The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- October 1, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • Ms. Liu Qianqian, 33, Tortured to Death at the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison

  • Ms. Yang Lijuan Tortured, Her Elderly Parents Traumatized

  • Thirteen Types of Torture Used on Falun Gong Practitioners at Gaoyang Labor Camp

  • Chen Wen, a Single Old Man, Died Mysteriously in Huanggang City, Hubei Province

  • Brief News from China - September 3, 2005

  • Summary of Other Articles and News - September 11, 2005

  • Summary of Other Articles and News - September 20, 2005

  • Ms. Liu Qianqian, 33, Tortured to Death at the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison

    Ms. Liu Qianqian

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Qianqian was 33 years old. She was arrested in 2002 and secretly sentenced to three years in prison. She had been locked up in the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison, and was forced to go through brainwashing sessions and do heavy labor all day long. On June 19, 2005, Ms. Liu Qianqian was released home, but was as thin as a skeleton. Her veins could be clearly seen popping out, and her esophagus and stomach were festering due to infections. She died on August 6, 2005. (See /emh/articles/2005/9/28/65373.html)

    Ms. Liu Qianqian (used name Liu of Dongmei) lived in Shangzhi Town, Shangzhi City, Heilongjiang Province. She started practicing Falun Gong in 1996. After July 20, 1999, Jiang Zemin's regime started persecuting Falun Gong. In order to speak out for Falun Gong, she went to Beijing to appeal and was arrested. She was detained three times in the Shangzhi City Detention Center. Ms. Liu was brutally beaten during periods of detention. The City Police Department's Political and Security Office Head Yu Jinfang (male) shouted, "I will for sure make your family go bankrupt from fines!"

    Later, Ms. Liu was sentenced to one year of forced labor and tortured in Wanjia Labor Camp in Harbin City. She went through cruel brainwashing and had her hair pulled out by prison guards due to refusing to accept the brainwashing. She was handcuffed for more than twenty days, and was hung up by rope tied around her wrists all day. She grew scabs all over her body and could not sleep since it was very itchy. She was skin and bones when she was released one year later.

    During 2002, after Ms. Liu Qianqian was released, she was arrested again in May because she was found passing out truth clarifying materials. She was then detained for 9 months in Shangzhi City First and Second Detention Centers. She was soon sentenced to three years in the Heilongjiang Province Women Prison in Harbin City. The lawless officials did not allow her family to visit her during these three years. Prison guards beat and cursed practitioners at will, stripped off practitioners' clothes in the freezing winter when the temperature was as low as 4oF below zero, and forced practitioners stay out in the snow for 7 days.

    Due to being detained in the dark and humid cells, Ms. Liu Qianqian contracted tuberculosis and was sent to the sick prisoners' cell. No one knows what kind of drugs they injected her with, but it made her leg turn purple, and she could no longer walk. It was reported that Ms. Liu accepted the brainwashing "under no pressure."

    Prison guards used five prisoners to watch each Falun Gong practitioner, and had those prisoners "help and educate" the practitioners. The "education" was consisted of beatings. Practitioners could only eat one small piece of corn bread and a small bowl of vegetable soup per day. They are not able to feel full, but must do heavy labor every day. Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liao Xiaolu refused to do heavy labor, and was cursed and brutally beaten by prison guards.

    On May 1, 2005, Ms. Liu Qianqian's family heard that she was very sick and requested to see her. They went through numerous difficulties and finally saw that she was as thin as a skeleton. Her family strongly requested to have her bailed out on medical parole, but was refused. Her parents picked her up on June 19, 2005, when her term ended. She used to weigh 135 pounds, but only had 55 pounds left at that point. Her family sent her to the Heishan County Tuberculosis Hospital to get treatment. The doctors said that there wasn't any cure for her. Ms. Liu Qianqian died on August 6, 2005.

    Responsible Units and Persons:

    Shangzhi City (Heilongjiang Province) Police Department Head Sun Yanbin (male), 86-451-53323273, 86-451-53326791 (Home); Former Political Security Office Head Yu Jinfang (male), 86-451-53356917 (Home); Political Security Office Worker Lu Xiaomin (female), 86-451-53322269 (Home).

    Shangzhi City, Heilongjiang Province zip code, 150601.

    Heilongjiang Province Women Prison address, 389 Xuefu Street, Nangang District, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, PRC, 150069

    Heilongjiang Province Women Prison Operator, 86-451-86684001, 86-451-86684002, 86-451-86684003

    Heilongjiang Province Women Prison Hospital Director Zhao Yingling (female), ext-8053

    Heilongjiang Province Women Prison Director Xu Longjiang (male), ext-8001

    Heilongjiang Province Women Prison Political Director, ext-8002

    Heilongjiang Province Women Prison Another Political Director Zhu Xiuhua (female), 86-451-86684001-3003

    Heilongjiang Province Women Prison Forth Ward Heads (all female) Wu Yanjie, Tao Shuping, Yan Yuhua, and Cui Yan

    Heilongjiang Province Women Prison Ninth Ward Head Zhang Xiuli (female), 86-451-86359539

    Heilongjiang Province Women Prison Eighth Ward Heads (all female) He Songmei, Zhang Chunhua, and Zheng Jie, 86-451-86358314

    Ms. Yang Lijuan Tortured, Her Elderly Parents Traumatized

    On August 24, 2005, National Security Team police officer Di Shigang, together with other officers, illegally arrested Ms. Yang Lijuan because she practices Falun Gong. The police brutally tortured her by inserting bamboo sticks under her fingernails, force-feeding her with highly concentrated pepper water, hanging her up, and tying her to an electric chair. Ms. Yang is being detained in Jilin City's Third Detention Center. On September 2, her 81-year-old mother made a phone call to the detention center and was rudely told, "Yang Lijuan was executed!"

    Jilin City Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yang Lijuan

    On the morning of August 24, 2005, Di Shigang, the head of the Third National Security Team of Jilin City's Public Security Bureau, followed by four other policemen, deceitfully persuaded Ms. Yang Lijuan to open her door. After entering Ms Yang's home, they ransacked it, confiscating her Falun Gong books and materials and also stealing her cash and a certificate of deposit. After they had finished ransacking her home, they arrested her and detained her in the two-story building of the Third National Security Team in the backyard of Guoyao, Songjiang, Jilin City. In a dark room on the second floor, they interrogated Ms. Yang using various methods of torture.

    The brutal torture included force-feeding with highly concentrated pepper water, smashing sharpened bamboo sticks under her fingernails, and hanging her up with a rope that had been tied around her thumbs. While she was tied up and hanging just above the ground, the police pushed her to make her body swing, greatly increasing the pain. They also tied her in an electric chair connected to 220 volts to shock her. Her body was seized with convulsions and sweat dripped from her hair.

    Ms. Yang went on a hunger strike to peacefully protest the police's brutality and the persecution. In retaliation, the police force-fed her with highly concentrated salt water.

    Ms. Yang is a 55-year-old resident of the Tieluzhanqian District in Jilin City. She was the head of the Tielu First Daycare of Jilin City and started to practice Falun Gong in 1996. After she started to practice Falun Gong, her health improved both mentally and physically. and she conducted herself with the principle of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" to be a good person. She was very successful in her job and gained respect from those around her. After Jiang's regime started the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, Ms. Yang went to Beijing to appeal for justice for the practice. As a consequence of her appeal she was arrested and detained at Huairou Detention Center in Beijing. She was arrested in the wintertime, and it was very cold. One of the detention center female police officers forced her to take off clothes, leaving her in just her bra and underpants. She was then forced to sit on the frozen ground. The policewoman donned a winter coat and held a cup of hot water in one hand and an electric baton in the other. She drank the water and interrogated Ms. Yang. She shocked Ms. Yang all over her body--her feet, hands, abdomen, neck, face and any other sensitive parts. Ms. Yang refused to yield and did not give the police her name, staging another hunger strike to protest the persecution.

    On August 25, 2005, Yang Lijuan was transferred to Jilin City's Third Detention Center. To rescue her daughter, Ms. Yang's 81-year-old mother visited many different places to try and talk with the district policeman in the local police station and Di Shigang, the head of the National Security Team for the City Public Security Bureau, and to send money and necessities for her daughter in the Third Detention Center. When Ms. Yang's elderly mother heard that her daughter was force-fed with hot pepper water, she was deeply anxious and made several phone calls to the detention center, hoping to get a chance to see her daughter.

    On September 2, the mother called the detention center to find out more regarding the situation of her daughter. The person who received the phone told her rudely, "Yang Lijuan was executed!"

    Yang Lijuan's father is 83 years old. He has many diseases and is unable to take care of himself. With his daughter's care, his health has improved. On August 24, 2005, this elderly couple witnessed the brutal scene of the police breaking into their home, arresting their daughter and then ransacking and looting their home. Since then, the couple has been living under extreme mental pressure.

    The current condition of Yang Lijuan's father

    After learning that their daughter was brutally tortured, the elderly couple are very worried about their daughter's safety. They plan to sue the police, including Di Shigang of the Third National Security Team, for using torture against their daughter.

    The empty room where Yang Lijuan lived before the arrest

    The same day that Yang Lijian was arrested, Di Shigang and other police also arrested practitioners Ms. Zhang Guizhi and Ms. Zhao Shuyun. Ms. Zhang Guizhi is over 50 years old and lived at Hongbo Garden in the Changyi District. The police grabbed Ms. Zhang Guizhi's legs and pulled them, causing Ms. Zhang to topple over head first. They then dragged her down seven flights of stairs all the way outside. Ms. Zhao Shuyun is over 40 years old and lived on Yan'an Street in the Changyi District. Ms. Zhao was an employee of the Jilin City Railroad construction section. On the morning of August 24, the police broke into and ransacked her home. Ms. Zhao lived with her daughter. Since she was arrested, her daughter has no financial income.

    Ms. Yang Lijuan and Ms. Zhao Shuyun are being detained in the Jilin City Third Detention Center. We call for people around the world to help rescue them.

    Related phone numbers and addresses:

    National Security at Jilin City Branch:
    51 Beijing Road, Chuanying District, Jilin City, Zip 132084
    Di Shigang, head of the Third Jilin City National Security Team: 86-432-2409796 (Office)

    Jilin City Third Detention Center:
    Liu Xuezhi, head of the detention center: 86-432-2578266 (Home)
    Liu Changjun, Education Director: 86-432-7807299 (Cell)
    Huang Jianmin, Deputy Head of the detention center: 86-432-7807298 (Cell)
    Cong Maohua, Deputy Head of the detention center: 86-432-2017071 (Home)
    Xing Shufen, Disciplinary Guard (female): 86-432-2026730 (Home)
    Zhang Shaoqin, detention center physician: 86-432-2031188 (Home)
    Cao Jingyu, Disciplinary Guard: 86-432-2433954 (Home)
    Dong Yushu, Disciplinary Guard: 86-432-2482155 (Home)

    Public Security Bureau at Changyi Branch, Jilin City
    East Jiefang Road, postal code: 132041
    Chief's Office: 86-432-2485301�A86-432-2485303
    Political Committee Office: 86-432-2499302
    Procuratorate Office: 86-432-2485306
    Politics Office: 86-432-2485943
    Criminal Police Team: 86-432-2485378
    National Security Team: 86-432-2485537
    Law and Order Office: 86-432-2485279

    Public Security Bureau of Jilin City:
    51 Beijing Road, postal code; 132084
    Fax: 86-432-2454682
    Switchboard: 86-432-2409221
    Chief's Office: 86-432-2409110, 86-432-2488110

    Thirteen Types of Torture Used on Falun Gong Practitioners at Gaoyang Labor Camp

    Listed below are 13 types of torture used on Falun Gong practitioners at the Gaoyang Labor Camp in Hebei Province.

    1. Shocking with electric batons: Involves the simultaneous use of up to eight electric batons to shock the bottoms of the feet and the center of the palms. Practitioners suffering this torture are pulled outdoors, placed in a forested area (in order to conceal the crimes), and forced to sit on the icy cold ground with both hand outstretched. The practitioners are then shocked all night long. In addition, their faces may be hit with shoe soles until very swollen. Their entire faces may be tortured so much that they are completely distorted. The police also scream insults at the practitioners.
    2. Nailed to poles: An iron pole is secured at both sides of the body and the hands are handcuffed to the poles.
    3. Hanging legs: A deep hole is dug into the ground. The practitioner is then made to sit on the edge of the hole with both legs hanging down. Next, a big stone is tied to a rope, and the other end is tied to the practitioner's legs. The big stone is then thrown into the pit. The pain of this torture can hardly be imagined.
    4. Sleeping at the flagpole: The hands of the practitioner are handcuffed to a flagpole with feet not touching the ground. The back of the practitioner must rest on the very narrow flagpole, with the head and feet hanging and dangling downward on both sides.
    5. Filled with hot pepper water: The police fill practitioners' noses with hot pepper water. Sometimes they pick up the dirty sanitary napkins from the restroom and stuff them into the practitioners' mouths.
    6. Buried in snow: The practitioner is covered with snow so that only the head is exposed.
    7. Buried in earth: The practitioner is buried with earth so that only the upper part of the body remains free.
    8. Exposed to mosquito bites: Practitioners are forced to stand under big electric bulbs at night so that the mosquitoes will come and bite them for hours on end.
    9. Pulled to run: Two criminals will force practitioners to run. When the criminals become too tired to move any further, another two take over and continue to force the practitioners to keep running.
    10. Denying use of the restroom: The evil people constrain practitioners from going to the restroom. Some are forced to relieve themselves in their pants; yet the police beat and scold them for it.
    11. Shocking with electric wires: The police use electric batons to shock practitioners, yet the electric currents on the batons have sometimes shocked the police instead. The police pass it off by saying that the electricity of the electric batons leaked out. Then they tie the electric wires to the hands of practitioners. With this method, as soon as the electric power is switched on, the practitioners are shocked so much that their bodies literally jump.
    12. Exposed to the baking sun: Falun Gong practitioners are exposed to the baking sun until their skin is burned and badly blistered.
    13. Scalding: The police open the collar of a practitioner, and then pour a bowl of boiling hot flour soup onto the body of the practitioner.

    Chen Wen, a Single Old Man, Died Mysteriously in Huanggang City, Hubei Province

    Mr. Chen Wen, about 75 years old, was a retiree of the Huangmei Opera Troupe. He was persecuted during the Cultural Revolution. One day during that time he jumped out of a third floor window. He was imprisoned for a total of 10 years. When he got out of jail and returned to his original job, he received very unfair treatment. For this reason, he always wanted to get revenge; he even thought of making bombs in order to make those who hurt him die together with him. But he never actually followed through on his plans, mainly because he didn't want to hurt innocent people. He was also getting older. He frequently contemplated jumping from a skyscraper, but he really did not want to die without resolving his hatred. He had once said that his life was just so hard.

    Chen Wen started to learn Falun Gong at the end of 1995. After learning, his chronic illness of many years was cured; the tumor on his body, which had been diagnosed by doctors as impossible to cure, was also gone. The hatred in his heart and the sadness on his face were also gone. Since he learned Falun Gong he always followed the standard of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in his conduct and thoughts. He constantly cleaned up the staircase of his apartment, and many times he cleaned and fixed the public washrooms. At one time he went to a bank to withdraw some money. By mistake the teller gave him too much money. He returned all of it right away. This kind of behavior shocked the bank workers who said, "It is hard to believe that in this world there still exist such noble and virtuous people."

    During the six years of persecuting Falun Gong, the evil CCP and the head of the evil Jiang Zemin have been using each other to torture Falun Gong practitioners. Mr. Chen Wen was also persecuted. In order to clarify the truth about Falun Gong and about the benefits he gained from Falun Gong, Mr. Chen wrote many letters to different levels of government and to the appeals offices. He also went to Tiananmen Square to appeal for Falun Gong and was illegally arrested by the police. Afterwards, because he practiced the Falun Gong exercises in a park, he was arrested by some Huangzhou City Public Security officers, who placed him in detention. There he suffered brutal persecution. He was forced to do heavy labor, which exceeded his physical capabilities. After some 20 days of illegal detention, he was sent to a brainwashing class, where he suffered all kinds of inhumane tortures. His heart and body suffered tremendously.

    About three months ago, Chen Wen went to another city to visit his relatives and tell them the facts about Falun Gong. Soon after his trip he was suddenly found dead. Sources say that the Huang Zhou Public Security Bureau was informed by a county officer that Chen Wen was found dead on the side of a field in the country area and that he still carried truth clarification materials with him. Other sources say that Chen Wen was beaten to death. The real situation is unknown.

    Biref News from China - September 3, 2005

    1. [Shaanxi Province] The Police Arrest and Torture Ms. Zhang Huilan in Boji City

    When Ms. Zhang Huilan was clarifying the truth and distributing flyers in Didian Village, Chencang District, Baoji City on August 26, 2005, someone reported her to the police, who arrested and afterwards tortured her.

    Related phone numbers:

    The Political Judiciary Committee Secretary of Chencang District, Baoji City: Jia Fosheng, Gao Zongwen, Duan Jiuzhou: 86-13992722926 (Cell)

    The Principal of the Baoji City Railroad Driver's School: Li Baocai: 86-917-3832179 (Home), 86-13609173696 (Cell)

    2. [Jilin Province] Mr. Li Wenjun in Critical Condition after Being on a Hunger Strike for over Half a Month in the Jiutai Labor Camp

    Mr. Li Wenjun (38) was sentenced to 2 years in a forced labor camp after the local police substation arrested him on July 2, 2000, for practicing Falun Gong. Mr. Li had been appealing and writing to related departments about his situation, but it was not until August 2002 that he was finally released.

    On March 16, 2004, the police arrested Mr. Li again when he was going to another Falun Gong practitioner's home. This time he was sentenced to 3 years in a forced labor camp. He is being detained in the Jilin Province Jiutai Labor Camp. Mr. Li has been on a hunger strike for over half a month to protest the detention. Every day he is brutally force-fed and strictly monitored. Even though he is in critical condition, the police forbid his family from seeing him.

    Related Phone Numbers:

    The Jiutai Labor Camp: 86-431-2511058

    The Director of the labor camp: Guo Junpeng: 86-431-2511197 (Office)

    The Director of the Health Bureau: Wang Chunshi: 86-13844002938 (Cell)

    The Jilin Province Department of Justice: 86-431-2750217

    3. [Dongning County, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Qu Guizhi Arrested

    Ms. Qu Guizhi from Dongning County, Heilongjiang Province is over 50 years old. At around 11:30 p.m. on the night of August 31, 2005, Ms. Qu Guizhi was reported and arrested when she went to distribute truth-clarifying materials in Minzhu Village in the countryside.

    Related Phone Numbers:

    The Deputy Head of the Dongning County Police Station (in charge of persecuting Falun Gong): Zhao Zhandong: 86-13845386188 (Cell), 86-13359699988 (Cell)

    The Dongning County National Security Team Lead: Lin Xiaowei: 86-13946388110 (Cell)

    4. [Dalian, Liaoning] The Status of Mr. Meng Lingtao's Recent Persecution

    Mr. Meng Lingtao from Dalian was arrested in April 2004 and detained in the Dalian City Yaojia Detention Center. In December 2004, the People's Court of Zhongshan District, Dalian City sentenced him to 3 years in prison. The appeal to the next higher level court resulted in no change to the original sentence. On April 20, 2004, he was transferred to the Wafangdian Prison No.118 team. On May 31, he was moved to Jinzhou Prison.

    5. [Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Haibo and 16 Others Arrested for No Reason

    On August 1, 2005, some Falun Gong practitioners took Kong Xiangjian's 6-year-old daughter and went to the Shenyang Masanjia Labor Camp to visit her mother, who had been detained there. On their way home, the Buxin Police Station Political Department arrested them for no reason. These Falun Gong practitioners are Ms. Wang Haibo, Ms. Liu Guiping, Mr. Wang, Mr. Song and others, a total of 17 people.

    The Diantai Police Substation phone numbers: 86-418-2980202

    Director Meng's Phone: 86-418-2980202

    6. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Zhang Huiru Detained

    Ms. Zhang Huiru from Jiamusi City was arrested on August 31, 2005, and is now detained in a detention center.

    7. [Chengdu City] Ms. Guo Lirong Arrested

    At around 4 p.m. on September 1, 2005, about 20 policemen broke into Ms. Guo Lirong's home at the Qianfeng Group Resident Area No. 22 Building, first unit, level 1, Apt. #1. They ransacked Ms. Guo's home and took away her notebook, cell phone, etc. Ms. Guo's mother tried to stop them from taking her daughter away, but she failed.

    Responsible parties and personnel:

    Tang Xiaodong, Director of the 610 Office of the Fuqing Road Department, Chengdu City

    The Chengdu City Fuqing Road Police Substation

    8. [Chengdu City] Ms. Xiong Yuhua Sentenced to Prison

    In July 2005, the Chenghua District Court of Chengdu City sentenced Ms. Xiong Yuhua to 3 ½ years in prison. Ms. Xiong is now detained in the Jianyang City Baimasi Prison and no visitors are allowed to see her.

    9. [Chengdu City] Mr. Cai Luochuan Detained in the Chengdu Detention Center

    At around 7 p.m. on August 20, 2005, Mr. Cai Luochuan from the Qingyang District, Chengdu City went to Xinan Jiaotong University to put up the posters about the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and "Quit the CCP" from the Epoch Times. The guards from Xinan Jiaotong University found him and reported him. Consequently, Mr. Cai was arrested and detained in the Chengdu City Detention Center.

    Phone Numbers of Related Personnel:

    Officer on Duty in the Chengdu Detention Center: 86-418-2980202

    Director Li: 86-28-86407826

    The Jinniu Police Station: 86-28-86406210, 86-28-83331495

    The First Department of the Jinniu District National Security of Chengdu City: 86-28-86406340

    10. [Ningan, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Zhan Donghua Arrested

    On August 30, 2005, the Ningan City National Security Team arrested Ms. Zhan Donghua from Ningan City, Heilongjiang Province for distributing truth-clarifying materials.

    11. [Changyi, Shandong Province] Ms. Yuan Guiyu and Others Arrested

    On August 31, 2005, the "610 Office" of Changyi City, Shandong Province in cooperation with the Taibaozhuang Township Police Substation arrested Ms. Yuan Guiyu, Ms. Pang Yufang, Mr. Ge Junxi's sister, Mr. Sun Xueming sister (who does not practice Falun Gong) and others.

    Summary of Other Articles and News - September 11, 2005

    1. Wicked Deeds Committed by a Police Officer in Beijing

    Police officer Song Linfeng from the Chengguan Public Security Station of Miyun County, Beijing City, has been actively participating in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. For example, practitioner Mr. Cao had just found a job in a building decoration company. He rented a house for himself and his family within the district where officer Song was in charge of maintaining order. One day Song broke into Mr. Cao's house. Through deceitful questioning he learned from Mr. Cao's family where Mr. Cao was working. On April 29, 2005, Mr. Cao was arrested, and later on his house was also illegally ransacked. Mr. Cao has since been released, but the company that had hired Mr. Cao is no longer willing to take him back, for fear of possible consequences. Mr. Cao has lost his only source of income to support his family.

    Translated from

    2. Persecution of Practitioner Ms. Hao Shuping

    Practitioner Ms. Hao Shuping, 40, is from Yongji County, Jilin Province. Because she practices Falun Gong, Ms. Hao has been illegally arrested several times since 1999. She has also been illegally sentenced to prison twice. While in prison, Ms. Hao was tortured frequently by the prison guards and the directors. She once lost control of her bodily functions as a result of shocks from electric batons. The local public security station also extorted money from Ms. Hao. After she served her term, the prison authorities extended her term for another 31 days.

    Translated from

    3. Wicked Deeds Committed by Police Officers in Jilin Province

    On August 24, 2005, Di Shigang, director of the Third Team of Jilin City's National Security Defense Department, together with some other police officers, took practitioner Ms. Yang Liyuan to the No. 3 Detention Center in Jilin City. In early September, Ms. Yang's parents went to the center to inquire about their daughter. Officials in the center refused to let the couple in and didn't give them any information. Ms. Yang's parents are very worried about their daughter.

    Translated from

    Summary of Other Articles and News - September 20, 2005

    1. Farmer in Shandong Province Sentenced to Eighteen Months of Forced Labor for Putting up Couplets on His Door

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Xu Yanzhong is a farmer from Shandong Province. He posted couplets on his door during Spring Festival that said, "Falun Dafa is Good." The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) 610 Office took a photo as "evidence" and then illegally arrested him on July 15, 2005. They detained him for fifteen days. Mr. Xu Yanzhong was soon sentenced to eighteen months of forced labor, and is now locked up in the Second Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Zibo City, Shandong Province.

    2. Ms. Bi Xiuli Arrested and Locked up in the Harbin Drug Rehabilitation Center

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Bi Xiuli from Daqing City firmly practices Falun Gong. She has been detained, had money extorted, and had her home ransacked since late 1999. She was forced to become homeless in order to avoid being illegally arrested at home. In March 2003, she was arrested again at Longfeng Train Station, detained for more than a month in Daqing City Detention Center, and sentenced to three years of forced labor. Since August 2003, she has been detained in the Harbin City Drug Rehabilitation Center.