teacher's article, Li Ping was arrested again and sentenced to 2 years of forced labor. In Dalian Forced Labor Camp, she suffered from inhuman torture. Not satisfied only in persecuting her physically, the guards insulted her and humiliated her by shaving her head, cutting her eyelashes, pulling her pubic hair and sexually harassing her. Some of the perpetrators even said, "We are working for the government. We are good people." In order to force Li Ping to give up her Falun Gong practice, under the orders of a group head, perpetrator Xie Xiaoli even poured urine into Li Ping's mouth!

    After hunger striking for half a year, Li Ping walked out of the forced labor camp in September 2003. In order to disclose the persecution, Li Ping started to produce truth-clarifying materials and built a small truth-clarifying materials site at her home. Especially after the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party was published, she produced 160 copies per week. She also made other truth-clarifying materials, including Minghui Weekly.

    <>In mid September 2005, Li Ping started to cough. Later, she could not eat anything. Otherwise, she would cough and vomit. She turned thin quickly and became bedridden. Her weight quickly reduced from 55 kilograms to about 35 to 40 kilograms. She passed away on November 27, 2005. While she was dying, she still remembered that many people asked for Zhuan Falun from her.

    Chinese version available at

    Brief News from China - December 9, 2005

    1. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Mr. Li Huiru Detained at Hancui Beilu Police Station

    In Baoding, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Huiru, who was homeless, was arrested on December 2, 2005. He is detained at Hancui Beilu Police Station in Baoding. Mr. Li is now critically ill. His blood pressure has reached 220, endangering his life, but the police refuse to release him. Policewoman Yao Yuhong, director of Hancui Beilu Police Station, had gone to Li Huiru's home many times to harass him.

    Telephone number of the Hancui Beilu Police Station: 86-312-3135145

    2. [Zibo City, Shandong Province] Mr. Lu Wenxiao Taken to the "Law Education Center" To Be Brainwashed

    On November 19, 2005, more than 30 people broke into practitioner Ms. Cheng Shizhen's home at Madakou Village, Lingzi Town. They wanted to take her to a brainwashing center. Ms. Cheng Shizhen managed to escape. On the afternoon of December 6, more than 20 people came again to Ms. Cheng's home. When they realized that the door was locked, they went to the Lingzi Coal Mine of the Zibo Mining Group Inc. and arrested Ms. Cheng's husband, Mr. Lu Wenxiao, who also is a practitioner. Mr. Lu is now detained at the "Law Education Center" in Zibo City.

    3. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Lang Xinhua Taken to Luotaishanzhuang Brainwashing Center

    Shortly after 3:00 p.m. on November 30, 2005, three police officers from Xinbin Town Police Station broke into practitioner Mr. Lang Xinhua' home and dragged him down from the scaffold on which he was doing wood work. They arrested him and took him with them in the police car.

    It was said that the police from Xinbin Town Police Station, under instructions from the Politics and Law Committee of Xinbin County, arrested him. Mr. Lang is currently held in the Luotaishanzhuang Brainwashing Center.

    Telephone number of Politics and Law Committee of Fushun City: 86-413-2625733
    Duty office of Luotaishanzhuang Brainwashing Center: 86-413-4460688
    Principle Jia Dashu: 86-413-2633207, 86-13841300039 (Cell)

    4. [Guizhou Province] Persecution Suffered by Mr. Zhao Peng at Zhongba Forced Labor Camp in Guizhou Province

    On April 1, 2004, practitioner Mr. Zhao Peng was taken to Company 3, Battalion 5 of Bazhong Forced Labor Camp. He was severely beaten and verbally abused.

    On October 5, 2005, "Monitor" Ganxu beat Mr. Zhao Peng in public. Mr. Zhao's left cheek became swollen and his right shoulder was black and blue. When Mr. Zhao reported the incident to the company officer, the latter said in front of Mr. Zhao and the Monitor, " If you don't listen to the Monitor, we won't care whether you are beaten or not." Because of the officer's encouragement, Ganxu continued to beat and verbally abuse Mr. Zhao.

    On August 9, 2005, officers Long Weilin, Huanggan and Zhougan at the Guard Battalion bound Mr. Zhao very tightly. Even today, one can still see deep marks on his arms from the wounds caused by the binding. His back, shoulders and backbone were painfully injured, and his waist hurts even worse whenever he turns over in bed. He also suffers intense headaches and frequent diarrhea since he was persecuted.

    5. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Xu Xiangxiu Taken to Chenjiaji Brainwashing Center

    When she visited her parents on November 3, 2005, Wuhan practitioner Ms. Xu Xiangxiu was arrested and taken to Chenjiaji Brainwashing Center in the Jiangan District, where she is still being held.

    6. [Chifeng City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Wang Xiaodong on Hunger Strike for 15 Days and His Life Is in Danger

    Practitioner Mr. Wang Xiaodong from the Hongshan District of Chifeng City has been detained in the Hongshan District detention center. Plainclothes police of the Hongshan District arrested him at about 10 a.m. on November 22, 2005. Mr. Wang has been on a hunger strike for 15 days, since November 22, to protest of his illegal imprisonment. His life is in danger. The police officers force-feed him daily.

    Practitioner Yanli, from another region, was arrested the same day at a material site. The laptop, printer and many VCDs of the Nine Commentaries were confiscated. Yanli is now also detained in the detention center in the Hongshan District.

    At about 6 p.m. on November 22, police officers from Xiangyang Police Station in the Songshan District, Chifeng City, broke into Songshan District practitioner Mr. Yang Dong's home and arrested him and his wife, Gao Yalu. They are detained in the Songshan District detention center.

    Another practitioner named Ms. Sun Shufang was nearly beaten to death upon her arrival in the center. She was diagnosed with a concussion from the beatings and was released. Her family is now suing those who beat her.

    7. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Xia Yuexuan Arrested While Clarifying the Facts

    In mid-November 2005, Wuhan practitioner Xia Yuexuan was arrested and taken to the brainwashing center of the Qiaokou District while clarifying the truth in the Qiaokou District. Xia Yuexuan was taken to the No. 1 Detention Center of Wuhan City and detained there.

    8. [Yibin County, Sichuan Province] Two Practitioners Arrested When Handing Out Truth Materials

    On December 4, 2005, practitioners Mr. He Wentao and Mr. Liao Chuanjiang, both in their 30s, were arrested at Zongchang Village, Yibin County, while handing out truth materials. They are currently being detained at an unknown place.

    9. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Haiyan and Her Mother Arrested While Clarifying the Truth

    At about 2 p.m. on December 8, 2005, while clarifying the truth in a nearby village, policemen from Rizhuang Town arrested practitioner Ms. Wang Haiyan's mother, who lives in Yuanli Village, Rizhuang Town, Laixi County. The police ransacked her home later. When they were searching the house, Ms. Wang Haiyan tried to take away the search warrant. As a result, she was also arrested and taken away.

    10. [Chongzhou County, Sichuan Province] Mr. Liu Shaoqing Arrested While Sending Minghui Weekly

    On December 2, 2005, practitioner Mr. Liu Shaoqing from Group 8 of Guansheng Village, Chongzhou County, Sichuan Province, was stopped by police officers on Shuzhou Road in Chongzhou County while riding his motorbike to mail copies of Minghui Weekly. He was arrested and is detained at the Chongzhou detention center.

    Chinese version available at
    Summary of Other Articles and News - December 5, 2005

    Police in Zhencheng County, Shandong Province Recently Abducted Falun Gong Practitioners

    Since police in Zhencheng County, Shandong Province abducted Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Dou Suli on September 26, 2005, she endured severe torture in a detention center that lead to her paralysis. After informing Ms. Suli's family that she had been hospitalized, the police just left with no further explanation. In late May of 2005, Zhencheng County policemen searched without warrant Mr. Li Quanfeng and Ms. Gu Aijun's home (a husband and wife, both Falun Gong practitioners) and then illegally arrested them without grounds. In the middle of November this year, Zhencheng County police searched the home of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zheng Cuixiang and abducted her with no legal procedures. Moreover, the police extorted several thousands of yuan from her family before releasing her. Near the end of November 2005, the police abducted Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Fengzhi and searched her home without due process of law.

    Three People in Mr. Sun Hong's Family Detained for Two Months in Qingdao City, Shandong Province

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Sun Hong from Qingdao City, Shandong Province, and his wife Ms. Min Huirong, as well as Ms. Min's mother, Ms. Cui Weirui, were all forcibly detained for 2 months. They are currently enduring persecution in a 610 Office brainwashing center. Their personal assets, including a car and money worth 25,000 yuan, were illegally seized by the Licang District Police Department and none of those items were returned. A once happy family has been separated. So far, there is no indication of when they will be released. Under these conditions, their extended family members are enduring intense hardship and suffering.