, Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Facts of the Persecution

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Facts of the Persecution

More Than a Dozen Practitioners Arrested in Benxi City, Liaoning Province

( On April 23, 2008, police officers from the Benxi City Police Department in Liaoning Province arrested local practitioners during a well-coordinated operation. Some officers said that the operation and the list of practitioners were from the Liaoning Provincial government. We now know that some practitioners have been detained at the Grand White Building in the Caibei Area.

At 10:00 p.m. on April 23, 2008, Ms. Wang Xiuyan was arrested at her sister's home by officers from the Beitai Police Department, Pingshan District, Benxi City. They also searched Ms. Wang's home.

Between 10:00 and 11:00 p.m. on April 23, 2008, a dozen officers from Jinshan Police Station (formerly known as Zijin Police Station), Mingshan District, Benxi City, knocked on the door of Mr. Zi Lidong, who is in his 30s, and pretended to be plumbers. Mr. Zi's family told them to wait until the following day. The officers started to pound on the door until they broke it. Mr. Zi jumped from the third floor to escape. Unfortunately he injured his chest, hip, and leg, and was sent to the hospital for an operation. The police confiscated his computer, printer, and truth clarification materials.

Between 9:00 and 10:00 p.m. on April 23, 2008, officers from the Cuidong Police Station and members from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Community Committee broke into Mr. Jiang Mingyu's apartment. They arrested Mr. Jiang and confiscated his truth clarification materials.

The police arrested Ms. Yang Guizhen, Ms. Cui Yulan, Ms. Wang Chunyan, and Ms. Zhou Yonghui and confiscated three notebook computers, two CD burners, two high speed printers, 70 boxes of paper, and more than 10 boxes of discs. The details are still under investigation.

On the night of April 23, 2008, the police arrested Mr. Li Yi from the Dongming area and confiscated his computer and printer.

On the night of April 23, 2008, the police arrested Ms. Duan, a veteran practitioner, at her home in the Dongming area and confiscated her truth clarification materials.

On the night of April 23, 2008, the police went to the homes of Ms. Ma and her daughter, as well as Mr. Zhou, who lives in the Zhuanshan Bridge area, and arrested them and confiscated two notebook computers, three printers, and printer paper.

On the night of April 23, 2008, police officers from the Dongxing Police Station arrested Mr. Gao Yudong and confiscated a notebook computer, a DVD player, and 14,200 yuan.

At 10:00 p.m. on April 23, 2008, Ms. Huang Zhenxia was arrested at her home. Also arrested was Mr. Gao Xiaofeng.

Between 10:00 and 11:00 p.m. on April 23, 2008, a dozen police officers from the Qianjin Police Station arrested Ms. Cui Wenlan, who lives in the Xibozi area.

Around 10:00 p.m. on April 23, 2008, officers from the Dongming Police Station arrested Ms. Huang Jing and confiscated her computer and printer.

On April 25, 2008, Mr. Liu Jie was arrested by officers from the Niuxingtai Police Station.

On April 24, 2008, practitioners Mr. An Min and his wife from the Benxi County Gaoguan area were arrested.

The Brutal Persecution of Practitioner Ms. Hu Rulian from Leshan City, Sichuan Province

( Ms. Hu Runlian, 52, is from Leshan City, Sichuan Province. She was formerly an employee of the Industry and Business Bank in Shizhong District, Leshan City. She started practicing Falun Gong in July 1997, and gradually her many illnesses disappeared. When the Chinese Communist Party started the persecution, Hu Runlian went to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. However, she was illegally arrested and detained, and her home and belongings were confiscated. She was dismissed by her company, and after being detained at a forced labor camp she was sentenced to prison. Ms. Hu has suffered financially, physically and spiritually.

When the persecution began, on July 20, 1999, Hu Runlian went to the Sichuan Provincial Government to appeal for Falun Gong and was arrested by police from Leshan City, and detained overnight. On October 28, 1999, she was arrested again when she went to Beijing to appeal, and was detained at the Guihualou Detention Center for fifteen days. She was then transferred to the Shizhushan Detention Center in Leshan City. On the morning of November 21, the police and armed guards dragged all the practitioners in the detention center outside, and forced them to stand for a long time, while beating and kicking them. Hu Runlian was released on December 20, 1999.

On March 2, 2000, Wang Tonghua, a colleague of Ms. Hu's, called the 610 Office, and told them to arrest Ms. Hu and detain her at the Second Police Station. On March 4, she was transferred to the Shizhushan Detention Center again. Because Ms. Hu practiced her exercises on May 13, she was brutally beaten by police officer Liao using a triangular-shaped whip, causing her back to become very swollen. Later she was sentenced to 12 months of forced labor under the charge of "going to Beijing to make trouble." She was detained at the Nanmusi Forced Labor Camp in Zizhong and her forced labor term was extended for three months. She was released on June 7, 2001.

On July 14, 2001, Ms. Hu went to the Large Leshan Buddha Scenic Area to post truth-clarifying flyers on utility poles. She was arrested by the police and detained at the Pengshanlu Police Station. On August 14, a month after her arrest, 610 Office agents Wang Aiping and Yang Guanghui (who have since received karmic retribution and died) dragged Ms. Hu to Taiyangba, Suji Town and handcuffed her to the front door of the Suji Town Government Building with a insulting flyer attached to her back. At 6:00 p.m. she was returned to the Nanmusi Forced Labor Camp. Education section head Li Zhixiang and team leader Zhang Xiaofang ordered drug addict criminals to monitor Ms. Hu and also used former practitioners who had turned against Dafa to try to deceive and "transform" her. Every day the guards forced Ms. Hu to watch a video and read a book that slandered Dafa. She was forced to stand facing the wall for long periods of time and the drug addicts and collaborators read the book slandering Dafa to her. She was also force-fed water, but not allowed to use the restroom. When she did finally wet herself she was not allowed to change her clothes. During the night, Ms. Hu was handcuffed to the bed with her arms above her head.

Ms. Hu Runlian was brutally tortured until she could not longer stand or take care of herself. She was forced to sign the so-called "proof of medical treatment" and 500 yuan was taken out of her account. On July 17, 2003, Hu Runlian's family was finally allowed to take her back home.

On September 28, 2004, Hu Ruilian was arrested again by the Leshan City 610 Office and was detained. Three days later, she was sent to the Leibo County Detention Center. Hu Runlian went on a hunger strike to protest. The guards handcuffed her to the bed and force-fed her. On October 26, she was officially arrested and sentenced to a three-year prison sentence on the charge of "organizing to damage implementation of the law."

On April 14, 2005, Ms. Hu was imprisoned at the Fourth Team of the Sichuan Province Women's Prison, in Yangmahe Town, Jianyang City. Team leaders Luo Chengli and Yuan Changli incited the criminals to poison her food and cause her to have diarrhea. The criminals also poured strong solvent on her towel. The guards told the collaborators to hold the book Zhuan Falun or Teacher's Fa Lectures and ask if she wanted to read them. They said if she did, she must be "transformed." These were torments used to confuse and mislead her. Hu Runlian protested the persecution by refusing to wear the prison uniform. The guards incited the criminals to drag her from the third floor to the basement to torture her. She was tortured constantly and became emaciated. Hu Runlian was finally released on September 27, 2007.

Ms. Hu is currently still followed and monitored by the 610 Office. She has no personal freedom.

We hope that more people will come to know the truth of Falun Gong. We hope that those who do evil will have their conscience awakened and that they too will be saved by Dafa and have a bright future.

Mr. Wang Zengwu Arrested in Siping City, Jilin Province

( At about 9:00 pm, on April 23, 2008, police officers from the Shuangliao City Power Factory Department, Siping Prefecture, Jilin Province, along with agents from the National Security, the Shuangliao City Department, and the Liaoxi Station, arrested Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Zengwu. Persons involved in the arrest were Gao Tiejun (male), the director of the power factory department; the deputy director, Li Cheng (male); the director of national security division, Yan (male); the instructor of the police station and a women Du (given name unknown); Wang Hongpeng (male) from the police department; Zhang Dongshuai; and other police officers totaling about 10 .

At about 9:00 p.m., on April 23, 2008, these 10 individuals turned off the power switch located in the hallway outside Mr. Wang's apartment. He opened his door to see if he could fix the problem by turning the power switch on. They took advantage of the open door to enter, ransacked his home, and took his computer. Mr. Wang Zengwu was arrested and detained for 15 days. Now he is detained in the Shuangliao City Detention Center. While he was being arrested, he repeatedly called out, "Falun Dafa is good!"

Mr. Wang was previously an employee of the Shuangliao City Power Factory. In 1999, the Chinese Communist Party began its persecution of Falun Gong, and Mr. Wang has been arrested several times since then. He is steadfast in his faith. He was sentenced to prison in 2002 and was fired from the Shuangliao Power Factory. He was detained in the Jilin Province Prison and Siping City Shilingzi Prison for four years.

Gao Tiejun and Li Cheng from the Shuangliao Power Factory tortured Falun Gong practitioners many times. Among the practitioners they tortured were Chu Guiyan (male) and Wang Haiyan (Mr. Wang Zengwu's wife), who were all brutally mistreated.

Shuangliao City Power Factory Gao Tiejun from the police department: 86-434-7283081(Office), 86-13630963081 (Cell)
Li Cheng, the police department: 86-434-7283082 (Office), 86-13630963082 (Cell)
Wu Jingwen (male), the director of Shuangliao City Power Factory: 86-434-7283001 (Office), 86-434-7282453 (Home), 86-13630963001 (Cell)
Wang Xifeng (male), the deputy director of Shuangliao City Power Factory: 86-434-7283003(Office), 86-434-7282224 (Home), 86-13630963003 (Cell)
Yang Qiumin (male), the secretary of Shuangliao City Power Factory: 86-434-7283002 (Office), 86-1363096300 (Cell)

Ms. Xu Shuqin Sentenced to Four and a Half Years by the Zunhua City Court, Hebei Province

( On April 17, 2008, six Falun Gong practitioners, including Ms. Xu Shuqin, were unlawfully tried by the Zunhua City Court in Hebei Province. The court appointed one lawyer for each practitioner for a mock defense. On April 24, 2008, after the court session, the Zunhua City Court sentenced the six practitioners, including Ms. Xu, who was illegally sentenced to four and a half years. She has already appealed to the Tangshan City Intermediate People's Court.

Xu Shuqin was born on July 3, 1955. She teaches at Wanfuzhuang Primary School, Xingwangzai Township, Zunhua City. Her husband, Lu Zhaozeng, is the head the of the motor pool of the Shirengou Iron Mine in Zunhua City, which is affiliated to Tangshan City Steel and Iron Corporation.

Ms. Xu started practicing Falun Gong in early 1998. Her sicknesses, including rheumatoid arthritis, lumbar sacralization, lumbar muscle degeneration, periarthritis of the shoulder, myoma of the uterus, sensitivity in the hands to cold water, periodic inability to even lift a bowl, long-term poor appetite, etc., all gradually disappeared. She no longer gets fatigue when she works. Ms. Xu strictly adhered to the principle of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance" and was praised by her family, friends and colleagues.

But Jiang's regime started persecuting Falun Gong in July 1999, and misfortune subsequently arrived.

On January 1, 2000, for possessing one exercise cassette tape, she was locked up in the Shirengou Police Station for three days and had two thousand yuan extorted from her

On January 25, 2002, for distributing truth-clarifying materials, she was detained by the Xisanli Township Police Station in Zunhua City. Four and a half months later, she was transferred to the Zunhua City Brainwashing Center for over a month and had four thousand yuan extorted from her.

After being released, Ms. Xu was taken to the Zunhua City Brainwashing Center again for forced "transformation" by the head of the countryside central school because a Falun Gong book was found in her drawer. She was detained there for over three weeks.

Her stipend was withheld between January and June 2002.

In August 2004, her employer again wanted to send her to the Zunhua City Brainwashing Center, claiming that she was not "transformed" well enough. After learning of this, she left home and remained homeless until October, 2004, when she returned home from Baoji City, Shanxxi Province. Her stipend was discontinued during that period.

In late 2004, Ms. Xu's employer again sent her to the Zunhua City Brainwashing Center, using the excuse that she was not "transformed" well. When she was on her last breath after holding a hunger strike for seven days in the brainwashing center, her family was ordered to take her home and pay five thousand yuan in bail. Since then, she has not been allowed to return to work and her stipend has also been stopped.

In January 2007, administrators from her school told her to come to work and promised to give her a stipend. But they did not keep their promise and she was not allowed to return to work. Only after Huang Xiaoming, the head of the Xingwangzai Township Central School, and Qian Zhenjie, the head of the Wanfuzhuang Primary School, were transferred was she able to return to work and receive her pay, from January 2007 to April 2007.

On the afternoon of October 1, 2007, Ms. Xu and other Falun Gong practitioners, including Zhang Mengxia, Li Liping, Zhao Fengxia, Zhang Yuehua, and Wang Cuihua, drove to the Qingdongling Resort in Zunhua City to distribute truth-clarifying materials. They were taken into custody by officers of the Qingdongling Historic Relic Management Office and the local police station and have since been held in the Zunhua City Detention Center.

Mr. Jing Qi Imprisoned in a Forced Labor Camp in Xushui County, Hebei Province, Multiple Times

( Mr. Jing Qi and his sister, Ms. Jing Ying, were distributing "truth clarification materials about Falun Gong on the afternoon of November 27, 2007. They were illegally arrested by agents of the Public Security Bureau of Xushui County. A few days later, Ms. Jing Ying was sentenced to 18 months of forced labor, and Mr. Jing Qi was sentenced to two years. This is the third time that Jing Qi has been "illegally sentenced." This most recent round of persecution occurred less than a year after he was released from a forced labor camp.

Mr. Jing Qi, a Falun Gong practitioner from Beipang Village, Caohe Town, Xushui County, Hebei Province, was a teacher at the Ansu Town High School. He began practicing Falun Gong in 1995. All of his illnesses disappeared soon after. However, the Chinese Communist Party persecuted him several times after its crackdown on Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999.

Sometime after that date, Jing Qi went to Beijing to appeal to the government of behalf of Falun Gong, but plainclothes police officers took him by force to Baoding and then to the Caohe Town local government. The Party secretary of the Political and Law Committee, Li Jinlong, and other officers beat him until his face was covered with blood. Two of the Caohe Police Station officers also kicked and beat him. They also forced him to stand or crouch for long time periods.

In September 1999, the deputy director of the Xushui County Education Bureau, Wang Suoxiang, ordered Jing Qi to attend a meeting. Wang asked Jing Qi, "Do you still practice Falun Gong?" When Jing Qi replied, "Yes," Wang cursed him and telephoned the director of the Education Bureau, Sun Xiuying. Sun also cursed Jing Qi. She ordered him to write a resignation letter to his employer. Afterwards, Wang telephoned Li Jinlong and notified the Public Security Bureau to detain Jing Qi for nine days.

In the spring of 2000, because Jing Qi 's mother practiced Falun Gong, Caohe County government officers arrested him. Shi Zhiguo, Qi Baoxiang, Yuan Dong, Liu Yanjun, Li Baozhu, and others beat him. Finally, he was fined 2,000 yuan, and the camp staff extorted an additional 200 yuan for each meal.

In December 2000, Jing Qi once again went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong. The county local government arrested him and his mother. Jing Qi was brutally beaten numerous times. Before the 2001 Chinese New Year, the local government sent him to a detention facility. On Chinese New Year's Eve, Jing Qi wrote in the snow "Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa." Police officers Li Guohai and Hu Zhangqing beat him while his hands were handcuffed behind his back.

In May 2001, the 610 Office ordered the director of Xushui County Education Bureau, Zhang Fengchun, to send Jing Qi to the Education Office of Caohe Town. Shi Qinghe, Zhang Lianqing, Shi Guocai, and Sun Guanying took turns monitoring Mr. Jing. To prevent him from going to Beijing to appeal, they also ordered three teachers to monitor him, and they handcuffed and shackled him and bound him with ropes. Someone even monitored him when he went to the bathroom. Two weeks later, he was sent to a detention center.

In the detention center, guards Li Guohai, Hu Zhangqing, Wang Jian, and others beat him brutally. Agents from the Xushui County 610 Office Yang Guoqing, Zhou Hongye, Wu Zhankui, Wang Hongfu, and others forced Jing Qi's friends, relatives, teachers, and fellow workers to try to convince him not practice Falun Gong. In July 2001, Jing Qi was sentenced to three years of forced labor and taken to Baoding Forced Labor Camp.

Jing Qi's mother was sentenced to four years and imprisoned in Shijiazhuang City. Jing Qi's younger brother, Jing Jie, is handicapped and cannot take care of himself. During Jing Qi and their mother's imprisonments, the disabled man suffered greatly and had a hard time surviving.

On April 1, 2002, the Procuratorate of Xushui County sent a summons about his mother to the disabled Jing Jie, which devastated him and he suffered a mental collapse. He thought that he would never have a chance to see his mother again. He became extremely desperate and committed suicide by taking poison. The county 610 Office officers attempted to blame this incident on Falun Gong. Qi Baoxiang, an officer of the Caohe Town local government, went with other officers to Beipang Village. The village head, Wang Chuangqing, stopped them and told them, "Jing Jie did not practice Falun Gong."

In February 2004, the Xushui County 610 Office and the education bureau ordered the Ansu Town High School not to allow Mr. Jing Qi to freely leave the school. Four teachers then monitored him. On February 24, 2004, the 610 Office and the Public Security Bureau once again arrested him, this time because he talked about Falun Dafa to several students. They took him to the Xushui County Detention Center. Afterwards, he was sent to the Baoding Forced Labor Camp for three years beginning March 7, 2004.

During his illegal imprisonment in the forced labor camp, officials from the Chinese Communist Party coerced Jing Qi's wife, Zhou Jiping, to divorce him. Although he refused to agree to the proceedings, on July 5, 2004, the Xushui County Court ruled that they were divorced and held a court hearing at the forced labor camp on July 8 for Jing Qi. Mr. Jing Qi suffered greatly, both mentally and physically, and he developed an irregular heartbeat. He was in critical condition.

In January 2007, Jing Qi was released from the force labor camp. During the three years he was there, he did not have any income.

On November 27, 2007, he and his sister,Ms. Jing Ying, were distributing the truth-clarification materials. They were arrested by the county police officers. The officers confiscated their computer, a printer, truth clarification materials, and other items.

After they were arrested, Jing Qi's mother asked to visit her children many times, but the authorities refused. Later, the Beipang Village cadres notified Jing Qi's mother that he was being sent to Baoding Forced Labor Camp for two years. Ms. Jing Ying was sent to the Shijiazhuang Women's Forced Labor Camp for 18 months. The officer did not give any written documentation to their mother.

Offices in Xushui County involved in these acts of persecution:
Xushui County Procuratorate , Xushui County Justice Bureau, Political and Law Committee of Xushui County, 610 Office of Xushui County, Public Security Bureau, Xushui County Education Bureau, the Caohe Town Government, Caohe Police Station.

Persons involved:
Li Jinlong, Yang Guoqing, Zhou Hongye, Wang Hongfu, Wu Zhankui, Wang Suoxiang, Shi Zhiguo, Qi Xaoxiang, Yuan Dong, Liu Yanjun, Li Baozhu, Li Guohai, Hu Zhangqing, Wang Jian, Zhou Diansen.

Incidents of Falun Gong Practitioners from Linyi, Shandong Province, Being Persecuted Before the Olympics

( With the Olympics drawing near, more incidents of arrests and torture-caused deaths of Falun Gong practitioners are emerging. Thirty-four practitioners were recently arrested. It was reported that they were directly related to a secret document distributed by personnel from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Politics and Law Committee.

Insiders divulged that this committee had secretly released a document entitled "Suggestions about Vindicating Society's Stability and Insuring the Safety of the Beijing Olympics." They distributed it to 40 provincial Politics and Law Committees and to the nationwide "Office of Provincial Prevention and Handling of Falun Gong."

The text states that, beginning in March 2008 and lasting through September 2008, a campaign must begin to make it mandatory to "Determine and neutralize conflicts with concentrated energy and manpower," "Tighten the handling of overseas reporters who report on the Olympics in China," and "Tighten the handling of the Internet and short cell phone messages." The document also stressed the need to "Strictly prevent and suppress" Falun Gong.

With the pretext to "Welcoming the Olympics," the persecution of practitioners in Linyi, Shandong Province has intensified.

Thirteen Practitioners in Mengyin County, Shandong Province, Arrested and Three Sentenced to Forced Labor

Since March 24, 2008, many officials have committed criminal acts. They include Ju Peng, head of Jiuzai Township 610 Office; Mengyin County 610 Office agents, including Wang Wei; and officers from the Jiuzai Police Station. They acted under orders from Li Baoyun, head of the County 610 Office, and Zhang Yong, head of the County Police Department 610 Office. They arrested practitioners under the pretext of "Maintaining the Olympics." On April 24, agents from the 610 Office arrested 13 practitioners in Jiuzai Villiage.

On the morning of March 24, 2008, Ju Peng and officers from the Mengyin County Police Department and from the 610 Office broke into practitioner Mr. Zhao Shenju's home and searched the premises. They arrested Zhao's wife and detained her at the Jiuzai government compound for three days and then transferred her to the Qinan Detention Center, where she was held for four days. They demanded a bribe of 6,000 yuan for her release.

On the morning of March 25, Ju Peng and six other officers from the county police department and from the 610 Office intruded into practitioner Mr. Ma Fumin's home and ransacked it. They first took him to the Jiuzai Township Yard and then held him in a metal cage at the Mengyin Detention Center for a month. He was subsequently transferred to the Mengyin Lockup and imprisoned. He has since been sentenced to three years of forced labor and was mistreated in Wangcun Forced Labor Camp.

On the morning and afternoon of March 27, Ju Pen and two other police officers went to practitioner Guo Changde's home. They found some Dafa materials and a satellite receiver being used to watch New Tang Dynasty TV programs. They confiscated the TV and other personal belongings, arrested the couple, and held them at the county 610 Office. They declared that the couple would be sentenced to three years of forced labor. That afternoon, Guo Changde's son paid the officers a 20 thousand yuan bribe to have his parents released.

On the morning of April 7, these same people broke into Mr. Xu Zhidong's home, arrested him and his wife, Li Qiuhong, and ransacked their home. They confiscated a DVD player and two TVs. Mr. Xu was sentenced to two years of forced labor and is being mistreated at the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp. Ms. Li Qiuhong was held in Yinan Detention House, and the police refused the family's requests to visit her.

On April 9, 2008, Jiuzai Police Station officials and others from the county police department and from the 610 Office went to practitioner Yang Xincai's home and arrested him and his wife, Ju Fanglin. Mr. Yang was sentenced to two years of forced labor and is being held Wangcun Forced Labor Camp. Ms. Ju is still in Yinan Detention House.

Mr. Ju Xinlian, 66, a retired teacher, is from Yinjia Village, Jiuzai, Mengyin County. He was arrested at noon on April 15, 2008.

At about 3 p.m. On April 17, they also apprehended Mr. Ju Dianxin, 49, a teacher at Jiuzai Elementary School.

Ms. Song Zengrong was arrested at 8:30 a.m. on April 18. She is 51 and from Yinjiawa Village, Jiuzai. Ju Peng extorted 2,000 yuan and an uncertain amount for a "living fee" from her and promised that they would release Song ten days later, he was still locked up and might be held in Yishui Detention House.

On April 18, 2008 Mr. Zhang Yubao was also held. He is one of more than 40, and he is from Lianwangya Village, Jiuzai.

On the afternoon of April 20, Ms. Pi Xiuyin from Lian Wangya Villiage, Jiuzai, was apprehended. She is one of 50 and might be held at the Yishui Detention House.

Eight Practitioners Arrested in Yishui County

On March 1, 2008, police from the Yishui County 610 Office and from the Domestic Security Division held practitioners Mr. Su Jixiang and Ms. Liu Zhumei. On March 2, people from the local government ransacked the home of Mr. Su and Ms. Liu. They confiscated a computer, which Ms. Liu had borrowed so her son could study. He Faju, Ca'an Street Administration Party secretary, climbed over the wall with a borrowed ladder and entered Su Jixiang's home. With no one at home, he searched the home and left everything a mess. The persecutors declared they would smash the gate. Su Jixiang and Liu Zhumei were eventually detained for one month and have since returned home.

At about 8:00 p.m. on March 1, the police arrested practitioner Ms. Li Xiuyin from Zhangjialouzi Village, Yishui County, as she distributed truth clarifying materials in Nanduo Village. They searched her home the next day. Ms. Li's husband works away from home. An eleven-year-old child and a five-year-old child remained at home with no one to care for them.

Practitioner Ms. Huang Chenmei from Yaodianzi of Yishui County was arrested. Six or seven officers from the Yaodianzi Police Station and the Comprehensive Control Office participated in the arrest. They also ransacked her home.

Practitioner Ms. Zhang Yuzhi from Jizi Village, Yaodianzi, was held and her home was also thoroughly searched, including her safe.

Wang Guirong from Qianwen Village, Yishui Count,y was also arrested that same day by police officers and those from the Comprehensive Control Office. Huang Chenmei, Zhang Yuzhi, and Wang Guirong are now in the Yishui Detention House.

At eight o'clock on the morning of April 14, 2008, several officials arrived at practitioner Ms. Gao Shouxiang's home, including He Naijun, the head of the Birth Control Office, and group Party secretary Liu Zhaoxiu. Accompanied by several others, they invaded the practitioner's home and demanded to know her daughter's whereabouts. They returned to her home with police officers at about nine o'clock, stating that they had found her self-installed satellite dish and would dismantle it. Upon searching her home they found some truth-clarifying booklets and discs, so they took her into custody. She is now in Yishui Detention House.

On April 19, 2008, practitioner Ma Shaoli, a teacher at Liuzhuwu Elementary School, from Yangjiazhuangzi Village, Yishui County, was held at Longjiaquan Elementary School. People from Longjiaxiang Comprehensive Control Office are responsible for depriving her of her freedom.

Five Practitioners from Yinan County Arrested and Three Sentenced to Forced Labor

On March 3, 2008, local police arrested practitioner Mr. Ren Shuquan from Anti Village, and his home was ransacked. They confiscated 7,900 yuan in cash, a recorder, and a satellite receiver that was used to watch NTDTV programs.

On March 3, 2008, Anti Town deputy town head Zhang Changwen and Nuanquan Village Party secretary Dai Henkun arrived with local police and ransacked Ms. Zhang Meilan's home in Nuanquan Village and arrested the couple. Her husband has returned home, but Ms. Zhang is still in Yinan County Detention Center.

On March 4, 2008, six county police department agents, along with agents from the 610 Office, broke into Mr. Liu Chenggui's home in Niu Wangmiao Village,Yinan County, and attempted to arrest him. No one was at home. Following the Chinese New Year, Mr. Liu had gone to Qingdao to work. The authorities sent someone to monitor his home every day. One week later, Feng Shangcun, the Party secretary of Dongbaishi Village in Mamuchi Town, reported him to the authorities. On March 11, police caught up with Liu Chenggui at Qingdao and took him to the Yinan County Detention Center. On March 12, eight people, including Niuwangmiao Village Party secretary Zhang Shenjin, head of the Mamuchi Town Police Station Guo Jin, and police officer Li Wei, broke in to Mr. Liu 's home. They confiscatedhis Dafa books, a satellite receiver, a DVD player, and other personal belongings. Then they forced his father to sign a list. When the Party secretary pointed out that 5000 yuan cash was not listed, police station head Guo Jin felt guilty and dared not admit that they had taken 5000 yuan from Liu's home. He lied, saying the money was taken from other people. The police have now changed all the locks on Mr. Liu' home.

To rescue her father, Mr. Liu's daughter went to the detention center and the police department on March 25 and 26 to plead for her father's unconditional release. Her requests were denied.

On March 27, Mr. Liu's wife, daughter, and other relatives went to the county police department to request his release again and were driven out. His wife and daughter clarified the truth about Falun Gong to police and were arrested.

Practitioner Mr. Ren Shuquan's family took him home on April 4, 2008. He was sentenced to two and a half years of forced labor, but was told because of health reasons he could serve the sentence outside the labor camp. MS. Zhang Meilan from Nuanquan Village in Yinan County was sentenced to one year of forced labor and sent to the Jinan Women's Forced Labor Camp on April 10. Her family demanded that the police set her free.

Mr. Liu Chenggui was sentenced to two years of forced labor on April 10. His family was not notified.

Mr. Liu Yongjin and Ms. Zhao Xiuyin from Linyi City Arrested

On February 5, 2008, Mr. Liu Yongjin, 37, delivered truth clarification materials by motorcycle through the Linyi County Shuitian Bus Station and was stopped for a check by agents from the Lanshan Police Station. They arrested him for carrying a truth clarification DVD. We have since heard that Mr. Liu was secretly sentenced and sent to the Jinan Men's Prison.

Practitioner Ms. Zhao Xiuyin from the Lanshan District is about 70 years old and lives in the residential district of the agriculture school. Around tomb-sweeping day she distributed truth clarifying materials at the "Silver Commercial Center" in the northern part of Linyi City, and someone reported her. She has since returned home.

Mr. Wang Jinxiao from Linshu County Arrested

Mr. Wang Jinxiao, 69, was formerly the deputy Party secretary of the Linyi County Office and head of the Senior Citizens' Work Committee. He is honest and kindhearted. He has practiced Falun Gong for many years and always conducts himself according to the principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." He helps neighbors, colleagues, friends, and relatives out of the goodness of his heart and is regarded as a good person. On January 24, 2008, as he accompanied his granddaughter to school, he wrote "Falun Dafa is good" on a power pole and was arrested. He is now in the Linshui County Detention Center.

In early March 2008, people from the Procuratorate issued a warrant for Mr. Wang's arrest on charges of "subversion." This was because copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party were found in his home.

Wu Guangyou and Zuo Shandong from Yancheng County Arrested

On the evening of March 19, 2008, practitioners Wu Guangyou and Zuo Shandong from Qianxiaodianzi Village in Yancheng County were arrested. Another practitioner, Wu Shaoxia, decided to leave home to avoid further persecution. The next day they went to her home again. Her non-practitioner daughter was arrested and later released. They took a motor-tricycle and truth clarification materials from her home.

Ms. Feng Jinfang from Lunan County Sentenced to One Year of Forced Labor

On March 5, 2008, Chen Xin from the Lunan County 610 Office arrested practitioner Ms. Feng Jinfang, in her 40s, while she was working at her wholesale business. They ransacked her home and held her in the Lunan County Detention Center. She was taken to the Shandong Women's Forced Labor Camp for a one-year term of forced labor.

Ms. Gao Xiaolan and Mr. Xu Mingliang from Fei County Arrested

Ms. Gao Xiaolan from Fei County was reported and arrested by personnel from the Yezhen Police Station on April 7, 2008, as she distributed truth clarifying materials at Shangye Town, Fei County. She is now being held in the Fei County Detention Center. They found Mr. Xu Mingliang's phone number on her cell phone and then arrest him.

Fei County 610 Office head Chen Weidong and a police officer broke into Ms. Gao's home to ransack it. Since this foul deed was publicized on the Minghui website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom), Chen was trying to find out who did it.

Open Forum

The Illegal Arrest of Ms. Han Fengxia Exemplifies the Evil Nature of the CCP

( Ms. Han Fengxia from Tonghua City, Jilin Province, was arrested by police and detained in prison because she insisted on investigating the death of her husband, Mr. Wang Guiming. This incident is another example of the unscrupulous nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

On the afternoon of February 13, 2008, Mr. Wang Guiming was selling baked yams on a street in Tonghua City. A woman named Sun Shuqing approached him. She was an "assistant policewoman," employed by the Xinzhan Police Station. She confirmed that Mr. Wang was a Falun Gong practitioner and reported him to the police. Within minutes, a large contingent of police officers arrived and illegally arrested Mr. Wang and took him to the Xinzhan Police Station.

On February 27, after the police had interrogated and tortured him for seven straight hours, they took him to Chngliu Detention Center and violently force-fed him for more than 10 days. Mr. Wang was very weak, but the police officers from Xinzhan Police Station took him to Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun for a two-year term. Within three days, on the night of February 29, Mr. Wang Guiming died. Guards at the forced labor camp claimed that he committed suicide.

At 8 a.m. in the morning of March 3, Mr. Wang' Guiming's wife, Ms. Han Fengxia; their 17-year-old daughter; several family members; and a lawyer, arrived at Chaoyanggou Labor Camp. After five hours, all the while surrounded by several dozen guards, they finally saw the body of the deceased Mr. Wang Guiming. There were very noticeable wounds on his body: 1) Purple bruises on his head, chest, belly, coccyx and anus, which were consistent with wounds caused by electronic shock. 2) Two large, gaping wounds on his head, about 10 cm long. The guards claimed that the wounds were self-inflicted by hitting his head against the heater to commit suicide. However, his skull was not injured at all, not even bleeding or swollen. The victim's family insisted on meeting the guards on duty that night, but the labor camp staff was unable to provide names.

The victim's family and the lawyer were determined to discover the truth. They believed that the person responsible should be punished, but the labor camp guards refused to answer any questions. They behaved like gangsters and wanted to "solve the issue in private." They quickly changed their offer to share the funeral costs and offered the family 50,000 yuan compensation. Once they realized that the family was dead set on an investigation, they upped their offer to 100,000 yuan. As condition, the family had to agree to their "arrangements." Later, they increased the offer to 300,000 yuan. Negotiations continued, with the family demanding justice and the guards trying to hide the truth.

As long as Ms. Han Fengxia refused, her husband's body could not be cremated. Ms. Han had already filed, regarding her husband's death, a lawsuit with the Chengjiao District Procuratorate. Legal proceedings and investigation of the cause of death were already underway and the officials at Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp were worried. Those at the forced labor camp involved in the wrongful death of Mr. Wang--including the director, the heads of the management department and education department, the doctors, the captain and guards monitoring Mr. Wang, and the inmates who monitored Mr. Wang--insisted on getting the body cremated. They wanted to destroy the evidence and hide the truth to escape punishment.

On March 14, police at the Tonghua Police Station held an urgent meeting. They decided to arrest Ms. Han Fengxia, charging her with "causing trouble." As soon as Ms. Han heard about her imminent arrest, she fled to another city with her daughter. On April 15, Ms. Han and her daughter, who had fled to Changchun, were arrested by police from the Quanan Police Station in Changchun. Later, her daughter was taken back to Tonghua and Ms. Han Fengxia disappeared.

What "efficiency!" Only 46 days after the death of Mr. Wang, his wife disappeared, a murder case had been effectively suppressed, and the result was, according to the CCP minions, "harmonizing" a "happy society!" So efficient! These police officers appear to have lots of "experience" with this kind of incident.

Incidents like this are everyday occurrences. Consider the following: Since the CCP began is suppression of Falun Gong, at least 33 practitioners have died as a result of being persecuted in Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp. With the exception of Mr. Wang Guiming, it has been proven that all of them were tortured and abused for a long time before their deaths. Six practitioners died in the forced labor camp, and three, including Wang Guiming, died within three days after they arrived at the camp. Ten practitioners died within two months after they were released from the camp. Three died within two days after their release, and 17 practitioners became disabled or suffered debilitating diseases and died when long-term treatments were unsuccessful. At least six out of the 33 practitioners came down with tuberculosis at the forced labor camp.

Anyone with a conscience would agree that the persecution of Mr. Wang Guiming, Ms. Han Fengxia, and others is criminal! And there are so many similar incidents that have not been discovered or reported yet.

During the first two months of 2008, the year of the CCP Olympics, 13 practitioners have already died from torture, including the famous singer Yu Zhou. His wife has already been secretly sentenced to a prison term, as well as an elderly college professor. Those who have been "illegally arrested," threatened, or forced to become homeless cannot be counted.

Besides practitioners, there are others who are suppressed and maligned by the CCP minions, including lawyers who are defending practitioners and others under the thumb of the CCP, intellectuals trying to help AIDs patients, Christians and Catholics, and anyone who holds independent thoughts. Others suppressed include farmers who have lost their lands, workers who have lost their jobs, farmers who go to cities looking for work, citizens forced to relocate without compensation, retired military officials, and small business owners who are running their business with great difficulties.

Why is this evil behavior so rampant? Because the CCP and its gangsters control the nation and the military. They motivate everyone to do their dirty work. They are able to have anyone who resists disappear. They either threaten them that they will disappear or make them disappear. They also control the media so that there is only one voice that Chinese citizens can hear--the voice of the CCP. People are deceived, fooled, and poisoned and became numb. People do not pay attention to evil anymore. When they see evil they close their eyes. They only want to make a living, regardless of what they have to do, and some are doing evil deeds. People denigrate goodness. In this kind of "harmonious society," justice and conscience are viewed as heresy.

News and Events Around the World

Switzerland: People of Zurich Support Falun Gong and Condemn the CCP's Persecution (Photos)

( On May 10, 2008, Falun Gong practitioners in Zurich, Switzerland, held a series of activities to clarify the truth of Falun Gong. People stopped to watch and read the truth-clarifying display panels. Many people signed their names on the petition calling for an end to the persecution.

People constantly asked, "Why does the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecute Falun Gong?" The practitioners answered, "Falun Gong teaches people to take Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance, as their guiding principle. But the CCP, through lies and violence, provokes hatred among people to control people and even tries to control people's thinking. The CCP worried that once people could determine on their own what is right and wrong, good or bad, it couldn't control the people and their thinking, so they began to persecute Falun Gong." Practitioners also recommended that people read the Epoch Times' Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, which systematically spells out the real essence of the CCP's evil nature.

People sign their names to support Falun Gong

Clarifying the truth

Reading the truth-clarifying materials

"I admire the spirit of Falun Gong practitioners"

Maria and her daughter, visiting from Austria, spoke briefly with the practitioners. Maria immediately signed in the anti-persecution signature petition. She said, "I believe that supporting people's freedom of belief is a good thing. I have heard of Falun Gong and I admire these people's spirit. There is no reason to persecute them. On the contrary, there should be support for them."

Maria's daughter, also named Maria, said that she had read reports about Falun Gong in the media. She said, "I cannot understand this persecution. I think that Falun Gong has nothing to do with politics, it is on a spiritual level, so I cannot understand why Falun Gong is being persecuted." She took some truth-clarification materials in Chinese and said she planned to bring them to her Chinese friends in Switzerland. Her mother wished to tell the Chinese people, "I hope that the Chinese people will eventually gain the freedom to live as they choose, and can achieve all that they believe is important in their lives."

"The CCP's Paranoid Madness is the Cause of the Persecution of Falun Gong"

Another visitor to the practitioners' display was Mr. Uspetery, a retired teacher. He listened to the practitioners' explanation, then signed the anti-persecution petition. He said he had learned something about the persecution of Falun Gong from his daughter. He commented, "The persecution of Falun Gong is paranoid madness by the Chinese Communists. Therefore, I signed the anti-persecution petition. I know that from now on, I may not get visas to go to China, but with China as it is now, I prefer not to go there." He added, "I very much respect Chinese culture, and I do not oppose the Chinese people. In fact, they are my very favorite people."

Mr. Marco from Zurich also signed the petition calling for an end to the persecution. He said that he disliked the Chinese Communist's restrictions on freedom of information, and added, "I hope (China) can be more open and able to guarantee freedom of information, and allow people to carry out investigations."

"I want to tell the facts to more people"

After signing her name, Ms. Yvee also took various truth-clarification materials. She said, "I feel that this (signature) is an opportunity to openly show one's attitude. I hope that all people here will have a role in disseminating the truth, and that you will be successful. I also hope that such a system as the CCP will come to an end."

Ms. Yvee read in the newspaper about the Chinese Communist Party's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. She said, "For people in Zurich, it is difficult to envisage the [persecution]. I am very shocked just thinking about it. It is a real insult."

On the topic of the CCP's crimes of organ harvesting, Ms. Yvee said, "It seems that we have not learned from the lessons of the Third Reich. This has exceeded my imagination. Today, in 2008, how could such a thing still happen?" She added, "I will tell more people about this persecution. I hope that more people will stand up and make an effort to stop this sort of thing. We do not want to see this happen."

We Must Take Action to Stop the CCP's Live Organ Harvesting

Two teen-aged sisters carefully viewed the display panels and immediately signed their names to the petition to stop the persecution. One of them said, "We saw those photos (about the persecution), and we hope to help put an end to all of this. Live organ harvesting must be stopped, and it is necessary to take action. Collecting signatures like this is very good. I hope we can have a real effect, and I wish you success."

The Persecution Should be Stopped Immediately

Melanie and her friends carefully read the various panels regarding the torture of Falun Gong practitioners and the crimes of organ harvesting. She told her friends seriously, "We should sign." She talked with Falun Gong practitioners for a long time and said that in the past she was also engaged in many sports, and she has always regarded the Olympic Games as a very important event. However, she said she had a different view of the Olympic Games in Beijing. "For me, human rights are inalienable, human rights and sports are one. Sports and unfairness can never go together."

Melanie continued, "What the Falun Gong practitioners are doing is reasonable. It very clear: torture is unacceptable. Everyone has the right to clearly state his/her views, no matter what views he or she holds, what belief they have and what race they belong to. The persecution should be stopped immediately."

"We Must Help Stop the Persecution"

Two fifth-grade students, Sylvia and Vanessa, passed by the Falun Gong information booth and gladly accepted the truth-clarification materials. They signed the petition to end the persecution and told the reporters that they signed because, "We want to stop all this (persecution), it is very cruel, and it should not exist." They also enjoyed the Falun Gong practitioners' exercise demonstration and said, "We will tell other people about this, because this information is to stop the persecution. We would also like to stop the persecution."

The girls left, but they returned immediately and asked a Falun Gong practitioner, "We want to help now, do a good thing. What help we can provide?" Then they started to stack the newspapers and took the initiative to hand out the truth-clarification materials, ask for signatures, and talk to more people about what is taking place in China.

The youngsters told the reporters that they were very happy to be able to help. Then they added, "If possible, we'd like to put together a report for our school regarding the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party."

They two girls stayed until the end of the event.

Practitioners Exchange Insights and Experiences

Eliminating Selfishness and Creating an Environment for Group Improvement

( Because we did not walk well the path set up by Teacher, our local materials production sites were destroyed by the police. This caused a setback for us in saving sentient beings. After a period of calmly studying the Fa and looking inward, we realized the importance of forming a group environment. We then began rectifying our cultivation paths and gradually formed a Fa-study group. We realized that we were able to improve much faster in the group environment.

I would like to share how the group Fa-study environment has helped our local practitioners come together to form one body, eliminate the attachment to selfishness, and raise our cultivation levels.

Teacher said in "Teaching the Fa at the Meeting with Asia-Pacific Students,"

"Group Fa-study is an environment I created for you and a form that I've left for you. I think you should still participate. That's because it has stood the test of experience, and cultivating that way allows our students to improve the fastest. When you cultivate on your own, you miss out on factors that help you improve. And haven't you, as Dafa disciples, said that you would do as your Master says? Haven't you said that you should walk straight on the path that a Dafa disciple should take?"

Attending group study is walking on the cultivation path set up by Teacher. Thus, it is every practitioner's responsibility to form an environment that will help everyone improve and form a one body.

In the beginning, several practitioners studied the Fa for only a little bit before leaving early or rushing to share experiences. They were treating Fa-study as a task that needed to be completed. This however, is not the goal of Fa-study. In addition, this had a negative impact on other practitioners. We should not study the Fa for the sake of studying the Fa.

One practitioner became attached to sentimentality when her husband became ill. The evil took advantage of her gap and caused her to suffer from sickness karma. She was interfered with by the evil so much that she forgot the verse for sending forth righteous thoughts, and she couldn't correctly read a full sentence from Zhuan Falun. Many practitioners did not want to study the Fa with her, so I helped her to read sentence by sentence during Fa-study. When she read a sentence incorrectly, I sent forth righteous thoughts to disintegrate the evils that interfered with her. Later when she could read the Fa smoothly, Teacher arranged for her to move to her son's home in another city.

Through this event, I realized that as long as we come together as a group, eliminate selfishness and think of others, then miracles will happen. This is because everything is done by Teacher.

"'When a person's Buddha-nature comes out it shakes the Ten-Directional World.' Whoever sees this will help him, and they'll help him no matter what." ("Truly Guiding People Up to High Levels," from Zhuan Falun)

When we send forth righteous thoughts during group study, not only do we focus on eliminating the problems existing in our group, but we also eliminate the evil factors that interfere with our group improvement. When a practitioner is interfered with by tribulations, we first negate the old forces' arrangement. We do not blame the practitioner. Instead we send forth righteous thoughts and share our understanding based on the Fa. Teacher says,

"The next person's things are your things, and your things are his things." ("Teaching the Fa at the Washington, D.C. Fa Conference").

Thus, we left no gap for the evil to take advantage.

The old forces persecute practitioners by taking advantage of their postnatal notions. The old forces arranged these things and now use them to "test" practitioners. So if we blame the practitioners who are going through an ordeal, then aren't we acknowledging the old forces' arrangement? Actually, the evil is not just focusing on individual practitioners to interfere with, but also our group as a whole. If we can completely negate the old forces' interference or persecution of practitioners even if they have gaps, and do not acknowledge the factors causing us to have gaps, then the evil factors in the other dimensions will disintegrate immediately.

Teacher said in "Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Chicago Conference,"

"We negate even the very emergence of the old forces and everything that they've arranged; we don't even acknowledge their existence. We're fundamentally negating all of their things, and all of, and only, the things you do while negating and getting rid of them is mighty-virtue."

One practitioner did not participate in our group study. I thought to myself, "The only way to help her is to study the Fa with her." So I told her that I would study the Fa with her at her house. There was much interference in the beginning. She told me, "I get up early in the morning and then go back to sleep. You don't have to come if you are busy." I told her, "I will wait and come whenever you are up again." The next day, I went to her home at 10:00 a.m. to study the Fa and send forth the righteous thoughts with her. I sent forth righteous thoughts to completely disintegrate the factors that made her fearful, and I corrected her when she read a word wrong. Sending forth righteous thoughts had a very good effect. She was very happy and asked me to go there earlier the next day. She eventually participated in group study.

Teacher told us,

"...every student should, in addition to participating in group activities, in his daily life fully take the initiative of a Dafa disciple, establish his own mighty virtue in the process of clarifying the truth, and do well on his own Dafa disciple's path."

"...that's why everyone is not only participating in group activities, but also taking the initiative to look for things to do. As long as something is good for Dafa, you should take the initiative to do it, take the initiative to work on it." ("To All Students at the Nordic Fa Conference" from Essentials for Further Advancement II)

Every Dafa disciple is a coordinator. We should think of our fellow practitioners and our group as a whole when we clarify the truth about Falun Gong and do the three things. We should not let any practitioner fall behind. When we take initiative to take on the responsibilities for the Fa, for sentient beings, and for the great consummation that we are going to have, then can we become an altruistic life in the new universe.

When We Study the Fa with Calm Minds Teacher Is Right Beside Us

( My personal cultivation began while I was in the fifth grade and has progressed to the stage of validating the Fa and opposing the persecution. I am now a third year university student. Over the past nine years, because of Dafa, I've come to understand many things and learned that my life is meant for the Fa and to fulfill my mission. I have gained experience during the past nine years, and although I've been periodically confused, benevolent Teacher has been with me, providing understanding and taking care of me.

Teacher said in "Cautionary Advice" in Essentials for Further Advancement:

"It has been four years since I began teaching Dafa. Some students' xinxing and level of realm have improved slowly; they remain at the perceptual stage in their understanding of me and Dafa, always being grateful towards me for the changes in their bodies and for the manifestation of supernormal abilities - that is an ordinary human mindset."

I typically understand the Fa from my feelings, from the people around me, and from the reflections of my surroundings. I should instead study the Fa with a calm mind in order to assimilate the Fa and achieve an elevation in realm.

I was very young during my personal cultivation stage and didn't know how to study the Fa. I only knew that I was supposed to read the books and perform the exercises with my parents. At the practice site, I watched Teacher's Fa-lecture tapes with others and listened to the cultivation experience sharing from veteran practitioners, while being immersed in the wonder of Dafa.

After the persecution of Falun Gong began, our Fa-study group ceased, and my father was illegally detained. Confronted with these sudden changes, I didn't know what to do. At that time, I was a junior high school student. Dafa was surpressed, and my mother didn't read any Dafa books, so I suddenly felt alone. At that time, it was Teacher who was my companion. Under Teacher's arrangements, my aunt, who is also a practitioner, was released from a forced labor camp and provided me with Teacher's most recent lectures and articles, which enabled me to immerse myself in Buddha's saving grace.

Before long, I was accepted into one of the best high schools in our city, and my dad returned home as well. I was so busy with daily school activities and homework that I couldn't calm my mind to study the Fa. At that time, I didn't realize that this was interference. I waited until my homework was finished before Fa-study. I kept busy with schoolwork, and although I wanted to study more Fa, I couldn't find the time. In my heart, I was still eager to study the Fa! Because I didn't study the Fa well, I lagged behind in "clarifying the truth" activities. The high school's politics textbook contained text that slandered Dafa, so my dad and I began to cleanse the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) forces from other dimensions that interfered with the class. I kept reminding myself that I needed to clarify the truth to the class. One day during class, the teacher simply instructed us to "Please read the chapter yourself." At that moment, I felt regret for not being able to clarify the truth to the class, but later realized that I wasn't capable of clarifying the truth in front of such a large group at that time, as the result would very likely be the opposite of my intention. I formulated a plan, and Teacher did everything and made the arrangements.

I still remember when I first handed out truth-clarification materials. For some reason, I was afraid of being held back by my family members, so I performed this activity quietly. I obtained some materials from home, stuck double-sided tape on the back of the materials, placed ten copies in my backpack, and after I finished my evening homework, I set out by myself. The time was just past 10:00 p.m., and while I walked down the road, it began to snow. I said to myself, "I want the people in this university to understand the facts and then pass it on to more and more people." While I was thinking this, I no longer felt alone. Snowflakes kept falling on my face and quickly melted. Under the dim streetlights, my shadow on the road appeared to be firm and confident.

Gradually, I began to write letters to people that I didn't know. I found many addresses from periodicals and magazines that I picked up or borrowed from my classmates, then placed truth-clarification materials into envelopes, and mailed them.

I also had some unpleasant experiences. My grandmother was a practitioner, yet she passed away, followed closely by another practitioner. Seeing practitioners leave us, and because I didn't study the Fa diligently, I began having doubts about Dafa, and this was taken advantage of by the old forces. Bad thoughts kept popping into my head and made me not only become attached to the end of Fa-rectification, but also want to leave Dafa. During that period of time, I had a difficult time determining my life's direction. Although I knew that I would not leave Dafa, I still stopped my Fa study, became completely attached to my academic studies, spent all my time reading textbooks, and stayed away from Dafa books. I was tormented from the state that I was in! Fortunately, under Teacher's guidance and my father's encouragement, I returned to Dafa and began feeling the excitement and joy of being assimilated into the Fa.

I entered a university and lived there alone, leaving my cozy home and parents behind, along with a cultivation environment that I had previously depended upon. In this new living environment, I began to spend a lot of time with my roommates. Their conversation was mostly about ordinary peoples' affairs, which began affecting me. Teacher's Dafa was no longer on my mind, and I was filled with thoughts about how to enjoy life, become a winner, find a good job, etc. While under the control of these thoughts, I joined many associations and participated in many activities. I even started my own association, and due to this interference, my entire second year at the university was a mess. I was a good student when viewed by ordinary people's standards, but in retrospect, the path I took was not what Teacher had arranged for me. Teacher stated clearly that Dafa practitioners must study the Fa well! However, I didn't follow what Teacher said, but rather under the old forces' interference, I did many ordinary things not aligned with the Fa. I am not implying that people should not do these things, rather that I didn't make use of these opportunities to clarify the truth to people. The path I took was nowhere near the path that Teacher arranged for me.

When I returned home during the summer holiday of my second year as a university student, I decided to study the Fa with a calm mind in order to better validate the Fa. I joined the first Fa-study group in our city, and every morning I got up at 3:50 and followed the exercise music to do the exercises with practitioners around the globe. I had the same feeling as before the persecution began! After we finished the exercises, everyone left for work except for me and another girl, and we studied Teacher's articles together. In the afternoon, I read Zhuan Falun at home. In the evening I joined the Fa-study group and we watched Teacher's Fa-lecture DVD together. After midnight we sent forth righteous thoughts, and then I went to bed. During that period of time, I gained many new understandings.

I would like to share with fellow practitioners who are also university students about an issue concerning study, work, and cultivation. Honestly, I was a person who was previously quite vain, and I had been dreaming about leading a good life, having a great career, and a happy family. I used Teacher's lectures to cover up my strong attachments. I easily developed strong attachments under this interference. Through studying the Fa, I came to understand the relationship between cultivation, study, and work. Our state of cultivation is reflected in our study or work, however neither study nor work is cultivation. As a student, I must study well; as an employee, I must do a good job. As long as we hold ourselves to the standards of Dafa, study the Fa with calm minds, and assimilate every thought from our daily lives into the Fa, we can elevate ourselves. When we don't treat the Fa as Teacher and develop different attachments, these attachments will be reflected into our daily work or study. At that moment, we need to look inward, find the root cause of the problem, let go of all attachments, and turn the situation around. Considering this, I truly appreciate what Teacher has done for us. Because we are Dafa practitioners, we are particles of Dafa, and we live with the Fa. Teacher has prepared everything for us, and he is waiting for us to do everything well and reach the various standards and requirements that the Fa has set for us.

As university students, we will go out into society very soon, and we'll face many dilemmas and problems. Fortunately, we are Teacher's students, particles of Dafa, so everything around us is looked after by Teacher. We don't need to look for jobs as hard as ordinary people do, nor do we need to think too hard about making money. We only have the Fa in our hearts. As long as we have the Fa in our hearts and are true practitioners, Teacher will arrange everything for us. We need to listen to Teacher and do the three things well--study the Fa well, "clarify the truth," and save sentient beings through different approaches. We must make use of our strengths, validate the Fa, and save sentient beings more effectively. We must do well what Dafa practitioners are supposed to do.

This is only my personal understanding; please kindly point out anything inappropriate.

Understanding and Enlightenment From Listening to Pudu, Jishi, and Other Musical Pieces

( In 1998, when I listened to Pudu for the first time, without thinking I started meditating. My mind was so peaceful that it felt supernatural. In fact at the time, it seemed that I was not in the human world. Later, I became familiar with the connotations of this musical piece after reading Teacher's words,

"In it is the entire process Master went through from prehistory up through the Fa-rectification." ("Teaching the Fa at the Meeting on Writing Music")

Due to my long commute to work, I often listen to Dafa music, including Pudu, Jishi, and other musical pieces that were created by Dafa practitioners. Whenever a new piece written by a Dafa practitioner is published on the Internet, I always download it and listen. As I make progress in my cultivation, my understanding of the music changes. I enlightened that the Buddha Fa "encompasses everything and leaves out nothing." From human music, art, culture, to individual behavior, and problem handling, all should be peaceful and beautiful. The behavior of Dafa practitioners should follow the requirement of the Fa because we are establishing and creating the future for the human society. As long as one peacefully listens to the music created by Dafa practitioners, one's mind or mood will become good and pure. As a result, when interacting with other people, one will naturally behave properly.

The first time I listened to "Journey with My Teacher" was during a trip. At the beginning, I thought the music sounded monotonous, and I did not have any deep feelings about it. Shortly after, I played this piece again at home with my family, who listened intently. This time, I felt solemn and magnificent. When the piece was finished, my family told me that they saw Teacher while listening to the music. It made me realize that my heart was not pure enough even though I have cultivated for many years, even though I call myself a Dafa practitioner. The minds of my family were shocked by this musical piece. It shows that you can understand the musical connotation when you don't have obstacles of human thinking and concepts. So, you will naturally become good and feel quite at ease. When I later listened to this music again, I felt I was on a journey with my Teacher. How fortunate it felt to assist Teacher in rectifying the Fa!

The first time I listened to "Clear out Confusion Fog," my mind became clear immediately. When I listened to the music again later, I felt there was Dafa practitioner's wisdom in the music. It was like sitting in a Fa boat and sailing along. The foggy and confused feeling went away, layer by layer. My mind became clearer and clearer and my heart, more and more pure. When I listened to "My Original Home," I felt peace everywhere and then I heard the magnificence and beauty in the Buddha world. There are also other good musical pieces, including "Planting Lotus Flower," "Treasure Fa Opportunity," "Come Back, Child," "Please Sit by My Side," "Thank the Teacher for Graciousness," "Lotus Praise," "Call for Conscience," etc. Listening to these musical pieces created by Dafa practitioners can purify one's heart, bring out righteous thoughts, and make one realize the purpose we came to this human world. I also enlightened that Teacher uses music to call upon practitioners to forge ahead in cultivation, and go back to our original homes with Teacher. I sincerely appreciate all the fellow practitioners who created those musical pieces.

Saving Sentient Beings with Compassion Amidst Tribulations

( I've been practicing Falun Dafa for more than ten years. I usually have a serene expression even when my legs hurt during the sitting meditation. Therefore, many practitioners think that my legs don't hurt. Before we begin the fifth exercise, "Strengthening Divine Powers," we are told to "Relax the entire body, but not too relaxed. Close the eyes lightly. The heart fills with compassion. Assume a peaceful and serene countenance."

In the process of resisting the persecution and saving sentient beings, I have understood the inner meanings of "The heart fills with compassion. Assume a peaceful and serene countenance." While saving sentient beings amidst tribulations, practitioners should have compassion toward people of the world, fellow practitioners, and those who do not know the truth about Falun Gong and have committed sins against it. It is only with a compassionate heart that we can validate the Fa and save sentient beings.

Teacher said, "Everyone in the world was part of my family. Don't acknowledge the old forces' arrangements, and do as much as possible to clarify the truth." ("Explaining the Fa During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference") Then do these people of the world not also include those who do not know the truth and have committed sins against Dafa practitioners? Maybe they were muddled headed or played an evil role under the old forces' arrangements in this life and will eventually be eliminated. Their destiny is truly sad. Aren't Teacher's relatives our relatives? I cannot even remember how many relatives I've had from my past lives, and it is probably a predestined relationship if we meet again in this life! A practitioners' role is to save sentient beings, and we should treasure every encounter. We cannot shoulder the responsibility of saving sentient beings amidst tribulations if we do not have great compassion.

I have been illegally arrested and detained numerous times since the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999. But I do not hate the police officers that arrested me and beat me. Some of them asked me if I hated them. I told them calmly that I did not hate them because practitioners do not have enemies and we do not harbor resentment or hatred. Come to think of it, just telling them that was not enough. At the time I did not treat the situation with righteous thoughts. It would have been a more compassionate act had I prevented them from committing wrongdoings with righteous thoughts. Back then I was forbearing more. Recently, many of those who persecuted Dafa practitioners have received retribution. And it is happening more often. I feel something heavy in my heart when I hear such news. I wish they would do some soul-searching and learn from painful lessons. There is truly not much opportunity left.

My father is an intellectual person and has been deeply poisoned by the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) culture. He is an atheist and has become timid and sensitive since the persecution started. His analytical mind has prevented him from learning the truth about Falun Gong. In addition, the defamatory rumors broadcast by the government media made him believe that all my tribulations were the result of practicing Falun Gong. Although he knows that the CCP is no good, he refuses to quit the Party. One time he even claimed that he would die a Party member. I was really affected when I heard that.

My father and I do not have many opportunities to see each other. Therefore, I treasure every moment we are together. I try to conduct myself well and act and speak according the standard of a practitioner so that he can sense the purity and beauty of Dafa. Nevertheless, he refused to quit even after great efforts on my part, and I felt somewhat frustrated and lost. I even thought I would stop clarifying the truth to him. I was discouraged and felt that, since I had tried my best, at least I would not regret it later. After calmly thinking about it, I realized that, as Dafa practitioners, we should conduct ourselves well in society. And our most important role is to validate the Fa. So how can we attach conditions when we validate the Fa? If we give up our path when we encounter difficulties, then aren't we being conditional? Should we stop doing what we are supposed to do when things are difficult? When I looked within I discovered that the attachments to competitiveness, selfishness, and sentimentality are all obstacles to clarifying the truth. If I rid myself of these attachments and replace them with a pure and compassionate heart, then the effect will be better. Later when I clarified the truth, I often reminded myself to first conduct myself well. And when I am with my relatives, I act like a practitioner, strictly following the requirements of Dafa.

Later on, my father said something against Dafa. Tears welled up in my eyes because I was truly worried about the future of his life. At the time, I was not moved. My heart was filled with compassion and I knew I would not stop trying to save him. As long as there is time and opportunity, I will continue to save sentient beings and not give up on any of them. I will use the limited time "to do better, to be more efficient, to have a greater impact, and to save more people." ("Fa Teaching at the U.S. Capital, July 22, 2007") Because of the circumstances, I'm not able to meet my relatives frequently. But as long as I'm able to see them, I clarify the truth to them. And I am glad that they have quit the CCP.

There has been continuous interference on the path of validating the Fa. However, I have coordinated well with fellow practitioners and have safeguarded the operation of the material production site. After years of contact with practitioners, we have been able to establish a material production site and handle other projects. Although there have been continuous tribulations and xinxing conflicts, we have not had disagreements we could not resolve. Everyone knows to follow the Fa and to place importance on "one body," to take a step back and to look inward amidst conflicts, and to yield to others and to put oneself in the other person's shoes. This way, many of our conflicts were easily resolved.

Recently, a practitioner that appeared at a new material site had conflicts with others. This practitioner has had very rough experiences. He was jailed and tortured severely. And the environment of that particular area was not very good, either. The police had been making illegal arrests and practitioners died as a result of the persecution. It was extremely difficult to establish a material site in such circumstances. I shared with him several times and tried to help him to resolve the conflicts with other practitioners. I said to him, "Practitioners should treat each other with compassion. It is not easy to come together to validate Dafa. If we analyze an issue from the other person's point of view and put others before ourselves, then we can coordinate better. If we can all do the same, then things will run smoothly. If we practitioners have barriers amongst ourselves, then the evil elements will take advantage of the loophole. If we coordinate well as one body, then nothing can stop us!" He cried when he heard what I had to say. Things are running smoothly now, and I'm glad I was able to help him overcome the difficulties.

There was a period of time when I was very busy and did not study the Fa as much. As a result, I felt that my xinxing was not as good. One time I had a conflict with a practitioner when we were working on establishing television reception for New Tang Dynasty programming. Although I pretended there was no conflict, my heart was not calm. We wasted a lot of time and the reception equipment malfunctioned. From this incident, I realized that I was not cultivating well and had many deeply rooted attachments--jealousy, wanting to "save face," beating around the bush (a trait of Party culture), and complicated thoughts. In reality, it was because I was afraid of being hurt. The reason why these attachments were so strong was because I was not studying the Fa as much, and the bad human notions were reflected as a result of the attachments.

Teacher has continuously instructed us to study the Fa diligently. In order to validate the Fa and save sentient beings with righteous thoughts, we must study the Fa more. Our steadfast righteous thoughts and compassion to save sentient beings come from the Fa.

Walking the Path Master Has Arranged for Me and Creating a Cultivation Environment

( I began to cultivate in Falun Dafa at the end of 1996. Prior to that I was burdened by more than 20 illnesses, the most serious being gastric disease. I had gastric pain daily and was unable to tolerate the side effects of many medications. When it hurt really badly, I rolled on the floor and was unable to go to work. My face was yellowish and pale. The physical pain was indescribable, but the psychological pain was even harder to bear.

My husband and I didn't get along and had argued and quarreled for many years. When my illnesses worsened, the family battle heated up. My husband would come home every few days from his work in a remote location. While home, he would drink to excess and start to quarrel with me. We talked about getting a divorce. My family faced separation. For my two young children, I tried to bear it. I lived one day at a time and tried to get by.

At the end of 1996 I was fortunate to find out about Dafa, an opportunity that only presents itself once in tens of thousands of years. Seeing Dafa was like seeing light, seeing hope. This is the Universal truth I had searched for so hard in this life. Holding the precious book Zhuan Falun, I read and read like a hungry child. From that moment on, I was no longer in despair. I began to see a bright path that connected to the Heavens! A few days after learning the principle and exercises, little by little, all my illnesses disappeared, as did the spirit that had possessed me. I felt a physical ease I had never before experienced. My body was comfortable, lithe, and agile, even when I walked.

My face had a healthy glow, and I no longer needed my corrective glasses. My back used to be bent; now it was straight. To my family and neighbors' pleasant surprise I completely changed for the better. Nearly 60 years old, I could carry something weighting 100 Jin (Chinese measurement of weight, 100 Jin = 110 lb.) up the stairs without getting exhausted. They thought it was unbelievable, exclaiming, "This old woman is a miracle!" The interpersonal conflicts with my husband, mother-in-law, brother, and sisters-in-law ended. We were in harmony again, and our relationships continued to improve.

I followed Master's principle, "When it's difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it's impossible to do, you can do it." (Zhuan Falun, 2000 translation version) I was able to tolerate, although like a new practitioner, with tears. Still, my neighbors no longer heard me getting involved in arguments. Little by little, my husband and I started to get along. My family interacted cordially. My children began to smile.

Such a good Master! Such a good Dafa! I was determined to cultivate well and follow Master home. I wanted people around me to have the blessing to be offered salvation and walk into Dafa cultivation, like me. Using my own experiences as an example, I spoke of Dafa's miracles and beauty to co-workers, relatives, and friends. Whoever wanted to learn, I offered Dafa books to them with my limited salary. One by one, my husband, sisters, younger brother, my aunt, and several co-workers joined the cultivation group.

When the persecution began on July 20, 1999, although I firmly decided to cultivate to the end, my foundation was poor. I had too many human thoughts and lots of fear. I hid at home to study the Fa. In late September 1999, I went to Beijing to validate the Fa, but authorities caught me in the middle of the trip and detained me. My home was ransacked. I was fined and sent to a brainwashing center where I didn't abandon human thoughts and compromised with the evil: I wrote a Guarantee Statement. I lamented badly. In that murky mood I heard, Master shout loudly, "If you fall, get up!" I vowed solemnly in front of Master's photo: "I will study the Fa in a steadfast manner and walk my pre-arranged path, start anew, and make up for what was lost." That night, Master did "Guanding" for me ("Guanding is a reinforcing method for purifying and further cleaning up your body." [Zhuan Falun, version 2000]) and cleansed my body. All my illnesses were gone again. I once more became light.

I summarized the lesson this painful experience taught me. As I studied the Fa, I looked within and found a lot of issues: (1) My attitude toward learning the Fa raised questions. I studied the Fa with a negative pursuit in mind. I did not truly assimilate into Dafa, nor did I experience and understand Dafa's profound meaning. (2) I could not discipline myself. Especially at home, I didn't look inside, didn't cultivate my xinxing, and allowed all kinds of human thoughts to control me. (3) My fundamental cultivation was not righteous. I walked into Dafa while holding onto fundamental attachments. I pursued health, happiness, Consummation, freedom, and salvation. All these were based on me pursuing self-interest and personal gain. Finding the source of my problems, I cultivated to relinquish them, corrected myself again during Fa-rectification, and was able to walk the path Master had arranged.

Fa study revealed many problems within me--faults, desires, many human thoughts, particularly fear. I definitely changed my thinking and purged these post-natal habits, validated the Fa, and made up for the loss.

To start, I told the police station head and the police officers who came to my home that the Guarantee Statement I had written was invalid. I clarified the truth about Dafa to them. Afterward, my surroundings became righteous. My family no longer tried to control me as before. Neighbors who monitored and followed me gave up doing it. Several elderly women who used to question me stopped. District police eventually stopped coming to see me. My company's managers didn't ask about my recent activities. I had a profound insight that, as long as we hold to the pure thought of offering people salvation and our actions are solely based on wanting the best for others, our righteous thoughts and the power to offer people salvation will be stronger and the environment will improve as well.

I returned home after being homeless for a while to avoid any persecution. I began to work on small things around home, harmonizing my family and correcting myself. I adopted various ways to make things in my family better, utilizing the compassion I cultivated from Dafa as well as the pure thoughts of offering the people salvation. I also sent righteous thoughts to cleanse the dimensional field. So far, the result has been good.

Dafa practitioners' songs moved my husband's heart and awakened his conscience. He can actively read truth-clarification materials now. Particularly after he read the Nine Commentaries and Dissolving the Party Culture, he changed completely and did the "three withdrawals," resigning from the Chinese Communist Party, the Youth League, and the Young Pioneers. He was able to control his drinking and did not make drunken scenes anymore. He even protects Dafa and shows regret for his past wrongdoings. He is not against me reading the Fa out loud. Sometimes when I play one of Master's lecture audios he quietly listens. He reminds me to do the exercises, send righteous thoughts, and helps me to raise my xinxing.

Actually, it is the Fa and Master that save people; Master has done all these things. As my cultivation environment became better and easier, my family understood the truth completely. They progressed from understanding to support, which helped me advance a big step in doing the three things. Once I was assured, I studied the Fa well and kept righteous thoughts, I strengthened my truth-clarifying efforts, and I persuaded people to withdraw from the Party. In the process of completing my grand, prehistoric vow, I walked every pre-arranged step straight. In different lectures, Master has emphasized how practitioners should correct themselves and offer sentient beings salvation and do well under His guidance.

I would like to share my experiences and realizations in truth-clarification, persuading people to do the "three withdrawals," and offering people salvation. I began with my acquaintances, including family members, relatives both far and near, and anyone I had a connection with. This extended to friends, co-workers, neighbors, and anyone I could get a hold of. I didn't miss any opportunity, not even at parties or gatherings. The results were good. This March I attended the wedding of a child of my former boss and helped more than ten people, including strangers, quite the Party. They were from different career levels and professions.

Those strangers did not look in any way special. Some of them even looked dirty. Although they had no connection with me, they live in China during this special era. They are courageous and brave enough to come down from very high levels. They are Chinese who are here for the Fa. Saving one human is saving a group of beings and a cosmic realm. Saving "only one person" is not that simple.

After only a few minutes of clarifying the truth, they agree to withdraw from the Party and are grateful. But that is also the time when zealotry can emerge, as well as the quest for specific numbers [of people contacted] and the outcome. If we do not purge these habits and return to the right path, truth-clarification work will be affected. Not only will we waste time and effort, but other mentalities may show up: pessimism, disappointment, and a reluctance to say anything further. The pursuit of comfort and ease will also appear. Behind all of these hides a larger issue--self-protection and avoiding being hurt, pursuing recognition and personal interest. All of these reflect one's ego.

Our minds must be above reproach to offer people salvation. I lacked success in this respect and still need to correct myself and strengthen my efforts to do better and improve quickly.

Forming One Body to Display Divine Might

( While clarifying the truth during Fa-rectification, I was enlightened that walking on the cultivation path arranged by Master is the only way to eliminate interference and protect ourselves from persecution.

There is a farmer's market in our area once every three days. Two practitioners go there to clarify the truth and help people to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) while selling produce. This has been very effective, and gradually more practitioners have joined them. In the beginning they helped about ten people to quit the CCP each day. The number eventually increased to several dozen people every day, and everything proceeded very smoothly. On one occasion, however, a man cursed and beat a female practitioner when she clarified the truth to him. This attracted many people, who gathered to watch. The practitioner did not fight back at all. At the same time, other practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil and subdue the evil's strength. The man threatened to smash the booth and follow the beaten practitioner. Some practitioners could not to remain calm in their hearts after this incident.

Throughout that afternoon and night, practitioners in the area gathered in small groups to share understandings, study the Fa, and reflect. Every practitioner who heard about the incident looked inside him or herself. The practitioner who was beaten and Practitioner A realized their own attachments of showing off and zealotry. Practitioner B realized her attachment of fear. A female practitioner who witnessed the scene said, "The practitioner who was beaten showed true tolerance and did not say anything while being beaten. I would not have been able to do that." Practitioners who were not present also looked for their own shortcomings and realized that they did not help send forth righteous thoughts for those practitioners who were clarifying the truth. Although the incident shocked the entire township, it did not affect our efforts in clarifying the truth and helping people to quit the CCP. Although problems emerge from time to time, since we always look inside ourselves and send forth righteous thoughts every time, the practitioners who were at the produce booth have not stopped their efforts. Every day they help 40-50 people quit the CCP and sometimes up to 70-80 people.

Because we study the Fa sincerely, we can adjust our mentality as a group, and each of us looks inside for shortcomings. Practitioners either clarify the truth or send forth righteous thoughts. Those who remain at home send forth righteous thoughts for practitioners at the market every time the market meets. When practitioners have conflicts and cannot recognize their attachments, we look inside each other and frankly point out the problems with compassion. Although sometimes doing so is painful, it does not create any barriers among us.

When we have human notions or attachments and we cannot realize them or let them go, they become excuses for evil interference or persecution. Therefore, we must always assimilate ourselves to the Fa, look inside during conflicts or tests, realize our shortcomings, maintain xinxing, and uphold the standards of cultivators.

Health Benefits

One-Year-Old Songsong Recovered from Cerebral Hemorrhaging After Listening to the Falun Dafa Lectures (Photo)

( Seeing this lively, lovable one-year-old child, everyone who knew him realized that something miraculous had happened to him.

On June 9, 2007, the Minghui website (Chinese version of reported that a baby boy with cerebral hemorrhaging had fully recovered within three days.

Songsong was born in Chengfeng Village, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. After 35 days he was found to be hemorrhaging, which is very unusual. His family immediately took him to the Oil Field General Hospital in Daqing for a CT scan, and he was diagnosed with cerebral hemorrhaging. The doctor said that there was no treatment for it, and that even if he was cured, he would be disabled. After the child was taken home, he had muscle spasms once every ten minutes and wasn't able to nurse. His face turned a waxy yellow. A young child in a family is usually a happy occasion, but for Songsong's family this was not the case, as there was no hope for him.

After hearing about Songsong's condition, his aunt, who practices Falun Dafa, went to visit him and brought tape recordings of Teacher Li's lectures for him to listen to. The family members did not have any other hope, so they let him listen to the lectures.

When the lecture tapes were played on the third day, a miracle occurred! The child gradually returned to normal. All the family members were delighted, but they worried that he still might not be cured, so they went to a second hospital at First Harbin University. After the pediatric doctors examined him and compared CT scans, and after realizing that the child had not had any treatment, they exclaimed that it was simply unbelievable--a real miracle!

After returning to Daqing, they brought the child back to the Oil Field General Hospital in Daqing to do another CT scan. Songsong was completely normal. Songsong is very lively and lovable, and if someone mentions that they will read the Falun Dafa book, he dances with joy.

All of my family members appreciate Teacher Li Hongzhi and they thank Falun Dafa! We also sincerely hope that those people who are deceived by the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) lies come to understand the truth of Falun Gong, follow the will of heaven, and quit the CCP and its associated organizations.

Songsong now listens to his mother read Falun Dafa books every morning. Seeing that this child is growing up healthy, everyone knows that it was Falun Gong that saved him and they clearly witnessed the greatness of Dafa. Many people have quit the CCP and its associated organizations, which will give them a glorious future.

Additional News from China

Additional Persecution News from China - April 25, 2008 (47 Reports)

( Today's News from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 35 cities or counties in 10 provinces. In this report, 12 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention and at least 77 practitioners were illegally arrested.

1. [Wafangdian City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Wang Min Suffers Mental Collapse As a Result of Persecution at Dalian Drug Rehabilitation Labor Camp

2. [Mancheng County, Hebei Province] Practitioners Yin Xiuqin and Han Lanjun Illegally Arrested

3. [Baoji City, Shanxi Province] Ms. Wang Jiangmei and Ms. Qin Lihua Arrested

4. [Luohe City, Henan Province] Additional Information on the Arrest of Ms. Wang Zhenhua

5. [Ruanjiang City, Hunan Province] Ms. Ying Illegally Arrested

6. [Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Lu Yumei Illegally Arrested and Detained

7. [Chongqing City] Mr. Rao Qinghui Arrested and His Current Situation Unknown

8. [Sihui City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Ou Caijuan Illegally Arrested

9. [Xiangtan City, Hunan Province] Mr. Long Jianhua Illegally Arrested

10. [Huanggang City, Hubei Province] Police in Huangzhou District Arrest Ms. Du Jinxiang and Ms. Xia Juhua on the Afternoon of April 24

11. [Xiangtan City, Hunan Province] Mr. Guo Mingqing Arrested and His Home Ransacked

12. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Ms. Li Yanhong Illegally Arrested

13. [Alaer City, Xinjiang Autonomous Region] Mr. Ding Hui and Ms. Jiang Yan Arrested

14. [Shuangliao City, Jilin Province] Ms. Yuan Shujun Illegally Arrested

15. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Bai Yuping Illegally Arrested at Her Home

16. [Benxi City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Xiuyan Illegally Arrested and Her Home Ransacked

17. [Huichun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Liu Yuezhen Reported and Arrested

18. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Li Dexiang's Entire Family Arrested

19. [Baishan City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Xiuzhen and Ms. Xiaopin Arrested

20. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Ms. Zhang Liyan Illegally Arrested

21. [Tumen City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Wang Yanxia and Others Arrested

22. [Fuyu County, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Gao Fengxian and Ms. Yan Chunlin Illegally Detained

23. [Shanghai City] Practitioner Mr. Liu Shunming Arrested at Around Noon on April 24-- His Current Situation Unknown

24. [Tianjin City] Practitioner Huang Liqiao and Others Arrested

25. [Tianjin City] Four Practitioners Including Ms. Chen Huizhi Illegally Arrested

26. [Liaocheng City, Shandong Province] Ms. Chen Youlin and Another Practitioner Arrested

27. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Four Practitioners Including Ms. Liu Xiuxia Arrested

28. [Zhucheng City, Shandong Province] Five Practitioners Including Wang Pinsheng Arrested and Sent to Forced Labor Camp

29. [Kunming City, Yunnan Province] Ms. Zhou Jin Illegally Arrested

30. [Gaozhou City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Zhou Shenghuan and Others Arrested

31. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Zhang Lianwen Illegally Sentenced to One and a Half Years of Forced Labor

32. [Liaoning Province] Persecution Facts about the Liaoning Women's Prison

33. [Tonghua City, Jilin Province] Mr. Zheng Liming, Ms. Yu Guihua and Ms. Yu Xiulan Arrested on the Night of April 23

34. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Tai Zhiqiang Illegally Arrested

35. [Beijing City] Mr. Zhang Lei Illegally Detained in Chadian Prison

36. [Benxi City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Chi Lidong Seriously Injured While Police Illegally Arrest Him

37. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Mr. Zhao Wenjia Arrested

38. [Jiutai City, Jilin Province] Ms. She Xiuyan Illegally Arrested

39. [Ningan City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Zhou Xiuhui, Ms. Li Yanbo, Ms. Sun Xia and Ms. Ding Shuhua Arrested

40. [Fengcheng City, Liaoning Province] Additional Information Regarding the Illegal Arrest of Four Practitioners

41. [Beijing City] Additional Information Regarding the Arrest of Practitioners Ms. Zhao Yumin and Mr. Yu Pin

42. [Yishui County, Shandong Province] Di Zhurong and Ms. Ma Shaoli Arrested

43. [Wuji County, Hebei Province] Ms. Liu Yuekun and Ms. Gai Ying Illegally Arrested

44. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Ms. Xin Xiuyun Arrested

45. [Hengren County, Liaoning Province] Practitioners Ms. Zheng Guixin and Others Arrested and Their Homes Ransacked

46. [Heilongjiang Province] The Department of Justice Distributes a Secret Document to Persecute Falun Gong

47. [Zhongwei City, Ningxia Autonomous Region] Practitioner Ms. Yang Yulan Arrested

1. [Wafangdian City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Wang Min Suffers Mental Collapse As a Result of Persecution at Dalian Drug Rehabilitation Labor Camp

At around 9:00 p.m. on April 25, 2007, Ms. Wang Min was taken into custody by four policemen who broke into her home. Policeman Li Shaotian and the other officers were from Paotai Township Police Station in Wafangdian City, Dalian. Ms. Wang is currently illegally detained in the Dalian Anti-Drug Labor Camp and has been persecuted to the point of suffering a mental collapse.

Management Department of Dalian Anti-Drug Labor Camp: 86-411-84345767

2. [Mancheng County, Hebei Province] Practitioners Yin Xiuqin and Han Lanjun Illegally Arrested

On the afternoon of April 22, practitioners Ms. Yin Xiuqin and Ms. Han Lanjun were reported while they were clarifying the truth in Yilianzhuang Township, Xushui County in Hebei Province. They were then taken into custody by officers from the Yilianzhuang Township Police Station in Xushui County. On April 23, they were taken to Xushui County Police Department. On the same day, police from Mancheng County and Xushui County ransacked the homes of Yin Xiuqin and Han Lanjun and confiscated their Dafa books.

3. [Baoji City, Shanxi Province] Ms. Wang Jiangmei and Ms. Qin Lihua Arrested

On April 21 and 22, 2008, practitioners Ms. Wang Jiangmei and Ms. Qin Lihua from Baoji City were arrested by police from the Jintai District 610 Office, the Jintai Police Department and the Maying Police Station.

4. [Luohe City, Henan Province] Additional Information on the Arrest of Ms. Wang Zhenhua

On April 11, Yu Xuefeng and others from the 610 Office in Wuyang County broke into and ransacked the home of practitioner Ms. Wang Zhenhua in Baohe Township, Wuyang County. Wang Zhenhua was arrested by Captain Wang Gangqiang and others from Wuyang Police Department. Wang Zhenhua is currently being persecuted and detained in the Wuyang Detention Center.

Meng Xiaodong, director of Wuyang Police Department: 86-13903957139

5. [Ruanjiang City, Hunan Province] Ms. Ying Illegally Arrested

In April 2008, practitioner Ms. Ying, a retired teacher from Lianhuatang Elementary School in Ruanjiang City, was arrested by police from the 610 Office in Ruanjiang City and her home was ransacked. She is still being detained.

Policeman Li Laiqun: 86-13907373958, 86-737-2738818

6. [Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Lu Yumei Illegally Arrested and Detained

During the night of April 21, Ms. Lu Yumei, 57 years old, was followed and arrested by plainclothes police officers while she was distributing truth-clarifying materials. Later, her home was ransacked by police officers from Zhijiang Police Station in Shizhi District, Zhongshan. The police took away her truth-clarifying materials, CDs and computer(s). Lu Yumei is currently detained in the Zhongshan Detention Center.

7. [Chongqing City] Mr. Rao Qinghui Arrested and His Current Situation Unknown

On April 17, Mr. Rao Qinghui (about 60 years old) was abducted from his home by police and they took away all of his Dafa books. His current situation remains unknown.

8. [Sihui City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Ou Caijuan Illegally Arrested

On March 8, 2008, the barber shop run by practitioners Mr. Yan Xin and Ms. Ou Caijuan (a married couple) in Sihui City was surrounded by 9 people from the local 610 Office, including Peng Zhongming, CCP Secretary of the Legal Department of the city. They arrested Ou Caijuan and forced her to write a guarantee statement renouncing Falun Gong. At 9:00 a.m. on March 24, people from the 610 Office took Ou Caijuan into custody again and sent her to a brainwashing center in Zaoqing City.

Peng Zhongming, CCP Secretary of the Legal Department of Sihui City, and Director of the 610 Office: 86-758-3338610

9. [Xiangtan City, Hunan Province] Mr. Long Jianhua Illegally Arrested

At around 5 p.m. on April 23, police from the 610 Office in Yuetan District in Xiangtan City and the Xiashesi Police Station arrested practitioner Mr. Long Jianhua and ransacked his home.

10. [Huanggang City, Hubei Province] Police in Huangzhou District Arrest Ms. Du Jinxiang and Ms. Xia Juhua on the Afternoon of April 24

11. [Xiangtan City, Hunan Province] Mr. Guo Mingqing Arrested and His Home Ransacked

On April 22, ten people from the Yuetang Police Department broke into the home of Mr. Guo Mingqing and arrested him. They also ransacked his home.

12. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Ms. Li Yanhong Illegally Arrested

At around 3:00 a.m. on April 14, practitioner Ms. Li Yanhong from Longhua Village, Dayin Township was arrested by police from Xushui County.

13. [Alaer City, Xinjiang Autonomous Region] Mr. Ding Hui and Ms. Jiang Yan Arrested

On the morning of April 24, 2008, practitioners Mr. Ding Hui and Ms. Jiang Yan, from No. 13 Group of Alaer City in Xinjiang, were arrested while they were clarifying the truth. Their homes were ransacked and their current situations remain unknown.

14. [Shuangliao City, Jilin Province] Ms. Yuan Shujun Illegally Arrested

On the night of April 23, police from the Liaonan Street Police Station in Shuangliao City, together with the local 610 Office and Commission of Political and Legal Affairs, arrested practitioner Ms. Yuan Shujun.

After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, Yuan Shujun and her husband were sent to labor camps. Police kept harassing them after they returned home. Yuan Shujun's husband was forced to leave their home without anywhere to go.

15. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Bai Yuping Illegally Arrested at Her Home

At around 7:00 p.m. on April 22, more than 10 policemen from a police station in Luyuan District broke into the home of practitioner Ms. Bai Yuping and arrested her.

16. [Benxi City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Xiuyan Illegally Arrested and Her Home Ransacked

At 10:30 p.m. on April 23, practitioner Ms. Wang Xiuyan was arrested by officers of the Beitai Police Station in Pinshan District and her home was ransacked.

17. [Huichun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Liu Yuezhen Reported and Arrested

On April 8, practitioner Ms. Liu Yuezhen, 54, was reported and arrested.

National Security Team of Huichun Police Department in Jilin Province: 86-433-7596310

18. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Li Dexiang's Entire Family Arrested

At 8:00 p.m. on April 24, 2008, practitioner Mr. Li Dexiang's entire family was arrested at their home in Jilin City. His brother, Mr. Xu, was also arrested at the same time. Police took away a desktop computer, a laptop computer, a printer, a color ink jet printer, a CD recorder and a box of blank CDs.

19. [Baishan City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Xiuzhen and Ms. Xiaopin Arrested

At around 2:30 p.m. on April 22, 2008, practitioners Ms. Li Xiuzhen and Ms. Xiaopin from Jiangyuan District in Baishan City were arrested by police while they were creating truth-clarification materials in the Chengqiang Post Office in Jiangyuan District. The home of Xiaopin was also ransacked.

20. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Ms. Zhang Liyan Illegally Arrested

On April 23, 2008, police from Jilin City, together with Director Hu of Xinjilin Police Station in Jilin City, broke into the home of practitioner Ms. Zhang Liyan. They ransacked her home and took away CDs and truth-clarification materials. Zhang Liyan was taken away and interrogated about the source of the materials. She is currently held at the Jilin City Detention Center where she is being persecuted.

21. [Tumen City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Wang Yanxia and Others Arrested

On the afternoon of April 23, 2008, practitioners Ms. Wang Yanxia, Mr. An Fengquan, Mr. Cao Guangming, Mr. Zhang Qingjun, Ms. Zhang Shuhua and Ms. Wang Yuxia were arrested.

Dong Haifeng, director of Shijian Township Police Station in Tumen City: 86-13944711189, 86-433-3696895
Zhu Jinshan, Legal Branch of Tumen City Police Department: 86- 13894331991, 86-433-3623030
Lu Wenzhe, captain of National Security Team of Tumen City: 86-13904465073, 86-433-3650606

22. [Fuyu County, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Gao Fengxian and Ms. Yan Chunlin Illegally Detained

Practitioners Ms. Gao Fengxian and Ms. Yan Chunlin from Fuyu County were taken back to Fuyu County by officers of the Fuyu Police Department while they were working in another city. They are currently detained in the Fuyu County Detention Station.

23. [Shanghai City] Practitioner Mr. Liu Shunming Arrested at Around Noon on April 24--His Current Situation Unknown

24. [Tianjin City] Practitioner Huang Liqiao and Others Arrested

On April 20, 2008, practitioners Mr. Huang Liqiao, Ms. Ge Xiulan, Mr. Gang Tong and Ms. Ge Xiuju from Tianjin City were arrested in Dahutong, Hongqiao District. They are currently detained in the Hongqiao District Detention Center.

25. [Tianjin City] Four Practitioners Including Ms. Chen Huizhi Illegally Arrested

On April 22, 2008, four practitioners from Xigupian, Hongqiao District in Tianjin City, including Ms. Chen Huizhi, were studying the Fa at Ms. Chen's home. Local police broke into the home, took away their Dafa books and arrested them. Their current situations remain unknown. Chen Huizhi is 54 years old and the other three practitioners are in their sixties.

26. [Liaocheng City, Shandong Province] Ms. Chen Youlin and Another Practitioner Arrested

On April 24, 2008, Ms. Chen Youlin and another practitioner were reported and arrested when they were distributing truth-clarifying materials in Nanmianpi Village, Liaocheng City.

27. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Four Practitioners Including Ms. Liu Xiuxia Arrested

On April 19, 2008, practitioners in Dadong District, Ms. Liu Xiuxia, Ms. Jiao Lianfang, Ms. Ma Changyue and Ms. Yu Cuijuan, were clarifying the truth in Xiaodong Road. They were arrested by officers of Xiaodong Police Station after someone reported them, and their homes were searched. Afterwards, Liu Xiuxia and Yu Cuijuan were released. Jiao Lianfang and Ma Changyue are currently detained in Shenyang Detention Center.

28. [Zhucheng City, Shandong Province] Five Practitioners Including Wang Pinsheng Arrested and Sent to Forced Labor Camp

On the night of April 16, 2008, Zhucheng police officers illegally broke into the home of practitioner Mr. Wang Pinsheng. They arrested Wang Pinsheng and practitioners Mr. Liu Peihong, Ms. Yu Ruiyan, Mr. Liu Tingzhu and Ms. Li Fengying. They were sent to the Zhucheng City Detention Center.

On April 21, 2008, Zhucheng police offciers sent these five practitioners to the Wangcun Labor Camp for one year of forced labor and brainwashing. Liu Peihong and Wang Pinsheng are currently detained in Zhangqiu Men's Labor Camp in Jinan. Yu Ruiyan, Liu Tingzhuo and Li Fengying are currently detained in the Wangcun Women's Labor Camp.

29. [Kunming City, Yunnan Province] Ms. Zhou Jin Illegally Arrested

On the afternoon of April 22, 2008, Kunming practitioner Ms. Zhou Jin was arrested by officers of the National Security Department. She was sent to Guandu Detention Center at 9:00 p.m. and illegally detained there.

30. [Gaozhou City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Zhou Shenghuan and Others Arrested

On April 21, officers of the No. 1 Branch of Gaozhou Police Department used the upcoming Olympics as justification to illegally ransack the home of Ms. Zhou Shenghuan, a practitioner in No. 2 High School in Dongan Township, Gaozhou City. They then arrested Ms. Zhou. On April 22, they went to Tantou Township in Gaozhou City, arrested practitioner Mr. Li Guangwu, and ransacked his home.

31. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Zhang Lianwen Illegally Sentenced to One and a Half Years of Forced Labor

Mr. Zhang Lianwen was illegally sentenced to a one-and-a-half year term of forced labor and brainwashing. He is currently detained in Dalian Anti-Drug Labor Camp. Zhang Lianwen is on a hunger strike to protest the persecution.

32. [Liaoning Province] Persecution Facts about the Liaoning Women's Prison

Yinkou practitioner Ms. Fan Yueyuan was beaten by inmate Liu Chunzhen in the Liaoning Women's Prison. Ms. Fan ended up with a cerebral concussion and lost consciousness. Another practitioner who was newly detained in the 5th Team had one of her toes smashed by inmate Jiang Ping for refusing to renounce her belief in Falun Dafa. Practitioner Ms. He Xiaoqiu, from Buxin, Liaoning, was beaten because guards suspected that she passed a note to other practitioners. Guards also stripped all the clothes off the practitioners and poured freezing cold water over their heads.

33. [Tonghua City, Jilin Province] Mr. Zheng Liming, Ms. Yu Guihua and Ms. Yu Xiulan Arrested on the Night of April 23

34. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Tai Zhiqiang Illegally Arrested

At around 4:00 a.m. on April 8, 2008, Mr. Tai Zhiqiang was arrested at his home by Li Changjiu, Jiao Jian and others from the National Security Department of Zhongshan District in Dalian City. His home was also ransacked.

35. [Beijing City] Mr. Zhang Lei Illegally Detained in Chadian Prison

Mr. Zhang Lei, about 27 years old, graduated from Beijing Postal University. He was arrested in the spring of 2006 and later sentenced to 3 years in prison. He is currently detained in Chadian Prison.

36. [Benxi City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Chi Lidong Seriously Injured While Police Illegally Arrest Him

Practitioner Mr. Chi Lidong from Benxi is about 30 years old and lives in Zhijin. At around 10:00 p.m. on April 23, 2008, more than 10 policemen from Jinshan Police Station in Mingshan District, Benxi pried open the door of his home and tried to arrest him. Chi Lidong was forced to jump from the third floor, breaking bones in his chest, pelvis and legs. He is now in No. 2 Hospital in Benxi waiting for surgery.

Jinshan Police Station in Benxi: 86-414-2188008

37. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Mr. Zhao Wenjia Arrested

At around 8:00 a.m. on April 22, 2008, Mr. Zhao Wenjia was arrested by offices of the National Security Team in front of the Airport Hotel. He was sent to Yaojia Detention Center in the afternoon.

38. [Jiutai City, Jilin Province] Ms. She Xiuyan Illegally Arrested

Police from Jijiaxiang Police Station arrested Ms. She Xiuyan on the afternoon of April 23.

39. [Ningan City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Zhou Xiuhui, Ms. Li Yanbo, Ms. Sun Xia and Ms. Ding Shuhua Arrested

During the night of April 22, 2008, practitioners Ms. Zhou Xiuhui, Ms. Li Yanbo, Ms. Sun Xia and Ms. Ding Shuhua from Ningan City were arrested by Linye police officers while they were distributing truth-clarifying materials in the Dongjingcheng area in Ningan City.

40. [Fengcheng City, Liaoning Province] Additional Information Regarding the Illegal Arrest of Four Practitioners

On the afternoon of March 23, 2008, officers of the National Security Team of Fengcheng City broke into the home of practitioner Mr. Wang Shuqing. They arrested four practitioners on site: Mr. Wang Shuqing, Mr. He Pin, Ms. Liu Shushuang and Ms. Xia Yan. They also confiscated a laptop computer and a printer from Mr. Wang's home.

On April 8, Fengcheng City Police sent Wang Shuqing and He Pin to the Fengcheng Detention Center. They sent Liu Shushuang to the Donggang Detention Center and sent Xia Yan to the Kuandian Detention Center.

On April 22, officers of Fengcheng Police Department sent Xia Yan and Liu Shushuan to the Mashanjia Labor Camp in Shenyang City.

41. [Beijing City] Additional Information Regarding the Arrest of Practitioners Ms. Zhao Yumin and Mr. Yu Pin

At 4:00 p.m. on April 19, 2008, practitioners from Zhoujiajin Plaza in Guanzhuang, Chaoyang District, Beijing, including Ms. Guo Li, Ms. Jin Yulan, Md. Zhao Yumin, Ms. Zhao Jinmin, Mr. Yu Pin and his mother, were arrested by seven policemen from the Guanzhuang Police Station in Yangzha. The policemen broke into their homes without cause and ransacked them. The practitioners are currently detained in the Qiliqu Police Station in Dongcheng District.

Yu Pin was an excellent student in Qinghua University. Because he refused to give up his belief, Qinghua University did not award him a Ph.D. degree. Yu Pin was persecuted for 4 years in the Beijing Men's Prison. His wife Zhao Yumin was also sentenced and detained in the Beijing Women's Prison.

42. [Yishui County, Shandong Province] Di Zhurong and Ms. Ma Shaoli Arrested

At around 9:00 a.m. on April 19, 2008, 7 policemen from the Longjiaquan Township Police Station and the National Security Team of Yishui County Police Department went to Longjiaquan Elementary School and arrested a teacher, practitioner Ms. Ma Shaoli. She was having a meeting with parents of students at the time. On the same day, her home was ransacked and the police took away her computers, printers, brochures and other items. Ma Shaoli is currently detained in a detention center.

Li Dong, director of 610 Office of the county: 86-539-2260145, 86-539-2251688, 86-13705398125
Song Wei, captain of National Security Team of Yishui County: 86-539-2233680, 86-13705493366

43. [Wuji County, Hebei Province] Ms. Liu Yuekun and Ms. Gai Ying Illegally Arrested

On the night of April 19, 2008, practitioners Ms. Liu Yuekun and Ms. Gai Ying from Wuji County were arrested while they were distributing truth-clarifying materials in Yecheng County. They are currently detained at the Yecheng County Detention Center.

44. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Ms. Xin Xiuyun Arrested

At around 5:00 p.m. on April 23, 2008, practitioner Ms. Xin Xiuyun from Jilin City, who works for Jilin Digital Theatre, was on her way home after work. She was arrested by Jilin police officers in a civilian vehicle. At around 9:00 p.m., city police illegally ransacked Xin Xiuyun's home and took away her laptop computer, two printers, books and CDs.

45. [Hengren County, Liaoning Province] Practitioners Ms. Zheng Guixin and Others Arrested and Their Homes Ransacked

At around 8:00 a.m. on April 24, 2008, Hengren County Police arrested practitioners Ms. Zheng Guixin, Ms. Lan Guizhi, Mr. Dong Renqing and Mr. Zhang Yunsheng. They also ransacked their homes.

46. [Heilongjiang Province] The Department of Justice Distributes a Secret Document to Persecute Falun Gong

On around March 20, 2008, the Department of Justice in Heilongjiang Province distributed a [2008] No. 6 document with the direction to "Fully utilize the function of legal and political departments and solidly maintain social security for the Beijing Olympics."

This document indicates that the justice department should prevent people from going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, strengthen their monitoring of practitioners and use the monitoring approach called "monitoring each other and surround practitioners." It directs that they should strengthen monitoring "correction targets" in the community, visit homes, build up databases and so on.

47. [Zhongwei City, Ningxia Autonomous Region] Practitioner Ms. Yang Yulan Arrested

On April 15, practitioner Ms. Yang Yulan from Zhongwei City was arrested by police from the National Security Team in Zhongwei City. She was sent to a brainwashing center in Yingchuan City in Ningxia.

610 Office brainwashing center in Ningxia: 86-951-5060205, 86-951-5060207

Additional Persecution News from China - May 4, 2008 (33 Reports)

( Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 32 cities or counties and 16 provinces. In this report, 12 practitioners were subjected to brutal mistreatment during their detention and at least 25 practitioners were illegally arrested.

  1. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Xu Jinying Force-fed
  2. [Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Shi Yanping Illegally Detained
  3. [Liaoyuan City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Wang Anhui Arrested
  4. [Jiutai City, Jilin Province] Ms. Yu Xiuyan Tortured
  5. [Rongcheng City, Shandong Province] Ms. Fu Shilan Arrested
  6. [Linqu County, Shandong Province] Ms. Guo Yongfang and Ms. Zhang Junxia Detained
  7. [Changyi City, Shandong Province] Mr. Chen Bogui Arrested
  8. [Chongzhou City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Xu Zhihua Tortured
  9. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Yu Wei Mentally Traumatized
  10. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Ms. Xiuying Arrested
  11. [Qixia County, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhao Renli Arrested
  12. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Ms. Wu Jianjun Sentenced to an Illegal Prison Term
  13. [Qingzhou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Dong Guilan Arrested
  14. [Penglai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Yu Guixiang and Ms. Fu Guixiang Arrested
  15. [She County, Hebei Province] Mr. He Jianjun Arrested
  16. [Hengshui City, Hebei Province] Ms. Wang Dongmei Arrested
  17. [Ankang City, Shannxi Province] Ms. Liu Yuwen Detained
  18. [Guangshan City, Henan Province] Mr. Wang Xincheng and Ms. Xiang Wing Arrested
  19. [Jiaozuo City, Henan Province] Mr. Sang Jinshui Detained
  20. [Wen County, Henan Province] Police Harasses Ms. Cui Qiuju
  21. [Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province] Xunyang Police Persecute Practitioners
  22. [ Huhhot City, Inner Mongolia] Mr. Li Guangzhi Sentenced to a Prison Term
  23. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Mr. Wang Qin Arrested
  24. [Huanggang City, Hubei Province] Senior Practitioner Ms. Hong Arrested
  25. [Anshun City, Guizhou Province] Additional Information on the Persecution of Ms. Liu Qunying
  26. [Xinjiang Autonomous Region] Ms. Fu Yinzhi Arrested
  27. [Lincang City, Yunnan Province] Mr. Li Zhen Sentenced to a Six-year Prison Term
  28. [Ezhou City, Hubei Province] Ms. Jiaying's Family Destroyed
  29. [Yiyang City, Hunan Province] Mr. Wu Changyun Arrested
  30. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Tian Arrested
  31. [Qidong County, Hunan Province] Mr. Yan Bin Detained in Shanghai Tilanqiao Jail
  32. [Linli County, Hunan Province] Ms. Xu Huifang and Ms. Qi Qiuming Detained
  33. [Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province] Mr. Gao Feng Arrested

1. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Xu Jinying Force-fed

Since April 16, 2007, Ms. Xu Jinying from Anqiu, Weifang City, has been on a hunger strike to protest her arrest and detention. She is being held in the 2nd team of No. 2 Women's Forced Labor Camp in Shandong Province. On February 28, 2008, the police took her to the hospital for a checkup. She has been force-fed with a tube for a long time.

2. [Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Shi Yanping Illegally Detained

Ms. Shi Yanping is 35 years old. On October 1, 2001, she went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. She was arrested and "illegally detained" in the No.2 Detention Center in Yilan County. She was forced to perform hard labor and pay a 1,000 yuan fine.

In May 2003, police officers from the Sandaogang Police Station arrested Ms. Shi at home and took her to the police station. The next afternoon, she was taken to the No.2 Detention Center in Yilan County. In December, she was taken to Wanjia Forced Labor Camp. She was tortured by being hung up, shocked with electric batons, forced to squat for a long time, made to watch video programs that slandered Falun Gong, forced to do hard labor, beaten, and forced to write the Three Statements.

3. [Liaoyuan City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Wang Anhui Arrested

Practitioner Mr. Wang Anhui was arrested on April 22 and detained at the Municipal Detention Center.

4. [Jiutai City, Jilin Province] Ms. Yu Xiuyan Tortured

Police from the Jijia Police Station arrested Ms. Yu Xiuyan from Zuoshanjiudui, Jijia Xiang, Jiutai City, at home. She was taken to the Majiagangzi Detention Center of Jiutai City and has been tortured. Due to physical and mental abuse, she had an epileptic seizure and was hospitalized. The police extorted money from her family.

5. [Rongcheng City, Shandong Province] Ms. Fu Shilan Arrested

Ms. Fu Shilan, in her 40s, was a practitioner from Shidao Beigou, Rongcheng City. On the evening of April 15, she was "illegally arrested" by staff from the 610 Office of Rongcheng City and Shidao after being reported for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. She was sentenced to three years of forced labor and her whereabouts is unknown.

6. [Linqu County, Shandong Province] Ms. Guo Yongfang and Ms. Zhang Junxia Detained

Police arrested Ms. Guo Yongfang and Ms. Zhang Junxia from Jiaochangcun, Linqu County, when the two were distributing Falun Dafa truth clarification materials in Dongcheng. Both are being detained at the Linqu Detention Center.

7. [Changyi City, Shandong Province] Mr. Chen Bogui Arrested

On April 17, a plainclothes police officer from the State Security Brigade arrested Mr. Chen Bogui from Changyi when Mr. Chen was distributing Falun Dafa truth clarification material.

8. [Chongzhou City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Xu Zhihua Tortured

On August 27, 2002, police officers from the Yangma Police Station arrested Mr. Xu Zhihua after he was reported. The police confiscated two copies Zhuan Falun, one copy of Essentials for Further Advancement, one set of Falun Gong exercise music, a cassette player, and other items. He was locked in a small cell and handcuffed for three days and nights without food or drink. Later, he was taken to the Chongwen Municipal Police Station and illegally detained for 15 days.

In August 2003, the police ransacked Mr. Xu's home. They confiscated a copy of Zhuan Falun, cassette players, exercise music tapes, and other items. He was forced into homelessness.

9. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Yu Wei Mentally Traumatized

In 2006 Mr. Yu Wei, in his 30s, suffered a mental collapse due to torture by police from Longquan Police Station and was taken to a mental hospital. His whereabouts is unknown.

10. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Ms. Xiuying Arrested

On the morning of May 2, police arrested Ms. Xiuying from Guodianzhen, Licheng District, Jinan City. She is now detained in Liuchangshan Brainwashing Center.

11. [Qixia County, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhao Renli Arrested

On April 29, police from the Sikouzhen Police Station of Qixia County ransacked practitioner Mr. Zhao Renli's home in Xiawanggecun of Sikouzhen. The police confiscated Falun Dafa materials, banners, and a picture of Teacher. The police took Mr. Zhao to the Sikouzhen Police Station.

12. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Ms. Wu Jianjun Sentenced to an Illegal Prison Term

On the evening of December 28, 2007, police from the mining company arrested Ms. Wu Jianjun, 45, from Jingjing #6410 Ordnance Factory of Shijiazhuang City. On April 25, 2008, the Shijiazhuang Intermediate Court sentenced her in secret to a prison term.

13. [Qingzhou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Dong Guilan Arrested

In the afternoon of April 27, staff from the 610 Office of Qingzhou City and Qingzhou Public Security Squad arrested practitioner Ms. Dong Guilan.

14. [Penglai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Yu Guixiang and Ms. Fu Guixiang Arrested

Police from the Penglai Police Daxindian Branch Station arrested practitioners Ms. Yu Guixiang and Ms. Fu Guixiang of Daxindianzhen, Penglai City. They are detained in Penglai Brainwashing Center in Penglai Detention Center.

15. [She County, Hebei Province] Mr. He Jianjun Arrested

On the evening of April 24, Hu Huaichao, a policeman from the She County State Security Brigade, arrested Mr. He Jianjun, a teacher from the No.2 Middle School of She County. The police confiscated one computer and some Falun Dafa materials.

16. [Hengshui City, Hebei Province] Ms. Wang Dongmei Arrested

Ms. Wang Dongmei, in her 50s, from Hengshui Garments Factory was arrested while distributing Falun Dafa truth clarification materials in front of the municipal department store.

17. [Ankang City, Shannxi Province] Ms. Liu Yuwen Detained

At around 6 a.m. on April 23, police arrested Ms. Liu Yuwen, 70, a practitioner from Ankang City, in front of Jiangbei Antie Cultural Palace. She was distributing Falun Dafa truth clarification materials. She was taken to Hanbin Detention Center and denied family visitation.

18. [Guangshan City, Henan Province] Mr. Wang Xincheng and Ms. Xiang Wing Arrested

On the evening of May 1, police arrested Mr. Wang Xincheng and Ms. Xiang Qing. They were distributing Falun Dafa truth clarification materials. Mr. Wang Xincheng escaped on May 2. Ms. Xiang Qing is being detained at Guangshan Detention Center in Henan Province.

19. [Jiaozuo City, Henan Province] Mr. Sang Jinshui Detained

On the evening of March 6, police arrested and detained Mr. Sang Jinshui from Jiaozuo. He was distributing Falun Gong truth clarification materials. He was released on April 3.

20. [Wen County, Henan Province] Police Harasses Ms. Cui Qiuju

Ms. Cui Qiuju went to her parents' home to take care of her sick father. Police from the Xiangyunzhen Police Station of Wen County went to her parents' home to harass her. Her father stopped the police and quarreled with them. By the time Ms. Cui got out of the washroom, her father had died.

21. [Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province] Xunyang Police Persecute Practitioners

At a little past 10 p.m. on April 28, police from the Xunyang Police Department's State Security Brigade and Jinjipo Police Station broke into Mr. Bai Hongjun's. They ransacked his home and confiscated three computers, three printers, three cell phones, 300 yuan, printing paper, and 500 sheets of stickers. They also arrested Mr. Bai Hongjun and Mr. Liu Yizhi.

They then ransacked Mr. Liu Yizhi's home and confiscated a copy of Zhuan Falun. Mr. Bai Hongjun and Mr. Liu Yizhi are now in Jiujiang Detention Center.

22. [ Huhhot City, Inner Mongolia] Mr. Li Guangzhi Sentenced to a Prison Term

Mr. Li Guangzhi was an employee of the Inner Mongolia Hexi Company. On February 16, 2007, while pasting antithetical couplets at home, Mr. Li was reported to the police. The police arrested him and ransacked his home. He was detained in the Huhhot Detention Center for more than a year and then secretly sentenced to a four-year prison term.

23. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Mr. Wang Qin Arrested

On the afternoon of April 27, police from the Futian Police Section in Shenzhen City broke into Ms. Wang Qin's home and ransacked it. The police confiscated all Falun Dafa books and her computer. Then the police went to Ms. Wang Qin's place of work and arrested her.

24. [Huanggang City, Hubei Province] Senior Practitioner Ms. Hong Arrested

On the afternoon of April 24, police from Tuanfeng County, Huanggang City, broke into Ms. Hong's home and ransacked it. The police confiscated all Falun Dafa books and her picture of Teacher. They arrested Ms. Hong.

25. [Anshun City, Guizhou Province] Additional Information on the Persecution of Ms. Liu Qunying

Practitioner Ms. Liu Qunying from Anshun was arrested and first taken to Zhenning Jail. Then she was taken to the Yang-ai Labor Camp. She was sentenced to a four-year prison term.

26. [Xinjiang Autonomous Region] Ms. Fu Yinzhi Arrested

Practitioner Ms. Fu Yinzhi from Xinjiang, Zhejiang Province, was an employee of the Xinjiang Civil Aviation General Bureau. In late April 2008, Ms. Fu went on a business trip to Zhejiang and distributed Falun Gong truth clarification material at a college. She was videotaped by a residential monitor and local police arrested her that night.

27. [Lincang City, Yunnan Province] Mr. Li Zhen Sentenced to a Six-year Prison Term

Police arrested Mr. Li Zhen, in his 30s, from Fengqing County, Lincang Cit,y when he was clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. He was detained in the Guandu District Detention Center in Kunming City. In April 2008, Mr. Li was sentenced to a six-year prison term. He is detained in the No.1 Jail of Yunnan Province.

Since 1999, Mr. Li Zhen has been sentenced to hard labor for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. His father passed away because he could not cope with what had happened to his son.

No.1Yunnan Province Prison: 86-871-3811145

28. [Ezhou City, Hubei Province] Ms. Jiaying's Family Destroyed

ractitioner Ms. Zhang Jiaying's family was destroyed due to police persecution. She has been detained for seven years and is due to be released in early June.

29. [Yiyang City, Hunan Province] Mr. Wu Changyun Arrested

At the end of March 2008, staff from Yiyang State Security Bureau and the 610 Office arrested Mr. Wu Changyun, a practitioner from Yiyang City. After being detained for over a month at Yiyang No.2 Detention Center, he was taken to Baimalong Forced Labor Camp for one year of hard labor.

30. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Tian Arrested

Ms. Tian, in her 50s, a retired employee from a state run enterprise of Shenzhen, was arrested on April 26 and her home was ransacked.

31. [Qidong County, Hunan Province] Mr. Yan Bin Detained in Shanghai Tilanqiao Jail

On May 24, 2002, staff from the Shanghai Huangpu District Police Station arrested Mr. Yan Bin, a college graduate from Tongji University. He was from Qidong County. On March 12, 2003, the judge from the Shanghai Huangpu District Court sentenced Mr. Yan Bin to a seven-year prison term. He is imprisoned in the Shanghai Tilanqiao Jail.

32. [Linli County, Hunan Province] Ms. Xu Huifang and Ms. Qi Qiuming Detained

On April 26, practitioners Ms. Xu Huifang and Ms. Qi Qiuming from Linli County were secretly arrested in Fenghuoxiang. They are in Jinbaotan Detention Center. Policeman Yang Feng asked for a 10,000-yuan bribe.

33. [Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province] Mr. Gao Feng Arrested

On April 24, police arrested practitioner Mr. Gao Feng arrested at his home.

78 People Declare that their Words and Deeds Under Forced Brainwashing are Null and Void

( A "solemn declaration" is a person's public statement declaring to the world that whatever he or she has done or said under duress or deception that was against Falun Dafa is null and void. Most of these statements have come from Falun Dafa practitioners in China who wished to express regret that, in the face of physical torture and brainwashing, they had signed documents renouncing Dafa and guaranteeing not to practice again. Also, as more and more people in China learn the truth about how they have been deceived and lied to by the Jiang regime, many non-practitioners are also submitting "solemn declarations."

Here are some examples of the Solemn Declarations:

Please click here for more Solemn Declarations

396 Awakened Non-Practitioners' Solemn Statements

( More and more people in China are awakening to the truth and realizing that they were deceived by Jiang and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) into participating in the persecution of Falun Gong, either directly as government officials, police, labor camp guards, etc., or indirectly as practitioners' family members, who in many cases may have cursed Dafa, burned Dafa books, or interfered in various other ways to prevent practitioners from following their beliefs. As a result of this awakening, the Minghui/ Clearwisdom website is receiving increasing numbers of heartfelt messages from non-practitioners who wish to publicly express remorse for their wrongdoing and announce their intention to rectify their words and deeds in the future. The editors will periodically choose representative messages of this type and publish them as articles entitled, "Solemn Statements from Non-Practitioners."

Here are some examples of the Solemn Declarations:

Please click here for more Solemn Declarations.