, Friday, August 15, 2008

News and Events Around the World

Open Forum

Facts of the Persecution

Practitioners Exchange Insights and Experiences

News and Events Around the World

Brussels, Belgium: CIPFG Submits over One Million Signatures against the Persecution to European Union Commission (Photo)

( On August 6, 2008, at the European Union Commission headquarters in Brussels, a representative of CIPFG (Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong) formally submitted over one million signatures collected globally to the European Union Commission, requesting its help to stop the Chinese Communist regime's persecution of Falun Gong.

Mr Vincent Guerend, Deputy Head of Cabinet for the European Union, and Commissioner of External Relations Ms. Benita Ferrer Waldner officially accepted the signatures on behalf of the EU commission and met with the representative of CIPFG. The deputy head of the EU external relations bureau's China section, Mr. Michalis R. Kas, also joined the meeting.

Representative of CIPFG Ms. Nele Regiest at EU Headquarters with the signatures

The representative of CIPFG, Ms. Nele Regiest, said: "CIPFG's initiation of collecting one million signatures against the persecution started in January 2008. It is for the purpose of condemning the Chinese Communist regime's persecution of Falun Gong and appealing for the complete end to the persecution before the Olympics." She stressed that Falun Gong practitioners have suffered brutal persecution by the Chinese Communist regime for nine years. "It is very difficult to imagine what life has been like for practitioners under the Chinese Communist regime. This persecution must be stopped immediately. Especially, just before the Olympics, the Chinese Communist regime had illegally detained many Falun Gong practitioners and the persecution of various kinds has been intensified."

She submitted to the two representatives of the EU the result of this "Million Signatures against the Persecution" campaign: one million, three hundred and fifty-six thousand, two hundred and thirty-two (1,356,232) signatures were collected from over one hundred and thirty-three nations and regions, with seventy-five thousand, three hundred signatures from Europe, including signatures of major political figures and well known celebrities in some nations. The submission to the EU also included the copies of over seven thousand signatures from Belgium and photos of signature collections around the world.

After accepting the materials, Mr. Vincent Guerend and Mr. Michalis R Kas stated that it was very touching that the signatures were from so many countries. Mr. Vincent Guerend said that the EU has for many years devoted large efforts to the human rights problems in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners as a whole and to individual cases. He especially mentioned that the EU demanded that China abolish its system of "re-education through labor". Many Falun Gong practitioners have suffered maltreatments in this system. Mr. Michalis R. Kas said that Falun Gong has always been the topic in the human rights dialogue between the EU and China. He hoped CIPFG could provide more materials and information about the persecution to the EU so that they could take action.

On the same day, CIPFG organised a series of activities in thirteen countries and regions, including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Australia, appealing to the world leaders and human rights organizations to take action to stop the Chinese Communist regime's persecution of Falun Gong.

At this time, the petition against the persecution signed by over one million people has been submitted to the United States government, the Australian government, the International Olympic Committee and others. The final result will be submitted to the United Nations' Human Rights Council.

Swedish Human Rights Organizations Protest the Persecution at the Chinese Embassy in Stockholm (Photo)

( On August 8, 2008 at 1:00 p.m., a rally was held by the Swedish branch of Reporters Without Borders, and a Swedish organization focused on supporting human rights in China (SRICH), along with other human rights organizations and members of Parliament. They were there to protest the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) arrest of reporters, blockading of press freedom and violating their promise of freedom of speech made to the International Olympic Committee and international society. They also called on the communist regime to release jailed reporters, human rights advocates and Falun Gong practitioners. Falun Gong practitioners in Stockholm and other nearby cities also joined the protest.


Mr. Jespter Bengtsson, chairman of the Swedish Reporters without Borders, was interviewed by the media. Birgitta Ohlsson, member of Parliament, and a spokesperson from the Liberal People's Party, and representatives for Tibet, Xinjiang, Uighurs East Turkestan, Mongolia, and Falun Gong gave speeches condemning the CCP's escalation of the persecution of press freedom and human rights while hosting the Olympics.

Mr. Vasilious, the speaker representing Falun Gong, strongly condemned the CCP's nine-year persecution of Falun Gong. He also exposed the facts about the CCP's stringent blockade of information, with the intention of deceiving its people. In the meantime, he called on people to help stop the CCP's atrocities. Falun Gong practitioners held banners reading, "Stop Interrupting NTDTV" calling for the immediate recovery of NTDTV's signal to China and all of Asia by Eutelsat, so that the Chinese people can watch uncensored news.

Mr. Jespter Bengtsson, the chairman of Swedish Reporters without Borders, said in an interview, "We are here to call on the 27 countries in Europe to boycott the Beijing Olympics' opening ceremony. This is the objective of this activity. Our broader goal is to condemn China's lack of press freedom." He also condemned Eutelsat's disconnection of NTDTV's broadcast to Asia due to threats by the Chinese regime. He said, "I think this is a scandal. It is the biggest scandal in Europe during the Olympics. It is worse than the fact that some leaders of the European countries are attending the opening ceremony of the Olympics."

Elizabeth, a representative from Reporters without Borders, said, "We hope that China can improve its freedom of the press. We hope reporters in China can be as free as those in Sweden. There should not be an information blockade or intimidations and jail terms resulting from [reporters doing] their jobs. The opening ceremony of the Olympics is held today and we hope our fellow reporters in China can share our consensus. An open and free discussion is beneficial for improving interpersonal relationships and working environment. People should be allowed to express their views freely. This is the basis of democracy. Efforts toward this goal are worthwhile."

In his remarks, Birgitta Ohlsson said, "The Beijing Olympics is employed by the communist regime as a crime cover-up and a tool to instigate its nationalism. Besides sports, we should also talk about the serious human rights infringement issues. When we talk about freedom of speech and freedom of press, we should know clearly that the individual freedom of the Chinese people has not improved at all. We should keep fighting for Chinese human rights."

The protest was held simultaneously with the Beijing Olympics' opening ceremony. Non-governmental organizations such as the Swedish Amnesty International also participated in the rally. Over ten Swedish mainstream media outlets came to report on the event.

Transplant Doctors Around the World Are Well Aware of CCP Organ Harvesting Atrocities (Photos)

( Dr. Rudolf Garcia Gallont from Guatemala is a member of The Transplant Society (TTS). He recently attended a TTS conference in Sydney, Australia. He told this reporter that for the last two years, TTS has paid close attention to the allegations of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in China.

Dr. Garcia condemns the CCP's organ harvesting atrocities

Dr. Garcia said, "Since this problem with Falun Gong was brought up in Boston two years ago, The Transplant Society has become very active, especially through President Nicholas Tilney, and Dr. Francis Delmonico who is in charge of International Affairs for TTS. He is also the representative of TTS at the World Health Organisation (WHO). Since Boston, when the society started to take all these actions, I don't think there is any doubt that every doctor who is here knows that this is happening, and has a very clear opinion about it. No question. No question."

"Among the different actions that TTS took to address this problem, Dr. Tilney, and Dr. Delmonico made several visits to China. They sat down with the heath authorities in China. The Ministry of Heath in China promised they would change this policy of using organ from executed prisoners."

"Istanbul Declaration" states organ trade is illegal

Dr. Garcia said, "Besides that, TTS organised a huge meeting in Istanbul a couple of months ago. The whole science community and WHO generated what we called the Istanbul Declaration, which addresses all the problems, not only from the executed prisoners, but anything related to organ sale, transplant tourism, and to organ trafficking. So the whole problem has been addressed. And WHO has taken this as an official opinion of the transplant community of the world. 152 countries were represented at this meeting, and the declaration is already official."

He continued, "Tomorrow there is a complete session here. The early morning session is about the Istanbul Declaration. So the whole transplant community knows and learns what the position of TTS is, addressing your problem, and the problem of many other countries"

"There are a couple of countries in the world who are special buyers of these organs. So I think TTS as a scientific society has taken a very clear stand in addressing the problem."

"It has already been brought to the world. This is the official statement, which urges every member, and every country to follow these rules to stop all these kind of practices."

Dr. Garcia said, "Well, it is officially known that this problem exists in China, especially this situation of executed prisoners. I think it is almost unique to China. I don't think, but I don't know, if this is a practice in other parts of the world. But it is condemnable of course. And society has taken a very clear stand."

When asked about if China will follow the Istanbul Declaration, Dr. Garcia expressed his concern, "This is another question, which I cannot answer, what China will do. I mean you cannot write down the things and agree to the things, but do whatever afterwards. But it is very difficult to control what happens inside a country where the system is not very open to the spread of opinions and information."

Sydney, Australia: Falun Gong Practitioners Call For End of CCP's Atrocity (Photo)

( The 22nd International Congress of the Transplantation Society was held in Sydney from August 10 to 14, 2008. Organ transplant doctors from all over the world went to a reception at the Overseas Passenger Terminal at Circular Quay on the evening of Aug. 13. Falun Gong practitioners held a candlelight vigil on the grass at the Overseas Passenger Terminal to mourn their fellow practitioners who paid their lives safeguarding Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance facing the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution. They called for the international community, especially the medical field, to help stop the CCP from harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.

Falun Gong practitioners in Sydney hold a candlelight vigil in memory of their fellow practitioners who died from the CCP's persecution.

One of the organizers of the event, Mr. Li, said the candlelight vigil aimed to raise awareness of the organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in China. An independent investigation by former Canadian MP David Kilgour and human rights lawyer David Matas indicated the crime was still rampant in China. Some Chinese doctors actively or passively participated in the crime. They were deceived by the CCP's propaganda and became assistants to the biggest anti-human crime in the 21st century. He hoped the doctors at the conference would step forward to help stop the inhuman crime.

Falun Gong practitioners' persistent effort received the attention of the doctors at the conference. Some of them showed support at the Falun Gong practitioners' activity. More and more learned about the persecution against Falun Gong in China. It was the most tragic crime of the largest scale.

2008 Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Held in Bali, Indonesia (Photos)

( The 2008 Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference was held at the Sanur Paradise Hotel, in Bali, Indonesia, on August 10, 2008. Around 1,200 Falun Gong practitioners attended the conference and more than ten shared their experiences. Every speech was very touching; the audience was often moved to tears.

2008 Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in Bali, Indonesia

Practitioners form Chinese characters for Truth-Compassion-Forbearance at Renon Square.

Practitioners form Chinese characters for Truth-Compassion-Forbearance at Renon Square.

Divine Land Marching Band

Colorful Falun Gong parade

Falun Gong parade

Waist-drum troupe

A young art dealer shared his miraculous experience of obtaining the book Zhuan Falun. He realized it was a turning point in his life and a starting point of his cultivation.

A businessman posted Falun Gong pictures all over his motorcycle. As he traveled on streets, the miracle and the benefit of Falun Gong was spread to the people.

A middle-school student shared the changes she experienced after cultivation. She became thoughtful and generous. She used righteous thoughts to solve the problems she ran into.

After the experience sharing, ten children from Minghui Schools in Djakarta, Surabay, and Sanur read aloud poems from Hong Yin in Chinese and Indonesian. Their great pronunciation and innocent faces looked very pure. One child sang a song "Ming Si" and eight children gave a dance performance together.

A parade was held the day before the conference. It started from Renon Square and went around Renon District. The procession included the Divine Land Marching Band, an exercise demonstration, the waist-drum troupe, flag alignment, floats and the fairy dance troupe. The long procession looked very attractive on the busy streets. The parade ended at the north side of famous Bajra Sandhi. About one thousand practitioners formed Chinese characters "Truth, Compassion Tolerance" on Renon Square. They lit candles quietly to mourn their fellow practitioners who died from the persecution.

A Chinese tour guide said cultivation wasn't new to the people in Sanur. The local residents were born to cultivate. Generation after generation, they live in the environment of cultivation. Several holidays were establish for cultivation. Falun Gong practitioners hope to introduce the great way of returning to one's origin, Falun Gong, to the kind and simple residents of Sanur.


Helsinki, Finland: Practitioners Set Up in Esplanade Park to Increase Public Awareness about the Persecution of Falun Gong (Photos)

( On August 9th, Falun Gong practitioners in Helsinki, Finland held an activity in Esplanade Park to raise awareness about Falun Gong and expose the CCP's nine-year inhuman persecution. In particular, the practitioners condemned the increased arrests of practitioners in the lead-up to the Olympic Games.



People learn about the persecution

In the park, tourists from many countries including the United States, Germany, Italy, Poland, Sweden, Turkey and France were enjoying the summer sunshine. People slowed down upon seeing banners reading "Falun Dafa is Good" and "Stop the evil CCP from Persecuting Falun Gong". Some accepted leaflets, some stopped to look at the display of information panels, some came forward to ask questions, and still others went directly and signed a petition to show their support.


Practitioners talk to passersby about the persecution in China


Members of Amnesty International of Finland come to sign the petition


Passersby talk with practitioners and sign petition condemning the persecution of Falun Gong

"I have signed the petition supporting you before," said a lady when Dr. Li, a Falun Gong practitioner, politely gave leaflets to one couple. But the gentleman with her asked, "Why does the CCP persecute Falun Gong?" Dr. Li told him that Falun Gong was so effective in both improving one's health and moral standard that it had attracted nearly 100 million people to practice in just a few years, about which the CCP is very frightened. The evil nature of the CCP is destined not to tolerate the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance that it has forced Falun Gong practitioners to give up their belief by torturing them. After hearing this, the gentleman said, "I'll read the material carefully."

Having accepted leaflets, two tourists from Italy told Ms. Jiang, a local Falun Gong practitioner, "We know Falun Gong and have signed the petition supporting an end to the persecution before. In Italy, everybody has freedom in faith, but in China, people are not allowed the same. This should not have happened."

Two ladies from the USA took some photos of the activity after accepting leaflets. When a practitioner spoke to them, one of them said, "We know Falun Gong. My grandson now works in Shenzhen, China." Ms. Jiang asked her to tell her grandson the truth about Falun Gong. The woman replied that her son knows already. Both ladies expressed that they were very pleased to meet Falun Gong practitioners here.

Several members from Amnesty International in Finland also signed the petition supporting Falun Gong when passing by.

While watching practitioners demonstrating the exercises, a well dressed Russian lady said, "It is so beautiful!" and she then started to learn. She signed the petition before leaving. When found that Russian materials were available, she was so delighted that she asked for one more.

Some Chinese people also took leaflets. Among them, a young lady who worked on an oil tanker felt reluctant to accept the materials, not believing that Falun Gong is persecuted in China, but she thought that everyone should have freedom in their faith and she also appreciated Falun Gong practitioners' peaceful attitude when clarifying the truth. Later, she accepted the material, saying that she would read it carefully and said good-bye to the practitioners in a friendly manner.


Oslo, Norway: Peaceful Protest at the Chinese Embassy

( On August 8th, practitioners went to the Chinese Embassy in Oslo to protest against the CCP using the name of the Olympic Games to kidnap large numbers of Falun Gong practitioners. They also called for an immediate end to the CCP's ongoing crime of removing live Falun Gong practitioner's organs and selling them.

The CCP used the name of the Olympic Games to intensify the persecution of Falun Gong. From June 7th to June 30th, illegal cases of arresting Falun Gong practitioners have numbered over 8,037. Since Jiang Zemin launched the crackdown on July 20th, 1999, 3,168 Falun Gong practitioners have been confirmed dead as a result of the persecution. Untold thousands more are believed to have been custom killed for their organs, an atrocity said to be an evil which has never happened before in human history.

The practitioners displayed banners reading "Stop the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong" and "Stop the CCP removing the organs of Falun Gong practitioners". The practitioners described to the police who were present how the CCP used the Olympic Games as an excuse to kidnap Falun Gong practitioners. They also answered any questions the police had. After the activity, the police waved goodbye.


Berlin, Germany: Eternal Hope

( "As far back as two years ago, I signed my name here, demanding the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to stop persecuting Falun Gong, but the situation has not changed in the least." Watching the Falun Gong practitioners in Berlin in front of the Brandenburg Gate and seeing scenes of the Chinese Falun Gong practitioners suffering torture and live organ harvesting, a passer-by expressed her disappointment. A Chinese lady said to her, "No, the situation is changing, it is just difficult to see immediately from abroad. Please follow me."

Relatives who are suffering persecution in China

The Chinese lady introduced a young man named Zhang Zhentong from Leipzig to this pedestrian. Zhang Zhentong made a special trip to Berlin to take part in the activities this weekend. At the rally, he told everyone about what his wife Wang Xiaoyan had encountered. Wang Xiaoyan is a Falun Gong practitioner. After being illegally locked up for two years and 15 days, she was released from the notorious Masanjia Forced Labour Camp.

Zhang Zhentong was very happy that his wife would not be brutally persecuted again. He said, "I was so delighted to hear my wife's voice again. From the telephone I could tell that our daughter was full of joy because she can be with her mother again."

During the period when Wang Xiaoyan was held in the forced labor camp, Zhang Zhentong, who was far away in Germany, had no way to phone her or communicate by letter. He also couldn't go to China, because as a Falun Gong practitioner, the possibility of being persecuted when returning to China is very real. The eight-year-old daughter could only stay with her grandparents.

A staunch believer

Zhang Zhentong described the torture that his wife experienced in Masanjia: "My wife was often beaten because she refused to give up her belief, and was unwilling to be "transformed"." The guards said to her, 'We know there is no way to transform you.' Once for several days continuously she was chained to a double-deck bunk bed, with one hand on the upper deck, and the other hand on the lower deck. She was simply unable to move. Later she protested by going on a hunger strike, and was force-fed through a tube. The liquid food poured down her throat was mixed with drugs that can damage the nervous system." According to his wife, all of the Falun Gong practitioners who refused to give up their belief were brutally persecuted.

Masanjia has been of ill repute since the beginning of the persecution for its cruel and torturous "transformation" of Falun Gong practitioners. They would carry out frequent brainwashing on every detained practitioner, and the practitioners were forced to watch videos and read books that slander Falun Gong around the clock. As soon as practitioners fell asleep they would immediately be woken up.

The good effect of international support

Zhang Zhentong's wife was forced to do slave labor for at least thirteen hours a day. They had to get up at 6 a.m. and work from 7 a.m. until at least 10 p.m. They had to sew military uniforms, sheets and quilt covers for the army. However, Wang Xiaoyan told the doctors that the guards did not dare to force upon the detained Falun Gong practitioners more overtime forced labor, because the guards had personally received phone calls from abroad and were afraid of being taken to court in the future. Calls from abroad and exposure of their crimes restrained the guards' behavior. Pressure from the international community made for at least some changes at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp.

CCP escalates the arrests of Falun Gong practitioners before the Olympics

In the last several months, the number of Falun Gong practitioners who have been detained in the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp has clearly increased. "My wife can verify that on the eve of the Olympics, the CCP has intensified its arrests of Falun Gong practitioners", Zhang Zhentong said.

According to a report by the Falun Dafa Information Center, since October 2007 in twenty provinces, large cities and autonomous regions, there have been at least eight thousand cases of Falun Gong practitioners being arrested. Amongst them, it can be affirmed that thirty have not yet been allowed a hearing at a tribunal, yet were sentenced to forced labor for up to two and a half years.

"The long detention terms show that this sort of detention isn't like what the CCP officials claimed, when they said that this was to make sure they could 'carry out a peaceful Olympics'. Falun Gong Information Center spokesperson Waltraud Ng pointed out that "Falun Gong practitioners pose no threat to the Olympics. The CCP is just using the Olympics as an excuse to detain Falun Gong practitioners indefinitely."

July 20th and Hope

Since 1999, July 20th has been a very sad day for Falun Gong practitioners, because even today, Falun Gong in China still encounters persecution. Falun Gong practitioners re-enacted the maltreatment in forced labor camps, torture, and live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in front of the Brandenburg Gate, urgently calling for an unconditional release of all practitioners in China before the curtain raises for the Olympics. In the last several months there has been a worldwide collection of over a million signatures, which will be handed to the International Olympic Committee.

That pedestrian who had held a doubtful attitude wanted to sign her name again in opposition of persecution. She joined the line by the table waiting to sign her name and said, "Maybe there is still a use to it."

Taiwan: CIPFG Presents the Public's Opinion in Opposing Persecution in China to the Legislative Body

( On the morning of August 11, 2008, Chang Ching-His, president of the Falun Dafa Association in Taiwan, Ming Chu-Cheng, president of the Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners in Taiwan, and Theresa Chu, chief of the CIPFG Global Million-signature Campaign Against Persecution, met with Chester W. L. Chou, Deputy Secretary of the Legislative Yuan. The three hoped that the legislature will pay attention to voices of justice among people in Taiwan and express its support of Falun Gong's stand against the persecution.

Chou accepted the signature petition from CIPFG for the head of the Legislative Yuan Wang Jin-Pyng, who was on an overseas trip. During the legislative session, Theresa Chu provided the legislature with pictures of Taiwanese people signing the petition and explained how the CIPFG has collected over 640,000 signatures in only six months. Taiwan accounted for the most number of signatures among them. Those who signed the petition include over 320 legislators, county magistrates, mayors, and members of city and county councils.

Chu also explained how countries in Europe, Asia, and America supported the CIPFG's petition. She hopes that Wang will respect the voices of justice from people in Taiwan and show his support by signing a letter to the UN Human Rights Council.

Chang Ching-Hsi asked Chou to give Wang a copy of the Falun Gong Human Rights Report and a report from independent Canadian investigators about organ removals from living Falun Gong practitioners in China. Chang hoped to visit Wang after he returned from his trip.

Ming said the only way to stop the persecution is for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to collapse. He hopes that the government organizations in Taiwan will have a clear understanding of the current situation in China. Chou said that he will pass on all the information and materials to Wang upon his return.

Chu stated that the CIPFG ended the million-signature collection campaign on July 20, 2008. The petition collected over 1.35 million signatures from 133 countries, urging China to stop persecuting Falun Gong. Before the Olympics started, the CIPFG had been actively communicating the results of this global petition to various government organizations and Olympic committees.

On August 6, CIPFG offices in twelve countries and areas, including Hong Kong, called press conferences and held rallies to announce the success in the million-signature petition and announced the publication of "Torture Outside the Olympic Village: A Guide to China's Labor Camps," a publication calling on thirty thousand Olympic reporters in China to visit forced labor camps in China, and describing how the inhumane torture has been conducted inside the camps.

Taiwan Hosts Summer Camp for Young Falun Dafa Practitioners (Photos)

( On August 8-10, the Falun Dafa Club of Taiwan Chungcheng University organized a three-day-long summer camp for over one hundred young practitioners from all over Taiwan. The attendees studied the Fa and shared cultivation experiences together.


Experience sharing at summer camp


Summer camp attendees send greetings to Master

Falun Dafa, also called Falun Gong, teaches the practitioners the principle of Truthfulness- Compassion-Forbearance. Practitioners start from being a good person, always telling the truth, doing the right thing, and being considerate to others. It also requires a practitioner to bear the difficulties of life and tolerate the intolerable. Attendees of the camp ranged from elementary school students to graduate students and their experience-sharings were rich and profound.

Schoolmates and Fellow Practitioners

Hanfang is a sophomore at Chingyi University. To her surprise, she met a schoolmate from her department at the camp. She said that they have known each other for one year and only knew they were both Falun Dafa practitioners. She felt very happy and gratified. Currently, there is no Falun Dafa Club in Chingyi University, so Hanfang has decided to establish a Falun Dafa club for fellow schoolmates and practitioners to cultivate together.

Ding Kaiting is now in his sixth year at Kaoshiung Medical University and is also the host of the activities. He said he learned a lot from the sharings and found places he needs to improve in cultivation. "Every sharing uplifted me," said Ding, "Falun Dafa practitioners are all over the world, with different jobs, families and lives. No matter where you are, you must get eliminate all types of attachments on the path of cultivation. Cultivation practice is serious."

Look Inward and Be Diligent

Mr. Li Pinyou, president of the Falun Dafa Club at Chungcheng University, was happy to see that so many practitioners who are diligent on the path of cultivation. "I think this is a very precious opportunity to share our understandings," Li said, "A major difference between a young practitioner and an ordinary young person is that a practitioner will look inward when facing an issue. One will find one's own shortcomings and improve. As for this conference, there were difficulties too. But we faced those challenges with compassion and the firm wills of practitioners. To me, facing and solving the difficulties and conflicts during the event is my largest achievement." Li also thanked Master for arranging the opportunity to host this event at Chungcheng University. "In overcoming difficulties organizing and hosting the event, I will value more of the future cultivation path and walk it well and righteously."

Teacher Wang Lincheng recently graduated from the Physics Department of Chungyang University. After attending the camp, he said, "I think we will not judge others as being good or bad in their cultivation. When we all reach a status of being totally unselfish, all the practitioners will form a unified body." Talking about organizing the three-day camp, Wang said, "Let everyone participate. A true practitioner will help other practitioners and mature together. Everyone can find the path of one's cultivation."

The camp completed in Minshiung Village Library in Chiayi County. Every attendee benefited from others' experiences and knowledge during the three-day camp. The camp was also a window to show how Falun Dafa prospers in Taiwan and to see the character of the young student practitioners.

Open Forum

How the Communist Regime Boosts Its Confidence with the Olympic Games

( The Olympic Games are coming, they are coming, the Internet censorship is lifted, and there are protest zones in the parks...

Only then, under the world's spotlight, did the people see just how severe the persecution of Falun Gong being carried out by the Chinese Communist regime has been over these past nine years, and how ridiculous its information blockade is: The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will never lift the ban on Falun Gong-related websites, and Falun Gong practitioners will never be allowed to present their case in the protest zones designated by the regime.

The Communist regime has spared no effort in promoting a false facade of a "prosperous society," and yet it is so weak and has so little confidence in itself that it cannot withstand the slightest criticism in front of the world's people. The whole world knows that Falun Gong practitioners do not fight back when they are beaten or sworn at, and they are just a group of people who cultivate their hearts to become even better people. Why is it that the regime is scared of Falun Gong to this extreme extent?

To put it simply, there are two reasons: First, Falun Gong has exposed the CCP's brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners; secondly, Falun Gong practitioners have laid bare the CCP's hoodlum nature.

Falun Gong websites have exposed the facts of the persecution, and the names, addresses and workplaces of most practitioners who suffered persecution have been verified. The CCP could not deny these facts even if it attempted to. What has been exposed is only the tip of the iceberg, under the difficult conditions of gathering information under the tight Internet blockade and the tragic persecution. It is indeed beyond anyone's wildest imagination just how severe and frenzied the persecution really is. For example, abundant evidence collected has proved that the unprecedented evil practice of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners has been and is still taking place in China. However, the Communist regime absolutely refuses any independent investigation from the outside world and tries its utmost to deceive the world. The regime is scared of Falun Gong for persecuting Falun Gong, and because of this fear, they persecute Falun Gong even more severely, and consequently, the Communist regime has forced itself into a dead end of self destruction. Falun Gong's resistance to the persecution has powerfully exposed the evil nature of the CCP and enabled the whole world to see what it truly is. The CCP relies on lies for its existence and when its lies are exposed the CCP feels that its very existence is threatened. This is why the CCP is most fearful of Falun Gong practitioners' clarifying the facts and is most scared of the truth about Falun Gong being spread into China.

The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party published by the Epoch Times in 2004 have fundamentally exposed the origin of the CCP and its evil conduct and hoodlum nature. Falun Gong practitioners encourage people to quit the CCP and its associated organizations in order to erase the Mark of the Beast so that people will be able to avoid becoming the sacrificial objects when Heaven eliminates the CCP. Falun Gong practitioners, as cultivators, do not have any enemies, but Falun Gong also clearly points out a principle: If humankind does not do something about it, Heaven will. Heaven will eliminate the CCP. This is a universal principle. This is the inevitable fate of the CCP, which persecutes cultivators who are on the path towards godhood. Just like the insolent Roman Empire that was doomed after it began its persecution of the Christians, the elimination of the CCP by Heaven is the inevitable result of the CCP's own actions as it has already cut itself off from all the ways out that Heaven had left open for it. The process of Heaven eliminating the CCP is also the process of the CCP destroying itself.

In 2001, when the Communist regime was bidding for the right to host the Olympic Games, it kept on agreeing that it would improve the human rights situation in China and promised freedom of press and freedom of protest. Yet seven years later, the human rights situation in China only keeps deteriorating. The intensified persecution of Falun Gong is a typical example. Let us take a look at just how shameful the regime's so-called "permission to protest" is. The regime stipulated in its regulations for application for protest that four kinds of people would not be allowed to protest, which included those whose "rally, parade and protest will directly endanger public security or seriously disrupt the social order." However, in the eyes of the CCP, every protest is disrupting the social order (or to be more specific, it is not the social order that the CCP is referring to, but the Party order). Since the regime announced the "protest zones in the parks," there have been numerous reports by the media about rejections of applications. As Internet bloggers have said sarcastically, the regime required that all applications be submitted five days before the opening ceremony, but it did not accept any application until four days before the opening ceremony, so of course the applications would all be automatically rejected as a result.

There is a joke that goes something like this: the Americans say that they have freedom because they can protest against their own President in front of the White House; and the Chinese people say proudly that they also have freedom because they can also protest against the American President on Tiananmen Square. But actually, in today's China, would the Communist regime even dare to allow a protest on Tiananmen Square, even against the American President? It really would not dare to, because the regime is so scared right now that even every blade of grass and tree looks like its enemy. They have no self-confidence at all.

As for those heads of state that the regime invited to the opening ceremony to boost its own morale, some went in exchange for the regime's "selling out China by ceding China's territory." In late July, the Chinese regime and Russia signed the "Supplementary Protocol on Demarcating the Eastern Section Boundary Line between China and Russia," permanently ceding over 1.6 million square kilometres of territory to Russia, an area the equivalent of 40 Taiwans. This is the bargaining chip that the regime used in exchange for Putin's attendance at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games. On June 18, China and Japan signed the "East China Sea Agreement" to sell out the oil field in the East China Sea, and soon afterwards the Japanese Prime Minister expressed that he would attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. The regime stepped in to relieve the mortgage crisis in the U.S. in a disguised form. By June 30, 2007, China had become the largest foreign creditor of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae in the U.S., holding a total of 376 billion U.S. dollars. No wonder President Bush insisted on attending the open ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games! The French President Nicolas Sarkozy was undecided about whether to attend the Beijing Olympic Games or not. However, after Hu Jintao met with him in private during a summit meeting in Japan, he suddenly announced that he would attend the Olympic Games after all. All secrets will come out eventually.

Usually the Olympic Games are hosted by countries that are stable and confident in their power, but the Communist regime uses the Olympic Games to pretend to be stable and have self-confidence. The CCP is using the Olympics to find its "self-confidence" for suppressing people. This is an insult to the Olympic Spirit, an insult to the hundreds of millions of Chinese people who are being persecuted as well as their family members and friends. It is also a challenge to the conscience of the world.

Bright Light in the Darkness; Grandness Revealed in a Corrupted World


On July 20, 1999, the CCP initiated the persecution of Falun Gong. Over the following nine years, hundreds of thousands were arrested and over 3,000 people are confirmed dead as a result of persecution. The actual death count is likely many times higher, as the true horrors of the persecution of Falun Gong are closely guarded state secrets, and many death reports are therefore difficult to verify. Thousands of mentally healthy Falun Gong practitioners are locked up in mental institutions, and countless have been forced to undergo brainwashing.

In addition, how many have lost their livelihood? How many people have had to leave their homes to avoid being persecuted? How many children have been orphaned? How many children have been marginalized and belittled, insulted for their faith and for their parents' faith?

Alas, what has been described as a type of evil never before seen on this planet is being perpetrated - live organ harvesting from practitioners who are custom-killed for windfall profits in the human organ trafficking trade.

Yet all of this is only the tip of the iceberg. There is no evil means that has not been used by the CCP's minions. Once all the truth of this persecution becomes known to the world, people will undoubtedly be shocked and speechless.

The CCP is able to create the most evil persecution, because it had prepared a most evil environment since the years it has come into being

The Chinese people have endured decades of brainwashing and totalitarian control, where all have to follow the dictum "What the Party says goes." Unable to speak their minds, practice their own beliefs, or challenge official policies, Chinese people have become largely robotic in their behavior. Belief in god is regarded as ignorant, abnormal, backward, and indicative of poor education. It is considered anti-science. People criticize and destroy things that the Party does not approve of.

In such an environment, the CCP launched its persecution of Falun Gong, using deception and outright lies to stir up public hatred. As a result, it is very difficult for the public in China to feel sympathy for the victims. In addition, the CCP's violent tools have tamed the Chinese people. Cynicism has become fully ingrained in the Chinese people as a survival mechanism. In taking full advantage of an information blockade and deceitful propaganda, the CCP was able to make it so that many people do not believe in the existence of the persecution, or believe that it is much less severe than in fact it truly is. What we can observe is a strange phenomenon. Those that do not believe in this systemized brutality are nevertheless aware that Falun Gong is the most sensitive topic in China. They are fully aware that it is very dangerous to speak up for Falun Gong. People harass and brutally treat practitioners, even kill them, yet still publicly deny the existence of the persecution. They do not allow the atrocities they commit to become open knowledge and pretend that they never occurred.

The CCP's persecution of Falun Gong is an outgrowth of China's economic development. The CCP is forced to grant more freedom to people and let go of a multitude of regulations. This made Chinese people pursue material life and allowed them to become major players in the world economy. The Chinese people are intelligent and industrious. With overseas investment and technology, it is understandable that an economic boom was achieved. However, the CCP used this phenomenon for its own purpose, has stolen people's initiative, and taken economic development hostage, using it as their authority to rule China. The CCP used economic development and twisted it to become the Party's marching call, a new form of ideology sanctioned by the CCP.

Everyone blindly pursues economic development. The CCP brainwashed the entire nation into believing in the pursuit of money. The pursuit of money is replacing the belief in communism. But economic reform has resulted in loss of social justice and formed a social fabric that is based on and immersed in fear. Employment, medical services, housing, education, social security and income are major problems in Chinese society. Child laborers are found in the brick kilns of Shangxi, the "beautiful Lake Taihu" is filled with polluted and dirty water, and large-scale uprisings for people's rights are found in every corner of China. Despite all this, the CCP still claims that Chinese live in a "peaceful and prosperous time," something never experienced in the past.

The superficial economic boom, where quick success and immediate gain is perceived as the rule, was twisted into another reason for the CCP to persecute Falun Gong.

The CCP threatens and bribes overseas politicians and businessmen. It aggressively penetrates the overseas media and political circles, establishes overseas pro-communist media and community groups, and buys the loyalty of small countries, so they wave the CCP flag and support it internationally. China is the biggest market in this world, with a population of over one billion. Under CCP rule, China has hard-working and smart but cheap laborers, has territory to dole out, has resources to develop, has an environment for investors to pollute, and has an unyielding system to limit independent trade unions and independent media. Economic interests and enticements lure overseas politicians and merchants into the CCP's hands. The CCP thus achieved pacifism from foreign politicians and business people. These people, in their greed, pretend ignorance of the CCP's persecution of human rights, and don't give a hoot about public opinion. They even cater to the CCP without blinking an eye and ask favors on the sly.

Student associations, fellowship associations, Chinese schools, professional associations and others in the Chinese community are all targets of CCP infiltration. The CCP ensnares Chinese people who work in Western governments. They lobby them and make them their political spokespersons. All the above are the tools of the CCP, used to stop many people from believing in the existence of the persecution, among them some Western politicians. Having accepted favors and hoping for future favors, these people do not dare to stand up and condemn the CCP. They end up helping a tyrant do evil in exchange for financial benefit.

This persecution is full of deceit, confusion and brutality. This persecution not only lacks resistance among the Chinese populace in China, but also abroad, where the CCP has silenced true international outcry and pressure. World governments have been effectively silenced, hoodwinked by the CCP. Thus, the CCP persecutes Falun Gong practitioners with impunity and with the knowledge that no one will chastise them.

The power of righteous faith

The CCP claimed that it would destroy Falun Gong within three months. Nine years have passed since the onset of the persecution. Not only does Falun Gong continue to exist, but it has spread throughout the world. Facing the inhuman environment in China, Falun Gong practitioners have not gone underground. They have not renounced their belief in the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Instead they practice Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance while opposing this evil persecution. The CCP spreads poison and practitioners expose it. Practitioners explain the truth publicly. Practitioners have begun to clarify the truth about Falun Gong on the streets in China and around the world. Practitioners have established their own media, including satellite worldwide television, radio, newspaper networks, and many websites. Practitioners established Minghui Schools and art academies that bring honor to traditional Chinese culture. Some people want to know where the money came from. This is because they really do not understand what cultivators are like. People without a true belief system, who only believe in money, especially since the CCP worships money, cannot fathom that someone is willing to volunteer and support it with funds out of their own pocket, such as it is done by Falun Dafa practitioners.

Given practitioners' tireless efforts, more and more people understand the truth, and publicly speak for Falun Gong. Gao Zhisheng, Guo Feixiong, Li Heping, Teng Biao, Li Subin, Wen Haibo and other mainland Chinese attorneys dare to publicly defend practitioners. Falun Gong practitioners set an example. Their peaceful and non-violent merciful acts have shown the full truth about this practice. Practitioners do not fight back when beaten or cursed. They have shown the realm of cultivators, have proven the CCP's propaganda a lie and proven that Falun Dafa is a righteous form of cultivation.

Ancient Chinese culture has been passed down through the ages and is again being resurrected. After having been overtaken by communism and several decades of isolation from the rest of the world at the turn of the century, China has again become the focus of the world. Can all this be accidental? Certainly not. It is because a major drama arranged in remote history needs to unfold in this period of time. China had to play its role on this big stage - that of Falun Gong spreading from China, and spreading the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to the world.

In this chaotic society, morals are sliding day-by-day; war, hatred and desire are everywhere. And yet Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance has arisen from China and is indeed the most important principle to China and the world.

In the future, people will recall this soul-stirring war between good and evil. They might remember it only as a myth. However, when the truth is fully known, the world will understand that Falun Gong practitioners safeguarded Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance so humanity would have a bright future.

This is the bright light in the darkness; grandness revealed in a corrupted world.

Facts of the Persecution

Crimes Committed by the Yongji County Police Department, Jilin Province, in the Lead up to the Olympic Games


Records of crimes committed by the Yongji County police

The Yongji County Political and Judiciary Committee, the 610 Office, the local police department, the State Security Division, and police officers from the Chengnan, Chengbei, and Chengxi police departments, all took part in persecuting Dafa practitioners. What we're exposing below are only their most recent crimes.

Even before the Olympic Games, Yongji police officers confiscated practitioners' property and arrested them. In November 2007, they took Ms. Li Fenghua's family property and stole her personal belongings and valuables. As a result, Ms. Li became destitute and homeless, unable to return home.

That same day, police also arrested Mr. Zhu Yeguang, Ms. Sun Xiaomei, and Ms. Zhang Fengrong. Mr. Zhu and Ms. Sun were illegally detained for fifteen days. After police extorted 10,000 and 20,000 yuan from them, respectively, they were released.

Ms. Zhang's family is very poor; they barely have enough to eat. Yet, State Security Division chief, Wang Shuxiang, told them: "If you have money, we'll release Ms. Li, otherwise we'll send her to a forced labor camp."

Ms. Zhang asked her relatives and friends for help and finally managed to borrow 8,000 yuan. But the police said: "You must give us at least 9,000 yuan." The police forced Ms. Zhang to write an IOU for 1,000 yuan, before releasing her.

Afterwards, the police frequently visited her home demanding the unpaid balance. They tried to intimidate her by saying: "If you do not pay back the money you owe, we will not let you off."

Under such dire circumstances, Ms. Zhang's family of three left home. They dared not return to their farm, on which they've always relied for their livelihood. Overall, the police extorted tens of thousands of yuan from the family.

On April 5, 6, and 25, and on May 13, 2008, under the guise of "securing the Olympic Games," the Yongji police illegally arrested eleven practitioners. The police also confiscated the practitioners' property and personal belongings, as well as cash.

Among the eleven practitioners that were arrested, Ms. Wang Jing, Mr. Xu Qiang, Ms. Wang Yanzhen, Ms. Hu Jing, Ms. Jiang Bo, Ms. Zheng Qingzhi, Ms. Zhang Chunshu, and Ms. Jia Guirong were illegally sentenced to from one year to one-and-a-half years of forced labor.

The police arrested Mr. He Changlong from Chaluhe on July 7, and Ms. Liu Lihua from Sanjiazi Township, on July 13.

On July 14, Ms. Zhang Huazhen, in her 60s, was arrested along with her daughter, son-in-law, and grandson. The police also confiscated her grandson's computer and printer, which he used for running his advertising business. That same day, police from Beidahu Town local police station also arrested Ms. Liu Shuhua.

Karmic Retribution

Throughout the ages, people have always believed that when people do good deeds, they will be rewarded, and when they do bad deeds, they will meet with karmic retribution.

As a result of wantonly persecuting Dafa practitioners, the following six people were arrested and imprisoned in late June 2008 for being a part of an "organized crime gang ring": director, Gao Qiang and former director, Li Quan, of the Yongji County Chaluhe Police Department; police officers Lu Wanfeng and Zhang Zhiwei; former Kouqian Chengnan Police Department officer, Zhu Changyan; and officer Xu Guangyuan.

Zhu and Xu started out as simpleminded thugs who worked for the Chaluhe Police Department. But after they were assigned to the Kouqian Chengnan Police Department, they took special delight in torturing practitioners. Zhu used every torture method imaginable to force "confessions" out of practitioners. He not only beat and kicked them, but also twisted their arms and used pliers to pull on their fingernails.

He once beat Ms. Zhang Chunshu so badly that her clothes were soaked in blood. She was not permitted to change her clothes for two weeks.

Some Authorities in Liaoning Province Use the Means of Not Registering Residency to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners

( The Xiangdong Chemical Factory in Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province was shut down in 2006. The factory leaders decided to relocate their workers. A portion of the workers were relocated to the Bayuquan Development Zone in Yingkou City. Up until March of this year, in groups of 12, there were over 3,000 families whose residencies were registered in the new location. (Note: In China if you relocate to another area, you have to get your residency updated and registered to indicate that you now belong to this new area. Otherwise, not only will you lose the benefits and rights of your original area, you will not get to enjoy the social benefits or privileges of the new area that you have relocated to.) However, a portion of Falun Gong practitioners were unable to get their residency registered. This means that their basic rights and benefits as residents of that area were totally taken away from them. This restricted their personal freedom and disrupted their day-to-day existence.

In China, without valid registered residency, you cannot apply for a residence identity card. Without the registered residency and identity card, you cannot go to school, apply for jobs, buy medical or life insurance, apply for testimonial or certifications, and will even have restrictions when you buy train or air tickets for travel. You will not even be able to have lodging or a bank account. Even when your son or daughter gets married, they cannot get their marriage registered. Some people were so worried when their residency did not get registered that they couldn't even eat or sleep well. This caused them so much anxiety that some even became ill and passed away before their time.

It is unreasonable not to register the residency of these good people, and it is against the law to not register them. We hope that the relevant authorities will correct these actions very soon and stop using this as yet another means to persecute these law-abiding citizens. As authorities that are appointed to uphold the law, please don't break the law.

Falun Gong practitioners are also the citizens of the country. They have always been law abiding and good people that follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to guide them. It is wrong to take away the basic rights and benefits of good people by refusing to register their residency.

Retired Senior Engineer from Handan Steel Company Arrested Again

( Retired senior engineer Qin Zhongke and his wife were arrested on July 15, 2008 at 11 a.m. by officers from Luochengtou Police Station of Handan City. Their home was ransacked, and their TV, DVD player, computer, printer and cash are all missing. Mr. Qin Zhongke is being detained in the No. 1 Detention Center in Handan City. His wife has been released.

Mr. Qin Zhongke is 65 years old and lives in the Luoyi Family Residential Area. He began to practice Falun Gong in August 1997. He has required himself to live by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and has benefited enormously mentally and physically.

On July 20, 1999, the CCP regime began persecuting Falun Gong. Falun Gong practitioners became targets overnight, and the CCP currently spends a quarter of its financial resources on the continuing persecution. The CCP has used its monopolized media to slander practitioners and deceive Chinese citizens, instigating hate campaigns against Falun Gong, and operating outside the law. Untold numbers of people have been taken into custody, their homes were raided, and they were suspended from school or work, fined, arrested, detained, sentenced to labor camps, sentenced to jails, tortured, and even beaten to death. This has caused countless shattered families, lost lives, and so many forced to become homeless.

Mr. Qin Zhongke went to Beijing on October 1, 1999 to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. He was arrested and detained in Handan Detention Center, and then sentenced to a labor camp because he refused to give up his belief. While imprisoned at Handan Labor Camp, he again refused to be "transformed," so he was transferred to Dalian Correction Center and the persecution intensified.

For two months, the guards took turns brainwashing him and depriving him of sleep. One guard, Jing Dianke, took him to an office and attempted to "transform" him with an electric baton. When the guard found out that nothing could change Mr. Qin's mind, he openly told him: "You only have three ways out: be 'transformed,' die, or lose your mind."

Mr. Qin refused to write a repentance statement and still wouldn't give up his belief. He was transferred to a brickyard in October 2000, and forced to carry out heavy labor. But nothing could change Mr. Qin, so he was again transferred, this time to the notorious Wujiabao Correction Center in Fushun.

Once there, Mr. Qin was brutally tortured. When he was covered in blood and lying on the concrete floor unconscious, team leader Wu Wei, Jiang Yongfeng and two other guards still beat him with clubs. Mr. Qin was later transferred to Weiningying Correction Center, which is directly controlled by the Benxi City 610 Office. He suffered more inhuman torture there.

After he was released from the labor camp, he learned that his wife had been arrested and sentenced to a labor camp. In 2002, before he could see her, he was arrested again while at home, and his eighty-year-old father was left behind with no one to take care of him.

Mr. Qin Zhongke was again detained in Handan Labor Camp. In order to "transform" Falun Gong practitioners, the guards used the most brutal methods. From July 2 to 23, 2002, Mr. Qin was deprived of sleep, was forced to stand for long periods of time under the baking sun, and was forced to stand day and night. His legs and feet became extremely swollen, he could not walk and he became very weak.

In order to stop the brutal persecution, he began a hunger strike. He was forced-fed several times, and his family had to pay the bill. Finally, because the guards were afraid of cases like that of Yang Baochun (this practitioner was brutally tortured in Handan Labor Camp and his legs had to be amputated), he was allowed to sit down. The guards shouted: "Even if you pretend to be 'transformed,' you still have to write the 'repentance statement' before you can go to sleep." No matter how many methods the CCP thugs used, they could not "transform" Mr. Qin. He was transferred to the notorious Gaoyang Labor Camp, where he suffered even more torture.

After he was released the second time, he found that his father could not handle the constant persecution. Because of grief from missing his son and daughter-in-law, he became disoriented and could not take care of himself.

Mr. Qin tried to take care of his father after he came home, but he was arrested again on July 15, 2008, and is still being held in a detention center.

Drugs Used to Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners in Fujian Prison

( For a long time, CCP personnel in the Fujian Prison have persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners by forcibly administering or injecting toxic drugs that damage the central nervous system. According to a female fellow practitioner who was illegally detained in the Fujiang Prison for two years, practitioners were asked what kind of illnesses they had before. When they got the answer, they then added some drugs to the Dafa practitioners' food to strengthen their physical persecution. If practitioners took these types of drugs for too long, they would feel that their previous illnesses had returned. If practitioners refused to take the medicine, the staff force-fed them.

In order to reach their goal, for a long time the CCP staff members forced a certain practitioner to have all kinds of injections which were damaging to the nervous system. The injected drugs made the body numb and swollen. After undergoing the injections, the teeth became loose and the practitioner shed tears frequently. The practitioner's eyesight became worse and worse, to the point where the person was unable to see things. Additionally, the whole body felt cold, as if he was taking a shower in a cold wind.

Later, with righteous thoughts and belief in Teacher and the Fa, that fellow practitioner escaped, and he has since recovered.

We appeal to people around the world to help stop the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners who believe in the universal principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

Fujian Women's Prison:
Wu Xuehua, deputy of Fujian Women's Prison: 86-591-83632966 (Office), 86-591-87864275 (Home), 86-13960728466 (Cell)
Li Meilan, political commissioner: 86-591-83668034 (Office), 86-591-87616618 (Home), 86-13906913893 (Cell)
Liang Jiwei, deputy director of Fujian Women's Prison: 86-591-88051966 (Office), 86-591-87848535 (Home), 86-13950220816 (Cell)

Additional Persecution News from China - August 2, 2008 (Part 1, 46 Reports)

( Today's News from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 34 cities or counties in 12 provinces. In this report, 38 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention and at least 66 practitioners were illegally arrested.

  1. [Hunan Province] Update on Arrested Practitioners from Huaihua Railroad
  2. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Mr. Zeng Jianxin Arrested and Taken to Yangyuan Brainwashing Center by Police Officers from Yangyuan Brainwashing Center
  3. [Beipiao City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Liu Chundong Arrested
  4. [Heilongjiang Province] Suihua Forced Labor Camp Intensifies Abuse of Practitioners
  5. [Laixi City, Shandong Province] Ten Practitioners, Including Mr. Dai Guoyu, Arrested on Afternoon of July 31, 2008
  6. [Hengshui City, Hebei Province] Ms. Gao Huanju, Ms. Zhou Aihua, and Ms. Er Zhu Arrested on July 31, 2008
  7. [Quyang County, Hebei Province] Ms. Wang Rongxuan Arrested and Detained in Quyang Detention Center on July 29, 2008
  8. [Shulan City, Jilin Province] Ms. Sun Yanru and Ms. Li Fengying Taken to Brainwashing Center on August 1, 2008
  9. [Siping City, Jilin Province] Mr. Wang Xiaoguang and Others Taken to Prisons
  10. [Siping City, Jilin Province] Mr. Wang Yuhe Monitored by Police
  11. [Huanan County, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Wu Qingjie Arrested at Her Workplace on February 28, 2008
  12. [Shenyang City, Jilin Province] Mr. Jia Zhihun Arrested
  13. [Liaoning Province] Mr. Zhao Chengjie Arrested
  14. [Yingkou City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhang Bingxia Arrested
  15. [Wangkui County, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Yang Deqing Sentenced to Forced Labor
  16. [Beijing City] Mr. Yang Shaocheng and Mr. Mu Tiezhu Arrested and Sentenced
  17. [Xishui County, Guizhou Province] Mr. Wang Hongfa and Ms. Yuan Xueli Arrested
  18. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Supplementary Information on the Arrest of Ms. Lu Guilan, Ms. Han Huanyu, and Mr. Yuan Gensheng
  19. [Daqing, Heilongjiang] Ms. Yuan Qing, Ms. Gao Yanxia, Ms. Gao Fengling, and Mr. Du Deping Illegally Put on Trial
  20. [Wucheng County, Shandong Province] Photographer Mr. Xiao Bao Arrested
  21. [Shen County, Shandong] Mr. Li Xiuming Arrested
  22. [Shen County, Shandong] Ms. Liu Gaiqing Arrested
  23. [Jing County, Hebei Province] Mr. Wan Zhongming Arrested
  24. [Laishui County, Hebei Province] Mr. Zhang Xiuqi and His Family Harassed
  25. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Ms. Dong Hongmei from Renzhuang Village Detained in Baoding Detention Center
  26. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Many Practitioners Taken to Brainwashing Center
  27. [Jing County, Hebei Province] Mr. Xin Hongwei Arrested
  28. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Xiong Guilan Arrested
  29. [Chongqing City] Ms. Zhong Chaohui Arrested
  30. [Chongqing City] Mr. Zhang Xianbi Missing
  31. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Ms. Chen Yuting and Other Practitioners Harassed
  32. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Zhang Li Went Missing After Going to Beijing to Run Errands from July 23 to 25, 2008
  33. [Qingyuan County, Liaoning Province] Ms. Liu Yanqin Detained in No. 1 Division of Qingyuan County Police Department
  34. [Lechang City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Deng Dongling Arrested
  35. [Shandong Province] Police Officers from Leling City 610 Office Harass Ms. Cui Xia
  36. [Bozhou City, Anhui Province] Ms. Li Jiying Arrested by Shijiuli Town Police
  37. [Wuan City, Hebei Province] Ms. Li Wenxia Persecuted
  38. [Changyi City, Shandong Province] Ms. Ma Suzhen's Son, Mr. Ding Jinzhu, Arrested by Police Officers from the 610 Office
  39. [Nanpi County, Hebei Province] Practitioners Frequently Harassed Recently
  40. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Forty-Year-Old Ms. Wang Shurong Arrested on the Night of July 29, 2008
  41. [Zhuolu County, Hebei Province] Ms. Wang Chunying, Ms. Huo Hanlin, Ms. Zhou Jianzhen, and Mr. Mao Detained
  42. [Chongli County, Hebei Province] Ms. Bai Mei, Ms. Shi Yuhuan, and Ms. Zhang Fenghua Arrested
  43. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Liu Shuzhen and Ms. Ren Shuqin Arrested
  44. [Mancheng County, Hebei Province] Ms. Ye Xiujuan Arrested on the Afternoon of July 30, 2008
  45. [Jing County, Hebei Province] Mr. Xin Hongwen Arrested
  46. [Hainan Province] Hainan Forced Labor Camp Guard Severely Injures Ms. Chen Zhuoyi's Face with an Electric Baton

1. [Hunan Province] Update on Arrested Practitioners from Huaihua Railroad

On June 25, 2008, more than 20 police officers from the Railroad Police Department broke into the home of Mr. Yan, a retired teacher, and arrested many practitioners who were participating in a group study of the Falun Gong teachings there. Two weeks later, Mr. Yan was sentenced to forced labor. Ms. Gan Yufang, Mr. Zhong Liancong and two elderly practitioners were released. They and their family members were forced to sign guarantee statements. Mr. Huang Jianshe, Mr. Li Niannian, Mr. Fan Xiaowei. and Dr. Dai are still detained in the Railroad Detention Center.

2. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Mr. Zeng Jianxin Arrested and Taken to Yangyuan Brainwashing Center by Police Officers from Yangyuan Brainwashing Center

3. [Beipiao City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Liu Chundong Arrested

On July 20, 2008, Mr. Liu Chundong, from Changheying Township, was arrested by police. Presently, he is detained in Beipiao City Detention Center.

4. [Heilongjiang Province] Suihua Forced Labor Camp Intensifies Abuse of Practitioners

Since July 2008, the Suihua Forced Labor Camp has intensified abuse of practitioners by brainwashing and beating them. Mr. Wang Dehai, Mr. Han Mingjin, and Mr. Dong Xuekun were tortured so severely that they could not eat or walk normally for days and were injured in several places.

5. [Laixi City, Shandong Province] Ten Practitioners, Including Mr. Dai Guoyu, Arrested on the Afternoon of July 31, 2008

6. [Hengshui City, Hebei Province] Ms. Gao Huanju, Ms. Zhou Aihua, and Ms. Er Zhu Arrested on July 31, 2008

7. [Quyang County, Hebei Province] Ms. Wang Rongxuan Arrested and Detained in Quyang Detention Center on July 29, 2008

8. [Shulan City, Jilin Province] Ms. Sun Yanru and Ms. Li Fengying Taken to Brainwashing Center on August 1, 2008

9. [Siping City, Jilin Province] Mr. Wang Xiaoguang and Others Taken to Prisons

Beginning July 13, 2007, Mr. Wang Xiaoguang, Mr. Zhang Kejiang, Mr. Ao Yongjie, Mr. Zhang Yongsheng, Mr. Hu Yuxian, Ms. Dou Lina, Ms. An Shuyun, Ms. Li Fengqin, and Mr. Song Jinyu were arrested by police officers from a branch of the Siping Police Department. They were sentenced on May 12, 2008, and they were recently taken to different prisons.

10. [Siping City, Jilin Province] Mr. Wang Yuhe Monitored by Police

11. [Huanan County, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Wu Qingjie Arrested at Her Workplace on February 28, 2008

12. [Shenyang City, Jilin Province] Mr. Jia Zhihun Arrested

At about 2:30 p.m. on July 30, 2008, several plainclothes officers from the Heping District Police Department went to the No. 26 Hebei Community on Hewan Street and arrested Mr. Jia Zhihun. They grabbed his key and seized a computer and a printer from his home.

13. [Liaoning Province] Mr. Zhao Chengjie Arrested

At about 5:15 p.m. on July 30, 2008, more than 20 police officers from the Nuerhe Police Station, Taihe Police Department, and Taihe State Security Division arrested Mr. Zhao Chengjie from Tanghezi District. They seized his computer, which had not been removed from its packaging yet, two satellite TV receivers, a TV, and some booklets.

Liu Tieli (male), director of Jinzhou 610 Office: 86-416-3184001, 86-416-2938080 (Home), 86-13804165095 (Cell)
Li Weijia (male), deputy director of Jinzhou 610 Office: 86-416-3194002, 86-416-2601038 (Home), 86-13897889812 (Cell)
Li Yazhou (male), deputy director of Jinzhou Police Department in charge of persecuting Falun Gong: 86-416-2572018, 86-416-2388888 (Home), 86-13897886666 (Cell)

14. [Yingkou City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhang Bingxia Arrested

On July 27, 2008, Ms. Zhang Bingxia, from Homhhai New Zone, Bayuquan Harbor, Yingkou City, was reported to police and arrested by police officers from Bayuquan Police Station. Moreover, police officers from the State Security Division arrested Ms. Han Xuemei, Ms. Han Meiling, and seized three thousand yuan in cash.

15. [Wangkui County, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Yang Deqing Sentenced to Forced Labor

Mr. Yang Deqing from Wangkui County was sentenced to forced labor. Mr. and Mrs. Ma Wenping, a teacher from Tongjiang Town, and another teacher are detained in the Wangkui Detention Center.

Wang Liguo (male), director of Wangkui Police Station: 86-13089939999 (Cell)
Song Tao (male), director of Wangkui Police Station, in charge of State Security Division: 86-13304555609 (Cell)
Wu Fanglin (male), chief of State Security Division: 86-13904857860 (Cell)

16. [Beijing City] Mr. Yang Shaocheng and Mr. Mu Tiezhu Arrested and Sentenced

In May and June 2008, Mr. Yang Shaocheng and Mr. Mu Tiezhu, practitioners from Tongzhou District, were arrested again. Since July 20, 1999, they have been arrested many times.

17. [Xishui County, Guizhou Province] Mr. Wang Hongfa and Ms. Yuan Xueli Arrested

18. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Supplementary Information on Arrest of Ms. Lu Guilan, Ms. Han Huanyu, and Mr. Yuan Gensheng

On the morning of July 24, 2008, Ms. Lu Guilan, from New Community, was arrested at home by police officers from the Development Zone and taken to the Harbin Drug Rehabilitation Center.

At about 6:30 a.m. on July 4, 2008, Ms. Han Huanyu was arrested at home by six police officers from the Tieren Police Department. The officers searched her home and seized a printer, an MP4 player, CDs, a paper-cutter, a stapler, a pack of zip-lock bags, and four copies of Zhuan Falun. Ms. Han Huanyu was detained for 15 days.

Mr. Yuan Gensheng is presently detained in the Daqing No. 2 Detention Center. His two laptop computers were seized.

19. [Daqing, Heilongjiang] Ms. Yuan Qing, Ms. Gao Yanxia, Ms. Gao Fengling, and Mr. Du Deping Illegally Put on Trial

At about 9:30 a.m. on July 23, 2008, the Longfeng District Court opened a court session and brought Ms. Yuan Qing, Ms. Gao Yanxia, Ms. Gao Fengling, and Mr. Du Deping to court for about two hours.

20. [Wucheng County, Shandong Province] Photographer Mr. Xiao Bao Arrested

At about 6 p.m. on July 29, 2008, police officers from Wucheng County Police Department broke into a photography studio and arrested Mr. Xiao Bao, who was taking photos for customers.

21.[Shen County, Shandong] Mr. Li Xiuming Arrested

On the morning of July 15, 2008, police officers from the Chaocheng Town Police Station arrested Mr. Li Xiuming, who is in his forties and of the Hui nationality. He was taken to the Shen County Prison then transferred to Liaocheng City. The location where he is detained is unknown.

Chaocheng Town Police Station: 86-635-7713110

22. [Shen County, Shandong] Ms. Liu Gaiqing Arrested

At about 10 a.m. on June 8, 2008, four police officers from the Meizhong Township Police Station, including Li Enjun (male), together with Wu Zhangwen (male), the local CCP Secretary, harassed Ms. Liu Gaiqing from Dongshahe Village. They searched her home and did not find any Dafa material. They forced her into the police car and took her to the police station. She was released in the afternoon after authorities extorted 2, 500 yuan cash from her family.

23. [Jing County, Hebei Province] Mr. Wan Zhongming Arrested

On July 20, 2008, Mr. Wan Zhongming, from Wanzhuang Village in Liangji Township, Jin County, was arrested and detained in the Jin County Detention Center.

As of now, practitioners detained in Jin County include Mr. Wang Cangqi, Mr. Wang Cangyan, Mr. Wang Xiaoping, Mr. Ji Jinrong, Ms. Xu Xiuyan, Mr. Wan Zhongming, and Mr. Xin Hongwen.

24. [Laishui County, Hebei Province] Mr. Zhang Xiuqi and His Family Harassed

On July 29, 2008, Zhang Zhijun (male), CCP official of Nanwazhai Village, led police officers to break into Mr. Zhang Xiuqi's home. At that time, Mr. Zhang Xiuqi was not at home, so the officers arrested his wife Ms. Song Yourong. Before that, using the Olympic Games as an excuse, police officers broke into his home to harass him many times, plotting to arrest him, even though he was just released from the labor camp for less than two months ago.

25. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Ms. Dong Hongmei from Renzhuang Village Detained in Baoding Detention Center

26. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Many Practitioners Taken to Brainwashing Center

On July 23, 2008, using the Olympic Games as an excuse, police officers from Xuanhua District arrested many practitioners and took them to a brainwashing center.

Ms. Tong Yan got out of the center with righteous thoughts after two days on hunger strike. Ms. Chen Cuilian was released after 24 hours of detention. Ms. Chen Jianhua is still detained. Ms. Wang Junfeng, Ms. Li, and Ms. Yuan are still detained in the center. Another practitioner was transferred to the center from a detention center. Mr. Tao Zhijun's whereabouts are unknown.

Zhang Jing (male), director of Olympic Security Office on Jianguo Street, Xuanhua Street:

86-13722350800 (Cell), 86-313-8806687 (Personal Access Phone System)
Liu Yuqin (female), deputy director: 86-13754433315 (Cell)

27. [Jing County, Hebei Province] Mr. Xin Hongwei Arrested

Sometime around July 25, 2008, Mr. Xin Hongwei, from Xinzhuang Village, Duqiao Town, was arrested by staff members of the Duqiao Town Government. At present, he is detained in the Jing County Detention Center.

Zhang Baozhong (male), the CCP's secretary in Duqiao Town: 86-318-4308339
Jing County Detention Center: 86-318-4223710

28. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Xiong Guilan Arrested

At about 3 p.m. on July 29, 2008, Ms. Xiong Guilan, from Liangdao Street, in her 70's, was arrested at home by local police officers. At present, her whereabouts are unknown.

29. [Chongqing City] Ms. Zhong Chaohui Arrested

On the afternoon of June 1, 2008, Ms. Zhong Chaohui clarified the truth about Dafa and put up posters in a bus station in Beibei City. She was reported to the police. Police officers from the No. 1 Division of Beibei City Police Department arrested her. Her home was searched on the same night, and her computer and many materials were seized.

On the morning of May 23, 2008, Ms. Tian Yifeng was arrested when she distributing truth-clarifying material on Jingguan Street. She has been transferred to the Jinyunshan State Security Division.

30. [Chongqing City] Mr. Zhang Xianbi Missing

On the morning of July 19, 2008, Mr. Zhang Xianbi, a relative of an employee at the Nanping Electric Power Construction Company, left his home to clarify the truth about the persecution. He has not returned home since then. His whereabouts are unknown.

31. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Ms. Chen Yuting and Other Practitioners Harassed

On July 26, 2008, police officers from the Iron Plant Police Station in Xuanhua District broke into practitioners' home and forced Ms. Chen Yuting, Ms. Chen Guiping, and Mr. Chen Yumin to hand over all of their Falun Gong materials. In addition, they forced Ms. Chen Guiping and Mr. Chen Yumin to surrender their ID cards. They also seized Mr. Chen Yumin's wife's ID card.

32. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Zhang Li Went Missing After Going to Beijing to Run Errands from July 23 to 25, 2008

33. [Qingyuan County, Liaoning Province] Ms. Liu Yanqin Detained in No. 1 Division of Qingyuan County Police Department

34. [Lechang City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Deng Dongling Arrested

On July 29, 2008, the director of the Lechang Bureau of Agriculture, together with Yuan Wei (male) from the local 610 Office, arrested Ms. Deng Dongling at her workplace. She is detained in the Huanggang Prison in Shaoguan City.

35. [Shandong Province] Police Officers from Leling City 610 Office Harass Ms. Cui Xia

On the morning of July 29, 2008, police officers from the Leling City 610 Office broke into Ms. Cui Xia's home in Bojiliu Village, Kongzhan Township and seized Dafa books and materials. They also threatened to take her to the police station the next day.

36. [Bozhou City, Anhui Province] Ms. Li Jiying Arrested by Shijiuli Town Police

At about 3 a.m. on July 15, 2008, police officers from the Shijiuli Town Police Station jumped over the wall of Ms. Li Jiying's yard, pried open her door, and broke into her home. They pushed her husband and daughter onto the ground, muffled their mouths, and forcibly took Ms. Li away.

37. [Wuan City, Hebei Province] Ms. Li Wenxia Persecuted

On July 20, 2007, Ji Haiwen (male) from the Kangercheng Police Station led some police officers and broke into Ms. Li Wenxia's home. They searched her home, seized several Dafa books, and extorted five thousand yuan in cash from her family.

On May 23, 2008, police officers deceived her family into calling her back home. This time, Ji Haiwen searched her home again. Ji Haiwen and Bai Weiliang (male), director of the police station, then extorted another five thousand yuan in cash from her family.

On July 23, 2008, her bail fee was due, so Ms. Li went to the police office to demand her money. Instead of giving back the money, Ji Haiwen attempted to force her to sign a repentance statement and threatened to fine and detain her again. Ms. Li escaped from the police station.

Kangercheng Police Station: 86-310-5720262

38. [Changyi City, Shandong Province] Ms. Ma Suzhen's Son, Mr. Ding Jinzhu, Arrested by Police Officers from the 610 Office

At about 8 a.m. on July 28, 2008, Mr. Ding Jinzhu, son of practitioner Ms. Ma Suzhen, was arrested by police officers from the Changyi 610 Office. Mr. Ding is not a practitioner. His mother placed some truth-clarifying materials in his home, which the officers seized.

39. [Nanpi County, Hebei Province] Practitioners Frequently Harassed Recently

For nearly a month, police officers from the local police station and 610 Office and employers of the practitioners called practitioners' home phones to harass them. Mr. Xu Fengchen, in his seventies, has been retired. Liu Jinliang (male), director of Transportation Bureau, dispatched employees to monitor him and his wife every day and have also ordered him to report to the Bureau every day.

Mr. Li Jinming is also retired. His neighbor, incited by others, phones his home every day to monitor him.

Ms. Zhang Yuying was harassed and followed by police officers from the local police station and staff members of the residents' committee for six months

40. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Forty-Year-Old Ms. Wang Shurong Arrested on the Night of July 29, 2008

41. [Zhuolu County, Hebei Province] Ms. Wang Chunying, Ms. Huo Hanlin, Ms. Zhou Jianzhen, and Mr. Mao Detained

In mid-July 2008, using the Olympic Games as an excuse, the Zhuolu County Education System detained four practitioners including Mr. Mao, Ms. Wang Chunying (70 years old), Ms. Huo Hanlin (60 years old), and Ms. Zhou Jianzhen. They were detained in Zhuolu Middle School and the No. 2 Middle School.

42. [Chongli County, Hebei Province] Ms. Bai Mei, Ms. Shi Yuhuan, and Ms. Zhang Fenghua Arrested

On July 25, 2008, Chuo Jiang (male), director of the Xiwanzi Town Police Station, led eight or nine police officers and arrested Ms. Bai Mei, Ms. Shi Yuhuan, and Ms. Zhang Fenghua. They were detained in the Linzhong Brainwashing Center in Shijuzi Township.

43. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Liu Shuzhen and Ms. Ren Shuqin Arrested

At about 3 p.m. on July 28, 2008, Ms. Ren Shuqin from Wenniute Banner, Chifeng City, was reported to the police while she was posting truth-clarifying materials in Wudan Town Square, and she was arrested. Several hours later, police officers from the 610 Office arrested Ms. Liu Shuzhen at home, searched her home and seized her Dafa books, an MP3 player, tapes with exercise music, and several issues of "Minghui Weekly." Both women are detained in the Wudan Detention Center.

Wan Jinsheng (male), deputy director of Wenniute Banner Police Department: 86-15947696766 (Cell), 86-476-6380066 (Personal Access Phone System)
Liu Caijun (male), chief of State Security Division: 86-13722163966 (Cell)

44. [Mancheng County, Hebei Province] Ms. Ye Xiujuan Arrested on the Afternoon of July 30, 2008

45. [Jing County, Hebei Province] Mr. Xin Hongwen Arrested

On the morning of July 26, 2008, police officers from the Duqiao Township Police Station, as well as thugs from the township government, broke into Mr. Xin Hongwen's home in Xinzhuang Village and arrested him. Mr. Xin is detained in Jing County Detention Center.

Ren Haishui (male), chief of Duqiao Town: 86-318-4308284

46. [Hainan Province] Hainan Forced Labor Camp Guard Severely Injures Ms. Chen Zhuoyi's Face with an Electric Baton

45 People Declare that their Words and Deeds Under Forced Brainwashing are Null and Void

( A "solemn declaration" is a person's public statement declaring to the world that whatever he or she has done or said under duress or deception that was against Falun Dafa is null and void. Most of these statements have come from Falun Dafa practitioners in China who wished to express regret that, in the face of physical torture and brainwashing, they had signed documents renouncing Dafa and guaranteeing not to practice again. Also, as more and more people in China learn the truth about how they have been deceived and lied to by the Jiang regime, many non-practitioners are also submitting "solemn declarations."

Here are some examples of the Solemn Declarations:

Please click here for more Solemn Declarations

214 Awakened Non-Practitioners' Solemn Statements

( More and more people in China are awakening to the truth and realizing that they were deceived by Jiang and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) into participating in the persecution of Falun Gong, either directly as government officials, police, labor camp guards, etc., or indirectly as practitioners' family members, who in many cases may have cursed Dafa, burned Dafa books, or interfered in various other ways to prevent practitioners from following their beliefs. As a result of this awakening, the Minghui/ Clearwisdom website is receiving increasing numbers of heartfelt messages from non-practitioners who wish to publicly express remorse for their wrongdoing and announce their intention to rectify their words and deeds in the future. The editors will periodically choose representative messages of this type and publish them as articles entitled, "Solemn Statements from Non-Practitioners."

Here are some examples of the Solemn Declarations:

Please click here for more Solemn Declarations.

Practitioners Exchange Insights and Experiences

Looking Inward and Passing Tribulations with Righteous Thoughts

( A few years ago, I was disabled as a result of inhuman torture. I had been illegally arrested seven times, detained six times and suffered from nine different kinds of torture. I was forced to hide, sought refuge at my relatives' and friends' homes and barely earned a living by doing odd jobs. Shortly after my release from one period of detention, I was covered all over with cuts and bruises, and my internal organs were severely damaged. I was partially paralyzed - I could not move my arms - so I could not look after myself. My relatives were very shocked to see what had happened to me. After denouncing the evildoers, they asked me to go see a doctor. At that time, I had only one thought: that by believing in Teacher and the Fa I would recover; I must live on and negate the evil factors. I began to read the Fa a lot and practiced moving my arms. It was very painful and tiring, and every time I used up all my energy and my sweat would drip on the floor. After practicing for about 20 days, I was able to move my fingers a little and therefore, I began to practice writing. Writing used to be my job, but now when I wanted to move the pen with my hand it was like moving a big mountain. My hair was drenched with sweat. I thought about those people who had crippled hands and were able to write with a pen in their mouths. Why could I not do that? However, this thought instantly disappeared. I was not disabled and I must negate the old forces' arrangements. I began to send forth righteous thoughts for my hands and arms.

Eventually, I was able to write a character and then a line of characters. I began to practice the Third Exercise, but could not raise my arm. To be exact, I could only raise my arm one to two inches. In the evening when I was in bed, I practiced erecting my palm. I also practiced tying my belt, putting on clothes and doing housework. Although it would take me a very long time to finish one task, I persisted in doing it myself without asking for help.

At the same time, I read Zhuan Falun nine times, as well as other recent articles. Later, I noticed that the muscles of the paralyzed part of my body began to move slightly. They moved and stopped and that repeated itself a few times. Sensation began to reoccur in that part of my body. I knew Teacher was taking care of me. I was alone at the house and I shed tears. I said to Teacher, "Teacher, the evildoers inhumanly tortured me simply because I want to be a good person, but you are offering me compassionate salvation. In another dimension, I don't know how many things you settled for me before I was able to survive. What's more, I know that my case was not the only one."

After I had recovered, I began to do some truth-clarification work. However, it was not smooth at the beginning since I had the mentality of fear. At the same time, I was struggling financially. My husband was in jail for practicing Falun Gong, and I had to support my parents and children. How could I survive in the long run? Worse yet, the persecutors watched me constantly. I felt very bitter in my heart and also felt the pressure. As a result, I went to work for others to support my family. With the help of my relatives, I successfully found a job. Since I cherished the job very much, I began to develop new fears. I feared that I might lose my job and might bring trouble to the people who had helped me. Therefore, I dared not clarify the truth to anyone anymore and could not enter into a calm state when studying the Fa. As a matter of fact, I found myself in a new miserable state. When Teacher saved me, he did not want me to live the life of a regular person. I am a practitioner who is shouldering a historical mission; therefore, how can I only stand up against the persecution, and not save sentient beings? I felt very disappointed and very tired. I felt as if I could not find the value of my existence. I was encouraged once again when I read a paragraph from "Teaching the Fa at the Fa Conference at the U.S. Capital":

"As a Dafa disciple in this society, no matter what kind of setting or corner of society you find yourself in, you are playing a positive role. Regardless of whether you are clarifying the truth and validating the Fa or doing things not so directly connected to Dafa, you are nonetheless saving sentient beings and are playing huge roles (applause), and that is because your righteous thoughts and compassionate field are having a positive effect."

I realized that I should not look down on myself. Instead I must cherish this human body and cultivate myself well to save more sentient beings. Ever since then, I tried very hard to change the anxious state I was in and maintain a calm and compassionate state of mind. In sending forth righteous thoughts on a daily basis, I eliminate all the evil elements and factors that are preventing the people I tried to clarify the truth to from being saved. I asked Teacher's Law Body as well as the righteous field set by Dafa to bring those predestined people to me because I wanted to help them quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its subordinate organizations. By that time, I found that my cultivation became a lot smoother. It was just like what Teacher said In "Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Chicago Conference":

"When your righteous thoughts are firm and when you can repel those things, I remove them for you bit by bit; however much you can do, that's how much I remove for you and diminish for you. (Applause) But since you're a cultivator, you have to truly hold yourself to the requirements for a cultivator. Even though sometimes you still can't quite get there yet, you've got to at least have those righteous thoughts, and you've got to cultivate yourselves. "

I clearly felt that Teacher helped me to remove a huge mass that pressed down on me and took my breath away.

In April 2008, I was notified that practitioners in China should do the exercises in the morning together. In about a month, every time when I was in a tranquil state, all the surrounding noise would disappear and I could hear the music of the Fifth Exercise "Reinforcing Supernatural Powers." It was a powerful music, as if coming from a faraway universe. In hearing the music, I felt light and felt as if I was floating in the air. I enlightened that it was Teacher who helped me to cleanse my body and reinforce my supernatural powers and strengthen my righteous thoughts. Therefore I had no reason not to be divine.

In his lecture "Fa Teaching at the 2007 New York Fa Conference," Teacher spoke highly of the members of Divine Performing Arts. When I first read this lecture, I admired those performers of Divine Performing Arts who have played such a great role in Fa-rectification. After I read the lecture several times, I enlightened to the fact that every practitioner is a performer. We play different roles in our daily life, work and society (practitioners are the principle actors) and we all put on a big play - saving sentient beings. Teacher said in the lecture:

"It's performing arts after all, so the higher the caliber, the more people are going to be receptive to it and the greater the changes that are going to occur in people. They thus have to be perfect performances. They have to be perfect in every respect--the moment the curtain rises, a most beautiful scene should meet the eye. "

Then we must cultivate ourselves well and improve our "performing skills." This includes having good manners, wearing nice and suitable clothes and keeping our work and family environments tidy and clean.

Through Fa study and reading "Minghui Weekly" articles and with the help from fellow practitioners, I found some of my attachments and had new understandings about leaving home and becoming homeless to avoid being arrested. In the past, whenever someone raised the issue of security, I would think that he/she had a mentality of fear. As for me, I felt I "did not have any fear." Looking at this now, it seemed more like a hero or heroine of everyday people who lacked reasoning and wisdom. The police said to me twice, "I came across a Liu Hulan!" or, "This time we have a Jiang Jie!" (Both are heroins known to everyone in China.) At that time, I felt very proud of myself. Looking back, I realized that there was a lot of Party culture in my words and actions. Every time I was persecuted, I would manage to walk out of the detention center with righteous thoughts. I felt that my righteous thoughts would become stronger when facing the evildoers. It was this thought that was taken advantage of by the old forces to repeatedly persecute me.

This was not all, I also had the mentality described by Teacher in Zhuan Falun:

"With Teacher Li's protection, I know cars can't hit me."

However, I failed to let go of my real mentality of fear during my cultivation. Therefore, I was repeatedly arrested, persecuted and tortured. As a result my fear recurred. On every issue of the cover of Minghui Weekly it is clearly printed to "Validate the Fa with rationality, clarify the truth with wisdom, spread the Fa and save people with mercy." (from "Rationality" in Essentials for Further Advancement II ) The next sentence in the article is: "This is establishing the mighty virtue of an Enlightened Being." Therefore, we do not establish our mighty virtue during persecution, but during the process of validating the Fa, clarifying the truth, spreading the Fa and saving sentient beings. The establishment of mighty virtue is inseparable from "rationality," "wisdom" and "compassion." Over the past few years, I was tortured to the brink of death, and became homeless and unemployed many times. The maltreatment that I suffered played a negative role in terms of the people in my hometown learning the beauty of Falun Dafa. Wasn't this my shame?

After practicing Falun Gong, I failed to take the emotion between a husband and a wife lightly, and was not able to let go of it. Since I could not let go of my attachment to my husband, and had a very strong sentimentality toward him, I had pain in my chest for several years. Whenever he was arrested, illegally detained and sentenced, it would affect my emotions, and therefore it directly affected my work and cultivation. Later on when I learned that he was forced to denounce Falun Gong, I could not eat and sleep well. When he was released, I was very much worried about him. I worried that he was not steadfast in cultivating Dafa. I worried that he stopped doing the three things that a practitioner should do. I worried that he could not take care of the family. I suffered from a toothache for a long period of time. Teacher said in Zhuan Falun:

"Cultivation is something you do right in the thick of tribulations. They'll test whether you can sever your emotions and desires, and they'll see if you can take them lightly. If you're attached to those things you won't be able to finish your cultivation. ... But if you do break out of emotion, nobody can affect you, and ordinary attachments won't be able to sway you. What replaces it is compassion, which is more noble."

Yes, I had been cultivating for many years. Why did I still fail to break out of emotion ? In comparing myself with the sharing entitled, "Cultivate Your Heart And Mind, Let Go of Your Desires" published by the Minghui website (the Chinese version of Clearwisdom) I found my gap.

I was shocked when I found I had that many serious attachments. However, through looking inward, I felt light both physically and mentally, and my righteous thoughts became a lot stronger. Of course, it was also the inevitable result of the advancement of the Fa-rectification and the elimination of evil elements and factors by Teacher.

Please kindly help me understand any shortcomings I may have.

Letting Go of Our Expectations and Doing the Three Things Well

( I recently saw the news about how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is persecuting Dafa practitioners in the name of the Olympics. This made me realize that we practitioners may have some attachments.

Thinking about this I looked inward and realized that since late last year until now, I have been paying attention to whether the Olympics would be held. I even had the expectation that the Olympics would not be held and that the CCP would collapse soon. After finding this attachment, I looked back to see how my cultivation status had been the past few months. I realized I had slacked off in cultivation and did not do the three things well, and that this attachment was rooted in my selfishness.

It is of course something we need to let go of through cultivation. After discovering this attachment, I knew better the mission we had as Dafa practitioners. We did not come here because of the CCP, as that is not our mission. We came here to help Teacher with Fa-rectification, not to disintegrate the CCP. It is not our concern when the CCP actually disintegrates. Instead we should be thinking about how many sentient beings are waiting for us to save them. Are we doing the three things well? It is up to the CCP what it chooses to do. If it persecutes Dafa practitioners, we will eliminate the evil elements behind it.

I think that, at this critical moment, we practitioners should all be more diligent and not let the old forces destroy more people. There are many people waiting to be saved, and for anyone who cannot be saved, there will be no future.