26. Company Vice-President: My Wonderful Experiences

in the Practice of Falun Dafa

  By a Western practitioner in the U.S.   

  I work at a Silicon Valley company as vice president of marketing and sales. I¨d like to share with you something truly wonderful that has impacted my life on so many positive and healthy levels.   

  It had been a restless night. For quite some time I had battled insomnia, had endured bouts of depression, was anxious over many issues in my life, and a lot of the time I just felt exhausted and spent. I really longed for rest and some peace and serenity in my life. I had done a lot of work on myself over the previous few years, work dealing with emotional healing and growth, spiritual reconnection, looking closely at patterns of thought, self image, behaviors, boundaries, and seeking well-being on all levels in my life. I was dealing with the breakup of a 20-year marriage and raising my daughters as we transitioned into a new way of being a family. There was great turmoil and chaos in my career because the company I had worked at for 11 years had gone into bankruptcy soon after my wife left me. My new relationship with a woman had been fraught with heartbreak and pain. I wasn't a very happy man. I knew the answers lay inside myself and I continued to search.  


    I awoke that morning saying I had to exercise and move my body. I had to try to break this pattern of no energy and low spirits in the morning and throughout my day. I slowly awoke, got dressed, and walked down to the park close to my house and began to walk briskly around the course. As I was walking, I glanced over to my let and saw some people doing what initially appeared to be a form of Tai Chi. As I drew closer, I saw a young Chinese woman holding her hands over her head. She warmly smiled at me and said, "Would you like to join us?" I immediately said, ^Yes. ̄ here was just a knowingness that this was right.  

  I did the exercises and she helped me do the first two sets that I had missed. I really liked it, and she invited me back the next day at 7:00 a.m. I said, ^OK. ̄ That day I noticed that I could really think clearly, and that I felt relaxed and at peace with the world. hat night I slept really well. Well, all this sure got my attention, and I knew I would go back again the next morning.   

  Sure enough, the alarm went of at 6:15 a.m. but I was already awake, ready to embrace the day and surely the morning. I was truly excited about going again to the park to do those wonderful exercises. The volunteer assistant and the other practitioners began to lead us in the exercises. I should also mention that everybody was so warm and friendly, and their demeanor was very peaceful. We all did the five exercises, and I again felt wonderful during and after doing the exercises. I got up every day to do the exercises. I was invited to a nine-day seminar and eagerly attended. I felt so relaxed listening to the Master's words. I really liked it and felt excited to learn more and do more of this practice called Falun Gong.  

  Last year my girlfriend had given me a magazine article about the persecution of people in Mainland China who were doing this. Both she and I got on the Falun Gong website and downloaded informational materials. I felt an attraction to Falun Gong even then. I called one of the local numbers and the gentleman said to please come at 5:30 a.m. to a park that was far away and do this for two hours. I thought I didn't want to do that. I just wasn't ready at that time. Now I was ready and it was wonderful. I am so grateful that I made the decision to begin after the opportunity presented itself. But honestly, it wasn't really hard to decide. I just knew it was right and I really wanted to do it.  

  I got both the Falun Gong books and started reading, and I really liked what they had to say. he material was exciting to read and my mind felt alive and stimulated. Doing Falun Gong and studying Dafa has really had a very profound effect on my life in a very positive way. Five simple exercises and three very simple and basic principles guide my daily life. Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance!very simple, but very profound.  

  I am now much more at ease with some of the challenges I face in my life, both in my relationships and in my job. I notice I am much more relaxed and accepting while dealing with life's daily struggles. I feel like I am at home now and on the right path to truth. Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. What great principles to live my life by. Compassion and developing character are very attractive to me and enhance my life on a daily basis. I was always attracted to things that talked about coming from the heart and having compassion for all things.  

  When I began to practice the five Falun Gong exercises, I immediately noticed that I was calmer and more relaxed. My overall mental outlook began to really change in a very positive way. I feel that I have more clarity and mental focus.   

  Because Falun Gong is a very holistic practice that improves and enhances one¨s mental, physical, and emotional well being, I can honestly report excellent changes on both a physical and emotional level. My emotional outlook is one of feeling much more relaxed and less stressed. I feel better physically, and my energy level has increased. I am excited about embracing the day when I awake, and I sleep much better. I feel more rested and alert. Physically, I feel that a lot of the stress that I normally carry in my body has been released. My neck and shoulders are less tense and I generally feel a lot more flexible and loose.  

  In general my life is much more peaceful, and things that used to cause me anxiety and worry just don't seem to have such a strong effect on me now. When doing the exercises, it feels good to relax and quiet my mind and thoughts. I am very happy to be meeting new people and practitioners every week. Every practitioner I have met is a person of strong moral character and is thoughtful and considerate of everyone he or she comes into contact with. I have felt very welcomed by all that I have met. I have always been greeted with a warm smile and encouragement to continue to practice Falun Gong.  

  Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder and teacher of Falun Gong, has had a very significant impact on a worldwide level, including on a growing number of practitioners here in the United States, in improving how people relate to each other and live together. he improvement of character and integrity, the development of compassion and consideration for others, and the values of honesty and truthfulness are very sound principles for us all to incorporate into our personal and professional lives.   

  Why are more and more people attracted to the practice of Falun Gong? Why was I attracted to it? For all of the reasons that I have mentioned above. Physically, emotionally, and intellectually, I have directly and almost immediately experienced the very positive ways that Falun Gong has enhanced my daily life. I am most thankful that I have learned of Falun Gong, and I am most eager and excited to continue on a daily basis learning more and practicing more.   

  I really love Falun Gong. I love doing the exercises every day, going to the discussion group once a week to read and discuss the writings of Master Li, and the wonderful people and practitioners I have met as a result of becoming involved in Falun Dafa. My mental clarity and focus have improved. My emotional well-being, spiritual connectedness, sense of acceptance, and forbearance to deal with life's challenges have all improved. I know I am on the right path of spiritual enlightenment and that in itself brings me peace and serenity. I am very grateful to have had Falun Dafa come into my life. My life is truly enhanced by my practice of it and the truly wonderful people I have met who practice Falun Gong. My cultivation energy increases each