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Strengthening Righteous Thoughts During Tribulations, Saving People with Compassion

July 21, 2024 |   By a practitioner from China

(Minghui.org) Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, has been watching over me every moment of my cultivation journey, through ups and downs, for more than 20 years. I would like to write down some of my cultivation experiences to report to Master and share with fellow practitioners.

1. Clearing Human Notions in Time and Strengthening Righteous Thoughts

One morning in early April 2023, I was just about to send forth righteous thoughts when I suddenly felt nasal congestion and could not breathe. I wondered if I was getting a cold. I felt the nasal congestion getting worse and I wanted to vomit. I realized that the thoughts I had were wrong and were disturbances arranged by the old forces in an attempt to persecute me, so I sent righteous thoughts to cleanse my dimensional field. When I finished sending righteous thoughts, my breathing had returned to normal.

In retrospect, I used to have mouth ulcers before I practiced Dafa, and they usually lasted for about a month. No medicine that I took worked, and the ulcers often recurred. But after I started cultivating, the problem disappeared. During the period of personal cultivation, sometimes the following thought would come to mind, “How long has it been since I had a mouth ulcer?” As soon as I had such a thought, I would have mouth sores the next day.

If a cultivator thinks about a bad thing, aren’t you asking for that thing? If you ask for it, it will squeeze its way in. It often happened. I didn’t realize that it was caused by my own thoughts. I thus had a mouth ulcer that lasted longer than before, and I suffered a lot.

2. In the Midst of a Tribulation, I Had Strong Righteous Thoughts and Master Protected Me 

My home was illegally raided in 2008 and I was seized by the police. They made a list of confiscated items for me to sign. I said, “You took things from my house; you should sign it for me. Why should I sign it for you?” They didn’t sign it, but they didn’t let me sign it either. They illegally put me in a detention center. I didn’t cooperate with the police and didn’t recite their rules. 

On the 13th day of my illegal detention, they gathered all the Dafa practitioners detained into one office and told each of us to write a report on our thoughts, or otherwise we would be sent to a labor camp two days later. At that time, I thought to myself: “They do not have the final say; Master has the final say. This is not the place where I will stay. I must go home.” After everyone else had finished writing, they were told to go back to their cells. But I didn’t write anything, so they wouldn’t let me leave and had one policeman keep an eye on me.

I said to him calmly, “There is nothing wrong with cultivating Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and being a good person according to these principles. Falun Gong has five sets of exercises to strengthen the body. Dozens of people in my workplace, most of whom are retired workers who were sick, practice Falun Gong and become healthy. They stopped taking the medicines they used to take for so many years. This saves them a lot of medical expenses and they avoid suffering from illnesses. They also gave up smoking, drinking, and fighting with others. Falun Gong is beneficial to society, families, and individuals. The administrators of my workplace have also given special support to Falun Gong. The workers union provided them with venues for practicing and studying the Fa. How can I say that I won’t practice such a good exercise? I will have to practice diligently, be a good person, and be a better person according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. There’s nothing wrong with being a good person, right?”

After listening to my words, the policeman softened his attitude a little but still told me to write something. He said that otherwise he would not be able to explain the situation to his supervisor. I said, “Then I will write what I just said to you. I will not write anything against my will, let alone tell a lie!” He looked at me and said that I could write it. So I wrote it and gave it to him. He read what I wrote and said angrily, “You really wrote something like this!?” I told him that I wrote the truth. He was helpless and let me go back to my cell. I felt very light and comfortable.

On the 15th day, when it was getting dark, I was told that I could go home. I knew that Master had protected me. Thank you, Master. 

3. Dafa Enabled Me to Cultivate Compassion and Let Go of Resentment

After returning home from the detention center, I learned that my husband had taken away all my Dafa books, video tapes, audio tapes, and other items that I had placed at a relative’s house. He did it out of fear. He didn’t tell me how he disposed of them when I asked him. One night not long after I got home, I argued and quarreled with him in the living room because he said disrespectful words about Master and Dafa. When I saw that he was becoming more and more irrational, I got up to go to the bedroom, not wanting to argue with him anymore.

As I was walking in front of him, my husband pushed me down. I fell forward. My left wrist became swollen soon and was very painful. My tears fell. I got up and sat on the ground crying. We have been married for decades, and this had never happened before. He had never hit anyone before. Grievance filled my mind. He looked at me and was also stunned. After a while, he realized what had happened, so he called a relative. A relative came to our house and asked me to go to the hospital. 

After my wrist was X-rayed, the doctor said that it was fractured and dislocated. My wrist was wrapped in plaster for three months. At that time, I didn’t study the Fa much. I felt hatred and anger toward my husband. I forgot that I was a cultivator, and my thoughts had caused a real fracture. The next year, he suffered retribution and was hospitalized after a heart attack and had surgery to install a stent.

When fellow practitioners saw me, they reminded me to study the Fa more and to look inward when I encountered problems. After I studied the Fa with my whole heart, I realized that the tribulation was because of my own problem: I lacked compassion. When I was illegally detained for half a month, my family worried and were afraid, as they were under a lot of pressure about me. I should be understanding of them, and should not argue with them. 

If I could have thought of myself as a cultivator and thought of the Fa at that time, my husband wouldn't have pushed me and I wouldn’t have had a broken bone. If I were compassionate and had thought of what he had borne for me, I would not have argued with him and caused him to become more angry, and he would have not created karma and suffered retribution. All of these things happened because I didn’t cultivate well.

Master’s Fa undid the knot in my heart. I had no more resentment. After that, when my husband said anything disrespectful to Dafa, I didn’t argue with him, but just silently sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil communist specter behind him, so as to not give the evil a chance to manipulate him.

My mother-in-law has also started cultivating. In the process of cultivating, both of us have gradually improved ourselves. My mother-in-law’s habit of scolding others has changed. When other people say bad things about her, she can ignore it and not get angry. Her health is better than before. My mother-in-law took blood pressure medications and insulin for more than 10 years. But she stopped taking them almost six months ago, and a recent physical examination shows that she is fine.

My husband is now very supportive of his mother and me cultivating. He takes the initiative to cook and buy groceries when he has time. When it is time to send forth righteous thoughts, he takes over the cooking. When we have visitors, he tells them about the benefits of practicing Dafa.

4. Cherishing the Time to Help Master Save People

During the three-year pandemic lockdown, fellow practitioners and I tried to go out to clarify the truth face-to-face. No matter whether it was cold or hot, or icy and snowy, I often walked for two or three hours to talk to people. With Master's blessings, I was able to persuade a few people to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) every day, and sometimes a dozen people. They were especially grateful to Dafa and Master.

At the end of 2022, a few days after the lockdown was lifted, one night I felt weak and sleepy, and had no appetite. I fell asleep without eating dinner. The next morning I recalled what Master taught us in the article “Wake Up”: 

“You are someone who leads a life of spiritual development under the Great Way and who helps me to save people, and while saving people you have helped to eliminate for many people bacteria and viruses thousands of times more potent than those of any epidemic.” (“Wake Up”)

I knew that the discomfort was a test for me, so I put my faith in Master and the Fa and refused to be swayed by the interference. The more severe the pandemic, the more important it is to seize the time to go out and clarify the truth to save more people.

Most of the practitioners around me had appeared to be infected, but none of them had stopped going out to clarify the truth. We had made an appointment to meet outside and agreed to keep in mind Master’s compassionate reminder in the article “Wake Up,” that we are Dafa cultivators who help Master save people and that the virus will not come to us. When ordinary people sincerely recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” and quit the Party, they will recover from their sickness quickly. We are Dafa disciples, and our Master has long pushed us beyond the Three Realms, so we are not under the control of the divine beings in the Three Realms. We reminded each other to send forth righteous thoughts to remove all improper substances in our respective fields and to clean up all the interference and so-called tests of the old forces.

After the lockdown was lifted, the severity of the pandemic made us realize the urgency of saving lives. After the publication of Master’s article “How Humankind Came to Be,” we became more aware of the urgency of helping Master to save people. Master's immeasurable compassion urges us to cherish the limited time we have to save others. I now go out for two to three hours every day to clarify the truth and save people. The number of people saved is obviously more than before, this is all because of Master’s mercy. It was Master sending destined people to us.

Since I had been illegally detained before, my sister worried that I would be persecuted again, so she vigorously opposed my cultivation. When I tried to clarify the truth and persuade her to quit the Party, she would not listen and would quarrel and scold me. She would refuse to let me speak. I hadn’t been able to persuade her for so many years. I was anxious about her. I’d always remembered this matter. She recently came to my house from out of town and saw how healthy my mother-in-law is. My mother-in-law is in her nineties. Her health is better than before because of her belief in Dafa and Master. My sister witnessed the power of Dafa. I told her a lot of facts about Dafa, and she listened to me this time and finally understood. She agreed to quit the CCP. I told her that she must remember and often sincerely recite the two phrases: “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” She agreed.

Thank you, great compassionate Master! Thank you for providing us with a platform for communication! Thank you, fellow practitioners for your selfless help! 

These are my personal experiences. If I said anything that does not conform to the Fa, please point it out.