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Birthday Greetings to Falun Dafa’s Founder from Practitioners Incarcerated for Their Faith

May 13, 2024

(Minghui.org) On the special occasion of Falun Dafa’s 32nd public introduction and Master Li Hongzhi’s 73rd birthday on May 13, 2024, Minghui.org is receiving a stream of greetings from practitioners around the world. Among them are a special group of practitioners, those who are currently incarcerated in Chinese detention center or prisons for upholding their faith. Despite the information censorship, they still managed to get their messages out to express their gratitude for the practice and for Dafa’s founder. 

A practitioner detained in a detention center in Nanchong City, Sichuan Province wrote, “No matter where I am, I firmly believe in Dafa and do the three things well. I am grateful for Master’s protection and salvation.”

Indeed, many inmates and prison guards are moved by the practitioners’ perseverance and kindness. No matter how brutal the torture is, they don’t fight back, but peacefully resist and persuade the guards to stop participating in the evil. Moved by their kind actions, some guards stopped torturing Dafa practitioners and some inmates began to practice Falun Dafa themselves. 

Among all the greetings, four greetings were from Yunnan Province. Other greetings have arrived from practitioners incarcerated in the following regions:

Nanchong City, Sichuan ProvincePengzhou City, Sichuan ProvinceFuping County, Hebei ProvinceHanzhong City, Shaanxi ProvinceShandong ProvinceDazhou City, Sichuan ProvinceGuizhou ProvinceWeihai City, Shandong Province