Cultivation Within Fa Rectification - Some Thoughts after Learning that Fellow Practitioners Were Illegally Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison [6/14/2009]
- Rationally Understanding the Illegitimacy of the Chinese Communist Party's Laws [6/13/2009]
- Electronic Games Bring Harm to Those that Play Them [5/31/2009]
- Life Is Elevated as It Assimilates to the Fa [5/30/2009]
- Changing Basic Views, Walking out of Human Notions, Becoming Divine Beings [5/17/2009]
- The Importance of Group Fa Study [5/3/2009]
- Cultivating Ourselves While Saving People [3/9/2009]
- Human Thoughts and Righteous Thoughts [3/8/2009]
- Let Those Around Us Move with Dafa [2/7/2009]
- Forbearing in the Face of Adversity [2/4/2009]
- Working Together to Expose the People Responsible for the Persecution to Local Residents [1/25/2009]
- Nothing and No One Can Move Us if Our Strong Righteous Thoughts Prevail [1/20/2009]
- My Unexceptional Yet Sacred Cultivation Path [1/5/2009]
- Having a Righteous Standpoint [12/29/2008]
- Believing in Teacher and Dafa, Firmly Walking the Cultivation Path [12/10/2008]
- Be Concerned about Fellow Practitioners' Families [11/30/2008]
- Cherish and Help Former Practitioners [11/13/2008]
- Being a Capable Practitioner [10/31/2008]
- Master Protected Me When I Was Arrested [10/30/2008]
- Miraculous Stories from Fellow Practitioners [10/28/2008]
- Please Provide Good Guidance to Young Falun Dafa Practitioners [10/20/2008]
- The Story of My Classmate's Wife Returning to Dafa [10/20/2008]
- 70-Year-Old Practitioners Pass the Test of Sickness Karma [10/19/2008]
- Miracles Can Happen When We Look Within Ourselves and Give Up Our Attachments [10/18/2008]
- Eliminating Fear and Calmly Studying the Fa [10/17/2008]
- Compassionate Teacher Saved Me [10/15/2008]
- Sickness Karma Awakened Me [10/14/2008]
- My Child's Illness Was A Reflection of My Cultivation State [10/14/2008]
- Improving My Heart and Mind While Saving Sentient Beings [9/30/2008]
- Just Doing the Three Things Well [9/8/2008]
- Do Not Rely on Ordinary Means to Rescue Fellow Practitioners [9/8/2008]
- Send Forth Righteous Thoughts According to Master's Teachings [9/6/2008]
- Please Do Not Miss this Predestined Relationship that Comes Only in Many Thousands of Years [8/24/2008]
- Rectifying Myself One Step at a Time [8/19/2008]
- Cooperating as a Group to Rescue Fellow Practitioners [8/19/2008]
- Only By Renouncing the Old Forces Can We Emerge from the Persecution [8/11/2008]
- Increasing Fa Study Groups Throughout Our Area [8/11/2008]
- A Wider and Better Path Ahead for Righteous Fa Cultivation [8/10/2008]
- Cultivating in an Environment Created by Group Fa-Study [8/9/2008]
- Enlightened through Cultivation Practice [5/24/2008]
- Cultivation During Fa-Rectification [5/16/2008]
- Becoming Mature in the Process of Truth Clarification [5/2/2008]
- Cultivating Every Single Thought [4/30/2008]
- My Lesson [4/20/2008]
- The Use Of The Olympics To Persecute Dafa is an External Factor; Remain Unaffected and Dissolve it with Righteous Thoughts [4/18/2008]
- Improving as a Whole Body to Stop the Persecution [4/6/2008]
- Improve as One Body and Stop the Persecution [4/4/2008]
- Focusing on Cultivation While Handling Things with Wisdom [3/4/2008]
- Always Maintain Righteous Thoughts in Any Situation [2/11/2008]
- Studying the Fa And Cultivating in the Jail [2/9/2008]
- Confront Anyone Who Reports Falun Dafa Practitioners to CCP Authorities [2/1/2008]
- Don't Think that the Character You Play in this Human World is Real [12/26/2007]
- Closely Follow the Pace of Fa-rectification, the Path Gets Broader As We Go Along [12/14/2007]
- Make Looking Within Priority [12/14/2007]
- Cultivating and Improving Myself While Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts in Close Proximity to an Evil Place [12/4/2007]
- A True Story about Enduring Disgrace and Insults While Doing Important Dafa Work [11/8/2007]
- Raising My Xinxing Level and Arriving at Certain Realizations During Fa-rectification Cultivation [11/6/2007]
- Handling Family Affairs with Compassion and Doing the Three Things Well [11/5/2007]
- We Gradually Become Mature in Cultivation [10/27/2007]
- Cultivating Truth-Compassion-Forbearance in the Education Profession [10/15/2007]
- Believing in Teacher and the Fa Can Turn Bad Things into Good [10/1/2007]
- Remove Our Attachments When Making Truth-Clarification Materials [10/1/2007]
- Who Does the Evil Fear Most? [9/17/2007]
- Coordinators: Be Careful Not to Walk the Wrong Path [9/14/2007]
- Contemplating on Refusing to Improve Through Enduring Persecution [9/14/2007]
- Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts Effectively to Eliminate the Evil [9/11/2007]
- Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions Prevail [9/11/2007]
- Awakening from Pain [9/4/2007]
- From Being Computer Illiterate to Writing Software Programs [9/2/2007]
- If the Machine Doesn't Work, I Need to Cultivate Myself [8/29/2007]
- Replacing Human Nature with Divine Nature [8/28/2007]
- How to Understand "End the Persecution Now" [8/21/2007]
- A Discussion about Hunger Strikes and Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts [8/18/2007]
- There is No Test We Cannot Pass during the Course of Cultivation [8/18/2007]
- Diligent Fa Study Manifests Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Deeds [8/17/2007]
- Dafa Purified Me [8/15/2007]
- The Cultivation Practice Path that I Have Walked [8/15/2007]
- Falun Dafa Disciples and Righteous Thoughts [7/19/2007]
- My Understandings About Rescuing Imprisoned Practitioners [7/9/2007]
- Thoughts on Rescuing Wang Bo and Her Family [7/4/2007]
- Same Situation with Different Results--What We Can Learn from It [5/26/2007]
- A Heart Filled with Joy from Helping Others [5/11/2007]
- Our Cultivation Creates Our Environment [4/16/2007]
- Meeting the Standard of "Selflessness and Altruism" with Regard to Family Relationships [4/1/2007]
- Cherish Those Beings That Master Wants to Save [3/19/2007]
- Melting into the Fa and Walking Towards Maturity in Cultivation [3/19/2007]
- For Practitioners Who Know Technology--Clear Your Minds and Focus Every Thought on the Fa [3/6/2007]
- On the Path of Cultivation [2/16/2007]
- Allow Evildoers to Learn from the Experience of Immediate Retribution for Persecuting Falun Dafa Practitioners [1/5/2007]
- Breaking through Old Force Arrangements; Walking the Path Master Arranged for Us - Part 1 [12/22/2006]
- Master Is Looking After Us at All Times [12/20/2006]
- After Reading "Thoroughly Dissolve the Evil" [12/19/2006]
- Save Sentient Beings and Fulfill Our Prehistoric Oathes [12/9/2006]
- Let Every Thought Emit the Brilliance of a Splendid God Who is Immersed in and Shaped by Dafa [12/8/2006]
- A Fellow Practitioner [12/8/2006]
- A Recent Lesson [11/26/2006]
- Treat the Illness Karma of Family Members With Righteous Thoughts [11/25/2006]
- Everything That Teacher Says Is True [11/22/2006]
- Some Personal Experiences in Fa-Validation and in Persuading Others to Quit the CCP [11/21/2006]
- Maintaining Firm Faith in Teacher and Dafa, Breaking Barriers with My Family [11/12/2006]
- Bring the Power of Righteous Thoughts into Full Play [11/8/2006]
- Let the Udumbara Flowers Blossom in People's Hearts [11/8/2006]
- 83-Year-Old Lady: With Unwavering Belief in Master and Dafa I Broke Through the Tribulation [10/25/2006]
- "Don't Say That! We Should Not Let the Evil Drive Us!" [10/24/2006]
- "By Having Your Heart Unaffected You Will Be Able to Handle Every Situation" [10/24/2006]
- A Practitioner Offers Sentient Beings Salvation Amidst the Pain of Losing Her Husband [10/16/2006]
- Clarifying the Truth with Righteous Thoughts, Awakening the Clear-Headed Side of People in Forced Labor Camps [10/14/2006]
- Thoughts After the Kitchen Fire [10/11/2006]
- My Understanding of Good or Evil Coming from a Person's Spontaneous Thought [10/2/2006]
- One Righteous and Firm Thought Shattered the Evil [10/1/2006]
- When Facing the Persecution with Righteous Thoughts - Police Are the Ones Who Are Afraid [9/28/2006]
- Moved to the Core [9/26/2006]
- My Dreams Help Me Better Understand the Urgency of Truth-Clarification [9/26/2006]
- Righteously Deny the Old Forces' Arrangements [9/17/2006]
- Discarding Human Notions When Clarifying the Truth [9/17/2006]
- An Older Lady Cultivating Firmly [9/16/2006]
- Fu Keshu's Tragedy Highlights the Lack of Cooperation in Our Local Area [9/4/2006]
- Clarifying the Truth from Different Angles [9/4/2006]
- My Experience in Purging Fear and Rationally Clarifying the Truth to Save People [9/1/2006]
- Walking My Path Righteously with Steadfast Faith in the Fa [8/19/2006]
- Purifying My Heart of Cultivation [8/18/2006]
- How I Finally Harmonized My Relationship with My Family [8/7/2006]
- Practitioners Should Not Neglect Saving Their Family Members [7/8/2006]
- My Recent Xinxing Test: Getting To Know Cultivation All Over Again [7/5/2006]
- Repentance for My Wrongdoings in the Aspect of Lust [7/4/2006]
- A Righteous Heart Can Break Through the Internet Blockade: My Recent Experience Accessing the Internet [6/27/2006]
- Cherish This Precious Chance of All Eternity [6/12/2006]
- With Righteous Thoughts We Will be Able to Pass Life-and-Death Tests [6/7/2006]
- Clarifying the Truth during an International Organ Transplant Conference [5/29/2006]
- Facing Wicked Ordeals with Righteous Thoughts and Saving Sentient Beings with Compassion [5/29/2006]
- Firmly Hold Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions, Eliminate Sickness Karma [5/28/2006]
- Turn the Tables on the Evildoers with Righteous Thoughts [5/26/2006]
- Completely Negating the Old Forces' Arrangements [5/25/2006]
- Put Down One's Notions - Round out One's Environment [5/25/2006]
- Sharing My Experience with Practitioners Who Work on Fine Art and Design [5/24/2006]
- Remaking My Life as a Dafa Cultivator - Part I [5/13/2006]
- Relinquish Human Thoughts - Safeguard Dafa with Righteous Thoughts [5/11/2006]
- Firmly and Steadily Walking My Cultivation Path Under Master's Care [5/10/2006]
- Confronting Police Harassment Nobly [5/9/2006]
- "No Politics" and "Nine Commentaries" [5/9/2006]
- An Incident That Took Place After Memorizing the Fa [5/9/2006]
- Letting Go of My Fundamental Attachments Amidst Long-term Tribulations [10/7/2004]
- Let Go of the Attachments to Showing Off and Being Meddlesome, Only by Cultivating Solidly Can We Make Progress [6/24/2004]
- Maintaining Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions in Guangyuan Prison: "Here Is Practitioner Cao Jiguang!" [4/12/2004]
- Doing Our Best to Clarify the Truth [4/12/2004]
- After 47 Years, My Wait is Finally Over [4/12/2004]
- Always Look at Problems from the Fa's Perspective [3/8/2004]
- On Having a Correct Understanding of Supernormal Abilities [2/28/2004]
- Practitioners' Mission in the Period of Fa Rectification [2/27/2004]
- Be Responsible to Yourself and Others: Sharing Experiences with Practitioners Who Had "Guarantee Statements" Written by Family Members [2/21/2004]
- More Thoughts on How to Handle Issues Related to Love and Marriage [2/17/2004]
- How I View the "Facts of the Persecution" [2/8/2004]
- Benevolent Resolution Encompasses Profound Meanings - Do Not Let Our Incomplete Understanding of It Interfere with Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts [2/6/2004]
- Some Thoughts on the Issues of Affection, Love and Marriage [1/29/2004]
- The Most Supreme Glory [11/27/2003]
- All Attachments and Notions Originate from Selfishness (Part 2) [11/21/2003]
- All Attachments and Notions Originate from Selfishness (Part I) [11/20/2003]
- Quoting Teacher's Words: On Respecting Teacher and Dafa [11/18/2003]
- Walk Our Path Righteously [11/3/2003]
- Transcend Everyday People's Way of Thinking [11/1/2003]
- A Few Thoughts on the Financial Hardships of Dafa Disciples Who have been Persecuted [10/30/2003]
- Some Thoughts about Perspective [10/30/2003]
- Experience Sharing on Common-Law Marriage [10/26/2003]
- Reevaluating the Meaning of "No Politics" [10/25/2003]
- My Enlightenment from the Lawsuits Against Jiang [10/23/2003]
- Suffering from Persecution Versus the Journey of Saving Sentient Beings [10/23/2003]
- Making Up For Past Transgressions [10/22/2003]
- Letting Go of Self and Melting into the Fa [10/20/2003]
- Understanding the True Colors of the Old Forces [10/18/2003]
- Looking Inward After the Jiang Lawsuit [10/10/2003]
- A Few Thoughts on the Recent Situation of the Jiang Lawsuit [10/5/2003]
- Genuine Unselfishness Is the Basis for Understanding and Forgiveness [10/4/2003]
- Clearly Recognize the Evil, Use Righteous Thoughts to Support Legal Initiatives Against Jiang Zemin and Bring the Historic Trial to a Just Conclusion [9/29/2003]
- Breaking Through the Old Fa-Principles and Creating the New Cosmos with Righteous Thoughts [9/29/2003]
- Rectifying Others and Rectifying Ourselves [9/20/2003]
- Strengthen Our Righteous Thoughts: To Fellow Practitioners in Forced Labor Camps [9/17/2003]
- To Practitioners Who Clarify the Truth Via TV (Part 5) [9/16/2003]
- To Practitioners Who Clarify the Truth Via TV (Part 4) [9/15/2003]
- To Practitioners Who Clarify the Truth Via TV (Part 3) [9/14/2003]
- My Understanding of "Following a Natural Course" [9/14/2003]
- To Practitioners Who Clarify the Truth Via TV (Part 2) [9/12/2003]
- Tolerance and Respect for Others [9/9/2003]
- My Understanding of "Looking Inward" [9/4/2003]
- To Practitioners Who Clarify the Truth Via TV (Part 1) [9/3/2003]
- My Understanding of the Attachment to Emotion [8/31/2003]
- Reciting Lunyu Over and Over Is Such a Joy [8/29/2003]
- Clarifying the Truth with Our Dafa-Endowed Wisdom (Part 2) [8/29/2003]
- Clarifying the Truth with Our Dafa-Endowed Wisdom (Part 1) [8/28/2003]
- Doing Things or Saving Sentient Beings, Validating Dafa or Validating the Self [8/26/2003]
- Clarifying the Truth More Effectively, Directly and Deeply [8/14/2003]
- The Mentality of Doing Things is the Hidden Cause of Many Mishaps and Difficulties [8/6/2003]
- The Key Focus of the Lawsuit Against Jiang Is Clarifying the Truth and Saving Sentient Beings [8/3/2003]
- Be Demanding of Oneself and Tolerant of Others [7/22/2003]
- More Understanding on the Issue of Monetary Compensation from Litigation and Clarifying the Truth in the Court Case in California [7/19/2003]
- Our Own Improvement is Fundamental to Our Doing Everything Well (Cont.) [7/18/2003]
- On the Issue of Financial Compensation [7/14/2003]
- Our Own Improvement is Fundamental to Our Doing Everything Well [7/14/2003]
- Recollecting the Power of a Pure and Peaceful Heart [7/9/2003]
- Dafa Practitioners Should Not Rely on Everyday People to Validate the Fa [7/6/2003]
- It Is Not Doing Things -- It Is Fa-Rectification Cultivation [6/15/2003]
- Surface Form and the Heart (IV) [6/12/2003]
- Where Have We Placed Dafa -- Regarding the Issue of Rescuing Charles Li [6/9/2003]
- Dafa Disciples Must Coordinate as One Body in Dealing with Critical Issues [6/4/2003]
- Eliminating the Notion of Self to Better Cooperate with Other Practitioners and to Cultivate Greater Compassion [6/4/2003]
- Bring Jiang to Justice: Further Discussion Amongst Practitioners on the Progress of the Lawsuit [5/29/2003]
- Surface Form and the Heart (II) [5/29/2003]
- Exposing Jiang's Lies to the World [5/28/2003]
- Understanding the Fundamental Issues of the Work We Do for Fa Rectification from Charles Li's Case [5/27/2003]
- Rationally Rectifying Oneself [5/17/2003]
- Re-Thinking the Issue of Jealousy [5/5/2003]
- Breaking Through Individualism is also Not Acknowledging the Old Forces [4/17/2003]
- Discussing How to Relate the Lawsuit Against Jiang to Government Officials and the Overall Situation [4/16/2003]
- In A Few Words: Treat Fellow Practitioners with Sincerity and Honesty [4/3/2003]
- Calmly and Sober-Mindedly Discern the Right Path with the Fa [3/30/2003]
- Dafa Practitioners in the Fa Rectification Period Should Not Passively Tolerate the Persecution and Accept the Arrangements of the Old Forces [3/29/2003]
- Looking Correctly Upon the Role that Prophecies Play in Fa-Rectification and Truth-Clarification [3/29/2003]
- Essays on Cultivating Xinxing (1): Attitude Toward Other Practitioners' Attachments [3/28/2003]
- Dealing with Sentimentality Between Men and Women [3/20/2003]
- Handling Everything Truly from the Standpoint of Fa-Rectification [3/18/2003]
- Displaying Dafa's Magnificence While Clarifying the Truth [3/15/2003]
- When Our Lives Are Endangered, We Have the Right to Defend Ourselves [3/4/2003]
- Some Thoughts on Morality in Marriage [2/25/2003]
- Do Not Leave Loopholes for the Evil to Exploit [2/23/2003]
- Summary of Experiences and Understandings from the Nancy Chen Urgent Rescue Team [2/15/2003]
- Look at the Arrest of Charles Li from the Fa's Perspective with Righteous Thoughts [2/12/2003]
- Break Through Old Forces' Arrangement; Overseas Chinese Practitioners Should Pay Attention to Eliminating "Attachments and Obstacles in Different Forms" [1/30/2003]
- Clearly See the Nature of the Evil Persecution and Its Various Methods [1/8/2003]
- Understanding the Relationship Between Cultivation and Work in a More Comprehensive Manner and Clearly Seeing Through and Breaking Through the Old Forces' Arrangements [12/21/2002]
- Some Thoughts on the Real Meaning of "Letting Go Of Life and Death" for Fa-Rectification Period Dafa Disciples [12/21/2002]
- Achieving the Right Balance: Group Fa Study or Meetings About Fa-Rectification Tasks? [12/5/2002]
- Cultivating to Attain Selflessness and Altruism [12/5/2002]
- Cultivating Benevolence [12/2/2002]
- Study the Fa Well; Take Purging Our Own Problems With Righteous Thoughts Seriously [11/17/2002]
- A Female University Student's Path of Fa-rectification (Continued) [11/10/2002]
- Conducting Ourselves in a Harmonious and Benevolent Manner [10/30/2002]
- In a Few Words: Enlightenment to Righteous Thoughts [10/25/2002]
- Clear Away Jiang's Lies and Fabrications with Peaceful, Rational Conduct and Pure, Kind Speech
[10/19/2002] - Facing the Evil's Final Frenzied Struggles with Powerful Righteous Thoughts [10/16/2002]
- Do Not Become Attached to "42 Months" [10/14/2002]
- A Sense of Urgency, Busyness and Work That Still Needs to be Done [10/7/2002]
- Let Every Team Become a Good Cultivation Environment [9/9/2002]
- My Understandings on the Relationship Between Long-Term Fa Promotion Work and Short-Term Urgent Incidents [9/2/2002]
- Reflections On the Hong Kong Political Prosecution [8/24/2002]
- My Opinions on the Issue of Coordination Among Falun Dafa Practitioners [7/29/2002]
- My Understanding of the Enlightenment of a Falun Dafa Disciple [7/23/2002]
- Eliminating Selfishness During Fa-Rectification Cultivation [7/19/2002]
- Mighty Power Comes From the Fa [7/13/2002]
- What Were the Germany and Iceland Events Teaching Us? [7/11/2002]
- Truth Clarification Is Crucial [6/25/2002]
- Taking Care of One Thing Yet Losing Another [6/20/2002]
- Humbly Requesting Dafa Disciples Around the World To Send Forth Righteous Thoughts Together with a State of Mind of Divine Beings [6/18/2002]
- Making the Distinction Between Right And Wrong [6/17/2002]
- When at Key Junctures Identify and Clean Out Interference As Soon As It Appears [6/15/2002]
- Purifying Our Righteous Thoughts (Part II) [6/7/2002]
- Solidify Righteous Thoughts and See Through the Evil's Tricks [6/7/2002]
- Purifying Our Righteous Thoughts (Part I) [6/6/2002]
- Completely Eliminate the Old Forces' Influence in Our Thinking [6/6/2002]
- This is Fa-Rectification, This is Cultivation -- The Importance of Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts [6/3/2002]
- The Evil Persecution Is Not Creating Opportunities for Practitioners to Improve [6/3/2002]
- It's the Same Everywhere [5/30/2002]
- Clearly Recognize the Interference from the Old Forces and Deviated Notions [5/28/2002]
- Placing Full Emphasis on Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts [5/27/2002]
- Deeply Examine and Analyze Our Acceptance of the Old Forces' Evil Arrangements; Completely Deny and Eliminate the Old Forces' Evil Arrangements (3) [5/27/2002]
- Deeply Examine and Analyze Our Acceptance of the Old Forces' Evil Arrangements; Completely Deny and Eliminate the Old Forces' Evil Arrangements (2) [5/26/2002]
- Deeply Examine and Analyze Our Acceptance of the Old Forces' Evil Arrangements; Completely Deny and Eliminate the Old Forces' Evil Arrangements (1) [5/25/2002]
- Using the Divine Side to Do Fa-Rectification [4/19/2002]
- Whole-Heartedly Embracing Fa-Rectification [4/9/2002]
- "Sacred Pure Land" or "Utopia?" [4/5/2002]
- A Small Understanding on the Real Meaning of "Truly Stepping Forward from Humanness" [3/31/2002]
- In Offering Salvation to Others, Think of them Completely [3/30/2002]
- Dafa Practitioners' Fa Studying and Sending Forth Righteous Thought Are Very important [3/28/2002]
- "However Strong the Righteous Thoughts Are, That's How Great the Power Is" [3/15/2002]
- About Doing Dafa Work [3/11/2002]
- For Fa-rectification, Let Us Eliminate the Attachment of "Spring" Without Delay [3/10/2002]
- Some Understandings on the Outward Appearance and Inner Meaning of Clarifying the Truth and Saving People [3/2/2002]
- Beings Established for the Fa [3/2/2002]
- Ah Ping's Fa-rectification Story [2/28/2002]
- Doing and Cultivating [2/27/2002]
- Several Lessons Learned While Clarifying the Truth [2/24/2002]
- It Is Time to Thoroughly Get Rid of Our Deeply Embedded Character Defects [2/18/2002]
- The Fa-Rectification Stories of A "Veteran Revolutionary" [2/12/2002]
- Be Clear About the Concept of Cultivation Practice and Continuously Break Through to Higher Levels (Part III) [1/6/2002]
- Be Clear About the Concept of Cultivation Practice and Continuously Break Through to Higher Levels (Part II) [1/5/2002]
- Be Clear About the Concept of Cultivation Practice and Continuously Break Through to Higher Levels (Part I) [1/4/2002]
- Using Our Wisdom and Divine Side to Clarify the Truth to the World's People [12/31/2001]
- Eliminate Selfishness and Melt into the Fa [11/2/2001]
- "Good People Should Not Be Arrested" [10/21/2001]
- Clarifying the Truth with our Families and Friends [10/21/2001]
- What Have We Cultivated? [10/11/2001]
- A Brief Discussion on Media Work [10/3/2001]
- Transcending Above The Boundary of Self-Cultivation [9/27/2001]
- Use the Attacks from Evil Propaganda to Abandon All Attachments without Omission [9/11/2001]
- In a Few Words: Good People and Master's Comments "Also in a Few Words" [9/9/2001]
- View Everything Righteously from the Perspective of Renewed Beings in Dafa [9/4/2001]
- Some Reflections On Hunger Strikes Outside Of China [8/30/2001]
- Discern the Forms of Demons and Quickly Complete the Process of Transforming from Humans to Gods [8/30/2001]
- Cast Aside "Self" And Be Responsible To All Sentient Beings [8/26/2001]
- What Are We Calling For? [8/23/2001]
- From Personal Cultivation To Cultivation in Fa-Rectification [8/23/2001]
- An Elder Sister Admonishes the Police: You Must Say Falun Dafa is Good Before Entering My House! [8/23/2001]
- Correctly Cultivate During the Fa-Rectification Cultivation, Strengthen Righteous Thoughts and Eliminate Evil Brainwashing [8/13/2001]
- Only by Studying the Fa Well Can We Keep Up with Fa-Rectification [8/7/2001]
- The Dignity of Dafa and Master's Comments: On "The Dignity of Dafa" [7/25/2001]
- Let our Buddha-light Illuminate the World [7/23/2001]
- Break Through Distorted Notions, Clarify The Truth Thoroughly [7/21/2001]
- My Opinions on How to Send Forth Righteous Thoughts [7/14/2001]
- Rectify Everything That Is Not Righteous [7/12/2001]
- Principles of the Fa and Human Sentiment (Qing) [7/11/2001]
- Following Teacher Closely in the Human World, Let's Encourage Each Other [7/10/2001]
- Only by Rectifying Ourselves and Assimilating to Dafa Can We Better Assist Master's Fa-Rectification and Save People [7/9/2001]
- What is True Kindness (Shan) and Master's Comments: Fa-Rectification and Cultivation [7/8/2001]
- Clarifying the Truth Thoroughly And Rectifying All That is Not Righteous [7/3/2001]
- Upgrading in Fa-Rectification [7/2/2001]
- Validate the Fa With Reason [6/21/2001]
- The Duty of Creating History Rests on Dafa Practitioners [6/20/2001]
- Attention All Cultivators: It Is Not Work, but Cultivation [6/19/2001]
- Do Not Forget Cultivation Amidst Fa-Rectification While Eradicating the Evil (With Master's Comments) [6/6/2001]
- Only with Compassion Can We Save People [6/5/2001]
- Do Not Stop Spreading the Truth About Falun Dafa [6/4/2001]
- Actively Suffocate Evil With Righteous Thoughts [5/20/2001]
- Eradicating Attachments During Fa-Rectification Is the Prerequisite for Breaking Through the Arrangement of the Old Evil Forces [5/10/2001]
- Why should we make the trip to the Geneva Conference? [3/3/2001]
- Falun Dafa Practitioners' Appeal for Peace and Human Rights during the 2001 Western U.S. Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in Los Angeles [3/2/2001]
- While Assimilating to Dafa, Be Compassionate Towards All Sentient Beings [2/28/2001]
- To Those Practitioners Who Were Temporally Perplexed: Do Not Ruin Yourselves Forever! [2/17/2001]
- Reflections on "Double Your Efforts to Make Amends, Catch up With the Fa-Rectification Process" [1/20/2001]
- Some Thoughts Regarding the Scripture "Beyond the Limits of Forbearance" [1/14/2001]
- Maintain a Righteous Mind; Don't Indulge the Face of Evil [1/14/2001]
- Cherish Dafa, Cherish Life [1/13/2001]
- Harmonizing Dafa, Not Going to Extremes [1/11/2001]
- Common Inadequacies during Fa-Rectification [1/8/2001]
- Step Forward and Make the Key Step in Cultivation During Fa Rectification [1/4/2001]
- A New Atmosphere Appears When The Fa Rectifies The Human World [1/4/2001]
- Breaking Up the Arrangements Made by the Evil Forces [1/3/2001]
- Promoting Dafa in Detention [1/3/2001]
- Some thoughts on Dealing With the "Transformation Class" [1/3/2001]
- Explaining Fa Rectification to Everyday People [1/1/2001]
- Always Keep a Righteous Mind and Calmly Pass Tests [1/1/2001]
- Cultivation Practice is Naturally Within Dafa [1/1/2001]
- New Columns Created on ClearWisdom [12/7/2000]
- The Tribulation's Continuation and the Persecution's Escalation [12/1/2000]
- What Is True Compassion? [11/22/2000]
- My Views on 'Participating in Politics' [10/9/2000]
- Common Heart [10/7/2000]
- Eliminate Demonic Nature (With Master's Comments) [10/6/2000]
- Reflection on Cultivaion During the Fa Rectification of the Universe [10/3/2000]
- Serious Teachings [9/28/2000]
- Advance Towards Consummation Through Cultivation Within Fa Rectification [9/26/2000]
- Use Reason, Wisdom, and Compassion Given to Us by Dafa to Explain the Truth to the People [8/22/2000]
- The Purpose of Stepping Forward is to Validate Dafa [8/11/2000]
- Some Reflections of Mine As I Clear My Thoughts [6/24/2000]
- Breaking Through Thought Borders of the Individual's Cultivation [6/12/2000]
- Cultivate The Great Law By Submerging Oneself Into The Whole, Rectify The Big Environment, And Smoothen The Path For Others To Obtain Falun Dafa [6/8/2000]
- Let Life Glorify in the Fa Rectification [1/14/2000]