(Minghui.org) I live in the country and never attended school. I only learned to read a few words after I attended a literacy class for two months. I was a decent, honest person, but I was weak. I was afraid of my husband, his mother and his sister. I dared not offend anyone, whether the person was from my family or my husband’s family. I have two sons, two daughters-in-law, two granddaughters, and my husband, but I was the only one who took care the family of eight. Sometimes my husband glared at me, hit me, or scolded me for no reason. I just remained silent and endured.
Mother and Daughter Are Safe
In 2012 I watched the video of Master teaching the exercises when I visited my sister. She began practicing Falun Dafa because she was ill. Before she practiced she underwent nearly 20 surgeries, but her illnesses were not cured. When she was discharged from the hospital, her body was full of tubes. After she started practicing all her illnesses were gone, and we witnessed how miraculous Falun Dafa is. I asked her to lend me the exercise teaching video so I could learn how to practice. I took the video home and did the five sets of Falun Dafa exercises every day. I had not yet read Zhuan Falun.
A few months later, my daughter-in-law, who was seven months pregnant, skin suddenly became yellow and swollen. When she went to a hospital for a checkup the doctor said she had jaundice due to hepatitis. I called my sister and told her about it. She quickly sent the book Zhuan Falun to my home and asked our whole family to sincerely recite the auspicious words, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” My daughter-in-law held Zhuan Falun in both hands and said: “I will recite it. I will definitely recite it!” My sister suggested that we go to a large hospital in the province for a check-up.
After she was examined at the hospital, the doctor said that my daughter-in-law’s and the baby’s lives were in danger. He asked me to decide whether he should save her or the baby. I said I wanted to save them both. The obstetrician and gynecologist examined her and said her cervix was dilating and she was about to give birth. They suggested that we let her give birth, saying that it would cost less and the child would probably die anyway. The doctor also said that my daughter-in-law’s jaundice and hepatitis would definitely be transmitted to the child. But my daughter-in-law and I insisted on a caesarean section. We felt we must save the child no matter what. With my daughter-in-law’s and my insistence, a baby girl was born by caesarean section, and both mother and daughter were safe.
The doctors examined them—the child was not infected, and my daughter-in-law was miraculously out of danger. Our entire family kept reciting the auspicious words silently. My daughter-in-law kept Zhuan Falun with her. We knew that compassionate Master saved her and the child. Thank you Master! From then on, I sincerely started to practice Falun Dafa.
My granddaughter is now twelve years old. She is lively and healthy, and sometimes helps me distribute truth clarification materials.
When I first tried to read Zhuan Falun, I was only able to recognize a few words. But whenever I had time, I held the precious book and tried to read it. The more I read, the more I wanted to read. I could never get enough. Fortunately, my eldest daughter-in-law and youngest son were very patient, and they taught me some words. When they went to work, I took the book and asked others to help me—including my neighbors, friends, relatives, and elementary school students.
I’m not a smart person, but if someone taught me I could recognize the words in Zhuan Falun, and I remembered them. My sister, who is a practitioner, said, “That’s because Master saw that you’re sincere and gave you wisdom.” Compassionate Master always encouraged me. When I studied the Fa, every word in the book was outlined in gold.
My neighbor started practicing Falun Dafa because she helped me read Zhuan Falun. My sister often came to the village to discuss and exchange cultivation experiences with us, and then took me and my neighbor to the Fa study site in the city to participate in group Fa study. My neighbor and I were so happy. Every time we went to the city, we read a lecture in the morning and then went to the Fa study site in the afternoon. We cherished the opportunity to read the Fa with other practitioners. The practitioners in the city were very enthusiastic and patiently taught me to read.
Now I can fluently read Zhuan Falun and Master’s other lectures. I can also read Minghui Weekly and truth clarification materials. Thank you, Master, for opening my wisdom, so that I, an illiterate person, can fluently read the Fa.
Because I have only a litttle education I’m not good at speaking. I can’t explain any great principles, but I have a rock-solid faith in Master and the Fa. I do whatever Master says. I do the exercises every morning. I send righteous thoughts at the four global times every day, and I also send them at seven, eight, and nine o’clock in the evening. I’m not good at speaking, and my face-to-face truth-clarification is limited to relatives, friends, and acquaintances, but I make up for my shortcomings by distributing materials to tell people about Falun Dafa and the persecution.
Under Master’s compassionate protection, the other practitioners and I traveled to every village within a radius of a dozen miles, including remote corners, and delivered truth clarification materials to every household.
Treating My Husband Kindly
My two sons and two daughters-in-law believe in Falun Dafa and support my cultivation. Every Chinese New Year holiday, they post truth-clarifying couplets on their front doors. But my husband didn’t understand cultivation. In the past few years, he worked in another city. During the COVID pandemic, China’s economy collapsed and he had nothing to do, so he stayed home.
He didn’t care that I read the Fa and practiced the exercises. He knew that my health was good and I could do housework after I began practicing, but he scolded me whenever I sent righteous thoughts or went out to distribute materials. Once, he scolded me while I sent righteous thoughts, and I ignored him. He punched me twice, but I continued sitting cross-legged with my palms upright without moving. He gradually stopped interuppting me when I sent righteous thoughts.
A villager told him that I was in good health after running around outside for many years (referring to me distributing the materials). My husband went home and waited for me at the door. As soon as I entered, he started to curse: “I don’t want you in this family anymore. You must leave!” He also scolded my sister and blocked the door to prevent me from entering the house. My oldest son saw it, but he didn’t dare say anything about his father.
My daughter-in-law defended me and said, “Dad, how can you say that about Mom? It’s really hurtful. We’re such a big family, and she does all the housework. Why do you control her and forbid her from practicing Falun Dafa? She’s healthy and energetic because she practices, and she doesn’t get sick. Isn’t that a blessing for the whole family?”
I told my sister what happened. She laughed and said, “I knew my brother-in-law would scold you. You’ve been afraid of him and avoided him all these years, and you didn’t tell him the truth about Dafa. You should tell him the truth with kindness and save him. You should also save your family members. When he loses his temper and scolds you, it’s to help improve your xinxing and help you cultivate.”
After she said this, I realized I should clarify the truth to my husband. When I saw that he was in a good mood one day, I said, “I used to have stomach problems and rheumatism. I often went to hospital for treatment. I spent a lot of money but nothing helped. I couldn’t even lift my hands to dress myself. After working in the fields, I couldn’t even lift my feet. At that time, I also suffered from high blood pressure. When I was 40, the doctor said that I might have a stroke. I’m now 60 years old. After practicing Falun Dafa, my health kept improving. I have a lot of energy and I’ve never been hospitalized. I take care of the household. Our oldest son fell from the fourth floor, but he wasn’t harmed. This is because Master protected him. People should not be ungrateful.”
I told him that Master said, “...with one person practicing, the whole family benefits...” (Teachings the Conference in Australia) My husband didn’t say anything. After that, whenever I went out to tell people about Falun Dafa he pretended not to notice.
I need to study the Fa more and do the three things well, so that I can live up to Master’s compassionate salvation. This is the first experience sharing article I’ve written, so please kindly point out any mistakes.
I thank Master for his compassionate salvation!
Thank you to all the practitioners who helped me!