5th Internet Experience Sharing Conference for Falun Gong Practitioners in China - "After Passing the Shady Willow Trees, There Will Be Bright Flowers and Another Village Ahead!" [11/24/2008]
- A "Young Lady" Heading Towards Seventy [12/2/2008]
- A Comfortable Cultivation Environment is Created by Righteous Minds [11/28/2008]
- A Cultivation Path Full of Miracles and Tribulations [12/9/2008]
- A Few Small Things: Some of My Cultivation Experiences [12/19/2008]
- A Small Flower Amid a Field of Blooms [12/4/2008]
- A Summary of My Cultivation in Dafa [1/6/2009]
- A Young Practitioner: My Journey [11/30/2008]
- Act Righteously [12/21/2008]
- Advancing in the Cultivation of Falun Dafa [12/1/2008]
- Advancing While Making Truth-Clarifying Materials [12/2/2008]
- After My Sister Died as a Result of the Persecution - My ten-year cultivation journey [11/26/2008]
- An Elderly Man's Cultivation in a Family of Four Generations [11/20/2008]
- Ascending in the Process of Validating Dafa (Part I) [12/20/2008]
- Ascending in the Process of Validating Dafa (Part II) [12/21/2008]
- Attaining the Righteous Enlightenment of Selflessness and Altruism [11/22/2008]
- Be a Beacon of Light in the Darkness [12/12/2008]
- Be True to Dafa and Raise Your Level in Cultivation [11/29/2008]
- Being a Qualified Young Falun Dafa Disciple During the Fa-Rectification Period [12/26/2008]
- Believe in Teacher, Trust the Fa, Cultivate Solidly [1/6/2009]
- Believing In Master and Believing In Dafa--Completing My Mission Before Returning Home [12/23/2008]
- Believing in Teacher and Dafa on My Cultivation Path [12/19/2008]
- Believing in Teacher and the Fa--Following Teacher's Direction [12/10/2008]
- Cherish This Precious Cultivation Opportunity for Which We Have Waited Thousands of Years [12/14/2008]
- Clarifying the Facts in Class [12/12/2008]
- Clarifying the Facts to Local Government Officials [11/30/2008]
- Clarifying the Truth at Construction Sites [12/27/2008]
- Clarifying the Truth by Phone [12/16/2008]
- Clarifying the Truth Face to Face [12/28/2008]
- Compassionately Saving People, Righteously Walking My Own Path [11/28/2008]
- Comprehending the Fa from the Perspective of the Fa; Walking My Cultivation Path Righteously [11/22/2008]
- Correcting Our Conduct to Better Offer Sentient Beings Salvation [12/8/2008]
- Creating an Environment to Save Sentient Beings [11/20/2008]
- Cultivating Compassion and Walking on a Righteous Path to Create a Good Cultivation Environment [12/9/2008]
- Cultivating Compassion in Dafa [12/1/2008]
- Cultivating Diligently and Walking My Path Well [12/6/2008]
- Cultivating Falun Dafa: The Most Splendid Time in My Life [12/28/2008]
- Cultivating in the Fa-Rectification Period and Accomplishing My Mission [12/21/2008]
- Cultivating Myself in the Process of Validating the Fa [12/17/2008]
- Cultivating Myself under the Guidance of the Fa [11/19/2008]
- Cultivation Experience Sharing from a Large Family [11/18/2008]
- Cultivation Experiences of an Eighty-eight-year-old Woman [12/7/2008]
- Cultivation Is Letting Go Of the Human Heart [12/23/2008]
- Dafa's Mystery [11/27/2008]
- Discard Selfishness and Attain the Righteous Enlightenment of Selflessness [1/9/2009]
- Discarding Fear on the Cultivation Path [11/23/2008]
- Dissolve the Persecution from the Heart [12/9/2008]
- Elevating in Harmony [11/29/2008]
- Eliminate Selfishness When Validating the Fa [11/19/2008]
- Eliminating Evil with Righteous Thoughts; Saving Sentient Beings With Unwavering Faith [12/24/2008]
- Eliminating Human Notions and Attachments--Believing in Teacher and the Fa and Acting Righteously [12/23/2008]
- Establishing a Truth Clarification Materials Site from Scratch in a Mountainous Region of China [11/21/2008]
- Everything Is Magnificent During the Process of Validating Dafa [11/30/2008]
- Find Where You Fall Short and Strive Forward in Dafa [11/25/2008]
- Firmly Believe in Master Li's Teachings [1/4/2009]
- Firmly Cultivating on the Path of Fa Rectification [12/10/2008]
- Following Teacher to Eternity [12/5/2008]
- From an Average Person to a Genuine Dafa Disciple [12/22/2008]
- From Starting My First Truth-clarifying Materials [12/27/2008]
- Generating Great Righteous Thoughts Based on the Fa [12/5/2008]
- Give up Everything to Save Sentient Beings [12/24/2008]
- Growing Up in Falun Dafa [11/27/2008]
- Harmonizing My Family Relationships [12/21/2008]
- Have a Firm Belief in Master and Keep Righteous Thoughts [11/13/2008]
- Having the Right Understanding of the Purpose of Cultivation and Raising Our Realm by Saving Sentient Beings [12/8/2008]
- Honoring Teacher from the Bottom of My Life [11/19/2008]
- How I Clarify the Facts at Work [12/8/2008]
- Hurrying to Catch Up on the Cultivation Path [11/21/2008]
- I Am a Young Falun Dafa Disciple [11/12/2008]
- I Am Here Today Because of My Strong Belief in Master and the Fa [11/9/2008]
- Immersed in Master's Compassion on Every Step of My Cultivation [12/4/2008]
- Immersing Our Lives in the Fa [12/11/2008]
- Improve Ourselves and Closely Follow the Progress of Fa Rectification [1/10/2009]
- Improving along the Path of Cultivation with Master's Protection [12/6/2008]
- Improving Myself by Looking Within and Offering More Sentient Beings Salvation [12/9/2008]
- Incidents at a Truth-clarifying Materials Production Site in Hubei Province [11/29/2008]
- Keep Firm Righteous Thoughts and Assist Master in Fa-Rectification [12/4/2008]
- Keeping Sentient Beings in Mind, Fulfilling Our Mission [1/10/2009]
- Lessons Learned in Clarifying the Facts and Saving People [12/13/2008]
- Let Go of Self and Cooperate Well to Save Sentient Beings [11/26/2008]
- Let Life Dissolve into the Fa [11/18/2008]
- Letting Go of Attachments and Persuading People to Withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party [12/30/2008]
- Letting Go of Attachments During Fa-Rectification Cultivation [1/2/2009]
- Living Up to Master's and Sentient Beings' Expectations [11/30/2008]
- Looking Inward Is the Key to Improvement [12/22/2008]
- Looking Inward When Rescuing Practitioners and Advancing Together as One Body [12/31/2008]
- Looking Inward, Cultivating Oneself, Fulfilling One's Prehistoric Pledge [12/7/2008]
- Looking Within to Improve Myself While Clarifying the Truth Face to Face [12/7/2008]
- Maintain Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions, Walk Well the Fa-rectification Cultivation Path [1/8/2009]
- Master's Boundless Compassion [12/8/2008]
- Maturing During Fa-rectification Cultivation (Part 1) [12/2/2008]
- Maturing During Fa-rectification Cultivation (Part 2) [12/30/2008]
- Maturing on the Path of Fa-validation [11/22/2008]
- My Cultivation Experiences Resisting the Persecution [12/10/2008]
- My Cultivation Journey [12/9/2008]
- My Cultivation Path in Falun Dafa [12/16/2008]
- My Experience on the Path of Fa-Rectification Cultivation [11/29/2008]
- My Experiences During Cultivation [12/14/2008]
- My Experiences Using a Cell Phone to Clarify the Truth [11/19/2008]
- My Experiences Validating Dafa [12/26/2008]
- My Humble Experience in Cultivation Practice [12/10/2008]
- My Path of Return [12/11/2008]
- My Thirteen Years of Practicing Falun Dafa [12/5/2008]
- On the Path of Returning Home [1/15/2009]
- One Woman's Fa-validation Experience [11/20/2008]
- Only by Cultivating Well Can We Validate the Fa Well [1/22/2009]
- Operating a Materials Production Site for Eight Years--My Experience in Cultivating During Fa-Rectification [12/27/2008]
- Our Fa-study Group [11/29/2008]
- Our Whole Family Practices Falun Dafa Now [12/8/2008]
- Overseas Dafa Practitioners Inspired and Encouraged by Articles from The Fifth Internet Experience Sharing Conference for Practitioners in China [12/22/2008]
- Persuading Several Thousand People to Withdraw from the CCP after Cultivating only Several Months [12/19/2008]
- Practice Depends on Faith [11/25/2008]
- Practitioners in a Rural Area Walk Their Cultivation Paths Diligently [11/26/2008]
- Promoting the Fa and Saving Sentient Beings [12/12/2008]
- Putting Up Banners [12/13/2008]
- Recovering from Mistakes On the Cultivation Path [12/1/2008]
- Rectifying Myself while Harmonizing in Dafa [12/22/2008]
- Rectifying Ourselves in the Process of Validating Falun Dafa [12/27/2008]
- Rectifying the Work Environment [12/16/2008]
- Removing Attachments While Promoting New Tang Dynasty Television [11/23/2008]
- Rescued from Hopeless Misery after Practicing Falun Dafa [12/18/2008]
- Returning to My Real Self by Exposing My False Self [12/31/2008]
- Saving Sentient Beings Is My Greatest Duty [12/23/2008]
- Saving the Family Members of Persecuted Practitioners [11/24/2008]
- Silently Harmonizing Things Within the Great Way Without Form [11/18/2008]
- Solid Cultivation in a Home-based Materials Production Site [11/22/2008]
- Some of My Experiences after I Resumed Cultivation [12/14/2008]
- Striving Forward on the Path of Cultivation as a Married Couple [11/13/2008]
- Striving Forward Without Pause [11/15/2008]
- Striving to Be a Genuine Dafa Practitioner [12/15/2008]
- Striving Unceasingly to Be a Qualified Disciple [1/4/2009]
- Studying the Fa Diligently, Discarding My Attachment to Fear, and Saving Sentient Beings [12/2/2008]
- Studying the Fa, Cultivating the Heart, and Looking Within [11/25/2008]
- Take the Fa as Teacher and Destroy the Evil Persecution [12/3/2008]
- Teacher Is Right Beside Me [11/26/2008]
- Teacher Taught Me How to Save Sentient Beings with Compassion [12/11/2008]
- The Cultivation Experiences of a Villager [12/22/2008]
- The Evil Cannot Persecute Us When We Believe in Teacher and the Fa [12/2/2008]
- The Fa Reveals Miracles When Our Thoughts Are Righteous [11/21/2008]
- The Journey Home [12/2/2008]
- The Joy of Cultivation Is Boundless Only When I Truly Cultivate Myself [12/17/2008]
- The Most Important Things in Life [12/19/2008]
- To Assimilate My Life into the Fa [11/21/2008]
- Treat Cultivation with Righteous Thoughts, Attain the Great Virtue of a Divine Being [12/16/2008]
- Truly Believe in the Fa and Practice Steadfastly [12/29/2008]
- Truly Believing and Truly Cultivating [1/31/2009]
- Understanding the Importance of Studying the Fa Well [11/11/2008]
- Use Every Little Detail to Explain Falun Dafa to the World [12/12/2008]
- Use the Fa to Measure All Things, Become Better Bit by Bit
- Using a School Broadcasting System for Truth Clarification [11/26/2008]
- Using Personal Experiences to Clarify the Truth [1/4/2009]
- Validating Dafa with our Righteous Actions and Behaving As Master's Genuine Dafa Disciples [12/15/2008]
- Validating Falun Dafa While Solidly Cultivating [12/5/2008]
- Validating the Fa and Conforming to Master's Directions [12/5/2008]
- Validating the Fa at Work [11/28/2008]
- Validating the Fa in a Family Environment [12/6/2008]
- Walk Well and Upright on the Path of Fa-rectification [12/4/2008]
- Walk Well the Path Arranged by Master [12/13/2008]
- Walking My Cultivation Path Firmly and Steadily [11/23/2008]
- Walking My Cultivation Path--Navigating the Twists and Turns That Are There to Test Us [12/20/2008]
- Walking on the Path of Cultivation During Fa-Rectification [12/4/2008]
- Walking on the Path of Validating the Fa Steadfastly [12/6/2008]
- Walking Out of a Crisis and Becoming More Rational [12/27/2008]
- Walking Steadily on My Way Home [12/24/2008]
- Walking the Path Arranged by Master Is the Safest and Most Fulfilling [12/8/2008]
- We Are Created by the Greatest Fa [11/23/2008]
- We Can Do Everything Well As Long As We Always Remember Teacher's Fa [12/15/2008]
- Weathering the Storm and Striving Forward in Cultivation Together as Husband and Wife [12/3/2008]
- With Dafa in Mind, No Barriers Can Stand In My Way [1/9/2009]
- Writing Letters to Spread the Truth [11/30/2008]
- Young Practitioner: A Brief Recounting of My Cultivation Experiences [1/6/2009]