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News from China
( A series of events was held by 37 human rights organizations in Indonesia to mark the United Nations' International Day In Support of Victims of Torture (June 26). A parade on June 26 brought the events to a climax. Friends of Falun Gong Indonesia Chapter invited dozens of Falun Gong practitioners to participate in the parade. The practitioners' group was unique and very peaceful and was highly commended by the participating human rights organizations.
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Practitioners' procession
At 9:30 a.m., on June 26, the crowd gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy to kick off the parade. The Falun Dafa procession consisted of about 60 practitioners. Some reenacted the torture methods employed in China in the persecution of Falun Gong, some displayed huge banners, some participated in a waist drum troupe, while others were part of the "Celestial Maidens" and flag troupes. The focus of the parade was to demonstrate the beauty of Falun Dafa and to protest the persecution.
The practitioners walked about 5 kilometers in nearly two hours. The procession ended at a hotel where reporters were waiting. Dozens of reporters from local and foreign media outlets surrounded the practitioners who were reenacting the tortures used against practitioners in China. They took many photos and interviewed the practitioners.
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The Falun Gong procession attracts many reporters
About 40 minutes later, in the baking sun, practitioners walked another 2 kilometers to the plaza in front of the presidential palace.
One member of the organizing committee thanked the practitioners for their participation. He said that Falun Gong was a group that has been severely persecuted. He said that since being against persecution has no boundary of race or nation, all people should condemn the persecution.
In a prepared statement, Indonesian practitioners said: "In this modernized age, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been relentlessly persecuting Falun Gong, resulting in at least 2,500 confirmed deaths of practitioners. Practitioners, regardless of their age or gender, have been subjected to torture. Today, we show you the photos of Ms. Gao Rongrong as evidence of this brutal persecution. Ms. Gao was arrested in 2003 and was then shocked with electric batons for 7 continuous hours, resulting in severe facial disfigurement. Even so, she never gave up her belief in Falun Dafa. Despite mounting international concern over her case, the CCP tortured Ms. Gao to death on June 16, 2005. We call upon all kind-hearted people around the world to pay close attention to the persecution of Falun Gong and help us stop it as soon as possible."
( Finnish practitioners held a peaceful protest outside the Chinese embassy in Helsinki, the capital of Finland, June 26, 2005. The purpose of this activity was to expose the facts of the CCP's cruel persecution of Falun Gong, and call for the severe punishment of the murderers of Falun Gong practitioner Gao Rongrong.
During the activity, several elderly people out strolling passed by. One of them asked us if we were protesting. A practitioner replied yes, and told him how the Chinese Communist Party and Jiang's evil regime tortured Gao Rongrong to face disfigurement and eventually murdered her just because she practiced Falun Gong. The old man said he hoped that the Embassy could hear the practitioner's voice.
Finnish practitioners protest in front of Chinese embassy.
The CCP and Jiang Regime Tortured Gao Rongrong to Death
Ms. Gao Rongrong, an accountant at the Luxun Fine Arts College in Shenyang City, was abducted from her home by local police on June 22, 2003, and taken to Longshan Forced Labor Camp. On June 16, 2005, Gao died in the emergency room of China Medical University Hospital of complications stemming from torture and abuse in custody following nearly two years of incarceration, brainwashing, and torture for her beliefs. During the illegal incarceration and forced labor, she lost hearing in one ear, her face was disfigured from seven hours of electric baton shock torture; her bodily organs were atrophying, and she was left as only skin and bones. Her life was in grave danger.
After she was successfully rescued by Falun Gong practitioners in October, 2004, and her disfigured face was publicized to expose the brutal persecution, the Public Security Department labeled Ms. Gao's escape the "Number 26 Case." At this point, 610 Office system head Luo Gan personally took charge of the continued persecution plan. Instructed by Luo Gan, the Liaoning Province CCP Political Judiciary Committee, the Procuatorate, the Department of Justice, and the Police Department collectively concealed information about Ms. Gao Rongrong's case. Those practitioners thought to have been involved in Ms. Gao's rescue were rounded up and cruelly tortured.
Ever since then, the Shenyang City Police Department, State Security Division has been using all their resources in tapping into phone lines, and monitoring, detecting, and following local Falun Dafa practitioners. Gao Rongrong was unfortunately rearrested in March 2005, and detained until she died as a result of further persecution.
The annual Sino-Deutsch Human Rights and Legal Issues Symposium in Hamburg and the incident of Jiang Renzheng is attracting public attention to the current situation of human rights and law in China. Jiang Rewnzheng was deported by the German Government on the assumption that he would be safe back in China. When he returned, he was persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party. The following report is based on a recording by Tian Yi, special correspondent of Radio Free Asia in Germany.
The annual Sino-Deutsch Human Rights and Legal Issues Symposium started in 1999. This year's symposium was held at the City Hall and the Chamber of Commerce of Hamburg on June 20 and 21, 2005. For the purposes of protesting against the Chinese Government for the unceasingly brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, and to arouse Germany and other European countries to pay attention to the human rights conditions that show no regard for the law in China, Falun Gong practitioners from northern Germany held a series of activities around this symposium.
As far as the incident of Jiang Renzheng is concerned, it involves legal issues between China and Germany and the conventions of U.N. human rights and refugees. A Falun Gong practitioner, Miss Jiang Ning said that they recently held a series of activities such as collecting petition signatures for rescuing Jiang Renzheng, protesting against the persecution and appealing for public attention to the human rights abuses in China.
( On June 25 and 26, Hawaiian practitioners shared their experiences with practitioners from Taiwan and promoted Dafa in Hawaii. Mr. Chen from Pingdong led the Taiwan practitioners to promote Dafa in many places in Hawaii in a very short time. They shared their benefits from Falun Dafa with others. The Hawaiian Islands experienced the powerful and compassionate energy field brought over by the Taiwan practitioners.
![]() Clarifying the truth in Chinatown |
![]() Taiwanese and Hawaiian practitioners meet in Chinatown |
On Saturday and Sunday, the practitioners spent most of the day in Chinatown distributing flyers written in Chinese, English and Vietnamese. They also passed out many handmade paper lotus flowers.
![]() Clarifying the truth in Chinatown |
![]() Little children happily receive colored balloons and bookmarks. |
In the evenings on Saturday and Sunday, practitioners promoted Falun Dafa at Waikiki Beach. Waikiki is a famous tourist site with many vendors along the streets. This is a good place to promote Dafa. The peaceful Falun Gong exercise attracted many passersby. Many of them saw Falun Gong for the first time. Some tourists started to learn the exercise in the street. Many people willingly accepted the flyers.
![]() Sharing cultivation experiences in a park |
After the Fa-promotion activities, practitioners met in a park for an experience sharing activity. They exchanged their understandings and shared stories of how cultivation practice had helped their spouses.
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Anti-torture exhibitions in streets of Manhattan have helped many learn the truth about Falun Gong and the ongoing brutal persecution
1. UPS Employees
It was around noon when two Americans with IDs from UPS passed by our exhibition. The lady smiled at me and said, "I already signed." As the man passed, he said, "It is only happening here."
I hurried up to catch him and asked, "Sir, wait a second, what do you mean?"
He replied, "You are just performing on U.S. streets, while no such things are actually happening in China."
I said, "Sir, please think about it. Although an exhibit like this couldn't exist on the streets in China, why couldn't such torture be happening in Chinese forced labor camps and prisons? You know that Chinese media outlets are all controlled by the Communist Party, so how can everyday Chinese know the truth?"
The lady said, "Yes, what she said makes a lot sense."
I then told them the truth of the Tiananmen Self-Immolation Incident, which was set up by the CCP to frame Falun Gong. The lady nodded her head to show her agreement, while the gentleman said, "I heard about Falun Gong from my Chinese friend."
I told him, "Your Chinese friend has also been misled by the CCP's propaganda. The self-immolation incident alone has deceived countless Chinese. You should tell him the truth."
He nodded his head and said, "O.K. I will tell my Chinese friend about this." In the end, he took some truth-clarifying materials with him.
2. Falun Rotates
One day, a Tibetan Lama and his friend passed by our booth. A fellow practitioner approached him and told him about the persecution. In broken English, the Lama said that he knew the history of the CCP's killing of innocent people and that Tibetans had also been severely persecuted. Without any hesitation, he signed his name. The practitioner then showed him the Falun Emblem in a copy of Zhuan Falun. The Tibetan was very excited and talked with his friend in their native tongue. Facing the emblem, he then drew many circles with his hands and said, "Falun rotates, rotates!"
3. Precious Chinese, Please Sign your Name
A Chinese man passed by our anti-torture exhibition. I handed him a copy of truth-clarifying material. He didn't take it, saying, "I know, I know. I have read your materials and I know about the persecution."
I then told him, "Since you know about the brutality of the persecution, please sign your name to support us."
He laughed and shook his head.
When he saw the practitioner who was re-enacting the Tiger Bench torture, however, he asked me, "Is this torture really happening?"
I said, "You know that we Falun Gong practitioners cultivate 'Truth-Compassion-Forbearance' and thus have to tell the truth and do things truthfully. So many of us have dedicated so much time and money in order to clarify the truth to New Yorkers every day, rain or shine, hot or cold. Why do we do it? Don't you remember we were sitting here during the coldest days of this past winter?"
Hearing this, he didn't say a word, but signed his name in Chinese.
4. "I Will Call the CEO of That TV Station"
A well-dressed white-collar worker stopped at our exhibition. He asked me what was going on. I told him briefly about the truth. He said that he had never heard of Falun Gong. I then told him more details. His expression became more and more dignified. He said, "What happened? How could all the media remain silent, and why has the U.S. government remained silent?"
I said that some western media had been misled by the CCP's propaganda such as the "Tiananmen Self-immolation Incident." I stressed, however, that more remained silent because of commercial interests.
He then turned around and, while pointing to the office of a media outlet, asked if that media had interviewed us. I said that we had been at the site for two weeks and that no one had come to interview us. He said that he would call the CEO of that company, "My company does business with them, and my voice can be heard on TV any time."
I then said, "Please help us through the connections you have, and please help hundreds of thousands Chinese practitioners being persecuted in China."
( Three years ago, Professor Hsiao Songshan of National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU) in Keelung, Taiwan ran into health problems. He felt dizzy and couldn't sleep well. In the classroom, he often felt dizzy when turning his head after writing on the blackboard. He visited many doctors and hospitals, but none of them could diagnose the real cause. His health was declining day after day.
His elder brother who lived in mid Taiwan practiced Falun Gong and felt this exercise was very good. So he introduced Falun Gong to professor Hsiao. After Hsiao attended a nine-day-lecture session, he no longer needed the medicine for dizziness and insomnia. He continued to practice Falun Gong and study the Fa. Gradually, he changed completely. He slept well and was very energetic at work.
Hsiao's own experience convinced him that the principle of Falun Dafa "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance" is very good and he wished he could introduce it to more people. Once he talked about the "Water Crystal Experiment" done by a Japanese scientist. The experiment proved that goodwill can change substances. The students were amazed by this finding. At the end of last year, he read an article on the internet about how the "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance International Art Exhibition" has been circulating among universities and colleges in Taiwan. He thought that many people still didn't know about the Chinese Communist Party's persecution of Falun Gong and didn't know the beauty of Falun Dafa. So he wrote a proposal to host the art exhibit at NTOU to the chancellor. The chancellor confirmed the fruitful result of the Art Exhibition in dozens of other universities and agreed to hold this meaningful exhibition.
![]() ![]() The entrance to the Art Exhibition |
![]() ![]() VIPs give speeches at opening ceremony |
![]() ![]() VIPs take a photo together |
On June 20, many city government officials and elected representatives attended the opening ceremony and affirmed the value of the Art Exhibition and commended the Chinese practitioners' perseverance. Director of Keelung City Education Bureau Mr. Hsiao Jingli said in his speech that the art exhibition and "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance" could purify the mind and uplift the spirit. He also said that promoting the artworks can have a positive effect on the youth and lead them away from delinquent behavior. Many media reported the event. Chairman of Taiwan Falun Dafa Association Mr. Chang Qingxi accepted interviews from China TV and Keelung TV.
![]() ![]() Interview from CTV |
![]() ![]() Interview from Keelung TV Station |
During the week-long exhibition, most of the visitors were shocked after witnessing the truth of the persecution. Strong emotions appeared on their faces. They were astonished that the Chinese Communist Party could be so cruel and vicious. One visitor said Falun Gong must have a special power that the practitioners can be so steadfast under such tortures, so he wanted to learn Falun Gong. One visitor said he was a Christian and he shared the experience of his friend who was illegally detained for three days while visiting Mainland China. Some people had learned Falun Gong before and quit. After they viewed the art exhibition, they said they wanted to cultivate again.
![]() ![]() Visitors listening to the introduction |
![]() ![]() Many came on the weekend |
![]() ![]() Playing Master's lecture video at "Life Education Camp" |
![]() ![]() Falun Gong exercise demonstration |
On Jun 25 and 26, the last two days of the art show, there was a "Life Education Research Camp." At the camp, they played the lecture videos from Master Li and invited experts to give talks.
![]() ![]() Student takes a photo at the exhibit |
![]() ![]() A university student said the Buddha's hands are welcoming us. |
![]() ![]() "Turning the Great Law Wheel" |
Professor Hsiao said his students have been very supportive of the Art Exhibition. The students volunteered to distribute Art Exhibition fliers. At noon on June 26 when the Art Exhibition closed, many students volunteered to help take down the exhibit. The students said that professor Hsiao was very kind and they were very impressed with the art exhibition.
( From June 17 to 19, Falun Gong practitioners from Germany, Switzerland, and Grenoble in southern France, along with Falun Gong practitioners in Besancon, held activities at the Besancon City Center to promote Falun Gong and raise awareness about human rights abuses in China.
Besancon is the capital of Le Doubs Province in eastern France and is known as the biggest garden city in France. The eye catching jade green makes people feel pleasant and joyful. In July 2004, the famous bicycle race Tour de France allowed the world's people to take note of this beautiful green city. This year in the same city, Falun Gong, a traditional cultivation practice rooted in Chinese traditional culture, made a profound impression on the people there.
At 9 o'clock in the morning on June 17, Falun Gong practitioners had already set up an information booth on the square in front of the City Hall in the City Center and started to hand out leaflets to people. The warm-hearted people unceasingly came over to learn the truth about Falun Gong and signed their names on the petition form.
After learning about the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, people felt extremely shocked. They could not believe that in the 21st century such a bloody persecution could be happening. Many kind-hearted people signed their names to support Falun Gong. After a young girl and her mother signed, they had tears in their eyes and said: "We hope our signatures can help to rescue those people who are suffering."
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Telling people about the persecution | |
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People sign their names in support |
On the second day, two young men came over and said: "Do you know, I have some Chinese friends, and they have a very negative attitude towards Falun Gong." A practitioner told him, "This is not difficult to understand. In China, people are blocked from the truth and consequently many Chinese utter these kinds of negative remarks because they are deceived by the CCP's propaganda. You think about it, in a country where people don't have the right to say 'No' to the government, how could they get the truth about Falun Gong? Most of them got their information about Falun Gong only from the government controlled state-run media. People don't have the chance to hear a different voice or express their own thoughts. Therefore, the only thing people often choose to do is to always follow the government line. Under such a system, no wonder your Chinese friends say things like that."
The young man replied: "Oh, yes, what you said makes sense." Then he also asked, "What is Falun Gong? Why does the CCP persecute Falun Gong?" After listening to practitioners' detailed explanation, the young man suddenly understood and said excitedly, "Give me some Chinese leaflets, I will take them to my Chinese friends to read." This young French man also expressed that he had been interested in Chinese Qigong for a long time and wanted to further study Falun Gong. Before leaving, he said to practitioners, "You are very brave, thank you and keep going!"
In 1999, Jiang Zemin's group launched the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China, which has now lasted six years. The persecution experienced by Falun Gong practitioners is shocking. During the last six years, in order to help more people not be deceived by the CCP and to help them know the truth about Falun Gong, practitioners have made unremitting efforts all over the world without any complaint or regret. Now Falun Gong has already spread to over seventy countries and regions. More and more people know about Falun Gong and have learned the truth of the persecution.
June 29, 2005
Inspired by former diplomat of Chinese Consulate in Sydney Chen Yonglin and former Tianjin 610 agent Hao Fengjun, who openly renounced their membership in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and exposed the inside stories about how the Chinese regime persecutes Falun Gong practitioners outside China, Mr. Ha Guangsheng, former Head of the Shenyang Municipal Judicial Bureau and third-level police supervisor, revealed more inside stories about the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong to the Epoch Times and Canadian Press.
The Canadian Press reported on June 29 that a Chinese security official, Han Guangsheng, who is attempting to defect to Canada fears he could be executed if sent back to his homeland should he fail to win refugee status.
According to the report, last week Han approached the Epoch Times newspaper. Given his desire to reach the broadest possible audience, the Times referred Han to The Canadian Press. He told his story through a translator provided by the Canadian Press to both news outlets during a five-hour interview at a downtown Toronto hotel.
Han said he was inspired to come forward by two Chinese defectors, one a diplomat, the other a security official, seeking asylum in Australia.
Their stories about a global spy web run by Beijing and alleged details of the Chinese persecution of the Falun Gong movement have created an international stir.
According to the report, after studying world history and social science at a university, Han was hired in 1982 by the Public Security Bureau office in Shenyang, capital of the northeastern province of Liaoning.
Han said he initially saw police work as a means to promote righteousness, protect people and fight crime.
But he began to realize that wasn't always the case.
The infamous June 4, 1989 assault by the authorities on pro-democracy protesters in Beijing's Tiananmen Square left Han saddened and shaken.
Han said he wanted to leave the Public Security Bureau, but fear of punishment kept him there. By 1992 he was deputy head of the Shenyang office.
He finally left four years later, becoming deputy head of the city's Judicial Bureau. In 1999, he was promoted to head of the bureau, responsible for two jails and four labor camps in Shenyang.
That year the Chinese authorities began arresting devotees of Falun Gong, the spiritual practice denounced by the government.
Han is not a practitioner of Falun Gong but says he had sympathy for the plight of followers, believing they were breaking no laws. "I did whatever I could within my abilities to take care of them."
He compares himself to Oskar Schindler, portrayed in the film Schindler's List, who helped many Jews escape Nazi tyranny.
Han said he specifically ordered that Falun Gong practitioners in custody not be physically or verbally abused. He sought more space and medical equipment for them and in August 2001 approved the release of 159 prisoners because of overcrowding.
When he learned that a 15-year-old girl in a labor camp was punished with a series of electrical shocks after refusing to renounce her devotion to Falun Gong, Han fired the person responsible and transferred an administrator.
Han said in another case he was angry to hear 10 female prisoners at a Shenyang labor camp not under his control had been shocked, stabbed with needles, forced to do pushups on blocks of ice and made to crouch in pain for long periods.
He sent a letter outlining the women's complaints to provincial judicial authorities, incurring their displeasure.
In September 2001, Han made a trip to Toronto--ostensibly on a fact-finding trip about a school with links to China--but with the true aim of defecting.
"There is too much darkness and cruelty in the official circle," he wrote his superiors after defecting. "I only want to live in a country that really implements the rule of law and live out the rest of my life in peace and freedom," he wrote in the resignation letter faxed to his superiors two days after his arrival.
( The Australia-China human rights dialogue concluded on June 27, 2005 in Beijing. The two parties did not mention the defection of Mr. Chen Yonglin, the Chinese diplomat in Sydney and his claim that the Chinese communist regime has a huge spy network in Australia. Chen Yonglin said that the spy network is used to monitor Falun Gong practitioners' activities.
Recently, Assistant Foreign Minister Shen Guofang's statement that the Chinese communist regime has the "responsibility to restrict overseas Falun Gong activities" aroused attention from overseas media. On June 28, SBS, an Australia special broadcasting service broadcast an interview with Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Ying. Li Ying said, "What Shen Guofang said can not be accepted. The Chinese communist regime has no right to demand that the Australian government restrict Falun Gong activities."
On June 27, ABC Lateline program broadcast footage showing how Mr. John Taylor, a specially appointed reporter to China, questioned Shen Guofang and made him speechless.
The following is an excerpt of the program:
John Taylor: Australian officials arrived for talks on the neutral ground of a Swiss hotel in Beijing. It's the ninth time that Australia and China have sat down to discuss human rights in closed-door talks. There's plenty to talk about. The Chinese Communist party does whatever it takes to maintain rule over a fifth of the world's population. Its jails are full of people that in Western nations would still be free. For all its economic development, China still doesn't have freedom of speech, association or religion. This meeting also comes amid a diplomatic tussle in Australia with the would-be defection of a Chinese diplomat. He's spearheaded claims of Chinese spies harassing people in Australia, particularly members of the secret 6-10 office targeting practitioners of the Falun Gong spiritual movement.
CHEN YONGLIN, Former Chinese diplomat (footage from June 22 re-broadcast): I feel really scared. I don't know what to do. I don't know. Who can...who can help me? I don't know.
JOHN TAYLOR: But no tension at today's press conference.
GEOFF RABY, Deputy Secretary, DFAT: there are continuing areas of concern that the Australian community has and we have been able to discuss those concerns.
JOHN TAYLOR: Australia announced an increase in funding for practical human rights programs in China to $1.8 million. Diplomat Chen Yonglin was not on the agenda.
JOHN TAYLOR: Dr Raby, did Australia raise at all any concerns about allegations of Chinese spying and harassment of citizens in Australia by Chinese authorities?
GEOFF RABY: Ah...this is not the forum for addressing those allegations.
JOHN TAYLOR: Chinese officials didn't want to go into details.
JOHN TAYLOR: Mr. Shen, are Chinese authorities infringing upon the human rights of citizens of China and people of Australia in Australia, in particular the 6-10 office?
JOHN TAYLOR: So the 6-10 office doesn't exist?
( On June 28, AAP Newsfeed reported Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Ying's strong response condemning the claim made by Shen Guofang, Assistant Foreign Minister of China, that the Chinese communist regime has a duty to restrict Falun Gong practitioners' activities overseas. Li Ying said that the Chinese government has no right to demand that the Australian government restrict Falun Gong practitioners' activities.
Sydney Falun Gong practitioner Li Ying has criticized Beijing, which banned Falun Gong in 1999, for trying to limit the freedoms of its followers in Australia.
Ms Li said the Chinese government was wrong to interfere with Falun Gong in Australia.
"They have no right to do this," she said.
"This is Australia--this is (a) free country. We can say what we want to say, we can think what we want to think--in China you have no freedom to do that."
The report said that Ms Li, who arrived in Australia in 2003, claims she was detained and tortured by the Chinese government in 1999 due to her involvement in the outlawed group.
She believes Chinese agents have been spying on her ever since, even in Australia.
Ms Li said Falun Gong practitioners often protested outside the Chinese embassy in Canberra, but their actions were peaceful and not disruptive.
"We're just peaceful people trying to stop this persecution (of Falun Gong)," she said.
A former Chinese diplomat in Sydney, Chen Yonglin, defected last month, saying he could no longer support his country's persecution of dissidents.
China had some 1,000 spies and informants in Australia and had carried out kidnappings of Chinese nationals in the country, Mr. Chen said.
The Epoch Times
Jun 30, 2005
A Sydney artist, who is suing the former Chinese president and the Gestapo-like "610" agency, said at a press conference on June 30, that the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) helped the Chinese Government to find ways to dismiss her case.
The allegation comes following The Epoch Times interview with Chinese defector Chen Yonglin, who has alleged that Dr. Geoff Raby, DFAT Deputy Secretary, promised the Chinese government he would ask for the materials from the Supreme Court, cancel the lawsuit, and put an end to the case.
"Due to the nature of my work as a diplomat, I have witnessed many instances of secret dealing between the Chinese and Australian governments, and such knowledge has weighed heavily on my conscience," said Chen who abandoned his position as a high ranking diplomat at the Chinese consulate in Sydney on May 26.
Mrs. Zhang Cuiying filed the lawsuit at the New South Wales (NSW) Supreme Court, making allegations of torture and crimes against humanity. She was incarcerated because of her beliefs, for eight months at the No. 1 Shangmeilin Detention Centre in Shenzhen City, China.
"I was jailed, beaten, stripped naked and locked up with male prisoners because I practice Falun Gong" said Mrs. Zhang.
Falun Gong is an ancient form of Chinese meditation and exercise practice which advocates the principles of truth, compassion and tolerance. Falun Gong was widely practiced in China until 1999, during which Jiang Zemin launched a brutal crackdown against the practice. 2,629 practitioners have died from persecution according to the Australian Falun Dafa Information Centre.
Since Mrs. Zhang's lawsuit was filed, Chinese Ambassador Fu Ying repeatedly visited DFAT, asking them to intervene and cancel the lawsuit. But the national amnesty code of Australia states the case was not to be handled by DFAT, but by a special substitute process.
The Chinese Government was embarrassed to face Falun Gong in court and persisted in pressuring DFAT, which led to the department's cooperation in preparing several legal documents to support the Chinese Government, according to Chen.
"The CCP is convinced that the Australian government can be coerced to follow its aims through application of economic pressures and incentives," said Chen.
Two Status Conferences were held at the NSW Supreme Court in December 2004 and more recently, last February. Both defendants failed to appear before the Registrar.
Mrs. Zhang backed Chen's claims of 1,000 Chinese spies operating in Australia and called upon the Australian Government to investigate claims of Chinese espionage.
"I hope the Australian Government will help China improve its human rights through pressuring it to stop the persecution," said Mrs. Zhang.
The Senate recently passed legislation expressing concern for allegations the Chinese Government is monitoring Falun Gong practitioners in Australia, and called upon the Government to thoroughly investigate the allegations.
But the Government didn't raise Chen Yonglin's asylum case at recent human rights talks with China. Dr. Geoff Raby, who headed the Australian delegation, told Lateline with some hesitation that the forum was not for addressing such allegations. Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Shen Guofang laughed away claims of the "610" office.
Chen Yonglin believes the human rights dialogue between China and Australia is merely a show put on to appease the Australian public, while no progress is actually made.
"When high-ranking Australian officials visited China, they did not raise any human rights issues. I knew what was said during their visits, because a summary news brief of each visit was sent to the consulate," said Chen.
The Epoch Times
Jun 30, 2005
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Mr. Joel Chipkar, with his legal council Mr. Peter Downard and Ms. Nicole Samson, after winning a libel suit against the Chinese Deputy Consul General.
CALGARY, Alberta - The Edmonton police wrapped up a year-long investigation this week, concluding that staff of the Chinese consulate in Calgary have contravened Canada's hate crime laws in their attacks on the spiritual practice Falun Gong. The case will now proceed to the Alberta Justice to determine if there is a possibility of conviction.
This comes just weeks after two defecting Chinese officials made claims of a Chinese spy ring operating in Canada informing on followers of Falun Gong. The first Canadian defector also stepped forward this week to tell his story of how Falun Gong practitioners are tortured in China and how the Chinese government engages in espionage in Canada.
The Chinese consulates and embassy in Canada have routinely displayed hate propaganda about the spiritual practice inside their buildings, where Canadian law is powerless to touch them. In June, 2004, however, staff of the Chinese consulate in Calgary brought their booklets on Falun Gong to Edmonton and into public view.
Constable Stephen Camp of the Edmonton police hate crimes unit began an investigation.
"It is the first time that law enforcement has taken this type of complaint with Falun Gong and consulate officials and took it this far. It's uncharted territory for us, that's for sure," he said.
Canada's hate laws make it illegal to publicly incite hatred against an identifiable group. Possible defenses for statements that incite hate is that the statements are or were believed on reasonable grounds to be true. But Joel Chipkar, a volunteer spokesperson for Falun Gong, says that the Chinese government's allegations against Falun Gong "have already been proven to be lies."
"They lie about what we believe in, they fabricate stories about us, saying that we murder people, that we're suicide prone, that we commit self-immolation, that we're crazy... and none of this has ever been backed up by independent sources. In none of the 60 other countries where Falun Gong is practiced have similar claims ever been made."
China banned Falun Gong in 1999 after the number of practitioners in China outgrew membership in the communist party. The practice- which involves meditation and adherence to a moral code based on truthfulness, compassion and tolerance- has similar underlying themes and beliefs as Buddhism, Taoism, and even Christianity but without the religious structure.
Sources inside China have documented over 2,600 deaths of Falun Gong practitioners at the hands of Chinese authorities.
"I haven't seen any security publications from any intelligence or law enforcement agency- besides the PRC [People's Republic of China]- that says Falun Gong is a security threat to our society," says Camp.
Chi Yeh, a Falun Gong practitioner in Edmonton who helped file the complaint against the consulate, says the purpose of the propaganda is to provide grounds to justify China's persecution of the group.
"When they want to attack a peaceful group it's very difficult to do so without any real cause or reason. Falun Gong is peaceful, so the only way they can incite people to be against Falun Gong is by fabricating all these lies to make it seem like we should be persecuted."
Within the first six months of China's official ban on Falun Gong, the state-run media published an estimated 300,000 reports vilifying the practice and its followers. Chipkar says this eventually turned public opinion against the practice in China, making citizens complacent accomplices in the persecution.
"The hate propaganda has basically brainwashed Chinese citizens to aid in the persecution. It has made them willing to turn in family members, neighbors, people who they once respected, to the police. It has indirectly led to the incarceration, arrest, torture, even murder of thousands and thousands of innocent people."
"If you look at every genocide in history, the number one weapon has been hate propaganda- from Hitler's regime, to Rwanda, to Bosnia, to Falun Gong persecution."
The Chinese consulate in Calgary was unavailable for comment.
Alberta Justice will proceed with the case if they find that there is a likelihood of conviction.
( I am a news reporter in southern China. I have been working as a reporter for many years. In July 1999, a series of news reports which slandered Falun Gong shocked many people. The news continued showing on TV for a whole month. Many people believed the reports. However, I maintained a neutral stance because I knew how some news is fabricated, since I was a news reporter with years of experience. I decided that I would not choose sides unless I obtained the actual sources of the news.
Soon the year 2001 came. The Tiananmen self-immolation incident was broadcast on TV repeatedly over the Chinese New Year period. What I saw on TV totally changed my point of view. The horrible pictures stunned me and stirred my emotions. I started to participate in the anti Falun Gong propaganda team. At that time, my supervisor assigned me several news projects. Another colleague and I interviewed seniors who were doing morning exercises here and there, reporting their attitudes toward the Tiananmen self-immolation incident.
Time passed quickly, and in 2004, several friends of mine brought me news from their trip to Hong Kong. They told me that the self-immolation incident was staged. Authorities will ill intentions had arranged the whole thing. They explained six suspicious points about the broadcast and "news" coverage of the incident. Listening to them, I analyzed the incident myself. Finally, I came to understand the truth. I, a news reporter with over ten years of experience, had been fooled.
I deeply regret my own falsified news reports. How could I face the people who have been misled by them? For over a year, I have been thinking about how I should repent for this mistake. Over ten years of media experience have allowed me to realize that there is no freedom of press under the control of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The public cannot possibly learn the truth. Recalling the CCP's repressive political movements over the past several decades, it is not uncommon for yesterday's president to become tomorrow's "traitor to the Party, traitor to China and the thief among workers." Everything is done to satisfy the person currently in power. I know that my heart will not be at peace unless I resign from the Party. With the help of a friend, I added my signature to the website where people can go to resign from the CCP.
At last, I hope that my late confession can repent for something. In addition, I hope that those people who were misled by my reports will quickly learn the truth.
( Currently, many well-known companies are working with prisons, forced labor camps and detention centers in China to produce certain products for sale in China and overseas. Many of these products are not only of low quality, but they are also contaminated with infectious viruses and bacteria by detainees who are forced to make them under deplorable conditions. The Mudanjiang Prison in Helongjiang Province is a prime example.
Chopsticks are made at the Mudanjiang Prison, as well as children's clothes, which are produced in cooperation with the Beijing Huilinkai Clothing Manufacturing Co., and exported to Japan. These products are contaminated with extremely infectious bacteria, viruses and mites. There are even lice in the ready-to-wear clothes. The detainees who work to produce the clothes have routinely not bathed for periods of up to 10 or 20 days. They are forced to work 12 hours a day, and those who fail to finish their quotas are punished. Under such an oppressive workload, many detainees must work hard and often miss shower time. Detainees in poor health must endure beatings and taunts from the guards. Under such terrible conditions, many detainees suffer dermatosis, including scabies, which usually contaminate the clothes. It is estimated that more than 2,000 detainees are involved in the manufacturing of clothes every day. The facts concerning these activities are completely censored by the authorities, and anyone who dares to reveal the ugly truth about what goes on at the prison is targeted for retaliation.
In 2004, a detainee wrote a note, which he put in with the chopsticks, warning the buyer about the threat of bacterial and viral contamination. Unfortunately, the note was found by an inspector, who reported it. Guards beat the detainee with electric batons and wooden clubs until he was close to death. Several days later, the man passed away due to his severe injuries. His family wasn't allowed to see him, and they never learned the truth about what happened to him.
Products made at the Mudanjiang Prison are not limited to clothing and chopsticks; they make many other things, such as car cushions, toothpicks, and soybean albumen, which are all produced under these horrendous conditions.
Beijing Huilinkai Business Trade Co., LTD.
Room 601, No.1 Gate, Building 306, Huading Shijia, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Phone: 86-10-64700068
Fax: 86-10-64700065
Mudanjiang Prison: 86-453-6404755.
Following the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP's) labeling of Falun Gong as a "Counterrevolutionary Political Organization" in March of 2005, high-ranking officials issued secret orders to launch a one-hundred-day "Strike Hard Movement". They decided to strike on three different dates: "April 25", the 6th anniversary of Falun Gong practitioners' peaceful appeal; July 20, the 6th anniversary of the violent persecution of Falun Gong; and the 16th anniversary of the June 4th Massacre. They also went on high alert to prevent people from downloading the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party from the Internet and spreading it, or passing around the related material about resigning from the CCP. These orders also stated that a suspect is to be secretly tried after being arrested.
Since May, the CCP also intensified its efforts to control Falun Gong practitioners. They have arrested more Falun Gong practitioners, and sent them to classes to undergo brainwashing, serve forced labor terms, or receive prison sentences. Because of this, practitioners must pay more attention to their own safety.
In addition, in an attempt to stop the great tide of people resigning from the CCP initiated by the Nine Commentaries, the CCP has carried out an "Education Movement to Maintain Advancement" from top to bottom. Currently, the movement is being carried out at the city level and higher up. The "Education Movement to Maintain Advancement" is expected to extend to the grass-roots organizations in the latter half of this year and the first half of next year. The CCP also demands that everyone participate in the "Education Movement to Maintain Advancement," and to not to lose even one Party member.
The CCP's so-called "Education Movement to Maintain Advancement" is nothing more than an act of desperation prior to its own demise. Even among the CCP members, how many are there who still believe in the CCP? I also heard a person working at a low-level office, who upon hearing about the "Education Movement to Maintain Advancement," sighed to himself, "[They are] indeed rogues. Rogues."
So far, the number of people who have registered on the Internet to resign from the CCP has reached two million three hundred thousand. This represents the awakening of conscience and also living beings' saving their own lives.
Mr. Lin Deming, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Weiyuan County, Neijiang City, Sichuan Province, passed away on June 9, 2005 due to prolonged persecution by officials of the 610 Office and guards from Zigong City Prison.
Mr. Lin Deming, a fifty-three-year-old physician, lived in Group one of Qiaodang Village, Jiepai Town, Weiyuan County, Neijiang City, Sichuan Province. He was kind-hearted, and the local villagers and his patients all praised him. Although Mr. Lin Deming was a doctor, he suffered from many diseases, and he even had his spleen surgically removed, but still was not cured. His condition often recurred and he suffered excruciating pain.
In July 1997 Mr. Lin Deming found Falun Dafa. Less than one month after he started practicing, the diseases that had tortured him for many years all vanished and his health naturally returned. The miracle of his recovery spread quickly, bringing many predestined people to his home to study the Fa. Soon after that, his home became a practice site and meeting place for group Fa-study.
After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, Mr. Lin Deming steadfastly persisted in continuing to practice Falun Gong. As a result, he was cruelly persecuted.
In 2000, Mr. Lin Deming peacefully appealed for Falun Gong in Beijing with his six other family members. He was illegally arrested and sent back to Weiyuan County and detained there for 15 days.
In July 2000, the corrupt officials were actively searching out and arresting Falun Gong practitioners in Weiyuan County. Once again, Mr. Lin Deming was arrested and detained for 15 days by officials of Jiepai Town. After he was released from prison, he and other practitioners clarified the truth of Falun Dafa and distributed truth-clarifying materials to people in every city and county in Sichuan Province. Day or night, no matter how far and dangerous the roads they walked, they continued to frighten the evil and save sentient beings with their righteous thoughts.
In January 2001, the police illegally searched Mr. Lin Deming's house and confiscated his property. They found the book Zhuan Falun in his house. For this, Mr. Lin was forcefully detained in a local police substation where he was persecuted. He was sentenced to one-year of imprisonment and was detained at Mianyang City Detention Center. The officials of the Weiyuan County 610 Office also informed the Weiyuan County Health Bureau to withhold his license for practicing medicine, effectively cutting off the family's source of income.
In 2002, Mr. Lin Deming was released. He resolutely persisted in doing what a Dafa disciple should do. Once, some fellow practitioners were illegally arrested. This led the police to arrest Mr. Lin again, and he was sentenced to six-years of imprisonment. One of his family members, Mrs. Lin Haiyan, was sentenced to five-years; Mr. Chen Wancai was sentenced to four-years and Mr. Song Ziming was sentenced to three-years of imprisonment. Mrs. Lin Haiyan was sent to Jianyang Female Forced Labor Camp, while Mr. Lin Deming, Mr. Chen Wancai and Mr. Song Ziming were all sent to Deyang Forced Labor Camp, where they sustained tremendous abuse. Mr. Lin Deming acted according to his strengthened righteous thoughts, and six months later he was transferred to Zigong City Forced Labor Camp where he continued to be cruelly persecuted.
After several years of torture, Mr. Lin Deming became debilitated, losing the use of his left eye. At the Zigong City Forced Labor Camp, he became seriously ill and the prison doctors had to rescue him several times. In 2004, Mr. Lin Deming suffered from high blood pressure and a weak heart. The officials of Zigong City Forced Labor Camp had to send him to the Fourth Hospital of Zigong City for emergency rescue. Mr. Lin was released on medical bail on October 24, 2004, because the labor camp was afraid to be held responsible for his condition.
After Mr. Lin Deming returned home, the 610 Office officials still required him to report to them three times each month. When some truth-clarifying materials appeared in Xindian Town, Weiyuan County, the 610 Office officials blamed Mr. Lin Deming. They colluded with Zigong City Labor Camp to force Mr. Lin Deming to provide a handwriting sample for them to use as evidence. Under the stress of prolonged harassment and persecution, Mr. Lin Deming passed away on June 9, 2005.
The related departments directly involved in the torture:
Jiepai Town Police Substation: 86-832-8558260
Jiepai Town Government: 86-832-8558301
Deputy Director of Jiepai Town: 86-832-8558262(Office)
The Party Committee of Jiepai Town: 86-832-8558262(Office)
Weiyuan County Police Station: 86-832-8222087, 86-832-8222879, 86-832-8222089
( Jin Zunyi, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Nanchun City, Xinjian County, Jiangxi Province, died from persecution. When he went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong on September 25, 1999, he was arrested and detained in a detention center in Beijing. In October 1999, under orders from their superiors, the Public Security Bureau and an officer from the local police station accompanied Mr. Jin's family to Beijing to identify his body. The police officer in Beijing told the family, "During a train ride, your son jumped to his death." They were also warned not to talk about it with other people.
Mr. Jin's father, a simple farmer, lost his son and didn't know how and where he could appeal for justice. This news arrived late because he had left home to work in neighboring towns and so no one knew about it until he recently returned. No further details are available because the family is too afraid to talk about it.
( According to a "News from China - June 2, 2005" report on Minghui/Clearwisdom, "At about 8 a.m. on May 30, 2005, Dafa practitioner Ms. Wen Fenhua of Mianhu Town, Jiexi County, Guangdong Province was arrested jointly by the county police bureau, the 610 Office, and police from the town police station. Her whereabouts are currently unknown. At the time of her arrest, her family members asked where she would be taken, and were told "to class" as she was dragged away. Her four children, the youngest only one year old, and a 70-year-old parent, were left at home with nobody to look after them. Ms. Wen had been taken to the brainwashing class three times last year. Each time she was tortured."
On the morning of June 16, the Director of the Residents' Public Security Committee, Chen Peihui, went to Wen Fenhua's home, and told her husband, Yang Yingpeng, to lodge an application requesting Wen Fenhua's release, on account of the need to take care of four children and a 70+ year-old parent sick in bed. Yang Yingpeng filed the application as instructed. In the evening, Chen Peihui told him to pick Fenhua up at 6:30 p.m. on June 17 at the Mianhu Police Station. Chen asked him not to bring the children.
On the following day, Yingpeng went to the police station with the children (as there was no one to look after them at home). He did not see Fenhua, but saw a police van without a number plate. Director Huang asked Yingpeng to go with the van to pick up Fenhua. Yingpeng said, "On May 30 you came to my home and abducted Fenhua. Now, it is your responsibility to return her to me." Yingpeng then went home. At about 10 p.m. the same day, the Public Security Director came to Yingpeng's home and asked him to open the door, saying Fenhua was on her way. Yingpeng opened the door, but did not see his wife. Director Huang said Fenhua was in the van. Yingpeng went to the van, and saw a woman helping Wen Fenhua to sit up. Ms. Wen was leaning against the side of the vehicle, unable to move. Yingpeng was stunned, and called Fenhua's name several times. Fenhua could only answer once faintly. Yingpeng squatted down, and together with two men and another woman carried Fenhua into the house. Yingpeng asked them why Fenhua was like this. Director Huang said it was because she went on a hunger strike. Upon hearing that, Fenhua struggled to say, "I did eat." They put Fenhua down, but she was too weak to support herself.
In the two following days, Fenhua needed help to eat and go to the bathroom. She needed help to turn herself, and her eyes were closed the whole time. When others called her name, she could only respond with a feeble hum. In addition, there were many bruises on her legs, and some wounds were still exuding sero-sanguineous fluid. More ominously, in many places on the wrists and on the back of her hands, there were needle marks, some with extravasated blood. On analysis, it was very likely that she was injected with drugs.
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Responsible Parties:
Huang Chunsong, from the "610 Office" in Mianhu Town: 86-663-5256035;
Guo Yuewei, from "610 Office" in Jieximian County. 86-13076558952(Cell);
Chen Jihua, deputy director of Jiexi County Police Station;
Li Jimu, Officer in Jiexi County, 86-663-5587688,86-13060582028(Cell), Li Shaoxin;
Lin Zhuozhu, Director of Jiexi Police Station (used to be an officer in the county Police Department);
Jiexi County Police Department: new ones: 86-663-5584302, 86-663-5581648, 86-663-5583156; operator, 86-663-5582115, 86-663-5517770.
( After the persecution of Falun Dafa began on July 20, 1999, under orders from the directors of the Yushu City detention centers in Jilin Province, Wei Fucheng and Gong Tie, a brutal persecution was carried out against Falun Dafa practitioners. They not only illegally held Dafa practitioners, but also had them brutally tortured with many methods, including force-feeding, pouring cold and dirty water on practitioners, tying them on the death bed, forcing them to wear restraining devices used for death row inmates, and violent beatings.
In the spring of 2000, over ten practitioners were imprisoned in a Yushu City detention center. On the morning of February 22, guard Teng (surname) found that practitioners had gotten together to study the Fa, so he took a bucket of dirty water used for cleaning the floors and poured it on top of the practitioners' heads. With the dirty water dripping from the practitioners' faces and heads, Teng cursed at them and took the Dafa books away. Later, the practitioners were transferred to another detention center, which has held a total of over two hundred practitioners over the course of several years. Every morning, the practitioners got up to practice the Falun Gong exercises without disturbing anyone, even though the guards, under the instigation of Director Wei Fucheng, beat them with a big plastic pipe and then forced them to lie prostrate on the cement floor before finally pushing the practitioners out of the room into the freezing cold outdoors. Such violent occurrences happened every day.
In order to protest against the persecution, the practitioners went on hunger strikes. The guards forced them to go outside and carry snow on their shoulders from one place to another, and tortured them with a variety of methods. One day, guard Gao Yong forced 19-year-old Miss Liu Jinfeng to take off her warm coat and sit on a pile of snow, while it was snowing and extremely cold. Soon, Miss Liu's hands were frozen and became purple. After two or three hours, she was allowed to go inside. Her hands had swollen very badly, her lips were dark blue and she was shaking uncontrollably, unable to talk. The guards also punished Ms. Ju Dongmei and four other practitioners who were persistent in practicing the exercises, locking them up in a small isolation cell.
They put the practitioners who firmly believed in Falun Dafa into Cell No. 8, where it was wet and cold. Water dripped from the ceiling and walls, and the bed boards were so wet that the practitioners were unable to lie down and could only sit on the bed. Around 3 a.m. on February 28, when some practitioners were sitting in meditation, they were found by Yang Zhifei who was on duty. He ordered guards Sun Jingfu, Zhang Fuxue, Zhang Zhijun and driver Han (last name) to help him torture the practitioners. They pushed the practitioners onto the bed boards and then beat them with sticks. The sound of beating could be heard far down the corridor. They also took off all the practitioners' clothes except for their underwear and mercilessly beat them, focusing on sensitive parts of their bodies such as their anklebones and the inside of their upper legs. Driver Han hit a practitioner 200 times with a stick. After hitting the practitioner, he was unable to lift his arm for several days, and he was extremely weak when he walked.
The detention center personnel also used long bags filled with sand to beat the practitioners. After hitting them for over two hours, they threw the practitioners, who were still wearing only their underwear and who were unable to move due to the beating, outside in the snow to freeze them. By that time, two of them, Mr. Zhu Feng and Ms. Chai Xiuzhi, had become unconscious. The practitioners wanted to carry these two practitioners back inside, but guard Xu Jiufei said, "You aren't allowed to carry them inside. If several people die that would be no problem. We are allowed three deaths every year." Chen Yaoguo also echoed him, "No problem, we are allowed two or three deaths."
After the practitioners firmly insisted on carrying the two unconscious practitioners back into the room, the guards finally allowed them to do so. The rest of the practitioners were frozen for about half an hour, and only then were they allowed to come inside. Their legs had become dark purple, and when they used the toilet, they were only able to squat halfway. A hard scar still remains on one of the practitioners' legs as a result of the beatings and being frozen. After being released, one of the practitioner's fingernails fell off due to frostbite. The practitioners who were seriously beaten that morning were Ms. Chai Xiuzhi, Mr. Liu Qingjie, Mr. Zhu Feng, Ms. Ren Chunying, Ms. Liu Shujuan, Ms. Hao Shuqin, Ms. Zhou Qiling and Ms. Liu Jinfeng. The day before, Director Wei Fucheng had told the guards: "Tomorrow if they practice the exercises again, beat them until they can hardly breathe and drag them outside to freeze."
That day, guard Gao Yong ordered Ms. Liu Shujuan and Ms. Zhou Qiling to take off their cotton-padded jackets and stand outside facing the back wall. Ms. Liu Shujuan refused to do so. Gao Yong then put heavy shackles, normally reserved for violent death-row inmates, on Ms. Liu Shujuan . She could hardly move when she walked with the shackles. Gao Yong tied her arm with a rope and held the rope with one hand while he used his other hand to beat Ms. Liu Shujian with a stick. The guards forced four other practitioners to run in a circle with Ms. Liu Shujuan walking among them. After several days, officers from the police department took seven practitioners from the detention center to the labor camp for "reeducation through forced labor." The camp found their wounds very serious and refused to accept them, so the police had to beg the camp to accept the seven practitioners.
The practitioners who were illegally imprisoned in the detention center had all been tortured. On one occasion, guard Dasunzi forced practitioner Ms. Sun Zhongzhi to take off her pants and beat her badly. Over 60-year-old Ms. Ge Shuqin was held on the bed boards and beaten simply because she practiced Falun Gong. One time in Cell No. 8, the practitioners recited Teacher's book together. They were seen by guard Jiao Shuxia, who forced the practitioners to lie face down on the cement floor. Jiao then poured cold water on the practitioners until they were soaking wet. During this time of illegal imprisonment, more than 40 practitioners were sentenced to "reeducation through forced labor." Three of them have been persecuted to death; they are Ms. Han Yuzhu, Mr. Wang Xianyou and Mr. Yue Kai.
Besides cruelly beating, freezing and pouring water on the practitioners, the authorities also barbarically force-feed the practitioners when they go on hunger strikes. In July 2001, practitioner Ms. Zhang Xiuli was illegally imprisoned in the detention center. In order to protest against the persecution, Ms. Zhang went on a hunger strike. Under orders from Deputy Director Li, the doctor from the detention center, guard Dasunzi, and several male detainees, barbarously force-fed Ms. Zhang Xiuli. They mixed half a bowl of salt with a little amount of water and stirred it into a dense soup. Then, they tried to force-feed Ms. Zhang Xiuli. She refused to drink the salt solution. Guard Dasunzi, then grabbed her hair and beat and kicked her. They pried open her mouth to force-feed her, spilling the salty mixture all over her body.
During this time, a higher-ranking authority came to visit the detention center, and Deputy Director Li lied to the visitor, saying, "We just force-fed her lightly salted water." One day, while sitting on the bed boards, practitioner Ms. Guo Shuxue was sending forth righteous thoughts, and was found by Wei Fucheng. He not only cursed Ms. Guo but also punished her by making her stand facing the wall.
There is also a shortage of food for the practitioners in the detention center. Each day, practitioners only have two meals, consisting of a small piece of half-cooked, leavened rice flour bread and a bowl of dark and frozen Chinese cabbage soup. The detention center charges over several dozen yuan for the food. At first, the meal was a bowl of rice and a variety of vegetables, which cost twenty yuan.
Some practitioners went on hunger strikes without eating anything for over ten days. When they were released, the detention center still demanded that the practitioners' family members pay the full amount of the cost of meals for the total period of imprisonment. The items sold at the detention center's convenience store are very expensive, about two to three times higher than what would be found in normal outside stores.
The above is just a small portion of the brutal persecution of practitioners in the detention centers in Yushu City. The people who participated in the persecution, in addition to those mentioned above, are: police officer Zhang Zhijun, Sun Jingfu, Zhang Fuxue, driver Han, Gao Yong, Xu Jiufei, and Chen Yaoguo, also included Yang Zhifei, Wang Fei, An Yanguo, Jiao Shuxia, Zhao Chunyan, Teng Qingling, Gong Tie and the doctor from the detention center.
It was disclosed to an insider that over the past two to three years, most of the guards from the Yushu City detention centers have suffered from hepatitis B. Among them, Jiao Shuxia has already developed symptoms of liver cirrhosis. Her husband also has been implicated in a crime involving money fraud. Sunjingfu not only has been stricken with hepatitis B, but his wife has gotten sick and their child has been convicted for stealing vehicles. It is the law of Heaven that "good deeds are rewarded with good and bad deed receive their just retribution."
I am a sixth grader.
On May 28, 2005, a group of policemen broke into my home. My mother is a hairdresser and runs her business out of our home. Without showing any legal procedures or documents, the police ransacked our place, searching every corner including the insides of our shoes. In one of my mother's boots, they found 5,000 yuan.
My mother works hard and has saved every penny for my school tuition. However, the police took our money without giving us a receipt or going through any legal procedures.
What the police did seriously hurt me, a child. A country has laws to protect its citizens, including children, from any crime. The police, in the name of law, have committed a serious theft. This is truly a crime.
Fellow practitioner Z and I both started practicing Falun Gong in 1996. As we continuously delved deeper into the Fa, our understandings of the Fa reached higher levels, and our energy fields became stronger.
We also spread the Fa to our relatives. We taught our children, who are 17-18 years old, the deeper meaning of "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance." We wanted to guide them on how to be good people, and hoped that someday they would become Dafa practitioners. Our children were well behaved because they were influenced by righteous elements. They helped us in clarifying the truth and together we utilized every opportunity to save sentient beings, who are being deceived by the lies fabricated by the Chinese regime. I know this result came from the mighty power of Dafa as well as the righteous field from our cultivation. Without the righteous field, it is easy for people to be polluted by the poison in today's environment. Later, this proved to be true.
After we were arrested, having endured persecution for a long time, Z and I were unable to sustain our righteous minds. When we returned to our children after being released, their mental states were not as good as before. I tried to coach my son with everyday people's methods without achieving any effect. Z and I had regressed, and the outcome was just as Teacher had said:
"Then perhaps many beings won't be saved because you didn't cultivate well--it's because you haven't cultivated well that they can't become good. Your not getting rid of a lot of attachments interferes with them, and they, in turn, are also interfering with you."
(From Touring North America to Teach the Fa, March 2002)
With the help of fellow practitioners, we again picked up our cultivation with firm righteous minds, and tried to clarify the truth to people around us. Especially for Z, in order to make up for the losses she had caused Dafa, she unrelentingly clarified the truth to people around her. She spoke of her encounters in the forced labor camp and exposed the deceit and lies to all her relatives, friends, colleagues, and neighbors. Her personal experiences swept away the misunderstandings of many people, and cleaned up the evil elements of her own personal space.
Her righteous thoughts and actions strengthened the energy field around her. I found that her daughter has changed a great deal recently. She's almost like another person. A few days ago, her daughter told me that she now understands that those who had tried to destroy Dafa were going to meet with retribution. Both Z and I were happy because another being was awakening. The daughter told me tearfully yesterday about a dream she had several days earlier. In her dream, she clearly saw two celestial maidens coming down to greet Dafa practitioners. She was so excited that she awoke. She right away woke up her mother to share her happiness. Z told me in the end: "I believe it. Now I truly believe it." The righteous field created by righteous thoughts and actions had reversed her daughter's thought patterns and allowed her to assimilate to Dafa.
From this experience, I realized that only when we follow Teacher closely during the Fa-rectification period, walk and act righteously, and save sentient beings with righteous thoughts and actions, can the most stubborn and deeply confused beings be given the chance to assimilate to the Fa and be saved.
Just like Teacher says:
"The Buddha light illuminates everywhere and rectifies all abnormalities." (Zhuan Falun, 2000)
Many things that shouldn't have happened did happen because we hadn't done well. During this special historical period, Dafa practitioners shoulder tremendous responsibilities. Our every thought influences whether sentient beings will be saved. Righteous thoughts and righteous action are not just talk; they are to be genuinely put into practice. If we as a whole can maintain righteous thoughts and actions at all times, then won't that mighty righteous field be enough to eliminate the dark minions, the rotten ghosts, and the evil specter of the Communist Party? While we are assisting Teacher in Fa-rectification, we shouldn't forget to cultivate ourselves well in order to achieve effective results.
My son has obtained a new life because of my renewed cultivation, especially after he finished reading the Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party. His worldview has changed totally, and he announced his withdrawal from all organizations that are controlled by the Communist Party.
( The major source of interference for clearheaded, steadfast Falun Dafa practitioners at this time comes from the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) evil specters. They are like parasites that have lodged themselves in each Falun Dafa practitioner's every cell and do damage to practitioners by taking advantage of their human thoughts. A lot of practitioners don't recognize it and don't look at things that happen using their righteous thoughts.
At my level I observe that when a practitioner's mind spawns a thought that is not consistent with the Fa's standard, or is commingled with human notions, the specters will come in a big group, brandishing predatory teeth and claws. Their images appear as low-level spirit possessions (snakes, toads, tadpoles, maggots etc.) The larger the human notion, the greater the number of these ferocious, hysterical low-level spirits that will appear. The more a practitioner emphasizes himself the more energy he feeds to these low-level spirits. If a practitioner recognizes that his thoughts originate from the CCP Party culture, then the low-level spirits disintegrate in a second. On the contrary, if one cannot recognize this in time, then not only does one sink deeper into the Party culture, this will also generate interference for other practitioners. The troubles that appear among practitioners as a whole, the severe "illness-karma" symptoms occurring amongst practitioners, and the strong human emotions of criticizing others behind their backs--all these phenomena are the result of this direct interference.
I hope practitioners can recognize this in time and eliminate it with righteous thoughts. The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party manifests in other dimension as a sharp, golden shining sword. It is very important that practitioners read the Nine Commentaries. My whole body felt itchy as I was writing this article and I knew it was the CCP evil spirits trying to obstruct the writing. With strong righteous thoughts I denied them and insisted on completing the document. After I finished this article I felt very relaxed and at ease.
A Woman in Her 80s Became Healthy and Illness-free after Practicing Falun Dafa
My mother is now 85 years old. She started to suffer from bone tuberculosis at the age of 33, when she became paralyzed for two years and couldn't leave her bed. As a child, I often heard my mom moaning. In the next dozen years, she suffered back and leg pains, so she had to rely on a walking stick. For many years, my mother had stomach troubles, dizziness, and other ailments. In spite of various treatments including pills, injections, and in-hospital treatments, she continued to experience pain all over her body.
In the winter of 1998, both my mother and I were fortunate enough to start the practice of Falun Dafa. Nearly illiterate, my mother could barely read. Yet she never gave up reading Zhuan Falun. She often saw Falun of various sizes and colors when she read. Shortly after she started to practice Dafa, she became healthy and energetic again. Since then, she has not had any need to take medications.
Leg Paralyzed for 11 Years Regains Movement
A 66-year-old lady in Heilongjiang Province was paralyzed for 11 years. One side of her body could not move at all. One day a practitioner told her the truth about Falun Dafa. The lady replied without any hesitation, "I believe in Falun Gong." When the practitioner taught her how to read silently "Falun Dafa is good. Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is good," the old lady followed whole-heartedly. Overnight, a miracle happened! A lump in her body as large as a goose egg disappeared; the toes on her paralyzed side took turns moving, her bad leg moved, and her knee regained feeling, all after her leg had been paralyzed for 11 years! Moved and with tears in their eyes, her family shouted, "Falun Dafa is miraculous!" (Story provided by the lady's niece)
Deteriorating Thighbones Recover
About a month ago, a gentleman in his 40s in a northeastern county suffered terrible pains in his knees and hipbone. When the pains were severe, he trembled and had to support himself against a wall in order to walk. His upper thighs were totally numb. The X-ray analysis in a hospital concluded that his thighbones were deteriorating. The doctor suggested he use a walking stick, to walk with care, and not to do any heavy work. Because of his poor financial condition, he could not afford any treatment. As his condition got worse, he followed the suggestion given to him by a practitioner and read silently, "Falun Dafa is good. Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is good." Recently he told his family that his leg was back to normal. While he used to walk with a limp and walked very slowly and painfully, he now no longer has pain. Miraculously, he can even sit cross-legged and meditate for an extended period of time. In addition, he now walks fast without any problem. (Story provided by the gentleman's sister)
Police in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province meet with karmic retribution
From July 20, 1999, Gongqingcheng Police Department Political Security Head Yang Dequan recklessly persecuted Dafa practitioners. He died four days later.
At about 8 p.m. on July 22, 1999, Yang Dequan led a group of police to harass 81 practitioners at 4 practice sites in Gongqingcheng. They confiscated more than 300 Falun Gong books. After taking the practitioners to the police station, they also started to brutally torture them, and did not stop until 6 p.m. the next day After Yang transferred the confiscated Falun Gong books to the Gongqingcheng Police Department, he suddenly collapsed in his seat from an apparent stroke. The medical rescue efforts were in vain and Yang died at his post at 5 a.m. on July 24, 1999. He was 42 years old.
Retribution in Huangzhuangzi Village of Liqianhu Town, Tieling County, Liaoning Province
Mr. Huang Junhai, 42, was a resident of Huangzhuangzi Village. Since July 20, 1999, he often worked with the local police to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. The police told Huang that, "If you report a Falun Gong practitioner to the police you will receive 500 yuan. Huang reported practitioners' activities and whereabouts to the police many times, but did not receive even one penny.
Recently, Huang Junhai received karmic retribution for his misdeeds persecuting practitioners. One day in early May, he died due to sudden heart and lung failure.
Cases of evildoers receiving retribution in Ju County of Rizhao City, Shandong Province
The Party Committee in a Ju County Thermo-electrical plant recklessly persecuted Dafa practitioners, and helped the 610 Office abduct Dafa practitioners. As a result, Dafa practitioners were fired, demoted, given less pay, and some had money automatically deducted from their salaries. The committee also targeted practitioners' family members and relatives, threatening to confiscate their homes to pay so-called fines. Chen Weishan is the Party Committee secretary. In December 2004, Chen was severely injured. The government paid millions of yuan for his medical bills. Now his IQ is similar to that of a 7 or 8 year old child. His family members have also been affected, and suffer greatly.
Mu Delu is a member of the CCP Committee on Party Culture. Mu followed the committee closely to persecute Dafa practitioners. He suffered a stroke and cannot take care of himself.
Cui Ronglai and Qian Yunze are the two deputy presidents of one company, as well as members of the Party Committee. They were reckless in persecuting practitioners. Finally, because of bribery, they were fired, sued and sentenced to jail.
Officer Shi Shaofeng took articles that defame Dafa from the newspaper and posted them on a bulletin board. The consequences were very bad - Shi was killed by a motorcycle.
Zhang Chuanbao was deputy president of a Ju County fertilizer plant. Here he was assigned some work to persecute Dafa practitioners, and carried it out. Now, he is dizzy most of the time and has a mental disorder. Zhang was sent to the hospital for a long time, but it did not help.
1. [Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province] Mr. Liu Naihe Brutally Tortured
Mr. Liu Naihe from Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province was recently sent to a brainwashing center where he was brutally tortured. One of the tortures inflicted on him is called "Legs Wide Apart." The victim's legs are pulled very wide apart. It's a very cruel, painful torture. Mr. Liu is now on the verge of death but remains firm and unyielding in his belief. The police have transferred Mr. Liu to the Jiangsu Fangqiang Prison.
2. [Chengdu, Sichuan Province] Ms. Su Weirong Detained
Ms. Su Weirong from Chengdu lives in a dormitory of the Niuwangmiao public transportation company. On about May 23, 2005, her unit PCC secretary tricked her into going to the office where the local district police arrested her. It is said that Ms. Su is detained in the Chengdu City Jinjiang District brainwashing center.
3. [Chengdu, Sichuan Province] Ms. Huangmin and Her Daughter Disappeared
On about May 23, 2005, Ms. Huangmin and her daughter Ms. Heqing from Chengdu, who lived in a private residence in the Xinhong road Wuye dormitory area, lost contact with other people. No one knows where they are. Another destitute and homeless practitioner from another area lived with them for no more than one month. It is believed that the Chengdu police hunted them down and arrested them on May 23.
4. [Gongan County, Hubei Province] Ms. Wang Xianzhen Detained
In June 2005, Ms. Wang Xianzhen's younger son returned home from brainwashing in the Haikou City labor camp. After being brainwashed, he, along with her older son, called the county 610 Office to arrest his mother. Ms. Wang was then sent to the Hubei Wuhan brainwashing center.
5. [Wuhan, Hubei Province] Three Practitioners including Ms. Cai Rufen Detained
On June 2, 2005, the Wuhan City police and the Xinzhou District country guard branch police arrested Ms. Cai Rufen, a 40-year-old Xinzhou District No. 1 high school teacher, searched her home and confiscated her private property including a computer and a printer. During the seizure of her property, Ms. Cai's younger sister, who is not a practitioner, was beaten mercilessly. Ten stitches were required to close the wounds.
The same day practitioner Mr. Miao Heping and Ms. Yu Juping were also detained and had their property confiscated, including a computer, printer and other items.
According to preliminary information, Ms. Cai was imprisoned in the Wuhan first women's detention center, Yu Juping was imprisoned in the Wuhan second women's detention center, and Miao Heping was imprisoned in the Xinzhou District Liuji brainwashing center.
6. [Shuangcheng, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Li Changxin Detained
Mr. Li Changxin, 51, is from Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province. On May 3, 2005, he disappeared on his way back from Daqing to Shangcheng. For the last 40 days his family has been inquiring everywhere but can't find any information about him. Only when the Shuangcheng and Qiqihar police suddenly broke into their home to conduct a search did they learn what had happened. Mr. Li clarified the truth on the bus back to Shuangcheng, was taken to Qiqihar and was tortured.
7. [Tonghua, Jilin Province] Mr. Liu Zhimin and Mr. Wang Yonghe Sent to a Labor Camp
On June 2, 2005, the country guard division police sent Mr. Liu Zhimin and Mr. Wang Yonghe from Tonghua County, Jilin Province to the Changchun Chaoyanggou labor camp where they were tortured.
On the night of March 13, when Mr. Liu was doing Dafa truth-clarifying work, the Tonghua County Kuaida Town CCP secretary, Yuan Xiushen, reported him to the authorities. He and the police arrested Mr. Liu. After two months detention, he was sentenced to one year of forced labor and sent to the Changchun Chaoyanggou labor camp.
The police detained Mr. Wang Yonghe again when he clarified the truth during the first days of May 2005. In 2001, Mr. Wang had been sentenced to one and a half years in a labor camp when he posted truth clarifying materials in the Tonghua County Madang Town copper mine. He suffered brutal torture in the Tonghua City Xishan Labor Camp. Starting in October 2001, he went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. About a month later he was sent to the Changchun City Province police hospital where the torture continued. On December 24, 2001, he was transferred to the Changchun city Chaoyanggou labor camp. This time Mr. Wang was again sentenced to three years in the labor camp.
8. [Suzhou, Jiangsu Province] Taicang Nanjiao Police Station Police Persecute a Ten- Year-Old Girl
When Taicang Nanjiao policeman Ni Zurong found out that 10-year-old Xu Shiming practiced Falun Gong with her maternal grandmother, he planned to persecute her. First, he took her parents to the 610 Office where agents pressured them into opposing the grandmother's and daughter's practice of Falun Dafa. Then they removed Shiming from her maternal grandmother, with whom she had lived for the past ten years. They also threatened that she would be expelled from her school if she continued practicing. From then on Shiming's parents constantly watched her. The little girl lost the chance to practice and the right to live with her grandmother. As a result, she hurt greatly in both her mind and body.
Also, Taicang 610 Office agents detained Mr. Wangjianwhen he clarified the truth. They imprisoned him in the Taicang detention center for six months. He suffered brutal torture such as being "Nailed to a door plank." On May 25, 2005, he was sentenced to four years in prison.
Policeman Ni Zurong's phone number in police station: 86-512-5340698
The Taicang 610 Office director Wang Xiangyuan: 86-512-53583112-0
9. [Beijing] Mr. Liu Haitao from Nankou, Changping District Detained
In the beginning of June 2005, Mr. Liu Haitao from Nankou, the Changping District, Beijing was arrested while he was distributing truth-clarifying materials. He is now imprisoned in the Changping detention center.
10. [Hebei Province] Ms. Yue Fenghua and Ms. Wu Shuxia from Zhuozhou Qiaodong Arrested and Their Homes Ransacked
On June 5, 2005, Ms. Yue Fenghua from Zhuozhou Qiaodong was reported to the authorities when she clarified the truth at the airport. The police from the country guard division then ransacked her home. On about June 7, the Qiaodong livestock station arrested Ms. Wu Shuxia and ransacked her home.
Related phone numbers:
The police country guard division chief Yang Yugang: 86-312-3853255
Political instructor Xiao Guiming: 86-312-3856350
The Guard 610 Office director Li Ming: 86-312-3636250 (Office) 86-312-3850859 (Home) 86-13703223520
Vice director Cao Zhaolin: 86-312-3636750, 86-13933236469 (Cell)
11. Practitioners from Chengdu, Sichuan Province Arrested
At 11 p.m. on May 20, 2005, police, as well as personnel from the residents' committee broke into Ms. Luo Suyun and Ms. Lai Qizhen's home in Chengdu City Fanglin road No. 4 courtyard and arrested them. At the same time, Ms. Huang Fangping was also arrested in the same manner near Dashixi road. On May 27, the police also arrested Ms. Su Qizhen, who is on the staff of the Chengdu City public transportation No. 1 company. In addition, during the same time period, the police arrested more than one dozen other practitioners in the Dongjiao area.
At 11 p.m. on May 23, 2005, Mr. Zhou Jian, who was destitute and homeless, was arrested at his rented house and his house was ransacked. The police confiscated 8000 yuan in living expenses that was in their bankbook. His sickly wife and five-year-old son were left there with no one to look after them and with no source of income or economic support. Mr. Zhou is now imprisoned in the Hubei Province Xianning City detention center.
12. [Heilongjiang Province] Du Xinli from the Baiquan County Industry and Commerce Bureau Arrested
Du Xinli from the Baiquan County Industry and Commerce Bureau was arrested on May 19, 2005, for distributing truth-clarifying materials at night and is imprisoned in the Baiquan detention center.
Related phone numbers:
The Baiquan County police public security bureau chief Nu: 86-13846222222 (Cell)
The Vice chief Tan Hongyan: 86-13803623381 (Cell)
The 610 Office manager Huang Zhongfu: 86-13504825856 (Cell)
The 610 Office manager Zhu Qingyu: 86-13504825400 (Cell)
The 610 Office: 86-452-7323831 ext. 3610, 3611
The police party chief Ning Hongbo: 86-13054300000 (Cell)
13. [Tieli City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Wang Jidan from Shenshu Town Arrested
The police arrested Mr. Wang Jidan from Shenshu Town, Tieli City, Heilongjiang Province, who started to practice in 2003, when he was distributing truth clarification flyers. They took him to the Shenshu police station on the night of June 8, 2005. He is imprisoned in the Tieli detention center.
14. Teacher Han Fei of the Middle School Affiliated with Liaoning Normal University Arrested
On May 4, 2005, teacher Han Fei of the middle school affiliated with Liaoning Normal University was arrested while going to the Dalian City Yaojia detention center to hang truth clarification materials.
15. [Hubei Province] Teacher Zhou Qiang of Yichang Sanxia University Arrested
On June 1, 2005, school security office agents and local 610 Office personnel forced teacher Zhou Qiang of Yichang Sanxia University into a car. Then they sent Zhou Qiang to the Wuhan brainwashing center.
16. [Weifang, Shandong Province] For the Second Time Ms. Xin Jinyan Sent to a Labor Camp
On the night of May 12, 2005, Ms. Xin Jinyan (about 40) from the Weicheng District, Weifang City was reported to the authorities when she tried to hang a banner reading "Celebrate Falun Dafa's Glory, Spread for 13 Years," on a Beigong Street. The police took her to the Beigong police station. The authorities watched the police mercilessly beat Ms. Xin. At the same time Xu Wensheng from the Weicheng police sub-station led some policemen to Ms. Xin's home. Her family was not there, but they confiscated all of their valuables. The second day the north Weicheng District Hekou residents' committee ordered that Ms. Xin be transferred to the Weifang City brainwashing center. In the brainwashing center Ms. Xin refused to comply with their demands, so on June 3, she was sent to the Shandong Wangcun labor camp. This is the second time that Ms. Xin has been sent to a labor camp. In 2000 she was sentenced to three years of forced labor for practicing Falun Gong.
17. [Henan Province] Practitioners from Kaifeng Dongjiao Arrested
At 9 p.m. on May 28, 2005, a police patrol near Dongjiao Wangtun Town arrested Ms. Zhao Yumei, Ms. Liu Yuzhi and Ms. Kong Xianghua from Kaifeng Dongjiao, Henan Province. The same night the police station forced three practitioners' families to pay 600 yuan each to get them released. The second morning after they were released, the police from the Kaifeng City Dongjiao sub-station arrested the three practitioners again, despite the money extorted from their families. They are now imprisoned in the Kaifeng City detention center.
On the evening of March 8, 2004, the Dongjiao Town police station sent out four or five policemen to scale the wall to the courtyard and arrested Ms. Wang Xiuyun at her home. She had tried to stop the slanderous propaganda against Falun Dafa. For this she was sent to a labor camp for three years.
Related phone
Kaifeng City suburban district police sub-station chief Zhao Rongbo: 86-378-5322461 (Office), 86-13903786186 (Cell), 86-378-3938658 (Home)
Vice chief Chenghui: 86-378-5322466 (Office), 86-13937806886 (Cell)
Suburban 610 Office vice director Wang Fugang, Li Liuhai: 86-13343782865 (Cell)
Suburban police station chief Jin Gang: 86-378-5322471
18. [Hebei Province] Tian Xiurong from Anren Village, Xinqiao Town, Gaobeidian City Arrested
Ms. Tian Xiurong from Anren Village, Xinqiao Town, Gaobeidian City started practicing Falun Dafa in the first lunar month of 1998. On May 15, 2005, Tian Xiurong was reported to the authorities when she posted Dafa truth-clarifying materials and the Xinlizhuang Town police arrested her. She is currently held in the city police station detention center.
Also, a few months ago, Ms. Zhang Shulan was forced to leave her home after the police pursued her for posting Dafa truth-clarifying materials. The police continue to go to her home in an attempt to find and persecute her.
The Police department phone:
The Gaobeidian City police bureau: 86-312-2919123
The Gaobeidian City police state guard division: 86-312-2919003
The Gaobeidian City police station detention center: 86-312-2831214
The Xinqiao town police station: 86-312-2772727, 86-312-2773241
The police station Chief Yang Guibo; political instructor Bi Jingwei
The Xinlizhuang police station: 86-312-2858134
19. [Heilongjiang Province] Ms. He Lihua on a Hunger Strike in the Daqing Detention Center
Ms. He Lihua, about 38 years old, lives in Longgang building 1-2 No. 4-601. She is on the staff of the water supply company. She started practicing Falun Gong in 1998. On April 23, 2002, she was imprisoned for three years in a labor camp, but because of her righteous thoughts she was released on bail for medical treatment. On April 13, 2005, she went to distribute truth-clarifying materials and was beaten until she was unconscious. She refused to give the police her name, and she was imprisoned in the Daqing detention center. She is now on a hunger strike to protest her unlawful confinement.
20. [Xiangtan, Hunan Province] Ms. Wang Duohong Arrested and Her Whereabouts Are Unknown
Three days ago Ms. Wang Duohong from Xiangtan, Hunan Province passed through Yongzhou City, Hunan Province and got off at the train station in Lengshuitan. The Lengshuitan police immediately arrested her. Now her whereabouts are unknown.
21. [Qingyuan, Liaoning Province] Ms. Li Guizhi Arrested
At 11 a.m. on June 7, 2005, the police from Liaoning Province, Fushun City, Qingyuan County arrested Ms. Li Guizhi from Qingyuan County. It is believed that the police wanted to reach their "quota" of Falun Dafa arrests.
22. [Chuzhou, Anhui Province] Ms. Mu Liansong Released
Ms. Mu Liansong from Anhui Province was detained on May 13, 2005, and she was released in the first ten days of June 2005.
23. [Shandong Province] Agents from the Shengli Oil Field 610 Office Arrested Ms. Wang Qingmei
On May 11, 2005, when Ms. Wang Qingmei was clarifying the truth, the police arrested her and sent her to the Shengli Oil Picking factory brainwashing center. She was detained for one month. Because Ms. Wang went on a hunger strike to protest the brainwashing, the Shengli Oil Field 610 Office and brainwashing center were afraid their actions would be exposed. They therefore refused to allow her family to see her. Ms. Wang's husband, who is not a practitioner, was detained in the brainwashing center after visiting her.
The Shengli Oil Field 610 Office: 86-546-8703610, 86-546-8710427, 86-546-8710428
The Shengli Oil Field 610 Office fax: 86-546-8710613
24. [Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province] Practitioners from the Beidaihe District Caigezhuang Arrested
On June 6, 2005, practitioners from the Beidaihe District Caigezhuang, Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province were arrested. One of them is Ms. Wang Yongjiu, in her 60's, from Qinhuangdao. Her home was ransacked, and she was detained in the Qinhuangdao Haigang police sub-station.
On the night of June 8, 2005, the Hebei Qinhuangdao Zhangzhuang police station arrested Ms. Liu Xuelan, also in her 60's. They released her on the same day. Later they ransacked her home and found The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. She has had to leave her own home and become homeless to escape further persecution.
1. [Lianyuan City, Hunan Province] Police Arrest Mr. Tong Dingqing of Quanhe Village, Yangshi Town
On June 11, 2005, local police arrested Mr. Tong Dingqing (more than 50 years old) of Quanhe Village, Yangshi Town, Lianyuan City. Previously, on the morning of June 2, 2005, six policemen from National Protection Team of Lianyuan City Public Security Bureau broke into Mr. Tong's home, ransacked it, and confiscated Dafa books and materials.
Mr. Tong Dingqing's home telephone number: 86-738-4564606
2. [Langfang City, Hebei Province] Mrs. Wan Hongxia and Her Husband Zhou Zhenxiang Arrested
Mrs. Wan Hongxia and her husband Mr. Zhou Zhenxiang of Langfang City in Hebei Province were illegally arrested on June 17, 2005. Yan Zhen (in charge of persecuting Falun Gong) from the Public Security Bureau led three people in illegally searching and ransacking Mrs. Wan's home. They turned the house upside down while Mrs. Wan's daughter Zhou Zhou watched. They confiscated all their Dafa books and materials, as well as their telephone book. During the search, the police wouldn't let Zhou Zhou answer the phone when her classmate called and pulled out the telephone line .
3. [Jinan City, Shangdong Province] Mr. Su Shuzheng is Again Arrested and Sentenced to Four Years
Mr. Su Shuzheng is a 34-year-old resident of Pingyin, Jinan City. In April 2004, he was reported to police and arrested. He was illegally sentenced to four years of imprisonment and detained at the Shangdong Provincial Prison. Meanwhile, Ms. Yu Yali, Ms. Liu Xiangyun, Ms. Chu Zhongmei, Mr. Liu Hongxiang and several others were also sentenced.
Mr. Su went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in 2001. He was held in custody at the Changqing Detention Center and later sentenced to three years at forced labor and detained at the Liuchangshan Forced Labor Camp in Jinan City.
4. [Huarong County, Hunan Province] More Information About the Arrests of Ms. Li Juping and Ms. Yao Qiulian
On June 4, 2005, Ms. Li Juping and Ms. Yao Qiulian from Huarong County were reported while clarifying the truth to people. They were arrested and detained at the Huarong County Detention Center.
Wang Hong, the person who reported them, is chief of the security section in Weiken Village Xingfu Township:13907405096 (Cell)
Gao Qihao, County Political and Judiciary Committee member: 86-13974040388 (Cell) (Gao has always participated in persecuting Falun Gong)
Practitioner Ms. Yao Qiulian's husband: 86-13974066800 (Cell)
5. [Jilin Province] The Circumstances Concerning Several Detained Practitioners, Including Ms. Ma Chunli
On December 14, 2004, Ms. Ma Chunli, Mr. Sun Dawei, Mr. Bai Ruisong, Ms. Liu Fengyun, Bai He, Su Dan, Mr. Sun Changsheng, Mr. Zhu Guoyou, and Ms. Yu Shuhua were followed and arrested by police.
After Su Dan and Mr. Sun Changsheng were arrested, they conducted a hunger strike for more than 20 days before escaping from the detention center.
Bai He and Ms. Liu Fengyun were released the day after they were arrested. Ms. Yu Shuhua was released after spending more than 20 days in detention.
Mr. Sun Dawei was sent to the Jiutai Forced Labor Camp and escaped on April 22. Mr. Bai Ruisong was also sent to the Jiutai Forced Labor Camp for a two-year term a couple of weeks after his arrest. Ms. Ma Chunli was brutally and repeatedly tortured. As a result, she can't eat and has been reduced to a nearly catatonic state, which has lasted for more than half a year. Her life is in danger. Mr. Zhu Guoyou was also subjected to torture and is now being held at the Dehui City Detention Center.
6. [Dehui City, Jilin Province] The Persecution of Mr. Bian Hongxiang
In March 2005, while Mr. Bian Hongxiang and Mr. Wang Xincheng were purchasing consumable goods, they were followed and arrested by the police of Section 1 of the Changchun Public Security Bureau. Staff members from the Changchun Public Security Bureau, the Dehui City Public Security Bureau, and the 610 Office tormented them for seven days and nights. Mr. Bian resisted the persecution with righteous thoughts and escaped after 20 days. Wang Xincheng was sent to the Jiutai Forced Labor Camp for two years.
7. [Jingzhou City, Hubei Province] Police Seize Mr. Peng Hongdao of Wangshi Town, Jianli County, Who is Still Missing
Mr. Peng Hongdao is a 35-year-old resident of Wangshi Town, Jingzhou City, Jianli County, Hubei Province. In April 2005, personnel from the Jianli County 610 Office and the local police station in Wangshi Town arrested him. He is still missing.
8. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Ms. Zheng Tonghua Seized With Other Practitioners by Officers of the 610 Office
On the afternoon of June 16, 2005, officials from the Political and Judiciary Committee, the 610 Office, the Public Security Bureau and the Residents' Committee office of the Shangjie District in Zhengzhou City broke into the homes of Ms. Zheng Tonghua, Mr. Jia Jun, Mr. Jia Changfa, Ms. Hu Aimin, Ms. Ma Fangling, Ms. Su Yuzhi and several others, and took them by force to the brainwashing center at Wanqing Mountain Village in Zhengzhou City.
9. [Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Liu Yunlong of the 8.1 Agriculture and Reclamation University is Arrested
On June 17, 2005, Mr. Liu Yunlong of the 8.1 Agriculture and Reclamation University in Heilongjiang Province was arrested.
10. [Jiaozhou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Song Yan's Home Ransacked
Policemen of Jiaozhou City ransacked the home of 74-year-old Ms. Song Yan, confiscating seven copies of Zhuan Falun, a computer, and other property. Ms. Song was forced to leave home to avoid persecution.
11. [Yichang, Sichuan Province] Ms. He Jingyan of Gezhou Dam Seized
On June 15, 2005, Ms. He Jingyan of Gezhou Dam, Yichang, clarified the truth at Sanxia University. The university security section abducted her and turned her over to the Public Security Bureau.
12. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Liu Xiuying from the Baiyun District Arrested
One night in May 2005, while Ms. Liu Xiuying from the Baiyun District in Guangzhou City was distributing Falun Gong truth-clarification materials, she was discovered and followed home by plain-clothes police. Several police officers were summoned, and they ransacked her home. Ms. Liu was taken away. Her whereabouts are currently unknown.
13. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Kong Fanling and Mr. Fan Mingxiang Abducted from Home
Ms. Kong Fanling and Mr. Fan Mingxiang from Changchun City were arrested at home about ten days ago.
14. [Fuyu County, Heilongjiang Province] One More Practitioner Abducted
After the arrest of many practitioners in mid-May 2005, Ms. Wang Fengying was also arrested on June 10, 2005. Due to the persecution, she has been destitute for more than a year. During that time, a police officer surnamed Hou from the Xinhua Local Police Station in Fuyu County often went to her home and deceived her daughter. Several days ago, because her family inadvertantly revealed the whereabouts of Ms. Wang Fengying, she was arrested again.
Xinhua Local Police Station: 86-452-3121610,86-452-3131744
( A "solemn declaration" is a person's public statement declaring to the world that whatever he or she has done or said under duress or deception that was against Falun Dafa is null and void. Most of these statements have come from Falun Dafa practitioners in China who wished to express regret that, in the face of physical torture and brainwashing, they had signed documents renouncing Dafa and guaranteeing not to practice again. Also, as more and more people in China learn the truth about how they have been deceived and lied to by the Jiang regime, many non-practitioners are also submitting "solemn declarations."
Here are some examples of the Solemn Declarations:
Please click here for more Solemn Declarations.
Facts of the Persecution
Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhu Yi and her Family by Xiaonan District Police Department in Xiaogan City, Hubei Province
Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhu Yi, 22, lives in Xiaogan City, Hubei Province. Over the past five years, officers from the National Security Division of the Xiaonan District Police Department have tapped her home phone, harassed her, ransacked her home, abducted her and detained her for long periods of time, sentenced her to prison and tortured her. To avoid further persecution, Zhu Yi and her mother were compelled to leave home and cannot reunite with the rest of their family.
Wang June, a Falun Dafa Practitioner in Luliang City, Shanxi Province Recounts Her Persecution Experiences
Dafa practitioner Wang June, 62, lives in Luliang City, Shanxi Province. She was illegally detained three times and brutally tortured. The guards beat and kicked her, slapped her face, and poured boiling water on her. They stabbed her fingers with sharp pins, and tightened her handcuffs so they cut into her wrists, causing profuse bleeding. Due to the savage mistreatment she lost the ability to take care of herself. Her whole body became swollen and she could not sleep, losing consciousness whenever she lay down.