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Lorient, France: Raising Awareness of the Chinese Communist Regime’s Persecution

Sept. 9, 2023 |   By Minghui correspondent Zhou Wenying, Lorient, France

(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioners held an information day event in the Indies quay block (Quai des Indes) in central Lorient on September 2, 2023. The practitioners introduced Falun Gong and raised awareness of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution. Local people showed interest in learning the cultivation practice Falun Dafa, also called Falun Gong.

Lorient is an important port city and industrial and commercial center in western France. The name Lorient originates from a cruise ship named “Oriental Sunshine Cruise” that operated in the 17th century. L’Orient’s French meaning is “oriental,” which was later changed to “Lorient” and was used as the name for a local place.

It was a nice day for the event. Passersby talked with the practitioners to learn about the Falun Dafa spiritual practice and the ongoing persecution by the CCP. People were stunned after being told that the CCP persecutes practitioners who follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and even perform organ harvesting from living people. Most signed the petition calling for an end to the brutality.

A coffee shop owner who often holds philosophical gatherings at his place invited Falun Gong practitioners to introduce the practice there. Many expressed interest in Falun Gong and registered for the free teaching class that will be held in Lorient.

Falun Dafa practitioners held an information day event in Lorient on September 2, 2023.

People sign the petition calling for an end to the CCP’s persecution.

Falun Dafa practitioners demonstrate the five exercises.

Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Will Make the World Better

Vanessa Guillurme is an assistant in the human resource department of the municipal government. She talked with a practitioner for a long time. She said, “The persecution should not exist. Today is the 21st century, I am shocked to be told about the CCP’s organ harvesting from living practitioners. This persecution must be stopped.”

Vanessa Guillurme said this persecution should not happen.

She said that people are not aware of many things that are going on in the world, and literally ignore them, but there are some things that people should really be made aware of. There are people who need to be treated more humanly. It is a pity that many people are just looking out for themselves.

She also said that the world today lacks an understanding of the Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance principles. Nervousness and anxiety are common problems experienced by people. People are impatient and exhibit no kindness toward others. If this could be changed, people would find the world to be a better place.

Pascal was once a teacher. He expressed support for Falun Gong practitioners and signed the petition. He said, “When I learned that the Chinese people were completely controlled by the CCP I felt sad. When the world’s people receive those visiting Chinese heads they are actually receiving criminals. I hope that the Chinese people gain freedom, and experience no more violent tragedy. My heart is with all persecuted people in China. I support you [Falun Gong practitioners].”

Lo was once an anesthetist at a hospital. He said that the CCP’s organ harvesting was the worst that happens today. “People cannot persecute others. Those who persecute others will not allow themselves to be persecuted. Why are they still doing this? What is the meaning?”

He said that humans were just like passengers and only stayed in this world for a while. Unfortunately, the perpetrators may not understand these true principles. Lo was indignant about the persecution: “We should never hear about these atrocities, war, and persecution, yet what I hear is the repetition of these things. People cannot remember these pains and lessons, which is regrettable.”

Guy is a fourth year student in the department of history of a university. He hopes to become a history teacher in a middle school after graduation. He said that he knew of the persecution in China, and if humans always live under surveillance and power struggle, and are unwilling to accept a valuable culture, he considers it a conspiracy of the perpetrators.

A middle school Chinese teacher once studied Chinese in Beijing. She learned qigong in China and felt it was helpful. For more than two decades in France, she has tried to find an authentic qigong. She was excited to see the Falun Gong practitioners, and said she looked forward to learning Falun Gong in the teaching class in Lorient.