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Canada: World Falun Dafa Day Celebrations Held in Calgary

May 6, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Calgary

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners in Calgary, Canada celebrated World Falun Dafa Day at Prince Island Park on April 28, 2024. Activities included exercise demonstrations, traditional Chinese waist drum performances, and clarifying the truth during this important annual event.

Practitioners in Calgary, Canada wish Master a Happy Birthday and celebrate World Falun Dafa Day.

Practitioners did the exercises at Prince Island Park on April 28, 2024 to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day.

Practitioners performed a traditional Chinese waist drum dance.

The sun shone brightly during the celebration at Prince Island Park. The practitioners’ soothing and harmonious group exercises attracted locals and tourists to stop and ask where they could learn the exercises, and many people were happy to receive fliers. Some said that they would read the Falun Dafa website to learn more about Falun Dafa. Many people sat on the nearby benches to watch as practitioners did the exercises.

San, who is originally from Myanmar but now lives in Calgary, accepted truth-clarifying fliers and a small lotus keepsake. He was happy and said he really loved watching practitioners do the exercises. He said the exercises are wonderful and peaceful.

Ashai from Africa said she saw practitioners peacefully protesting in front of the local Chinese consulate, so she went online to find out more about Falun Dafa. Today, seeing everyone doing the exercises, Ashai said she felt happy. She said that her body has some problems with its immunity and she believes that doing the exercises can help her. When she heard that the Falun Dafa website can be accessed in more than forty languages, she said that she will go home to take a look at it.

Masha and Philips live in the southern end of the city and came to the island to enjoy the day. This was the first time they heard about Falun Dafa and they were happy to hear that practicing Falun Dafa can help improve people’s health and benefit both mind and body. When they heard that Falun Dafa practitioners are still being brutally persecuted in China, they were shocked and saddened. They could not imagine that such things are happening in China.

Practitioners also performed the traditional Chinese waist drum dance which is happy and joyous, and attracted many people who took photos and videos. Some people asked practitioners what the celebration was all about.

Tim, a financial consultant who is very interested in Chinese culture, said he taught English in China. He also does Tai Chi, likes Chinese food, and can speak some Cantonese. Tim thinks that Falun Dafa can be called the quintessence of China but he has always been puzzled as to why the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) wants to persecute the practice. The practitioners answered his questions and said the former CCP leader was jealous that there were more Falun Dafa practitioners than CCP members. They explained that communism persecutes all the traditional beliefs. Tim thanked practitioners for answering his questions.