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Rev. Dr. Kenneth Brooks is a fine artist whose artwork is in the Vatican and the Holocaust Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida. He is an accomplished political cartoonist, social activist, professional writer and editor. He sits on the advisory board of Friends of Falun Gong, USA (FoFG USA), a U.S.-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the freedom of belief of persons who practice Falun Gong. FoFG USA's members don't practice Falun Gong, but rather, they support the human rights of those who do.
Reporter [R]: First of all, Dr. Brooks, thank you for taking the time and talking to our readers.
Dr. Brooks [B]: Thank you.
R: Dr. Brooks, could you tell our readers how you became involved with the Friends of Falun Gong?
B: My wife and I attended a Falun Gong presentation by a practitioner. We were very impressed with the practice and the benefits it brings people. After these experiences, it was impossible to understand the Communist's policy against it. It seemed that the regime in China was just as terrible as Hussein's Iraqi regime. Many facts, testimonies and even photographs supported this astounding conclusion. Here in this new century was a crime against humanity by every known religious and democratic standard.
I realized that something should be done, must be done. If not now, when? If not me or you, who? Therefore I pledged my talents and time, for whatever use they could be, to help those millions of persecuted people following this gentle way.
R: I have seen some of your artwork in your studio. Your pieces are quite striking and inspiring. You did a painting, Dark Circus II (http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2001/12/2/16445.html), that you dedicated to the first US-government sponsored photo exhibit about Falun Gong, which was held at the Greater Rochester (NY) International Airport two years ago. Could you tell our readers why you chose that title and what you were expressing in that piece?
B: I was surprised to learn this painting has been seen by over four million travelers and thousands of others through several web sites. A few hundred have been mailed as postcards. To answer your question; the work was large, approximately 6 by 9 feet, and done in oils. Titled "Dark Circus II," it was in stark contrast to a normal circus with its laughter and bright lights. The Roman numeral II pointed out the continuation of terror, persecution, imprisonment, and torture as official policy. A Policeman dominates the right border as the instrument of this policy. The viewer will have their own interpretation of the figures, but make no mistake, it is not a happy painting. I do intend to paint another when the persecution is stopped. That will be a happy painting.
R: I understand that you wrote a letter to the Norwegian Nobel Committee in September of 2001 to nominate Mr. Li Hongzhi, founder of Falun Gong, for the Nobel Peace Prize. Could you share with our readers what prompted you towrite that?
B: The evidence of persecution, cited by many organizations as well as other countries, is overwhelming. The facts presented are credible and certain. The Communist Regime has no moral justification for it's continuing persecution of these people who follow the teachings of this kind, gentle compassionate and tolerant man. World recognition could do much to change the situation.
R: It seems to me that paint, canvas, brush, and pen are all ways that you have used to express your feelings and convictions. I've read your essays, such as the Shoemaker's Neighbor, and A Worm's Life. By reading your writings, it's clear that you have a lot of knowledge about Communism and Communist societies.
B: At age 20, President John Kennedy asked what I could do for my country. Two months later I was in the Air Force. My direct enlistment for navigator school was changed to Air Evacuation Medic because I wanted to save lives rather than take them. This was at the beginning of the Viet Nam war. I used to faint at the sight of blood as a teenager, but now was sometimes up to my elbows in it. For the next few years, myself, my peers, our Doctors and Nurses fought daily, sometimes hourly battles with pain and destruction. Many times we won, other times we lost. That experience has never left me. I do know about pain and suffering caused by the hand of our fellow man.
As I listened to him once, Lech Walensa told us that when the Communist Regime fell in China, the bodies would surface. There would be multiple millions of them. They were killed for their dissent or the appearance of dissent or because they were educated, or because their neighbors falsely accused them. They would be tortured because they practiced Falun Dafa. Their families were also charged for their association with them. I believed Walensa then because he was in a position to know. I believe him still.
R: The Wall Street Journal said on March 31 that the world should cut all travel links to China for the "grossly negligent" way it has handled the SARS. Calling it the "price of China's initial cover up", the Journal expressed that a global quarantine may be the only way to get the Chinese government to act responsibly. What's your thought on this?
B: The Chinese government often mis-states situations within its borders. Under the guise of "protecting social stability" they undermine it. Totalitarianism is the reality there and humans within it have never counted for much. This SARS situation has shown the world how little the Chinese regime values human life. Many of us already knew that, and it's clear in how they are handling Falun Gong. But now, everyone knows it and the world can't turn a blind eye to that fact anymore.
R: We saw that FoFG has done an extensive campaign for Dr. Charles Li, an American citizen and a Falun Gong practitioner, who was arrested and later sentenced to three years in prison by the Chinese regime. As a board member of FoFG, what do you think about this case, and what do you think the American people and government should do for Dr. Li?
B: Several of my advisors have said any protest should not be made personal, that emotionalism should be avoided, and that culture and sophistication of argument should prevail. Words need redefining and made clinical in their descriptions, they say. Thus, killing innocents are, "Collateral damage numbers." Imprisonment is "restricted movement." Torture and rape are "re-education."
Belief demands my voice be as loud as the screams from the torture cells. As torture, rape, death, destruction, and imprisonment can only be personal, let me say without apology, this communist regime is evil, lying, criminal, and genocidal, unfit for any form of rule.
Mr. Li is an American Citizen. His being held is a slap in the face to our government, our Dept. of State and the citizens of this country.
R: A lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court in Illinois, which name the Chinese regime's leader Jiang Zemin as a defendant for crimes of genocide as well as conspiracy between him and officials from the "610 Office," who planned and schemed to deprive scores of U.S. citizens and permanent residents of their civil rights. What can you see as significances of this lawsuit and its impact on the regime?
B: Whether he is convicted or not, this lawsuit is sure to scare him. It's obvious that he fears for his future, as he should, because of all that he has done. I hope this lawsuit not only scares him, but everyone else that is committing these sinister acts.
R: Dr. Brooks, thank you very much for your insightful views and candid sharing.
B: It's truly my pleasure.
On January 25, 2003, female Dafa practitioners Peng Shiqiong, Luo Meng and Gao Huifang suffered intense persecution while detained in Room 9 on the third floor, No.8 Team, in Sichuan Province's Nanmusi Women's Labor Camp. The police were retaliating against them for exposing the truth about how the labor camp persecutes Dafa practitioners.
At night, the labor camp authorities cruelly tortured the three Dafa practitioners. Police officer Li Qi and chief Kang Feng instructed several common prisoners to brutally beat practitioners Peng Shiqiong, Luo Meng and Gao Huifang in their room. Gao Huifang immediately fainted.
Peng Shiqiong and Luo Meng were dragged to their feet one by one, upside down, and then thrown to the ground. Officer Li Qi covered their mouths with three layers of wide bandages and then handcuffed Peng Shiqiong to a tree beside the front door, with only her toes touching the ground. Under Li Qi's instruction, all the common prisoners rushed over and kicked and beat her. Officer Li Qi said while beating her, "If I beat you to death, the worst thing that can happen to me is that I will no longer be a police officer."
Luo Meng was tied to a large tree; the other end of the rope was fastened to her handcuffs and tied to another branch of the tree. As a result, Luo Meng's arms, shoulders and back were all tightly bound. She was beaten even more brutally. Gao Huifang was not untied until she had fainted for half an hour and her body had turned cold. Only then did they send her to a hospital. The three practitioners were brutally tortured for a whole night, in icy cold wind.
On February 14, 2003, the No.8 Team enforcers established a "Strict Monitoring Team." They detained Dafa practitioners in rooms No.9 and No.10 and forced practitioners to loudly read books slandering Dafa, or they would not be allowed to go to the toilet. As practitioners would rather die than do this, practitioners Huang Huaimin and Tang Min had to relieve themselves in their pants. But the lawless police didn't allow them to change their clothes. Zhan Min was deprived of the right to go to toilet for over ten days, because she refused to read a slanderous book. She was further brutally beaten to the point of vomiting blood, and was sent to a hospital. Now she cannot sit upright on her own.
As practitioners were not allowed to go to toilet, rooms No.9 and No.10 were foul smelling. Furthermore, the practitioners were forced to eat more and were force-fed with a cup of water every two hours. In order to torture Dafa practitioners, lawless police even blocked their rectums and vaginas with strips of cloth. Their violence is extremely inhuman and despicable.
Since October 2002, Dafa practitioner Zhang Shiqing has been locked in a small cell without any natural light since she was sent into No.8 team. She has been continuously tortured by a group of drug addicts. On top of this, police officer Yin Dan not only ignored this but also handcuffed Zhang Shiqing. On the night of February 11, 2003, Zhang Shiqing and Huang Yufang were brutally beaten again. Practitioner Zhang Yi from Xichang City, Sichuan Province, who was detained on the second floor, shouted, "You can't beat Dafa practitioners!" As Zhang insisted that Li Qi should uphold the law according to law and should not persecute Dafa practitioners, Li Qi's shame turned to anger and he verbally abused Zhang. Two days later, deputy chief Liu Ping handcuffed Zhang behind her back. Furthermore, he inserted a thick quilt between her back and her handcuffed hands, which caused Zhang Yi great pain. Then, Liu did not allow her to rest for five continuous days.
Because of firmly practicing Dafa, practitioner Sun Fenghua from northeast China has been forced to keep standing since December 10, 2002. During this period, she has not been allowed to have any rest. Ms. Sun fell down from being too tired, and her eyes were black and blue. She was not allowed to sit down until being forced to stand like this for over 50 days. However, they still have not allowed her to rest in bed. Because of this long-term standing, she can't straighten her back.
Dafa practitioner Xiao Hongjun from Leshan City, Sichuan Province should have been released in July 2002 when her term expired, but is still illegally detained in the forced labor camp. Dafa practitioner Yu Bin has also been illegally detained an additional nine months after his term had expired.
Since October 28, 2002, the lawless police in No.8 team have only allowed practitioners under "strict monitoring" to rest six hours a day or did not let them rest at all. Practitioners are only allowed to wash clothes once a month, to take a bath once and to wash their hair once. They are not allowed to change or wash any clothes. There is also a water dungeon in Nanmusi Women's Labor Camp. It is a small cell filled with water, with a doorsill about two bricks high. They force practitioners to sit in the water. If someone comes to inspect, they drain the water, so no one is able to find it.
April 9, 2003
(Clearwisdom.net) In December 2002, policemen at the Daqing City Forced Labor Camp started a new round of brutal persecution against Falun Dafa practitioners. In each of the administrative and technical offices of the forced labor camp there were persons and teams specially designated to carry out the persecution. Every team was equipped with a clinic where they had oxygen and other equipment for emergency resuscitation. In these clinics there were people on duty around the clock. Their duty was to treat those Dafa practitioners who were dying due to the torture. The labor camp also rebuilt several solitary compartments where camp officials ordered the so-called "personal cangue" [cangue, the name of an instrument of torture, is now used to indicate the criminal inmate who was designated to supervise the practitioners] to persecute, verbally abuse, beat and torture Dafa practitioners. Whoever was more wicked and merciless in carrying out the persecution would have more opportunities to have his or her sentence reduced as an incentive. "Reforming" a practitioner can reduce the sentence of a "cangue" by several months. The policemen forbid the Dafa practitioners held in the solitary compartments to meet their family. Only items specified by the policemen could be sent to practitioners. However, all these items would be checked and doubled checked by the gatekeepers and the officers of the teams in an effort to block the passage of information.
This persecution was concentrated on Division One and Division Two. Division Two was the most brutal and vicious. The most vicious perpetrators included Wang Yongxiang (Deputy Head of the forced labor camp), Wang Xichun, Zhang Mingzhu and others. There was a "training team" under Division Two. Everyone who was sent to Division Two would have to go through the so-called "Camp Orientation." Dafa practitioners would be cruelly tortured by the policemen there. At the end of December Dafa practitioner He Huahong was tortured to death in the training team.
The main perpetrators of the Division One included Ying Chengli (Head of the Camp, Han Qingshan (Section Leader), Lai zhonghui, Wang Yingzhou and others. At that time, 12 Dafa practitioners, one after another, were kept in the solitary compartments. Their names are Liu Fubing, Yu Ruojun, Guo Fadong, Hou Guangqin, Du Guocong, Bai Shuan, Ren Liang, Xhu Bin, Wei Bensheng, Huang Tairen, Feng Guangyun and Zhou Guangchun. Once there, each one of the practitioners was persecuted.
The policemen did not allow Falun Dafa practitioner Guo Fadong to go to bed and tried to force him to slander Falun Dafa. When Guo refused, they poured cold water all over him, beat him up and abused him. Most of the tortures took place in the evening when the camp staff were having a rest and a lot of times the policemen ordered a few of the most vicious inmates to play the part of thugs. In order to drown the sound of beating and Guo's moans of suffering they even turn up the volume of the television in an attempt to cover up their crimes.
Inmates who played the part of the "personal cangue" often beat and verbally abused Dafa Practitioner Du Guocong. They frequently did not give Du enough to eat and poured cold water over him. When Du was shivering because of the cold these "cangue" would tell him to run to get warm. Many times they forced Du to adopt various poses, either squatting or standing, while they punched and kicked him. After Du told them that he was injured, the policemen ordered the "cangue" to strip off Du's clothes and to carry him by his arms from one end of the dormitory to the other and back to have everyone in the the team, who were subjected to reform through labor (about 30 in all), examine his wounds. One day, the policemen beat Du with a rubber hose until he was black and blue all over his body and his nose was bleeding.
The policemen in the labor camp stripped off Dafa practitioner Ren Liang's clothes, forced him into a steel chair and then poured cold water onto the chair, making it unbearably cold. This lasted for several hours. After that the policemen even forced human excrement and urine into his mouth twice. Ren could not walk for a whole week as a result of the beating and the torture.
Dafa practitioner Xu Bin was tied onto a steel chair. He was not allowed to go to bed for two days and two nights. He suffered from very severe torture and as a result had difficulty in walking. Everytime that he wanted to go to the toilet he needed other people's help. After that, the policemen arranged inmates to sit beside his bed in turns. They would wake him up whenever he attempted to go to sleep so that Xu could not have any rest at all.
The policemen beat 60-year-old Huang Tairen so badly that he could not move and had to lie on the floor for several hours before he was able to get up. Sixty-seven-year-old Dafa practitioner Feng Guanyun was illegally held in the forced labor camp and also suffered from various inhuman tortures including being deprived of sleep, "sitting on a small stool," and having urine poured into his mouth.
These are just some of the facts of torture and persecution suffered by Falun Dafa practitioners at the Daqing City Forced Labor Camp.
The following are the telephone numbers of the responsible members of the Daqing City Forced Labor Camp:
The Shibalihe Female Forced Labor Camp in Henan province is well known for its evilness; the police officers viciously persecute Dafa and Dafa practitioners.
Crimes Committed by the Authorities in Charge:
Primary Criminals:
Wu Hongru, male, forced labor camp person in charge
Zhou Xiaohong, female, person in charge of persecuting Falun Gong
Gao Mingxu, male, person in charge
Wang Yan, female, person in charge
Guo Hongyan, female, administrative manager
Chen Lanying, female, police weapons department manager
Criminal records
The afore-mentioned people directly planned the cruel torture called "Tie the Ropes"* for all practitioners in the forced labor camp near the end of 2001. They tortured over 120 practitioners causing them to suffer excruciating pain and severe bruising.
Secondary criminals:
Jiang Yanling, female, No. 2 grand team leader
Min Yumei, female, team leader
Ying Meiling, female, team leader
Chen Lanying, police officer
Zhang Nan, police officer
Criminal records
Those named above took part in persecuting Dafa practitioners Yang Yongsheng, Wang Deping, Bai E, Fu Hongxia, and Fan Jinping.
In 2001, the above-mentioned took Dafa practitioners away to "Tie the Ropes" (a cruel punishment).
At the end of 2002, police Jiang Yanling incited drug addicts to beat Wang Deping, and then drag her away and tie her up with ropes, hang her by her handcuffed wrists, then turn her upside down, with her arms and legs all tied up. This torture is extremely painful. To this day her legs and midsection are still numb from this torture.
At the end of 2002, Zhang Baoju was tied up with ropes because she wrote a letter to reveal Wu Hongru's (the person in charge) crimes.
In early March 2003, Dafa practitioner Zhao Xilian (who is employed at the Agriculture University in Henan province) suffered from an accelerated heartbeat and vomiting, so she could not work. Jiang Yanling, Min Yumei, and Ying Meiling threatened her by trying to tie her up with the ropes, in order to force her to work. In order to resist the persecution, Zhao went on a hunger strike and refused to work. A week after she had begun the hunger strike, Jiang Yanling, Min Yumei, and Ying Meiling had security personnel drag her all the way downstairs. Her head was covered with multiple wounds and it bled profusely. They again tightly tied up her skinny body with ropes, hung her up and spun her around a few times, then beat her until she lost consciousness. She was returned while still unconscious, and looked different. She was unable to walk upright and was very weak. Jiang Yanling, Min Yumei, and Ying Meiling showed no remorse or concern about her. She was under illegal detention. Three criminals also incited drug addicts to write a letter of guarantee on Zhao's behalf; they grabbed her hand and pressed her finger down in order to get her fingerprint to sign the letter.
Police officers Chen Lanying and Zhang Nan directly beat and tortured Dafa practitioner Zhao Xilian.
Secondary criminals:
Jia Meili, female, No.3 team leader
Hu Zhaoxia, female, No.3 team leader, in charge of persecuting Falun Gong
Criminal records:
Jia Meili and Hu Zhaoxia directly participated in dragging all steadfast Dafa practitioners of the No. 3 team to be tied up with ropes at the end of 2001, and tortured them. Even though the practitioners couldn't walk due to the intense torture, they were forced to stretch, participate in military-style training, and perform heavy physical labor. Dafa practitioner Wang Guihua was tied up with ropes and deprived of sleep for four consecutive days and nights. After she came back, one of her legs was wounded, she couldn't stand steadily, and she often fell.
The two criminals Jia Meili and Hu Zhaoxia often extended the detention terms by 3 to 6 months of Dafa practitioners who refused to participate in so-called "political examinations." About 30 practitioners' detention terms were extended.
In March 2003, in order to resist the persecution, Dafa practitioner Yan Aiying tore her criminal card apart; for this she was dragged by the police to be tied up with the ropes, resulting in her arms and legs being seriously wounded. Yan Aiying was forced to perform heavy labor work after being tortured.
* "Tying the Ropes" - The police tie up the practitioner with a thin rope, circle the rope around his neck, and tie his hands behind his back.á Then the police would use all the force they could muster to tighten the rope.á The rope becomes tighter and tighter around the body of the practitioner, and makes it more and more difficult for him to breathe. The pain is so intense that the practitioner sometimes loses control of his bladder.á There are instances when the rope was tightened enough to break a practitioner's arm.
(Clearwisdom.net) Dafa practitioners Ji Xiuling, Li Xia and Yu Airong of Jiaozhou City, Shandong Province, each received a four-year sentence from the thugs in Jiaozhou City between December 2002 and March 2003.
Ji Xiuling, female, 43-year-old, is a native of Dongdianzi Village, Nanguan Town in Jiaozhou City. In June 2002, Ji Xiuling and fellow practitioner Li Xia were arrested by police from Nanguan Town police station and the "610 Office."* They were locked up in a steel cage for several days. After that, Li Xia was escorted back to her hometown by local police. Ji Xiuling was interrogated for several more days before being taken to Zhangjiatun Brainwashing Center in Jiaozhou City for further persecution. As soon as she walked into the brainwashing center, the police beat her violently, resulting in a broken leg. To protest the illegal and cruel treatment, Ji Xiuling started a hunger strike. Her peaceful and righteous action did not stop police atrocity. They even intensified their brutality by force-feeding her with alcohol [Dafa practitioners do not drink or smoke] and a group of policemen together beat her up. Ji Xiuling refused to yield to the evil force and was sentenced to four years in prison at the end of 2002 in a secret trial.
Li Xia, female, 33-year-old, is a native of Haojiazhuang Village, Ducun Town in South of Jiaozhou City. Police from Ducun Town police station forced her into Zhangjiatun Brainwashing Center. Li Xia was detained for six months in the brainwashing center. In February 2003 she was transferred to the Dashan Detention Center in Qingdao City for a month before being sentenced to four years in jail during a secret trial.
Yu Airong, female, 45-year-old, is a native of Dakuaijiagou Village, Ducun Town in the South of Jiaozhou City. In the winter of 2002, police broke into her house and arrested her. They sent her to Zhangjiatun Brainwashing Center. Because she refused to give up her faith in Dafa, the "610 Office" police sent her to the Dashan Detention Center. A month later, she received a four-year sentence in jail during a secret trial.
*"610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.
March 27, 2003
(Clearwisdom.net) Wang Liqing and Zhang Surong (both female) are Dafa practitioners in Lincheng County of Hebei Province. They were followed by plainclothes police officers on March 12, 2003, while they were clarifying the facts of Falun Gong to the residents of Ciyao Village that is on the border of Neiqiu County. Later, they were arrested by the police from Lincheng County Police Department. Policeman Gao Lifeng from the Political Security Section of the Police Departmentácolluded witháFeng Shuqun of the county "610 office" imposing pressures on the higher authorities of both Wang Liqing's work unit, the Lincheng County Education and Athletic Bureau, and Zhang Surong's work unit, the Lincheng County Public Heath Bureau. Both failed to extort 2000 Yuan from them and force them to provide an "assurance" [agreement not to practice Falun Gong or appeal for Falun Gong].áTherefore, on March 14, 2003, they transferred the twoáDafa practitioners to a brainwashing class at the "Law Education Center" of Xingtai Cityáfor brainwashing. Wang Liqing and Zhang Surong are now in a very difficult situation. Their parents have been deeply hurt and they are in great sorrow. We hope Dafa practitioners who read this news to help them break away from the vicious persecution, enable them to return to the immense current of Dafa practitioners clarifying the facts and saving the beings.
Gao Lifeng and Feng Shuqun are responsible for the recent escalation of the persecution of Dafa practitioners in Lincheng County. These two people spend all their energy on persecuting Dafa practitioners and they do not believe the universal principle that goodness will be rewarded and evil will receive its karmic retribution. They also do not listen to repeated appeals from Dafa practitioners to stop their wrongdoing. We now disclose their evil acts to the public to let them face public trial.
Telephone numbers of responsible parties and individuals (country and area code: 86-319)
Gao Lifeng of Political Security Section: 7079088 (home)
Feng Shuqun of Lincheng County "610 Office": 7166218 (home)
Lincheng County Police Department: 7132369
Political Security Sectionáof the Police Department: 7132381
Lincheng County "610 Office": 7182610
Lincheng County Education and Athletic Bureau: 7191199
Lincheng County Public Heath Bureau: 7162251
Liu Changzhi, the head of Lincheng County Public Heath Bureau: 7163026 (home)
Li Qingshan, associate head of Lincheng County Police Department: 7161638 (home)
Wang Jianhai, associate head of Lincheng County Education and Athletic Bureau: 7191138 (home)
April 14, 2003
Dafa Practitioner Li Weiji from Liaoning Province, Illegally Sentenced to An Eight Year Prison Term, Suffers from Severe and Brutal Physical Abuse during Interrogation
Dafa practitioner Li Weiji, male, around 40, was abducted from his home in May 2000. He was imprisoned in the Tieling city detention center. He was severely beaten during the illegal interrogation--he was beaten until one of his legs was crippled and one of his arms became numb. After only a few days in detention half his hair turned white. He has been sentenced to an eight-year term of imprisonment. We are calling on the international community to help in his urgent rescue.
Zhang Li, An Employee of the Shuangyashan Telecommunication Company Is Illegally Sentenced to a Nine-year Prison Term
Zhang Li, female, 32, an employee of the Telecommunication Co. in Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province, was kidnapped from Baoqing County, Heilongjiang Province on May 4, 2001 and has been illegally imprisoned in the Baoqing 2nd Detention Center for four months.
The responsible persons:
Liu Wenli, female, about 30, works for the Baoqing County Security Bureau, Politics and Protection section.
Qiang Gang, male, about 30, also works for the Baoqing County Security Bureau, Politics and Protection section.
On April 15, 2002, Zhang Li was forcefully abducted from her home for the second time. Later on she was been illegally sentenced to nine years in prison. The persons who were involved in this abduction are Li X (full name unknown), Yao Chunguang, Yu Yongjiang, and Wang Xiaodong.
Dafa Practitioner Li Shujun of the Qilu Pharmaceutical Co. in Shandong Is Illegally Sentenced to Five Years in Prison
Dafa practitioner Liee Shujun of the Qilu Pharmaceutical Company in Shandong Province was given a heavy sentence of five years in prison because he produced four hundred truth clarifying VCDs. Another practitioner in his company was given a seven-year prison term, also a heavy sentence.
Dafa Practitioner Gao Hongbin from Hengshui, Hebei Province Is Secretly Sentenced to a Four-year Prison Term
In November 2000, Dafa practitioner Gao Hongbin from Hengshui, Hebei Province was arrested and secretly sentenced to a four-year prison term because he printed truth-clarifying flyers.
(Clearwisdom.net) On February 19, 2003, Ms. Gou Zhongxiu was illegally arrested by police while she was distributing materials about the truth of Falun Gong in Jiezi County, Chongzhou City. After forcing her to return home the police searched and ransacked her house. She is being held at Chongzhou City Detention Center and no one from her family has been allowed to visit her.
Chongzhou City police kidnapped Ms. Zhang Yingfang after suddenly searching and ransacking her house at 11 pm in mid-March 2003. Her family doesn't know where she is currently being held.
Also in mid-March, Ms. Du Yuqing and Ms. Luo Junfang were apprehended by the police while they were hanging up Dafa posters on the street. They were held at the Chongzhou City Detention Center. They were transferred to the Gongbaofu Detention Center in Chongzhou City. Both of their houses have been searched and ransacked by the police and their families haven't been allowed to visit them.
Ms. Guo Yufang was arrested by the police and held at the Chongzhou City Detention Center in the middle of March. She is being held at the Gongbaofu Detention Center in Chongzhou City.
The Liaojia County police from Chongzhou City caught Ms. Ji Huifen on March 10th. Her whereabouts are currently unknown.
The Liaojia police in Chongzhou City took Ms. Jia Chunrong from her home at the beginning of March. Her house was illegally searched and ransacked and no one knows her current whereabouts.
The Chongzhou City police detained Ms. Wang Huifen at the beginning of March. Her current status is unknown.
The police at Guansheng County Police Station in Chongzhou City arrested Ms. Su Yuying at the beginning of March. She was held at Chongzhou City Detention Center. She was then transferred to Gongbaofu Detention Center in Chongzhou City.
Practitioner Gong was arrested by the police of Chongzhou City in his home in the middle of March and was held at Chongzhou City Detention Center. No one knows his current whereabouts.
Practitioner Zhang was arrested by the police in Wenjiang while distributing truth clarifying Dafa materials at the beginning of March. He is being illegally held at the Chongzhou City Detention Center.
Over ten Falun Dafa practitioners are being illegally held in solitary confinement at Gongbaofu Detention Center in Chongzhou City. Their families are not allowed to visit them and further details of their condition are unknown.
Ms. Zhu Yuhua was strung up for three days in Gongbaofu Detention Center in Chongzhou City because the police in Chongyang City found Dafa's truth material in her bag during a search of her house at 11 pm in the beginning of March. The police also confiscated 9000 Yuan RMB (average annual income is about 6,000 Chinese Yuan per person in urban areas) from her home. The police only wrote a receipt for the confiscated funds after her family went to the Police Station asking repeatedly for the return of the money. After being tortured until she was unconscious, Zhu Yuhua was released and taken to the hospital.
Original article date: 04/10/2003
(Clearwisdom.net) In November 2000, I was arrested in Tiananmen Square when I went their to let the public know the truth about the persecution of Falun Dafa shouting "Falun Dafa is Good!," "Truth, Benevolence, Forbearance is good!." The police attempted to escort me back to my hometown, but I escaped using my righteous thoughts. Later, I was fired by my working unit for no reason.
I kept clarifying the truth about Dafa in my hometown. In June 2001, police from the district police department illegally searched my home without a warrant and arrested me. They stole all my personal belongings, including 10,350 Yuan in cash, tables, chairs, beds, a TV, an electric water heater, cooking equipment, and everything they could take no matter how small.
From June 6 to June 8, the police exhausted all means attempting to force me to provide them information about other practitioners and the sources of truth-clarifying materials. Because I refused to tell them, they forcibly inserted a mop handle into my vagina, beat the soles of my feet, pulled my hair and slammed my face, they even shocked me with electric batons after they poured water all over my body. I was also cuffed to a "tiger bench" during these days. (See "tiger bench" illustration on http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2001/11/24/16156.html)
From June 8, 2001 to April 2, 2002, I was illegally detained in the City Detention Center, where I was forced to do more than 10 hours of slave labor everyday, and was inhumanly tortured if I could not finish my work quota each day.
On April 2, 2002, the City Police Department sentenced me to three-years of forced labor for "disturbing the stability of society." I refused to sign their sentencing statement, so they signed it against my consent and sent me to Tangshan City Hehuakeng Labor Camp.
The persecution against Dafa practitioners was even worse in the labor camp. They used means to attempt to "reformed" us, and we suffered all kinds of abuses if we did not cooperate. The following are some examples:
April 5, 2003
(Clearwisdom.net report on April 21st)
Report from Taipei: The spreading of SARS in mainland China is shocking. Under the pressure from WHO and international media, the Chinese Ministration Bureau of Health published its data of SARS patients according to WHO standards. As of April 18, there were 1,807 SARS cases and 79 deaths. In order to prevent the further spreading of SARS, the government canceled the long holiday around May 1st this year, which results in further damage to the tourism industry. The Beijing government ordered that all shops stop large-scale sales promotion events. After deputy Health Minister Gao Qiang corrected the latest SARS data, the Chinese President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao took disciplinary action. Health Minister Zhang Wenkang, known to have been intentionally hiding the facts, was removed from his position as Secretary in the Party; the positions that Meng Xuenong used to hold, such as Vice Secretary of the Beijing City branch of the Party, Committee Member in charge, etc, have been taken over by Wang Qi, the current Secretary of Hainan Province.
Gao Qiang admitted that Beijing had presented incomplete and inaccurate statistics on SARS. From April 21 on, mainland China will accelerate its reporting of SARS data from one every 5 days, to a daily update. In order to prevent the further spread of SARS caused by large-scale travel, Gao Qiang announced that the upcoming May 1st long holiday would be canceled this year.
The Chinese economy grew 9.9% in the 1st quarter. But after the sudden outbreak of SARS in Beijing and other major cities, plus the cancellation of the May 1st holiday, the economy has already been damaged, especially jeopardizing the tourism industry, commercial marketing and trade shows. Many big shows were delayed or canceled; travel agencies have canceled trips and are downsizing personnel. Experts estimate that China's GDP may be lowered by 1-2%.
SARS has already created major losses to Mainland trade shows. Yin Mingzhao, CEO of Beijing's Zhongjian Huashuo Exhibition Company Ltd. said that "cancellation requests from foreign exhibitors are non-negotiatable. Normally, 15-50% of the exhibitors in a professional international trade show are foreigners. So the cancellation of all foreign exhibitors means the cancellation of all exhibits. For instance, the original International Communication Data Exhibition in Shanghai this April, 40% of the booths are from Taiwan. Now that these companies refuse to come, the trade show is delayed."
The direct income from the Chinese Exhibition industry in 2002 totals nearly 5 billion Yuan RMB, which helped the economy in relevant industries, such as lodging, dining, communication, tourism, purchasing, etc. income reach 36 billion Yuan RMB, equivalent 0.04% GDP, and increased 20% every year. If SARS is not controlled soon, it will hit the marketing/trade show industry heavily.
The tourism industry is facing the most severe crisis. Mainland China created 33.1 billion Yuan in income during last year's May 1st long holiday, with the number of tourists reaching 87.1 million. After hearing that the May 1st holiday was canceled, an unnamed official in charge of the Guangdong Provincial Touring Industry said, "It's total collapse, don't even think about it!" China Economics Times quoted mainland China Kanghui Travel Agency Manager Li Jilie, "Because the number of tourists is dwindling, all trips through Kanghui have been canceled in May, and most June and July trips are canceled as well. Some travel agencies in Zhejiang Province have reduced employee salaries."
Top Chinese economics expert Hu Zuliu, employed by Gaosheng Inc., said that "since the Chinese economy is so enormous, the short-term impact (of SARS) might be tiny." But he is worried about the long-term damage, which includes foreigners' new views on the transparency of Chinese government policies.
(Clearwisdom.net) In an April 21st report, a special dispatch by Central News Agency journalist Zhou Huiying from Beijing reported that the Chinese Health Ministry updated the number of SARS cases today, increasing them from around 1,400 two days ago to more than 1,800. The number of cases in Beijing grew tenfold. Because the ruling Party officials previously concealed the truth of the virus, the foreign media in Beijing no longer trust the government statistics. Reporters asked the Ministry of Health, "Why should we believe you?"
The Ministry of Health published the situation of SARS only in early April 2003, although the first breakout took place in Guangdong Province in late 2002. The government claimed, "The situation is effectively under control." What the people say differs quite a lot from the government's claims. In addition to the foreign media and WHO experts exposing conditions in the military hospitals in China that were hiding SARS patients, the international community is not willing to believe the official reports from the Chinese government.
Under pressure from the international community, the Ministry of Health published updates on the virus today, and admitted in a press conference that the statistics, surveillance and tracking system in China in related departments is incomplete, justifying their stand that this led to mistakes in the accuracy of the number of reported cases.
In fact, other than statistics, the government officials' attitude is the main reason to hide the truth. For example, the health official in charge lied numerous times in the past month, although he knew Pekka Aro, a senior International Labor Organization official was sent to the Ditan Hospital in Beijing because he contracted SARS. The minister blatantly and publicly claimed, "it's safe for foreigners to work and travel in China" although he clearly knew there were SARS patients in the military hospitals who had not been reported. He said the statistics included military hospitals.
What is more, when WHO officials recently visited military hospitals in China, including the No. 309 Hospital, the hospital officials temporarily moved patients elsewhere-other hospitals or hotels, to deceive the WHO inspectors. The world was shocked when news about this deception came to light.
Although the government claims today's data includes military hospital patients, a journalist from the Australian Broadcast Corporation condemned Gao Qiang, deputy minister of health, saying since there were so many lies told, what reason was there for the world to believe the words of the Chinese Ministry of Health?
After telling too many lies, the Chinese government fails to gain the international community's trust. From now on, if the government wants to convince others, there is nothing else to do except to be honest. The government spokespersons said beginning tomorrow, the situation of the disease will be updated and announced daily. The foreign media are trying to adopt a "wait and see" attitude, to find out whether the government officials will change their modus operandi, accept the good advice readily and provide the truth.
April 20, 2003
Apple Daily reported on April 17 that the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law continues to receive worldwide attention. The U.S. Department of State recently submitted to Congress a report on Hong Kong. The debate over the Article 23 legislation is mentioned in the report, which also refers to people's concerns that Article 23 may affect the freedom of Hong Kong citizens. The report points out that even though Hong Kong still respects the freedom to enter and leave Hong Kong, last June, 90 Falun Gong practitioners were denied entrance to Hong Kong. Wu Hongda, a political dissident, was also not allowed to enter Hong Kong last April.
(1) One day a Dafa disciple, a 60-year-old woman, was posting Dafa truth materials, when a police officer discovered her and grabbed her by the hand. He said, "I have finally caught you." The Dafa disciple did not panic at all. While sending forth righteous thoughts, she turned her head slowly, looked at the police officer in the eye and said calmly, "I am clarifying the truth to people, let go of my hand." The police officer was shocked and released her hand immediately. Pointing to Dafa banners, the Dafa disciple told the police officer, "You stand here, read the banner carefully. Read it slowly, I need to post them in other areas too." After saying that, the Dafa disciple walked away. The police officer stood there reading the truth clarification materials.
(2) One day in a city in Northeast China, a "610 office" vehicle passed a police station. They noticed that there was a female Dafa disciple posting Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials on the front door of the police station. The "610 office" head called the police chief of that police station. On the phone, the head of the "610 office" was furious, and accused the chief of being ignorant while Falun Gong practitioners posted banners on their front door, and yelled at him before hanging up the phone. The police chief sent a few police officers to the front gate and found that the woman was still posting Dafa banners. They kidnapped her and put her in a police vehicle and drove her to a detention center.
On the way to the detention center, the police chief told the Dafa disciple that she was too daring, even posting Dafa materials on his door in broad daylight. "Did you ever think about the consequence?" asked the police chief. While sending forth righteous thoughts, she said, "What I did was to let people know the truth." She was thinking that what she was doing was the most righteous thing, and she would not cooperate with the evil, and that the evil does not have the right to test her through persecution. The police chief then asked her if she was bold enough to post Dafa materials anywhere. After she answered yes, the chief told the driver to go to a place. After the car came to a stop, the chief pointed to the wall of a building, and asked, "Do you dare to post your materials on that wall?" Without any hesitation, she picked up the remaining materials and stepped out of the car, and posted Dafa materials on the wall of that building. The police then escorted her back to the police car. The chief asked her if she knew what this place was, and told her that the building was the "610 office." "Are you afraid of it?" asked the chief. "There is nothing to be afraid of. I can go anywhere to rectify the Fa" she answered calmly. All the policemen in the car were saying that she was good. The chief asked again, "If the '610 office' staff asks you who sent you there, are you going to tell them?" "I won't tell them. Everything we do is to clarify the truth. I will not accept the persecution that was forced on me, nor will I betray the good people who tell me to do good things" said the Dafa disciple. After hearing this, the chief told the police who arrested her, "Release her, let her go." The Dafa disciple opened the door and got out of the police car. Immediately she joined the people on the street.
With strong belief in Master and Dafa, and the wisdom given by Dafa, this female Dafa disciple walked away from such a dangerous situation unharmed using righteous thoughts.
The following are stories of what happened to a few Falun Gong practitioners in the countryside of Ningjin County of Hebei Province. Their ages range from teens to over sixty. We have only recorded a few stories to verify that Dafa is miraculous and beneficial to many practitioners.
1. Skin Cancer Healed After Cultivating DafaI am 22 years old. I used to suffer from severe skin cancer. Yellow fluid would drip down my face. I went to seek help from doctors all over the place, yet I was never cured. At last I came to know Falun Dafa, and after two months of practicing the exercises, my cancer was healed miraculously, and my face became clear and bright. Falun Dafa has saved me.
Yet, such a wonderful cultivation practice was banned by the dictator Jiang. Both my mother and I practice Falun Gong. Whenever the so-called "sensitive days" come, the county government comes to harass us in our home. Yet I am determined to practice Dafa despite the persecution.
2. Dafa Has Miraculous Power, It Reversed the Need for Me To Have My Leg AmputatedI used to suffer from osteomyelitis, and my ankle always had fluid inside. I had to rely on a crutch for several years; my body was very weak and the doctor told me that I should consider having my leg amputated. The pain I suffered made me feel upset and I was in a very bad temper all the time, my family had no peace either.
In 1998, soon after I obtained Dafa, I threw away my crutch and I was even able to work in the fields and ride a bike. For the past six years, I have not spent any money on medical expenses and I changed from having a bad temper to having a peaceful nature. Dafa has benefited me inside and out.
Yet since Jiang's regime began the persecution against Falun Gong, the county government came to my home many times to interrupt my life.
3. I No Longer Need "My Little Pharmacy" After Practicing Falun Dafa.
I started to practice Falun Dafa in April 1997. Before that I was full of health problems. The medicine I had at home could have constituted a small pharmacy, but I was still ill. The illness agonized me and I had no strength at all.
When I was in so much pain that I didn't even want to live, I obtained Dafa. Within a year of practicing, my body changed miraculously; many illnesses which had no cure were then healed without me noticing them. For the past few years of my practice, my family was no longer troubled by trying to get money for me to buy medicine, my little pharmacy at home was also gone. My friends and family all commented that I had became a new person.
Yet after July 20, 1999, the officials from the police station and the cadre from our village often came to disrupt me at home, not allowing me to practice Falun Gong. Yet it didn't matter what they did, I am still determined to practice Dafa without my heart being moved, and I will clarify the truth with my own experience.
4. "Disease That Was Uncured By All Other Means Disappeared After Practiting Falun Dafa"Before attaining the Fa, I had very serious diseases, and I often could not sleep at night.
After I started to practice Falun Dafa in 1999, my illnesses disappeared, I regained my strength, and I could return to my daily work at home and in the fields. My 85 year old mother-in-law, my son and my wife all thanked Dafa: "Dafa is miraculous! Falun Gong cured a disease which I had been unable to cure even after spending lots of money to treat. Our whole family thanks our Teacher so much." My neighbors said: "Even your illnesses could be cured. So if Jiang did not ban this practice, we would have also started to practice Falun Gong!"
5. After Only 6 Months of Cultivation Practice, I Threw Away My Medicine BottleBefore 1996, my body was very weak, and I suffered from stomach diseases all year long. In the first half of 1996, I was diagnosed with hepatitis. I had to receive IV infusions daily and stayed in bed all the time. I was so skinny that I had to rest after walking for 10 meters; everyone said that I could not live long. When I was just about to give up hope for life, I began to practice Falun Dafa. After 6 months, I threw away the medicine bottles and my body became healthy gradually.
After July 20, 1999, when Jiang started to persecute Falun Gong, I went to appeal to the provincial government in order to say a fair word for Dafa. The provincial government ignored me, so I went to Beijing. At that time, the police station and the bureaucrats came to my home every day, and they tried to force my family to look for me. After I went home, the police station and the security bureau fined me 1200 Yuan. Since then I was on their black list, and the village party committee often sent people to follow me.
During the 16th Party Meeting, the police station arrested me 3 times. They threatened to send me to the detention center after the party meeting was over, and my family was forced to leave home for over a month to avoid further persecution and illegal arrest.
(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, we successively had some seemingly normal but actually extremely abnormal problems among our practitioners. No matter whether it was a big problem or a small one, we didn't take great notice because they appeared to be like normal problems everyday people have to face. Yet, we realized when these kind of problems occur and we do not rectify them in time, they would lead to larger damage and severe interference later.
The problems we encountered mainly manifested as follows:
While her father and mother-in-law began to support and practice Falun Gong, her mother-in-law's former "disease" recurred. The symptom was very severe. The mother-in-law was afraid and all her family worried about her. In fear of the onset of the severe "disease," they brought the mother-in-law to a hospital. The practitioner wanted to persuade them not to send her mother-in-law to hospital, but she did not say anything, as others could not understand her. She agreed with them on the surface but sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil preventing her mother-in-law from obtaining the Fa. Since no hospital ward was available, the mother-in-law could not be admitted. For the second time, the doctor renowned for treating this particular disease went on a business trip. Afterwards, the mother-in-law's "disease" alleviated. The practitioner told her mother-in-law, "Master is taking care of you. It is not necessary treat the 'disease,' because it was not a disease at all. It is a karmic reaction you have experienced when Master is cleaning your body. You don't need to the hospital. Let's go home and practice the exercises."
The practitioner realized the first reason for the severe "disease" her mother-in-law suffered - Master was cleaning her body. At the same time, this happened also because the old forces tried to amplify the karmic reaction and take advantage of it, to aggravate the suffering in attempt to prevent the mother-in-law from obtaining the Fa.
At present, the old forces are grasping on to everything with their last ounce of strength and are trying everything to prevent practitioners from doing Fa-rectification. They try to destroy sentient beings. They are at their wits' end and have run out of options.
The old forces just make use of these problems that accord with everyday people's society. Influenced by human's inherent mentality and their way of thinking, the old forces take advantage of the practitioners who let down their guard. The old forces let us think all these happened "naturally," "accidentally," "inevitably," and that this is just the way it is, thereby making us develop a passive and pessimistic attitude. If we do not vigorously and actively break through it, the old forces then could interfere with us and damage Fa-rectification without our being aware.
If we cannot deal with these matters, they then could affect our daily life and cultivation. If we try to solve these problems, it would delay our process of Fa-rectification and take a lot of time that should be used to save sentient beings. Therefore, practitioners are in a dilemma. In this way, the old forces attempt to wear down practitioner's will. How vicious old forces are!
For everyday people, all these above mentioned problems are common phenomena in human society. However, for practitioners during the Fa-rectification period, there is "abnormality" hiding behind normality. Dafa practitioners are busy assisting Master to provide salvation to sentient beings. "Except for newer students, from July 20 of 1999 on, Master hasn't created any personal-cultivation type tests for you, and that's because overall your personal cultivation has changed in the direction of saving sentient beings and validating Dafa. (Applause)" ("Explaining the Fa During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference")
Therefore, at the critical time of our Fa-rectification cultivation, we definitely should "take the Fa as teacher," hold righteous thoughts all the time, in advance eliminate possible interferences and damage arranged by the old forces with righteous thoughts, and negate their plots of interference and damage. In the meantime, we need to look at everything in Fa-rectification cultivation with righteous thoughts and discern all these interferences and damage, which are not easy to perceive. For those interferences and damage the evil have already created, we should definitely eliminate them with righteous thoughts and don't allow them to impede our process to assist Master rectifying the Fa and offering salvation to sentient beings.
The above is my personal understanding. Please point out if there is anything improper.
(1) Congratulation Letter from US Congressman Edolphus Towns
(2) Congratulation Letter from New York State Assembly Member Frank Seddio
(3) Congratulation Letter from New York City Councilman Kendall Stewart
(4) Congratulation Letter from US Congressman Nita Lowey
(5) Congratulation Letter from New York State Assembly Member N. Nick Perry
(Clearwisdom.net) On Saturday, April 19, 2003, practitioners who attended the 2003 New York Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference participated in many events around the city to introduce Falun Dafa and the truth about the persecution to local citizens. Groups of practitioners went to several of New York's Chinatowns to hold group practices, a parade, and to distribute flyers, mostly to local Chinese people.
The practitioners called upon the people to join together to end the persecution and secure the release of all Falun Gong practitioners who are being detained in China.
(Clearwisdom.net) (from a Chinese language FDI report) On Saturday, April
19, 2003, more than 500 Falun Gong practitioners held peaceful rallies and parades in several
locations throughout New York City, including Times Square. Over 60 cars formed a procession and
drove around the city for to spread awareness of the Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong.
From 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., the motorcade drove along the busy streets and circled the entire city. Banners on the cars had the words, "Stop persecuting Falun Gong," "Safeguard the freedom of human rights," "Falun Dafa is good" and "Release Charles Li." Practitioners participating came from New Jersey, Philadelphia and upstate New York.
Around noon, pedestrian traffic in the Chinatowns of Flushing, Brooklyn and New York City was at its peak. Wherever the motorcade went, passersby would watch with interest. Some passersby and drivers greeted practitioners in the procession. A taxi driver said, "I've seen many advertisements on cars. What you are doing is the best and I support you." Some taxi drivers gave us a thumb-up sign and said, "Well done!" Many Chinese people showed surprise to see the procession of cars, and many of them stopped and carefully read the signs posted on our cars. Some of them read out, "Falun Dafa is good!" When the motorcade passed a Chinese restaurant, the Chinese employees rushed out to wave and smiled.
The motorcade passed through nearly all streets and lanes in New York's Chinatowns. Those participating in the activity said that over the last three plus years, more and more kind-hearted people around the world have come to know that "Falun Dafa is good" and the facts about the Jiang regime's brutal persecution of Falun Gong. They hoped that more people with kindness and a sense of justice pay close attention to this matter and try their best to help end the brutal persecution soon.
(Clearwisdom.net) Every year around Easter, many tourists come to Berlin on vacation from all over Europe. After sharing experiences, Dafa practitioners realized that the Easter period is a good chance to clarify the facts of the persecution to the tourists from different European countries.
On Easter Saturday, Dafa practitioners held an information day in the centre of Berlin. They supported the lawsuit against dictator Jiang Zemin by sending forth righteous thoughts and by telling many people about the crimes he has committed against peaceful and innocent Falun Dafa practitioners.
Throughout the day, many people were glad to accept our materials and also came to find out more about the situation in China. We made it clear through our information boards that the prosecution of Jiang is not an act of retaliation, but because we must uphold justice. We will not endure this persecution silently.
Article from: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200304/11900.html
(Clearwisdom.net) The Penghu Technical College is the only state college on Penghu Island. For its eighth anniversary, the college organized a parade involving the local community. A total of 48 groups participated in the parade and Falun Gong was one of them.
The parade around the city was scheduled to start at 5:30 p.m., to be followed by performances in the night. Falun Gong practitioners quietly and peacefully walked in rhythm with the sounds of "Pu Du" and "Ji Shi". Spectators lined the streets, and we distributed many flyers introducing Falun Gong to them. As we walked down the streets, almost everyone accepted the flyers. We ran out of flyers even before we finished the parade.
The parade also provided a chance for practitioners to improve. An older practitioner at our site had practiced over one year, but he didn't participate in many activities because he needs to use the restroom frequently. Every day, he would use the restroom after one hour of practice. This time, we encouraged him to join the parade and we walked continuously for three hours without him needing to stop. Since then, he no longer needs to use the restroom so frequently any more. Another practitioner met a friend during the parade, and it was a good opportunity to introduce this friend to Falun Gong.
The practitioners cooperated as one integrated body during this activity. I was deeply moved by the sacred, passionate energy field during the parade.
April 22, 2003 Tuesday
Dear Editor - I am really sad and disheartened to hear negative and unkind responses to such a peaceful meditation/exercise group as Falun Gong. However I can't totally blame letter-writer Tao Liu "Falun Gong reviews decidedly mixed" (The Guelph Mercury, April 9).
The Chinese Communist party has a strong history of demonizing any group they feel threatened by or wish to suppress. They also have the power, in China, to make up any story or change the law to suit their needs. There are no fair trials or legal avenues of appeal for the Falun Gong.
The Communist party is free to fabricate lies, make unjustified accusations, and torture its victims mercilessly, until they either break down, confess, or die.
Even through all of this however, the Falun Gong have remained peaceful and are not against the government. They only want the right to practice their belief in an upright and dignified manner and have the reputation of their teacher restored.
Chinese authorities slander, lie, and fabricate frame-ups of murders and self immolations in order to justify their persecution of these innocent people. But that doesn't make their stories true. I have read and heard many documented personal accounts from some of the hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners who have been illegally detained and brutally tortured. They are hard to stomach and very real.
I would like to ask your readers to learn more and make an educated decision. See www.falundafa.org and www.faluninfo.net.
They can tell you the other side of the story, the side of the story that the people of China never get to see, and I suggest Tao Liu to also have a look.
I only want you to know the truth so that you will help put an end to and not contribute to such a vicious persecution.
I have been practicing Falun Gong for over two years now and from what I have learned, taking your life or anyone else's goes completely against the principles of Zhen (Truthfulness), Shan (Compassion), Ren (Forbearance) and the teachings of Falun Gong.
If a person did do this he would not be considered a good practitioner, because the basis of Falun Gong is to have a high standard of morality or heart-mind nature (virtue).
There is billions of dollars worth of propaganda out there conveniently provided and paid for by the Communist party.
They have out right stated that their goal is to eradicate the Falun Gong at any cost.
What are we going to do? Add to the hate and persecution, silently going along with it to keep the biggest trade market open? Or are we going to stand up for humanity and goodness.
What kind of a future do you want for your world, which one do you choose?
I appeal to all kindhearted people of the world. Please take the time to learn the truth and help stop the persecution.
Jane Banks
On April 7, 2003, Finnish newspaper Pohjolan Sanomat published an article entitled "Cultivation of Mind and Body," that was about a Falun Dafa exercise demonstration. The article revealed how people learn to practice the Falun Dafa exercises in the town of Kemi's Cultural Center on a Saturday afternoon. One lady praised Falun Dafa and told the reporter how learning the exercises made her feel good. A practitioner talked to the newspaper about the brutal persecution of Falun Dafa in China.
The article went on to reveal how Falun Dafa was introduced to China by Master Li Hongzhi in 1992 and soon had millions of practitioners. It also said that Falun Dafa was different from other Qigong practices because it emphasizes the improvement of one's moral standard, as well as one's physical health. One practitioner told the newspaper "We strive to live according to the principles of 'Truth, Compassion, Tolerance'," and the article revealed that this improvement comes about through reading the principles of Falun Dafa in Master Li's book Zhuan Falun, available for free download on the Internet.
The article finished by stating that everyone is free to learn the five sets of Falun Dafa exercises that purify and relax the body and include slow stretching exercises, as well as a sitting meditation. The article said that there are no mind techniques or breathing methods involved in Falun Dafa, and one lady told the reporter how she felt energy whilst learning the exercises. The newspaper finished its article by stating "practitioners of Falun Dafa want to emphasize that cultivation practice is not a religion or a sect. Practitioners don't need to give up their personal lives and all the activities are free. Practitioners of Falun Dafa also don't worship the founder of the practice, Li Hongzhi, although he is very well respected. One practitioner said, 'We just live a normal life...the most significant change is how we act towards other people. We are more considerate of other people.'"
Exercise practice in Kemi Cultural Center
Article from: www.clearharmony.net/articles/200304/11744.html
[Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Gu Qun Is Illegally Detained at the Dalian Forced Labor Camp
Currently, Gu Qun is being detained at the Dalian Forced Labor Camp. He has been on a hunger strike for several days and is in very poor physical condition because of the persecution.
[Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] The Police Attempt to Persecute the Falun Dafa Practitioners Through Controlling Housing
Police officers from the Heilongjiang Police Bureau went to Daqing City to ensure that the local police were putting in their full effort to search for Dafa practitioners who have left their homes in order to avoid the persecution. The city officials started a seven-month investigation of the available rental housing. They asked the local police stations to investigate family members of the residents or tenants in each building and to monitor the rental housing through the media, real estate agencies, work units, and residential committees. They also ordered the local police to collect information on any new residents or tenants.
[Benxi City, Liaoning Province] The Police Wait at Falun Gong Practitioners' Home In Order To Arrest Other Practitioners
Recently, the police in Benxi illegally arrested some practitioners. They then waited at these practitioners' homes in order to arrest other practitioners when they came to visit.
[Zhengzhou, Henan Province] The Police at Shibalihe Forced Labor Camp Force Falun Gong Practitioners' Family Members to Slander Dafa
Zhengzhou's Shibalihe Forced Labor Camp is also known as the Henan Province Female Forced Labor Camp. The police force visiting family members of practitioners to sign their names on a document that slanders Dafa and curses at Teacher. Anyone refusing to do so is not allowed to see the practitioner.
[Dengfeng City, Henan Province] The Police Illegally Arrest Dafa Practitioners
Police from the Dengfeng Police Department arrested many practitioners during the 16th People's Congress in October and confiscated their homes. They even arrested some practitioners who had just been released from forced labor camps. The practitioners are still being detained and the police have extorted over 10,000 Yuan* from them.
Practitioner Zhao Yueyun, female, 55 years old, worked at the Henan Province Institute of Architecture. Because she persisted in practicing Falun Gong, she was detained twice at the Jinshui Police Branch of the Zhengzhou Police Department. On September 2, 2002, the police from Dengfeng City arrested her while she was at work, leaving a school-aged child at home. We do not know Ms. Zhao's current whereabouts.
[Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhang Dongmei Is Illegally Detained at the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp
Since 1999, Zhang Dongmei, female, 35 years old, has been arrested twice and held at the Harbin Second Detention Center. Police at the Xiangfang Police Branch, including officer Wang, extorted over 20,000 Yuan from Zhang's family before releasing her. On September 19, 2002, the police arrested her again. On February 27, 2003, she was sentenced to three years in the notorious Wanjia Forced Labor Camp.
[Shenze County, Hebei Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner He Meiqing Is Illegally Detained at the Shijiazhuang Forced Labor Camp
He Meiqing, female, 22 years old, was a farmer in the Village of Xiaozhiyao. On December 23, 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal and was illegally sent back to Shenze County Detention Center, where she was force-fed and beaten. Near the end of 2001, she was transferred to the Hebei Province Brainwashing Center. In March 2002, she again went to Beijing to validate Dafa and was illegally arrested and sent to the Shijiazhuang Forced Labor Camp.
[Jinan City, Shandong Province] The Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioner Peng Guixiang
Peng Guixiang of Lixia District has practiced Falun Gong for eight years. In the summer of 2000, she was arrested by the police from the Zhengjuesi Street Police Station. Li Dongfang, Director of the police station at that time, was the main person in charge of persecuting Falun Gong detainees. He is now the director of the "610 Office"* at the Lixia District Police Department.
After being detained at the Jinan Police Department Detention Center for a month, Peng was released. In November 2000, Li Dongfang ordered her to be sent to the Dongjiao Brainwashing Center at Lixia District for two months.
In the summer of 2001, Li again led six people from the "610 Office" to arrest Peng Guixiang from her home. Peng was forced to jump from the third floor and sustained severe injuries when she landed. She was not arrested at that time because of her injuries. In February 2002, three people from the "610 Office" brought a court order sentencing her to three years of forced labor. They did not enforce the court order because Peng had still not recovered from her injuries. In November 2002, the Political Instructor Pan and police officer Ren Jun from Baotuquan Police Station sent Peng's mother to the Jinan "610 Office" Brainwashing Center. They had to release her after 17 days because Peng's health condition worsened. In March 2003, despite the fact that Peng still could not walk, they sent her to the Jiangshuiquan Forced Labor Camp at the Jinan Female Prison. Peng has been kept there ever since and her family is not allowed to visit her.
[Qinhangdao City, Hebei Province] The Personnel From the "610 Office" and the Police Arrest Several Falun Dafa Practitioners
Recently, the police from the "610 Office" and the Qinhangdao City Police Department and Changli County illegally arrested practitioner Zuo Guangdian. On February 25, 2003, using the excuse of contacting other practitioners, they illegally arrested practitioner Zhu Weihua, a teacher at Qinhangdao Yanshan University, in her home. Practitioner Sun Hong is currently being detained at the Qinhangdao First Detention Center. The Qinglong County Police Department recently arrested several practitioners again.
[Lingyuan, Liaoning Province] The Police Arrest Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Lang Jinmei
At 8 p.m. on April 1, 2003, Lang Jinmei who is over 50 years old, a 22-years old woman that does not practice Falun Gong, and Lang's 13-year-old niece went shopping together. Lang found a Dafa flyer on the ground and pasted it back up. The police from the Lingbei Police Station arrested the three of them at a market. They are now being held in a detention center.
[Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] The "610 Office" Plans to Illegally Hold a Brainwashing Session
Personnel from the Chengdu "610 Office" recently decided to hold a brainwashing session for Falun Dafa practitioners who have been to Beijing to appeal and/or have distributed Dafa materials recently.
Around April 7, the police arrested Ms. Zhao Jijun, over 40 years old, for clarifying the truth about Dafa.
[Hefei City, Anhui Province] Personnel From the "610 Office" Slander Falun Dafa and Plan to Illegally Trail Practitioners
Recently, the Hefei City "610 Office" forced people from some work units and residential areas to post up pictures that slander Dafa.
The Hefei "610 Office" and Hefei Police First Division plan to closely monitor female practitioners Yang Jingfang, Peng Haiying, and Wen Yan and male practitioners Bi Xiaojun, Li Jun, and Zhang Fushun.
In October 2002, the police arrested Wu Jianghai in his home. We do not know his current whereabouts.
[Hefei City, Anhui Province] The Police at Anhui Province Female Forced Labor Camp Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners
The Anhui Province Female Forced Labor Camp has been detaining female Falun Dafa practitioners from the province. Since July 2002, the police used the former practitioners who had gone astray, including Pan Yingying and Cheng Tianxia, to persecute Dafa practitioners. They forced the practitioners to watch films and videotapes that defame Falun Gong. They tortured the practitioners using methods such as hanging them up by their handcuffs, depriving them of sleep, stripping them, and brutally beating them. Dafa practitioner Li Mei was persecuted to death in this camp.
[Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province] The Perpetrators Plan to Retaliate After Their Crimes Are Exposed
Recently practitioners from Zhaoyuan City published several articles on the Minghui website exposing the facts of the persecution and the names of some of the perpetrators of the persecution. These people held a secret meeting and then ordered the persecution of Dafa practitioners to be escalated. They plan to utilize all resources to monitor the Internet cafés, the rental housing, and temporary residences in order to find Dafa material production sites. They also set up a reward and punishment system that encouraged family members to persecute Falun Gong.
[Xi'an City, Shanxi Province] Several Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Sent to a Brainwashing Center
In March 2003, several practitioners were forcefully sent to a brainwashing center most likely located at Xi'an Worker's Rehabilitation Center in Changan County, Xi'an City. Du Chunlian, female, 46 years old, was arrested while walking on the street. Three other practitioners Li Zhao, male, 56 years old, Bai Changjin, female, 54 years old, and Liao Min, female, 50 years old were forcefully arrested from their homes.
Recently, more practitioners were forcefully sent to the brainwashing center. Other practitioners were interrogated and forced to guarantee in writing that they would quit practicing Falun Gong.
*Yuan: Chinese currency, the monthly salary for an average Chinese urban worker is about 500 Yuan
*610 Office: a bureau specifically created by the Chinese government to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party, as well as over the political and judiciary branches.
(Clearwisdom.net) A "solemn declaration" is a person's public statement declaring to the world that whatever he or she has done or said under duress or deception that was against Falun Dafa is null and void. Most of these statements have come from Falun Dafa practitioners in China who wished to express regret that, in the face of physical torture and brainwashing, they had signed documents renouncing Dafa and guaranteeing not to practice again. Also, as more and more people in China learn the truth about how they have been deceived and lied to by the Jiang regime, many non-practitioners are also submitting "solemn declarations."
Here are some examples of the Solemn Declarations:
Please click here for more Solemn Declarations.
Editors' Note: Each time we publish news of this nature, we do so with heavy hearts. These people started off as public servants, but under the intense pressure applied by the Jiang regime, they were pushed into persecuting Dafa disciples. In the process of destroying the lives of kind, law-abiding citizens, they have sealed their own fates and inevitably faced karmic retribution as punishment. If it weren't for Jiang's wicked orders, perhaps their fates would've been different.
Secretary of political and judiciary committee of Bincao Township, Shenzhou City, Hebei province dies of a sudden illness
Song Qinzhuang, male, 51 years old, was the secretary of the political and judiciary committee of Bincao Township, Shenzhou City, Hebei Province. He often participated in the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners. In September 2002, he was diagnosed with a tumor in his chest. He spent 70,000 to 80,000 Yuan on treatment, but his condition did not improve. Song died on the 18th day of the first month of the Chinese New Year in 2003.
[Note: 500 Yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China.]
Zhang Jixiang, manager of Changling Oil Refinery's retirement office in Hunan province, dies of a sudden illness
Zhang Jixiang was the office manager of the retirement office of Changling Oil Refinery in Hunan province. He had organized many meetings with Falun Gong practitioners since July 20, 1999. He stated in every meeting, "I just don't believe that I won't be able to overcome Falun Gong." He also illegally deducted money and pension funds from Falun Gong practitioners' accounts. He was diagnosed with cancer and died in November 2002.