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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Reflections on “Looking Within”

May 8, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner

(Minghui.org) Master taught us the “magic tool” of looking within. When I searched inward unconditionally, I realized that I liked to judge right and wrong based on superficial things and when I didn’t get angry at others' mistakes, I thought I had improved in cultivation.

Now I understand that if I were to truly look within unconditionally, I should look beyond the right or wrong of things. I shouldn’t choose any side or hold any preconceived notion of things; just think about if I did anything wrong, or what thought led me to have certain reactions towards something.

If I compare my entire thought process against the Fa, I’m sure to find some attachments. If I can stay unmoved, then I shed a layer of attachment. After a while, the process might repeat itself, but it may not be as strong as before. Whenever my heart is moved, I shall just focus on cultivating my heart based on my understanding of the Fa.

Sometimes when I look back at the conflicts I had before and evaluate it with the deeper principles I understood from the Fa, I might find more attachments that were hidden last time. When I don’t encounter conflicts in my daily life, Master would use some past incidents or things I didn’t want to face to improve my xinxing, until my heart is no longer moved when I think about it.

Looking within is a basic skill of cultivation. Only when we truly cultivate ourselves can we experience elevation at different levels.

The above is my understanding at my current level. I welcome fellow practitioners pointing out to me anything not in line with the Fa.

(Selected submission to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)