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Taipei, Taiwan: Practitioners Gather for Exercises and New Year Greetings to Falun Dafa's Founder

Jan. 4, 2024 |   By Minghui correspondents Li Jia and Shen Rong

(Minghui.org) Practitioners gathered at Liberty Square in front of the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall on January 1, 2024 for group exercises to welcome the New Year and thank Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, for their many blessings. Passersby who attended the flag ceremony and saw the gathering took pictures or videos. 

Practitioners do the Falun Dafa exercises at Liberty Park in Taipei on January 1, 2024

Practitioners wish Master Li, founder of Falun Dafa, a Happy New Year. 

Lin Yumei, a volunteer assistant, said she read an article saying Master Li visited the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall years ago. He said one day many people would do the exercises there. Lin was happy to participate in the event and express her gratitude to Master Li and Falun Dafa. 

Wisdom from Falun Dafa

Lin Kaicin, 48, is a secretary at an investment firm. More than 20 years ago, her mother suggested she read Zhuan Falun, the main teachings of Falun Dafa, but she did not pay attention. Several years later, she saw practitioners holding a rally and peacefully calling for an end to the brutal persecution in mainland China. Touched by their sincerity, Lin watched the videos of Master’s lectures and began practicing. 

Lin Kaicin, an investment firm secretary, said she’s happy to have taken up Falun Dafa. 

Lin said practicing Falun Dafa gave her a calm mind. After she returned to Japan and resumed her studies, Lin found everything was easier. “My grades were good even though I did not study as hard. My professors and classmates also noticed this. I knew this was wisdom from Falun Dafa,” she said. 

Lin tries to apply the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in her daily life. One day a student asked why she always offered helpful suggestions on others’ presentations. “Everyone wants his or her work to be recognized. So I try to be helpful, listen to each presentation attentively and see where improvements can be made,” she explained. Her classmates were surprised because they did not expect Lin to wholeheartedly help others instead of gaining something as most students do. 

After she returned to Taiwan, Lin got married and had a child. But the household chores kept her busy and she slacked off in cultivation. “That period of time was difficult—nothing seemed to go well no matter how hard I tried. After discussing it with other practitioners, I learned solid cultivation means looking within and improving myself unconditionally,” she said. 

It’s easier said than done. Lin recently had a conflict with her husband, but she feels relieved because she passed the test. “I used to be stubborn and insisted on my ideas. But Master Li gave me opportunities again and again. I could see hope after I let go of those negative thoughts,” she said with a smile. “I really cherish all these opportunities and will do better preserving kindness as well as traditional values.”

Appearance and Character Improve

Chang Dongxu, 43, is a reporter for New Tang Dynasty Television. He began practicing Falun Dafa more than 20 years ago when he was a third year law student at National Taiwan University. 

Television reporter Chang Dongxu does the Falun Dafa exercises. 

When Chang attended the National Taiwan University Azalea Festival in March 2000, he saw the Falun Dafa booth on campus and heard about the persecution in mainland China. “I noticed practitioners were kind and humble, completely different from how the reports on Chinese television depicted,” he said. “So I borrowed a copy of Zhuan Falun and read it. I felt that if what the book said was true, it would be a turning point of my life.”

His appearance and character greatly improved since he began practicing. He had had obsessive compulsive behavior since kindergarten such as repeatedly washing his hands. The symptoms weakened significantly after he took up the practice. His appearance also changed. Once before an exam, Chang was so nervous that he looked pale and a classmate asked if he was on drugs. After he began to practice Falun Dafa, his classmates said Chang’s complexion became healthy. 

During a gathering many years after they graduated, Chang’s classmates still vividly remembered his positive changes after he began practicing Falun Dafa in college. “If anyone wants to look young and healthy, join Chang and do the Falun Dafa exercises,” one classmate said. His uncle, a Chinese medicine doctor, was also impressed and asked what he did. When he heard it was because Chang did the Falun Dafa exercises, the uncle replied, “You look much better. Keep it up.”

Before joining news media, Chang worked at a law firm. “I tried to evaluate the situation from clients’ perspective. Very often some conflicts can be resolved through an open discussion and mutual understanding, instead of filing a lawsuit. The clients could feel I was considerate and they trusted me,” he said. 

Since childhood Chang has always been curious about why we came to this world. “After I began practicing Falun Dafa, I understood the purpose of life. Now I live a productive life and my mind is calm,” he added. 

Chang said he is very fortunate to be a Falun Dafa practitioner. “Whenever I encountered difficulties in the past 20-plus years, Master always gives me hints on where I went wrong and how I can improve. Words cannot express my gratitude.” 

A Happy Family

Chen Kuanting, a cameraman in his 20s, was excited to do the exercises at Liberty Square. Because his parents practice, he heard about Falun Dafa since he was young. But he did not practice seriously until he began attending college. “I participated in a summer camp for young practitioners and was surprised to see many students younger than me were so diligent in their cultivation practice,” he said. Chen found the nearest group practice site after he returned, and began regularly doing the exercises with other practitioners, which he said was a turning point for him. 

Cameraman Chen Kuanting does the third Falun Dafa exercise. 

Because of his poor cultivation, Chen had conflicts with his parents and the family environment sometimes became intense. Chen has learned to look inward to see where he could improve. “When I was watching television, I heard a Japanese visitor commenting on Taiwanese saying they are very polite and often say ‘Thank you.’ I realized I did not do that, partly because I did not appreciate help from others and partly because I did not want to lose face,” he recalled. 

Realizing his shortcomings, Chen changed, starting from small things in his life. “Even when father handed me a bowl or chopsticks, I would say thank you. My parents noticed I changed and my family became harmonious,” he said. From Falun Dafa’s teachings, Chen learned the importance of looking within. “When we really want to improve ourselves, the surroundings will change in a positive direction,” he explained. 

Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to suppress Falun Dafa in 1999, the persecution has gone on for more than 24 years and it still continues. “Falun Dafa improves mind and body, and one can learn it free of charge,” Chen added. “I hope that, looking at the large number of practitioners here today, Chinese visitors will see through the CCP’s defamatory propaganda and learn what Falun Dafa really is.”