Welcome to Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) Clearwisdom.net
Created and maintained by Falun Dafa practitioners, Falun Dafa (Falun Gong)
Clearwisdom.net is designed to serve both fellow practitioners and
the general public with daily articles that provide insights into
Falun Dafa cultivation practice, expose the harsh persecution in
China, and report the news of Dafa activities around the world.
If you are new to Falun Dafa, we encourage you to first visit
our introductory site www.falundafa.org
to find out more about the original teachings of Falun Dafa. Also,
please check the "Brief
Introduction of Falun Dafa" and a list of "Frequently
Asked Questions" about the practice and the persecution
taking place in China. The column
Cultivation" on the main page should also be very helpful
to new practitioners.
Some articles written by Falun Dafa founder Mr. Li Hongzhi, or by
veteran practitioners, may not be immediately understandable to
newcomers with no previous background in Falun Dafa. For this
reason, we encourage non-practitioners and those who are new to the
practice to discuss any questions or uncertainties you may have with
veteran practitioners or join a local study group where you may
discuss them in more detail.
To find out how you can help the practitioners being persecuted
in China and support them in their just cause, please visit www.fofg.org
(Friends of Falun Gong)
and www.faluninfo.net
(Falun Dafa Information Center).
To all the kindhearted people of the world, we thank you for your
encouragement and concern.
All material copyright Clearwisdom 1999-2011.
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