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My Insight on Resentment

Sept. 9, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) After we finished reading the Fa (teachings) recently, practitioners briefly exchanged their understanding of what we just read. One practitioner asked, “Why is there so much resentment among practitioners? Some even talk about others’ shortcomings and repeat what’ s said to other practitioners. Is this the way we should behave?”

The others discussed what she said. Some pointed out: “No matter how big or small the issue is, and no matter whether it’s in a group project for validating the Fa, or an individual practitioner doing things to expose the persecution, there are always complaints.”

Some practitioners believed that the current cultivation environment was caused by practitioners casually filing lawsuits against local government officials. Others said that practitioners’ clarifying the truth and saving people does not violate any law, and that arresting Falun Dafa practitioners is illegal, so we should file lawsuits against them and exercise our citizens’ rights. The process of filing lawsuits is a cultivation opportunity. When we see something or hear something, something that you believe is not on the Fa, we should ask ourselves: Why does Master let us see or hear this? Aren’t we cultivating? Don’t we want to improve ourselves? Isn’t this an opportunity to cultivate? Why is there resentment?

One practitioner complains about the others, and the other practitioners complain about him. He has practiced Falun Dafa for more than 20 years, and was persecuted very seriously after 1999. No matter what happened he has not left Dafa.

His problem is that he was indoctrinated the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). What he says is different from his behavior. The practitioners talk about him, but they do not look inward and examine themselves. They don’t ask: Why is there such a person among us? Doesn’t his behavior reflect our cultivation state?

We should not complain or be resentful. As soon as you complain, you should immediately look at yourself and ask, have you thought about why this happened? When you resent something or another practitioner, ask yourself: Are you really cultivating?

Editor’s note: This article only represents the author’s understanding in their current cultivation state meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare with one another in study, in cultivation.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)