(Minghui.org) We know from the Fa (teachings) that Master gave us many supernatural abilities when we started to practice. However, because I couldn’t see them, I didn’t know how to use them. Whenever I experienced tribulations I sent righteous thoughts and asked Master for his protection and empowerment to help me overcome them.
It makes me sad to see that the old forces are now using people to cause trouble for Master and Shen Yun Performing Arts. I really want to make use of the supernatural abilities that Dafa gave me to eliminate these negative things, so that more people can be saved.
Perhaps Master saw that I had this wish and he thus let me understand a level of the Fa’s principles. I suddenly understood what Master said,
“Supernormal abilities are directed by a person’s consciousness.” (Lecture Three, Zhuan Falun)
I therefore added a thought when I sent forth righteous thoughts, “The human body is a small universe. Let all the beings in the layers of dimensions in the universe within my body make use of all the supernatural powers that Dafa bestowed on us to eradicate the evil beings and factors in the universe that have been directed by the old forces to sabotage Master’s Fa rectification, the salvation of sentient beings, and Shen Yun Performing Arts’ salvation of sentient beings. Totally disintegrate all the dark minions and rotten demons and destroy all elements of the communist specter.”
This thought has been really effective, and I don’t need to exert much effort, even when I send forth righteous thoughts for an hour. I can continue to send forth righteous thoughts even after that. The effect has been very good.
This is just my little understanding that I wanted to share with fellow practitioners. Kindly correct me if there is any room for improvement.